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Bounds of Ambition 4

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Jun 25th, 2019
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  1. <Ambitious_GM> The year is 276 after Aegon's Conquest...
  2. <Ambitious_GM> Maester Kaladin turns the corner, and bumps into the Braavosi sellsword.
  3. <Maester_Kaladin> "Excuse me, Vararro, my apologies."
  4. * Kastlan has quit (Ping timeout)
  5. <Vararro> "No pardon necessary Maester. In fact I have some questions for you if you'd oblige me."
  6. <Maester_Kaladin> "Of course, how can I be of service?"
  7. <Vararro> "Specifically I am in need of maps. If Lord Gavel doesn't require your immediate services perhaps you could assist me?"
  8. <Maester_Kaladin> "Absolutely. Which particular area are we reviewing?
  9. <Vararro> "Primarily just the surrounding areas. Given the position I find myself in, having to fight battles in foreign lands, the more acquainted I can become, the better."
  10. <Maester_Kaladin> "I see, I will consult Maeter Rolland to see if he may further assist you."
  11. <Vararro> "Excellent. Shall we go meet with him then?"
  12. <Maester_Kaladin> "Let's. Perhaps we will find him in the Hall."
  13. <Vararro> "Lead the way Maester."
  14. ==============================================================================
  15. <Maester_Kaladin> "I am confident that our guest here is the daughter of one Esra Stone, the mayor of Market Town for the past thirteen years. As you may know, Market Town has essentially avoided feudalism by not being directly governed by a local Lord, instead exploiting the contention between the surrounding lords vying for influence. Furthermore, according to my sources, Lord Dulver, curse his name, is actively claiming ownership over Market Town through questionable documentation stating that his family 'purchased' the land generations ago."
  16. * Averden_Gavel listens carefully. "I see... most interesting. Like as not this knowledge shall be valuable in the days ahead, Maester. Thank you."
  17. * Kastlan takes a moment and looks to Lord Gavel
  18. * Averden_Gavel looks to Lord Hosgavel. "Cousin -- let us walk."
  19. * Kastlan matches Gavel's pace
  20. * Averden_Gavel looks over his shoulder as he walks, motioning to Kaladin to keep his distance.
  21. <Kastlan> "What do you make of this?" Kastlan asks calmly as he's walking with Averden.
  22. * Maester_Kaladin lags behind.
  23. <Averden_Gavel> "I think a great opportunity stands before us," he says. "It will do us well to make good with Mayor Stone -- not just where it concerns the Vulture, but in the longest conceivable term."
  24. <Averden_Gavel> After a moment's pause, he stops, and places a hand on Lord Hosgavel's shoulder. "Kastlan -- I hope you understand, I'm not angry with you. Nor was I ever angry with you. The reason I waited until we were out of ear of the court to do that, the reason I did it in front of that door, was not that I wanted to make an example out of you. But I needed that woman to believe I was as stupid
  25. <Averden_Gavel> as I am, well--"
  26. * Averden_Gavel motions to his gut.
  27. <Averden_Gavel> "Perhaps not so much stupid as stubborn. Cos, there's more to our craft than simply pressing upon others the weight of our station."
  28. * Kastlan_Hosgavel hearing this, an ease comes over Kastlan. "I wish you would tell me of your brilliant plans before enacting them, cousin. I looked the fool." he says with a faint smile. "I too see the opportunity before us to make good with the mayor and see how we could scratch their back, and they scratch ours." he says as he nudges Lord Gavel's shoulder.
  29. * Averden_Gavel hums approvingly. "Kastlan, I want you to be aware: there will be times where I must act without your counsel. You will not always be privy to my intent, but know that I always act with the best intentions in mind for our houses. And I will do everything in my power to ensure you are not burdened by my works. But that which must be done, must be done. As far as Lady Eva is
  30. * Averden_Gavel concerned, you have a good opportunity to mend things while we sup. On the morrow she leaves; so in that time it will serve us to leave a good impression of this bank of the Tumblestones. Think of it thus: ties of trade -- pragmatism -- shall bind us to Market Town better than any claim of land."
  31. * Kastlan_Hosgavel nods. "I do understand, Averden. I don't pretend to have more experience or understanding over you. I'm not glory hound, however I just don't like being left out of the wall." Kastlan takes a breath and looks towards the room, "... And I agree. Say a sup on the Tumblestone? I could have the my pavilion set."
  32. Averden_Gavel> "That could be a worthy setting, Cos. Make the preparations. And -- Maester Kaladin needs to 'converse' with the bandit leaders. Might you have them brought from the mines?"
  33. <Kastlan_Hosgavel> "Consider it done."
  34. <Averden_Gavel> "Excellent." Averden looks to his men. "Did you see where Maester Kaladin went?"
  35. <Ambitious_GM> "Just down the hall, towards the kitchens, my Lord."
  36. <Averden_Gavel> "With me, then," says Lord Gavel, hobbling along on his cane.
  37. <Ambitious_GM> Along the way, Maester Kaladin and Vararro pass through to the main hall, just missing Lord Gavel.
  38. * Maester_Kaladin peers the area for Maester Rolland.
  39. <Ambitious_GM> Maester Rolland sits by the light of one of the tall windows, scribbling onto a ledger.
  40. * Maester_Kaladin approaches Rolland in greeting. "Maester Rolland, how are you?"
  41. <Ambitious_GM> Rolland looks up, quill in hand. "I am well, Maester Kaladin," he looks to Vararro. "Can I be of assistance in some manner?"
  42. * Averden_Gavel , having not found his maester near the kitchens, heads to the grand hall with his men.
  43. <Ambitious_GM> An irregular tapping approaches until one of the doors opens to reveal Lord Averden in the main hall.
  44. * Averden_Gavel spies his maester conversing with Lord Hosgavel's -- as well as the sellsword captain? He strides towards them.
  45. <Maester_Kaladin> "Indeed, Vararro seeks-," Kaladin stops as he notices Lord Averden's arrival.
  46. <Maester_Kaladin> "My Lord," Kaladin bows his head.
  47. <Ambitious_GM> Maester Rolland taps the ink off the quill, and sets it down. He rises from his chair.
  48. <Ambitious_GM> "Lord Gavel," Rolland mirrors Kaladin's bow.
  49. * Vararro bows in Braavosi fashion. "Lord Gavel."
  50. <Averden_Gavel> As he approaches, Averden nods to the Hosgavel maester. "Maester Rolland," Then he looks to his own maester. "Kaladin, I have ought for you to do... am I disturbing some matter between you three?"
  51. <Vararro> "I am sure Maester Rolland can assist me, as you clearly have other duties Maester Kaladin. Don't let my trivial matters pull you from what is important."
  52. <Maester_Kaladin> "Certainly not, I was just seeking to aid Vararro here in a simple matter regarding some.. "maps", wasn't it, Vararro?"
  53. <Averden_Gavel> "Maps, Varraro?" He cocks his head. "Why, whatever for?"
  54. <Vararro> "Quite so. Again a trivial matter. Don't let me trouble you with something so small Lord Gavel."
  55. * Averden_Gavel raises a brow, and then nods knowingly. "Maester, Rolland, would you kindly make ready the maps our dear guest Vararro seeks?"
  56. <Vararro> "It is appreciated Lord Gavel." Vararro bows once more and begins to follow Maester Rolland.
  57. <Averden_Gavel> "Hold, Varraro."
  58. <Vararro> "Lord?"
  59. <Averden_Gavel> "Let us speak for a turn."
  60. <Vararro> "What of, if I may ask my Lord?"
  61. <Averden_Gavel> "Privy matters, Vararro, things which do not concern Maester Rolland. Your maps shall await you, they aren't like to take flight."
  62. <Vararro> "Quite so. Merely eager to take to the study of them my Lord."
  63. <Ambitious_GM> Rolland bows, and takes his leave.
  64. <Averden_Gavel> "Of course." The Lord Gavel beckons Vararro closer to him and Maester Kaladin. "Vararro, I shall ask you with all due courtesy to be honest with me -- your host and your sponsor. What have you in mind for these maps?"
  65. <Vararro> "I came to the realization of the fact that as a foreigner I know little of this land. Yours and the surrounding. As such, as a commander on the field I am...not as prepared as I'd like to be. So I am seeking information of where me and my men may be fighting. The maps will give me a better tactical sense of the area and make me more effective in your service."
  66. * Averden_Gavel puts a hand on Vararro's shoulder. "Vararro... I value your service greatly. I do. And because I value it greatly, I hope that you will understand, that when I ask you to be honest with me, I ask you to be honest in the assumption that our interests will always align. And if they do not align, then I can make them align. Do you understand me? There is naught you need hide from me. So I will ask again, and I will again remind you I want you to be honest, else I will need to reconsider the terms of the contract."
  67. * Vararro glances meaningfully at the surrounding guards, Lord Hosgavel and Maester Kaladin. "Perhaps..this isn't the right company to have this discussion my lord. I am happy to fill you in completely and my interests certainly don't conflict with yours. We have a contract after all."
  68. * Averden_Gavel pats Vararro on the shoulder. "Walk with me, then, Vararro, and we can speak of details. Maester, find Lord Kastlan -- I need you to speak with the bandit leaders. My cousin shall make them ready for you."
  69. * Vararro nods and falls in step with Lord Gavel.
  70. * Maester_Kaladin nods and turns to Maester Rolland. "I do apologize for interrupting your work Maester Rolland, please excuse me as I must attend to another matter."
  71. <Ambitious_GM> "Riders! Riders from the West!" calls break out in the courtyard. One of the Garrison's commanders bursts into the hall seeking Lord Hosgavel.
  72. <Ambitious_GM> "My Lord, my Lord Hosgavel!"
  73. <Kastlan> "What is going on?"
  74. * Vararro explains his plan for escorting travelers through Hosgavel and Gavel lands and how it may benefit him and the Lord.
  75. <Ambitious_GM> "My Lord, riders have been spotted approaching from the West. Twenty at least."
  76. <Ambitious_GM> "I have sent scouts to confirm these reports, but the merchants were adamant."
  77. * Averden_Gavel hears the commotion as he speaks with Vararro. "Whatever could that be about, I wonder," he says, and nods to the sellsword. "I will speak with you about the details of this, but as a whole I approve. Go to your men, now."
  78. <Vararro> "Of course Lord Gavel." Vararro bows once more and hurries outside heading outside the walls to his men.
  79. <Ambitious_GM> Ser Landon and two men of the Quicksilver cavalry company are seen riding at full gallop westward.
  80. <Ambitious_GM> Ten full minutes pass without further agitation.
  81. <Ambitious_GM> At last, one of the quicksilver cavalrymen arrives, riding straight into the courtyard.
  82. <Ambitious_GM> A minute behind him, Ser Landon and his other companion.
  83. * Averden_Gavel steps out into the yard, with the Black Watch in tow.
  84. <Ambitious_GM> "Twenty riders, my Lords..." he tries to catch his breath, "...clad in black."
  85. <Ambitious_GM> Ser Landon dismounts a few yards behind him, his body language more relaxed.
  86. <Ambitious_GM> "Not all - one wears the red of Casterly Rock."
  87. <Ambitious_GM> He steps forward.
  88. <Ambitious_GM> "No banners, my Lords."
  89. * Averden_Gavel watches Kastlan's reaction.
  90. <Kastlan> "Now why would they not be boastfully waving their banners if they be from Casterly Rock?" turns to Averden. "I don't like this. If that singular man is an emissary of sorts on behalf of the Lannisters, he wanted to keep a low profile."
  91. * Kastlan ponders for a moment. "I'll take Quicksilver company and Ser Landon to ride out and meet with them, cousin."
  92. <Kastlan> "This is something I want to face head-on."
  93. <Ambitious_GM> Ser Landon doesn't wait, he waves for Kastlan's horse to be made ready.
  94. * Averden_Gavel nods. "Be patient. Greet them, and if need be bring them here and we may meet them together. I don't mark this for an attack."
  95. <Ambitious_GM> He heads out, rallying the rest of the quicksilver cavalrymen.
  96. <Ambitious_GM> As soon as Lord Hosgavel mounts up, they and Ser Landon ride westward. The villagers look on anxiously as their lord rides off to meet the riders.
  97. * Vararro reaches his comapany and readies them in case of an impending attack.
  98. <Ambitious_GM> A short ride off, at an opening of the road, Lord Kastlan spots the riders, in no great hurry, making use of the road towards the Argent Keep. Leading these men is a man in light armor, with crimson robes, riding high on his courser. His men are all clad in black, none in heavy armor, and importantly - no squires between them.
  99. <Kastlan> "Hail. What brings you to Hosgavel lands, gentlemen?"
  100. <Ambitious_GM> There is no response, yet the column continues to close the distance at its relaxed pace.
  101. <Ambitious_GM> Ser Landon looks at his Lord, waiting for a command.
  102. <Kastlan> "At the ready." Kastlan audibly whispers to his men.
  103. <Ambitious_GM> The man in crimson leans to one side, inaudibly saying something to one of his companions.
  104. <Kastlan> "State your business. Now."
  105. <Ambitious_GM> At this, the formation stops, and the black-clad companion clicks his heels, riding forward.
  106. <Ambitious_GM> He closes the distance, coming to a stop a few yards in front of Lord Hosgavel.
  107. * Kastlan furrows brow
  108. <Ambitious_GM> He is a vibrant man with a warrior's build. He looks at your men with something approaching approval on his face.
  109. <Ambitious_GM> On his breast, a small sigil of House Lannister no bigger than a closed fist.
  110. <Ambitious_GM> "I am Ser Kevan. Stand your men down."
  111. <Ambitious_GM> The man in crimson begins to advance, then, his men following.
  112. * Kastlan expression brightens. "Forgive me, ser. One can't be too careful during these times of tribulation." Kastlan looks back at his men, "Stand down, men. At ease."
  113. <Ambitious_GM> He bows his head, "Make way for your Liege."
  114. <Kastlan> "Of course, ser. After you."
  115. <Ambitious_GM> As the column closes in, you realize for the first time that this is Lord Tywin Lannister's traveling retinue. His courser comes to a stop just next to Kastlan. He removes his helm, and looks down at Lord Hosgavel's destrier. "Fine beast," he comments.
  116. <Kastlan_Hosgavel> "Thank you, my Lord. Glad you think so. Please, this way to Argent Keep."
  117. <Ambitious_GM> He gives a nod, and rides forward.
  118. Ambitious_GM> He wears his colors in practical, yet exquisitely made traveling clothes and light armor. From this proximity he is the living embodiment of Casterly Rock. Practicality, wealth, power.
  119. <Ambitious_GM> The arrival at the Argent Keep is with little fanfare.
  120. Kastlan_Hosgavel> "Forgive me, my Lord, for we had no idea of your arrival."
  121. <Kastlan_Hosgavel> "Apologies that it's not befitting."
  122. <Ambitious_GM> As he dismounts, he replies simply with, "I will be staying until dawnbreak. I need few comforts, Hosgavel."
  123. <Kastlan_Hosgavel> "Right my Lord. My men and servants are at your disposal."
  124. <Ambitious_GM> "Indeed," he replies, handing his helm off to one of his men.
  125. * Averden_Gavel , having watched the arrival of the Lannister party from the wall, had doubled back into the Keep. He makes a point of appearing from the main entrance, with the Black Watch on either side of him.
  126. <Ambitious_GM> "Ser Kevan will have a word with your Maester," he looks back to Kastlan, "Where may he find him?"
  127. <Kastlan_Hosgavel> "In his study at the moment I can imagine, my Lord. I will have Ser Landon escort Ser Kevan to him."
  128. <Ambitious_GM> He nods to his brother, who follows Ser Landon in.
  129. <Ambitious_GM> Tywin finally walks forwards, parting from his horse, and notices Lord Gavel.
  130. <Ambitious_GM> "Has Granite Hold become unfit for your station, my Lord?" he replies eyeing Averden.
  131. <Averden_Gavel> "Not at all, Lord. But I arrived this morning. Lord Hosgavel sought my aid with matters in his lands."
  132. <Ambitious_GM> "Matters involving the need for foreign mercenaries and a standing host," he observes. "
  133. <Averden_Gavel> "Such matters indeed, my Lord. Banditry in my banner's lands has reached a fever-pitch. For the moment it has been quelled, but there are questions which I seek to answer about how and why it has been so dire in this patch of land. If I am to be honest, I had hoped to raise the issue with you at the Rock, later this moon."
  134. <Ambitious_GM> He looks intently at Averden, reading every inch of his face, without an expression on his own. "We will speak of this later," he says, abruptly breaking contact with Lord Gavel to face Kastlan. "I require the services of a skilled smith, Hosgavel. One who can work quick and work well."
  135. * Averden_Gavel nods, and slips back.
  136. * Kastlan_Hosgavel clears throat."My Lord, Lord Gavel has a skilled smith in his retinue by the name of Kaspar Storm."
  137. <Ambitious_GM> "Take me to him."
  138. <Kastlan> clicks heels. "My Lord." Kastlan extends his arm in the direction of the smithy and escorts Lord Tywin.
  139. <Kaspar> "Now, see here lad. You can do a lot with just a wee bit of silver coin." He explains to his apprentice.
  140. <Ambitious_GM> Erik watches his master polish the silver finish on the gauntlet, nodding along.
  141. <Ambitious_GM> Lord Tywin steps forward, and Erik breaks eye contact to look up at the approaching lord.
  142. <Kaspar> "This not only looks nice, but they'll remember you for it..."
  143. * Kaspar puts the gauntlet down and stands up.
  144. * Kaspar bows and says "Afternoon, mi Lord."
  145. <Ambitious_GM> "Can the boy work through the night?" he nods in the direction of Kaspar's apprentice.
  146. <Ambitious_GM> "Aye, sir. I can," Erik nods.
  147. <Ambitious_GM> Tywin looks at him.
  148. * Kaspar nervously looks at Erik. He says "He's a good lad, but not too good on manners I afraid."
  149. <Ambitious_GM> "Then the fault lies with his master," Tywin looks back at Kaspar.
  150. Kaspar> "Apologizes my Lord. You are right, I should have taught him better."
  151. <Ambitious_GM> "You will work through the night to produce twenty-two well balanced lances."
  152. <Ambitious_GM> "Before dawn, they will be collected," he says dropping two Gold Dragons on the counter.
  153. <Kaspar> "Of course, I could."
  154. <Ambitious_GM> "You will," he roars in response as he turns and leaves for the Keep.
  155. <Kaspar> "Lad, we are gonna need some extra help."
  156. <Ambitious_GM> "Who is that?"
  157. <Kaspar> "That is Lord Tywin Lannister and the hand of the King. He's super important."
  158. <Ambitious_GM> Erik nods.
  159. <Kaspar> "Whatever he says, we have to do."
  160. <Kaspar> "Also, refer to him as 'Lord' not 'sir' because well.. proper titles and all.."
  161. Kaspar> "I need to have a discussion with Lord Gavel. Get the prep work ready, lad."
  162. <Ambitious_GM> "Yes sir"
  163. * Kaspar leaves to find Gavel.
  164. * Kaspar sees Tywin going into the keep and decides to find Lord Hosgavel instead.
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