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Jul 19th, 2018
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  1. String getVersion() // Returns the plugin's version.
  2. UUID[] getBanList() // Returns an array with the banned uuids.
  3. String getMessage(String path) // Returns a message from a given path.
  4. Boolean getSetting(String path) // Returns a setting from a given path.
  5. Integer getViolationResetTime() // Returs the violation reset time in seconds.
  6. void setVerbose(Player p, Boolean value) // Allows you to toggle a player's verbose system.
  7. Boolean hasVerboseEnabled(Player p) // Returns a boolean depending if a player has a verbose system enabled.
  8. Integer getPing(Player p) // Returns a player's latency in milliseconds.
  9. Double getTps() // Returns the accurate amount of the server's TPS.
  10. Boolean hasPermission(Player p, Permission Permission) // Returns a boolean depending if a player has a permission.
  11. void addPermission(Player p, Permission Permission) // Temporarily adds a Spartan permission to a player via the ram.
  12. Boolean isEnabled(HackType HackType) // Returns a boolean depending if a check is enabled.
  13. Integer getVL(Player p, HackType HackType) // Returns the amount of violations a player has in a check.
  14. Integer getVL(Player p) // Returns the amount of violations a player has.
  15. void setVL(Player p, HackType HackType, Integer amount) // Allows you to change a player's violation in a certain check.
  16. void reloadConfig() // Reloads Spartan's configuration
  17. void enableSilentChecking(HackType HackType) // Makes a check silent.
  18. void disableSilentChecking(HackType HackType) // Makes a check cancellable.
  19. Boolean isSilent(HackType HackType) // Returns a boolean depending if a check is silent.
  20. void enableCheck(HackType HackType) // Enables a check.
  21. void disableCheck(HackType HackType) // Disables a check.
  22. void cancelCheck(Player p, HackType HackType, Integer ticks) // Cancels a check for a certain amount of ticks.
  23. void cancelCheckPerVerbose(Player p, String string, Integer ticks) // Cancels a check's detection depending on the verbose for a certain amount of ticks.
  24. void startCheck(Player p, HackType HackType) // Allows a check to check a certain player if it was previously stopped.
  25. void stopCheck(Player p, HackType HackType) // Stops a check from checking a certain player.
  26. Integer getCPS(Player p) // Returns the amount of clicks-per-second a player has.
  27. void resetVL() // Resets violations from all players.
  28. void resetVL(Player p) // Resets violations from a certain player.
  29. Boolean isBypassing(Player p) // Returns a boolean depending if a player bypasses all checks.
  30. Boolean isBypassing(Player p, HackType HackType) // Returns a boolean depending if a player bypasses a certain check.
  31. Boolean isBanned(UUID uuid) // Returns a boolean depending if a player is banned.
  32. void banPlayer(UUID punished, String reason) // Bans a uuid with a given reason.
  33. void unbanPlayer(UUID uuid) // Unbans a uuid.
  34. String getBanReason(UUID uuid) // Returns a uuid's ban reason.
  35. String getBanPunisher(UUID uuid) // Returns a uuid's ban punisher.
  36. Boolean hasMiningNotificationsEnabled(Player player) // Returns a Boolean depending if a player has mining-notifications enabled.
  37. void setMiningNotifications(Player player, Boolean b) // Allows you to toggle a player's mining-notifications system.
  38. void addToWave(UUID uuid) // Adds a UUID to the punishment wave.
  39. void removeFromWave(UUID uuid) // Removes a UUID from the punishment wave.
  40. Boolean isAddedToTheWave(UUID uuid) // Returns a boolean depending if a uuid is add to the punishment wave.
  41. void runWave() // Executes the punishment wave.
  42. void clearWave() // Clears the punishment wave.
  43. Integer getWaveSize() // Returns the amount of uuids added to the punishment wave.
  44. UUID[] getWaveList() // Returns an array with the uuids added in the wave.
  45. void warnPlayer(Player p, String reason) // Warns a player with a Spartan message.
  46. void reloadPermissionCache(Player p) // Reloads the permission cache of a certain player.
  47. void reloadPermissionCache() // Reloads the global permission cache.
  48. void sendClientSidedBlock(Player p, Location loc, Material m, byte b) // Sends a client-sided block and saves it into the memory for util handling.
  49. void destroyClientSidedBlock(Player p, Location loc) // Resets a block if it exists in the client-sided block memory.
  50. Boolean containsClientSidedBlock(Player p, Location loc) // Returns if a block is contained in the client-sided block memory.
  51. Material getClientSidedBlockMaterial(Player p, Location loc) // Returns the material of a saved client-sided block.
  52. Byte getClientSidedBlockData(Player p, Location loc) // Returns the data in bytes of a saved client-sided block.
  53. void removeClientSidedBlocks(Player p) // Removes and resets all saved client-sided blocks.
  54. void disableVelocityProtection(Player p, Integer ticks) // Disables the velocity protection for the given ticks.
  55. String getConfiguredCheckName(HackType HackType) // Returns the configured name of a check.
  56. void setConfiguredCheckName(HackType HackType, String name) // Sets the configured name of a check.
  58. @EventHandler
  59. public void Event(CheckCancelEvent e) {
  60. Player p = e.getPlayer();
  61. HackType h = e.getHackType();
  62. Boolean b = e.isCancelled();
  63. e.setCancelled(true); // Cancels the cancelation.
  64. }
  66. @EventHandler
  67. public void Event(CheckToggleEvent e) {
  68. HackType h = e.getHackType();
  69. ToggleAction ta = e.getToggleAction()
  70. Boolean b = e.isCancelled();
  71. e.setCancelled(true); // Cancels the toggle action.
  72. }
  74. @EventHandler
  75. public void Event(ViolationResetEvent e) {
  76. int time = e.getTime();
  77. Boolean b = e.isCancelled();
  78. ArrayList<HackType> a = e.getIgnoredChecks();
  79. e.setCancelled(true); // Stops the violations from resetting.
  80. e.ignoreCheck(HackType.NormalMovements); // Stops a check's violations from being reset.
  81. e.setIgnoredChecks(new ArrayList<HackType>()) // Stops the violations from multiple checks from being reset.
  82. }
  84. @EventHandler
  85. public void Event(SpartanReloadEvent e) {
  86. Plugin pl = e.getPlugin();
  87. Boolean b = e.isCancelled();
  88. e.setCancelled(true); // Cancels the reload.
  89. }
  91. @EventHandler
  92. public void Event(PlayerViolationEvent e) {
  93. Player p = e.getPlayer();
  94. HackType h = e.getHackType();
  95. String m = e.getMessage();
  96. Boolean b = e.isCancelled();
  97. e.setCancelled(true); // Cancels the violation.
  98. }
  100. @EventHandler
  101. public void Event(MachineLearningEvent e) {
  102. Player p = e.getPlayer();
  103. double default = e.getDefaultPercentage(); // Returns the default legitimacy percentage.
  104. double average = e.getAveragePercentage(); // Returns the average legitimacy percentage.
  105. Boolean combat = e.isCombatRelated(); // Returns a boolean depending if the player is in combat.
  106. Boolean contact = e.isContactRelated() // Returns a boolean depending if the player is starting some combat.
  107. }
  109. @EventHandler
  110. public void Event(CheckSilentToggleEvent e) {
  111. HackType h = e.getHackType();
  112. ToggleAction ta = e.getToggleAction()
  113. Boolean b = e.isCancelled();
  114. e.setCancelled(true); // Cancels the silent toggle action.
  115. }
  117. @EventHandler
  118. public void Event(PlayerViolationCommandEvent e) {
  119. Player p = e.getPlayer();
  120. HackType h = e.getHackType();
  121. String c = e.getCommand();
  122. Boolean b = e.isCancelled();
  123. e.setCancelled(true); // Cancels the command.
  124. }
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