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a guest
Jul 28th, 2017
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text 13.99 KB | None | 0 0
  1. -UNIT-
  3. Field Health Potion 33%
  4. Ability - Abilities - Ability
  5. Ability - Command Card - Buttons - Ability Command
  6. Ability - Command Card - Buttons - Behavior
  7. Ability - Command Card - Buttons - Column
  8. Ability - Command Card - Buttons - Face
  9. Ability - Command Card - Buttons - Requirements
  10. Ability - Command Card - Buttons - Row
  11. Ability - Command Card - Buttons - Submenu Card ID
  12. Ability - Command Card - Buttons - Submenu Full Validation
  13. Ability - Command Card - Buttons - Submenu Is Sticky
  14. Ability - Command Card - Buttons - Submenu State
  15. Ability - Command Card - Buttons - Type
  16. Ability - Command Card - Card Id
  17. AI - AI Build Category Center
  18. AI - AI Evaluation Health Potion 33%
  19. AI - AI Evaluation - Constant 0
  20. AI - AI Evaluation - Factor 1
  21. AI - AI Notify Effect (None)
  22. AI - AI Override Target Priority 0
  23. AI - Tactical AI HealthPotion33 (Unknown)
  24. AI - Tactical AI Channel
  25. AI - Tactical AI Filters Excluded: Player, Ally, Neutral
  26. AI - Tactical AI Function
  27. AI - Tactical AI Range
  28. Behavior - Add On Offset X 0
  29. Behavior - Add On Offset Y 0
  30. Behavior - Added On Units - Behavior
  31. Behavior - Added On Units - Unit
  32. Behavior - Behaviors - Behavior
  33. Behavior - Built On
  34. Behavior - Damage Dealt (Veterancy) 0
  35. Behavior - Damage Taken (Veterancy) 0
  36. Behavior - Resource Drop Off
  37. Behavior - Resource State e_resourceStateUnknown
  38. Behavior - Resource Type e_resourceTypeUnknown
  39. Behavior - Response No Response
  40. Combat - Attack Target Priority 0
  41. Combat - Death Reveal Duration 0.0000
  42. Combat - Death Reveal Radius 0
  43. Combat - Death Reveal Type Snapshot
  44. Combat - Default Acquire Level Offensive
  45. Combat - Energy Gained by Damage Taken (0|0|0|0)
  46. Combat - Energy Leeched by Damage Dealt (0|0|0|0)
  47. Combat - Kill Experience 0
  48. Combat - Kill Resource (0|0|0|0)
  49. Combat - Life Gained from Damage Taken (0|0|0|0)
  50. Combat - Life Leeched from Damage Dealt (0|0|0|0)
  51. Combat - Shields Gained from Damage Taken (0|0|0|0)
  52. Combat - Shields Leeched from Damage Dealt (0|0|0|0)
  53. Combat - Turrets
  54. Combat - Weapons - Turret
  55. Combat - Weapons - Weapon
  56. Cost - Cost (0|0|0|0)
  57. Cost - Cost Category None
  58. Cost - Powerup Cost - Charge - Count (Max) 200
  59. Cost - Powerup Cost - Charge - Count (Start) 1
  60. Cost - Powerup Cost - Charge - Count (Use) 1
  61. Cost - Powerup Cost - Charge - Hide Count Disabled
  62. Cost - Powerup Cost - Charge - Link ##id##
  63. Cost - Powerup Cost - Charge - Location Ability
  64. Cost - Powerup Cost - Charge - Time Start 0.0000
  65. Cost - Powerup Cost - Charge - Time Use 0.0000
  66. Cost - Powerup Cost - Cooldown - Link ##id##
  67. Cost - Powerup Cost - Cooldown - Location Ability
  68. Cost - Powerup Cost - Cooldown - Time Start 0.0000
  69. Cost - Powerup Cost - Cooldown - Time Use 0.0000
  70. Cost - Powerup Cost - Cost Display (Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled)
  71. Cost - Powerup Cost - Technology Resource Cost (0|0|0|0)
  72. Cost - Powerup Cost - Vital Fraction (0|0|0)
  73. Cost - Powerup Cost - Vitals (0|0|0)
  74. Cost - Powerup Effect (None)
  75. Cost - Powerup Filters
  76. Editor - Description
  77. Editor - Editor Categories ObjectType:Item
  78. Editor - Editor Comment
  79. Editor - Editor Description
  80. Editor - Editor Flags Block Structures
  81. Editor - Editor Prefix
  82. Editor - Editor Suffix
  83. Movement - Acceleration 0
  84. Movement - Collide
  85. Movement - Creep Speed Bonus 0
  86. Movement - Creep Speed Multiplier 1
  87. Movement - Deceleration 0
  88. Movement - Inner Radius 0
  89. Movement - Lateral Acceleration 0
  90. Movement - Mover Ground
  91. Movement - Pathing Footprint (None)
  92. Movement - Pathing Footprint - Dead (None)
  93. Movement - Pathing Footprint - Placement (None)
  94. Movement - Plane Array
  95. Movement - Push Priority 10
  96. Movement - Radius 0.5
  97. Movement - Radius - Dead 0
  98. Movement - Separation Radius 0.5
  99. Movement - Speed 0
  100. Movement - Stationary Turning Rate 0
  101. Movement - Strafe Radius 0
  102. Movement - Turning Rate 0
  103. Stats - Cargo Size 0
  104. Stats - Death Time 0.0000
  105. Stats - Energy Maximum 0
  106. Stats - Energy Regeneration Delay 0.0000
  107. Stats - Energy Regeneration Rate 0
  108. Stats - Energy Starting Amount 0
  109. Stats - Facing 270.000000
  110. Stats - Item Health Potion (33%)
  111. Stats - Life Armor 0
  112. Stats - Life Armor Level 0
  113. Stats - Life Maximum 10
  114. Stats - Life Regeneration Delay 0.0000
  115. Stats - Life Regeneration Rate 0
  116. Stats - Life Starting Amount 10
  117. Stats - Mass 0.4
  118. Stats - Mob None
  119. Stats - Pawn Item Reduction 1
  120. Stats - Race Hero
  121. Stats - Repair Time 0.0000
  122. Stats - Revive Delay 0.0000
  123. Stats - Revive Time 0.0000
  124. Stats - Score - Kill 0
  125. Stats - Score - Lost 0
  126. Stats - Score - Produce 0
  127. Stats - Shield Armor 0
  128. Stats - Shield Armor Level 0
  129. Stats - Shield Maximum 0
  130. Stats - Shield Regeneration Delay 0.0000
  131. Stats - Shield Regeneration Rate 0
  132. Stats - Shield Starting Amount 0
  133. Stats - Sight Bonus (0|0)
  134. Stats - Sight Radius 2.5
  135. Stats - Supplies 0
  136. Tech Tree - Glossary Alias (None)
  137. Tech Tree - Glossary Category
  138. Tech Tree - Glossary Priority 0
  139. Tech Tree - Glossary Strong Array
  140. Tech Tree - Glossary Weak Array
  141. Tech Tree - Tech Alias
  142. Tech Tree - Tech Tree Unlocked Units
  143. UI - Equipment Array - Effect
  144. UI - Equipment Array - Icon
  145. UI - Equipment Array - Name
  146. UI - Equipment Array - Tooltip
  147. UI - Equipment Array - Weapon
  148. UI - Fidget - Chance Array (0|100|0|0)
  149. UI - Fidget - Delay Max 0.0000
  150. UI - Fidget - Delay Min 0.0000
  151. UI - Fidget - Distance Maximum 4
  152. UI - Fidget - Distance Minimum 1
  153. UI - Fidget - Turn Angle 90
  154. UI - Fidget - Turning Rate 90
  155. UI - Fog Visibility Hidden
  156. UI - Height 0
  157. UI - Hotkey Alias Health Potion 33%
  158. UI - Hotkey Category
  159. UI - Kill Display Default
  160. UI - Life Armor Display Flags
  161. UI - Life Armor Name Terran Vehicle Plating
  162. UI - Minimap Radius 0
  163. UI - Occlusion Height 0.75
  164. UI - Shield Armor Display Flags
  165. UI - Shield Armor Name
  166. UI - Speed Display Flags
  167. UI - Synchronous Model Data Assets\Doodads\Crate\Crate_04.m3h
  168. UI - Tooltip Priority 0
  169. Unit - Attributes
  170. Unit - Flags Movable, No Tooltip, Invulnerable, Show Resources
  171. Unit - Leader Alias Health Potion 33%
  172. Unit - Loot
  173. Unit - Name Health Potion 33%
  174. Unit - Revive Type Health Potion 33%
  175. Unit - Score Result (None)
  176. Unit - Select Alias Health Potion 33%
  177. Unit - Subgroup Alias Health Potion 33%
  178. Unit - Subgroup Priority 0
  179. Unit - Taunt Duration (0.0000|0.0000)
  180. Unit - Vision Height 0
  183. -ACTOR-
  185. Field Item
  186. Actor - Add To Proximity System Disabled
  187. Actor - Aliases
  188. Actor - Copy Source
  189. Actor - Filter
  190. Actor - Flags
  191. Actor - Fog Visibility Snapshot
  192. Actor - Local Offset For 2nd Visibility Test (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000)
  193. Actor - Portrait Actor
  194. Actor - Proximity Position Center Actor
  195. Actor - Sharing None
  196. Actor - Snapshot Actor
  197. Animation - Animation Blend Time 0.0000
  198. Animation - Animation Turn Duration 0.0000
  199. Animation - Baselines - Animation Properties
  200. Animation - Baselines - Blend In
  201. Animation - Baselines - Blend Out
  202. Animation - Glossary Animation
  203. Animation - Stand Animation Turn Time Scale Minimum 0.0000
  204. Animation - Variance Window Stand 0.0000
  205. Animation - Variance Window Stand Intro 0.0000
  206. Animation - Variance Window Walk 0.0000
  207. Animation - Variance Window Walk Intro 0.0000
  208. Animation - Variance Window Walk Outro 0.0000
  209. Animation - Walk Animation Movement Speed 0
  210. Art - Auto Scale Factor 0.0000
  211. Art - Auto Scale From Selection Factor 0.0000
  212. Art - Model Item
  213. Art - Model (Build) Item
  214. Art - Model (Editor) Item
  215. Art - Model (Placement) Item
  216. Art - Model (Portrait) Item
  217. Art - Model Flags
  218. Art - Placeholder Actor Model
  219. Art - Placement Model
  220. Art - Random Scale Range (0.000000,0.000000)
  221. Art - Scale (0.000000,1.000000,1.000000)
  222. Combat - Custom Death - Animation Properties
  223. Combat - Custom Death - Model
  224. Combat - Custom Death - Name
  225. Combat - Custom Death - Physics Delay
  226. Combat - Custom Death - Sound
  227. Combat - Custom Death - Voice Link
  228. Combat - Death Actor Model
  229. Combat - Death Actor Model Low
  230. Combat - Death Actor Sound
  231. Combat - Death Actor Voice
  232. Combat - Death Effects - Animation Properties
  233. Combat - Death Effects - Model
  234. Combat - Death Effects - Physics Delay
  235. Combat - Death Effects - Sound
  236. Combat - Death Effects - Voice Link
  237. Editor - Editor Animation
  238. Editor - Editor Categories
  239. Editor - Editor Comment
  240. Editor - Editor Description
  241. Editor - Editor Name Item
  242. Editor - Editor Prefix
  243. Editor - Editor Suffix
  244. Event - Event Footprint - Actor
  245. Event - Event Footprint - Model
  246. Event - Event Footprint - Name
  247. Event - Event Footprint Actor
  248. Event - Event Sound - Actor
  249. Event - Event Sound - Name
  250. Event - Event Sound - Sound
  251. Event - Event Sound Actor
  252. Event - Events - Send (Create {} Item)
  253. Event - Events - Target ()
  254. Event - Events - Terms (UnitBirth.HealthPotion33)
  255. Event - Macros
  256. Event - Remove - Send
  257. Event - Remove - Target
  258. Event - Remove - Terms
  259. Event - Terms
  260. Hosting - Host - Actor
  261. Hosting - Host - Effect
  262. Hosting - Host - Fail If No Host
  263. Hosting - Host - Scope
  264. Hosting - Host - Subject
  265. Hosting - Host For Properties - Actor
  266. Hosting - Host For Properties - Effect
  267. Hosting - Host For Properties - Fail If No Host
  268. Hosting - Host For Properties - Scope
  269. Hosting - Host For Properties - Subject
  270. Hosting - Host Site Operations - Hold Position
  271. Hosting - Host Site Operations - Hold Rotation
  272. Hosting - Host Site Operations - Operations
  273. Hosting - Host Supporter - Actor Implicit
  274. Hosting - Host Supporter - Effect (None)
  275. Hosting - Host Supporter - Fail If No Host Disabled
  276. Hosting - Host Supporter - Scope Implicit
  277. Hosting - Host Supporter - Subject
  278. Hosting - Hosted Attachments - Attachment Query - Fallback
  279. Hosting - Hosted Attachments - Attachment Query - Methods
  280. Hosting - Hosted Attachments - Host - Actor
  281. Hosting - Hosted Attachments - Host - Effect
  282. Hosting - Hosted Attachments - Host - Fail If No Host
  283. Hosting - Hosted Attachments - Host - Scope
  284. Hosting - Hosted Attachments - Host - Subject
  285. Hosting - Hosted Attachments - Host Site Operations - Hold Position
  286. Hosting - Hosted Attachments - Host Site Operations - Hold Rotation
  287. Hosting - Hosted Attachments - Host Site Operations - Operations
  288. Hosting - Hosted Attachments - Name
  289. Properties - Accepted Property Transfers Model Scale, Cast Shadows, Cloak Effect, Decal, Local Tint Color, Opacity, Physics State, Scale, Team Color, Time Scale, Tint Color, Visibility, Warp Group
  290. Properties - Accepted Transfers Position, Rotation
  291. Properties - Inherit Type Continuous
  292. Properties - Inherited Properties
  293. Sound - Ability Sounds - Ability Command
  294. Sound - Ability Sounds - Group Sound
  295. Sound - Ability Sounds - Sound
  296. Sound - Group Sound Threshold 0
  297. Sound - Group Sounds
  298. Sound - Placement Sound
  299. Sound - Sounds
  300. UI - Addon Indicator
  301. UI - Bar Distance 0
  302. UI - Bar Height 1
  303. UI - Bar Offset 0
  304. UI - Bar Width 1
  305. UI - Cooldown Display
  306. UI - Errors - Error
  307. UI - Errors - Group Sound
  308. UI - Errors - Sound
  309. UI - Errors - Text
  310. UI - Group Icon - Image
  311. UI - Group Icon Variations - Image
  312. UI - Group Icon Variations - Number
  313. UI - Hero Icon
  314. UI - Hero Icon Variations - Image
  315. UI - Hero Icon Variations - Number
  316. UI - Highlight Tooltip
  317. UI - Info Text
  318. UI - Life Armor Icon
  319. UI - Minimap Icon
  320. UI - Minimap Render Priority
  321. UI - Name Offset 0
  322. UI - Select Ability Command
  323. UI - Shield Armor Icon
  324. UI - Status Bar Flags
  325. UI - Status Bar Groups
  326. UI - Status Colors - Background Color
  327. UI - Status Colors - Colors
  328. UI - Status Colors - Empty Color
  329. UI - Unit Border Normal Color (NULL)
  330. UI - Unit Border Subgroup Color (NULL)
  331. UI - Unit Icon
  332. UI - Unit Icon Variations - Image
  333. UI - Unit Icon Variations - Number
  334. UI - Unit Kill Rank - Minimum Kills
  335. UI - Unit Kill Rank - Text
  336. UI - Wireframe - Image
  337. UI - Wireframe Shield - Image
  338. UI - Wireframe Shield Variations - Image
  339. UI - Wireframe Shield Variations - Number
  340. UI - Wireframe Variations - Image
  341. UI - Wireframe Variations - Number
  342. Unit - Unit Flags
  345. -MODEL-
  348. Field Item
  349. Animation Blend Time -1.0000
  350. Animation Speed 1.0000
  351. Animations (Optional)
  352. Animations (Required)
  353. Attachment Properties - ID
  354. Attachment Properties - Keys
  355. Attachment Properties - Radius Target
  356. Attachment Properties - Shield Radius
  357. Attachment Properties - Squib Type
  358. Attachment Properties - Weight
  359. Attachment Properties - Weight Factor
  360. Editor Categories
  361. Editor Comment
  362. Editor Description
  363. Editor Name Item
  364. Editor Prefix
  365. Editor Suffix
  366. Editor Texture Expressions - Expression
  367. Editor Texture Expressions - Slot
  368. Editor Texture Matches - Slot
  369. Editor Texture Matches - Source
  370. Events - Animation
  371. Events - Attachment
  372. Events - Model Quality
  373. Events - Name
  374. Events - Payload
  375. Events - Time
  376. Events - Type
  377. Events - Variation
  378. Facial Controller
  379. Flags Auto Unload, Fog Of War, Wait
  380. Image
  381. Lighting Item (Unknown)
  382. Low Quality Model Crate
  383. Model Assets\Doodads\Crate\Crate_03.m3
  384. Occlusion None
  385. Physics Type Automatic
  386. Planet Panel Camera Star2Camera01
  387. Priority 32
  388. Quality 1
  389. Radius 0.2500
  390. Scale Maximum (0.500000,0.500000,0.500000)
  391. Scale Minimum (0.500000,0.500000,0.500000)
  392. Selection Layer 1
  393. Selection Offset (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000)
  394. Selection Radius 1.0000
  395. Shadow Radius 0.5000
  396. Squib Type Default None
  397. Tech Purchase Camera Star2Camera01
  398. Tech Purchase Speed 0.1000
  399. Texture Applied Groups
  400. Texture Declarations - Adaptions - Applies To File
  401. Texture Declarations - Adaptions - Applies To Innate
  402. Texture Declarations - Adaptions - Properties Add
  403. Texture Declarations - Adaptions - Properties Remove
  404. Texture Declarations - Adaptions - Properties Set
  405. Texture Declarations - Adaptions - Slot
  406. Texture Declarations - Adaptions - Trigger On Substring
  407. Texture Declarations - Prefix
  408. Texture Information - Expression
  409. Texture Information - Probability
  410. Texture Information - Slot
  411. Tibability Width 0.0000
  412. Tipability 0.0000
  413. Tipability Length 0.0000
  414. Unit Glossary Camera Star2Camera01
  415. Unit Glossary Variation 0
  416. Variation Count 1
  417. Variations - Editor Texture Expressions - Expression
  418. Variations - Editor Texture Expressions - Slot
  419. Variations - Editor Texture Matches - Slot
  420. Variations - Editor Texture Matches - Source
  421. Variations - Number
  422. Variations - Probability
  423. Variations - Radius
  424. Variations - Radius (Loose)
  425. Variations - Texture Applied Groups
  426. Visual Radius 1.0000
  427. Water Hit Damping 1.2500
  428. Water Hit Friction 0.7000
  429. Water Hit Maximum Velocity 1.0000
  430. Water hit Restitution 0.1000
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