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May 27th, 2018
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  1. Chuck: So, what about your favorite color, then? It’s a nice starter question.
  2. Dieter: No. How much do you expect to learn about a person from their color preferences, exactly? Purple. Dark purple. A wine purple.
  3. Chuck: It’s not supposed to help me [i]learn[/i] about you. it’s supposed to help me to not think you’re going to murder me in my sleep. You’re supposed to ask a question. Or was that your question?
  4. Dieter: That wasn’t my question. I’m not going to kill you. What color would tell you if I was going to, exactly? -smirk- No, my question is... are you really this hopelessly shallow?
  5. Chuck: What? That’s not a shallow question. It’s a starter question. It gives me an idea, and gives me a bit of time. If you want a meaningful question, then tell me what the hell you hope to gain by bringing us here?
  6. Dieter: Yes, it is. It hopes to get information out of a superficial detail, such as my favorite color. What does purple say? That I’m a masochist? -leans back in his hair- I think anyone in my position ought to consider it a moral obligation. I had information about where the snatchers were going to look and I had a place to conceal the people they were hunting. There is nothing to gain.
  7. Chuck: A ‘moral obligation’? Please, are you attempting to tell me you think you have a soul, or something of the sort, that you can save by rescuing the kids? -clearly doesn’t believe it for a moment-
  8. Dieter: Shut up, it’s my turn. -shifts uncomfortably- I take it you believe in all this... souls and saviours nonsense. Religious?
  9. Chuck: My parents were southern baptists. I can’t say I believe in the bible like they do, because it’s filled with nonsense about how I should be burnt at the stake, or stoned to death and all that, but the basics are sound. So, yes. Souls yes, saviors maybe. Are you saying you don’t believe? -deathglare-
  10. Dieter: I believe in rational thought. I don’t believe in a man on a cloud, or a woman on a cloud, come to think of it. On that note... my turn again. Women? Are you married?
  11. Chuck: Does it look like I’m married? No. I dated, it never went anywhere. If I was married, she’d be with me, obviously. Are you?
  12. Dieter: She might have died, or left you. No, I’m unmarried. I don’t believe in that, either. -takes another drink-
  13. Chuck: In what, Marriage? ...You sound like some bleeding heart liberal. -takes another drink-
  14. Dieter: Not even remotely. I don’t believe in relationships. They don’t work, not naturally, anyhow. Everybody has this... insistence... that it’s ordinary to argue in a relationship. That makes no sense. There’s simply no such thing as a good relationship. The same question to you, I suppose... not that you really asked. Where do you fall, politically?
  15. Chuck: Politically? I’ve stayed off of politics - especially wizarding ones. They’re all stupid, every single one of them. They’re all bickering over questions that should have been resolved years ago, and ignoring the real issues.
  16. Dieter: Which are?
  17. Chuck: That wasn’t supposed to count as a question. It’s still my turn. Do you live alone, or should I be expecting to run into a sibling or two?
  18. Dieter: Quite alone. Only child. My parents are of the other side of the argument when it comes to muggleborns. They don’t know my stance, of course, but I know theirs; That’s enough to keep distance between us. How about you? Family; Siblings?
  19. Chuck: Two siblings, neither of which I’ve seen in years. My parents are the other-other side of this argument - if their friends had found out what I was, I’d have been burnt at the stake, and my own parents were close enough to that themselves. What about your parents, then? Snatchers? Something else, equally unappealing?
  20. Dieter: They don’t [i]do[/i] anything. We’re rich. I don’t know if you noticed. -refills his glass- We own stocks. I take it yours are tudor witch hunters, so I won’t ask... alright, why are [i]you[/i] helping these kids?
  21. Chuck: What sort of question is that? It’s the right thing to do. The first one was in the hospital with dragon pox, and then the death eaters started coming. If I had just left him, he’d be dead or in Azkaban right now, so I took him with me. I couldn’t just [i]ignore[/i] him. If you’re so good, why is it just us, and not a whole pack of runaways, then?
  22. Dieter: Well, you asked [i]me[/i]. The fact is, I’m not a death eater. I don’t know where the snatchers are going to be looking any more then you do, or where there are runners. I heard one snippet of foolish conversation and decided to act. Once.
  23. Chuck: Of course I asked you. You’re a pureblood who randomly decided to save a bunch of muggleborns. It’s suspicious, and if there was any other option, I wouldn’t be having this conversation with you. I’d be somewhere else. -grimaces and takes another drink-
  24. Dieter: Do I detect a note of prejudice?
  25. Chuck: Of course you do. I left America to avoid this sort of fanaticism and bigotry, and now I’ve run smack into it [i]again[/i]. if I wasn’t against purebloods, I’d just be stupid, not learning from my mistakes. No pureblood has ever helped me with anything. Are you trying to claim you aren’t prejudiced at all?
  26. Dieter: Yes, they have. Yes, of course I’m prejudiced. Every human is. I simply don’t direct that at groups who don’t deserve it.
  27. Chuck: Then who [i]do[/i] you project it at?
  28. Dieter: People whose heads are ruled too much by prejudice themselves. -drinks daintily- Pureblood supremacists, for example. I hope you don’t disagree.
  29. Dieter: Some vintage whiskey. I don’t know. I can’t tell one alcohol from another; all I know is everything in my cellar is disturbingly expensive. Why?
  30. Chuck: I was curious. For all your talk of shallow questions, you can tell a lot about a person’s habits from the sort o fthing they drink.
  31. Dieter: what’s so interesting about people? You have such curiosity.
  32. Chuck: I’m not interested in people. I’m interested in [i]you[/i]. For all your claims, I’m still entirely sure you’re up to something, and I’m not going to let you sneak it by me. What reason would I possibly have to trust you?
  33. Dieter: The fact that I’m offering to [i]help[/i]. Regardless, the only reason you have [i]not[/i] to trust me is your own silly prejudice. Coming from a home like yours, what makes you so convinced that I’m a direct product of [i]my[/i] home environment?
  34. Chuck: Because I escaped from it. I’m half a world away from my parents, I’m not going to dinner parties at their church and casually chatting up people who would murder me in my sleep if they knew what I was, the way you are. Why are you any different?
  35. Dieter: I don’t know [i]why[/i] I’m different. I only know that I am. What difference does it make, anyway? I’m not a Death Eater, or a supporter, and that’s that. If you can’t trust me immediately, then I probably can’t convince you. Only time can.
  36. Chuck: Maybe it will. Maybe it won’t. -takes another sip- ...I have to know, what do you [i]do[/i] with all that time if you don’t work?
  37. Dieter: It should. I’m a good man. -pause- I’m an artist.
  38. Chuck: An artist? ...What kind of art?
  39. Dieter: Fine art. -nods towards landscape- How about you? Hobbies?
  40. Chuck: -turns to look- Did you paint that?
  41. Dieter: Yes, I did; When I was seventeen. My more recent works are more accomplished. -pause- Do you need more veritaserum?
  42. Chuck: -frowns- ...No. What was the question?
  43. Dieter: I wanted to know if you had any hobbies.
  44. Chuck: I have a job. I don’t have time for most hobbies. I like music, though, when I’m not working. ...I supposed that’s ‘had a job’, obviously.
  45. Dieter: And what was that job?
  46. Chuck: Healer. I worked at Saint Mungos. Spell damage was my last department.
  47. Dieter: Interesting. I wouldn’t have had you down as a healer. Too... fiery.
  48. Chuck: ...I can’t tell if that’s supposed to be an insult. I’ve always been a healer. Always. -glares- Some of us have [i]real[/i] jobs.
  49. Dieter: If I wanted to insult you, you’d know about it. I suppose you’re trying to insist that my work is ‘not a real job’. I’d like to see you try it.
  50. Chuck: Painting is not a real job. It’s a hobby, no matter how good ayou are at it. -pause- Or bad you are at it.
  51. Dieter: Is that so? You wouldn’t call it a refinement of marketable and useful skills, combining to provide a service one can be paid for?
  52. Chuck: ….A what?
  53. Dieter: I define a job as an occupation in which you are paid to fulfil a role with increasing success as you refine your abilities. That describes my art as much as it would your healing.
  54. Chuck: -long pause- I suppose if you use that definition, it is.
  55. Dieter: Yes, it is. -sits back- I have completed several portrait commissions in order to rack up some money my parents need not know about. I knew I’d need it someday and now I do. Would you say you’re opinionated, Chuck?
  56. Chuck: I would say everyone is opinionated. It would depend on how you [i]defined[/i] it.
  57. Dieter: Alright, then; Are you [i]forceful with your opinions[/i]?
  58. Chuck: ...I try not to force them on others, no.
  59. Dieter: But you certainly think about things. You had strong opinions about me the moment you met me.
  60. Chuck: ...I have strong opinions about anyone who I discover is pureblood, or who I think is pureblood, so in that aspect, yes.
  61. Dieter: Do you really consider that fair?
  62. Chuck: Do you consider me getting passed up for head of floor for someone less qualified, who happened to be a pureblood with connections [i]fair[/i]?
  63. Dieter: No. Have you considered that your treatment of me is exactly the same, reversed?
  64. Chuck: There’s a difference. The difference is that if [i]I[i] dislike you, all you get is disliked. If you dislike me, I end up in Azkaban.
  65. Dieter: Because unnecessary dislike is extremely pleasant.
  66. Chuck: It’s not, but I can’t exactly go around trusting the very same people who are going to throw me in jail, can I? It was your veriserum. You could have faked yours.
  67. Dieter: -angrily- [i]I[/i] am not one of them.
  68. Chuck: But your friends and your family are, and could step in at any moment, and then what would you say?
  69. Dieter: I’d say stay in your rooms while they visit and there won’t be a damned problem. -finishes his drink- I am working on safety.
  70. Chuck: Oh? And what’s going to happen to me and the kids, then? Stay in our rooms until you ‘figure it out’?
  71. Dieter: Rather on the snatchers’ doorsteps then in their line of sight - or so I thought. You know you have the run of the plae while I’m working on it.
  72. Chuck: Oh? and nothing is off limits?
  73. Dieter: Only my studio. No one is, or has ever been permitted to enter my studio.
  74. Chuck: -frowns- Well, I’m sure I’ll just enjoy being your captive, even if it does mean I’m not going to Azkaban. -sarcasm-
  75. Dieter: -sits back- I think this conversation is over.
  76. Chuck: -sits back- I’m sure it is. Do I have [i]permission[/i] to go back to my room, then?
  77. Dieter: Be my guest. -annoyed-
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