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Feb 24th, 2018
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  1. This course will be really hard. There will be lots of struggle. Cherish the times when stuff seems easy, because you're going to feel overwhelmed a lot of the time. When stuff is too easy for you, talk to us about it. You can always make your code better, so we'll push you as far as we think you can go. That's what this is for- be prepared to be outside your comfort zone. That's where growth happens.
  3. If you're really ready to do this, you need to tell your friends and family that you're starting this very intense immersive program. Setting their expectations of you at this time will be really crucial, so that your support network is equipped to actually support you. To do this, we're going to write two letters:
  5. 1. Write a letter to your friends & family - explain that you need to spend as much time as possible programming and working to change your life. If they want to support you, the best way they can do that is by helping you spend as much time as possible on this. Maybe that means releasing you from some obligations for awhile. Maybe that means helping you get your laundry done, or making sure you go to bed at a reasonable time. Your time is at an extreme premium right now! Explain that you might be a bad friend for awhile, but that you need their help to succeed.
  6. 2. Write a letter to yourself - Come back to this letter when you need encouragement. Whatever you think you'll be bad at during this course, mention it. If you're bad at getting to bed on time and waking up in the morning, then encourage yourself to take your sleep hygiene seriously. If you're bad at hitting the books when you get home, tell yourself how important it is to you that you focus. If you're scared you won't understand and are doing a bad job, remind yourself that this is hard, you will struggle, but that you know you can do it if you spend enough time on it. If you're bad at asking for help, remind yourself that you're a learner, and it's acceptable to need support when you're learning. Write down what you will have wanted to do, so that your future self can live up to your expectations.
  8. Getting Started using the Command Line:
  10. Converting from using a GUI to the CLI will take some time and practice. Dont worry, soon enough you will feel comfortable.
  11. $ pwd // This will print out your current working directory.
  13. Next let's create a directory to store our code. Being organized is essential so let's start now. You will write lots of code over your career and organization is a key to your success.
  14. $ mkdir Galvanize // mkdir <file name> will create a new directory/folder
  16. $ pwd // What is returned in the console?
  18. Let's move into the directory to place new files inside of the Galvanize directory.
  19. $ cd Galvanize // This moves us into the directory Galvanize and let's us place create files inside.
  21. $ pwd // What is returned in the console?
  23. Now we can create new files inside of the proper directory. To create a file, use the touch command
  24. $ touch personal_letter.txt // This will create a new file with the name personal_letter
  26. Let's do the same for friends_family.txt
  27. $ touch friends_family.txt // This will create a new file with the name friends_family
  29. Congratulations! You have now printed out where you are in your file structure, created a directory, moved into that directory, created two files, and navigated through the file system.
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