Guest User


a guest
Jun 2nd, 2017
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  1. Public Sub mnuConnect_Click()
  2. On Local Error GoTo w_Error
  3. Username = GetStuff("l2uthless Ops", "Username")
  4. Password = LCase(GetStuff("l2uthless Ops", "Password"))
  5. CdKey = UCase(GetStuff("l2uthless Ops", "Cd-Key"))
  6. XPCdKey = UCase(GetStuff("l2uthless Ops", "XPCd-Key"))
  7. Product = UCase(GetStuff("l2uthless Ops", "Client"))
  8. Server = LCase(GetStuff("l2uthless Ops", "Server"))
  9. Home = GetStuff("l2uthless Ops", "Home Channel")
  10. varProxy = GetStuff("Advanced", "Proxy")
  11. If GetStuff("Misc", "Auto Detect Loads") = "Y" Then ald = True
  12. AddChat "Checking hash files..."
  13. If Not CheckHashes Then Exit Sub
  14. AddChat "All hashes found."
  15. If Not CheckProduct Then Exit Sub
  16. LogonUser = ""
  17. ChanName = ""
  18. NoTimeStamp = 1
  19. AddChat ""
  20. AddChat ""
  21. NoTimeStamp = 0
  22. If GetStuff("Advanced", "Ping Spoof") = "" Then
  23. SendPing = True
  24. Else
  25. SendPing = False
  26. End If
  27. WS.Close
  28. If Server = "" Then Server = ""
  29. If Server = "" Then Server = ""
  30. If Server = "" Then Server = ""
  31. If Server = "" Then Server = ""
  32. If varProxy <> "" Then
  33. Dim splt() As String
  34. splt = Split(varProxy, ":")
  35. varProxy = splt(0): varProxyPort = splt(1)
  36. AddChat "[" & varProxy & "] Connecting..."
  37. WS.Connect varProxy, varProxyPort
  38. Else
  39. AddChat "[BNET] Connecting..."
  40. WS.Connect Server, 6112
  41. End If
  42. If Not InitNLS Then Init
  43. InitNLS = True
  44. Timer0.Interval = 60000
  45. Timer0.Enabled = True
  46. Exit Sub
  47. w_Error:
  48. AddChat "Error: " & Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description
  49. End Sub
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