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Dec 8th, 2018
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  1. # --------------------------------------------------
  2. # EpicCraftingsPlus by Ajneb97
  3. # If you find bugs, please contact with me:
  4. #
  5. # --------------------------------------------------
  6. # I suggest you to use IDs instead of item names! Here you can find a list:
  7. # IDs:
  8. # Materials Link:
  9. # --------------------------------------------------
  10. # -> decorative-menu-item / menu-previous-page-item / click-to-craft-item <- Name/ID of the item.
  11. # -> firework-on-craft <- Set to true if you want to spawn a firework when a player craft an item on the plugins GUI. If not, set to false.
  12. # -> block-ecraft-command <- This option works if you want to make specific Crafting Places with the /ecraft setplace command
  13. # blocking the access to the /ecraft command.
  14. # -> enable-categories <- Enable/Disable the Categories Inventory
  15. # -> hide-craftings-with-permissions <- This will hide craftings with permissions if the player doesn't have the necessary permissions.
  16. # -> workbench-attach <- If this option is enabled that means that all normal crafting tables will activate the EpicCraftings menu.
  18. # -> powders-enabled <- This option works with the success-rate option on craftings. If this option is enabled, users will obtain powders when they
  19. # fail crafting and item. Powders can be used to increase the probability of success of different craftings.
  20. # -> powders-effect <- If this option is set to 5, that means that when using 1 powder, it will increase the success rate by 5%
  21. #
  22. # -> Categories (id) <- Name/ID of the category item
  23. # -> Categories (name) <- Custom Name of the category item
  24. # -> Categories (lore) <- Custom Lore of the category item
  25. # -> Categories (slot) <- Slot of the item on the Categories Inventory
  26. #
  27. # -> Crafts (id) <- Name/ID of the item to craft.
  28. # -> Crafts (name) <- Here you can set a custom name for the item. You can use color codes.
  29. # -> Crafts (lore) <- Here you can set a custom lore for the item. You can use color codes. You can remove this section if you don't want
  30. # a lore for the item. You can add more lines if you want.
  31. # You can use the variable: %player% to add the name of the user who is crafting the item.
  32. # -> Crafts (enchants) <- Names of the enchantments that the item will have with the level of the enchant respectively.
  33. # Here you can find a list with all the enchantments:
  34. # You can remove this section if you don't want enchantments for the item.
  35. # -> Crafts (permission) <- Here you can add a custom permission to craft this item.
  36. # -> Crafts (hide-flags) <- With this you can hide some ItemFlags like the attributes, enchants and more. You can find all the flags names here:
  37. #
  38. # -> Crafts (requires) <- Here you can set the items that the player will need to craft the original item.
  39. # Each line means one different item and remember to add a ';' after the ID to set the amount of this item and optional, a name and a lore.
  40. # For example if the 'requires option' have two lines ('264;15' and '266;10'), that means that the player will need 15 Diamonds and
  41. # 10 Gold Ingots to craft the original item. You can put a maximum of 15 required items.
  42. # Just remember: 'id;amount;name;lore-line1;lore-line2;...;ENCHANTS:ENCHANTNAME1,level:ENCHANTNAME2,level' (This is just for the required items).
  43. # -> Crafts (cooldown) <- Here you can set a cooldown (in seconds) for the item to craft.
  44. # -> Crafts (command) <- Instead of giving an item, with this option you can execute a command to a player.
  45. # -> Crafts (command-on-click) <- Here you can set a specific command that will execute from the console when a player right click the item.
  46. # -> Crafts (command-wait) <- The amount of seconds the player need to wait to execute again the previous command.
  47. # -> Crafts (hide-required-items-flags) <- If is set to true, the flags of the required items (enchantments, armor..) will be hidden.
  48. # -> Crafts (success-rate) <- The probability of success of the item. If is set to 25 that means that there will be a 75% of chance to fail, and lose the items.
  49. # -> Crafts (success-rate-failed-message) <- The message that will be sended to the player if he fails to create the item.
  50. # -> Crafts (random) <- Here you can set different random crafts, so when using the items to craft, the user will receive a random craft already created.
  51. # More info on the EpicCraftingsPlus page on Spigot.
  52. # -> Crafts (extra-requires) <- If you want extra requirements for the item to be crafted.
  53. # You can find a more specific tutorial on the plugin page.
  54. #
  55. Config:
  56. decorative-menu-item: LIGHT_BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE
  57. menu-page-item: ARROW
  58. click-to-craft-item: CRAFTING_TABLE
  59. craft-with-money-item: INK_SAC
  60. firework-on-craft: true
  61. new-version-reminder: true
  62. block-ecraft-command: false
  63. enable-categories: true
  64. hide-craftings-with-permissions: true
  65. workbench-attach: false
  66. cooldown-notification-messages: true
  67. one-cooldown-at-the-time: false
  68. log-file:
  69. enabled: true
  70. clear-log-time: 7
  71. Crafts:
  72. super_sword:
  74. name: '&4&lSuper Sword'
  75. lore:
  76. - '&6This is one of the best'
  77. - '&6swords on the server!'
  78. - ''
  79. - '&8[Created by: &c%player%&8]'
  80. category: weapons_armor
  81. enchants:
  82. - DAMAGE_ALL;6
  83. - FIRE_ASPECT;3
  84. requires:
  85. - DIAMOND_SWORD;15;&bUnique Diamond;&7A legendary mineral;&7very hard to obtain..
  86. - GOLD_INGOT;10
  87. permission: ecraft.supersword
  88. one-time: true
  89. cooldown: 1800
  90. hide-flags:
  92. extra-requires:
  93. - level,15,take
  94. commands-when-crafted:
  95. - broadcast &2&l%player% crafted a &4&lSUPER SWORD&2&l!
  96. gold_helmet:
  98. name: '&e&lKing Helmet'
  99. lore:
  100. - '&6Difficult to obtain, difficult to craft.'
  101. - '&6The &eKing Helmet &6is one of the most'
  102. - '&6wanted items on the server...'
  103. category: weapons_armor
  104. unbreakable: true
  105. enchants:
  107. - THORNS;8
  108. - OXYGEN;5
  109. requires:
  110. - GOLDEN_HELMET;10
  111. - GOLDEN_APPLE;20
  112. - GOLDEN_CARROT;20
  113. - GOLD_INGOT;50
  114. - GLOWSTONE_DUST;50
  116. epic_bow:
  117. id: BOW
  118. name: '&aE&bP&cI&dC &6Bow'
  119. amount: '2'
  120. category: weapons_armor
  121. enchants:
  122. - ARROW_DAMAGE;4
  124. requires:
  126. - GOLD_INGOT;40
  127. - DIAMOND;30
  128. command_1:
  129. id: GHAST_TEAR
  130. name: '&2&lMoney Exchange'
  131. lore:
  132. - '&6When crafting this, you will get'
  133. - '&2$500&6. You can use the money to buy'
  134. - '&6items on the shop.'
  135. category: others
  136. requires:
  137. - GOLD_INGOT;10
  138. command: eco give %player% 500
  139. cooldown: 30
  140. command_2:
  141. id: GHAST_TEAR
  142. name: '&4&lVIP &7Rank'
  143. lore:
  144. - '&6When crafting this, you will receive'
  145. - '&6the &4&lVIP &6rank. Good luck getting'
  146. - '&6the ingredients!'
  147. category: others
  148. requires:
  149. - COMMAND_BLOCK;30
  150. - BARRIER;30
  151. - BEDROCK;30
  152. - DEAD_BUSH;30
  153. - SPAWNER;1
  154. command: pex user %player% group set VIP
  155. command_on_click:
  156. id: STICK
  157. name: '&5&lSpeed &d&lStick'
  158. lore:
  159. - '&6This stick have a little secret'
  160. - '&bRight Click &6to know it ;)'
  161. category: others
  162. requires:
  163. - STICK;64
  164. - BLAZE_ROD;64
  165. command-on-click:
  166. - effect %player% 1 30 2
  167. - msg %player% &4You used the &5&lSpeed &d&lStick
  168. command-wait: 180
  169. key_item:
  170. id: LEVER
  171. name: '&2&lMagic &d&lKey'
  172. lore:
  173. - '&6With this item you can open one'
  174. - '&6of the mystery vaults on the spawn'
  175. category: others
  176. block-interaction: true
  177. block-interaction-message: '&cThis is a special item, you can''t interact with
  178. it'
  179. block-use-in-crafting-tables: true
  180. block-use-in-crafting-tables-message: '&cThis is a special item, you can''t
  181. craft with it'
  182. requires:
  183. - GOLD_INGOT;30
  184. success-rate: 25
  185. success-rate-failed-message: '&cThe creation of the &2Magic &dKey &cfailed!
  186. The Mystery Vaults can''t be opened yet...'
  187. success-rate-failed-commands:
  188. - eco take %player% 100
  189. random:
  190. id: EMERALD
  191. name: '&c&lRandom Item'
  192. lore:
  193. - '&aCrafting this, you can get one of these items:'
  194. - '&4Super Sword &7-> &220%'
  195. - '&4King Helmet &7-> &230%'
  196. - '&4Epic Bow &7-> &250%'
  197. - ''
  198. - '&6Good luck! :)'
  199. category: others
  200. requires:
  201. - BEACON;5
  202. random:
  203. - super_sword;20
  204. - gold_helmet;30
  205. - epic_bow;50
  206. enchants_sword:
  207. id: DIAMOND_SWORD
  208. name: '&4&lAlpha Sword'
  209. lore:
  210. - '&aCrafting this, you can get a sword'
  211. - '&awith Damage_All enchant from level 1 to 10'
  212. category: weapons_armor
  213. cooldown: 40
  214. cooldown-bypass-cost: 500
  215. enchants:
  216. - DAMAGE_ALL;1-10
  217. requires:
  218. - DIAMOND;55
  219. skull-with-texture:
  220. id: PLAYER_HEAD
  221. skull-id: ec62ea75-402c-44fb-8f71-bef0015a4634
  222. skull-texture: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvOTA4Yjc3MmVjYWVlNzA2MjM1ZDFhZGJmMGI5YTI5YjU4YmE5YzBlZDYwZGU2ZjEwZWZiMWE3Zjg2ZDllIn19fQ==
  223. name: '&2&lChristmas Ornament'
  224. amount: 16
  225. category: others
  226. requires:
  227. - COD;1
  228. random-lore-stats:
  229. id: IRON_BOOTS
  230. name: '&6Magic Boots'
  231. unbreakable: true
  232. lore:
  233. - '&8&m---------&7STATS&8&m---------'
  234. - ''
  235. - '&a+$random-120-170$ &7Health &4❤'
  236. - '&a+$random-5-10$ &7Dexterity &f✸'
  237. - ''
  238. - '&8&m-----------------------'
  239. ignore-required-items-lore: true
  240. category: weapons_armor
  241. requires:
  242. - MELON;1
  243. - IRON_BOOTS;1;&2Normal Boots;&7Level 1
  244. workbench:
  246. amount: 1
  247. category: others
  248. ignore-required-items-data-values: true
  249. requires:
  250. - OAK_PLANKS;4
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