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Jun 24th, 2018
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  2. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: shal we get
  3. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: re-doing then?
  4. zo: i'm still talking to rdas atm
  5. zo: so not just yet
  6. zo: because i'm still holding my argument that if we redo this i'm scared you're going to pull some weird
  7. zo: unknown card
  8. zo: i've told duke exactly what i would have done had you had your arm in vest and there was nothing on scene to stop my actions expect one downed indivudal ex ari
  9. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: well you would have seen me from the garage door, where i was aiming
  10. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: had u turned and raised your gun, i would simply have shot
  11. zo: you had a gun out but you hadn't fired it
  12. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: nope
  13. zo: and if i went to the staircase it'd be an easy shot with your injured state
  14. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: yeah sure
  15. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: sounds like a plan
  16. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: except the
  17. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: massive
  18. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: container
  19. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: in the way
  20. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: blocking your view
  21. zo: the container blocks the direct-view but it's not hard to see around
  22. zo: go towards the most-side
  23. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: then there is the simple solution of moving a tad bit
  24. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: and aki whod be outside, shot in vest
  25. zo: but you werent in any state -
  26. zo: aki was shot in the head
  27. zo: lol
  28. zo: you had no movement intentions at that point
  29. zo: so i'd just fall back with el
  30. zo: and prob take the shot having el cover me
  31. zo: ari was shot in the head
  32. zo: *aki
  33. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: again no real problem, shot in the legs
  34. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n rolls
  35. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n barrles roll
  36. zo: this is what i meant when you pull some weird move
  37. zo: you're going to barrel roll to the side facing a shot you had
  38. zo: no idea about
  39. zo: from a random moment
  40. zo: of utter chaos
  41. zo: lol
  42. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: no not really
  43. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: and zo
  44. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: i knew you were coming to kill me all along, hence why aki was there
  45. zo: you had the idea but you didn't have the active suspison riley
  46. zo: dont try to pull that card
  47. zo: aki was shot down i ensured that
  48. zo: in the head
  49. zo: and i came inside to arrest vars
  50. zo: at first
  51. zo: ex showing that i was there for hiro
  52. zo: to say
  54. zo: just played along
  55. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: zo i even confronted you about it earlier
  56. zo: is pretty much why i'm appealing the choice
  57. zo: and you went with it riley
  58. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: and im not gonna pull
  59. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: any bs
  60. zo: i'm sure you had
  61. zo: your worries
  62. zo: in the back of your mind
  63. zo: but not the ACTIVE suspison
  64. zo: during this massive firefight
  65. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: i diddnt go with anything, i minimzed
  66. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: put the game up
  67. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: was shot in the head
  68. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: with no chance of doing anything
  69. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: even tho there were clearly
  70. zo: you woulndt have had much chance
  71. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: things i could have done
  72. zo: to do much
  73. zo: at that
  74. zo: by the way
  75. zo: how exactly do yu have
  76. zo: enough c4
  77. zo: to blow up a warehouse
  78. zo: on 32 when i played her
  79. zo: even i didnt use that much c4
  80. zo: lol
  81. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: i packed
  82. zo: and AT THAT THAT how exactly do you create a dead-man switch that
  83. zo: once hit
  84. zo: it can be tuned off
  85. zo: you would have to take off all your C4 to live
  86. zo: which takes a good
  87. zo: 3-4 mins
  88. zo: at best
  89. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: yup
  90. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: tons of things that can be done
  91. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: if i moved when you were standing, right next to me
  92. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: you'd die to
  93. zo: tons of things that just seem odd and random
  94. zo: and as i said
  95. zo: had your hand been in your pocket
  96. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: if you said "sorry" and aimed at me, me aiming to shoot at you
  97. zo: i'd take an easy shot
  98. zo: to say that you predicted the shot and somehow
  99. zo: barrel rolled divded
  100. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: you'd either a, run, or b get killed by the assplotion
  101. zo: and suddenly blew up
  102. zo: is just idiotic and something i'll appeal
  103. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: well as i said, if you happend to turn towards me with a gun pointed AT ME, i'd probably react that to at
  104. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: as usually you lower the bloody thing, when you look at someone on your side
  105. zo: but as i said if your hand was inside your pocket
  106. zo: i'd just walk away safley to the side closest to the stairs
  107. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: innside my coat.
  108. zo: with view
  109. zo: with el covering me
  110. zo: and shoot you
  111. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: well then go for it.
  112. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: lets see how it playes out.
  113. zo: but i'm not doing it less there's an RDA present to ensure you dont pull some weird
  114. zo: oh I knew you were going to do that
  115. zo shoots you back magically
  116. zo: and kills you
  117. zo: win
  118. zo: type incident
  119. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: if you think it's such bs if anything happens
  120. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: just appeal it
  121. zo: i know you're a good RPer but you also like to win and from the operator chat i saw
  122. zo: your intention is to PK me no matter what
  123. zo: not do the RP
  124. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: hey, if i'm gonna die i'd really love to drag you with me.
  125. zo: but through my
  126. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: I mean damn, not even a lie.
  127. zo: deep planning
  128. zo: hell i even
  129. zo: knew that
  130. zo: chris would do this
  131. zo: and that tipper was enroute
  132. zo: i planned this
  133. zo: i wanted this to go as it did
  134. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: oh sure you did
  135. zo: i did so much
  136. zo: to ensure that you couldnt counter-PK that easy
  137. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: because everything went according to plan
  138. zo: and for once it wqent as it would
  139. zo: it did mostly
  140. zo: ghost was
  141. zo: egh
  142. zo: so was aki dying
  143. zo: i wanted her to live but in pain
  144. zo: but i acecpted it
  145. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: she wassnt pkd tho, not like she had any auths for anything
  146. zo: yeah not PKeds
  147. zo: there s areason i left you half-way and got el to come back knowing el was loyal
  148. zo: but again none of these moves had any suspison to them
  149. zo: had i just came back arrested vars
  150. zo: and shot him
  151. zo: you'd acepct it and prob be pleased IC
  152. zo: i dont want to see some magical all knowing eye
  153. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: you are really just making me feel like a piece of shit zo, you really are.
  154. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: there is no "win" situation for me in this
  155. zo: well riley
  156. zo: you showoff to me
  157. zo: you go
  158. zo: half the time
  159. zo: TO PLAN
  160. zo: and you sorta make me feel like
  161. zo: i just fell into some
  162. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: not unless you decide to run off and not do anything.
  163. zo: deep trap
  164. zo: of your plot choice
  165. zo: so yeah i guess I might be, and I'm sorry, it's how I feel
  166. zo: have the time
  167. zo: *half
  168. zo: I feel like utter-shit for lying to you and I';m prob half-ready to kill my char.
  169. zo: but not this way.
  170. zo: and not through some weird RP
  171. zo: i lied i maunplited chris
  172. zo: things I hated
  173. zo: utterly
  174. zo: IC
  175. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: There is no weird things that happen IC.
  176. zo: valid RP that makes me hate myself OOC
  177. zo: and riley, in respect to you and you are a fine Roleplayer
  178. zo: you don't like to lose
  179. zo: any RP
  180. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: What disgusts me is the OOC things. Lying, and needing rdas to ensure things go exactly according to plan, leaving me p much no room for any other outcome then death even tho there might be.
  181. zo: Hey, Riley, I hate the OOC lying. And I didn't need RDAs until now. I knew you'd try something, blow yourselfup, and planned for it, just like you
  182. zo: normally would
  183. zo: (And then tell me about it)
  184. zo: The problem is it seems you want to redo it going at what ifs but
  185. zo: not realizing
  186. zo: most of what ifs
  187. zo: wouldnt have happened
  188. zo: it was a perfect planned strike that went exactly as it was supposed to
  189. zo: i feel bad for you talking to duke but
  190. zo: i'm telling you exactly what i would do if the sitaution went elsewhere and
  191. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: Well I'm fine with going with what happend, except you dieing, works out for me.
  192. zo: in this one case i'm powergaming, I guess, that's the thing. I'm just not going to acepct, in utterrespect and my worst of feelings, that somehow you could react
  193. zo: OTHER then
  194. zo: blowing up
  195. zo: and with your blowup I already agreed to take a PI to that but, yeah.
  196. zo: maybe fire off a round before dying
  197. zo: but the round wouldn't do much
  198. zo: *shot
  199. zo: not round
  200. zo: wow
  201. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: firing off a round or firing off a shot
  202. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: works
  203. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: both of them do
  204. zo: i dont mind the RP having had gone that you fire, hit her somewhere, she fires, takes you, has to be taken by the backlast
  205. zo: so she's hurt and so is el by the blackbast and craft has a buleltwound
  206. zo: but the idea that he could
  207. zo: predict
  208. zo: aim
  209. zo: fire
  210. zo: and kill her
  211. zo: in the time she would have to randomly without suspison
  212. zo: raies a gun and fire it--noting the round is desigend to go fast and shoot-strong
  213. zo: is just weird
  214. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: im happy with two outcomes of this re-doing
  215. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: both die, or nobody, as if hiro saw he draw the gun and aim at him from afar
  216. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: he could've
  217. zo: and that's what I don't agree with
  218. zo: because that just seems like utter-powergame
  219. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: i dunno, hit him in the throat instead of head, leave time for some last minute rp before death, i mean there is plenty that could happen
  220. zo: i dont mind RPing this out in depth riley but
  221. zo: the two points im making are
  222. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: Hiro has to die.
  223. zo: i wouldn't acepct you making a clean shot on her and two killer
  224. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: Craft has to escape.
  225. zo: and i don't acepct your two choices
  226. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: doesn't have to be a clean shot nor does it have to kill her, maybe just something to throw her aim off a little.
  227. zo: I dont mindit going like:
  228. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: its not that i /want/ to kill craft, but there was just so much dumb going on with that entire rp that ruined most of it.
  229. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: such as alec charging a woman who is AIMING AT HIM and somewhow knock her off her feet
  230. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: before she shoots him
  231. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: which turns out to be what killed her in the end
  232. zo: Craft fires, is hit in the arm and her shot hits his lower-neck, he's alive but bare, fires again hit's El or talks or something, craft pulls herself back with el and he ends up blowing after they talk
  233. zo: if that's how you want to go with it
  234. zo: the other thing i would include is
  235. zo: hero had a s
  236. zo: hotgun in the back
  237. zo: and you were shot in the legs alot
  238. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: one shell spread out over two legs
  239. zo: craft has the same level armor so the shot hiro fires would sting her but
  240. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: a bunch of small pellets
  241. zo: its not going to break her down
  242. zo: she would miss and prob curse a bit and her shoulder would stingmassivley
  243. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: yeah, something like that
  244. zo: and i can put as much RP as you want into this as long i know you won't just powergame it :/
  245. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: and i mean, if they bail after the guy is shot in the throat i can agree with that
  246. zo: youd still die
  247. zo: naturaly
  248. zo: yeah?
  249. zo: craft would prob finish you off after talking
  250. zo: ask him what he wants
  251. zo: this is sthe stuff
  252. zo: we can RP
  253. zo: and i can enjoy
  254. zo: just yeah i just don't acepct two path ways and stuff
  255. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: i'd agree to the getting shot in the throat, not hitting craft anywere fataly
  256. zo: does he end up dying.
  257. zo: still
  258. zo: might talk for a bit
  259. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: that's the thing, if people come along after hearing mass amounts of fire and such, maybe someone could grab the deadman trigger and keep it from going off
  260. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: leaving him to bleed out
  261. zo: but the last of people
  262. zo: pulledout
  263. zo: vars and craft had a deal
  264. zo: vars pulled all of antifa back
  265. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: unless there was a vort or three that somehow managed to keep him from dieing, which if happend id prolly have sned him in some sort of coma, but those chances are slim
  266. zo: there wasnt though
  267. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: so thered be nobody there
  268. zo: the vorts left
  269. zo: prior
  270. zo: cause of driver
  271. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: he'd end up dieing i suppose
  272. zo: and Uri wasnt there either so please dont use as
  273. zo: to make sure
  274. zo: :(
  275. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: zo, had he been online
  276. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: i wouldve had him come here
  277. zo: but he wasnt at the scene therefore he was not there IC
  278. zo: the fear i told duke was
  279. zo: you d bring in
  280. zo: random nonpeople there
  281. zo: and try to reslove it
  282. zo: thats like if when 10132 was dying
  283. zo: i said
  284. zo: "egh lets redo the RP i called in ves"
  285. zo: its like
  286. zo: ..she wasnt there when it went down therefore she was not there IC
  287. zo: vorts erent there, nor was uir--
  288. zo: there was no one left to support you
  289. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: well i suppose he'd die then
  290. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: but there were people, just not in camp
  291. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: they were at the mine area
  292. zo: that mighta supportedhim but
  293. zo: by the time i fired a shot off and knowing it would hit paritally
  294. zo: a cant use a pda
  295. zo: and b it ould take to long
  296. zo: *Take
  297. zo: the thing i hate about this is
  298. zo: i dont mind redoing it
  299. zo: but its like
  300. zo: raygin appealign his PK asking
  301. zo: what if three vorts came
  302. zo: what if a vort healed
  303. zo: what if he shot back
  304. zo: the what ifs didn't happen though
  305. zo: i understand you were talking to duke so i dont mind redoing it but
  306. zo: when we were doing it
  307. zo: no one was coming to save you
  308. zo: no one was around
  309. zo: it was litterly me you elexis and cloaked rdas
  310. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: well the only problem i have with re-doing it is that your one criteria is that i /have/ to die
  311. zo: i argue that because the death was set well enough to where
  312. zo: the only way i could you escaping is if
  313. zo: someone random came in that wasnt there
  314. zo: or some sort of massive powergame occured
  315. zo: i dont mind changing it a bit so that
  316. zo: we take as much RP
  317. zo: as possible
  318. zo: and i take a few hits
  319. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: even tho i did tell someone, before we went, were i was going/what i was doing/with who, even if there were people in the other camp would most likely check it out
  320. zo: but no one /did/. there was a massive firefight that was well /eved/demostrated and no one came
  321. zo: it's another /what if he came/
  322. zo: like what if three vorts appeared
  323. zo: it didn't happen
  324. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: im curious
  325. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: what happend
  326. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: to the strider
  327. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: btw
  328. zo: as far what i ased duke
  329. zo: the strider went on
  330. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: right
  331. zo: i wonderted
  332. zo: that to
  333. zo: but duke barely evwed the stirder
  334. zo: so he argued it just went on
  335. zo: thats why
  336. zo: after the warehouse blew
  337. zo: i /eved COTA
  338. zo: dropping in
  339. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: well wouldnt the smart thing be for craft after she mortaly wounds him be to bail?
  340. zo: she has to confirm the kill
  341. zo: hiro is a
  342. zo: hard man to kill
  343. zo: and your kill
  344. zo: is my life IC
  345. zo: so she would confirm it
  346. zo: cota drops in but se has an escape planned
  347. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: and there was hardly time for anything/anyone to arrive because how fast everything went
  348. zo: riley you were hit
  349. zo: dozens of times
  350. zo: before i came
  351. zo: tipper/chris confirms this
  352. zo: if anyone was coming for you
  353. zo: they would come
  354. zo: they may have came what if they had
  355. zo: you'd be okay
  356. zo: but they /didn't/
  357. zo: theres so many what ifs in everypk
  358. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: seeing as the tlm vest is the same as the cota vest. when tipper shot me in the back it did nothing but slam me up against thewall
  359. zo: what if 10132 blew a hole and kept walking
  360. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: the 8 pellets in the legs, yes
  361. zo: a shotgun to the back breaks through kevlar
  362. zo: you may be alive
  363. zo: and savable
  364. zo: but at this point
  365. zo: you should be on the ground bassicaly in so much pain you would be crying
  366. zo: i dont mind you shooting a bit i can acepct it but
  367. zo: your streght should be gones
  368. zo: *gone
  369. zo: and you have no prio reason to raise a gun which is why i argue
  370. zo: craft could raise you could shoot her
  371. zo: and like we said
  372. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: i HAD a gun raised
  373. zo: her shot is hit off balence
  374. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: from before
  375. zo: your neck
  376. zo: it was held not raised
  377. zo: ex you have to holditup
  378. zo: i could raise in that time hvaing no prior notice to it
  379. zo: we agreed that
  380. zo: you could shoot me i could shoot you craft is hit in the shoulder
  381. zo: nonfatal armor but
  382. zo: stung
  383. zo: shot misses
  384. zo: neck
  385. zo: but i'd /after the RP/ prob finish you off
  386. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: im still in disagreement that the rp has to end the way you want it to, as i am aware during the time she takes to walk over to him and say sorry etc to then shoot him nobody can be there
  387. zo: but as i said
  388. zo: if your hand is in your coat
  389. zo: i wouldnt walk over
  390. zo: i'd walk to the side el covering me and raise a gun
  391. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: which would be like the rp we just talked about to the point of which he gets shot in the throat
  392. zo: it just don't seem proable you could go
  393. zo: "oh I know what you're doing"
  394. zo: counter-raise just as fast with injuries
  395. zo: and shoot her
  396. zo: that just seems like powergame
  397. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: there is no "counter raising"
  398. zo: you held a gun
  399. zo: you have to raise
  400. zo: medium-high
  401. zo: and fire
  402. zo: that is the counter raise
  403. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: i held it, kept it raised, medum high towards the garage door towards center mass
  404. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: which would be, moving it towards the right a few inches and shooting
  405. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: my point is
  406. zo: have you ever held a weapon :(
  407. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: after you shoot him in the throat you'd most likely get out of there, as well he is still filled with explosives
  408. zo: i've held one during my hunting trips out with the FFA
  409. zo: i've worked out for ages for the trips training for the Airforce and
  410. zo: i can't hold a gun in perfect balence
  411. zo: lol
  412. zo: i'm not sure you know how hard that is <.<
  413. zo: and even then you're holding it towards the garage door, i could sitll raise and fire easily
  414. zo: the other thing is
  415. zo: she's far enough to avoid dying
  416. zo: by the explosion
  417. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: a guy whos been brainwashed and trained in different types of warfare since the combine arrived and took over earth whos only reason to live is to p much give his lives dedication towards the cause
  418. zo: if hiro is breathing
  419. zo: he'd be finished off
  420. zo: craft won't fuckup because
  421. zo: if she did
  422. zo: you'd somehow make it out alive and go dark forever
  423. zo: she's going to confirm the kill
  424. zo: thats not my point my point is even with training the miltary provides it hard to hold a pistol in perfect balence
  425. zo: thats why when you hold it the
  426. zo: anim moves you
  427. zo: around at times
  428. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: well i stil do not agree that nobody are actually allowed to come, as the reason i wanted to redo it in the first place was because i could have done something to prevent it or something could've happend to prevent it
  429. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: the whole re.doing
  430. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: means doing it again
  431. zo: thats my challange
  432. zo: though
  433. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: were gonna do things that diddnt happen the first time around
  434. zo: youre pulling at what ifs
  435. zo: and bringing in people who werent there
  436. zo: because
  437. zo: under your logic
  438. zo: every PK
  439. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: i was killed without the chance of doing anythin
  440. zo: could be challange
  441. zo: what if driver had three vorts
  442. zo: what if 32 called in ves
  443. zo: what if clarkes being PKed and
  444. zo: can call cota in
  445. zo: he has the ability
  446. zo: the problem with all RP
  447. zo: is that we can't cosnider every what if
  448. zo: and the what if ideal can have us
  449. zo: drawing at strawns for years
  450. zo: because every sitaution has so many conclsuions
  451. zo: in which we have to work on ony what we have
  452. zo: and what we have is that
  453. zo: no one came
  454. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: again my only problem with the rp is that hiro has to die
  455. zo: there was -no- one coming
  456. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: but seeing as this discussion is useless, i say we just do it live
  457. zo: because thats the card that came into play he would be killed
  458. zo: well so we do agree to the terms of the RP or
  459. zo: do we need it observed by an RDA
  460. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: and as said, i did message someone before we went what went down etc
  461. zo: i rather agree to
  462. zo: --they didnt come
  463. zo: therefore they cant come
  464. zo: atm the only people who can come to this redo are
  465. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: have it observed by an rda then and lets both go down then
  466. zo: me cortez you and plat but play is down
  467. zo: *plat is down
  468. zo: thats the thing im not taking both down ;f
  469. zo: i thought we had a term
  470. zo: we agreed on
  471. zo: the chatter and stuff is up to choice but
  472. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: to beeing shot in the throat and then beeing left to die to avoid the assploation, yes
  473. zo: craft is hit when firing still hits your neck
  474. zo: and well
  475. zo: craft would finish you off
  476. zo: like i said
  477. zo: after the RP is
  478. zo: said and done
  479. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: and i would like for the re-doing for the sake of the "what ifs" and such
  480. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: even if uri arrived, what would he do
  481. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: cure a neck wound with magic?
  482. zo: but the what ifs arent fair
  483. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: keep the blood from choking him?
  484. zo: and i'm going to challange that
  485. zo: to no avial
  486. zo: because the what ifs
  487. zo: can therotically
  488. zo: mean that
  489. zo: all pks are invalid
  490. zo: since you know what if something happeneed to stop the PKs
  491. zo: there is /always/ a what if
  492. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: well then lets go with the old pk that kept me from rping at all
  493. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: and just have her shoot him in the head
  494. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: in such a fashion that there was nothing i could do or try that would prevent it
  495. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: which would be the entire idea of the "re-doing" that something else would happen
  496. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: be it
  497. zo: i dont mind the ending being diff to the point of
  498. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: him bleeding out
  499. zo: i got hit a bit
  500. zo: and such
  501. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: or three vorts teleporting out of no where and healing him
  502. zo: but yeah it would have worked out in such a way you would stil die
  503. zo: and thats just lol
  504. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: what yo uare saying is that no matter what happens nothing is gonna happen, i will die no matter what due to the fact that you are p much telling me to and will get rdas to actually force people from doing anything that might help me somehow
  505. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: that first part
  506. zo: i'm telling you based on the scene that held infront of us
  507. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: made no sense to me
  508. zo: your only escape
  509. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: either
  510. zo: is powergaming riley
  511. zo: i'm telling you
  512. zo: and i do respect you
  513. zo: that you're using the exact bs i was scared off
  514. zo: and drawing at starws
  515. zo: to avoid a PK
  516. zo: trying to use an arguemnt of what if
  517. zo: and what if is a terrible PK motto
  518. zo: the only what if
  519. zo: applys if
  520. zo: somoeone say crashes
  521. zo: and they were
  522. zo: RIGHT THERE
  523. zo: in the RP
  524. zo: but else i can go on with
  525. zo: what ifs forever
  526. zo: i could appeak 10132's pk
  527. zo: on the what if
  528. zo: what if ves was here
  529. zo: what if i had freinds
  530. zo: what if i went left not right went to s3
  531. zo: etc
  532. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: my only concern is that you are isolating the rp in such a fashion that there is no other end to the matter
  533. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: other then my death
  534. zo: because it worked out in such a way riley
  535. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: even though, re-doing would suggest there possibly beeing a different outcome.
  536. zo: i dont mind us changing how you would die but
  537. zo: the idea of re-doing is that
  538. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: Because you shot me without a chance to do anything.
  539. zo: you could somehow pull a card
  540. zo: that dosn't make logical sense
  541. zo: or is even possible
  542. zo: and I say this in respect riley
  543. zo: you're known for powergaming
  544. zo: at times
  545. zo: <.<
  546. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: juts fyi, saying like "no disrecpect" or "in respect" doesnt cover the area were you are using it which is, again, making me feel relatively bad regarding myself as you continue with the trend of doing so.
  547. zo: i say that because
  548. zo: i do like you
  549. zo: but i'm not going to
  550. zo: not say things
  551. zo: i feel bad
  552. zo: and i hate Pking people
  553. zo: you're the
  554. zo: only person
  555. zo: I've PKed
  556. zo: having returned
  557. zo: the -only- person
  558. zo: and I hate it so much
  559. zo: but i'm not going to let myself
  560. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: because the rp that happend
  561. zo: get bullshit out of this
  562. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: the rp that killed me
  563. zo: the RP was valid--
  564. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: diddnt
  565. zo: i dont doubt
  566. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: give me any chance
  567. zo: it was cheap
  568. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: to respond
  569. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: which is why
  570. zo: but there was
  571. zo: in the end of the day
  572. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: i say the pk was bull
  573. zo: no way around this
  574. zo: other then
  575. zo: /what ifs/
  576. zo: and powergame
  577. zo: there may be some means to change the exact process ex
  578. zo: craft gets shot
  579. zo: and is hurt
  580. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: even if nobody comes, there is plenty that could happen
  581. zo: but the ideal is a powergame
  582. zo: like
  583. zo: riley
  584. zo: if you were Pking chris and Chris argued that your PK was invalid because hey he could have called clarie and the rest of antifa
  585. zo: you would be aruging to hell
  586. zo: because its a
  587. zo: /what if/ i called antifa
  588. zo: not a
  589. zo: they are here
  590. zo: the possible vs the acutal
  591. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: again, the reason why i dont agree to the pk
  592. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: which is what
  593. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: made it so
  594. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: nothing else could happen
  595. zo circle
  596. zo: /nothing/ else was probale
  597. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: is that i had no chance of doing anything, because i was minimzed
  598. zo: and yes
  599. zo: im aware
  600. zo: which is why im fine changing it
  601. zo: but i will appeal and disagree
  602. zo: to any choice
  603. zo: because its powergame
  604. zo: your goal is
  605. zo: to kill us both
  606. zo: i find that goal impossible
  607. zo: and a sign of powergame
  608. zo: which is why i wont do it yet and rather just enforce a story or have an RDA force the PK a certain way
  609. zo: /force the RP
  610. zo: because i do not ageee to being powergamed in a way that dosnt seem possible
  611. zo: there is no way you could have shot and killed her in that time unexpected without cause
  612. zo: with your wounds and no warning
  613. zo: it seems foolish
  614. zo: and the argument you've made a dozen times saying
  615. zo: what if someone else came
  616. zo: /didn't happen/
  617. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: well i am still thinking about what i could have done as a person, as again i was unable to actually preforme any actions and so on.
  618. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: and i thought elexis left down the stairs and whatnot
  619. zo: she hadnt
  620. zo: there was nothing you ould do
  621. zo: you could shoot
  622. zo: and you'd die in process
  623. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: depends entirely on what happend
  624. zo: there was no move left thats the problem
  625. zo: this is like
  626. zo: us arguing we should redo daves PK because hey dave died in a sucky way
  627. zo: buty dave was alone
  628. zo: surrowneded
  629. zo: and he'd die
  630. zo: no matter what
  631. zo: dave could argue
  632. zo: I COULD BE SAVED
  633. zo: but he /wasnt/ saved
  634. zo: therefore the arugment is invalid
  635. zo: death was unavoidable for the RP at hand
  636. zo: there was little
  637. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: doing this would extend the period of which the entire thing happens, which would make it so other things could ACTUALLY happend
  638. zo: dave could say
  639. zo: i turned around did a circle and
  640. zo: shoot everyone woith an ar2
  641. zo: but thats powergame
  642. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: the timeframe in the other, where you simply shot me without me able to rp, was short
  643. zo: but the problem is the only moves you could pull would be bullshit based moves that's my concern
  644. zo: and powergame
  645. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: most likely this will be more drawn out, thus allowing other things/actions to do change and form how things go
  646. zo: i dont mind doing the RP to that point but as i said i won't agree to RP any sitaution where
  647. zo: rather then us just RPing its you realizing hey im about to be PKed
  648. zo: ill use a magical PDA
  649. zo: call in uri
  650. zo: and others
  651. zo: some vorts
  652. zo: shoot ag renade
  653. zo: fire a gun
  654. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: i have a trigger in one hand, gun in the other
  655. zo: but everything would result in his clear death esaily
  656. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: only thing i would be capeable of using would be my radio which i can press down without actually dropping my pistol
  657. zo: but there was no around to help you
  658. zo: see this is where
  659. zo: we start to redo the RP
  660. zo: and as is on
  661. zo: suddenly incamp
  662. zo: and you radkio him in
  663. zo: Well that just changes the sitaution.
  664. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: who is "hiim"
  665. zo: uri or someone
  666. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: uri has been told this, prior to it all
  667. zo: That's about as valid as me saying I called in everyone and brought a bunch people who
  668. zo: had no connection to the v
  669. zo: who hate you in
  670. zo: its arguing a what if again
  671. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: hiro, craft and another person are gpoing to deal with antifa
  672. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: even if uri was to arrive, his chances of living are slim at best
  673. zo: that dosnt change the point
  674. zo: that is the very arugment of why
  675. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: i do disagree to you writing in stone that no matter what rp, no matter what happens
  676. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: hiro will die
  677. zo: im scared of redoing the RP
  678. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: just because he was shot earlier
  679. zo: and i disagree with your ideal that there are two possibltiys because
  680. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: which was bs, because i was just /evd do death as if it was a sniper leaving me nothing to actually do
  681. zo: what that sentence tells me is
  682. zo: "if it dosnt go my way ill powergame it til it does"
  683. zo: the same sdenorical where
  684. zo: dave is surorwneded
  685. zo: by 90 units
  686. zo: /it willl end in death/
  687. zo: rp inolved
  688. zo: but he dies
  689. zo: dave cant call in backup thats a /what if he did/
  690. zo: dave's RP will end with a PK and the units will live because dave has no options and his only move
  691. zo: would fail
  692. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: im saying that even if nobody arrived, even if hiro had to hold his own there is always your actions towards it all
  693. zo: expect what i'm saying is that nobody had arrived i'd do exactly what i told you
  694. zo: and death wouldn't have been avoidable
  695. zo: it would have been definiate
  696. zo: the RP chatter
  697. zo: the things we say
  698. zo: the secerts revaled
  699. zo: that is up in the air
  700. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: why is the death of hiro what has to happen?
  701. zo: but the end result would have been defintate knowing my char
  702. zo: the argument i make riley is that
  703. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: what fact is it that ensuers this
  704. zo: she had the upperhand in the sitaution a clean kill without suspison. the idea you argued that
  705. zo: hey i can pulla gun
  706. zo: shoot you faster
  707. zo: is powergame and isn't valid
  708. zo: where so
  709. zo: rex lee has
  710. zo: 90 units at him
  711. zo: alone
  712. zo: he's fucked he has to die
  713. zo: it's unavodiable
  714. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: your saying i diddnt think this would happen?
  715. zo: we argued this to
  716. zo: and i already said
  717. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: of course i was thinking but i had no ability to actually act because I was /evd dead
  718. zo: i knew
  719. zo: you had in mind
  720. zo: OOC
  721. zo: that you had to do it
  722. zo: but IC
  723. zo: there was
  724. zo: no suspison
  725. zo: nor was there
  726. zo: ACTIVE
  727. zo: ooc suspsion
  728. zo: i went in arresting vars
  729. zo: shooting at people
  730. zo: there was none
  731. zo: and i had i gone in
  732. zo: arrested vars
  733. zo: and killed him
  734. zo: you'd thanked craft or atleast nodded
  735. zo: no suspison
  736. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: because hiro, has never in his entire life somehow fooled people
  737. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: into thinking he doesnt know or know something?
  738. zo: expect that in this case riley you didn't show it wasnt there
  739. zo: thats naother
  740. zo: /what if/ hiro knew
  741. zo: it wasn't Rped it wasnt there
  742. zo: to go into now
  743. zo: going
  744. zo: OH WAIT
  745. zo: CRAFT
  747. zo predicts
  748. zo: is the biggest powergame i've seen
  749. zo: if ever
  750. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: no, there is going to be nothing of the sort
  751. zo: the shot comes /unpredicted/
  752. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: i only disagree to the fact that you are saying i will die no matter what
  753. zo: and with the upper-hand
  754. zo: riley you're repeating the same line without listening :/
  755. zo: she would have a clear shot and an easy one
  756. zo: the idea that he could respond
  757. zo: is a power-game
  758. zo: he might
  759. zo: be able to half-shot
  760. zo: which is what i agreed
  761. zo: but the idea that hey i can shoot just as fast easily kill you
  762. zo: knowing
  763. zo: A: you yourself are shot
  764. zo: b: full-kevlar
  765. zo: c: upper-hand
  766. zo: is just idiotic
  767. zo: she would take the shot and at that point death is /unavoaible/
  768. zo: the what ifs of
  769. zo: being saved
  770. zo: are out of play
  771. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: you raise points and i disagree to them, yes he was injured thought aware that there is a high possebility of him dieing, i explained before his first actions towards this
  772. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: hence why he'd be more aware if she stood INFRONT of him and took the shot instead from where she did
  773. zo: the idea that kevlar can stop tholse wounds makes no sense at first but
  774. zo: riley you havent listened
  775. zo: at this oint
  776. zo: if your
  777. zo: hand is in
  778. zo: your coat
  779. zo: i wouldnt
  780. zo: go to you
  781. zo: the rp would wokr out as
  782. zo: me going to the clearest point to the staircase
  783. zo: firing
  784. zo: without supsion
  785. zo: or time to react
  786. zo: at best he could get a round off
  787. zo: and hit her slightly
  788. zo: her wound would hit
  789. zo: and the shot would be fatal-enough for death
  790. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: right ok then, i suppose we'll go for it ic then
  791. ๖ۣۜriley "muthafukin" hav3n: I gues I'
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