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a guest
Feb 23rd, 2018
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  1. ------------------------------------------
  2. Second Round of Feedback (and bug catches)
  3. ------------------------------------------
  5. No visual feedback for clicking add Game to Collection button
  6. -> Added new state prop called AttemptAddGame which keeps track of when the API is attempting to data scrape the gameInfo from ign to see if it can be added
  8. Search bug when a user is searching for one game, an error shows saying that the previous game could not be found
  9. -> I found that previous game data was not being reset from the props which is what the error message used to render the correct error
  10. -> I added a new action called RESET_GAME_INFO which resets all gameinfo props onClick of search button
  12. Search bug that says a game is unavailable, but it finds and renders it a few seconds later
  13. -> I discovered the problem was when game genre or similar game info was not available
  14. -> I added if statements to dispatch the genre and recommended games when available
  15. -> Also added new rendering functions in GamePage to exclude the game genre if unavailable and to tell the user to visit the base game(not special edition) for game recommendations
  17. Live search showing mulitple editions of the game and not the regular base game
  18. -> It also doesn't let you add any of the special versions
  19. -> I found a filter property for IGDB to exlude most special editions during user search to reduce user confusion
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