

Jan 23rd, 2018
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  1. All well guess the girl i was talking to was fake just like the rest of the bitches i found online just a big waste of time
  3. heres the pic of the girl just to save you the time wasted
  5. Heres her FB
  7. she goes by the name Samantha Nicole Stewart
  9. her name on POF Hotmom1993 just sent you a new message on at 12:11:21 AM on Tuesday, January 23, 2018 (Pacific Standard Time)!
  13. Samantha Nicole Stewart
  14. Facebook
  15. Conversation Information
  17. Samantha Nicole Stewart
  18. Facebook
  19. Options
  20. Search in Conversation
  21. Notifications
  22. Shared Photos
  24. Messages
  26. Samantha Nicole Stewart
  27. 2:11AM
  30. You are now connected on Messenger.
  31. Brian Patrick
  32. You waved at a contact!
  33. Brian Patrick
  34. Hey
  35. Samantha Nicole Stewart
  36. Attachment Unavailable
  37. This attachment may have been removed or the person who shared it may not have permission to share it with you.
  38. Hey what's up?
  39. Brian Patrick
  40. NM just chilling
  41. Samantha Nicole Stewart
  42. Well now I will talk tomorrow you can go through my profile to see what he look like and all my pics if you want so you can get to know me more that way
  43. Brian Patrick
  44. Ok thanks for the FB request that way we can chat on messenger instead of POF
  45. Samantha Nicole Stewart
  46. Yeah true
  47. Brian Patrick
  48. I guess I'll let you go to bed so u can be up for the kids
  49. Samantha Nicole Stewart
  50. Thanks
  51. Brian Patrick
  52. You are welcome
  53. Brian Patrick
  54. Samantha Nicole Stewart
  55. Brian Patrick
  56. I seen his pic
  57. Why was u even with him he look like a weirdo
  58. Samantha Nicole Stewart
  59. Lol idk
  60. Brian Patrick
  61. U know what prison he went tpp?
  62. To
  63. Samantha Nicole Stewart
  64. Greenville
  65. Why
  66. Brian Patrick
  67. Just wondering
  68. Samantha Nicole Stewart
  69. I want to know he has court on wensday so don't bang him up that bad
  70. Brian Patrick
  71. Lol
  72. Oh so he still in jail not prison yet
  73. Samantha Nicole Stewart
  74. I don't care for him but still he will know I said something I am scared of him
  75. Brian Patrick
  76. I won't say anything
  77. U got me I promise
  78. Samantha Nicole Stewart
  79. Yes he still in jail but Greenville is a prison but he is in the jail part
  80. Brian Patrick
  81. Oh ok my brother used to live in Greenville
  82. Samantha Nicole Stewart
  83. Ohh ok
  84. Brian Patrick
  85. But that was years ago
  86. He lives in Houston Texas now
  87. Samantha Nicole Stewart
  88. LoL really I am originally from Texas
  89. Brian Patrick
  90. Oh really
  91. Samantha Nicole Stewart
  92. Yes
  93. Brian Patrick
  94. What part
  95. Samantha Nicole Stewart
  96. I am a southern girl
  97. Brian Patrick
  98. Nice
  99. Samantha Nicole Stewart
  100. I lived in Nixon, Seguin, lockkart, lulling, Rockport, Port lavaca, Corpus Christi, and la vernia
  101. All in texas
  102. Brian Patrick
  103. I heard of some of them places
  104. I've only live in Missouri all my life
  105. I've live all over the bootheel semo
  106. Samantha Nicole Stewart
  107. Dang not me only in Texas
  108. Brian Patrick
  109. Right
  110. Samantha Nicole Stewart
  111. Right ok now I am going back to bed I am going to have to turn my phone off cause the notification is so loud lol
  112. Brian Patrick
  113. Ok bye have sweet dreams
  114. Samantha Nicole Stewart
  115. Thanks you too
  116. 11:34AM
  117. Brian Patrick
  118. Morning cutie
  119. Samantha Nicole Stewart
  120. Morning
  121. Brian Patrick
  122. How's it going?
  123. Samantha Nicole Stewart
  124. Fine just tired
  125. Brian Patrick
  126. Same I just woke up
  127. Samantha Nicole Stewart
  128. I only got 4hours of sleep
  129. Brian Patrick
  130. I got about 5 hours of sleep
  131. Samantha Nicole Stewart
  132. LoL yeah I didn't sleep much
  133. Brian Patrick
  134. Same I got up and took a shower like 30 mins after I laid down
  135. Then went to bed
  136. Samantha Nicole Stewart
  137. Lol dang wish I had more sleep but when you can't sleep you don't sleep
  138. Brian Patrick
  139. Right
  140. I don't get much sleep as much as I used to
  141. Samantha Nicole Stewart
  142. I don't either with tho boys that wake up alot at night
  143. Brian Patrick
  144. Right how old are they
  145. Samantha Nicole Stewart
  147. He is 16 months
  149. 1 month old on the 27th
  150. Brian Patrick
  151. There cute
  152. Samantha Nicole Stewart
  153. Thanks
  154. Brian Patrick
  155. I love kids I took care of my lil brother when he was a baby he now 18
  156. I'm guessing ur too tired to talk
  157. Samantha Nicole Stewart
  158. Yeah I have a younger brother who is 17 years old and a older brother who would have been 37 that died in May last year
  159. I took care of my younger brother till we were separated
  160. Brian Patrick
  161. Dang
  162. My mom had a miscarriage in 96
  163. Samantha Nicole Stewart
  164. Yeah it was sad seeing him on life support then my older brother
  165. Brian Patrick
  166. Yeah
  167. Samantha Nicole Stewart
  168. I cried my eyes out
  169. Brian Patrick
  170. I cried like that for about a week when my dad past away
  171. Samantha Nicole Stewart
  172. I cried for three months straight
  173. Brian Patrick
  174. I think I took it the hardest
  175. Samantha Nicole Stewart
  176. My mom died when I was 11 years old she was 29 then
  177. Brian Patrick
  178. Dang from what
  179. Samantha Nicole Stewart
  180. A drug overdose my older brother was synthetic weed
  181. Brian Patrick
  182. Oh u mean k2
  183. Samantha Nicole Stewart
  184. Yes
  185. I don't do drugs so I don't know the names
  186. Brian Patrick
  187. Right I don't know much about drugs myself
  188. Samantha Nicole Stewart
  189. Lol that makes two of us
  190. I don't do drugs
  191. Brian Patrick
  192. Same
  193. It's not worth it
  194. Samantha Nicole Stewart
  195. That is the truth
  196. Brian Patrick
  197. Yeah I know that
  198. I stopped using pof since I'm taking to you I don't need to talk to other women when I'm already taking to one
  199. Samantha Nicole Stewart
  200. LoL I see that
  201. Brian Patrick
  202. Brian Patrick
  203. U got any tattoos or any pireceings?
  204. I got a few tats and 5 pireceings
  205. Samantha Nicole Stewart
  206. None at all always wanted a tattoo but never got it I had my belly button done once but it is closed up
  207. Brian Patrick
  208. Oh I got 5 pireceings as of right now
  209. Both ears eyebrow
  210. And both nibbles pireced
  211. Samantha Nicole Stewart
  212. Wow that must of hurt on the niples
  213. Brian Patrick
  214. Not really
  215. I had my dick pireced once but took it out
  216. Samantha Nicole Stewart
  217. Wow
  218. Brian Patrick
  219. Lol
  220. Samantha Nicole Stewart
  221. Ohh and my ears three on left side two on right but I don't wear earrings any more
  222. Brian Patrick
  223. Kk
  224. Samantha Nicole Stewart
  225. Yeah I was 18 when I done my ears
  226. Brian Patrick
  227. When I got my dick pireced it didn't even hurt
  228. Samantha Nicole Stewart
  229. Damn
  230. Brian Patrick
  231. Yeah I thought it was gonna hurt but didn't even feel it
  232. I had to take it out cuz my body rejected the jewelry
  233. Samantha Nicole Stewart
  234. I would never do that to my body my ears and belly will be far enough for me lol
  235. Brian Patrick
  236. Lol
  237. I know most girls like pireceings and tats
  238. On guys
  239. Samantha Nicole Stewart
  240. Yeah I do my ex has tats but no pireceings
  241. Brian Patrick
  242. Oh yeah
  243. Samantha Nicole Stewart
  244. Yeah
  245. Brian Patrick
  246. Have u seen the pics yet
  247. Samantha Nicole Stewart
  248. Yeah
  249. I saw I went to your profile and looked
  250. Brian Patrick
  251. Ok
  252. What u think
  253. Samantha Nicole Stewart
  254. Nice
  255. Brian Patrick
  258. Disney Gif
  259. Samantha Nicole Stewart
  260. Lol
  261. Brian Patrick
  262. I didn't mean to send that lol I almost dropped my phone
  263. Samantha Nicole Stewart
  264. Ohh ok
  265. Brian Patrick
  266. I'ma hop off here for a lil bit I'll be back on
  267. Samantha Nicole Stewart
  268. Ok
  269. Brian Patrick
  270. 3:20PM
  271. Brian Patrick
  272. Hey
  273. Samantha Nicole Stewart
  274. Hey
  275. Brian Patrick
  276. What's up
  277. Samantha Nicole Stewart
  278. Making cookies
  279. Brian Patrick
  280. What kind
  281. Samantha Nicole Stewart
  282. Chocolate chip cookies
  283. Brian Patrick
  284. I want some
  285. Samantha Nicole Stewart
  286. LoL
  287. Brian Patrick
  288. Just teasing
  289. Samantha Nicole Stewart
  290. They smell so good
  291. Brian Patrick
  292. I bet they do with you making them
  293. Samantha Nicole Stewart
  295. See
  296. Brian Patrick
  297. They look like peanut butter
  298. Brian Patrick
  299. Samantha Nicole Stewart
  300. Nope chocolate chip
  301. Brian Patrick
  302. Lol
  303. Samantha Nicole Stewart
  305. See
  306. Brian Patrick
  307. Nice
  308. Brian Patrick
  309. Brian Patrick
  310. So what u doing besides making cookies
  311. Samantha Nicole Stewart
  312. Nothing but chilling
  313. About to go check the mail soon
  314. Brian Patrick
  315. Probably just junk mail and bills
  316. Samantha Nicole Stewart
  317. Idk yet haven't checked it I have three more cookies in the oven
  318. Brian Patrick
  319. Nice
  320. You ever notice all the pointless ads on Facebook there everywhere
  321. Samantha Nicole Stewart
  322. Yes I did lol
  323. Brian Patrick
  324. Thought about posting about it on FB
  325. Samantha Nicole Stewart
  326. Lol go for it
  327. 👍
  328. 1
  329. Brian Patrick
  330. And see how many ppl would share it
  331. Posted it
  333. Samantha Nicole Stewart
  334. I see hold on and I will share it
  335. Seen by Samantha Nicole Stewart at 3:52pm
  336. Brian Patrick
  337. Kk
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