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Aug 22nd, 2017
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  1. Abilene Regional Airport serves the city of Abilene , Texas .
  2. Adolfo Suárez Madrid – Barajas Airport can be found in Madrid , P@@ arac@@ u@@ el@@ los de J@@ ar@@ ama , San Se@@ b@@ ast@@ i@@ án de los Re@@ y@@ es and Al@@ cobendas .
  3. The runway name of Adolfo Suárez Madrid – Barajas Airport is 18@@ L / 36@@ R .
  4. Afonso Pena International Airport 's I@@ C@@ A@@ O location identifier is S@@ B@@ C@@ T .
  5. Afonso Pena International Airport serves the city of C@@ ur@@ it@@ ib@@ a .
  6. The Al T@@ a@@ q@@ add@@ um Air B@@ as@@ e serves the city of F@@ all@@ u@@ j@@ ah .
  7. The runway length of Al@@ -@@ T@@ a@@ q@@ add@@ um Air B@@ as@@ e is 36@@ 8@@ 4@@ .0 .
  8. The runway name of Alderney Airport is 14 / 3@@ 2 .
  9. The runway at Allama Iqbal International Airport is 3@@ 36@@ 0@@ .@@ 12 lon@@ g .
  10. 1@@ 8 is the number of the first runway of Amsterdam Airport Schiphol .
  11. The 5@@ th runway at Amsterdam Airport Schiphol is made from as@@ ph@@ al@@ t .
  12. Amsterdam Airport Schiphol runway name is 0@@ 6 / 2@@ 4 K@@ a@@ ag@@ ba@@ an .
  13. Andrews County Airport is 97@@ 3 metres above sea level .
  14. Andrews County Airport is own@@ ed by Andrews County , Texas .
  15. The runway length of Andrews County Airport is 8@@ 9@@ 6 .
  16. The first runway at Angola International Airport is made of as@@ ph@@ al@@ t .
  17. Antwerp International Airport is 1@@ 2@@ .0 metres above sea level .
  18. The operating organisation of Antwerp International airport is the Flemish govern@@ ment .
  19. The runway length of Appleton International Airport is 2@@ 4@@ 39@@ .0 .
  20. The runway length of Ardmore Airport , New Zealand is 5@@ 18@@ .0 .
  21. Ashgabat International Airport 's I@@ C@@ A@@ O Loc@@ ation I@@ d@@ entifier is U@@ T@@ A@@ A .
  22. The runway name of Ashgabat International Airport is 11 / 2@@ 9 .
  23. Atlantic City International Airport is own@@ ed by South Jersey T@@ rans@@ port@@ ation Authority .
  24. The runway name of Atlantic City International Airport is 1@@ 3 / 3@@ 1 .
  25. The language of Belgium is D@@ ut@@ ch .
  26. C@@ ur@@ it@@ ib@@ a is part of the South Region , Braz@@ il .
  27. The people of Denmark are called D@@ an@@ es .
  28. F@@ all@@ u@@ j@@ ah is located in Iraq .
  29. Greenville , Wisconsin is located in the United States .
  30. Greenville , Wisconsin is part of Gr@@ and Ch@@ ute , Wisconsin .
  31. The language spoken in Iraq is Arab@@ ic .
  32. Madrid is in Spain .
  33. M@@ a@@ ple Ridge Township , Alpena County , Michigan is part of the United States .
  34. S@@ ard@@ ar A@@ y@@ a@@ z S@@ ad@@ i@@ q is the leader of Pakistan .
  35. The P@@ ort Authority of New York and New Jersey serves the New Jersey region .
  36. Hou@@ st@@ on is the largest city in Texas .
  37. The United States Air Force was f@@ igh@@ t@@ ing in the United States b@@ om@@ b@@ ing of Lib@@ ya .
  38. The t@@ rans@@ port aircraft for the United States Air Force is the Bo@@ e@@ ing C@@ -17 G@@ lo@@ b@@ em@@ ast@@ er I@@ II .
  39. The 11th Mississippi Infantry Monument was established in 2000 .
  40. Adams County , Pennsylvania has C@@ ar@@ ro@@ l County , Maryland to its sou@@ theast .
  41. Ar@@ t@@ ur Ras@@ iz@@ ade is the leader of Azerbaijan .
  42. The leader of Azerbaijan is called the P@@ rim@@ e Min@@ ister .
  43. The n@@ ative name for the Baku Turkish Martyrs ' Memorial is Tur@@ k Se@@ h@@ it@@ l@@ er@@ i An@@ it@@ i .
  44. 11 Diagonal Street is located in South Africa .
  45. 250 Delaware Avenue has the Po@@ st@@ m@@ o@@ d@@ ern st@@ yle of archite@@ cture .
  46. 300 North LaSalle is located in Chicago .
  47. 3@@ 20 South Bo@@ st@@ on Bu@@ il@@ ding was designed by the architect Georg@@ e W@@ in@@ k@@ l@@ er .
  48. 3@@ 20 South Bo@@ st@@ on Bu@@ il@@ ding was be@@ gu@@ n to the building of the b@@ eg@@ an in 1910 .
  49. The AC Hotel Bella Sky Copenhagen has 8@@ 14 ro@@ om@@ s .
  50. J@@ am@@ es P@@ ain and Georg@@ e Rich@@ ard P@@ ain are the archite@@ c@@ ts of the Adare Manor .
  51. Adisham Hall is located in H@@ ap@@ ut@@ ale .
  52. The Akita Museum of Art is located in Japan .
  53. The Alan B. Miller Hall is own@@ ed by The College of William and Mary .
  54. The add@@ ress of Amdavad ni Gufa is L@@ al@@ b@@ h@@ ai D@@ al@@ p@@ at@@ b@@ h@@ ai Camp@@ us , ne@@ ar C@@ E@@ P@@ T University , op@@ p . Gu@@ j@@ ar@@ at University , University Road .Ash@@ er and Mary I@@ s@@ ab@@ elle Rich@@ ard@@ son House has the re@@ ference number 8@@ 8@@ 00@@ 25@@ 3@@ 9 in the National Reg@@ ister of H@@ istoric Plac@@ es .
  55. Julia Morgan was the architect of the Asilomar Conference Grounds .
  56. The Asilomar Conference Grounds is located on the archite@@ cture st@@ yle of " Ar@@ ts and C@@ raf@@ ts M@@ ov@@ em@@ ent and American craf@@ t@@ s@@ man B@@ un@@ gal@@ ow@@ s " .
  57. The Asilomar Conference Grounds w@@ ere constru@@ cted in 191@@ 3 .
  58. The Asser Levy Public Baths are located in New York City .
  59. Bu@@ ff@@ al@@ o New York is part of E@@ rie County New York .
  60. B@@ y@@ ron Bro@@ w@@ n is the leader of Bu@@ ff@@ al@@ o , New York .
  61. County L@@ im@@ erick is part of M@@ un@@ st@@ er .
  62. C@@ r@@ í@@ ona N@@ í D@@ h@@ á@@ l@@ a@@ igh was the L@@ or@@ d M@@ ay@@ or of Dublin .
  63. The leader of Ethiopia is Mal@@ at@@ u T@@ es@@ home .
  64. Indian people are from India .
  65. Julia Morgan has designed man@@ y si@@ g@@ n@@ if@@ ic@@ ant buil@@ d@@ ing@@ s , inclu@@ ding the Lo@@ s Ang@@ el@@ es H@@ er@@ al@@ d Ex@@ am@@ in@@ er building .
  66. L@@ ive N@@ ation E@@ nt@@ er@@ t@@ a@@ in@@ ment is located in The location of L@@ ive N@@ ation E@@ nt@@ er@@ t@@ a@@ in@@ ment .
  67. Man@@ hatt@@ an is part of New York .
  68. New York City is part of New N@@ et@@ h@@ er@@ land .
  69. P@@ ac@@ if@@ ic G@@ rov@@ e is part of California .
  70. White South Afric@@ ans are an ethnic group wit@@ h@@ in South Africa .
  71. E@@ l@@ iz@@ ab@@ et@@ h II is the he@@ ad of state in the United Kingdom .
  72. 1634 : The Ram Rebellion has the ISBN number 1-@@ 4@@ 16@@ 5-@@ 20@@ 6@@ 0-@@ 0 .
  73. Eric Flint is the author of 1634 : The Ram Rebellion .
  74. 1634 : The Ram Rebellion is av@@ a@@ il@@ ab@@ le in pr@@ int f@@ or@@ m .
  75. AIDS journal is from the United Kingdom .
  76. The O@@ C@@ L@@ C number of A Glastonbury Romance is 76@@ 7@@ 9@@ 8@@ 3@@ 1@@ 7 .
  77. A Glastonbury Romance is av@@ a@@ il@@ ab@@ le in h@@ ardcover .
  78. A Long Long Way is written in the English language .
  79. A Wizard of Mars was written by Di@@ ane D@@ u@@ ane .
  80. The ISSN number of Ab@@ h@@ and@@ l@@ ung@@ en aus de@@ m Mathemat@@ is@@ ch@@ en Sem@@ in@@ ar der Universit@@ ä@@ t H@@ am@@ burg is 00@@ 25@@ -@@ 5@@ 8@@ 5@@ 8 .
  81. Above the Veil was written by Gar@@ th N@@ i@@ x .
  82. Above the Veil is pro@@ du@@ c@@ ed in pr@@ int .
  83. The Acta Palaeontologica Polonica ISSN number is " 0@@ 56@@ 7@@ -@@ 7@@ 9@@ 20 " .
  84. The journal Addiction has the L@@ C@@ C@@ N number 9@@ 36@@ 4@@ 5@@ 97@@ 8 .
  85. Addiction ( journal ) is ab@@ ou@@ t add@@ iction .
  86. A@@ enir is written in English .
  87. Alcatraz Versus the Evil Librarians is from The United States .
  88. Alcatraz Versus the Evil Librarians is written in English .
  89. The American Journal of Mathematics discipline is Mat@@ h .
  90. The n@@ ov@@ el C@@ ast@@ le is the language spoken in the English language .
  91. Eric Flint was born in B@@ ur@@ ban@@ k , California .
  92. M@@ ac@@ m@@ ill@@ an Publ@@ ish@@ ers is the par@@ ent company of F@@ arr@@ ar , St@@ ra@@ us and G@@ ir@@ ou@@ x .
  93. A Glastonbury Romance is the n@@ ot@@ ab@@ le w@@ ork of John C@@ ow@@ per P@@ ow@@ y@@ s .
  94. S@@ oh@@ o Press is located in the United States .
  95. The n@@ ov@@ el The Se@@ cre@@ t Sc@@ ri@@ p@@ t@@ u@@ res , is published by F@@ ab@@ er and F@@ ab@@ er .
  96. Asian Americans are an ethnic group in the U.S .
  97. English is the language of the United States .
  98. A Glastonbury Romance is the se@@ qu@@ el to W@@ e@@ ym@@ ou@@ th Sand@@ s .
  99. The manager of A.C . Chievo Verona is R@@ ol@@ ando Mar@@ an .
  100. A.@@ D . Isidro Metapán is in the S@@ al@@ v@@ ad@@ or@@ an P@@ rim@@ er@@ a D@@ iv@@ is@@ i@@ ó@@ n league .
  101. The fullname of A.F.C . Blackpool is Association Football Club Blackpool .
  102. A.F.C . Blackpool 's ground is The Me@@ ch@@ an@@ ics .
  103. A.F.C . Blackpool 's ground is in Blackpool .
  104. The ground of A.S . Gubbio 1910 is located in Gubbio .
  105. A.S . Gubbio 1910 has 5@@ 300 members .
  106. A@@ EK Athens 's ground is in Athens .
  107. A@@ EK Athens FC played the 20@@ 14@@ -@@ 20@@ 15 season in the Football League ( Greece ) .
  108. The A@@ ZAL Arena is located in Baku .
  109. A@@ ZAL P@@ FK play in the Azerbaijan Pre@@ m@@ ier League .
  110. A@@ Z Al@@ k@@ m@@ a@@ ar played in the E@@ red@@ iv@@ is@@ ie in 20@@ 14@@ -1@@ 5 .
  111. The country of Akron , Ohio , is United States .
  112. Akron is located wit@@ h@@ in Summit County , Ohio .
  113. The full name of Akron Summit Assault is ' ' ' Akron Met@@ ro F@@ ut@@ b@@ ol Club Summit Assault . " .
  114. Amsterdam 's leader is E@@ ber@@ h@@ ard van der La@@ an .
  115. Chr@@ ist@@ ian P@@ an@@ u@@ cc@@ i played for Ch@@ el@@ sea F.C .
  116. Chr@@ ist@@ ian P@@ an@@ u@@ cc@@ i plays for Int@@ er M@@ il@@ an .
  117. Frank de Bo@@ er is att@@ ach@@ ed to the club FC Bar@@ c@@ e@@ lon@@ a .
  118. The ground of A.S . Gubbio 1910 is found in the U@@ ct@@ r@@ ia .
  119. Ser@@ g@@ io M@@ att@@ are@@ lla is the leader of Italy .
  120. Jens Har@@ tel plays for FC S@@ ach@@ s@@ en Le@@ ip@@ z@@ ig .
  121. J@@ org@@ e H@@ umber@@ to Ro@@ d@@ ri@@ gu@@ e@@ z plays for FC Dallas .
  122. Lu@@ ci@@ ano Sp@@ al@@ let@@ t@@ i plays for U@@ d@@ inese Calcio .
  123. Mas@@ si@@ m@@ o Dr@@ ago plays for A.@@ S@@ .D . S@@ .S . N@@ ola 192@@ 5 .
  124. Michele Marcolini plays for A@@ tal@@ ant@@ a B@@ .C .
  125. Michele Marcolini plays for V@@ ic@@ en@@ z@@ a Calcio .
  126. Peter St@@ o@@ ger plays for 1 . FC K@@ ö@@ l@@ n .
  127. R@@ ol@@ ando Mar@@ an has be@@ en as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with F.C . Bar@@ i 190@@ 8 .
  128. Sport@@ par@@ k D@@ e T@@ o@@ e@@ k@@ om@@ st is operated by J@@ ong Ajax .
  129. St. Vinc@@ ent@@ -@@ St . Mary High School is in the United States .
  130. The 1 Decembrie 1918 University is s@@ it@@ u@@ ated in the state of Alba .
  131. The president of the Acharya Institute of Technology is B@@ .@@ M . R@@ ed@@ dy .
  132. M@@ a@@ he , India is to the n@@ or@@ th@@ west of Kerala .
  133. The ne@@ igh@@ b@@ our@@ ing mun@@ icip@@ ality of Mendrisio is M@@ er@@ ide .
  134. The capital of Romania is Bu@@ char@@ est .
  135. T@@ hom@@ as Pal@@ le@@ s@@ en is de@@ an of the School of Business and Social Sciences at the Aarhus University .
  136. The School of Business and Social Sciences at the Aarhus University has 16@@ 000 students .
  137. Alan Bean is from the United States .
  138. Buzz Aldrin was a backup pilot on the Apollo 8 m@@ iss@@ ion .
  139. Buzz Aldrin graduated from Mas@@ s@@ ach@@ us@@ et@@ ts Institute of Technology , Sc@@ .D . 1963 .
  140. Buzz Aldrin was a member of the Apollo 11 crew .
  141. Buzz Aldrin was h@@ ired by NASA in 1963 .
  142. California 's g@@ em@@ st@@ one is B@@ en@@ it@@ o@@ ite .
  143. Elliot See died on F@@ e@@ b@@ ru@@ ar@@ y 2@@ 8 , 196@@ 6 .
  144. Elliot See died in St. Louis .
  145. Elliot See is de@@ c@@ e@@ as@@ ed .
  146. The character A@@ p@@ ri@@ l O '@@ Ne@@ al was created by K@@ ev@@ in E@@ ast@@ man .
  147. Bananaman is bro@@ adc@@ ast@@ ed by the BBC .
  148. B@@ en U@@ r@@ ich 's full name is act@@ u@@ all@@ y B@@ en@@ j@@ am@@ in U@@ r@@ ich .
  149. B@@ ib@@ b@@ o B@@ ib@@ b@@ ow@@ s@@ k@@ i was created by J@@ er@@ ry O@@ r@@ d@@ way .
  150. B@@ o B@@ ib@@ b@@ ow@@ s@@ k@@ i is o@@ th@@ er@@ w@@ is@@ e known as B@@ ib@@ b@@ o .
  151. B@@ ill O@@ d@@ di@@ e was born in L@@ anc@@ ash@@ ire .
  152. The Blac@@ k P@@ ir@@ ate is also known as J@@ on V@@ al@@ or .
  153. John Bus@@ c@@ em@@ a w@@ on the E@@ is@@ ner A@@ w@@ ard .
  154. The nationality of K@@ ar@@ l K@@ es@@ el is American .
  155. Mar@@ v W@@ olf@@ man w@@ on the K@@ ir@@ by A@@ w@@ ard .
  156. Peter L@@ air@@ d is from the United States .
  157. S@@ cott Ad@@ si@@ t was born in N@@ or@@ th@@ bro@@ o@@ k , Illinois .
  158. The area code for Al@@ ban@@ y , Georg@@ ia is 2@@ 2@@ 9 .
  159. Al@@ ban@@ y , O@@ reg@@ on is part of the United States .
  160. The leader of Al@@ bu@@ qu@@ er@@ qu@@ e in New Mexico is the M@@ ay@@ or .
  161. The leader of Al@@ bu@@ qu@@ er@@ qu@@ e in New Mexico is the New Mexico House of Re@@ pre@@ s@@ ent@@ at@@ iv@@ es .
  162. The leader of Al@@ bu@@ qu@@ er@@ qu@@ e in New Mexico is the New Mexico S@@ en@@ ate .
  163. Am@@ ar@@ ill@@ o , Texas has a t@@ ot@@ al area of 2@@ 3@@ 3@@ .@@ 9 square k@@ ilo@@ metres .
  164. Am@@ ar@@ ill@@ o is part of R@@ and@@ all County in Texas .
  165. And@@ ers@@ on is part of Rich@@ land Township , Mad@@ is@@ on County , Indiana .
  166. Angola , Indiana is 3@@ 2@@ 4@@ .0 above sea level .
  167. The area code for Antio@@ ch , California is 9@@ 2@@ 5 .
  168. Antio@@ ch , California is part of Cont@@ ra Co@@ st@@ a County , California .
  169. The popul@@ ation d@@ ens@@ ity of Ar@@ l@@ ington , Texas is 14@@ 7@@ 2@@ .0 inh@@ ab@@ it@@ ants per square k@@ ilo@@ met@@ r@@ e .
  170. The leader of At@@ lant@@ a is the K@@ as@@ im Re@@ y@@ . .
  171. The t@@ ot@@ al area of Atlantic City , New Jersey is 4@@ 4@@ .@@ 1@@ 2@@ 5 square k@@ ilo@@ metres .
  172. Atlantic City , New Jersey is part of New Jersey .
  173. At@@ t@@ ica , Indiana is located at 16@@ 6@@ .0 above sea level .
  174. A@@ ub@@ ur@@ n is part of Le@@ e County , Al@@ ab@@ ama .
  175. The t@@ ot@@ al area of A@@ ub@@ ur@@ n , Washington is 7@@ 7@@ .@@ 4@@ 1 square k@@ ilo@@ metres .
  176. Austin is part of Texas .
  177. The Spanish language is spoken in California .
  178. The largest city in De@@ K@@ al@@ b County , Georg@@ ia , is D@@ un@@ w@@ oo@@ d .
  179. F@@ ul@@ ton County , Georg@@ ia is in the United States .
  180. And@@ ers@@ on is the count@@ y se@@ at of Mad@@ is@@ on County , Indiana .
  181. Michigan is in the U.S .
  182. The largest city in Michigan is D@@ ut@@ t@@ it .
  183. O@@ ran@@ ge County , California is located wit@@ h@@ in the United States .
  184. The largest city in O@@ reg@@ on is P@@ or@@ t@@ le . O@@ reg@@ on is the largest city in O@@ reg@@ on .
  185. The largest city in T@@ ar@@ ran@@ t County , Texas is For@@ t W@@ orth .
  186. Barack Obama is the leader of the United States .
  187. The United States House of Re@@ pre@@ s@@ ent@@ at@@ iv@@ es is located in the United States C@@ ap@@ it@@ ol .
  188. P@@ e@@ c@@ or@@ ino Rom@@ ano is an ingredient of Amatriciana sauce .
  189. A@@ n im@@ port@@ ant ingredient in arr@@ abbiata sauce is ch@@ il@@ i pe@@ pp@@ er .
  190. White rice is an ingredient in Ar@@ ro@@ s negre .
  191. Ar@@ ro@@ s negre is from Catalon@@ ia .
  192. Ar@@ ro@@ s negre comes from the region of the V@@ al@@ en@@ ci@@ an Community .
  193. Ayam penyet is from the Singapore region .
  194. T@@ om@@ ato is an ingredient in the BLT .
  195. Baked Alaska is from the region of Hong Kong .
  196. Bakewell pudding can be served e@@ it@@ h@@ er w@@ ar@@ m or col@@ d .
  197. Bandeja paisa is ty@@ p@@ ical Colomb@@ ian cuisine .
  198. Ch@@ ich@@ arr@@ ó@@ n is an ingredient in Bandeja paisa .
  199. Bandeja paisa is from the P@@ aisa region .
  200. Bar@@ ny c@@ akes have 1@@ 8 gr@@ ams of c@@ ar@@ b@@ s .
  201. Batagor and sh@@ umai are vari@@ ation@@ s on the s@@ ame dish .
  202. The main ingredients of Batagor are fried f@@ ish d@@ um@@ pl@@ ing@@ s , t@@ o@@ f@@ u and vegetables in pe@@ an@@ ut sauce .
  203. Sh@@ rim@@ p is an ingredient in Batchoy .
  204. Beef kway teow comes from the country of Indonesia .
  205. B@@ haj@@ i and b@@ aj@@ ji are alternative nam@@ es for Bhajji .
  206. T@@ ar@@ o is an ingredient in Binignit .
  207. Bionico can be vari@@ ed by us@@ ing co@@ tt@@ age ch@@ e@@ ese .
  208. Bionico is from the region of J@@ al@@ is@@ co .
  209. The bir@@ d of bir@@ d is B@@ ir@@ d .
  210. The currency of India is the Indian ru@@ pe@@ e .
  211. Sum@@ itra M@@ ah@@ aj@@ an is a leader in India .
  212. The language of Indonesia is Indones@@ ian .
  213. The leader of J@@ al@@ is@@ co is Ar@@ ist@@ ot@@ el@@ es Sand@@ ov@@ al .
  214. The ethnic group of Java is the Ban@@ y@@ um@@ as@@ an people .
  215. Malaysian Mal@@ ay is an ethnic group in Malaysia .
  216. S@@ il@@ v@@ ano Au@@ re@@ ol@@ es Con@@ ej@@ o is the leader of Mexico .
  217. Spanish is one language spoken in New York .
  218. Sh@@ umai is a dish that is popular in Ch@@ ina .
  219. P@@ e@@ an@@ ut sauce is an ingredient of Siomay .
  220. Malay@@ s are an ethnic group in Sum@@ at@@ ra .
  221. Dav@@ id C@@ am@@ er@@ on is a leader in the U@@ K .
  222. The 11th Mississippi Infantry Monument , established in 2000 , f@@ alls un@@ der the category of Cont@@ ributing property .
  223. The 14th New Jersey Volunteer Infantry Monument is located on the Monocacy National Battlefield which has Frederick , Maryland as its ne@@ ar@@ est city .
  224. The Baku Turkish Martyrs ' Memorial is d@@ edic@@ ated to the O@@ tt@@ om@@ an Ar@@ m@@ y s@@ ol@@ di@@ ers k@@ ill@@ ed in the Batt@@ le of Baku . The mem@@ orial is in Azerbaijan .
  225. The Baku Turkish Martyrs Memorial is d@@ edic@@ ated to the O@@ tt@@ om@@ an Ar@@ m@@ y s@@ ol@@ di@@ ers k@@ ill@@ ed in the Batt@@ le of Baku and is known in name is Tur@@ k Se@@ h@@ it@@ l@@ er@@ i An@@ it@@ i .
  226. The United States is home to the ethnic group of African Americans and is where the Akron , Ohio is located .
  227. Al@@ ban@@ y is part of O@@ reg@@ on which is part of O@@ reg@@ on . S@@ al@@ em is the capital of O@@ reg@@ on .
  228. The leader of Al@@ bu@@ qu@@ er@@ qu@@ e , New Mexico , is United States House of Re@@ pre@@ s@@ ent@@ at@@ iv@@ es .
  229. Am@@ ar@@ ill@@ o is part of Texas , in the United States .
  230. The United States House of Re@@ pre@@ s@@ ent@@ at@@ iv@@ es lead@@ s An@@ a@@ he@@ im , California which is part of California .
  231. An@@ a@@ he@@ im is part of O@@ ran@@ ge County , California in the United States .
  232. And@@ ers@@ on is part of Adams Township , Mad@@ is@@ on County , Indiana , U.S .
  233. The t@@ ot@@ al area of Antio@@ ch , California is 7@@ 5@@ .@@ 3@@ 2@@ 4 square k@@ m . It is 1@@ 3@@ .0 above sea level .
  234. The t@@ ot@@ al area of Ar@@ l@@ ington , Texas is 25@@ 8@@ .@@ 2 square k@@ ilo@@ metres and is located at 2@@ 4@@ .0 above sea level .
  235. Ar@@ l@@ ington is part of Texas , in the United States .
  236. At@@ lant@@ a is located in Georg@@ ia in the United States .
  237. Atlantic City , New Jersey is in Atlantic County , New Jersey , in the United States .
  238. Atlantic City , New Jersey is in the United States where the capital is Washington , D.C .
  239. Atlantic City , New Jersey is in Atlantic County , New Jersey , in the United States .
  240. The popul@@ ation d@@ ens@@ ity of Atlantic City , New Jersey is 4@@ 4@@ .@@ 1@@ 2@@ 5 square k@@ ilo@@ metres and has a popul@@ ation d@@ ens@@ ity of 14@@ 21@@ .@@ 2 inh@@ ab@@ it@@ ants per square k@@ ilo@@ met@@ r@@ e .
  241. A@@ ub@@ ur@@ n is part of P@@ i@@ er@@ ce County , Washington , United States .
  242. Al@@ ban@@ y , O@@ reg@@ on is part of the United States where the capital is Washington D@@ C .
  243. Am@@ ar@@ ill@@ o , Texas is in the United States where the capital is Washington D@@ C .
  244. The United States is home to African Americans and is the orig@@ in place of Al@@ bu@@ qu@@ er@@ qu@@ e , New Mexico .
  245. Al@@ ban@@ y , Georg@@ ia is in the United States where Native Americans are one of the ethnic groups .
  246. A@@ ub@@ ur@@ n , Al@@ ab@@ ama is in the United States where the Native Americans are an ethnic group .
  247. The English language is spoken in the United States where Akron , Ohio is the cap@@ it@@ ion .
  248. The leader of the United States is known as the President . The Al@@ bu@@ qu@@ er@@ qu@@ e , New Mexico is in the United States .
  249. T@@ om@@ ato is an ingredient of Amatriciana sauce , which comes from Italy .
  250. The country of Indonesia , where J@@ us@@ u@@ f K@@ all@@ a is the leader , com@@ mon@@ ly serves Arem-arem .
  251. Arr@@ abbiata sauce is from Italy where the Italian language is spoken .
  252. Arr@@ abbiata sauce is from Italy where Ser@@ g@@ io M@@ att@@ are@@ lla is the leader .
  253. A@@ n im@@ port@@ ant ingredient in arr@@ abbiata sauce , which can be found in Italy , is ch@@ il@@ i pe@@ pp@@ er .
  254. Ar@@ ro@@ s negre comes from the region of the V@@ al@@ en@@ ci@@ an Community in Spain .
  255. The main ingredients of Asam pedas are f@@ ish c@@ ook@@ ed in sou@@ r and ho@@ t sauce . Asam pedas is a dish that is popular in Indonesia .
  256. Ayam penyet is a popular dish in Malaysia and Indonesia .
  257. BLT is a variation of bo@@ th the club sandwich and the bacon sandwich .
  258. Bacon and s@@ aus@@ age are ingredients in a Bacon Explosion .
  259. A bacon sandwich has di@@ f@@ fer@@ ent nam@@ es inclu@@ ding : Bacon but@@ ty , bacon s@@ arn@@ ie , r@@ ash@@ er sandwich , bacon s@@ an@@ ger , pi@@ e@@ ce ' n bacon , bacon co@@ b , bacon b@@ ar@@ m and bacon m@@ u@@ ff@@ in . The main ingredient is bacon .
  260. B@@ re@@ ad is an ingredient of the bacon sandwich which has a variation known as the BLT .
  261. Sp@@ on@@ ge c@@ ake is an ingredient in b@@ ak@@ ed al@@ aska which comes from France .
  262. Baked Alaska is from the country of France , which is led by Man@@ u@@ el V@@ alls .
  263. Baked Alaska , made with m@@ er@@ ing@@ ue , comes from the United States .
  264. A vari@@ ant of b@@ ak@@ ewell pudding is b@@ ak@@ ewell tart which has f@@ ru@@ it pre@@ serves as an ingredient .
  265. Ver@@ m@@ ic@@ ell@@ i is an ingredient of the dish Bakso which is a dish from Indonesia .
  266. C@@ el@@ ery is in the family of A@@ pi@@ aceae .
  267. Bandeja paisa is a dish from Colomb@@ ian cuisine and one of the ingredients is Ch@@ ich@@ arr@@ ó@@ n .
  268. Bar@@ ny c@@ akes are found in France where C@@ l@@ au@@ de Bar@@ t@@ olon@@ e is a leader .
  269. P@@ e@@ an@@ ut sauce is an ingredient of b@@ at@@ agor which is a dish from Indonesia .
  270. P@@ e@@ an@@ ut sauce is an ingredient of b@@ at@@ agor , which is a variation of Siomay .
  271. Pal@@ m s@@ u@@ g@@ ar is an ingredient of Beef kway teow which is a popular dish in Singapore .
  272. Beef kway teow is a popular dish in Singapore , where H@@ al@@ im@@ ah Y@@ aco@@ b is a leader .
  273. K@@ way teow , beef ten@@ der lo@@ in , gu@@ l@@ a M@@ el@@ aka , s@@ l@@ ic@@ ed , d@@ ried b@@ lac@@ k be@@ ans , g@@ arl@@ ic , d@@ ark s@@ o@@ y sauce , Beef K@@ way Te@@ o@@ w is made in Singapore and Indonesia .
  274. Bhajji com@@ e from India where the people are known as Indi@@ ans .
  275. Bhajji comes from the country India where T@@ .S . T@@ hak@@ ur is the leader .
  276. The I@@ g@@ or@@ o@@ t people are an ethnic group in the Philippines where Binignit is a t@@ r@@ ad@@ it@@ ional dish .
  277. The Philippin@@ e dish of b@@ inignit contains ban@@ ana and s@@ weet potato .
  278. The main ingredients of Binignit are the s@@ weet potato and ban@@ ana .
  279. Bionico is a food found in Mexico where E@@ n@@ ri@@ qu@@ e Pena N@@ iet@@ o is the leader .
  280. Gran@@ ola is an ingredient of Bionico which comes from the Gu@@ ad@@ al@@ aj@@ ara region .
  281. C@@ ake is a variation of dessert s@@ u@@ ch as Bionico , which l@@ ik@@ e c@@ ake .
  282. Bakso is a dish from the country of Indonesia , where Jo@@ k@@ o W@@ id@@ o@@ d@@ o is the leader .
  283. Sh@@ i@@ it@@ ake is a k@@ ey ingredient of Sh@@ umai which is a variation of Batagor .
  284. Aarhus Airport is operated by Aarhus Lu@@ f@@ th@@ av@@ e A / S and the length of the runway is 27@@ 7@@ 7@@ .0 .
  285. Adolfo Su@@ are@@ z Madri@@ d@@ -@@ Barajas airport is located at Madrid , P@@ arac@@ u@@ el@@ los de J@@ ar@@ ama , San Se@@ b@@ ast@@ i@@ án de los Re@@ y@@ es and Al@@ cobendas and is 6@@ 1@@ 0 metres above sea level . The airport is located at Madrid , P@@ arac@@ u@@ el@@ los de J@@ ar@@ ama , San Se@@ b@@ ast@@ i@@ án de los Re@@ y@@ es and Al@@ cobendas .
  286. Adolfo Suárez Madrid – Barajas Airport can be found in Madrid , P@@ arac@@ u@@ el@@ los de J@@ ar@@ ama , San Se@@ b@@ ast@@ i@@ án de los Re@@ y@@ es and Al@@ cobendas . It has a runway length of 35@@ 00 .
  287. Agra Airport is located in Uttar Pradesh which is part of A@@ w@@ ad@@ h .
  288. Al Asad air@@ base is located at Al An@@ b@@ ar Province , Iraq and has a runway length of 30@@ 90 met@@ ers .
  289. The Al Asad Airbase is in Iraq , where the language spoken is Arab@@ ic .
  290. The United States Air Force was in@@ v@@ ol@@ v@@ ed in batt@@ les at the In@@ v@@ as@@ ion of Gr@@ en@@ ad@@ a and oper@@ ates the Al Asad Airbase .
  291. The 1st runway at Alderney Airport is made from Poaceae which is in the Mon@@ o@@ co@@ ty@@ le@@ d@@ on c@@ l@@ as@@ s .
  292. The 1st runway at Alderney Airport is made from As@@ ph@@ al@@ t and has a length of 8@@ 7@@ 7@@ .0 .
  293. Allama Iqbal International airport is located in Pakistan where the leader is An@@ w@@ ar Z@@ a@@ he@@ er J@@ am@@ al@@ i .
  294. Allama Iqbal International Airport is located in Punjab , Pakistan and has a runway length of 2@@ 9@@ 00 .
  295. Amsterdam airport Sch@@ i@@ po@@ l is -@@ 3@@ .@@ 35@@ 2@@ 8 above sea level and the first runway is 3@@ 8@@ 00 metres .
  296. Amsterdam Airport Schiphol is -@@ 3@@ .@@ 35@@ 2@@ 8 metres above sea level and the first runway is made from as@@ ph@@ al@@ t .
  297. Amsterdam Airport Schiphol 's runway length is 20@@ 14@@ .0 and it serves Amsterdam .
  298. The Amsterdam Airport Schiphol , which serves the city of Amsterdam , has a runway length of 3@@ 3@@ 00.0 .
  299. Andrews County Airport is located in Texas where Hou@@ st@@ on is the largest city .
  300. Angola International Airport serves Lu@@ and@@ a and it is 3@@ 8@@ 00 lon@@ g .
  301. The 3rd runway at Ardmore Airport ( New Zealand ) is made of Poaceae and has a runway length of 5@@ 97@@ .0 .
  302. Ashgabat International Airport is 2@@ 11 metres above sea level and the 1st runway has a length of 1@@ 2@@ 4@@ 6@@ 7 fe@@ et .
  303. Ashgabat International Airport is operated by Turkmenistan Air@@ lines , whose headquar@@ ters are located in Turkmenistan .
  304. Atlantic City International Airport is located at Egg Harbor Township , New Jersey , in the United States .
  305. Atlantic City International Airport is operated by the P@@ ort Authority of New York and New Jersey and has the runway name 4 / 2@@ 2 .
  306. The Atlantic City International Airport is operated by the P@@ ort Authority of New York and New Jersey , its runway length is 30@@ 4@@ 8@@ .0 .
  307. Inf@@ ra@@ ero , located in Bras@@ il@@ ia , oper@@ ates Afonso Pena International Airport .
  308. 1 FC Mag@@ de@@ burg has 27@@ 250 members and played in the Reg@@ ion@@ all@@ ig@@ a in 20@@ 14@@ -1@@ 5 season .
  309. Verona , Italy is the home to A.C . Chievo Verona which has 39@@ 3@@ 7@@ 1 members .
  310. The manager of A.C . Chievo Verona is R@@ ol@@ ando Mar@@ an , who was born in Italy .
  311. A.@@ D . Isidro Met@@ apan 's manager is J@@ org@@ e H@@ umber@@ to Ro@@ d@@ ri@@ gu@@ e@@ z who plays for FC Dallas .
  312. A.@@ E Dimitra Efxeinoupolis has 15@@ 00 members and w@@ ere in the 2014 – 15 A E@@ P@@ S@@ T@@ H , Greece .
  313. The manager of A.F.C . Blackpool is Stuart Parker ( footballer ) who plays for Black@@ bur@@ n R@@ ov@@ ers F.C .
  314. The manager of A.F.C . Blackpool is Stuart Parker ( footballer ) who is att@@ ach@@ ed to I@@ r@@ l@@ am T@@ own Football Club .
  315. A.F.C . Fylde has 3@@ 18@@ 0 members and its ground is in L@@ anc@@ ash@@ ire .
  316. The ground of A.S . Gubbio 1910 is located in Gubbio , the te@@ am has 5@@ 300 members .
  317. A.S . Livorno Calcio 's ground is in Livorno , and the@@ y play in the Serie B league .
  318. A.S . Livorno Calcio are manag@@ ed by Chr@@ ist@@ ian P@@ an@@ u@@ cc@@ i who plays for A.S . Roma .
  319. The manager of AC@@ F F@@ io@@ r@@ ent@@ ina is Pau@@ l@@ o Sou@@ s@@ a , who played for J@@ u@@ v@@ ent@@ us FC .
  320. The full name of AC@@ F F@@ io@@ r@@ ent@@ ia is " AC@@ F F@@ io@@ r@@ ent@@ ina S@@ .@@ p@@ .A . " and the@@ y have 4@@ 7@@ 2@@ 90 members .
  321. A@@ EK Athens F.C 's ground is in Greece and has 6@@ 9@@ 6@@ 1@@ 8 members .
  322. The Ol@@ ym@@ p@@ ic Stad@@ ium ( Athens ) is the home ground of A@@ EK Athens FC who compet@@ e in the Su@@ per@@ league Greece .
  323. AFC Ajax ( am@@ at@@ eur@@ s ) ' s ground is Sport@@ par@@ k D@@ e T@@ o@@ e@@ k@@ om@@ st , ten@@ ant@@ ed by J@@ ong Ajax .
  324. A@@ ZAL Arena is the ground of A@@ ZAL P@@ FK , it is in Sh@@ u@@ v@@ al@@ an , Baku , Azerbaijan .
  325. Akron Summit Assault play in the 20@@ 11 P@@ D@@ L season and has 3@@ 000 members .
  326. The ground of A.S . Gubbio 1910 is located in the country of Gubbio , the te@@ am .
  327. The ground of A.S . Gubbio 1910 is located in Italy where Pietro Grasso is the leader .
  328. Lu@@ ci@@ ano Sp@@ al@@ let@@ t@@ i plays for E@@ m@@ pol@@ i F@@ .@@ C@@ . and manag@@ es A@@ S Roma .
  329. Eric Flint is the author of 1634 : The Bavarian Crisis , which was preceded by The Grantville Gazett@@ es .
  330. 1634 : The Ram Rebellion , written by Virginia DeMarce , is av@@ a@@ il@@ ab@@ le as an E@@ -@@ B@@ ook .
  331. AIP Advances ( abbre@@ vi@@ ated to " AIP Adv@@ . " ) has the ISSN number of " 2@@ 15@@ 8 " .
  332. A Fortress of Grey Ice was written by J V J@@ on@@ es and is in pr@@ int .
  333. A Fortress of Grey Ice has 6@@ 7@@ 2 pages and the ISBN number 0-@@ 76@@ 5@@ 3@@ -0@@ 63@@ 3@@ -@@ 6 .
  334. A Glastonbury Romance was written by John C@@ ow@@ per P@@ ow@@ y@@ s and was followed by W@@ e@@ ym@@ ou@@ th Sand@@ s .
  335. A Long Long Way was published in pr@@ int and p@@ ap@@ erb@@ ack with the O@@ C@@ L@@ C number 5@@ 7@@ 39@@ 2@@ 2@@ 4@@ 6 .
  336. A Long Long Way is 2@@ 9@@ 2 pages lon@@ g and has the ISBN number 0-@@ 6@@ 7@@ 0-0@@ 3@@ 3@@ 8@@ 0-@@ 4 .
  337. A Long Long Way was published by V@@ ik@@ ing Press who have the par@@ ent company P@@ en@@ gu@@ in R@@ and@@ o@@ m House .
  338. A Loyal Character Dancer was p@@ enn@@ ed by Q@@ i@@ u X@@ ia@@ olon@@ g , is in pr@@ int .
  339. The O@@ C@@ L@@ C number of A Severed Wasp is 8@@ 8@@ 0@@ 5@@ 73@@ 5 and the ISBN number is 0-@@ 3@@ 7@@ 4@@ -2@@ 6@@ 1@@ 3@@ 1-@@ 8 .
  340. A Severed Wasp is a h@@ ardcover book with the O@@ C@@ L@@ C number 8@@ 8@@ 0@@ 5@@ 73@@ 5 .
  341. A Severed Wasp is in the English language , which is spoken in Great Britain .
  342. A Severed Wasp is in pr@@ int and has the ISBN number " 0-@@ 3@@ 7@@ 4@@ -2@@ 6@@ 1@@ 3@@ 1-@@ 8 " .
  343. Sp@@ r@@ ing@@ er Science and Business Med@@ ia is the publisher of Ab@@ h@@ and@@ l@@ ung@@ en aus de@@ m Mathemat@@ is@@ ch@@ en Sem@@ in@@ ar der Universit@@ ä@@ t H@@ am@@ burg , which was found@@ ed by Jul@@ i@@ us Sp@@ r@@ ing@@ er .
  344. Alcatraz Versus the Evil Librarians is con@@ sid@@ ered F@@ ant@@ as@@ y l@@ it@@ er@@ at@@ ure and has the ISBN number 0-@@ 4@@ 39@@ -@@ 9@@ 25@@ 5@@ 0-@@ 9 .
  345. Alcatraz Versus the Evil Librarians has the O@@ C@@ L@@ C number 7@@ 8@@ 7@@ 7@@ 11@@ 00 and the ISBN number 0-@@ 4@@ 39@@ -@@ 9@@ 25@@ 5@@ 0-@@ 9 .
  346. Alcatraz Versus the Evil Librarians was written by Br@@ and@@ on Sand@@ ers@@ on and was followed by Alcatraz Versus the Sc@@ r@@ iv@@ en@@ er 's B@@ on@@ es .
  347. A@@ m . J@@ . Mat@@ h is the abbreviation for the American Journal of Mathematics which comes un@@ der the academic discipline of Mathematics .
  348. John@@ s H@@ op@@ kins University is the par@@ ent company of the John@@ s H@@ op@@ kins University Press which publish@@ es the American Journal of Mathematics .
  349. 1634 The Ram Rebellion was written in the U.S where the capital is Washington , D.C .
  350. A Fortress of Grey Ice is from the United States where the capital is Washington D@@ C .
  351. A Fortress of Grey Ice is from the United States where one of the ethnic groups is African Americans .
  352. A Wizard of Mars was Publ@@ ished in the United States where one of the ethnic groups is African American .
  353. A Wizard of Mars was Publ@@ ished in the United States where one of the ethnic groups is Asian Americans .
  354. The 1 Decembrie 1918 University has the n@@ ick@@ name U@@ ab and is located in the state of Alba .
  355. The Acharya Institute of Technology is affiliated with Visvesvaraya Technological University and is affiliated with the Visvesvaraya Technological University in Belg@@ au@@ m .
  356. The President of the Acharya Institute of Technology is B@@ .@@ M . R@@ ed@@ dy and the un@@ ivers@@ ity is located in the city of Bangalore .
  357. Acharya Institute of Technology was g@@ iv@@ en the ' Techn@@ ical Camp@@ us ' status by the Al@@ l India Council for Techn@@ ical E@@ du@@ c@@ ation which is located in M@@ um@@ ba@@ i .
  358. AWH Engineering College is located in Kerala where the leader is K@@ o@@ ch@@ i .
  359. A@@ p@@ ri@@ l O '@@ Ne@@ il was created by Peter L@@ air@@ d , who is from the United States .
  360. J@@ ill Sh@@ ill@@ ing st@@ ar@@ ed in Bananaman , bro@@ adc@@ ast@@ ed by the BBC .
  361. G@@ ra@@ em@@ e G@@ ard@@ en st@@ ar@@ s in Bananaman , bro@@ adc@@ ast@@ ed by S@@ T@@ V .
  362. T@@ im Bro@@ o@@ k@@ e T@@ ay@@ lor was born in Derbyshire and starr@@ ed in Bananaman .
  363. Baymax first ap@@ pe@@ ar@@ ed in the film Big Hero 6 , which starr@@ ed Alan T@@ ud@@ y@@ k .
  364. Baymax first ap@@ pe@@ ar@@ ed in the film Big Hero 6 , starr@@ ing S@@ cott Ad@@ si@@ t .
  365. Baymax is a character in Big Hero 6 and was created by St@@ ev@@ e T@@ . Se@@ ag@@ le .
  366. The character of B@@ en U@@ r@@ ich , whose full name is B@@ en@@ j@@ am@@ in U@@ r@@ ich , was created by the comic book writ@@ er Ro@@ ger Mc@@ K@@ en@@ z@@ ie .
  367. B@@ ib@@ b@@ o B@@ ib@@ b@@ ow@@ s@@ k@@ i was created by Mar@@ v W@@ olf@@ man and J@@ er@@ ry O@@ r@@ d@@ way .
  368. B@@ o B@@ ib@@ b@@ ow@@ s@@ k@@ i , o@@ th@@ er@@ w@@ is@@ e known as B@@ ib@@ b@@ o , was created by Mar@@ v W@@ olf@@ man .
  369. Alan Bean was born on M@@ ar 15 , 193@@ 2 and is no@@ w retired .
  370. Alan Shepard is de@@ c@@ e@@ as@@ ed and was a test pilot .
  371. Buzz Aldrin was born in Glen Ridge , New Jersey on 20 J@@ an@@ uar@@ y 193@@ 0 .
  372. Buzz Aldrin was born in Glen Ridge , E@@ s@@ se@@ x County , New Jersey .
  373. William Anders , born in British Hong Kong , was a crew member of Apollo 8 .
  374. William Anders is no@@ w retired . He graduated from A@@ F@@ I@@ T , M@@ .S@@ . in 1962 .
  375. 10@@ 8 St Georg@@ es T@@ er@@ r@@ ace has 5@@ 0 floors and was completed in 198@@ 8 .
  376. 200 Public Square has 4@@ 5 floors and is located in the United States .
  377. 20 Fenchurch Street has 3@@ 4 floors and a floor area of 6@@ 2@@ 14@@ 5@@ .@@ 3 square metres .
  378. 300 North LaSalle is located in Chicago and has 6@@ 0 floors .
  379. 3@@ 20 South Bo@@ st@@ on Bu@@ il@@ ding was designed by the architect Georg@@ e W@@ in@@ k@@ l@@ er of the United States .
  380. H@@ O@@ K S@@ V@@ E was the architect of the 3Arena , which is located at E@@ ast L@@ in@@ k B@@ ri@@ d@@ ge .
  381. The 3Arena , designed by the company P@@ op@@ ul@@ ou@@ s , is located in Dublin .
  382. The tenant of the AC Hotel Bella Sky in Copenhagen is the Marriott International Hotel .
  383. The architect of Adare Manor was Georg@@ e Rich@@ ard P@@ ain and the building was completed in 18@@ 6@@ 2 .
  384. Adare Manor is located in Adare , County L@@ im@@ erick .
  385. Addis Ababa City Hall is located in Addis Ababa , Ethiopia .
  386. Adisham Hall is located at H@@ ap@@ ut@@ ale , Sri Lanka and has the archite@@ ct@@ ur@@ al st@@ yle ' T@@ ud@@ or Re@@ v@@ iv@@ al ' .
  387. Adisham Hall has the T@@ ud@@ or Re@@ v@@ iv@@ al archite@@ ct@@ ur@@ al st@@ yle , and is located in Sri Lanka .
  388. Akita Museum of Art is located in Japan where the Braz@@ ili@@ ans are an ethnic group .
  389. The add@@ ress of Akita M@@ us@@ u@@ em of Art is 14@@ 2 N@@ ak@@ ad@@ or@@ i , it has 3 floors .
  390. The add@@ ress of Amdavad ni Gufa is L@@ al@@ b@@ h@@ ai D@@ al@@ p@@ at@@ b@@ h@@ ai Camp@@ us , ne@@ ar C@@ E@@ P@@ T University , op@@ p . Gu@@ j@@ ar@@ at University , University Road , which is located in Gu@@ j@@ ar@@ at .
  391. The Ampara Hospital is s@@ it@@ u@@ ated in the Eastern Province state of Sri Lanka w@@ ere Austin F@@ ern@@ ando is the leader .
  392. Asser Levy Public Baths are located in New York City , United States .
  393. Asser Levy Public Baths are located in New York City which is part of Bro@@ o@@ k@@ l@@ y@@ n .
  394. Adare Manor is located in County L@@ im@@ erick , M@@ un@@ st@@ er .
  395. 3 Arena is located in Dublin , Republic of Ireland .
  396. Alan Bean is an American who was born in Wheeler , Texas . He is no@@ w retired .
  397. Buzz Aldrin was born in Glen Ridge , New Jersey and was a United States national where Jo@@ e B@@ iden is the leader .
  398. Buzz Aldrin is a US national who was born in the Mas@@ s@@ ach@@ us@@ et@@ ts Institute of Technology , Sc@@ .D . 1963 and was selected by NASA in 1963 .
  399. Elliot See was born in Dallas , US and was a stud@@ ent at the University of Texas at Austin .
  400. Elliot See , who graduated from the University of Texas at Austin , was selected by NASA in 1962 and died in St. Louis .
  401. Elliot See graduated from the University of Texas at Austin where Fran@@ c@@ is G S@@ l@@ ay is the m@@ ay@@ or . He died in St. Louis .
  402. Elliot See died in St. Louis which was on@@ ce part of the Kingdom of France and died on F@@ e@@ b@@ ru@@ ar@@ y 28@@ th , 196@@ 6 .
  403. The p@@ ur@@ ple f@@ in@@ ch is the bir@@ d of New Hampshire , the bir@@ th@@ place of Alan Shepard , who sp@@ ent 1@@ 30@@ 17@@ .0 min@@ ut@@ es in sp@@ ace .
  404. 1634 : The Bavarian Crisis , written by Virginia DeMarce and Eric Flint , is av@@ a@@ il@@ ab@@ le in pr@@ int f@@ or@@ m and has 4@@ 4@@ 8 pages .
  405. 1634 : The Ram Rebellion is written in English , the language spoken in Great Britain . It was followed by 1634 The G@@ al@@ ile@@ o Af@@ f@@ a@@ ir .
  406. A@@ le@@ x@@ and@@ er L@@ . W@@ ol@@ f is the leader of the Association for Com@@ p@@ ut@@ ing M@@ ach@@ in@@ ery which is headquar@@ t@@ ered in New York City . It is the publisher of AC@@ M T@@ rans@@ act@@ ions on Inf@@ orm@@ ation Syst@@ em@@ s .
  407. The academic discipline of AIDS journal with I@@ BN of 0@@ 2@@ 6@@ 9@@ -@@ 9@@ 3@@ 7@@ 0 is H@@ I@@ V / AIDS . It comes un@@ der the academic discipline H@@ I@@ V / AIDS .
  408. The AIDS journal be@@ lo@@ ng@@ s to the academic discipline , H@@ I@@ V / AIDS and has the ISSN number 14@@ 73@@ -@@ 5@@ 5@@ 7@@ 1 .
  409. A T Charlie Johnson l@@ iv@@ es in the United States and h@@ is alma mater is St@@ an@@ f@@ or@@ d University . He is the ed@@ it@@ or of AIP Advances .
  410. A Fortress of Grey Ice by J@@ .@@ V . J@@ on@@ es has the O@@ C@@ L@@ C number 5@@ 196@@ 9@@ 17@@ 3 and ISBN number 0-@@ 76@@ 5@@ 3@@ -0@@ 63@@ 3@@ -@@ 6 .
  411. Q@@ i@@ u X@@ ia@@ olon@@ g is the author of A Loyal Character Dancer , O@@ C@@ L@@ C number 4@@ 9@@ 8@@ 0@@ 5@@ 5@@ 0@@ 1 and ISBN number is 1-@@ 56@@ 9@@ 4@@ 7@@ -@@ 30@@ 1-@@ 3 .
  412. A Loyal Character Dancer is written in English and published by S@@ oh@@ o Press who are bas@@ ed in the United States .
  413. A Severed Wasp is from the United States and is written in the English language which is spoken in Great Britain .
  414. A Severed Wasp is a h@@ ardcover book with 3@@ 8@@ 8 pages and the O@@ C@@ L@@ C number 8@@ 8@@ 0@@ 5@@ 73@@ 5 .
  415. Ab@@ h@@ and@@ l@@ ung@@ en aus de@@ m Mathemat@@ is@@ ch@@ en Sem@@ in@@ ar der Universit@@ ä@@ t H@@ am@@ burg ( abbre@@ vi@@ at@@ ing to Ab@@ h . Mat@@ h . Sem@@ in . Un@@ i@@ v . H@@ am@@ b@@ g ) has the ISSN number 18@@ 6@@ 5-@@ 8@@ 7@@ 8@@ 4 and the L@@ C@@ C@@ N number 3@@ 20@@ 2@@ 4@@ 4@@ 5@@ 9 .
  416. Above the Veil is the se@@ qu@@ el to A@@ enir which is written in English and is from the country of Aust@@ r@@ al@@ ia .
  417. The book A@@ enir was written by Gar@@ th N@@ i@@ x and was followed by Above the Veil which is written in English .
  418. Above the Veil by Gar@@ th N@@ i@@ x is 2@@ 4@@ 8 pages lon@@ g and is av@@ a@@ il@@ ab@@ le in h@@ ardcover .
  419. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica ( abbre@@ vi@@ ated to Acta Palaeont@@ ol . P@@ ol ) has the L@@ C@@ C@@ N number 6@@ 00@@ 4@@ 0@@ 7@@ 14 and the ISSN number 0@@ 56@@ 7@@ -@@ 7@@ 9@@ 20 .
  420. Addiction Journal , abbre@@ vi@@ ated to Addiction , is ab@@ ou@@ t add@@ iction and has the ISSN number 1@@ 36@@ 0-0@@ 4@@ 4@@ 3 .
  421. John W@@ ile@@ y & S@@ on@@ s is the par@@ ent company of W@@ ile@@ y@@ -@@ Black@@ well which is the publisher of the journal add@@ iction which has the ISSN number 0@@ 9@@ 6@@ 5@@ -2@@ 14@@ 0 .
  422. Cornell University , New York is affiliated with the Association of American Universit@@ ies and is the publisher of the Ad@@ ministrative Science Quarterly .
  423. The book A@@ enir , written in English , was written by Gar@@ th N@@ i@@ x and was followed by Above the Veil .
  424. Alcatraz Versus the Evil Librarians is from The United States and written in English which is the language spoken in Great Britain .
  425. Alcatraz Versus the Evil Librarians is published in H@@ ardcover and has 3@@ 20 pages . The O@@ C@@ L@@ C number is 7@@ 8@@ 7@@ 7@@ 11@@ 00 .
  426. English is spoken in bo@@ th Great Britain and the United States . Alcatraz Versus the Evil Librarians is from The United States .
  427. John C@@ ow@@ per P@@ ow@@ y@@ s was born in Sh@@ ir@@ le@@ y , Derbyshire and is the author of A Glastonbury Romance . He died in B@@ l@@ a@@ en@@ a@@ u F@@ f@@ est@@ in@@ io@@ g and died in B@@ l@@ a@@ en@@ a@@ u F@@ f@@ est@@ in@@ lo@@ g .
  428. S@@ A@@ G@@ E Publ@@ ic@@ ation@@ s , found@@ ed by Sar@@ a Miller Mc@@ C@@ un@@ e publish@@ es the Ad@@ ministrative Science Quarterly which has the ISSN number of 000@@ 1-@@ 8@@ 39@@ 2 .
  429. A Severed Wasp is from the United States where the capital is Washington D@@ C and the Native Americans are an ethnic group .
  430. A Wizard of Mars was written in English and published in the United States where African Americans are one of the ethnic groups .
  431. A Wizard of Mars originates from the United States , where the capital is Washington D@@ . C@@ . and Asian Americans are one of the ethnic groups .
  432. A Wizard of Mars was Publ@@ ished in the United States where Barack Obama is the leader and Asian Americans are one of the ethnic groups .
  433. 1634 The Ram Rebellion comes from the United States where the African Americans are an ethnic group and the leader is called the President .
  434. A Fortress of Grey Ice is from the United States where the leader is known as the President and the Native Americans are an ethnic group .
  435. The manager of FC Mag@@ de@@ burg is Jens Härtel who plays for 1 . FC Lo@@ k@@ om@@ ot@@ ive Le@@ ip@@ z@@ ig and S@@ V Ger@@ m@@ ania Sch@@ on@@ e@@ ic@@ he .
  436. Mas@@ si@@ m@@ o Dr@@ ago has be@@ en the manager of A C Cesena and plays for A.@@ S@@ .D . S@@ .S . N@@ ola 192@@ 5 .
  437. The fullname of A.C . Lumezzane is Associ@@ az@@ ion@@ e Calcio Lumezzane Sp@@ A , the@@ y have 4@@ 15@@ 0 members and play in the L@@ eg@@ a Pr@@ o / A league .
  438. J@@ org@@ e H@@ umber@@ to Ro@@ d@@ ri@@ gu@@ e@@ z manag@@ es the A.@@ D . Isidro Met@@ apan and plays for the E@@ l S@@ al@@ v@@ ad@@ or national footb@@ all te@@ am and Al@@ i@@ an@@ z@@ a FC .
  439. The ch@@ air@@ man of A.@@ E Dimitra Efxeinoupolis is Ant@@ on@@ is M@@ il@@ ion@@ is . It has 15@@ 00 members and its ground is located in the t@@ own of Efxeinoupol@@ i .
  440. AFC Blackpool is located in Blackpool and has 15@@ 00 members . T@@ he@@ ir full name is " Association Football Club Blackpool " and their ground is located in Blackpool .
  441. The manager of A.F.C . Blackpool is Stuart Parker ( footballer ) who is att@@ ach@@ ed to Ch@@ est@@ er@@ field footb@@ all club and plays for R@@ un@@ c@@ orn F.C . H@@ al@@ ton .
  442. Dav@@ e Ch@@ all@@ in@@ or is at Col@@ w@@ y@@ n B@@ ay FC and manag@@ es A.F.C . Fylde . He plays at the St@@ oc@@ k@@ port County F.C .
  443. Livorno , Italy is the location of the ground of A@@ S Livorno Calcio . T@@ he@@ y have 192@@ 3@@ 8 members and the full name of " Livorno Calcio S@@ .@@ p@@ .A " .
  444. A.S . Livorno Calcio are manag@@ ed by Chr@@ ist@@ ian P@@ an@@ u@@ cc@@ i who play in Serie B. C@@ ar@@ p@@ i FC 190@@ 9 are pre@@ v@@ io@@ us champions of that league .
  445. A.S . Livorno Calcio are manag@@ ed by Chr@@ ist@@ ian P@@ an@@ u@@ cc@@ i who has played for Ch@@ el@@ sea FC and was att@@ ach@@ ed to the Re@@ al Madrid C@@ F club .
  446. A@@ EK Athens FC compet@@ e in the Su@@ per@@ league Greece , Ol@@ ym@@ pi@@ aco@@ s FC are pre@@ v@@ io@@ us champions of the te@@ am .
  447. A@@ EK Athens are manag@@ ed by G@@ us Po@@ yet who played for Ch@@ el@@ sea F.C and is in the Re@@ al Z@@ ar@@ ag@@ o@@ z@@ a club .
  448. Am@@ sterd@@ am@@ -@@ C@@ ent@@ r@@ um and E@@ ber@@ h@@ ard van der La@@ an are part of Amsterdam where AFC Ajax is bas@@ ed .
  449. Amsterdam N@@ o@@ or@@ d is part of Amsterdam where E@@ ber@@ h@@ ard van der La@@ an is the leader and AFC Ajax ( am@@ at@@ eur@@ s ) have their ground .
  450. John van den Brom plays for J@@ ong Ajax and is a play@@ er in İ@@ st@@ an@@ b@@ ul@@ sp@@ or A.@@ Ş . He also manag@@ es the A@@ Z Al@@ k@@ m@@ a@@ a@@ ir and plays for J@@ ong Ajax .
  451. Agremiação Sportiva Arapiraquense play their home g@@ am@@ es at the E@@ st@@ ad@@ io Min@@ icip@@ al Co@@ arac@@ y d@@ a Mat@@ a F@@ on@@ se@@ c@@ a located in Braz@@ il . T@@ he@@ ir ground is the E@@ st@@ ad@@ io Min@@ icip@@ al Co@@ arac@@ y d@@ a Mat@@ a F@@ on@@ se@@ c@@ a .
  452. Lu@@ ci@@ ano Sp@@ al@@ let@@ t@@ i manag@@ es A.S . Roma and plays for E@@ m@@ pol@@ i F@@ .@@ C@@ . and E@@ m@@ pol@@ i F@@ .@@ C@@ . as well as manag@@ ing A@@ S Roma .
  453. Mas@@ si@@ m@@ o Dr@@ ago has be@@ en the manager of A C Cesena and plays for bo@@ th S@@ .S . Ch@@ iet@@ i Calcio and A.@@ S@@ .D . L@@ ic@@ ata 193@@ 1 .
  454. Mas@@ si@@ m@@ o Dr@@ ago was on@@ ce a play@@ er for US C@@ ast@@ ro@@ vill@@ ar@@ i Calcio and manag@@ es A.C . Cesena and played for A.@@ S@@ .D . S@@ .S . N@@ ola 192@@ 5 .
  455. Mas@@ si@@ m@@ o Dr@@ ago plays for U.S C@@ ast@@ ro@@ vill@@ ar@@ i Calcio and manag@@ es A.C . Cesena . He also plays for U.S C@@ ast@@ ro@@ vill@@ ar@@ i Calcio and has be@@ en the manager of A C Cesena .
  456. 103 Colmore Row is located at Colmore Row and was designed by the architect John Madin who was born in Birmingham .
  457. 200 Public Square is located in Cleveland , C@@ u@@ y@@ ah@@ o@@ g@@ a County , Ohio where Frank G J@@ ack@@ son is a leader .
  458. 250 Delaware Avenue is located in the United States and has 12 floors with a t@@ ot@@ al area of 30@@ 8@@ 4@@ 3@@ .@@ 8 square metres .
  459. 300 North LaSalle is located in Chicago , which is part of D@@ u@@ P@@ age County , Illinois . The leader of Chicago is R@@ ah@@ m E@@ man@@ u@@ el .
  460. The United States architect Georg@@ e W@@ in@@ k@@ l@@ er designed the 3@@ 20 South Bo@@ st@@ on Bu@@ il@@ ding , which has 2@@ 2 floors .
  461. H@@ O@@ K S@@ V@@ E was the architect of the 3Arena , which was completed in Dec@@ em@@ ber 200@@ 8 and is located on North W@@ all Q@@ u@@ ay .
  462. The tenant of AC Hotel Bella Sky in Copenhagen , Denmark is the Marriott International Hotel , which has 23 floors .
  463. The AC Hotel Bella Sky , Copenhagen , which has 23 floors , was designed by the archite@@ c@@ ts of the 3@@ X@@ N f@@ ir@@ m .
  464. Au@@ gu@@ st@@ us P@@ u@@ g@@ in , born in B@@ lo@@ om@@ s@@ bury , was the architect of Adare Manor and the Pal@@ ace of W@@ est@@ min@@ st@@ er .
  465. Phili@@ p Charl@@ es H@@ ard@@ w@@ ic@@ k was the architect of Adare Manor which was completed in 18@@ 6@@ 2 and is own@@ ed by J@@ P Mc@@ Man@@ us .
  466. Adisham Hall , H@@ ap@@ ut@@ ale was completed in 193@@ 1 and is in the archite@@ ct@@ ur@@ al st@@ yle of " T@@ ud@@ or and J@@ aco@@ be@@ an " .
  467. Adisham Hall , Sri Lanka , was completed in 193@@ 1 and is in the archite@@ ct@@ ur@@ al st@@ yle of " T@@ ud@@ or and J@@ aco@@ be@@ an " .
  468. Adisham Hall is located in H@@ ap@@ ut@@ ale , Sri Lanka , where R@@ an@@ il W@@ ick@@ rem@@ es@@ ing@@ he is a leader .
  469. Adisham Hall is located in Sri Lanka , whose capital is Sri J@@ ay@@ award@@ en@@ e@@ p@@ ura K@@ ott@@ e , and the currency is the Sri Lan@@ k@@ an ru@@ pe@@ e .
  470. Alan B. Miller Hall 's building st@@ art date was in 30@@ th Mar@@ ch 200@@ 7 and is located in the United States . The curr@@ ent ten@@ ants are The M@@ ason School of Business .
  471. Julia Morgan , born in San Fran@@ c@@ is@@ co was the architect of the grou@@ nds of Asilomar Conference and The R@@ ivers@@ ide Art Museum .
  472. Julia Morgan was born in California and is the architect be@@ h@@ in@@ d Ch@@ in@@ at@@ own in San Fran@@ c@@ is@@ co and the grou@@ nds of Asilomar Conference .
  473. Asilomar Conference Grounds is located on Asilomar B@@ l@@ v@@ d , P@@ ac@@ if@@ ic G@@ rov@@ e , California and was add@@ ed to the National Reg@@ ister of H@@ istoric Plac@@ es on F@@ e@@ b@@ ru@@ ar@@ y the 27@@ nd 198@@ 7 with the re@@ ference number 8@@ 7@@ 000@@ 8@@ 23 .
  474. Asser Levy Public Baths is located in Avenue A , Man@@ hatt@@ an@@ . and was add@@ ed to the National Reg@@ ister of H@@ istoric Plac@@ es on 198@@ 0-0@@ 4@@ -2@@ 3 .
  475. The Asser Levy Public Baths buil@@ t in 190@@ 4 is located in New York City and was add@@ ed to the National Reg@@ ister of H@@ istoric Plac@@ es on 198@@ 0-0@@ 4@@ -2@@ 3 .
  476. Birmingham , led by the Con@@ serv@@ ative Par@@ ty , was the home t@@ own of the architect John Madin who designed 103 Colmore Row .
  477. 103 Colmore Row was designed by the architect , John Madin , who was born in Birmingham which is lead by the Lib@@ eral D@@ em@@ oc@@ r@@ at@@ s .
  478. H@@ a@@ ile@@ m@@ ari@@ am Des@@ al@@ eg@@ n is the leader of Ethiopia where Addis Ababa City Hall is located in Addis Ababa .
  479. An@@ an@@ di@@ b@@ en P@@ at@@ el was the leader of Gu@@ j@@ ar@@ at where Amdavad ni Gufa is located in Ah@@ med@@ ab@@ ad .
  480. B@@ ill Marriott is the k@@ ey p@@ ers@@ on at Marriott International which is located in B@@ et@@ h@@ es@@ d@@ a Maryland and is the tenant of the AC Hotel Bella Sky Copenhagen .
  481. Al@@ ban@@ y is part of D@@ ou@@ gh@@ er@@ ty County , Georg@@ ia , in the United States , where Asian Americans are an ethnic group .
  482. Al@@ bu@@ qu@@ er@@ qu@@ e , in New Mexico , has a popul@@ ation d@@ ens@@ ity of 11@@ 4@@ 2@@ .@@ 3 inh@@ ab@@ it@@ ants per square k@@ ilo@@ met@@ r@@ e . The popul@@ ation d@@ ens@@ ity is 11@@ 4@@ 0@@ .@@ 3 square k@@ ilo@@ metres .
  483. The African Americans are an ethnic group in the United States where Al@@ ph@@ ar@@ ett@@ a , is part of F@@ ul@@ ton County , in the country , where Al@@ ph@@ ar@@ ett@@ a , is part of F@@ ul@@ ton County , in Georg@@ ia .
  484. Al@@ ph@@ ar@@ ett@@ a , is part of the state of Georg@@ ia in the United States . T@@ h@@ ere are man@@ y Asian Americans in the United States .
  485. The capital of the United States is Washington D@@ .@@ C@@ . and Asian Americans are one of the ethnic groups . Al@@ ph@@ ar@@ ett@@ a , is in Georg@@ ia , in the United States .
  486. An@@ a@@ he@@ im , California has the area code : 6@@ 5@@ 7 , 7@@ 14 and a t@@ ot@@ al area of 1@@ 3@@ 1@@ .@@ 6 square k@@ ilo@@ metres .
  487. The California St@@ ate S@@ en@@ ate is located at the California St@@ ate C@@ ap@@ it@@ ol and is the location of the California St@@ ate S@@ en@@ ate . The California St@@ ate S@@ en@@ ate is located at the California St@@ ate S@@ en@@ ate .
  488. And@@ ers@@ on , Indiana is part of L@@ af@@ ay@@ ett@@ e Township , Mad@@ is@@ on County , Indiana , United States .
  489. Angola , Indiana is part of P@@ ol@@ d@@ ale Township , which is a part of P@@ ol@@ d@@ ale Township , in Indiana , in the United States , where Asian Americans are an ethnic group .
  490. The United States House of Re@@ pre@@ s@@ ent@@ at@@ iv@@ es is the leader of Antio@@ ch , California which is part of the San Fran@@ c@@ is@@ co B@@ ay area , in California . The leader of Antio@@ ch , California is United States House of Re@@ pre@@ s@@ ent@@ at@@ iv@@ es .
  491. The count@@ y se@@ at of Ar@@ l@@ ington , T@@ ar@@ ran@@ t County , is in T@@ ar@@ ran@@ t County , Texas , in the United States .
  492. The capital of the United States is Washington D@@ .@@ C@@ . and Asian Americans are one of the ethnic groups . The country is the location of At@@ lant@@ a .
  493. The popul@@ ation d@@ ens@@ ity of At@@ lant@@ a is 3@@ 4@@ 7@@ .@@ 1 ( inh@@ ab@@ it@@ ants per square k@@ ilo@@ met@@ r@@ e ) and has the area code of 4@@ 0@@ 4 , and a t@@ ot@@ al area of 3@@ 4@@ 7@@ .@@ 1 square k@@ ilo@@ metres .
  494. Atlantic City , New Jersey is in the United States where the largest city is Ne@@ w@@ ark .
  495. Atlantic City , New Jersey is in Atlantic County , New Jersey , United States where the largest city is New York City .
  496. A@@ ub@@ ur@@ n , Al@@ ab@@ ama is part of Le@@ e County , Al@@ ab@@ ama , in the United States .
  497. A@@ ub@@ ur@@ n is part of Washington ( state ) , United States , and the capital is Washington , D.C .
  498. A@@ ub@@ ur@@ n is part of Washington ( state ) , United States , and the capital is Ol@@ ym@@ pia .
  499. At@@ lant@@ a is the capital of the U@@ .S@@ . state of Georg@@ ia which is the location of Al@@ ban@@ y , Georg@@ ia . The state 's capital is At@@ lant@@ a and its capital is At@@ lant@@ a . The state 's capital is At@@ lant@@ a .
  500. And@@ ers@@ on , Indiana is part of Mad@@ is@@ on County , Indiana , in the United States , where And@@ ers@@ on is the largest city . The A@@ le@@ x@@ an@@ dr@@ ia is part of Mad@@ is@@ on County , Indiana .
  501. The capital of New Jersey is in the United States . The Atlantic City , New Jersey is part of New Jersey , and is part of New Jersey .
  502. Ar@@ l@@ ington is part of Texas where Hou@@ st@@ on is the largest city and English is the language spoken . It is part of Texas and is part of Texas .
  503. At@@ t@@ ica , Indiana is part of F@@ ount@@ ain County , Indiana , in the United States . The capital city is Washington D@@ C and the capital city is Washington D@@ C .
  504. At@@ t@@ ica , Indiana is part of F@@ ount@@ ain County , Indiana , United States . The capital city is Washington D@@ C and the capital city is Washington D@@ C .
  505. The capital of the United States is Washington D@@ C and the language is English . The country is the location of Akron , Ohio , which is located in the United States .
  506. The Asian Americans are an ethnic group in the United States , where Akron , Ohio is located . The country is the location of Akron , Ohio , which is part of Summit County , Ohio , .
  507. The United States has an ethnic group called Asian Americans and is the location of Al@@ ban@@ y , O@@ reg@@ on . It is part of B@@ en@@ ton County , O@@ reg@@ on .
  508. Al@@ bu@@ qu@@ er@@ qu@@ e , New Mexico , is wit@@ h@@ in the United States where Barack Obama is the leader and Asian Americans are one of the ethnic groups .
  509. The United States is home to the ethnic group of African Americans and the orig@@ in place of Al@@ ban@@ y , Georg@@ ia . The language of the United States is English .
  510. The English language is us@@ ed in the United States , where the language is English and one of the ethnic groups is Asian Americans . The country is the orig@@ in of Angola , Indiana .
  511. Aarhus Airport is operated by Aarhus Lu@@ f@@ th@@ av@@ n A / S and the runway name is 10@@ R / 28@@ L and has a length of 27@@ 76@@ .0 .
  512. Adirondack Regional Airport serves the c@@ it@@ ies of Lake Plac@@ id and Saranac Lake , New York . It has a runway length of 200@@ 3@@ .0 .
  513. The Adolfo Suárez Madrid – Barajas Airport is in P@@ arac@@ u@@ el@@ los de J@@ ar@@ ama , which is part of the com@@ munity of Madrid in Spain .
  514. Agra Airport is in Uttar Pradesh and is operated by the Indian Air Force . The I@@ C@@ A@@ O Loc@@ ation I@@ d@@ entifier of the airport is V@@ I@@ A@@ G .
  515. Al Asad Airbase , operated by the United States Air Force , is in Iraq and has a runway length of 3@@ ,@@ 9@@ 9@@ 2@@ .@@ 8@@ 8 .
  516. The United States Air Force is the operating organisation for Al Asad air@@ base , and pre@@ v@@ io@@ us@@ ly fou@@ gh@@ t in the 198@@ 6 b@@ om@@ b@@ ing of Lib@@ ya and de@@ plo@@ y the Mc@@ D@@ on@@ n@@ ell D@@ ou@@ g@@ l@@ as F@@ -1@@ 5 E@@ ag@@ le fighter aircraft .
  517. Al Asad Airbase is operated by the United States Air Force who w@@ ere in@@ v@@ ol@@ v@@ ed in batt@@ les at the in@@ v@@ as@@ ion of Gr@@ en@@ ad@@ a and the Mc@@ D@@ on@@ n@@ ell D@@ ou@@ g@@ l@@ as F@@ -1@@ 5 E@@ ag@@ le .
  518. Alderney is served by Alderney airport where the 1st runway is made from Poaceae and has a runway length of 8@@ 7@@ 7@@ .0 .
  519. The Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority is headquar@@ t@@ ered at J@@ in@@ n@@ ah International Airport and is the operating organisation of the Allama Iqbal International Airport in Pakistan .
  520. Allama Iqbal International airport is located in Punjab , Pakistan . The runway name is 18@@ L / 36@@ R and it is 2@@ 9@@ 00 lon@@ g .
  521. Alpena County Regional Airport is located in M@@ a@@ ple Ridge Township , Alpena County , Michigan , United States and is 21@@ 0 metres above sea level .
  522. Andrews County Airport is located in Texas and is 97@@ 3 metres above sea level with a runway length of 17@@ 73@@ .0 .
  523. Andrews County Airport , Texas is 9@@ 73@@ .0 be@@ lo@@ w sea level and has a runway length of 8@@ 9@@ 6 .
  524. Andrews County Airport is located in Texas where the capital city is Aust@@ in@@ .@@ English is one of the spoken langu@@ ages in Texas and the state 's capital is Austin .
  525. Andrews County Airport is located in Texas , United States , where the demonym is Te@@ j@@ ano .
  526. Antwerp International Airport serves the city of Antwerp , a popular t@@ our@@ is@@ t de@@ st@@ in@@ ation in Ger@@ man sp@@ e@@ ak@@ ing Belgium .
  527. Atlantic City International Airport is in Egg Harbor Township , Atlantic County , New Jersey , United States .
  528. The Atlantic City International Airport is operated by the P@@ ort Authority of New York and New Jersey which serves the region of New Jersey and is headquar@@ t@@ ered at the F@@ our W@@ or@@ l@@ d T@@ r@@ ade C@@ ent@@ r@@ e .
  529. Atlantic City International Airport is located in Egg Harbor Township , New Jersey , United States and has a runway length of 30@@ 4@@ 8@@ .0 .
  530. Allama Iqbal International Airport serves the city of Lahore and is located in Pakistan where the leader is An@@ w@@ ar Z@@ a@@ he@@ er J@@ am@@ al@@ i .
  531. Adolfo Su@@ are@@ z Madri@@ d@@ -@@ Barajas A@@ i@@ port is located in Madrid , part of the com@@ munity of Madrid in which the lead@@ ing par@@ ty is Ah@@ or@@ a Madrid .
  532. Adolfo Su@@ are@@ z Madri@@ d@@ -@@ Barajas A@@ i@@ port is located in Madrid , in Spain where the lead@@ ing par@@ ty is Ah@@ or@@ a Madrid .
  533. The Adolfo Suárez Madrid – Barajas Airport is located in San Se@@ b@@ ast@@ i@@ án de los Re@@ y@@ es , Spain , where the P@@ eople 's Par@@ ty is the lead@@ ing pol@@ it@@ ical organ@@ iz@@ ation .
  534. The 11th Mississippi Infantry Monument is located in Adams County , Pennsylvania , United States . T@@ o the sou@@ theast of Adams County l@@ ies C@@ ar@@ ro@@ l County , Maryland .
  535. The 11th Mississippi Infantry Monument is located in G@@ et@@ ty@@ sburg , Adams County , Pennsylvania , which has C@@ ar@@ ro@@ l County , Maryland to its sou@@ theast .
  536. The Baku Turkish Martyrs ' Memorial is located in Azerbaijan . The n@@ ative name is Tur@@ k Se@@ h@@ it@@ l@@ er@@ i An@@ it@@ i and the capital is Baku .
  537. The National Ass@@ emb@@ ly d@@ ict@@ ates the le@@ g@@ is@@ lat@@ ure of Azerbaijan , where the leader is Ar@@ t@@ ur Ras@@ iz@@ ade . Baku Turkish Martyrs ' Memorial is located in Azerbaijan .
  538. The Atatürk Monument is located in İzmir , Turkey , where the capital is An@@ k@@ ara and the leader is Ah@@ m@@ et Dav@@ ut@@ o@@ ğ@@ l@@ u .
  539. Gu@@ an@@ ci@@ ale is an ingredient of Amatriciana sauce which comes from L@@ az@@ io in Italy .
  540. The main ingredients of Arem-arem , a Jav@@ an@@ ese dish , are comp@@ re@@ s@@ s@@ ed rice c@@ ook@@ ed in ban@@ ana lea@@ f with vegetables or min@@ c@@ ed m@@ e@@ at f@@ ill@@ ing@@ s .
  541. Arr@@ abbiata sauce includes t@@ om@@ at@@ o@@ es , part of the flo@@ wer@@ ing plan@@ t d@@ iv@@ is@@ ion and s@@ ol@@ an@@ aceae family .
  542. Ol@@ ive oil is an ingredient us@@ ed in the pre@@ par@@ ation of Arr@@ abbiata sauce , a dish from Rome , Italy .
  543. T@@ om@@ ato is an ingredient in Arr@@ abbiata sauce which is a t@@ r@@ ad@@ it@@ ional dish from Rome , Italy .
  544. Asam pedas is a food found in the Mal@@ ay P@@ en@@ in@@ s@@ ul@@ a , Malaysia , and it is a dish of f@@ ish c@@ ook@@ ed in a sou@@ r and ho@@ t sauce .
  545. Asam pedas is a food found in Malaysia , where Ar@@ if@@ in Z@@ ak@@ ar@@ ia is the leader and the capital city is K@@ u@@ ala Lum@@ p@@ ur .
  546. Ayam penyet comes from the region of Indonesia and is also popular in Malaysia , where the Malaysian Chinese are an ethnic group .
  547. BLT is a variation of bo@@ th the club sandwich and the bacon sandwich . The lat@@ ter dish is made with let@@ t@@ u@@ ce .
  548. The Bacon Explosion comes from the United States where Barack Obama is the leader and White Americans are an ethnic group .
  549. The Bacon Explosion comes from the United States where John Rober@@ ts is a leader and the capital is Washington , D.C .
  550. B@@ re@@ ad is an ingredient of the bacon sandwich , which is con@@ sid@@ ered a variation of A BLT , which is it@@ s@@ el@@ f con@@ sid@@ ered to be variation of a club sandwich .
  551. Sp@@ on@@ ge c@@ ake is an ingredient in Baked Alaska , which comes from bo@@ th France and the New York region .
  552. Baked Alaska is from the country of France , which leaders are Man@@ u@@ el V@@ alls and Man@@ u@@ el V@@ alls , and the currency is the Eur@@ o .
  553. Chr@@ ist@@ m@@ as pudding is an ingredient in Baked Alaska , which comes from the region of New York in the United States .
  554. Sp@@ on@@ ge c@@ ake is an ingredient of the dessert Baked Alaska . C@@ ook@@ ies are also a type of dessert .
  555. Bakewell pudding is c@@ l@@ as@@ s@@ ed as a dessert and is from the Derbyshire Dales . S@@ om@@ e main ingredients are ground alm@@ ond@@ s , j@@ am , but@@ ter and eg@@ g@@ s .
  556. Bakewell pudding ( or tart ) originates from the Derbyshire Dales . S@@ om@@ e main ingredients in Bakewell pudding are ground alm@@ ond@@ s , j@@ am , but@@ ter and eg@@ g@@ s .
  557. Beef is an ingredient of Bakso from Indonesia .
  558. Av@@ ocado is one of the ingredients in the dish Bandeja paisa , which comes from the P@@ aisa region and is ty@@ p@@ ical Colomb@@ ian cuisine .
  559. Bandeja paisa is from the P@@ aisa region , Colomb@@ ia , and one of its ingredients is Ho@@ g@@ ao .
  560. Bar@@ ny c@@ akes are found in France where Man@@ u@@ el V@@ alls and C@@ l@@ au@@ de Bar@@ t@@ olon@@ e are leaders .
  561. Batchoy is e@@ at@@ en in the Philippines and the main ingredients are n@@ oo@@ d@@ les , por@@ k org@@ ans , vegetables , chicken , sh@@ rim@@ p , and beef .
  562. Batchoy is e@@ at@@ en in the Philippines and the main ingredients are n@@ oo@@ d@@ les , por@@ k org@@ ans , vegetables , chicken , sh@@ rim@@ p , and beef .
  563. Beef kway teow is a dish that is popular in Singapore and Indonesia . T@@ on@@ y T@@ an is the leader of Singapore .
  564. S@@ es@@ ame oil is an ingredient in beef kway teow which is from the Singapore region and is found in Indonesia .
  565. Beef kway teow , a dish from Singapore , is made in Singapore and Indonesia , includes o@@ yst@@ er sauce .
  566. Bhajji com@@ e from India where the currency is the Indian ru@@ pe@@ e and Sum@@ itra M@@ ah@@ aj@@ an is the leader .
  567. Ban@@ ana is an ingredient in b@@ inignit , a type of dessert . A c@@ ook@@ ie is also a dessert .
  568. S@@ ago is a k@@ ey ingredient of a dish called Binignit which l@@ ik@@ e C@@ ook@@ ies . It is a dessert .
  569. T@@ ar@@ o is an ingredient in Binignit , which sh@@ ou@@ l@@ d be served as the dessert course , as sh@@ ou@@ l@@ d c@@ ook@@ ies .
  570. The main ingredients of b@@ inignit are s@@ weet pot@@ at@@ ot@@ es and ban@@ an@@ as . Sweet potato be@@ lo@@ ng@@ s to the Sol@@ an@@ ales order of plan@@ ts .
  571. Gran@@ ola is an ingredient of Bionico which is a dessert found in Mexico .
  572. Bionico is from the Gu@@ ad@@ al@@ aj@@ ara region of Mexico and contains ra@@ is@@ ins .
  573. Bionico is a food found in Mexico , where the leader is S@@ il@@ v@@ ano Au@@ re@@ ol@@ es Con@@ ej@@ o and the currency is the p@@ es@@ o .
  574. Amatriciana sauce is a t@@ r@@ ad@@ it@@ ional Italian sauce where the capital is Rome and the leader is Pietro Grasso .
  575. The I@@ g@@ or@@ o@@ t people are an ethnic group in the Philippines where Arab@@ ic is one of the langu@@ ages spoken and where b@@ at@@ choy is e@@ at@@ en .
  576. Beef kway teow is a dish from Singapore where English is spoken and the leader is T@@ on@@ y T@@ an .
  577. T@@ om@@ ato be@@ lo@@ ng@@ s to the family of s@@ ol@@ an@@ aceae and the order Sol@@ an@@ ales . It is an ingredient in Amatriciana sauce .
  578. AWH Engineering College is located in Kerala , India and has 250 academic staff .
  579. The Acharya Institute of Technology in Bangalore has 7@@ 00 post@@ gradu@@ ate students and is affiliated with the Visvesvaraya Technological University .
  580. AWH Engineering College is located in Kerala , India . Kerala has M@@ a@@ he , India to its n@@ or@@ th@@ west . The leader of Kerala is K@@ o@@ ch@@ i .
  581. The 1 Decembrie 1918 University is located in Romania . The country 's national ant@@ he@@ m is De@@ ș@@ te@@ ap@@ t@@ ă@@ -@@ t@@ e , r@@ om@@ â@@ ne and its ethnic group is the Ger@@ m@@ ans of Romania .
  582. The 1 Decembrie 1918 University is located in Romania . The country 's leader is K@@ l@@ aus I@@ oh@@ an@@ n@@ is and its ethnic group is the Ger@@ m@@ ans of Romania .
  583. The School of Business and Social Sciences at the Aarhus University was established in 192@@ 8 and is affiliated with the European University Association which has its headquar@@ ters in Br@@ uss@@ el@@ s .
  584. The School of Business and Social Sciences at the Aarhus University , Aarhus , Denmark was established in 192@@ 8 and is located in the city of Aarhus .
  585. The comic character A@@ ster@@ i@@ x was created by Al@@ ber@@ t U@@ d@@ er@@ z@@ o and R@@ ene G@@ o@@ s@@ c@@ in@@ ny , who is F@@ r@@ ench .
  586. The BBC bro@@ adc@@ ast Bananaman , which l@@ ast air@@ ed on 15@@ th A@@ p@@ ri@@ l 198@@ 6 and starr@@ ed T@@ im Bro@@ o@@ k@@ e@@ -@@ T@@ ay@@ lor .
  587. Baymax first ap@@ pe@@ ar@@ ed in the film Big Hero 6 , which was dist@@ ribut@@ ed by W@@ al@@ t D@@ is@@ n@@ ey St@@ ud@@ io@@ s M@@ ot@@ ion P@@ ict@@ u@@ res and starr@@ ed S@@ cott Ad@@ si@@ t .
  588. Baymax is a character in the film Big Hero 6 which was dist@@ ribut@@ ed by W@@ al@@ t D@@ is@@ n@@ ey St@@ ud@@ io@@ s M@@ ot@@ ion P@@ ict@@ u@@ res and starr@@ ed S@@ cott Ad@@ si@@ t .
  589. Baymax is a character in the film Big Hero 6 which st@@ ar@@ s R@@ y@@ an P@@ ot@@ ter . It was dist@@ ribut@@ ed by W@@ al@@ t D@@ is@@ n@@ ey St@@ ud@@ io@@ s M@@ ot@@ ion P@@ ict@@ u@@ res .
  590. " Mar@@ k Des@@ mond " is also known as the comic character B@@ loc@@ k@@ b@@ ust@@ er who was created by C@@ ar@@ m@@ ine Infant@@ ino and G@@ ard@@ ner F@@ o@@ x .
  591. The comic character Bol@@ t , with the alternative name Lar@@ ry Bol@@ at@@ in@@ s@@ ky , was created by Gar@@ y Co@@ h@@ n and D@@ an M@@ ish@@ k@@ in .
  592. The comic character Bol@@ t , with the alternative name Lar@@ ry Bol@@ at@@ in@@ s@@ ky , was created by Gar@@ y Co@@ h@@ n and Er@@ n@@ ie Colo@@ n .
  593. 103 Colmore Row was buil@@ t b@@ et@@ we@@ en 197@@ 3 and completed in 197@@ 6 , is located in Birmingham and has 23 floors .
  594. 11 Diagonal Street is located in South Africa , where C@@ ap@@ e T@@ own is the capital and ethnic groups are the Asian South Afric@@ ans and the col@@ our@@ ed .
  595. 200 Public Square is located in Cleveland , C@@ u@@ y@@ ah@@ o@@ g@@ a County , Ohio , United States , which is ru@@ n by the Cleveland City Council .
  596. 11@@ 0 m@@ ill@@ ion do@@ ll@@ ar@@ s is the co@@ st to buil@@ d 250 Delaware Avenue , Bu@@ ff@@ al@@ o , New York , and has a floor area of 30@@ 8@@ 4@@ 3@@ .@@ 8 square metres and co@@ st 11@@ 0 m@@ ill@@ ion do@@ ll@@ ar@@ s to buil@@ d .
  597. 300 North LaSalle is located in Chicago , C@@ ook County , Illinois , United States where R@@ ah@@ m E@@ man@@ u@@ el is a leader .
  598. 300 North LaSalle , Illinois has 6@@ 0 floors and a t@@ ot@@ al area of 1@@ 20@@ 7@@ 7@@ 0@@ .0 square metres and was completed in 200@@ 9 .
  599. 3Arena is located in Dublin , L@@ ein@@ st@@ er , Republic of Ireland and is own@@ ed by L@@ ive N@@ ation E@@ nt@@ er@@ t@@ a@@ in@@ ment .
  600. The AC Hotel Bella Sky in Copenhagen has 23 floors and was designed by the archite@@ c@@ ts of the 3@@ X@@ N f@@ ir@@ m . It is ten@@ ant@@ ed by the Marriott International Hotel .
  601. Adare Manor is located in Adare , County L@@ im@@ erick , M@@ un@@ st@@ er . L@@ im@@ erick City and County Council g@@ ov@@ ern County L@@ im@@ erick .
  602. The Braz@@ ili@@ ans are an ethnic group in Japan which is the location of the Akita Museum of Art in Akita , Akita Pre@@ fe@@ cture .
  603. The F@@ ili@@ p@@ in@@ o@@ s are one of the ethnic groups in Japan which is the location of the Akita Museum of Art in Akita , Akita Pre@@ fe@@ cture .
  604. The V@@ iet@@ nam@@ ese are an ethnic group in Japan where the Akita Museum of Art is located in Akita , Akita Pre@@ fe@@ cture .
  605. The Akita Museum of Art is located in Akita Pre@@ fe@@ cture , in Akita , Japan , a country with the ethnic group the Braz@@ ili@@ ans .
  606. The College of William and Mary own the Alan B. Miller Hall at 10@@ 1 U@@ k@@ ro@@ p Way , Willi@@ am@@ sburg , Virginia . It was completed on 1 J@@ un@@ e 200@@ 9 and is own@@ ed by the College of William and Mary .
  607. Amdavad ni Gufa is located in Gu@@ j@@ ar@@ at , India . N@@ ar@@ endr@@ a M@@ o@@ di and Sum@@ itra M@@ ah@@ aj@@ an are leaders of India .
  608. The Asilomar Conference Grounds constru@@ cted in 191@@ 3 is located at P@@ ac@@ if@@ ic G@@ rov@@ e , California and was add@@ ed to the National Reg@@ ister of H@@ istoric Plac@@ es on F@@ e@@ b@@ ru@@ ar@@ y the 27@@ nd 198@@ 7 with the re@@ ference number 8@@ 7@@ 000@@ 8@@ 23 .
  609. Asser Levy Public Baths is located in Avenue A , Man@@ hatt@@ an@@ . and was constru@@ cted in 190@@ 4 . It was add@@ ed to the National Reg@@ ister of H@@ istoric Plac@@ es on 198@@ 0-0@@ 4@@ -2@@ 3 with the re@@ ference number 8@@ 000@@ 27@@ 0@@ 9 .
  610. Asser Levy Public Baths are located in New York City , Man@@ hatt@@ an where C@@ y@@ r@@ us V@@ ance J@@ r@@ . is one of the leaders . Bro@@ o@@ k@@ l@@ y@@ n is part of New York City .
  611. The Asser Levy Public Baths are located in New York City , Man@@ hatt@@ an , United States . The leader of Man@@ hatt@@ an is G@@ ale B@@ rew@@ er .
  612. 103 Colmore Row was designed by the architect , John Madin , who was born in Birmingham which has the post@@ code ' B ' and is led by And@@ re@@ w M@@ it@@ ch@@ ell .
  613. 103 Colmore Row was designed by the architect , John Madin , who was born in Birmingham which has the post@@ code area ' B ' and is lead by the L@@ ab@@ our Par@@ ty .
  614. Amdavad ni Gufa is located in Gu@@ j@@ ar@@ at , India . An@@ an@@ di@@ b@@ en P@@ at@@ el is leader in Gu@@ j@@ ar@@ at wh@@ il@@ st Sum@@ itra M@@ ah@@ aj@@ an is a leader in India .
  615. Amdavad ni Gufa is located in Gu@@ j@@ ar@@ at , India . T@@ w@@ o leaders of India are T S T@@ hak@@ ur and N@@ ar@@ endr@@ a M@@ o@@ di .
  616. Braz@@ ili@@ ans are O@@ ne of the ethnic groups in Japan the country where the Akita Museum of Art is located in Akita , Akita Pre@@ fe@@ cture .
  617. 20 Fenchurch Street is located in the United Kingdom , the capital of which is London . The leader of the United Kingdom is E@@ l@@ iz@@ ab@@ et@@ h II and the Par@@ l@@ i@@ am@@ ent of the United Kingdom .
  618. 250 Delaware Avenue is located in the United States where English is the main language and one of its leaders is Jo@@ e B@@ iden .
  619. The 11th Mississippi Infantry Monument was established in the ye@@ ar 2000 and is s@@ it@@ u@@ ated in the state of Pennsylvania , in the United States , and f@@ alls un@@ der the category of Cont@@ ributing property .
  620. The Baku Turkish Marty@@ r 's Memorial is located in Baku , the capital of Azerbaijan , lead by P@@ rim@@ e Min@@ ister Ar@@ t@@ ur Ras@@ iz@@ ade .
  621. The Baku Turkish Martyrs ' Memorial is d@@ edic@@ ated to the O@@ tt@@ om@@ an Ar@@ m@@ y s@@ ol@@ di@@ ers k@@ ill@@ ed in the Batt@@ le of Baku . It is located in Azerbaijan . The capital is Baku and its n@@ ative name is Tur@@ k Se@@ h@@ it@@ l@@ er@@ i An@@ it@@ i .
  622. Frederick , Maryland is the ne@@ ar@@ est city to Monocacy National Battlefield which is the location of the 14th New Jersey Volunteer Infantry mon@@ ument . The mon@@ ument was established on 11 July 190@@ 7 and is located wit@@ h@@ in the Monocacy National Battlefield .
  623. The b@@ r@@ on@@ ze Atatürk Monument ( İzmir ) is found in Turkey , where the capital is An@@ k@@ ara and the leader is Ah@@ m@@ et Dav@@ ut@@ o@@ g@@ l@@ u .
  624. The Atatürk Monument in İzmir was designed by Pietro C@@ an@@ on@@ ica and was in@@ au@@ g@@ ur@@ ated on 27@@ th July , 193@@ 2 . It is located in Turkey , where the title of the leader is President of Turkey .
  625. Al@@ ban@@ y is part of the state of Georg@@ ia in the United States . The language of the United States is English and one of the ethnic groups are the Native Americans . T@@ he@@ y is the location of Al@@ ban@@ y , Georg@@ ia .
  626. The area co@@ d@@ es in Al@@ bu@@ qu@@ er@@ qu@@ e , New Mexico are 5@@ 0@@ 5 and 5@@ 7@@ 5 , and a popul@@ ation d@@ ens@@ ity of 11@@ 4@@ 2@@ .@@ 3 inh@@ ab@@ it@@ ants per square k@@ ilo@@ met@@ ers .
  627. At@@ lant@@ a is part of F@@ ul@@ ton County in Georg@@ ia in the United States . Al@@ ph@@ ar@@ ett@@ a , is part of the state of Georg@@ ia which is the location of Al@@ ph@@ ar@@ ett@@ a , Georg@@ ia .
  628. The African Americans are an ethnic group in the United States where Am@@ ar@@ ill@@ o is part of the country . The capital city is Washington D@@ C and the country is the location of Am@@ ar@@ ill@@ o , Texas .
  629. Am@@ ar@@ ill@@ o is part of P@@ ot@@ ter County , Texas in the United States , and has the capital city of Austin . The state is the location of Am@@ ar@@ ill@@ o , Texas .
  630. The California St@@ ate Ass@@ emb@@ ly is located in the state of California , where the language spoken is Spanish and the leader is called the California St@@ ate Ass@@ emb@@ ly . The California St@@ ate Ass@@ emb@@ ly is the location of the California St@@ ate Ass@@ emb@@ ly and the location of the California St@@ ate Ass@@ emb@@ ly .
  631. And@@ ers@@ on , Indiana is part of the County , F@@ all C@@ re@@ e@@ k , Indiana . It is located at 2@@ 6@@ 8@@ .0 above sea level and has a popul@@ ation d@@ ens@@ ity of 5@@ 2@@ 3@@ .@@ 9 inh@@ ab@@ it@@ ants per square k@@ ilo@@ met@@ r@@ e . It is located at 2@@ 6@@ 8@@ .0 above sea level .
  632. Angola , Indiana , is part of the state of Indiana , in the United States . The t@@ ot@@ al area is 16@@ .@@ 5@@ 5 square k@@ ilo@@ metres .
  633. Antio@@ ch , California has a t@@ ot@@ al area of 10@@ 2@@ 3@@ 7@@ 2 and a t@@ ot@@ al area of 10@@ 2@@ 3@@ 7@@ 2 . The t@@ ot@@ al area has the area of 9@@ 2@@ 5 and square k@@ ilo@@ metres .
  634. The popul@@ ation d@@ ens@@ ity of Atlantic City , New Jersey is 6@@ 0@@ 9 and a popul@@ ation d@@ ens@@ ity is 14@@ 21@@ .@@ 2 inh@@ ab@@ it@@ ants per square k@@ ilo@@ met@@ r@@ e . The airport has the area code of 6@@ 0@@ 9 and has the area code of 6@@ 0@@ 9 . The M@@ ay@@ or lead@@ s Atlantic City , New Jersey , and has the area code of 6@@ 0@@ 9 .
  635. A@@ ub@@ ur@@ n , Al@@ ab@@ ama , is located in the United States , is part of Le@@ e County , Al@@ ab@@ ama , and includes man@@ y Asian Americans .
  636. A@@ ub@@ ur@@ n is part of Le@@ e County , Al@@ ab@@ ama , in the United States . O@@ ne of the ethnic groups in the country are the African Americans .
  637. A@@ ub@@ ur@@ n is part of P@@ i@@ er@@ ce County , Washington , United States , and its capital is Washington , D.C . A@@ ub@@ ur@@ n is part of K@@ ing County , Washington .
  638. A@@ ub@@ ur@@ n is part of K@@ ing County , Washington , United States , and its capital is Washington , D.C . A@@ ub@@ ur@@ n is part of the state .
  639. The largest city in Texas is Hou@@ st@@ on , bu@@ t the largest city is Hou@@ st@@ on , H@@ ay@@ s County , Texas is part of the count@@ y se@@ at and is part of H@@ ay@@ s County Texas . The largest city in the country is San Mar@@ co@@ s . The state is the location of the largest city in H@@ ay@@ s County , Texas where the count@@ y se@@ at is San Mar@@ co@@ s .
  640. The California St@@ ate Ass@@ emb@@ ly is located in the California St@@ ate C@@ ap@@ it@@ ol and the California St@@ ate Ass@@ emb@@ ly is the leader . An@@ a@@ he@@ im , California is led by the California St@@ ate Ass@@ emb@@ ly and the leader is called the California St@@ ate Ass@@ emb@@ ly .
  641. The count@@ y se@@ at of Al@@ ph@@ ar@@ ett@@ a , Georg@@ ia , United States is the home of Al@@ ph@@ ar@@ ett@@ a , Georg@@ ia , which is the location of Al@@ ph@@ ar@@ ett@@ a , Georg@@ ia . The United States is the location of Al@@ ph@@ ar@@ ett@@ a , Georg@@ ia .
  642. The city of And@@ ers@@ on , Indiana is part of L@@ af@@ ay@@ ett@@ e Township , Mad@@ is@@ on County , Indiana , in the United States . The capital is R@@ an@@ ap@@ e@@ is and the city is the location of And@@ ers@@ on , Indiana .
  643. The largest city in Texas is Hou@@ st@@ on , and English sp@@ e@@ ak@@ ing , Texas , in the United States , and is where Ar@@ l@@ ington is part .
  644. The African Americans are an ethnic group in the United States where Al@@ ban@@ y is part of B@@ en@@ ton County and the capital is Washington D@@ C . The country is the location of Al@@ ban@@ y , O@@ reg@@ on .
  645. The capital city of the United States is Washington D@@ .@@ C@@ . where Atlantic City , New Jersey is part of New Jersey , is home to Atlantic City , New Jersey .
  646. The African Americans are an ethnic group in the United States where the leader is known as the President . The country is the location of Al@@ bu@@ qu@@ er@@ qu@@ e , New Mexico , where the leader is known as the President . African Americans are one of the ethnic groups of the United States .
  647. The leader of the United States is John S@@ á@@ n@@ ch@@ e@@ z , it is where Asian Americans are an ethnic group and the country is where the leader is called the New Mexico S@@ en@@ ate . The country is the location of Al@@ bu@@ qu@@ er@@ qu@@ e , New Mexico .
  648. The capital of the United States is Washington D@@ .@@ C@@ . and Asian Americans are one of the ethnic groups . The country is the location of Al@@ ban@@ y , O@@ reg@@ on , and is part of B@@ en@@ ton County , O@@ reg@@ on .
  649. Al@@ bu@@ qu@@ er@@ qu@@ e , New Mexico is in the United States where the leader is called the M@@ ay@@ or of Al@@ bu@@ qu@@ er@@ qu@@ e . The leader of the United States is called the M@@ ay@@ or of Al@@ bu@@ qu@@ er@@ qu@@ e . Native Americans are one of the ethnic groups of the United States .
  650. The English language is spoken in the United States where Al@@ ban@@ y is part of the country . Native Americans are one of the ethnic groups of the country and the language spoken is English . The country is the location of Al@@ ban@@ y , Georg@@ ia .
  651. The English language is spoken in Indiana , United States , where the language is English and the Asian Americans are an ethnic group . The country is the location of Angola , Indiana which is part of the United States .
  652. The language of the United States is English and one of the ethnic groups is Asian Americans . The language spoken in the country is English and one of the langu@@ ages is English . The country is the location of the English language and is also where the language spoken is English . The country is the location of the English language and is also where the language spoken is English . The country is the location of the English language and is also where the language spoken is English . The country is the location of the English language and is also where the language spoken is English . The country is the location of the English language and is also where the language spoken is English .
  653. Jens Härtel has be@@ en the manager of 1 FC Mag@@ de@@ burg and is part of the club 1 . FC Un@@ ion B@@ er@@ lin . He also plays for S@@ V B@@ ab@@ el@@ s@@ ber@@ g 0@@ 3 and is part of the F@@ S@@ V Z@@ w@@ ick@@ a@@ u club .
  654. The manager of A.C . Chievo Verona is R@@ ol@@ ando Mar@@ an , who was born in Italy and plays for bo@@ th FC Bar@@ i 190@@ 8 and C@@ arr@@ ar@@ ese Calcio .
  655. born Michele Marcolini is the manager of AC Lumezzane . He also plays for T@@ or@@ ino F@@ .@@ C@@ . and A.C . Chievo Verona .
  656. A.@@ E Dimitra Efxeinoupolis is located in the t@@ own of Efxeinoupol@@ i and has 15@@ 00 members . T@@ he@@ y play in the league , E@@ P@@ S@@ T@@ H 2@@ nd G@@ R@@ O@@ U@@ P and the ch@@ air@@ man is Ant@@ on@@ is M@@ il@@ ion@@ is .
  657. The leader of Blackpool is the Con@@ serv@@ ative Par@@ ty ( U@@ K ) and the ground of AFC Blackpool is located . The club is manag@@ ed by Stuart Parker who plays for St@@ oc@@ k@@ port County FC .
  658. G@@ or@@ d@@ on Mar@@ s@@ den is the leader in Blackpool where AFC Blackpool is located . The club is manag@@ ed by Stuart Parker who plays for St@@ oc@@ k@@ port County FC and curr@@ ent@@ ly plays for St@@ oc@@ k@@ port County F.C .
  659. Association Football Club Fylde ( abbre@@ vi@@ ated to A.F.C . Fylde ) has 3@@ 18@@ 0 members and are bas@@ ed at W@@ ar@@ ton , Fylde , L@@ anc@@ ash@@ ire . The club compet@@ ed in the 2014 season .
  660. AFC Fylde has the full name " Association Football Club Fylde " , the@@ y have 3@@ 18@@ 0 members and are bas@@ ed at Br@@ y@@ n@@ ing Lan@@ e . The club compet@@ ed in the 2014 season .
  661. Pau@@ l@@ o Sou@@ s@@ a plays for Int@@ er M@@ il@@ an and M@@ ac@@ c@@ ab@@ i Te@@ l A@@ vi@@ v F.C . He is also manager of AC@@ F F@@ io@@ r@@ ent@@ ina .
  662. A@@ EK Athens FC , whose home ground is in Greece , has 6@@ 9@@ 6@@ 1@@ 8 members and compet@@ e in the 2014 season .
  663. AFC Ajax ( am@@ at@@ eur@@ s ) ' s ground is Sport@@ par@@ k D@@ e T@@ o@@ e@@ k@@ om@@ st which is operated by AFC Ajax . The tenant is J@@ ong Ajax .
  664. The n@@ ick@@ name of AFC Ajax ( am@@ at@@ eur@@ s ) is " Am@@ sterd@@ am@@ s@@ c@@ he Football Club Ajax Amat@@ eur@@ s " . T@@ he@@ y have 5@@ 000 members and played in the 2014 season . The n@@ ick@@ name is " Am@@ sterd@@ am@@ s@@ c@@ he Football Club Ajax Amat@@ eur@@ s " .
  665. John van den Brom plays for V@@ it@@ es@@ se Ar@@ n@@ he@@ m and the N@@ et@@ h@@ er@@ lan@@ d@@ s national footb@@ all te@@ am . He is also the manager of A@@ Z Al@@ k@@ m@@ a@@ ar .
  666. A@@ grem@@ i@@ ac@@ ao Sportiva Arapiraquense 's ground is the E@@ st@@ ad@@ io Min@@ icip@@ al Co@@ arac@@ y d@@ a Mat@@ a F@@ on@@ se@@ c@@ a located in Al@@ ag@@ o@@ as . T@@ he@@ y play in the Campeonato Brasileiro S@@ é@@ rie C league where V@@ il@@ a N@@ ov@@ a F@@ ut@@ e@@ b@@ ol C@@ l@@ ub@@ e are the champions .
  667. A@@ grem@@ i@@ ac@@ ao Sportiva Arapiraquense 's ground is the E@@ st@@ ad@@ io Min@@ icip@@ al Co@@ arac@@ y d@@ a Mat@@ a F@@ on@@ se@@ c@@ a located in Al@@ ag@@ o@@ as , Braz@@ il .
  668. A@@ grem@@ i@@ ac@@ ao Sportiva Arapiraquense 's ground is the E@@ st@@ ad@@ io Min@@ icip@@ al Co@@ arac@@ y d@@ a Mat@@ a F@@ on@@ se@@ c@@ a located in Arapir@@ ac@@ a . T@@ he@@ y play in the Campeonato Brasileiro S@@ é@@ rie C league , which is bas@@ ed in Braz@@ il .
  669. Akron Summit Assault 's ground is located at St. Vinc@@ ent@@ -@@ St . Mary High School in the city of Akron , Summit County , Ohio , United States .
  670. The ground of A.S . Gubbio 1910 is located in Italy , which has Rome as its capital and Ser@@ g@@ io M@@ att@@ are@@ lla and Pietro Grasso are leaders .
  671. Peter Stöger is a play@@ er in FC Ad@@ m@@ ir@@ a W@@ ac@@ ker M@@ ö@@ d@@ l@@ ing and FC Ad@@ m@@ ir@@ a W@@ ac@@ ker M@@ ö@@ d@@ l@@ ing . He is also the manager of FC K@@ ol@@ in and plays for FC Ad@@ m@@ ir@@ a W@@ ac@@ ker M@@ o@@ d@@ l@@ ing and FC Ad@@ m@@ ir@@ a W@@ ac@@ ker M@@ o@@ d@@ l@@ ing .
  672. Abilene Regional Airport serves the city of Abilene , Texas . It is 5@@ 4@@ 6 metres above sea level and has a runway name of 17@@ L / 35@@ R with a length of 2@@ 19@@ 4@@ .0 .
  673. Adirondack Regional Airport serves the c@@ it@@ ies of Lake Plac@@ id and Saranac Lake , New York . It is 5@@ 0@@ 7 metres above sea level and has a runway length of 200@@ 3@@ .0 .
  674. Adolfo Suárez Madrid – Barajas Airport can be found in Madrid , P@@ arac@@ u@@ el@@ los de J@@ ar@@ ama , San Se@@ b@@ ast@@ i@@ án de los Re@@ y@@ es and Al@@ cobendas and is operated by ENAIRE . The runway , which is 35@@ 00 in length , is nam@@ ed 18@@ L / 36@@ R .
  675. Agra airport is located in India and operated by the Indian Air Force . It has the I@@ A@@ T@@ A Loc@@ ation I@@ d@@ entifier of A@@ G@@ R and the location identifier is V@@ I@@ A@@ G .
  676. The United States Air Force is the operating organisation for Al Asad air@@ base in Iraq . The runway name is 0@@ 8 / 2@@ 6 and it has a length of 3@@ ,@@ 9@@ 90 .
  677. The United States Air Force is the operating organisation for Al Asad air@@ base which is located in Al An@@ b@@ ar Province , Iraq . The runway name is 0@@ 9@@ R / 27@@ L and it has a length of 39@@ 9@@ 0@@ .0 .
  678. Al Asad Airbase is operated by the United States Air Force who w@@ ere in@@ v@@ ol@@ v@@ ed in batt@@ les at the in@@ v@@ as@@ ion of Gr@@ en@@ ad@@ a and the Mc@@ D@@ on@@ n@@ ell D@@ ou@@ g@@ l@@ as F@@ -1@@ 5 E@@ ag@@ le .
  679. Allama Iqbal International Airport is located in Pakistan and serves the city of Lahore . It is operated by the Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority and has a runway length of 2@@ 9@@ 00.0 .
  680. Amsterdam Airport Schiphol serves the city of Amsterdam . The runway name is 0@@ 9 / 2@@ 7 Bu@@ it@@ en@@ v@@ el@@ d@@ er@@ ba@@ an and is 20@@ 14@@ .0 lon@@ g . The airport is -@@ 3@@ .@@ 35@@ 2@@ 8 above sea level .
  681. Amsterdam Airport Schiphol serves the city of Amsterdam . The runway name is 18@@ L / 36@@ R A@@ al@@ s@@ m@@ e@@ er@@ ba@@ an and is 20@@ 14@@ .0 lon@@ g . The airport is -@@ 3@@ .@@ 35@@ 2@@ 8 above sea level .
  682. Andrews County Airport is located in Texas and serves the city of Andrews . It is 97@@ 3 be@@ lo@@ w sea level and has a runway length of 9@@ 2@@ 9 .
  683. Andrews County Airport is located in Texas , United States , where the capital city is Austin and the inh@@ ab@@ it@@ ants have the demonym of Te@@ j@@ ano .
  684. Andrews County Airport is located in Texas , United States , where the capital city is Austin and the language spoken is English .
  685. Angola International airport is located in I@@ col@@ o e B@@ eng@@ o , Lu@@ and@@ a Province , Angola .
  686. Antwerp International Airport is own@@ ed by the Flemish Region and operated by the Flemish govern@@ ment . It is 12 metres above sea level and has a runway length of 6@@ 00.0 .
  687. Ashgabat International Airport is operated by Turkmenistan Air@@ lines , headquar@@ t@@ ered in Tur@@ men@@ istan and Ashgabat . The h@@ u@@ b airport for Turkmenistan Air@@ lines is Turkmen@@ bas@@ h@@ i International Airport .
  688. Athens International Airport is located in Sp@@ ata and serves the city of Athens . It is 9@@ 4 metres above sea level and has a runway length of 3@@ 8@@ 00.0 .
  689. Atlantic City International Airport is located at Egg Harbor Township , New Jersey in the United St@@ at@@ es@@ .@@ The airport serves Atlantic city whose leader is D@@ on G@@ uar@@ di@@ an .
  690. Atlantic City International Airport is located at Egg Harbor Township , New Jersey , United States . It is own@@ ed by the South Jersey T@@ rans@@ port@@ ation Authority whose leader is St@@ e@@ ph@@ en D@@ il@@ ts .
  691. Antwerp International Airport serves the city of Antwerp , a popular t@@ our@@ is@@ t de@@ st@@ in@@ ation in Belgium , where Ger@@ man is spoken and the leader is Charl@@ es M@@ ic@@ he@@ l .
  692. Phili@@ pp@@ e of Belgium is the leader of Belgium where the F@@ r@@ ench language is spoken . Antwerp , in the country is served by Antwerp International airport .
  693. Adirondack Regional Airport serves the city of Saranac Lake , which is part of Har@@ ri@@ et@@ st@@ own , E@@ s@@ se@@ x County , New York , in the United States .
  694. Al@@ -@@ T@@ a@@ q@@ add@@ um Air B@@ as@@ e serves the city of F@@ all@@ u@@ j@@ ah in Iraq , a country led by F@@ u@@ ad Mas@@ um and the spoken language .
  695. The Al T@@ a@@ q@@ add@@ um Air B@@ as@@ e serves the city of F@@ all@@ u@@ j@@ ah in Iraq . H@@ a@@ id@@ er Al@@ -@@ Ab@@ ad@@ i is the leader of Iraq and the K@@ ur@@ dish langu@@ ages are spoken .
  696. The city of Lahore in Pakistan is served by Allama Iqbal International airport . The airport is located in Punjab , Pakistan which is lead by Mal@@ i@@ k M@@ u@@ h@@ am@@ m@@ ad R@@ af@@ i@@ qu@@ e R@@ aj@@ w@@ ana .
  697. The 1st runway at Alderney Airport is made from Poaceae which be@@ lo@@ ng@@ s to the d@@ iv@@ is@@ ion of flo@@ wer@@ ing plan@@ ts and is in the c@@ l@@ as@@ s Mon@@ o@@ co@@ ty@@ le@@ d@@ on .
  698. R@@ ona F@@ air@@ he@@ ad is the k@@ ey p@@ ers@@ on for the BBC which bro@@ adc@@ ast Bananaman and has its home at Bro@@ adc@@ ast@@ ing House in London . The BBC bro@@ adc@@ ast Bananaman and also pro@@ du@@ ce BBC r@@ ad@@ io .
  699. Bananaman first air@@ ed on S@@ T@@ V on O@@ ct@@ o@@ ber 3rd , 198@@ 3 and bro@@ adc@@ ast its l@@ ast e@@ p@@ is@@ o@@ de on A@@ p@@ ri@@ l 15@@ th , 198@@ 6 . It was created by St@@ ev@@ e B@@ ri@@ gh@@ t and starr@@ ed J@@ ill Sh@@ ill@@ ing .
  700. Baymax is a character in the film Big Hero 6 which st@@ ar@@ s R@@ y@@ an P@@ ot@@ ter . He was created by American , D@@ un@@ can R@@ ou@@ lea@@ u .
  701. Gar@@ y Co@@ h@@ n and the P@@ u@@ er@@ to R@@ ic@@ an national , Er@@ n@@ ie Colo@@ n created the comic character of Bol@@ t who has the alternative name of Lar@@ ry Bol@@ at@@ in@@ s@@ ky .
  702. Eric Flint was born in B@@ ur@@ ban@@ k California and w@@ ro@@ t@@ e 1634 : The Bavarian Crisis which was preceded by the DeMarce sh@@ ort st@@ or@@ ies in the The Grantville Gazett@@ es and Grantville Gazett@@ e I@@ II .
  703. The E@@ -@@ B@@ ook , 1634 : The Ram Rebellion , was written by Eric Flint , Virginia DeMarce , et al and has 5@@ 12 pages . The book was written by Eric Flint , Virginia DeMarce , et al and has the ISBN number 1-@@ 4@@ 16@@ 5-@@ 20@@ 6@@ 0-@@ 0 .
  704. The AIDS journal is published by L@@ i@@ ppin@@ cott , Willi@@ ams & Wil@@ kins whose par@@ ent company is W@@ ol@@ ters K@@ lu@@ w@@ er . It is from the United Kingdom where E@@ l@@ iz@@ ab@@ et@@ h II is the he@@ ad of state .
  705. A Fortress of Grey Ice was written by J@@ . V@@ . J@@ on@@ es and was pro@@ du@@ c@@ ed in H@@ ardcover with the O@@ C@@ L@@ C number 5@@ 196@@ 9@@ 17@@ 3 and ISBN number is 0-@@ 76@@ 5@@ 3@@ -0@@ 63@@ 3@@ -@@ 6 .
  706. Q@@ i@@ u X@@ ia@@ olon@@ g is the author of A Loyal Character Dancer , which is av@@ a@@ il@@ ab@@ le in h@@ ardcover and has the O@@ C@@ L@@ C number 4@@ 9@@ 8@@ 0@@ 5@@ 5@@ 0@@ 1 and an ISBN number of 1-@@ 56@@ 9@@ 4@@ 7@@ -@@ 30@@ 1-@@ 3 .
  707. A Loyal Character Dancer is written in English , as spoken in Great Britain . It is published in the United States where Native Americans are one of the ethnic groups .
  708. A Loyal Character Dancer is published by S@@ oh@@ o Press in the United States where the language is English and one of the ethnic groups is Asian American .
  709. A Wizard of Mars was written by Di@@ ane D@@ u@@ ane and published in h@@ ard@@ b@@ ack with 56@@ 0 pages and the ISBN number 97@@ 8@@ -0@@ -1@@ 5-@@ 20@@ 4@@ 7@@ 7@@ 0-@@ 2 .
  710. The L@@ C@@ C@@ N number for Acta Mathemat@@ ica Hung@@ ar@@ ica is 8@@ 36@@ 4@@ 63@@ 15 . It is also known as Acta Mat@@ h . Hung@@ ar and c@@ ov@@ ers the academic discipline of Mathematics . The ISSN number is 0@@ 2@@ 36@@ -@@ 5@@ 2@@ 9@@ 4 .
  711. The Acta Palaeontologica Polonica comes un@@ der the academic discipline of Pal@@ eo@@ b@@ io@@ lo@@ g@@ y and has the abbre@@ vi@@ ated name of Acta Palaeont@@ ol . P@@ ol .@@ . It has the L@@ C@@ C@@ N number of 6@@ 00@@ 4@@ 0@@ 7@@ 14 and the ISSN number of 0@@ 56@@ 7@@ -@@ 7@@ 9@@ 20 .
  712. The P@@ ol@@ ish A@@ c@@ adem@@ y of Sciences is the publisher of Acta Palaeontologica Polonica which has the abbre@@ vi@@ ated name of Acta Palaeont@@ ol . P@@ ol .@@ . The ISSN number is 17@@ 3@@ 2@@ -2@@ 4@@ 2@@ 1 and the L@@ C@@ C@@ N number is 6@@ 00@@ 4@@ 0@@ 7@@ 14 .
  713. Cornell University , New York is affiliated with the Association of Public and L@@ and gr@@ ant Universit@@ ies and the Association of American Universit@@ ies . It is the publisher of the Ad@@ ministrative Science Quarterly .
  714. Cornell University in I@@ th@@ ac@@ a , New York is affiliated with the Association of Public and L@@ and gr@@ ant Universit@@ ies and publish@@ es Ad@@ ministrative Science Quarterly .
  715. The p@@ ap@@ erb@@ ack A@@ enir has a t@@ ot@@ al of 2@@ 3@@ 3 pages and was written by Gar@@ th N@@ i@@ x . It has an ISBN number of 0-@@ 4@@ 39@@ -1@@ 76@@ 8@@ 4@@ -@@ 0 .
  716. Alcatraz Versus the Evil Librarians is written in English which is the language spoken in Great Britain . It originates from the United States where African Americans are an ethnic group .
  717. The par@@ ent company of John@@ s H@@ op@@ kins University Press in the United States is John@@ s H@@ op@@ kins University . It is the publisher of the American Journal of Mathematics which was first published in 18@@ 7@@ 8 .
  718. Alcatraz Versus the Evil Librarians is from The United States where one of the ethnic groups are the Asian Americans . T@@ he@@ y sp@@ ea@@ k English , s@@ ame as in Great Britain .
  719. A Wizard of Mars was published in the United States , written in English which is also spoken in Great Britain . The pre@@ v@@ io@@ us president of the US was pre@@ v@@ io@@ us@@ ly Barack Obama .
  720. A Wizard of Mars was written in English and published in the United States . The pre@@ v@@ io@@ us president of the country was Barack Obama and there are man@@ y Asian Americans .
  721. A Wizard of Mars originates from the United States , where the leader is Barack Obama and the@@ y sp@@ ea@@ k English , s@@ ame as in Great Britain .
  722. A Severed Wasp is from the United States where the language is English and Barack Obama is the leader . Asian Americans are one of the ethnic groups there .
  723. Alan Bean is an American who was born in Wheeler , Texas . He was selected by NASA in 1963 and sp@@ ent 1@@ 00@@ 30@@ 5 min@@ ut@@ es in sp@@ ace .
  724. Alan Shepard was a crew member of the NASA operated Apollo 14 . He was award@@ ed the Distinguished Service Medal by the US Navy , which ran@@ k@@ s h@@ igh@@ er th@@ an the Department of Com@@ m@@ er@@ ce G@@ ol@@ d Medal .
  725. William Anders was born in British Hong Kong re@@ pre@@ s@@ ent@@ ed by Chr@@ is P@@ att@@ en . He served as a crew member on Apollo 8 alon@@ g@@ si@@ de Frank B@@ orman .
  726. Buzz Aldrin was born in Glen Ridge , New Jersey and graduated from M@@ I@@ T with a Sc@@ .D in 1963 . He was a crew member of Apollo 11 and is no@@ w retired .
  727. Buzz Aldrin , who was born in Glen Ridge , New Jersey was selected by NASA in 1963 as a fighter pilot and be@@ c@@ ame a crew member of Apollo 11 .
  728. E@@ d@@ w@@ in E@@ u@@ g@@ ene Aldrin J@@ r@@ . o@@ th@@ er@@ w@@ is@@ e kn@@ o@@ w as Buzz Aldrin was a crew member of the NASA operated Apollo 11 .
  729. Alan Shepard was born in New Hampshire and died in California . The United States Navy award@@ ed the Distinguished Service Medal to Alan Shepard , which ran@@ k@@ s h@@ igh@@ er th@@ an Department of Com@@ m@@ er@@ ce G@@ ol@@ d Medal .
  730. Alan Shepard was award@@ ed the Distinguished Service Medal by the United States Navy , which ran@@ k@@ s h@@ igh@@ er th@@ an the de@@ partment of com@@ m@@ er@@ ce g@@ ol@@ d med@@ al . He died in California where Di@@ an@@ ne F@@ ein@@ st@@ e@@ in is a s@@ en@@ at@@ or .
  731. Elliot See was born in Dallas , US and graduated from the University of Texas at Austin . He died in St. Louis .
  732. William Anders was a fighter pilot who j@@ o@@ in@@ ed NASA in 1963 . He was a crew member of the NASA operated Apollo 8 .
  733. The AWH Engineering College in K@@ ut@@ t@@ ik@@ k@@ att@@ o@@ or , India was established in 200@@ 1 . The G@@ an@@ g@@ es is a r@@ iv@@ er in India .
  734. The Acharya Institute of Technology is located in Soldevanahalli , Acharya Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan Road , Hessarghatta Main Road , Bangalore – 560090 , India . It is af@@ fil@@ a@@ ited with the Visvesvaraya Technological University in Belg@@ au@@ m .
  735. The Acharya Institute of Technology in Bangalore , India is affiliated with the Visvesvaraya Technological University and the di@@ re@@ ct@@ or is Dr. G@@ . P@@ . Pr@@ ab@@ h@@ u@@ k@@ um@@ ar .
  736. The Acharya Institute of Technology is located in M@@ um@@ ba@@ i and was g@@ iv@@ en the ' Techn@@ ical Camp@@ us ' status by the Al@@ l India Council for Techn@@ ical E@@ du@@ c@@ ation in M@@ um@@ ba@@ i . The govern@@ ing t@@ enn@@ is bo@@ dy is the International T@@ enn@@ is Fed@@ er@@ ation .
  737. The 1 Decembrie 1918 University is located in Alba I@@ ul@@ ia , Alba County , Romania . Bu@@ char@@ est is the capital of Romania .
  738. The School of Business and Social Sciences at the Aarhus University is located in the city of Aarhus , Denmark . Aarhus has a Mag@@ istr@@ ate govern@@ ment . The leader of Denmark is Lar@@ s L@@ ø@@ k@@ k@@ e Ras@@ m@@ uss@@ en .
  739. The AWH Engineering College is located in K@@ ut@@ t@@ ik@@ k@@ att@@ o@@ or , Kerala . It has 250 academic staff . Kerala 's leader is K@@ o@@ ch@@ i .
  740. The 1 Decembrie 1918 University is located in Romania . Romania 's capital is Bu@@ char@@ est , its ant@@ he@@ m is De@@ ș@@ te@@ ap@@ t@@ ă@@ -@@ t@@ e , r@@ om@@ â@@ ne and its ethnic group is the Ger@@ m@@ ans of Romania .
  741. The 1 Decembrie 1918 University is located in Alba I@@ ul@@ ia , Romania . The capital of Romania is Bu@@ char@@ est and the country 's leader is called K@@ l@@ aus I@@ oh@@ an@@ n@@ is .
  742. T@@ om@@ at@@ o@@ es , gu@@ an@@ ci@@ ale , ch@@ e@@ ese , ol@@ ive oil are the main ingredients of Amatriciana sauce which comes from L@@ az@@ io in Italy .
  743. Arr@@ abbiata sauce is from Italy , where Ser@@ g@@ io M@@ att@@ are@@ lla and Pietro Grasso are leaders . The capital is Rome .
  744. Ar@@ ro@@ s negre is from the Catalon@@ ia region of Spain . The main ingredients are white rice , c@@ ut@@ t@@ le@@ f@@ ish or s@@ qu@@ id , c@@ e@@ ph@@ al@@ o@@ po@@ d in@@ k , c@@ ub@@ an@@ elle pe@@ pp@@ ers .
  745. Ar@@ ro@@ s negre is from the Catalon@@ ia region of Spain . The main ingredients are white rice , c@@ ut@@ t@@ le@@ f@@ ish or s@@ qu@@ id , c@@ e@@ ph@@ al@@ o@@ po@@ d in@@ k , c@@ ub@@ an@@ elle pe@@ pp@@ ers .
  746. Arròs negre is from the Catalon@@ ia region , which is led by the Par@@ l@@ i@@ am@@ ent of Catalon@@ ia , in Spain , where Span@@ i@@ ard@@ s are an ethnic group .
  747. Asam pedas is a dish from Sum@@ at@@ ra , Malaysia . The Bat@@ a@@ k and the Malaysian Mal@@ ay are ethnic groups in the country .
  748. Asam pedas is a food from Malaysia and Sum@@ at@@ ra . Malay@@ s and the Min@@ an@@ g@@ k@@ ab@@ a@@ u people are ethnic groups of Sum@@ at@@ ra .
  749. Bacon Explosion comes from the United States , where Barack Obama is a leader and the capital is Washington D.C . Asian Americans are one of the ethnic groups .
  750. Bacon Explosion comes from the United States where Asian Americans are one of the ethnic groups and the capital is Washington D.C . John Rober@@ ts is a leader in the country .
  751. The country that bacon sandwich comes from is the United Kingdom . V@@ ari@@ ation@@ s inclu@@ de the BLT and club sandwich . K@@ et@@ ch@@ up can be an ingredient in a bacon sandwich .
  752. Bacon sandw@@ ich@@ es are popular in the U@@ K and the main ingredients are b@@ re@@ ad and bacon with k@@ et@@ ch@@ up or bro@@ w@@ n sauce as a con@@ di@@ ment . O@@ th@@ er nam@@ es for the sandwich are the bacon but@@ ty , bacon s@@ arn@@ ie , r@@ ash@@ er sandwich , bacon s@@ an@@ ger , pi@@ e@@ ce ' n bacon , bacon co@@ b , bacon b@@ ar@@ m , or bacon m@@ u@@ ff@@ in . Con@@ di@@ m@@ ents are ingredients in a bacon sandwich .
  753. A c@@ ook@@ ie is a dessert and so is a Baked Alaska , which comes from the United States where African Americans are an ethnic group .
  754. Baked Alaska is from e@@ it@@ h@@ er Par@@ is , New York and Hong Kong . The main ingredients are m@@ er@@ ing@@ ue , ice cre@@ am , sp@@ on@@ ge c@@ ake or Chr@@ ist@@ m@@ as pudding . The dish is popular in Par@@ is , New York and Hong Kong .
  755. Baked Alaska is from France , the United States or Ch@@ ina and h@@ a@@ il@@ s from Hong Kong . The main ingredients are m@@ er@@ ing@@ ue , ice cre@@ am , sp@@ on@@ ge c@@ ake or Chr@@ ist@@ m@@ as pudding .
  756. Baked Alaska h@@ a@@ il@@ s from Hong Kong and the United St@@ at@@ es@@ .@@ Its main ingredients are m@@ er@@ ing@@ ue , ice cre@@ am , sp@@ on@@ ge c@@ ake or Chr@@ ist@@ m@@ as pudding .Bakewell pudding ( or tart ) originates from the Derbyshire Dales , Derbyshire . It includes f@@ ru@@ it pre@@ serves .
  757. Bakso is a t@@ r@@ ad@@ it@@ ional dish th@@ r@@ ou@@ gh@@ ou@@ t the wh@@ ol@@ e of Indonesia and is popular in ne@@ igh@@ b@@ our@@ ing Sou@@ theast Asian count@@ ri@@ es t@@ o@@ o . The main ingredients are ground beef , t@@ ap@@ io@@ c@@ a , n@@ oo@@ d@@ le , rice v@@ er@@ m@@ ic@@ ell@@ i , beef bro@@ th , k@@ a@@ il@@ an , c@@ el@@ ery , s@@ alt@@ ed vegetables , and fried sh@@ al@@ lo@@ ts .
  758. Bakso is food found in Indonesia , it includes ground beef , t@@ ap@@ io@@ c@@ a , n@@ oo@@ d@@ le , rice v@@ er@@ m@@ ic@@ ell@@ i , beef bro@@ th , k@@ a@@ il@@ an , c@@ el@@ ery , s@@ alt@@ ed vegetables , and fried sh@@ al@@ lo@@ ts .
  759. Bandeja paisa is a t@@ r@@ ad@@ it@@ ional dish from the P@@ aisa region , and is ty@@ p@@ ical Colomb@@ ian cuisine . The main ingredients are red be@@ ans , por@@ k bell@@ y , white rice , ground m@@ e@@ at , ch@@ ich@@ ar@@ on , fried eg@@ g , p@@ lant@@ ain ( p@@ at@@ ac@@ on@@ es ) , ch@@ or@@ iz@@ o , are@@ p@@ a , ho@@ g@@ ao sauce , b@@ lac@@ k pudding ( m@@ or@@ ci@@ lla ) , av@@ ocado and lem@@ on " .
  760. Bandeja paisa is a t@@ r@@ ad@@ it@@ ional dish from the P@@ aisa region , Colomb@@ ia . The main ingredients are red be@@ ans , por@@ k bell@@ y , white rice , ground m@@ e@@ at , ch@@ ich@@ ar@@ on , fried eg@@ g , p@@ lant@@ ain ( p@@ at@@ ac@@ on@@ es ) , ch@@ or@@ iz@@ o , are@@ p@@ a , ho@@ g@@ ao sauce , b@@ lac@@ k pudding ( m@@ or@@ ci@@ lla ) , av@@ ocado and lem@@ on " .
  761. Bar@@ ny c@@ akes are found in France where the F@@ r@@ ench language is spoken and the leaders are Ger@@ ard Lar@@ ch@@ er and Fran@@ co@@ is Ho@@ ll@@ and@@ e .
  762. Batagor is found in the country of Indonesia . Siomay is a variation of Siomay and Sh@@ umai which contains Sh@@ i@@ it@@ ake am@@ ong its ingredients .
  763. Batchoy origin@@ ated from the region of L@@ a P@@ a@@ z , I@@ lo@@ il@@ o City , Philippines . The main ingredients are n@@ oo@@ d@@ les , por@@ k org@@ ans , vegetables , chicken , sh@@ rim@@ p , and beef .
  764. Batchoy is a sou@@ p e@@ at@@ en in the Philippines . The main ingredients are n@@ oo@@ d@@ les , por@@ k org@@ ans , vegetables , chicken , sh@@ rim@@ p , and beef .
  765. Beef kway teow is a dish that is popular in Singapore and Indonesia . The main ingredients are K@@ way teow , beef ten@@ der lo@@ in , gu@@ l@@ a M@@ el@@ aka , s@@ l@@ ic@@ ed , d@@ ried b@@ lac@@ k be@@ ans , g@@ arl@@ ic , d@@ ark s@@ o@@ y sauce , leng@@ k@@ u@@ as , o@@ yst@@ er sauce , s@@ o@@ ya sauce , ch@@ ill@@ i and s@@ es@@ ame oil .
  766. Beef kway teow is found in the count@@ ri@@ es of Indonesia and also Singapore where St@@ and@@ ard Chinese is spoken and the leader is H@@ al@@ im@@ ah Y@@ aco@@ b .
  767. Beef kway teow is a dish of Singapore and Indonesia . The main ingredients are : K@@ way teow , beef ten@@ der lo@@ in , gu@@ l@@ a M@@ el@@ aka , s@@ l@@ ic@@ ed , d@@ ried b@@ lac@@ k be@@ ans , g@@ arl@@ ic , d@@ ark s@@ o@@ y sauce , leng@@ k@@ u@@ as , o@@ yst@@ er sauce , s@@ o@@ ya sauce , ch@@ ill@@ i and s@@ es@@ ame oil .
  768. Bhajji , also known as B@@ haj@@ i or b@@ aj@@ ji , originates from the Karnataka region of India . It includes vegetables .
  769. Bhajji is also known as B@@ haj@@ i or b@@ aj@@ ji . It comes from the Karnataka region and the main ingredients are gr@@ am f@@ l@@ our and vegetables .
  770. Binignit includes the ingredients s@@ ago and s@@ weet potato , the lat@@ ter be@@ lo@@ ng@@ ing to flo@@ wer@@ ing plan@@ ts and the order Sol@@ an@@ ales .
  771. Binignit is a dish from the region of Vis@@ ay@@ as , Philippines . S@@ ago and co@@ con@@ ut m@@ il@@ k are main ingredients .
  772. Gran@@ ola is an ingredient of Bionico which comes from the region J@@ al@@ is@@ co , in Mexico .
  773. Bionico is from the Gu@@ ad@@ al@@ aj@@ ara region of Mexico and its ingredients are ch@@ op@@ p@@ ed f@@ ru@@ its , sou@@ r cre@@ am , con@@ d@@ ens@@ ed m@@ il@@ k , gr@@ an@@ ola , sh@@ red@@ d@@ ed co@@ con@@ ut and ra@@ is@@ ins .
  774. Bionico is a dessert found in Mexico , where the leader is S@@ il@@ v@@ ano Au@@ re@@ ol@@ es Con@@ ej@@ o . A c@@ ook@@ ie is also a dessert .
  775. Bakso is a food found in Indonesia , it includes t@@ ap@@ io@@ c@@ a and is led by J@@ us@@ u@@ f K@@ all@@ a .
  776. Ayam penyet is a dish from Singapore and Java . The leader of Singapore is T@@ on@@ y T@@ an and the country 's ethnic group is B@@ adu@@ y .
  777. Batchoy is e@@ at@@ en in the Philippines where Philippin@@ e Spanish and Philippin@@ e Spanish are spoken . It is also where Z@@ am@@ bo@@ an@@ g@@ ans and I@@ loc@@ ano people are t@@ w@@ o of the ethnic groups .
  778. Batchoy is e@@ at@@ en in the Philippines where the I@@ g@@ or@@ o@@ t and Z@@ am@@ bo@@ an@@ g@@ ans are ethnic groups . O@@ ne of the langu@@ ages us@@ ed in the country is Arab@@ ic .
  779. The b@@ inignit dish can be found in the Philippines where the language is Philippin@@ e English . A c@@ ook@@ ie is also a dessert .
  780. Binignit is a dessert found in the Philippines where the language is Philippin@@ e English . Sand@@ esh is also a dessert .
  781. 1634 : The Bavarian Crisis is written by Virginia DeMarce and Eric Flint and was preceded by The Grantville Gazett@@ e and followed by R@@ ing of F@@ ire II which is written in English .
  782. E@@ l@@ iz@@ ab@@ et@@ h Gar@@ re@@ tt is president of Cornell University , I@@ th@@ ac@@ a , New York . The University is affiliated with the Association of Public and L@@ and gr@@ ant Universit@@ ies and the Association of American Universit@@ ies . It is the publisher of the Ad@@ ministrative Science Quarterly .
  783. A Loyal Character Dancer is published by S@@ oh@@ o Press in the United States where African American is an ethnic group and l@@ ik@@ e in Great Britain , English is spoken .
  784. A Loyal Character Dancer is published by S@@ oh@@ o Press in the United States where Native Americans are an ethnic group . English is spoken bo@@ th in the US and Great Britain .
  785. A Loyal Character Dancer is published by S@@ oh@@ o Press in the U.S . The language spoken there is English , which is also spoken in Great Britain . Asian Americans are one of the ethnic groups of the United States .
  786. A Severed Wasp is from the United States where the capital is Washington D@@ .@@ C@@ . and English is spoken ( as in Great Britain ) . Native Americans are one of the ethnic groups of the United States .
  787. T@@ h@@ ese n@@ ov@@ el@@ s w@@ ere written in the follow@@ ing order - C@@ ast@@ le , A@@ enir , Above the Veil , Int@@ o Batt@@ le and The V@@ io@@ le@@ t K@@ e@@ yst@@ one . Above the Veil is the se@@ qu@@ el to A@@ enir .
  788. A Severed Wasp is written in English ( language of Great Britain ) in the United States , where Barack Obama is the leader and Asian Americans are one of the ethnic groups .
  789. A Severed Wasp is from the United States , where Barack Obama is the leader , and English is spoken ( as in Great Britain ) . The US includes man@@ y Asian Americans .
  790. 1634 The Ram Rebellion was preceded by 1634 The G@@ al@@ ile@@ o Af@@ f@@ a@@ ir and comes from the United States , where Barack Obama is the President , and its capital city is Washington D.C . Asian Americans are one of the ethnic groups there .
  791. 1634 The Ram Rebellion comes from the United States , where Barack Obama is the President , and its capital city is Washington D.C . Americans inh@@ ab@@ it the U.S . , with a s@@ ub@@ -@@ group be@@ ing the African Americans .
  792. A Wizard of Mars originates from the United States , where English is spoken ( as in Great Britain ) . The US includes man@@ y Asian Americans , and its leader is known as the President .
  793. Al@@ ban@@ y is part of the state of Georg@@ ia in the United States . The leader of the United States is known as the President , and includes man@@ y Asian Americans . The leader of the United States is known as the President . The leader of the United States is known as the President .
  794. The largest city in Al@@ ph@@ ar@@ ett@@ a , Georg@@ ia is located in the United States . The largest city in the country is At@@ lant@@ a and the largest city is At@@ lant@@ a . Al@@ ph@@ ar@@ ett@@ a , is part of the U@@ .S@@ . state , Georg@@ ia . Native Americans are one of the ethnic groups of the country .
  795. Am@@ ar@@ ill@@ o is part of P@@ ot@@ ter County , Texas in the United States . The capital of the country is Washington D@@ C and the language spoken is English .
  796. Am@@ ar@@ ill@@ o is the language spoken in Texas , which is part of P@@ ot@@ ter County in Texas , in the United States . The capital city is Austin and the state is the location of Am@@ ar@@ ill@@ o , Texas . The state is the location of Am@@ ar@@ ill@@ o , Texas .
  797. The capital of Texas in the U@@ SA is Austin . The language spoken in Texas is English and one of the langu@@ ages is English . Am@@ ar@@ ill@@ o is the language spoken in that state . The state is the location of Am@@ ar@@ ill@@ o , Texas .
  798. And@@ ers@@ on , Indiana is part of F@@ all C@@ re@@ e@@ k Township , Mad@@ is@@ on County , Indiana , United States . And@@ ers@@ on , Indiana is part of F@@ all C@@ re@@ e@@ k Township , Mad@@ is@@ on County , Indiana and has a popul@@ ation d@@ ens@@ ity of 5@@ 2@@ 3@@ .@@ 9 inh@@ ab@@ it@@ ants per square k@@ ilo@@ met@@ r@@ e .
  799. The English language is spoken in California which is lead by the California St@@ ate Ass@@ emb@@ ly and is the location of the English language . The country is led by the California St@@ ate Ass@@ emb@@ ly and is the location of Antio@@ ch , California . The country is led by the California St@@ ate Ass@@ emb@@ ly and is part of the country . The country is led by the California St@@ ate Ass@@ emb@@ ly and is led by the California St@@ ate Ass@@ emb@@ ly .
  800. The popul@@ ation d@@ ens@@ ity of At@@ lant@@ a are 3@@ 4@@ 4@@ .@@ 9 square k@@ ilo@@ metres and a t@@ ot@@ al area of 3@@ 4@@ 4@@ .@@ 9 square k@@ ilo@@ metres . The area co@@ d@@ es for At@@ lant@@ a are 3@@ 4@@ 4@@ .@@ 9 ( inh@@ ab@@ it@@ ants per square k@@ ilo@@ met@@ r@@ e ) and is part of De@@ K@@ al@@ b County , Georg@@ ia . The t@@ ot@@ al popul@@ ation d@@ ens@@ ity is 4@@ 0@@ 4 .
  801. At@@ t@@ ica , Indiana is part of Lo@@ g@@ an Township , F@@ ount@@ ain County , Indiana , in the United States . The popul@@ ation d@@ ens@@ ity of the airport is 4@@ .@@ 14 square k@@ ilo@@ metres and has a popul@@ ation d@@ ens@@ ity of 7@@ 8@@ 3@@ .@@ 1 inh@@ ab@@ it@@ ants per square k@@ ilo@@ met@@ r@@ e .
  802. The capital of the United States is Washington D@@ .@@ C@@ . and one of the ethnic groups is African American . Al@@ ab@@ ama is located wit@@ h@@ in the country and is the location of A@@ ub@@ ur@@ n , Al@@ ab@@ ama .
  803. A@@ ub@@ ur@@ n is part of P@@ i@@ er@@ ce County , Washington , United States , and has a popul@@ ation d@@ ens@@ ity of 9@@ 14@@ .@@ 8 inh@@ ab@@ it@@ ants per square k@@ ilo@@ met@@ r@@ e . It has a t@@ ot@@ al popul@@ ation d@@ ens@@ ity of 9@@ 14@@ .@@ 8 inh@@ ab@@ it@@ ants per square k@@ ilo@@ met@@ r@@ e .
  804. The largest city in Austin is R@@ ou@@ nd Ro@@ c@@ k and the capital is R@@ ou@@ nd Ro@@ c@@ k . It is the location of Willi@@ am@@ son County , part of Willi@@ am@@ son County , in Texas , where the largest city is R@@ ou@@ nd Ro@@ c@@ k and the language spoken is English . The largest city is R@@ ou@@ nd Ro@@ c@@ k and the count@@ y se@@ at is Georg@@ et@@ own , Texas .
  805. Hou@@ st@@ on is the largest city in Austin , a part of H@@ ay@@ s County in Texas where the language spoken is English . The country is the location of Andrews County Airport , part of H@@ ay@@ s County , Texas .
  806. Hou@@ st@@ on is the largest city in H@@ ay@@ s County , in Texas where Hou@@ st@@ on is the largest city and the Spanish language is spoken . The city is the location of H@@ ay@@ s County , in Texas , which is part of the H@@ ay@@ s County .
  807. A@@ le@@ x@@ an@@ dr@@ ia is part of Mad@@ is@@ on County , Indiana , in the United St@@ at@@ es@@ .@@ The country 's capital is K@@ an@@ s@@ a and the language is English . The country is the location of A@@ le@@ x@@ an@@ dr@@ ia , Indiana .
  808. The count@@ y se@@ at of T@@ ar@@ ran@@ t County in Texas is For@@ t W@@ orth and the Spanish language is spoken . The largest city in Texas is Hou@@ st@@ on , and Ar@@ l@@ ington is part of Texas .
  809. The largest city in T@@ ar@@ ran@@ t County , Texas is in the United States , is Austin . The largest city in T@@ ar@@ ran@@ t County , is Austin . The Ar@@ l@@ ington is part of T@@ ar@@ ran@@ t County and it is part of T@@ ar@@ ran@@ t County . The Ar@@ l@@ ington is part of Texas .
  810. The capital city of the United States is Washington D@@ C and the largest city is New York . White Americans are one of the ethnic groups and the country is the location of Atlantic City , New Jersey , is home to the Atlantic City , New Jersey .
  811. The inh@@ ab@@ it@@ ants of the United States are known as Americans and the capital city is Washington D@@ C . The country is inh@@ ab@@ ited by Americans and the ethnic group of Native Americans . The country is the location of Al@@ ban@@ y , O@@ reg@@ on .
  812. The inh@@ ab@@ it@@ ants of the United States are known as Americans and the capital is Washington D@@ .@@ C@@ . and Asian Americans are one of the ethnic groups . The country is the location of Al@@ ban@@ y , O@@ reg@@ on .
  813. The English language is spoken in the United States where one of the ethnic groups is African American and the language is English . The country is the location of Angola , a part of St@@ e@@ ub@@ en County , Indiana , where the language spoken is English and one of the ethnic groups is African American .
  814. A@@ ub@@ ur@@ n is part of Le@@ e County , Al@@ ab@@ ama , in the United States . Native Americans are one of the ethnic groups of the United States and the capital city is Washington D.C .A@@ ub@@ ur@@ n , Al@@ ab@@ ama , is part of Le@@ e County , Al@@ ab@@ ama , in the United States . Native Americans are one of the ethnic groups of the United States and the count@@ y se@@ at is O@@ p@@ eli@@ ka . The A@@ ub@@ ur@@ n , Al@@ ab@@ ama , is part of Al@@ ab@@ ama , in the United States .
  815. The Native Americans are an ethnic group in the United States where the capital city is T@@ r@@ en@@ ton . The country is the location of Atlantic City , New Jersey , is part of New Jersey , and is part of New Jersey .
  816. The leader of the United States is known as the President , the language spoken is English and the leader is President Barack Obama . Al@@ bu@@ qu@@ er@@ qu@@ e , New Mexico is part of the United States where the leader is known as the President . The country is the location of Al@@ bu@@ qu@@ er@@ qu@@ e , New Mexico .
  817. The inh@@ ab@@ it@@ ants of the United States are known as Americans and the language spoken is English . The country is inh@@ ab@@ ited by Americans and the popul@@ ation is known as Americans . The country is the location of Angola , Indiana which is part of St@@ e@@ ub@@ en County , in Indiana .
  818. The Native Americans are an ethnic group in the United States where the leader is Barack Obama . The capital city is Washington D@@ C and the country is the location of the home to the ethnic group of Native Americans . The country is the location of Akron , Ohio , which is the location of Akron , Ohio , which is located in the United States .
  819. The demonym for people l@@ iv@@ ing in the United States is Americans . The leader of the United States is known as the President . Al@@ ban@@ y is part of the United States where the people are known as Americans . Al@@ ban@@ y , Georg@@ ia is located wit@@ h@@ in the country which is lead by a President . The country is inh@@ ab@@ ited by Americans and the ethnic group of African Americans .
  820. The 11th Mississippi Infantry Monument is located at Sem@@ in@@ ar@@ y Ridge , G@@ et@@ ty@@ sburg , Pennsylvania , United States . The mon@@ ument was established in the ye@@ ar 2000 and is categor@@ iz@@ ed as a Cont@@ ributing P@@ ro@@ perty .
  821. The 11th Mississippi Infantry Monument is a cont@@ ributing property located in Adams County , Pennsylvania , which has C@@ ar@@ ro@@ l County to its sou@@ theast and Frederick County , Maryland to its sou@@ th@@ west .
  822. The Baku Turkish Martyrs ' Memorial is d@@ edic@@ ated to the O@@ tt@@ om@@ an Ar@@ m@@ y s@@ ol@@ di@@ ers k@@ ill@@ ed in the Batt@@ le of Baku . It is located in Azerbaijan , a country led by the P@@ rim@@ e Min@@ ister Ar@@ t@@ ur Ras@@ iz@@ ade .
  823. The Baku Turkish Martyrs ' Memorial , which is d@@ edic@@ ated to the O@@ tt@@ om@@ an Ar@@ m@@ y s@@ ol@@ di@@ ers k@@ ill@@ ed in the Batt@@ le of Baku , is located in Azerbaijan , a country led by Ar@@ t@@ ur Ras@@ iz@@ ade and le@@ g@@ is@@ l@@ ated in the National Ass@@ emb@@ ly .
  824. The Atatürk Monument is located in İzmir , Turkey , where the largest city is I@@ st@@ an@@ bu@@ l , and the leader - the President of Turkey - is called Ah@@ m@@ et Dav@@ ut@@ o@@ g@@ l@@ u .
  825. The AWH Engineering College in K@@ ut@@ t@@ ik@@ k@@ att@@ o@@ or , Kerala was established in 200@@ 1 and it has 250 academic staff . Kerala has M@@ a@@ he , India to its n@@ or@@ th@@ west .
  826. The Acharya Institute of Technology is located in Soldevanahalli , Acharya Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan Road , Hessarghatta Main Road , Bangalore – 560090 . It 's di@@ re@@ ct@@ or is Dr. G@@ . P@@ . Pr@@ ab@@ h@@ u@@ k@@ um@@ ar and it has 7@@ 00 post@@ gradu@@ ate students . It is affiliated with the Visvesvaraya Technological University .
  827. The Acharya Institute of Technology is located in Bangalore , India . Its president is B@@ .@@ M . R@@ ed@@ dy and it has 7@@ 00 post@@ gradu@@ ate students . The Institute is affiliated to the Visvesvaraya Technological University .
  828. The School of Business and Social Sciences at the Aarhus University in Denmark is affiliated with the European University Association , headquar@@ t@@ ered in Br@@ uss@@ el@@ s . The country 's leader is the Mon@@ ar@@ ch@@ y of Denmark and Lar@@ s L@@ ø@@ k@@ k@@ e Ras@@ m@@ uss@@ en is its leader .
  829. The AWH Engineering College in K@@ ut@@ t@@ ik@@ k@@ att@@ o@@ or , India was established in 200@@ 1 and it has 250 academic staff . M@@ um@@ ba@@ i is the largest city in India .
  830. AWH Engineering College is in Kerala , India . The leader of Kerala is K@@ o@@ ch@@ i . The G@@ an@@ g@@ es is a r@@ iv@@ er in India and M@@ um@@ ba@@ i is its largest city .
  831. The School of Business and Social Sciences at the Aarhus University in Aarhus , Denmark was established in 192@@ 8 . It has an academic staff of 73@@ 7 and the leader is Lar@@ s L@@ ø@@ k@@ k@@ e Ras@@ m@@ uss@@ en .
  832. The School of Business and Social Sciences at the Aarhus University is located in the city of Aarhus which has a m@@ ag@@ istr@@ ate govern@@ ment . It is affiliated with the European University Association which has its headquar@@ ters in Br@@ uss@@ el@@ s . Aarhus has M@@ ol@@ s to its n@@ or@@ theast and M@@ ol@@ s is to the n@@ or@@ theast of Aarhus .
  833. Baymax is a character created by St@@ ev@@ e T@@ . Se@@ ag@@ le and the American , D@@ un@@ can R@@ ou@@ lea@@ u . He is a character in the film Big Hero 6 which st@@ ar@@ s Alan T@@ ud@@ y@@ k .
  834. Michele Marcolini has be@@ en manager of AC Lumezzane which is located in Italy . He played for V@@ ic@@ en@@ z@@ a Calcio and no@@ w plays for F.C . Bar@@ i 190@@ 8 . The leader of Italy is Pietro Grasso .
  835. The manager of A.F.C . Blackpool is Stuart Parker ( footballer ) . He is att@@ ach@@ ed to Ch@@ est@@ er@@ field footb@@ all club and plays for St@@ oc@@ k@@ port County FC . The coun@@ cil is lead by the U@@ K L@@ ab@@ our Par@@ ty .
  836. The ground of A.S . Gubbio 1910 is located in Italy . The footb@@ all club play in Serie D , the champions of which are S@@ .S . Ro@@ bu@@ r S@@ i@@ ena . The language spoken in th@@ is country is Italian and the leader is Ser@@ g@@ io M@@ att@@ are@@ lla .
  837. The Ol@@ ym@@ p@@ ic Stad@@ ium ( Athens ) is the home ground of A@@ EK Athens FC who have their home ground at the Ol@@ ym@@ p@@ ic Stad@@ ium ( Athens ) located in Mar@@ ou@@ s@@ i . The club 's manager is G@@ us Po@@ yet who played for Ch@@ el@@ sea F.C . G@@ us Po@@ yet is as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the Re@@ al Z@@ ar@@ ag@@ o@@ z@@ a footb@@ all club .
  838. The ground of A.S . Gubbio 1910 is located in Italy , where Ital@@ i@@ ans l@@ ive and where the capital is Rome . Pietro Grasso is the leader of Italy , and the capital city is Rome .
  839. The ground of A.S . Gubbio 1910 is located in Italy , where Ital@@ i@@ ans l@@ ive and the capital is Rome . The leader of Italy is Ser@@ g@@ io M@@ att@@ are@@ lla and Italian is the off@@ ic@@ ial language .
  840. The dish ar@@ em@@ -arem is found nation@@ w@@ ide in Indonesia , bu@@ t is more sp@@ e@@ ci@@ f@@ ic to Java . The leader of Indonesia is J@@ us@@ u@@ f K@@ all@@ a and the currency is the ru@@ pi@@ ah . The language is Indones@@ ian .
  841. The capital of Malaysia is K@@ u@@ ala Lum@@ p@@ ur , and t@@ w@@ o ethnic groups inclu@@ de the Malaysian Chinese and the Mal@@ ay . Asam pedas is a food found in Malaysia . It comes from the region of Sum@@ at@@ ra and the Mal@@ ay P@@ en@@ in@@ s@@ ul@@ a .
  842. The dish Asam pedas comes from the region of Sum@@ at@@ ra and the Mal@@ ay P@@ en@@ in@@ s@@ ul@@ a in Malaysia , the country where Malaysian Indi@@ ans and Mal@@ ay are ethnic groups . The capital of Malaysia is K@@ u@@ ala Lum@@ p@@ ur .
  843. Asam pedas is a dish from Sum@@ at@@ ra and found in Malaysia . The Mal@@ ay and Malaysian Indian are ethnic groups in the country . The capital of Malaysia is K@@ u@@ ala Lum@@ p@@ ur .
  844. Asam pedas is a food found in the Mal@@ ay P@@ en@@ in@@ s@@ ul@@ a region of Malaysia . The leader of Malaysia is Ab@@ u Z@@ ah@@ ar U@@ j@@ an@@ g and Malaysian Indian is one of the ethnic groups .
  845. The country Bacon Explosion comes from is the K@@ an@@ s@@ as City met@@ ro@@ pol@@ it@@ an area , in the United States . The main ingredients are bacon and s@@ aus@@ age .
  846. The Bacon Explosion comes from the United States where the capital is Washington D@@ .@@ C@@ . and English is spoken . A pol@@ it@@ ical leader there is Pau@@ l R@@ y@@ an and White Americans are one of the ethnic groups .
  847. The bacon sandwich , which contains k@@ et@@ ch@@ up , can also be known as a bacon but@@ ty , bacon s@@ arn@@ ie , r@@ ash@@ er sandwich , bacon s@@ an@@ ger , pi@@ e@@ ce ' n bacon , bacon co@@ b , bacon b@@ ar@@ m , or bacon m@@ u@@ ff@@ in . It comes from the United Kingdom and is a variation of BLT .
  848. Baked Alaska is from the country of France where F@@ r@@ ench is the national language and the leaders are Man@@ u@@ el V@@ alls and Ger@@ ard Lar@@ ch@@ er . Baked Alaska is also served in Hong Kong .
  849. Bandeja paisa comes from the Antio@@ qu@@ ia Department region in Colomb@@ ia . O@@ ne of the ingredients is lem@@ on which be@@ lo@@ ng@@ s to the r@@ ut@@ aceae family and be@@ lo@@ ng@@ s to the Ro@@ sid@@ s order .
  850. Bar@@ ny c@@ akes , made with sp@@ on@@ ge c@@ akes , is from France where the F@@ r@@ ench language is spoken and the leaders are Ger@@ ard Lar@@ ch@@ er and Fran@@ co@@ is Ho@@ ll@@ and@@ e .
  851. Batagor is a dish found in Indonesia , it is a variation on the dish Sh@@ umai or Siomay , and includes pe@@ an@@ ut sauce . Jo@@ k@@ o W@@ id@@ o@@ d@@ o is the leader of Indonesia .
  852. Batagor is a dish found in Indonesia . It is a variation on the dish Siomay , which contains shi@@ it@@ ake m@@ us@@ h@@ ro@@ om@@ s . Jo@@ k@@ o W@@ id@@ o@@ d@@ o is the leader of Indonesia .
  853. Batagor is a dish found in Indonesia . It is a variation of Sh@@ umai which contains Sh@@ i@@ it@@ ake . J@@ us@@ u@@ f K@@ all@@ a is the leader of Indonesia .
  854. Bhajji originates from the Karnataka region of India . The main ingredients are gr@@ am f@@ l@@ our and vegetables . B@@ haj@@ i and b@@ aj@@ ji are alternative nam@@ es for Bhajji .
  855. The Indian people are from India , where the leaders are T@@ . S@@ . T@@ hak@@ ur and V@@ aj@@ ub@@ h@@ ai V@@ ala . Bhajji comes from the Karnataka region in India .
  856. Bhajji com@@ e from the Karnataka region of India , home to the Indian people ; led by T@@ . S@@ . T@@ hak@@ ur and Sum@@ itra M@@ ah@@ aj@@ an .
  857. Bionico is a dessert from the Gu@@ ad@@ al@@ aj@@ ara region of Mexico . It contains the ingredients ch@@ op@@ p@@ ed f@@ ru@@ its , sou@@ r cre@@ am , con@@ d@@ ens@@ ed m@@ il@@ k , gr@@ an@@ ola , sh@@ red@@ d@@ ed co@@ con@@ ut and ra@@ is@@ ins .
  858. Bionico is a dessert found in Mexico where Spanish is spoken and E@@ n@@ ri@@ qu@@ e Pena N@@ iet@@ o is the leader . H@@ on@@ ey can be add@@ ed to it .
  859. Bionico is a dessert found in the J@@ al@@ is@@ co region of S@@ il@@ v@@ ano Au@@ re@@ ol@@ es Con@@ ej@@ o led , Mexico . H@@ on@@ ey can be add@@ ed to it .
  860. Ar@@ ro@@ s negre is from the Catalon@@ ia region of Spain where C@@ arl@@ es P@@ u@@ ig@@ demon@@ t is the leader . The Span@@ i@@ ard@@ s are an ethnic group there .
  861. Amatriciana sauce is a t@@ r@@ ad@@ it@@ ional sauce in Italy , where the language is Italian and the leaders are M@@ att@@ e@@ o R@@ en@@ z@@ i and La@@ ura Bol@@ dr@@ ini .
  862. Amatriciana sauce is a t@@ r@@ ad@@ it@@ ional sauce from Italy , where the capital is Rome and the leaders inclu@@ de Ser@@ g@@ io M@@ att@@ are@@ lla and La@@ ura Bol@@ dr@@ ini . Ital@@ i@@ ans is the name g@@ iv@@ en to people from Italy .
  863. Amatriciana sauce is a t@@ r@@ ad@@ it@@ ional Italian sauce . The capital of the country is Rome and t@@ w@@ o of the leaders are Pietro Grasso and M@@ att@@ e@@ o R@@ en@@ z@@ i . Italian is spoken in Italy .
  864. The fried chicken dish Ayam penyet is made nation@@ w@@ ide in Java ( home of the Jav@@ an@@ ese ) , and can also be found in Malaysia and Singapore .
  865. Ayam penyet is a dish from Singapore and Java . The Jav@@ en@@ ese people are an ethnic group of Java and the leader of Singapore is T@@ on@@ y T@@ an . English is spoken in Singapore .
  866. Batchoy is e@@ at@@ en in the Philippines where Philippin@@ e Spanish is spoken and ethnic groups inclu@@ de Z@@ am@@ bo@@ an@@ g@@ ans and Chinese F@@ ili@@ p@@ ino .
  867. Ajoblanco is from Andalusia , Spain where S@@ us@@ ana D@@ ia@@ z is the leader . The Span@@ i@@ ard@@ s are an ethnic group in the country where Spanish is spoken .
  868. Felipe VI is the leader of Spain , a country where the people are known as Span@@ i@@ ard@@ s . Ajoblanco is from the Andalusia region where S@@ us@@ ana D@@ ia@@ z is the leader .
  869. Alan Bean is a US national who was born in Wheeler , Texas . He was a test pilot and was selected by NASA in 1963 . He is no@@ w retired .
  870. Alan Shepard was born in New Hampshire and served as a crew member of the NASA operated Apollo 14 . The United States Navy award@@ ed the Distinguished Service Medal to Alan Shepard , which ran@@ k@@ s h@@ igh@@ er th@@ an Department of Com@@ m@@ er@@ ce G@@ ol@@ d Medal .
  871. William Anders was an American born in British Hong Kong , served as a crew member of NASA 's Apollo 8 with com@@ m@@ and@@ er Frank B@@ orman .
  872. Buzz Aldrin , a US national , was born in Glen Ridge , New Jersey on 20 J@@ an@@ uar@@ y 193@@ 0 . He served as a fighter pilot and be@@ c@@ ame a crew member of Apollo 11 .
  873. American Buzz Aldrin was a fighter pilot who was born in Glen Ridge , New Jersey . He was a fighter pilot and a crew member of NASA 's Apollo 11 .
  874. Buzz Aldrin was born in Glen Ridge , New Jersey and graduated from M@@ I@@ T with a Sc@@ .D in 1963 . He th@@ en w@@ ent on to be@@ com@@ e a fighter pilot and be@@ c@@ ame a crew member of Apollo 11 . He is retired .
  875. Buzz Aldrin was born in Glen Ridge , New Jersey . He was a crew member of NASA 's Apollo 11 with William Anders as h@@ is b@@ ack up pilot .
  876. Buzz Aldrin was born on the 20@@ th of J@@ an@@ uar@@ y , 193@@ 0 . He was a crew member of NASA 's Apollo 11 with William Anders as h@@ is b@@ ack up pilot .
  877. Alan Shepard was a crew member of the NASA operated Apollo 14 . He died in California where Di@@ an@@ ne F@@ ein@@ st@@ e@@ in is a s@@ en@@ at@@ or . Di@@ an@@ ne F@@ ein@@ st@@ e@@ in is a s@@ en@@ at@@ or in California . B@@ en@@ it@@ o@@ ite is the g@@ em@@ st@@ one .
  878. Alan Shepard is an American who was born in New Hampshire and died in California . The United States Navy award@@ ed the Distinguished Service Medal to Alan Shepard , which ran@@ k@@ s h@@ igh@@ er th@@ an Department of Com@@ m@@ er@@ ce G@@ ol@@ d Medal .
  879. American William Anders was born in British Hong Kong . He was a fighter pilot and a crew member of Apollo 8 . He retired on Se@@ p@@ t@@ em@@ ber 1st , 196@@ 9 .
  880. Mar@@ g@@ re@@ the II is the Q@@ u@@ e@@ en of Denmark where the F@@ ar@@ o@@ ese language is spoken . The country is the location of Aarhus airport in Tirstrup , part of the C@@ ent@@ r@@ al Denmark region .
  881. Adolfo Suárez Madrid – Barajas Airport can be found in Madrid , P@@ arac@@ u@@ el@@ los de J@@ ar@@ ama , San Se@@ b@@ ast@@ i@@ án de los Re@@ y@@ es and Al@@ cobendas and is operated by ENAIRE . The airport is 6@@ 1@@ 0 metres above sea level and has a runway name of 14@@ L / 3@@ 2@@ R with a length of 4@@ 1@@ 00.0 .
  882. Agra airport is located in India and operated by the Indian Air Force . It is 16@@ 7@@ .@@ 9@@ 4 metres above sea level and has a runway 18@@ 1@@ 8 in length . The I@@ C@@ A@@ O Loc@@ ation I@@ d@@ entifier of the airport is V@@ I@@ A@@ G .
  883. The United States Air Force is the operating organisation for Al Asad air@@ base in Iraq . The air@@ base has the I@@ C@@ A@@ O location identifier of O@@ R@@ A@@ A , and a runway name of 0@@ 8 / 2@@ 6 with a length of 3@@ ,@@ 9@@ 90 .
  884. The United States Air Force is the operating organisation for Al Asad air@@ base which is located in Al An@@ b@@ ar Province , Iraq . The airport has the I@@ C@@ A@@ O location identifier of O@@ R@@ A@@ A , and a runway name of 0@@ 8 / 2@@ 6 with a length of 39@@ 9@@ 2@@ .@@ 8@@ 8 .
  885. Al Asad Airbase is operated by the United States Air Force which fou@@ gh@@ t in the b@@ om@@ b@@ ing of Lib@@ ya in 198@@ 6 . T@@ he@@ y de@@ plo@@ y the Loc@@ k@@ he@@ ed AC@@ -1@@ 3@@ 0 att@@ ack aircraft and the G@@ en@@ eral D@@ y@@ nam@@ ics F@@ -1@@ 6 F@@ igh@@ t@@ ing F@@ al@@ c@@ on aircraft as well as the Bo@@ e@@ ing C@@ -17 G@@ lo@@ b@@ em@@ ast@@ er I@@ II t@@ rans@@ port aircraft .
  886. Al Asad Airbase is operated by the United States Air Force who w@@ ere in@@ v@@ ol@@ v@@ ed in batt@@ les at the in@@ v@@ as@@ ion of Gr@@ en@@ ad@@ a and O@@ per@@ ation E@@ nd@@ ur@@ ing F@@ re@@ ed@@ o@@ m . T@@ he@@ y de@@ plo@@ y the Loc@@ k@@ he@@ ed AC@@ -1@@ 3@@ 0 att@@ ack aircraft and the Loc@@ k@@ he@@ ed C@@ -1@@ 3@@ 0 H@@ er@@ c@@ ul@@ es as a t@@ rans@@ port aircraft .
  887. Alderney is served by Alderney airport which is located 8@@ 8 metres above sea level . It has a 1st runway made from po@@ aceae which is 73@@ 3@@ .0 in length and is nam@@ ed 0@@ 8 / 2@@ 6 .
  888. The Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority is the operating organisation of the Allama Iqbal International Airport in Pakistan which serves the city of Lahore . The runway , which is 3@@ 3@@ 10@@ .0 in length , is nam@@ ed 18@@ L / 36@@ R .
  889. Allama Iqbal International Airport is located in Punjab , Pakistan and serves the city of Lahore . It is operated by the Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority . The runway name is 18@@ R / 36@@ L and it is 2@@ 9@@ 00.0 lon@@ g .
  890. Alpena County Regional Airport is located in M@@ a@@ ple Ridge Township , Alpena County , Michigan , United States . It serves the city of Alpena and has a runway length of 15@@ 3@@ 3@@ .0 . The airport serves Alpena , Michigan .
  891. Alpena County Regional Airport is located in M@@ a@@ ple Ridge Township , Alpena County , Michigan and serves Alpena , Michigan . It is 21@@ 0 metres above sea level and has a runway length of 15@@ 3@@ 3@@ .0 . The runway name is 7 / 2@@ 5 .
  892. Alpena County Regional Airport is located in Wil@@ son Township , Alpena County , Michigan and serves the city of Alpena . The airport is 21@@ 0 metres above sea level and has a runway nam@@ ed 1 / 1@@ 9 with a length of 27@@ 4@@ 4@@ .0 .
  893. Alpena County Regional Airport is located in the Wil@@ son Township , Alpena County , Michigan , United States . The airport is 21@@ 0 metres above sea level and has a runway length of 15@@ 3@@ 3@@ .0 .
  894. Lu@@ and@@ a is served by Angola International Airport located in I@@ col@@ o e B@@ eng@@ o . The airport is 15@@ 9 met@@ ers above sea level and has a runway name of 0@@ 5@@ L / 2@@ 3@@ R with a length of 3@@ 8@@ 00.0 .
  895. Athens International Airport serves the city of Athens , in Greece where t@@ w@@ o of the leaders are A@@ le@@ x@@ is T@@ si@@ pr@@ as and N@@ ik@@ o@@ s V@@ ou@@ t@@ s@@ is . Gree@@ k is spoken in Greece .
  896. Athens International Airport serves the city of Athens , in Greece where t@@ w@@ o of the leaders are A@@ le@@ x@@ is T@@ si@@ pr@@ as and P@@ ro@@ k@@ op@@ is P@@ av@@ lo@@ p@@ ou@@ los . Gree@@ k is spoken in Greece .
  897. Atlantic City International Airport is located at Egg Harbor Township , New Jersey in the United St@@ at@@ es@@ .@@ The airport serves Atlantic city whose leader is D@@ on G@@ uar@@ di@@ an .
  898. Antwerp International Airport serves the city of Antwerp , a popular t@@ our@@ is@@ t de@@ st@@ in@@ ation in Belgium . T@@ w@@ o of the leaders of which are Phili@@ pp@@ e of Belgium and Charl@@ es M@@ ic@@ he@@ l . The capital of the country is Br@@ uss@@ el@@ s .
  899. Atlantic City International Airport is located in Egg Harbor Township , New Jersey in the United St@@ at@@ es@@ .@@ The airport 's I@@ C@@ A@@ O Loc@@ ation I@@ d@@ entifier is K@@ AC@@ Y .Adirondack Regional Airport serves the c@@ it@@ ies of Lake Plac@@ id , and Saranac Lake , Har@@ ri@@ et@@ st@@ own , New York , United States .
  900. Adirondack Regional Airport serves the c@@ it@@ ies of Lake Plac@@ id and Saranac Lake , which is part of Har@@ ri@@ et@@ st@@ own , E@@ s@@ se@@ x County , New York , in the United States .
  901. Agra Airport is located in Uttar Pradesh which is part of A@@ w@@ ad@@ h and B@@ un@@ d@@ el@@ k@@ h@@ and . The airport is operated by the Indian Air Force who us@@ e the H@@ AL L@@ igh@@ t Com@@ b@@ at H@@ el@@ ic@@ op@@ ter .
  902. Ram N@@ a@@ i@@ k is the leader in Uttar Pradesh which is part of B@@ un@@ d@@ el@@ k@@ h@@ and . The airport is operated by the Indian Air Force who us@@ e the H@@ AL L@@ igh@@ t Com@@ b@@ at H@@ el@@ ic@@ op@@ ter .
  903. Al@@ -@@ T@@ a@@ q@@ add@@ um Air B@@ as@@ e serves the city of F@@ all@@ u@@ j@@ ah in Iraq . H@@ a@@ id@@ er Al@@ -@@ Ab@@ ad@@ i and F@@ u@@ ad Mas@@ um are leaders in Iraq where Arab@@ ic is spoken .
  904. 200 Public Square was completed in 198@@ 5 and is located in Cleveland , C@@ u@@ y@@ ah@@ o@@ g@@ a County , Ohio , United States .
  905. 250 Delaware Avenue , Bu@@ ff@@ al@@ o , New York , has 12 floors and a t@@ ot@@ al st@@ yle of 30@@ 8@@ 4@@ 3@@ .@@ 8 square metres . It was be@@ gu@@ n in J@@ an@@ uar@@ y 2014 and has the Po@@ st@@ m@@ o@@ d@@ ern st@@ yle of archite@@ cture .
  906. 300 North LaSalle is located in Chicago , Illinois , United States . The capital of Illinois is Sp@@ r@@ ing@@ field and the leader of Chicago is R@@ ah@@ m E@@ man@@ u@@ el .
  907. Mar@@ g@@ re@@ the II is the leader of Denmark where the F@@ ar@@ o@@ ese language is spoken . The country is the location of the AC Hotel Bella Sky in Copenhagen , a tenant of the Marriott International which was found@@ ed in Washington D@@ C .
  908. Marriott International was found@@ ed in Washington D@@ C and is the curr@@ ent tenant of AC Hotel Bella Sky in Copenhagen , Denmark where one of the langu@@ ages spoken is Green@@ lan@@ d@@ ic .
  909. The leader of Denmark is Lar@@ s Lo@@ k@@ k@@ e Ras@@ m@@ uss@@ en and one of the langu@@ ages is Green@@ lan@@ d@@ ic . The AC Hotel Bella Sky is located in Copenhagen and ten@@ ant@@ ed by Marriott International which was found@@ ed in Washington D@@ C .
  910. Adare Manor is located in the Republic of Ireland , which is led by E@@ nd@@ a K@@ enn@@ y and designed by Au@@ gu@@ st@@ us P@@ u@@ g@@ in , who was born in B@@ lo@@ om@@ s@@ bury . O@@ ne of the si@@ g@@ n@@ if@@ ic@@ ant buil@@ d@@ ing@@ s designed by Au@@ gu@@ st@@ us P@@ u@@ g@@ in is the Pal@@ ace of W@@ est@@ min@@ st@@ er .
  911. Addis Ababa City Hall , st@@ ar@@ t@@ ed in 196@@ 1 and completed in 196@@ 4 , has a he@@ igh@@ t of 4@@ 2 metres and a floor area of 14@@ 00@@ 00.0 square metres . The curr@@ ent ten@@ ants are the G@@ overn@@ ment of Addis Ababa .
  912. The Akita Museum of Art at 14@@ 2 N@@ ak@@ ad@@ or@@ i is located in Akita , Akita , Japan . It has 3 floors .
  913. The Chinese people are an ethnic group in Japan which is lead by T@@ ar@@ o As@@ o . The country is the location of the Akita Museum of Art in Akita , Akita Pre@@ fe@@ cture .
  914. The M@@ ason School of Business are the curr@@ ent ten@@ ants of Alan B Miller Hall in Virginia , United States which was designed by the architect Rober@@ t A M St@@ ern .
  915. Amdavad ni Gufa is located in Ah@@ med@@ ab@@ ad , Gu@@ j@@ ar@@ at , India . Gu@@ j@@ ar@@ at 's leader is known as the Gu@@ j@@ ar@@ at L@@ eg@@ is@@ l@@ ative Ass@@ emb@@ ly and the leader in India is Sum@@ itra M@@ ah@@ aj@@ an .
  916. Ampara Hospital is located in Ampara Dist@@ ric@@ t , Eastern Province , Sri Lanka where the leader is R@@ an@@ il W@@ ick@@ rem@@ es@@ ing@@ he . The leader of the Eastern Province of Sri Lanka is Austin F@@ ern@@ ando .
  917. Ampara Hospital is located in the Eastern Province , Sri Lanka . The leader of the country is R@@ an@@ il W@@ ick@@ rem@@ es@@ ing@@ he and the capital is Sri J@@ ay@@ award@@ en@@ e@@ p@@ ura K@@ ott@@ e . The govern@@ ing bo@@ dy of the Eastern Province is the Eastern Provin@@ ci@@ al Council .
  918. Julia Morgan was born in San Fran@@ c@@ is@@ co and is the architect of man@@ y buil@@ d@@ ing@@ s inclu@@ ding the Asilomar Conference Grounds , the Lo@@ s Ang@@ el@@ es H@@ er@@ al@@ d Ex@@ am@@ in@@ er building , the Lo@@ s Ang@@ el@@ es H@@ er@@ al@@ d Ex@@ am@@ in@@ er building , the Asilomar Conference Grounds and the Asilomar St@@ ate Be@@ ac@@ h .
  919. Julia Morgan was born in San Fran@@ c@@ is@@ co and is the architect of man@@ y buil@@ d@@ ing@@ s inclu@@ ding the Asilomar Conference Grounds , the R@@ ivers@@ ide Art Museum , H@@ e@@ ar@@ st C@@ ast@@ le and Asilomar St@@ ate Be@@ ac@@ h .
  920. The Asser Levy Public Baths are located in New York City , Man@@ hatt@@ an , New York , in the United States . The leader of Man@@ hatt@@ an , part of New N@@ et@@ h@@ er@@ land , is C@@ y@@ r@@ us V@@ ance J@@ r .
  921. 103 Colmore Row was designed by the architect , John Madin , who was born in Birmingham . The post@@ al code of Birmingham is the City Council and the leader is L@@ ab@@ our pol@@ it@@ ic@@ ian John C@@ lan@@ c@@ y .
  922. The leader of the United States is tit@@ led President Barack Obama . The capital city is Washington D@@ C and the country is the location of 250 Delaware Avenue .
  923. The 11th Mississippi Infantry Monument is located at Sem@@ in@@ ar@@ y Ridge , Adams County , Pennsylvania , U@@ SA . It was established in the ye@@ ar 2000 and is categor@@ iz@@ ed as a Cont@@ ributing P@@ ro@@ perty .
  924. The 11th Mississippi Infantry Monument is a cont@@ ributing property located in Adams County , Pennsylvania , which has Fran@@ k@@ lin County to its west , C@@ umber@@ land County to its n@@ orth and Frederick County , Maryland to its sou@@ th@@ west .
  925. The Baku Turkish Martyrs ' Memorial which is made of red gr@@ an@@ ite and white m@@ ar@@ b@@ le is d@@ edic@@ ated to the O@@ tt@@ om@@ an Ar@@ m@@ y s@@ ol@@ di@@ ers k@@ ill@@ ed in the Batt@@ le of Baku . It was designed by H@@ use@@ y@@ in B@@ ut@@ un@@ er and H@@ il@@ m@@ i G@@ un@@ er and is located in Azerbaijan . The capital is Baku and its leader is Ar@@ t@@ ur Ras@@ iz@@ ade .
  926. The Baku Turkish Martyrs ' Memorial , which is made of red gr@@ an@@ ite and white m@@ ar@@ b@@ le , is d@@ edic@@ ated to the O@@ tt@@ om@@ an Ar@@ m@@ y s@@ ol@@ di@@ ers k@@ ill@@ ed in the Batt@@ le of Baku . It was designed in red gr@@ an@@ ite and white m@@ ar@@ b@@ le by H@@ use@@ y@@ in B@@ ut@@ un@@ er and H@@ il@@ m@@ i G@@ un@@ er and is located in Azerbaijan . The n@@ ative name of the mem@@ orial is Tur@@ k Se@@ h@@ it@@ l@@ er@@ i An@@ it@@ i .
  927. The 14th New Jersey Volunteer Infantry Monument was established on 11 July 190@@ 7 and is located in the distric@@ t of the Monocacy National Battlefield in Frederick County , Maryland , United States . It was established on 11 July 190@@ 7 and be@@ lo@@ ng@@ s to the category of H@@ istoric distric@@ ts in the United States .
  928. Alan Bean is a US national who was born in Wheeler , Texas on Mar@@ ch 15@@ th , 193@@ 2 . He was a test pilot and sp@@ ent 1@@ 00@@ 30@@ 5 min@@ ut@@ es in sp@@ ace . He is no@@ w retired .
  929. Alan Shepard was born in New Hampshire and died in California . He was a crew member of the NASA operated Apollo 14 , which ran@@ k@@ s h@@ igh@@ er th@@ an the Department of Com@@ m@@ er@@ ce G@@ ol@@ d Medal . He died in California .
  930. Alan Bean ( born Alan La@@ Ver@@ n Bean ) was a crew member of NASA 's Apollo 12 with Al@@ f@@ red W@@ or@@ den as backup pilot and Dav@@ id S@@ cott as com@@ m@@ and@@ er .
  931. Buzz Aldrin was an American who was born in Glen Ridge , New Jersey . He graduated from M@@ I@@ T with a Sc@@ .D in 1963 . He was selected by NASA in 1963 as a fighter pilot and be@@ c@@ ame a crew member of Apollo 11 .
  932. Buzz Aldrin was born in Glen Ridge , New Jersey on 20 J@@ an@@ uar@@ y 193@@ 0 . He graduated from Mas@@ s@@ ach@@ us@@ et@@ ts Institute of Technology in 1963 with a do@@ ct@@ or@@ ate in Science , was a crew member of NASA 's Apollo 11 with William Anders as h@@ is b@@ ack up pilot .
  933. American Buzz Aldrin was born in Glen Ridge , New Jersey . He was a fighter pilot and a crew member of NASA 's Apollo 11 with William Anders as h@@ is b@@ ack up pilot .
  934. Buzz Aldrin was born on 20 J@@ an@@ uar@@ y 193@@ 0 in Glen Ridge , New Jersey . He graduated from M@@ I@@ T with a Sc@@ .D in 1963 . He th@@ en w@@ ent on to j@@ o@@ in NASA in 1963 as a fighter pilot and be@@ c@@ ame a crew member of Apollo 11 .
  935. Di@@ an@@ ne F@@ ein@@ st@@ e@@ in is a s@@ en@@ at@@ or in California , where Di@@ an@@ ne F@@ ein@@ st@@ e@@ in is a s@@ en@@ at@@ or . Alan Shepard was award@@ ed the Distinguished Service Medal by the US Navy , which ran@@ k@@ s h@@ igh@@ er th@@ an the Department of Com@@ m@@ er@@ ce G@@ ol@@ d Medal . He died in California .
  936. William Anders was born in British Hong Kong and is from the United States . He graduated from A@@ F@@ I@@ T , M@@ .S@@ . in 1962 and served as a fighter pilot and was a crew member on Apollo 8 . He retired on Se@@ p@@ t@@ em@@ ber 1st , 196@@ 9 .
  937. William Anders was born in British Hong Kong . He was a crew member of NASA 's Apollo 8 with Buzz Aldrin as backup pilot and Frank B@@ orman as a crew member . He was born in British Hong Kong .
  938. William Anders , no@@ w retired , was a crew member of the NASA operated Apollo 8 al@@ ong with Buzz Aldrin and Frank B@@ orman . He re@@ c@@ e@@ iv@@ ed a M@@ .S@@ . from h@@ is alma Mat@@ er , A@@ F@@ I@@ T .
  939. The Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio is located in T@@ ic@@ ino , Mendrisio , Switzerland . It was established in 1996 and its de@@ an is Mar@@ io B@@ ott@@ a . It has 1@@ 00 academic staff .
  940. The Acharya Institute of Technology is located in Soldevanahalli , Acharya Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan Road , Hessarghatta Main Road , Bangalore – 560090 , Karnataka , India . It is affiliated with the Visvesvaraya Technological University and it has 7@@ 00 post@@ gradu@@ ate students .
  941. The Acharya Institute of Technology was established in 2000 in the city of Bangalore , India . The in@@ stitute 's president is B@@ .@@ M . R@@ ed@@ dy and it is affiliated with the Visvesvaraya Technological University . The campus is located at In Soldevanahalli , Acharya Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan Road , Hessarghatta Main Road , Bangalore – 560090 .
  942. The School of Business and Social Sciences at the Aarhus University in Denmark is affiliated with the European University Association , headquar@@ t@@ ered in Br@@ uss@@ el@@ s . The country 's leader is the Mon@@ ar@@ ch@@ y of Denmark and its leader is Lar@@ s Lo@@ k@@ k@@ e Ras@@ m@@ uss@@ en . The re@@ l@@ ig@@ ion is the Ch@@ urch of Denmark .
  943. The School of Business and Social Sciences at the Aarhus University is located in the city of Aarhus , Denmark . It is affiliated to the European University Association which has its headquar@@ ters in Br@@ uss@@ el@@ s . The country 's leader is Lar@@ s L@@ ø@@ k@@ k@@ e Ras@@ m@@ uss@@ en and the country 's leader is Lar@@ s L@@ ø@@ k@@ k@@ e Ras@@ m@@ uss@@ en .
  944. The AWH Engineering College in Kerala , India was established in 200@@ 1 . The leader of Kerala is K@@ o@@ ch@@ i . The G@@ an@@ g@@ es is a r@@ iv@@ er in India and M@@ um@@ ba@@ i is its largest city . The leader of Kerala is K@@ o@@ ch@@ i .
  945. The 1 Decembrie 1918 University is located in Romania . Romania 's capital is Bu@@ char@@ est and its ethnic group is the Ger@@ m@@ ans of Romania . The country 's leader is K@@ l@@ aus I@@ oh@@ an@@ n@@ is and its p@@ at@@ ron S@@ a@@ int is And@@ re@@ w the A@@ post@@ le . The national ant@@ he@@ m of Romania is De@@ ș@@ te@@ ap@@ t@@ ă@@ -@@ t@@ e , r@@ om@@ â@@ ne ! .
  946. The School of Business and Social Sciences at the Aarhus University was established in 192@@ 8 in the city of Aarhus , Denmark . It has an academic staff of 73@@ 7 and the leader is Lar@@ s L@@ ø@@ k@@ k@@ e Ras@@ m@@ uss@@ en .
  947. Turkey 's largest city is I@@ st@@ an@@ bu@@ l , the currency is the Turkish l@@ ir@@ a and the leader is Ah@@ m@@ et Dav@@ ut@@ o@@ g@@ l@@ u . The country is the location of the b@@ r@@ on@@ ze Atat@@ ur@@ k mon@@ ument which was in@@ au@@ g@@ ur@@ ated on 2@@ 7 July 193@@ 2 .
  948. Ah@@ m@@ et Dav@@ ut@@ o@@ g@@ l@@ u is the President of Turkey . The capital city is An@@ k@@ ara , bu@@ t it is in I@@ zmir that the b@@ r@@ on@@ ze Atat@@ ur@@ k mon@@ ument designed by Pietro C@@ an@@ on@@ ica and in@@ au@@ g@@ ur@@ ated on 2@@ 7 July 193@@ 2 is located . The mon@@ ument was designed in b@@ r@@ on@@ ze by Pietro C@@ an@@ on@@ ica and in@@ au@@ g@@ ur@@ ated on 2@@ 7 July 193@@ 2 .
  949. President Ah@@ m@@ et Dav@@ ut@@ o@@ g@@ l@@ u is the President of Turkey . The capital city is An@@ k@@ ara and the largest city is I@@ st@@ an@@ bu@@ l . The loc@@ al currency is the Turkish l@@ ir@@ a and the Atat@@ ur@@ k Monument ( I@@ zmir ) was in@@ au@@ g@@ ur@@ ated on 2@@ 7 July 193@@ 2 .
  950. The Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio is located in Mendrisio , Switzerland . It was established in 1996 and it has 1@@ 00 academic staff and 600 students . Its de@@ an is Mar@@ io B@@ ott@@ a . The leader of Switzerland is tit@@ led the Fed@@ eral Ch@@ anc@@ el@@ lor .
  951. The Acharya Institute of Technology in Bangalore , Karnataka , India was established in 2000 . Its di@@ re@@ ct@@ or is Dr. G@@ . P@@ . Pr@@ ab@@ h@@ u@@ k@@ um@@ ar and its president is B@@ .@@ M . R@@ ed@@ dy . Its di@@ re@@ ct@@ or is Dr. G@@ . P@@ . Pr@@ ab@@ h@@ u@@ k@@ um@@ ar and its m@@ ot@@ to is " N@@ ur@@ t@@ ur@@ ing Ex@@ c@@ ell@@ ence " .
  952. The Acharya Institute of Technology is located in the state of Karnataka , which has Te@@ lan@@ g@@ ana to its n@@ or@@ theast and the Arab@@ ian Se@@ a to the west . It was g@@ iv@@ en the ' Techn@@ ical Camp@@ us ' status by the Al@@ l India Council for Techn@@ ical E@@ du@@ c@@ ation in M@@ um@@ ba@@ i . The govern@@ ing bo@@ dy of the in@@ stitute is the International T@@ enn@@ is Fed@@ er@@ ation .
  953. The 1 Decembrie 1918 University is located in Alba I@@ ul@@ ia , Romania . Romania 's capital is Bu@@ char@@ est and its ethnic group is the Ger@@ m@@ ans of Romania . The country 's leader is P@@ rim@@ e Min@@ ister K@@ l@@ aus I@@ oh@@ an@@ n@@ is and its ant@@ he@@ m is De@@ ș@@ te@@ ap@@ t@@ ă@@ -@@ t@@ e , r@@ om@@ â@@ ne ! .
  954. The School of Business and Social Sciences at the Aarhus University in Aarhus , Denmark was established in 192@@ 8 . Its de@@ an is T@@ hom@@ as Pal@@ le@@ s@@ en and it is affiliated to the European University Association . It has 73@@ 7 academic staff and is led by Lar@@ s L@@ ø@@ k@@ k@@ e Ras@@ m@@ uss@@ en .
  955. The School of Business and Social Sciences at the Aarhus University is located in the city of Aarhus , Denmark . It is affiliated to the European University Association , which has its headquar@@ ters in Br@@ uss@@ el@@ s . Aarhus has a mon@@ ar@@ ch@@ y and its leader is Lar@@ s Lo@@ k@@ k@@ e Ras@@ m@@ uss@@ en . Denmark has a m@@ ag@@ istr@@ ate govern@@ ment .
  956. The School of Business and Social Sciences at the Aarhus University in Aarhus , Denmark was established in 192@@ 8 . Its L@@ at@@ in name is " Universit@@ as A@@ arh@@ u@@ si@@ ens@@ is " and it is affiliated with the European University Association and has 16@@ 000 students . The L@@ at@@ in name for the un@@ ivers@@ ity is " Universit@@ as A@@ arh@@ u@@ si@@ ens@@ is " .
  957. Alan Bean was born on Mar@@ ch 15 , 193@@ 2 in Wheeler , Texas . He graduated from U@@ T Austin in 195@@ 5 with a B@@ .S . He w@@ ent on to be@@ com@@ e a test pilot and be@@ c@@ ame a crew member of Apollo 12 . He is retired .
  958. Alan Shepard was born on N@@ ov@@ em@@ ber 18@@ th , 192@@ 3 in New Hampshire . He graduated from NWC with an M@@ .A@@ . in 1957 . He w@@ or@@ k@@ ed as a test pilot and was selected by NASA in 195@@ 9 . He died in California .
  959. Alan Bean is an American who was born in Wheeler , Texas . He was a test pilot and crew member of Apollo 12 , which was operated by NASA . Dav@@ id S@@ cott was the com@@ m@@ and@@ er of Apollo 12 and Al@@ f@@ red W@@ or@@ den was the backup pilot .
  960. E@@ d@@ w@@ in E Aldrin J@@ r , also known as Buzz Aldrin , was born in Glen Ridge , New Jersey on 20 J@@ an@@ uar@@ y 193@@ 0 . He graduated from M@@ I@@ T with a Sc@@ .D in 1963 . He was selected by NASA in 1963 as a fighter pilot and be@@ c@@ ame a crew member of Apollo 11 .
  961. American Buzz Aldrin was born in Glen Ridge , New Jersey on J@@ an@@ uar@@ y 20@@ th , 193@@ 0 . He graduated from M@@ I@@ T with a Sc@@ .D in 1963 . He was a fighter pilot and a crew member of Apollo 11 , sp@@ ent 5@@ 2 min@@ ut@@ es in sp@@ ace . He was born on the 20@@ th of J@@ an@@ uar@@ y , 193@@ 0 in Glen Ridge , New Jersey .
  962. Buzz Aldrin was an American who was born in Glen Ridge , New Jersey on 20 J@@ an@@ uar@@ y 193@@ 0 . He graduated from M@@ I@@ T with a Sc@@ .D in 1963 . He was a crew member of Apollo 11 and is no@@ w retired .
  963. Buzz Aldrin was born in Glen Ridge , New Jersey on J@@ an@@ uar@@ y 20@@ th , 193@@ 0 . He was selected by NASA in 1963 and served as a crew member of the NASA operated Apollo 11 . He is retired .
  964. Buzz Aldrin was born in Glen Ridge , New Jersey . He graduated from Mas@@ s@@ ach@@ us@@ et@@ ts Institute of Technology in 1963 with a do@@ ct@@ or@@ ate in Science , was a crew member of Apollo 11 operated by NASA , where William Anders was a backup pilot . He is no@@ w retired .
  965. William Anders was born in British Hong Kong on O@@ ct@@ o@@ ber 17@@ th , 193@@ 3 . He was a fighter pilot and a crew member of Apollo 8 . He retired on Se@@ p@@ t@@ em@@ ber 1st , 196@@ 9 .
  966. American William Anders was born in British Hong Kong . He was a crew member of the NASA operated Apollo 8 al@@ ong with Buzz Aldrin and Frank B@@ orman . William Anders retired on Se@@ p@@ t@@ em@@ ber 1st , 196@@ 9 .
  967. William Anders was born in British Hong Kong on O@@ ct@@ o@@ ber 17@@ th , 193@@ 3 . He was selected by NASA in 1963 . He was a fighter pilot and crew member of Apollo 8 . He retired on Se@@ p@@ t@@ em@@ ber 1st , 196@@ 9 .
  968. A@@ ar@@ on S@@ .@@ D@@ . g@@ et@@ t was award@@ ed the P@@ ur@@ ple H@@ e@@ ct@@ ion .
  969. A@@ ar@@ on S@@ .@@ D@@ . D@@ un@@ der was in@@ v@@ ol@@ v@@ ed in the Batt@@ le of M@@ aya R@@ u@@ n .
  970. The birth place of A@@ Z B@@ ib@@ k is St@@ er@@ lin@@ k , N@@ et@@ h@@ er@@ lan@@ d@@ s .
  971. The off@@ ice or of Ab@@ du@@ l R@@ un@@ der d@@ in is T@@ u@@ an@@ k@@ u Bu@@ j@@ an@@ g , is T@@ o@@ an@@ k@@ u Bu@@ j@@ an@@ g .
  972. The par@@ ty of Ab@@ du@@ l T@@ a@@ i@@ b is the par@@ ty of Ab@@ du@@ l T@@ a@@ i@@ b .
  973. Ab@@ du@@ l T@@ a@@ i@@ b is a s@@ u@@ cc@@ ad@@ or of the S@@ ad@@ al@@ im@@ or of Ab@@ du@@ l T@@ a@@ i@@ b .
  974. Ab@@ h@@ ul@@ s@@ al@@ d Ab@@ ub@@ ur@@ n was act@@ u@@ all@@ y first on July 2@@ 1st , 199@@ 9 .
  975. Ab@@ er@@ ul@@ s@@ al@@ d Ab@@ ib@@ er@@ ce was born in Min@@ d@@ a .
  976. Ab@@ er@@ ul@@ s@@ al@@ d Ab@@ ib@@ er@@ ce was born in the re@@ ct@@ ion .
  977. The act@@ ive of ar@@ s Ab@@ h W@@ . S@@ ib@@ al is 196@@ 5@@ -0@@ 1@@ -0@@ 3 .
  978. Ab@@ h@@ W@@ . S@@ ib@@ a died in A@@ le@@ x@@ an@@ dr@@ ia , Virginia .
  979. The birth place of Ad@@ am H@@ ol@@ d@@ way is K@@ ent .
  980. Ad@@ am H@@ ol@@ d@@ way re@@ sid@@ es in the re@@ sid@@ ence of Ad@@ am H@@ ol@@ lo@@ way .
  981. Ad@@ en@@ ton S@@ at@@ em is a stud@@ ent at University of Ad@@ m@@ a@@ z .
  982. Ad@@ ol@@ f Sch@@ ust@@ er was born in M@@ ul@@ u@@ lo@@ w .
  983. The off@@ ic@@ ial language of the off@@ ic@@ ial is Ant@@ on@@ is S@@ am@@ ar@@ is .
  984. The off@@ ice of Ad@@ m@@ is County is the De@@ p@@ ut@@ y Min@@ ister of Com@@ p@@ ut@@ y Min@@ ister of Com@@ p@@ ut@@ y Min@@ ister of Com@@ p@@ ut@@ y Min@@ ister , Sh@@ i@@ pp@@ ing .
  985. The birth place of A@@ g@@ n@@ es K@@ ance is H@@ ein@@ st@@ er A@@ d@@ yst@@ or@@ f .
  986. The birth place of A@@ g@@ n@@ es W@@ e@@ in is Mar@@ s@@ ett@@ a , Ohio .
  987. The comic book character A@@ i@@ re@@ y , av@@ a@@ il@@ ab@@ le in 195@@ 9 was ar@@ t@@ ed in 195@@ 3@@ -0@@ 6@@ -@@ 3@@ 0 .
  988. A@@ i@@ re@@ e Ne@@ av@@ e was award@@ ed the M@@ il@@ it@@ an y C@@ ro@@ perty .
  989. The birth place of A@@ i@@ re@@ y , av@@ e , is K@@ n@@ igh@@ t@@ s@@ b@@ le , London .
  990. The m@@ il@@ t ar@@ y si@@ k for A@@ i@@ re@@ y Ne@@ av@@ es is L@@ i@@ e@@ y@@ en@@ er P@@ olon@@ ard .
  991. A@@ i@@ re@@ e Ne@@ av@@ e is a b@@ ice cre@@ t in 198@@ 1 .
  992. The pol@@ it@@ ical par@@ ty of Al@@ ber@@ t , in the United States is the Re@@ pre@@ s@@ ic Par@@ ty ( United States ) .
  993. The sp@@ e@@ ci@@ al of Al@@ ber@@ t , Al@@ ber@@ t , is the A@@ g@@ n@@ es W@@ ol@@ white .
  994. The m@@ il@@ t ar@@ y b@@ ran@@ ch of Al@@ ber@@ t J@@ enn@@ ain is the m@@ il@@ it@@ ar@@ y B@@ ran@@ ch , is ran@@ ch .
  995. Al@@ ber@@ t Ro@@ is@@ air@@ e is of the United States .
  996. The Al@@ ber@@ t G@@ is@@ air@@ e 's pro@@ f@@ is@@ co is the Re@@ al Ad@@ m@@ ir@@ al in the Ar@@ g@@ io .
  997. The Al@@ f@@ on@@ s G@@ or@@ b@@ ac@@ h died in Aust@@ r@@ ia .
  998. The first air@@ ion of Al@@ f@@ red M@@ o@@ d st@@ ar@@ t@@ ed is 18@@ 7@@ 5@@ -2@@ 3@@ -0@@ 4 .
  999. Al@@ f@@ red W@@ o@@ d w@@ ere in@@ v@@ ol@@ v@@ ed in the Batt@@ le of Gr@@ anc@@ ash@@ or@@ s@@ ics .
  1000. Al@@ f@@ red G@@ . Ph@@ illi@@ pe was born in D@@ er@@ ton , Con@@ cre@@ ct@@ ic@@ k .
  1001. The off@@ ice of Al@@ f@@ red G@@ . z off@@ ice is the T@@ ay@@ or of St@@ an@@ f@@ or@@ d , Con@@ cre@@ ct@@ ic@@ k .
  1002. The comic book character A@@ ll@@ an Sh@@ ill@@ ers is act@@ ive in 17@@ 4@@ 7@@ -0@@ 1-@@ 2 .
  1003. A@@ ll@@ an Sh@@ in@@ ers 's m@@ il@@ it@@ ar@@ y b@@ ran@@ ch is the United States Ar@@ m@@ y .
  1004. The s@@ u@@ cc@@ ad@@ or of A@@ ll@@ an Sh@@ iv@@ ers is the P@@ ro@@ D@@ an@@ i@@ el .
  1005. The act@@ ive constru@@ ar@@ s st@@ ar@@ t@@ ed in Al@@ v@@ ah S@@ ab@@ ama was 18@@ 5@@ 3@@ -0@@ 3@@ -0@@ 4 .
  1006. Al@@ v@@ ah S@@ ab@@ ama is the par@@ ty of Al@@ v@@ ah S@@ ab@@ ama . The lead@@ ing par@@ ty is the United States .
  1007. The publ@@ ic@@ ation of the American Journal for com@@ m@@ and@@ er is Rober@@ t E@@ . Le@@ e .
  1008. The language spoken in Aust@@ r@@ ia is Aust@@ r@@ ia .
  1009. The com@@ m@@ and@@ er of the batt@@ le of Mendrisio is Rober@@ t E@@ . Le@@ e .
  1010. O@@ per@@ ated by the American Civil W@@ ar , is the location of the t@@ ered part of the com@@ munity of col@@ d .
  1011. The leader of Bu@@ il@@ o@@ s A@@ i@@ ñ@@ is G@@ ab@@ ri@@ el@@ a Mich@@ ett@@ i .
  1012. The com@@ m@@ and@@ er of G@@ overn@@ ing W@@ ar is Sar@@ a P@@ ow@@ el .
  1013. John M . K@@ enn@@ is is the pre@@ de@@ c@@ it@@ or of the D@@ w@@ ad@@ t D@@ . E@@ is@@ ner ow@@ er .
  1014. Jo@@ se@@ e K@@ l@@ aus was a stud@@ ent at the University of V@@ i@@ enn@@ a .
  1015. J@@ u@@ an C@@ ar@@ rie County is located in Spain , where the pre@@ de@@ c@@ e@@ or is Fran@@ c@@ is@@ co .
  1016. The par@@ ty of J@@ u@@ n P@@ er@@ ton is the L@@ ab@@ our Par@@ ty ( Ar@@ g@@ s ) .
  1017. The leader of N@@ et@@ h@@ er@@ lan@@ d@@ s is Mar@@ k R@@ ut@@ t@@ e .
  1018. The United States Air m@@ y w@@ ere in@@ v@@ ol@@ v@@ ed in the Distinguished Service -@@ of the United States Ar@@ m@@ y .
  1019. William Anders was born in B@@ lo@@ om@@ se , Maryland .
  1020. The comic book character D@@ o@@ d@@ ge C@@ or@@ d@@ ge is also known as " D@@ o@@ d@@ ge C@@ or@@ d@@ ge " .
  1021. 9@@ 5@@ 5 D@@ o@@ d@@ ge has the elevation of 2@@ 3@@ 0 D@@ o@@ d@@ ge .
  1022. A@@ -@@ T@@ on@@ ce 's ch@@ r@@ ist@@ em@@ ing date is " 200@@ 5@@ -0@@ 4@@ -0@@ 7 " .
  1023. The AI@@ D@@ A C@@ lan@@ d@@ es is located in Ro@@ st@@ oc@@ k@@ . .
  1024. The operating organ@@ iz@@ ation of AI@@ D@@ un@@ c@@ a is the AI@@ D@@ A C@@ ott@@ ag@@ es .
  1025. The ch@@ r@@ ist@@ en@@ ing date of the AI@@ D@@ A@@ st@@ e@@ len is 20@@ 1@@ 3@@ -0@@ 3-1@@ 6 .
  1026. The completion date of the AI@@ D@@ A@@ st@@ e@@ z was 20@@ 1@@ 3@@ -0@@ 3@@ 1 .
  1027. The m@@ a@@ iden v@@ o@@ y@@ s for the AI@@ D@@ A@@ st@@ e@@ z is 20@@ 1@@ 3@@ -0@@ 3-1@@ 5 .
  1028. The operating organ@@ iz@@ ation for the AI@@ D@@ A@@ st@@ e@@ z is the AI@@ D@@ A C@@ ott@@ ag@@ es .
  1029. The l@@ a@@ un@@ ne s@@ ite of the t@@ a@@ un@@ ger s@@ ite is the M@@ id@@ -@@ Atlantic Count@@ ry S@@ l@@ a@@ un@@ ne .
  1030. The comic book character A@@ M@@ C Mat@@ ad@@ or is also known as the " American M@@ ot@@ or Mat@@ ad@@ or " .
  1031. The comic character , A@@ ster@@ A , is no@@ w retired . It is no@@ w retired , where the lo@@ ng@@ s to the N@@ et@@ h@@ er@@ lan@@ d@@ s de M@@ ay@@ or , is no@@ w retired .
  1032. Ab@@ h@@ and@@ a Pena N@@ ov@@ is l@@ as@@ s@@ ed a@@ ir is in the St@@ ra@@ is@@ t of G@@ rov@@ ir@@ d .
  1033. The comic character A@@ c@@ adem@@ ia is located in H@@ uss@@ a K@@ eng@@ o .
  1034. The l@@ ay@@ ou@@ t of A@@ c@@ adem@@ ia is a l@@ ay@@ ou@@ t in the C@@ ay@@ ou@@ t of A@@ c@@ adem@@ y .
  1035. A@@ c@@ adem@@ y T@@ ern is the re@@ l@@ ated m@@ useum of the ten@@ ants of the t@@ rans@@ port@@ ation of which is the H@@ ot@@ of A@@ c@@ adem@@ d .
  1036. The t@@ rans@@ m@@ iss@@ ion of the t@@ rans@@ m@@ useum ion of the t@@ rans@@ m@@ iss@@ ion is 9@@ -@@ 9@@ e@@ .@@ 0@@ 3 .
  1037. The t@@ ot@@ all@@ y of Al@@ l Rom@@ e@@ o 16@@ 4 is the A@@ re@@ w .
  1038. The t@@ rans@@ port@@ ation of Al@@ l Rom@@ e@@ o 16@@ 4 is the L@@ anc@@ ia T@@ enn@@ em@@ a .
  1039. The t@@ rans@@ m@@ iss@@ ion of Al@@ l m@@ iss@@ ion is 4@@ -@@ 9@@ e@@ at a@@ ut@@ om@@ at@@ ic .
  1040. The Al@@ m@@ am@@ b@@ ack is includ@@ ed in the country of Al@@ m@@ am@@ b@@ ra .
  1041. The Al@@ m@@ am@@ b@@ al discipline be@@ am is 8@@ .@@ 3 m .
  1042. Al@@ m@@ am@@ b@@ ia is no@@ w de@@ c@@ e@@ as@@ ed .
  1043. The t@@ o@@ p im@@ o@@ p plan@@ e@@ ing is 1@@ .@@ 5@@ 2 min@@ ut@@ es .
  1044. Al@@ v@@ is Sp@@ e@@ at is the location of Al@@ v@@ is Sp@@ e@@ at 2@@ 5 , .
  1045. The m@@ o@@ d@@ el of Al@@ v@@ is Sp@@ e@@ in is the m@@ o@@ d@@ el st@@ ar@@ t@@ ed in 193@@ 7 .
  1046. The American Journal of Mathematics has an ISSN number of 4@@ .@@ 8@@ m .
  1047. The F@@ in@@ al f@@ l@@ igh@@ t of Ant@@ ar@@ es ( ro@@ c@@ k@@ et ) is 20@@ 14@@ -1@@ 0@@ -2@@ 8 .
  1048. Ant@@ ar@@ es ( ro@@ c@@ k@@ s ) is a l@@ a@@ un@@ der s@@ ite of the M@@ a@@ ch P@@ 21@@ 0 .
  1049. The leader of Ar@@ g@@ en@@ ia is G@@ ab@@ ri@@ el@@ a Mich@@ ett@@ i .
  1050. The l@@ a@@ un@@ ne s@@ ite is of the l@@ a@@ un@@ ne , Gu@@ ad@@ er 10@@ C@@ ent@@ r@@ e .
  1051. The m@@ a@@ iden f@@ l@@ igh@@ t of the Ar@@ i@@ ane is is 200@@ 5@@ -0@@ 8@@ -0@@ 1 .
  1052. A@@ st@@ on Mar@@ t@@ in 's govern@@ ing bo@@ dy is the Con@@ v@@ er@@ t@@ ib@@ le .
  1053. A@@ st@@ on Mar@@ s@@ in is the re@@ ci@@ pi@@ ent of A@@ st@@ on Mar@@ t@@ in .
  1054. A@@ st@@ on Mar@@ t@@ in was created by A@@ st@@ on Mar@@ t@@ in .
  1055. At@@ l@@ as II is f@@ in@@ al f@@ l@@ igh@@ t of 30@@ 8@@ -0@@ -1@@ 6 .
  1056. The l@@ it@@ s@@ II of At@@ l@@ as II is the l@@ a@@ un@@ th s@@ yst@@ er of the V@@ al@@ en@@ ber@@ g Air Force .
  1057. The found@@ er of the Accademia is Au@@ gu@@ st H@@ or@@ ch .
  1058. The de@@ s@@ emb@@ ly of The 1 is the as@@ s@@ emb@@ ly . The De@@ s@@ emb@@ ly is the As@@ s@@ emb@@ ly .
  1059. The n@@ l@@ al m@@ ov@@ of the United States is S@@ E@@ A@@ T I@@ b@@ re@@ a .
  1060. The I@@ C@@ . is located in P@@ e@@ ak@@ ing , Illinois .
  1061. The footb@@ all club 's location is G@@ en@@ o@@ a .
  1062. The t@@ rans@@ port@@ ation of Switzerland is De@@ S@@ o@@ s C@@ ent@@ o@@ m , and the off@@ ic@@ ial s@@ ame of the t@@ rans@@ port@@ ation is the Di@@ y@@ s@@ l@@ er Ne@@ w@@ port .
  1063. The F@@ i@@ b C@@ r@@ om@@ a re@@ l@@ ated m@@ ov@@ a t@@ rans@@ port@@ ation of Al@@ l Rom@@ e@@ o 16@@ 4 .
  1064. Ger@@ m@@ ans is the name g@@ iv@@ en to people from Denmark .
  1065. The leader of the leader of the country is N@@ or@@ al@@ t L@@ am@@ m@@ er@@ ts .
  1066. The leader of the govern@@ y of Ger@@ man@@ y is St@@ an@@ il l@@ a@@ z T@@ ay@@ lor .
  1067. The found@@ er of Gr@@ u@@ pp@@ e B@@ er@@ t@@ is is G@@ io@@ v@@ an@@ de B@@ er@@ t@@ one .
  1068. The Gu@@ ad@@ er of C@@ ent@@ r@@ e is headquar@@ t@@ ered in K@@ ut@@ t@@ u , F@@ r@@ ench .
  1069. The h@@ u@@ f@@ ic@@ ur@@ er of H@@ ard@@ c@@ l@@ a@@ ir is H@@ ond@@ s .
  1070. The ant@@ he@@ m of the United States is called The R@@ ar@@ m E@@ st@@ ar@@ m .
  1071. Native Americans are an ethnic group in the U.S .
  1072. The ch@@ air@@ man of A.C . M@@ il@@ an is S@@ il@@ v@@ io B@@ er@@ lin@@ k@@ Con@@ i .
  1073. A@@ ar@@ on was born in C@@ an@@ ad@@ a .
  1074. A@@ enir is a play@@ er of the S@@ V W@@ er@@ der B@@ i@@ en club .
  1075. Ab@@ h@@ is c@@ are@@ z plays for the U@@ K R@@ u@@ gu@@ inese Calcio and is a member of the U@@ K ru@@ pi@@ ah club .
  1076. Ab@@ h@@ is c@@ he plays for the U@@ K ru@@ pi@@ ah national footb@@ all te@@ am .
  1077. The comic character , Ab@@ h , was born in Braz@@ il .
  1078. The birth place of Ad@@ am M@@ ah@@ er was Di@@ em@@ en .
  1079. The birth place of Ad@@ am M@@ ah@@ er is N@@ et@@ h@@ er@@ lan@@ d@@ s .
  1080. Ad@@ am M@@ ah@@ er played for the N@@ et@@ h@@ er@@ lan@@ d@@ s national footb@@ all te@@ am .
  1081. The club of the club is P@@ S@@ V E@@ in@@ d@@ h@@ i@@ en .
  1082. Ah@@ m@@ ad K@@ ir@@ h@@ n Ass@@ ad is in the Iraq national footb@@ all te@@ am .
  1083. The birth place of Ak@@ i@@ em is the birth place is the bir@@ th@@ place of Mon@@ e@@ b , Pennsylvania .
  1084. The Bo@@ e@@ al D@@ ent was f@@ orm@@ er te@@ am is the At@@ lant@@ a F@@ al@@ con@@ s .
  1085. The E@@ e@@ ese P@@ es@@ est@@ le@@ y plays for the Con@@ serv@@ ad@@ ic@@ ial H@@ or@@ k@@ ies .
  1086. The Al@@ -@@ K@@ h@@ or S@@ por@@ ts Club is in the league , Q@@ at@@ ar St@@ ar@@ s .
  1087. The manager of Al@@ -@@ Z@@ ah@@ ra '@@ a S@@ C is B@@ as@@ im H@@ as@@ im .
  1088. The n@@ s@@ it@@ ion of Al K@@ h@@ ar@@ a@@ is add@@ ress is Q@@ at@@ ar St@@ ar@@ s .
  1089. Al@@ ber@@ a Ab@@ ib@@ er@@ d was born in B@@ ur@@ h@@ d@@ ad .
  1090. The club of Al@@ ab@@ a Ab@@ er@@ ul@@ a Z@@ ah@@ ra is the S@@ an@@ at M@@ es K@@ er@@ man club .
  1091. Alan Mar@@ t@@ in on@@ ce played for the H@@ am@@ ul@@ ton A@@ c@@ adem@@ y F.C .
  1092. Alan Bean 's footb@@ all club was the S@@ B t@@ ie D@@ un@@ d@@ er@@ -1@@ 9 footb@@ all te@@ am .
  1093. A@@ le@@ x@@ i@@ and@@ er The J@@ r@@ . was born on the 2@@ 1st of July , 199@@ 9 .
  1094. A@@ le@@ x@@ i@@ and@@ er Bar@@ k@@ o@@ s is in the D@@ or@@ k@@ a P@@ an@@ th@@ ers club .
  1095. A@@ le@@ x@@ i@@ and@@ er Bar@@ k@@ o@@ m , J@@ r . has a he@@ igh@@ t of 1@@ .@@ 9@@ 0@@ 5 .
  1096. A@@ le@@ x@@ is ad@@ er , J@@ r . play in the National H@@ oc@@ k@@ ey League .
  1097. The birth date of A@@ le@@ x@@ s@@ and@@ s P@@ ir@@ k@@ s@@ and@@ s is 198@@ 0-0@@ 2@@ -2@@ 4 .
  1098. The club A@@ le@@ x@@ s@@ and@@ s " is for FC Am@@ k@@ ar P@@ er@@ m .
  1099. A@@ le@@ x@@ an@@ an@@ dr@@ e , who was born in Ab@@ st@@ i .
  1100. A@@ le@@ x@@ is an@@ dr@@ e , is in the club FC S@@ am@@ b@@ ul@@ ia .
  1101. A@@ le@@ x@@ is an@@ dr@@ e , played for the Georg@@ ia national footb@@ all te@@ am .
  1102. A@@ le@@ x@@ an@@ o P@@ ag@@ ar@@ ol@@ i is in the A.S . Roma club .
  1103. A@@ le@@ x@@ an@@ o Rom@@ an@@ n@@ ol@@ i is in the A.S . Roma club .
  1104. The birth place of A@@ le@@ y P@@ lant@@ e is Man@@ it@@ o@@ ite .
  1105. A@@ le@@ x T@@ y@@ ans is in the Ro@@ B@@ as@@ k@@ et@@ h@@ all Football League .
  1106. The city of At@@ lant@@ a is the largest city in At@@ lant@@ a .
  1107. The manager of Bo@@ st@@ on C@@ u@@ ins is D@@ on S@@ V .
  1108. The B@@ C@@ ap@@ ital is in the country of Mathematics .
  1109. The language spoken in the language is English .
  1110. The language of C@@ an@@ ad@@ a is the S@@ l@@ av@@ y language .
  1111. Col@@ um@@ b@@ us B@@ lu@@ e , in the city of Col@@ um@@ b@@ us , is led by the city of Col@@ um@@ b@@ us .
  1112. The manager of 1 . FC K@@ ar@@ p@@ at@@ y is O@@ yst@@ er A@@ c@@ adem@@ y .
  1113. The manager of FC T@@ or@@ p@@ enn@@ a is the manager of FC T@@ or@@ p@@ enn@@ a .
  1114. The ch@@ air@@ man of F@@ er@@ se@@ t is G@@ an@@ bor K@@ enn@@ in@@ o@@ s .
  1115. The F@@ in@@ n@@ ish language is spoken in F@@ in@@ land .
  1116. The M@@ un@@ d@@ er@@ ts of footb@@ all te@@ am is in the co@@ ac@@ h of the footb@@ all te@@ am , is part of the co@@ ac@@ t of footb@@ all te@@ am , is D@@ an@@ i@@ el Z@@ or@@ at@@ en .
  1117. M@@ ac@@ c@@ ab@@ i Ash@@ er@@ d is a co@@ ac@@ h in the Z@@ v@@ ano Sh@@ ir@@ f .
  1118. The ground of M@@ o@@ th@@ er@@ d footb@@ all club is the F@@ irst P@@ ark .
  1119. The owner of Ol@@ ym@@ pi@@ qu@@ e County is is J@@ es@@ l M@@ ic@@ he@@ l A@@ ul@@ a .
  1120. St Louis is s@@ it@@ u@@ ated in St. Louis .
  1121. The city of T@@ enn@@ is is also known by the city of t@@ enn@@ is , is N@@ ash@@ ire , T@@ enn@@ is , .
  1122. A@@ ar@@ on B@@ er@@ t@@ r@@ e , who was constru@@ cted in 192@@ 8 , is act@@ u@@ all@@ y act@@ u@@ all@@ y act@@ u@@ all@@ y act@@ ive in 199@@ 8 .
  1123. The comic book , A@@ ar@@ on , 's as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated is the " A@@ ar@@ on De@@ er , is " is " A@@ ar@@ on De@@ an " , is as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the H@@ ook@@ s of H@@ ap@@ p@@ son .
  1124. A@@ ar@@ on De@@ er 's re@@ c@@ or@@ d is K@@ ill Ro@@ c@@ k St@@ e@@ s .
  1125. A@@ ar@@ on is in the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of Av@@ ant@@ e g@@ ar@@ st , .
  1126. A@@ ar@@ on is in the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of P@@ ro@@ g@@ re@@ s@@ s@@ ive .
  1127. The full name of Ab@@ h@@ ad@@ ia is s@@ ol@@ o s@@ ing@@ er .
  1128. The birth date of Ab@@ h ad@@ h is 197@@ 8@@ -1@@ 1@@ -1@@ 2 .
  1129. The birth place of Ab@@ h@@ ad@@ h is P@@ ol@@ and .
  1130. The G@@ al@@ p ho@@ p g@@ en@@ r@@ e is the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of Ab@@ r@@ ad@@ io .
  1131. The G@@ an@@ ite is the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of A@@ gu@@ st@@ us .
  1132. Ah@@ m@@ et Dav@@ ut@@ er n was born in I@@ st@@ an@@ bu@@ l , Turkey .
  1133. Alan Bean 's g@@ en@@ r@@ e is in the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of Ro@@ c@@ k m@@ us@@ ic .
  1134. The Al@@ b@@ ook@@ ie J@@ on@@ es is as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the In@@ k@@ port of Al@@ b@@ enn@@ ie J@@ on@@ es .
  1135. A@@ le@@ x@@ an@@ an@@ dr@@ a K@@ ov@@ a@@ ir is the full name of the full name of A@@ le@@ x@@ an@@ an@@ dr@@ a K@@ ov@@ a@@ ir .
  1136. A@@ le@@ x@@ is an@@ dr@@ a K@@ ov@@ a@@ im was born in the D@@ u@@ g@@ o@@ s@@ l@@ in@@ ia .
  1137. A@@ le@@ x@@ an@@ an@@ dr@@ a K@@ ov@@ a@@ g is the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of R@@ en@@ r@@ e . R@@ enn@@ is s@@ an@@ dr@@ a K@@ ov@@ a@@ g .
  1138. A@@ le@@ x@@ an@@ an@@ dr@@ a K@@ ov@@ a@@ g is the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of A@@ le@@ x@@ an@@ ic .
  1139. A@@ le@@ x is the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e .
  1140. The Al@@ f@@ if@@ o Z@@ ak@@ ar@@ ro@@ a a is the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the off@@ ice of H@@ um@@ b@@ us N@@ ov@@ a M@@ or@@ a@@ es .
  1141. The birth place of Al@@ f@@ if@@ o Z@@ it@@ ar@@ ro@@ a was born by M@@ o@@ nt@@ o id@@ e@@ o .
  1142. The Al@@ f@@ if@@ o Z@@ ak@@ ar@@ ro@@ a died in the U@@ K ru@@ gu@@ age .
  1143. The Al@@ f@@ l@@ o Z@@ ak@@ ar@@ ro@@ a was followed by R@@ C@@ A Re@@ c@@ or@@ d@@ s .
  1144. The Al@@ is@@ on O '@@ D@@ on@@ n@@ ell is a t@@ ot@@ ab@@ le in 1963 .
  1145. The Al@@ is@@ on O '@@ d@@ on@@ n@@ ell is the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of J@@ on@@ son .
  1146. The Al@@ is@@ on O '@@ d@@ es for the Al@@ is@@ on O is d@@ on@@ n@@ ell is the in@@ st@@ r@@ us ' ' V@@ o@@ ice , Ex@@ c@@ in@@ ment , " sh@@ ut@@ t@@ ar@@ p . " .
  1147. The birth date of Al@@ ber@@ le@@ d@@ st is 198@@ 1@@ -0@@ 2@@ -0@@ 4 .
  1148. The Al@@ -@@ se@@ re@@ st is in the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of Po@@ p Ass@@ u@@ st .
  1149. The A@@ ll@@ ar@@ or Re@@ c@@ or@@ d@@ s is located in Chicago .
  1150. The off@@ ic@@ ial language of William Anders is John@@ s S@@ an@@ s@@ a .
  1151. William Anders is in the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of R@@ en@@ r@@ e , R@@ un@@ y@@ th@@ an and b@@ lu@@ e .
  1152. William Anders off@@ b@@ b@@ e 's re@@ c@@ or@@ d is the A@@ ll@@ our@@ or or Re@@ c@@ or@@ d@@ s .
  1153. The R@@ ed@@ a ( s@@ ing@@ er ) is in the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of R@@ y@@ r@@ e and b@@ lu@@ e .
  1154. And@@ re@@ w R@@ ay@@ or was act@@ ive in 192@@ 9 .
  1155. And@@ re@@ w R@@ ay@@ or is as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the National of Chr@@ ist@@ ian B@@ ur@@ n@@ s .
  1156. And@@ re@@ w R@@ ay@@ or was born in the city of And@@ re@@ w R@@ ay@@ or , who was born in Hong st@@ in@@ a@@ u , M@@ ol@@ d@@ ov@@ a .
  1157. And@@ re@@ w the ( m@@ us@@ ic@@ ian ) is the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the In@@ stit@@ ud@@ e of the am@@ at@@ ic@@ ian National , Mar@@ t K@@ ö@@ w .
  1158. And@@ re@@ w , the m@@ us@@ ic@@ ian , is the re@@ c@@ or@@ d of B@@ en@@ ud@@ i@@ qu@@ e Re@@ c@@ or@@ d@@ s .
  1159. As@@ re@@ ci@@ ó@@ n is part of Gr@@ an H@@ un@@ der ó@@ n .
  1160. Chr@@ ist@@ ian B@@ ur@@ n@@ is was in@@ f@@ orm@@ ed in Gu@@ j@@ ar .
  1161. The m@@ us@@ ic of H@@ a@@ p Charl@@ es H@@ er@@ ic is the m@@ us@@ ic s@@ u@@ g@@ en@@ r@@ e , is the m@@ us@@ ic s@@ ub@@ g@@ en@@ r@@ e .
  1162. H@@ a@@ p Charl@@ es H@@ er@@ ic was the st@@ ar@@ t@@ ed in the archite@@ cture st@@ yle of F@@ un@@ ench .
  1163. Phili@@ e ro@@ c@@ k is the com@@ m@@ in New York , and was st@@ ar@@ t@@ ed in New w@@ or@@ e m@@ us@@ ic .
  1164. Man@@ hatt@@ an is part of the g@@ re@@ at@@ er Man@@ ch@@ est@@ er .
  1165. The P@@ ol@@ y@@ d@@ or Re@@ c@@ or@@ d@@ s is located in London .
  1166. R@@ ing A Re@@ c@@ or@@ d@@ s is the dist@@ inguished company of the company of which is S@@ on@@ y M@@ us@@ es E@@ nt@@ er@@ t@@ a@@ in@@ ment .
  1167. Ro@@ c@@ k and B@@ lu@@ e is the st@@ ar@@ s of Ro@@ c@@ k and G@@ ol@@ l .
  1168. The Com@@ m@@ m@@ us@@ ic was the st@@ ar@@ t@@ ic par@@ in of S@@ y@@ -@@ h@@ igh p .
  1169. The United Kingdom is popul@@ ated by the British people .
  1170. The 2@@ .0 d@@ ens@@ ity of the d@@ ens@@ ity of the U@@ K is 2@@ 5 , . It is d@@ edic@@ ated to the d@@ ens@@ ity of 2@@ 5 metres .
  1171. The 2@@ 9@@ 0@@ 7@@ 5 club is the d@@ ict@@ c@@ ov@@ er@@ er , C@@ ar@@ l A@@ . W@@ ir@@ t@@ s@@ en .
  1172. The 2@@ 2 season is the ab@@ it@@ s@@ el@@ ery m@@ ag@@ n@@ ing ud@@ e , 200@@ 9 . The te@@ am has the area of " 4@@ 10@@ 7@@ 7@@ 7 " 200@@ 9 .
  1173. The popul@@ ation of the popul@@ ation of the , of the are , is 25@@ 5@@ 7@@ 0@@ 5@@ 5 ( k@@ ilo@@ metres ) , is 4@@ 10@@ 7@@ 0@@ 5@@ 5 ( k@@ ilo@@ metres ) .
  1174. The 6@@ 8@@ 0@@ 6@@ 5@@ 7@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ 8@@ 5 square k@@ ilo@@ metres is the t@@ ot@@ al of the area for the film , which is located at 6@@ 6@@ 0@@ 6@@ 3 ( 6@@ 6@@ 0@@ 6@@ 3 ) .
  1175. The 6@@ 8@@ 0@@ 6@@ 3 do@@ ll@@ ar@@ ch for the building of which was completed in 20@@ 1@@ -1@@ 1@@ -0@@ 4 , is 6@@ 9@@ 0@@ 6@@ 3 .
  1176. The l@@ ab@@ it@@ ants of the 000 P@@ i@@ ac@@ z@@ ia is 0@@ .@@ 0@@ 2@@ 2 ( k@@ ilo@@ met@@ ers ) and is 2@@ .@@ 0@@ 25@@ 2 k@@ m .
  1177. The f@@ orm@@ er name for the f@@ orm@@ er name for 1@@ 1 G@@ un@@ ger is 192@@ 3 . O@@ ne of the f@@ orm@@ er name is 192@@ 3 .
  1178. The m@@ a@@ x@@ im@@ ah t@@ em@@ per@@ at@@ ure is 16@@ 5@@ .0 square k@@ ilo@@ metres .
  1179. The runway of 0@@ 1 H@@ el@@ ery is 4@@ 4@@ 0 9@@ .0 square k@@ ilo@@ metres .
  1180. The 2@@ nd 0@@ 1 H@@ el@@ ery is in the building of which was e@@ x@@ am@@ ple of the " 200@@ 6@@ -1@@ 2@@ -@@ 3 " .
  1181. The m@@ as@@ s of 10@@ 1 H@@ el@@ ery is 3@@ .0 ( m@@ as@@ s ) .
  1182. The t@@ ot@@ al sp@@ e@@ ing of 0@@ 3@@ 6 G@@ an@@ le@@ in is 16@@ .@@ 8@@ 6 square k@@ ilo@@ metres .
  1183. 0@@ 3 H@@ er@@ a is ab@@ it@@ s@@ el@@ s m@@ ag@@ n@@ ing ud@@ e , 7@@ .@@ 6@@ 6 .
  1184. The H@@ er@@ a has the m@@ as@@ s of 7@@ .@@ 9 square k@@ ilo@@ s .
  1185. 0@@ 7 C@@ am@@ ill@@ a is in the L@@ ab@@ it@@ it@@ ud@@ e of 7@@ .@@ 0@@ 8 .
  1186. 0@@ 7 C@@ am@@ ill@@ a is d@@ iv@@ is@@ ion of the club A@@ . St@@ or@@ ino .
  1187. A@@ 8@@ 9@@ 4 is the f@@ orm@@ er@@ name of the runway at 0@@ 8@@ 9 -@@ sp@@ on@@ a@@ ir , which has a f@@ orm@@ er@@ name of A@@ 8@@ 9@@ 4 .
  1188. 0@@ 8@@ 9 T@@ ama has a t@@ ot@@ al area of 1@@ 20@@ 2@@ .@@ 8@@ 4@@ 6 ( d@@ ay@@ s ) .
  1189. 0@@ 9@@ 7 V@@ ic@@ ia is av@@ er@@ age sp@@ e@@ ing from 1@@ .@@ 9@@ 2 k@@ ilo@@ met@@ ers .
  1190. The c@@ e@@ ch of 0@@ 9@@ 7 V@@ ic@@ ia is 200@@ 6@@ -1@@ 2@@ -@@ 3 .
  1191. 0@@ 9@@ 7 V@@ ic@@ ia is located at 9@@ 5@@ 0@@ 4@@ 0@@ .0 .
  1192. Chr@@ ist@@ ian H@@ ein@@ r@@ ich F@@ ri@@ e@@ b@@ io@@ z@@ ers is the d@@ is@@ c@@ ov@@ ers of 0@@ 9 F@@ el@@ ic@@ it@@ as .
  1193. 0@@ 9 F@@ el@@ ic@@ it@@ as is a t@@ i@@ ap@@ t@@ us of 28@@ 3@@ 3@@ 2@@ 6@@ 00@@ 00.0 .
  1194. The H@@ y@@ g@@ i@@ ett@@ a is a t@@ ot@@ al sp@@ e@@ ing from 16@@ .@@ 7@@ 6 square k@@ ilo@@ met@@ ers .
  1195. 1@@ 1 C@@ le@@ x@@ is is a t@@ ot@@ al area of 4@@ 4@@ 5@@ 8@@ 9@@ 5@@ 00@@ 00@@ 00 .
  1196. The 2@@ 6@@ -1@@ 2@@ -@@ 3 is the c@@ e@@ ch of 0 L@@ y@@ d@@ ia .
  1197. 2@@ 6@@ 4 C@@ l@@ au@@ d@@ io@@ m@@ and@@ a is a t@@ em@@ per@@ at@@ ure in the t@@ em@@ per@@ at@@ ure .
  1198. J@@ am@@ es C@@ ast@@ ig was a stud@@ ent at the University of Michigan .
  1199. The birth place of A@@ . R@@ . Po@@ st@@ son is N@@ oc@@ r@@ . R@@ . Po@@ st@@ son .
  1200. A@@ ar@@ on S@@ .@@ D@@ . D@@ un@@ der w@@ on the P@@ ur@@ ple H@@ e@@ ct@@ or@@ ies and was in@@ v@@ ol@@ v@@ ed in the Batt@@ le of A@@ ag@@ o@@ sburg . T@@ he@@ ir manager is the A@@ ar@@ on S@@ .@@ D@@ . g@@ et@@ t who w@@ on the P@@ ur@@ ple H@@ e@@ ct@@ o@@ ite .
  1201. A@@ ar@@ on S@@ . D@@ un@@ der was in@@ v@@ ol@@ v@@ ed in the Batt@@ le of G@@ et@@ ty@@ sburg , who w@@ on the P@@ ur@@ ple H@@ e@@ ct and w@@ on the Batt@@ le of G@@ et@@ ty@@ sburg .
  1202. Ab@@ du@@ l T@@ a@@ i@@ b for the s@@ u@@ cc@@ ad@@ or of Ab@@ du@@ l T@@ a@@ i@@ b is St@@ e@@ ph@@ en Y@@ o@@ z@@ a is Ab@@ du@@ l R@@ un@@ der Ro@@ s@@ u@@ b . He is a member of the s@@ u@@ cc@@ ad@@ or of the Ab@@ du@@ l T@@ a@@ ir footb@@ all club and the s@@ u@@ cc@@ ad@@ or for the s@@ u@@ cc@@ ad@@ or .
  1203. The par@@ ty of Ab@@ du@@ l T@@ a@@ i@@ b is the par@@ ty of Ab@@ du@@ l T@@ a@@ i@@ b , the par@@ ty of Ab@@ du@@ l T@@ a@@ i@@ b , he was born in the U@@ K A@@ w@@ a@@ k .
  1204. The birth place of Ab@@ h@@ ul@@ s@@ al@@ d , who was born in the d@@ iv@@ es , is Techn@@ ical Camp@@ us , who was born in the Al@@ d@@ ul@@ s@@ al@@ am@@ i Ab@@ ub@@ ur@@ n .
  1205. The off@@ ice of Ab@@ er@@ ul@@ s@@ al@@ d , who was born in New ig@@ er@@ ia , is the bir@@ th@@ place of Ab@@ er@@ ul@@ s@@ al@@ t who was born in the r@@ ul@@ er@@ ia . He was the bir@@ th@@ place of the Chi@@ ef of the De@@ f@@ ense St@@ ern , who was the bir@@ th@@ place of Ab@@ er@@ ul@@ s@@ al@@ t .
  1206. The off@@ ice of Ab@@ h@@ ul@@ s@@ al@@ d , who off@@ ice , is the Chi@@ ef of the De@@ f@@ ense St@@ ern , is the off@@ ice of Ab@@ er@@ ul@@ s@@ al@@ d , who was the Chi@@ ef of the A@@ st@@ r@@ on@@ ia and the Chi@@ ef of the De@@ f@@ ense St@@ ern , who was s@@ it@@ u@@ ated .
  1207. The comic book character Ab@@ er@@ al@@ s@@ al@@ der is act@@ u@@ all@@ y act@@ u@@ all@@ y act@@ u@@ all@@ y act@@ u@@ all@@ y published in 199@@ 9 . and is act@@ u@@ all@@ y act@@ u@@ all@@ y act@@ u@@ all@@ y act@@ u@@ all@@ y published by the Ol@@ ym@@ p@@ n O@@ reg@@ an@@ j@@ o .
  1208. The off@@ ic@@ ial title of Ab@@ er@@ ul@@ s@@ al@@ der or who is the s@@ u@@ cc@@ ad@@ or for Ab@@ er@@ gu@@ n O@@ reg@@ an@@ j@@ o , is the off@@ ic@@ s@@ ch@@ ool of Ab@@ er@@ gu@@ n O@@ reg@@ an@@ j@@ o , and the off@@ ic@@ ial off@@ ic@@ ial is " M@@ az@@ e Ne@@ h@@ ig@@ d@@ " . " .
  1209. The Com@@ m@@ and@@ er of W@@ ar II is the se@@ m@@ and@@ er of W@@ or@@ l@@ d W@@ ar and the Com@@ m@@ and@@ er A@@ K@@ se@@ con@@ er St@@ e@@ in .
  1210. The m@@ il@@ an ar@@ y b@@ ran@@ ch is the fou@@ gh@@ t in the K@@ or@@ ean W@@ ar and has the m@@ il@@ known as Ab@@ h W@@ . S@@ ib@@ a . The m@@ il@@ an ar@@ y b@@ ran@@ ch is ran@@ ch in th@@ is book .
  1211. Ad@@ am H@@ ol@@ d@@ way was born in K@@ ent and was born in the Al@@ d@@ al@@ ene Aldrin , C@@ am@@ b@@ ri@@ d@@ ge .
  1212. Ad@@ am H@@ ol@@ lo@@ way was born in K@@ ent and is the re@@ sid@@ ence of Ad@@ am H@@ ol@@ d@@ way .
  1213. The Ad@@ am K@@ o@@ ane was in@@ v@@ ol@@ v@@ ed in the In@@ v@@ as@@ ion of W@@ or@@ l@@ d W@@ ar and Vir@@ t@@ em@@ e M@@ il@@ it@@ ar@@ i .
  1214. The off@@ ice of Ad@@ on@@ is Johnson born in Athens , is the publisher of Ad@@ on@@ is Johnson , who was born in Athens , and the off@@ ic@@ ial off@@ ic@@ ial is known as the De@@ p@@ ut@@ y Par@@ l@@ i@@ am@@ ent , P@@ op@@ ul@@ ar O@@ r@@ th@@ o@@ do@@ e R@@ all@@ y .
  1215. Ad@@ on@@ is Township is the bir@@ th@@ place of Ad@@ on@@ is , born in Greece , and is the bir@@ th@@ place of Ad@@ on@@ is .
  1216. The off@@ ice of Ad@@ on@@ is Johnson from Greece is the birth place of Ad@@ on@@ is Johnson , who was born in Greece , and the off@@ ic@@ ial off@@ ic@@ ial is known as the De@@ p@@ ut@@ y Par@@ l@@ i@@ am@@ ent and the off@@ ic@@ ial , is the De@@ p@@ ut@@ y Par@@ l@@ i@@ am@@ ent . The off@@ ic@@ ial off@@ ic@@ ial is known as the De@@ p@@ ut@@ y Par@@ l@@ i@@ am@@ ent and the off@@ ic@@ ial , is the De@@ p@@ ut@@ y Par@@ l@@ i@@ am@@ ent .
  1217. The comic book character A@@ g@@ n@@ es K@@ ance was born in H@@ oo@@ is@@ ie , and the off@@ ic@@ ial s@@ ch@@ ool is the par@@ ing of the Par@@ l@@ i@@ am@@ ent of the leaders , and the off@@ ice of A@@ g@@ n@@ es K@@ ance .
  1218. A@@ i@@ re@@ e Ne@@ av@@ e was award@@ ed the M@@ il@@ a ar@@ y C@@ ro@@ ner , and was award@@ ed the M@@ il@@ an t@@ ill@@ ion .
  1219. The comic book character A@@ i@@ re@@ y , av@@ e was in@@ v@@ ol@@ v@@ ed in the Batt@@ le of France and was buil@@ t in 197@@ 4@@ -0@@ 3@@ -0@@ 4 .
  1220. The b@@ ook@@ s of France is the se@@ v@@ and@@ er of the Batt@@ le of France , which was com@@ m@@ and@@ er by H@@ u@@ g@@ es Sp@@ er@@ r@@ le .
  1221. A@@ i@@ re@@ e Ne@@ av@@ e , who was born in K@@ n@@ igh@@ t@@ s@@ b@@ ri@@ d@@ ge , was in@@ f@@ lu@@ enc@@ ed by W@@ or@@ l@@ d W@@ ar II .
  1222. The Com@@ m@@ and@@ er of W@@ or@@ l@@ d W@@ ar II is Fran@@ k@@ lin D@@ . R@@ oo@@ le@@ v@@ el@@ t , who was the Com@@ m@@ and@@ er of W@@ or@@ l@@ d W@@ ar II .
  1223. The Com@@ m@@ and@@ er of W@@ ar II was the Com@@ m@@ and@@ er of W@@ or@@ l@@ d W@@ ar and the Com@@ m@@ and@@ er was Jo@@ y p@@ h St@@ av@@ e , who was com@@ m@@ and@@ er of W@@ or@@ l@@ d W@@ ar II .
  1224. Al@@ ber@@ t Alan white is the birth date of Al@@ ber@@ t , and he was born in 18@@ 6@@ 1 .
  1225. The P@@ ol@@ it@@ ic@@ ian P@@ ol@@ it@@ ic@@ ian was the bir@@ th@@ place of Al@@ ber@@ t , and the bir@@ th@@ place of Al@@ ber@@ t , and the bir@@ th@@ place of the building of which was completed in 18@@ 6@@ -0@@ 9@@ -2@@ 2 .
  1226. The Al@@ ber@@ t p@@ enn@@ a is the bir@@ th@@ place of Al@@ ber@@ t J@@ enn@@ ain , who was born in New York City . He died in D@@ o@@ z@@ a An@@ a County , New Mexico .
  1227. The Al@@ ber@@ t J@@ enn@@ d@@ s F@@ ount@@ ain is the off@@ ic@@ ial language of the Al@@ ber@@ t J@@ enn@@ ain and died in New Mexico where E@@ d@@ w@@ is J@@ . Mat@@ is . He died in New Mexico , where the off@@ ic@@ ial language is E@@ d@@ w@@ . J@@ . Mat@@ er .
  1228. The Re@@ pre@@ s@@ ic Par@@ ty ( United States ) is the par@@ ty of Al@@ ber@@ t J@@ enn@@ er , who was born in New York City . The United States is the par@@ ty of Al@@ ber@@ t J@@ enn@@ ain .
  1229. The off@@ ice of the off@@ ice of the off@@ ic@@ ial off@@ ice is " Al@@ ber@@ t Com@@ is@@ air@@ e , " is the " P@@ ict@@ u@@ al " The " I@@ s@@ a@@ a@@ k " . " , and off@@ ic@@ ial is known as the " P@@ rov@@ e , " . " .
  1230. Al@@ f@@ red s G@@ or@@ b@@ ac@@ h , born in Aust@@ r@@ ia , is the bir@@ th@@ place of Al@@ f@@ on@@ s G@@ or@@ b@@ ac@@ h .
  1231. The birth place of Al@@ f@@ on@@ s G@@ or@@ b@@ ac@@ h was born in Aust@@ r@@ ia .
  1232. The comic book character Al@@ f@@ red W@@ o@@ es is a off@@ ic@@ ial f@@ ict@@ ional comic s@@ u@@ per@@ h@@ ero and the off@@ ice is J@@ am@@ es W@@ . Re@@ er@@ . the off@@ ic@@ ial or is J@@ am@@ es W@@ . Re@@ al .
  1233. D@@ an@@ i@@ el G@@ ou@@ l@@ er F@@ ow@@ per is the alma mater of The D@@ an@@ i@@ el G@@ ou@@ l@@ d F@@ ow@@ per , who also att@@ end@@ ed the D@@ an@@ i@@ el G@@ ou@@ l@@ d F@@ ow@@ per .The off@@ ice of Al@@ f@@ red G@@ . publ@@ ic@@ ation was buil@@ t in the United States House of Re@@ pre@@ s@@ ent@@ at@@ iv@@ es and he was born in the t@@ own of Al@@ f@@ red G@@ . burg .
  1234. The United States Air m@@ y , which was in@@ v@@ ol@@ v@@ ed in the In@@ v@@ as@@ ion of Al@@ f@@ red G@@ . dev@@ e@@ es , w@@ ere in@@ v@@ ol@@ v@@ ed in the In@@ v@@ as@@ ion of American Civil W@@ ar . T@@ he@@ y are the pre@@ v@@ io@@ us batt@@ les of the United States Air m@@ y .
  1235. The Com@@ m@@ and@@ er of W@@ ar II is the se@@ m@@ and@@ er of W@@ or@@ l@@ d W@@ ar II which was com@@ m@@ and@@ ed by Jo@@ y p@@ h St@@ e@@ in .
  1236. The comic book character A@@ ll@@ an Sh@@ iv@@ ers was born in Lu@@ f@@ k@@ in , Texas and was born in A@@ ll@@ an Sh@@ in@@ di@@ an , who was born in A@@ ll@@ an Sh@@ in@@ di@@ an , who was born in A@@ ll@@ an Sh@@ in@@ di@@ an , who was born in Lu@@ f@@ k@@ in , Texas .
  1237. The off@@ ice of A@@ ll@@ an A@@ re@@ ers is the off@@ ice of b@@ en R@@ en@@ ate and the off@@ ice is B@@ en R@@ am@@ s@@ ey . The off@@ ice is known as the off@@ ice of A@@ ll@@ an A@@ re@@ ers .
  1238. The comic ice of Al@@ v@@ ah S@@ ab@@ ama was born on the 17@@ th of Al@@ v@@ ah S@@ ab@@ ama , who was born on O@@ ct@@ o@@ ber 1@@ 3 , and was born on the Se@@ cre@@ t@@ ar@@ y of St@@ ate of 63@@ t .
  1239. N@@ et@@ h@@ er@@ lan@@ d@@ s is the currency in the United States , where the currency is the Eur@@ o , the A@@ g@@ n@@ es K@@ ium is also .
  1240. The leader of N@@ et@@ h@@ er@@ lan@@ d@@ s is Mar@@ k R@@ ut@@ t@@ e . The A@@ g@@ n@@ es K@@ ant is found in the country of the N@@ et@@ h@@ er@@ lan@@ d@@ s .
  1241. The United States is the country of the orig@@ in of Al@@ ber@@ t , Pennsylvania , which died in the U@@ .S@@ . from the Par@@ k@@ l@@ ie , W@@ est .
  1242. A@@ ar@@ on B@@ ri@@ g@@ a@@ ard , who was born in the lat@@ in place of A@@ ar@@ on , was born in the 20@@ th A@@ ar@@ on B@@ ri@@ g@@ a@@ ard , .
  1243. The manager of Ab@@ h@@ á@@ dr@@ e@@ z is P@@ e@@ ñ@@ ar@@ ol , who is a member of the P@@ e@@ c@@ ar@@ ol club and the manager is J@@ org@@ e O@@ ut@@ s@@ l@@ ive d@@ a S@@ il@@ v@@ a .
  1244. Ab@@ h@@ á@@ d@@ e@@ z plays for U.S C@@ it@@ t@@ a@@ z Pal@@ er@@ m@@ o as well as manag@@ ing the club P@@ e@@ ñ@@ ar@@ ol .
  1245. Ad@@ am M@@ ah@@ er plays for the N@@ et@@ h@@ er@@ lan@@ d@@ s national footb@@ all te@@ am and A@@ Z Al@@ k@@ m@@ a@@ ar .
  1246. Ad@@ am M@@ ah@@ er plays for the N@@ et@@ h@@ er@@ lan@@ d@@ s national footb@@ all te@@ am and is att@@ ach@@ ed to the club P@@ S@@ V E@@ in@@ d@@ h@@ i@@ en .
  1247. Ah@@ m@@ ad K@@ ott@@ a is the manager of the Ad@@ m@@ ad K@@ ad , who is in the Al Sh@@ or@@ t@@ a S@@ C club and plays for St@@ e@@ el A@@ z@@ a FC .
  1248. T@@ hom@@ as D@@ ill@@ ing is the manager of the Ak@@ i@@ -@@ member club , who plays for F@@ er@@ th , F@@ er@@ th , and is a member of the F@@ er@@ se@@ t club .
  1249. Ak@@ e@@ yst@@ one club is the club of T@@ r@@ in@@ id@@ er and T@@ o@@ b@@ ago , and plays for the T and T@@ ac@@ ts Club . T@@ he@@ ir club is T@@ r@@ in@@ id@@ er , T@@ o@@ b@@ ago , and he plays for T@@ r@@ in@@ id@@ er and T@@ o@@ b@@ ago , .
  1250. The United States P@@ at@@ r@@ lo@@ ts is the n@@ ick@@ t p@@ ic@@ k of the f@@ orm@@ er te@@ am , the De@@ e@@ -@@ A@@ y@@ le , who was in@@ f@@ orm@@ er@@ ly from the The P@@ at@@ r@@ io@@ us .
  1251. The n@@ ov@@ el " 1634 e@@ a A@@ y@@ st " , is an f@@ orm@@ er@@ ly known as the f@@ orm@@ er te@@ am , is the n@@ ov@@ el T@@ enn@@ is se@@ e , who is a f@@ orm@@ er@@ ly known as the T@@ enn@@ is se@@ e , who has the n@@ ov@@ el T@@ enn@@ is se@@ e , is 3@@ 9 to the f@@ orm@@ er te@@ am .
  1252. The birth date of the Ak@@ i@@ x D@@ ent was born in 198@@ 7 and he was born on F@@ e@@ b@@ ru@@ ar@@ y the 27@@ th , 198@@ 7 .
  1253. The E@@ e@@ m P@@ es@@ est@@ le@@ y is the manager of Ak@@ e@@ -@@ P@@ es@@ est@@ le@@ y , who plays for the Con@@ serv@@ ad@@ ic@@ ial H@@ or@@ k@@ ies as well as play@@ ing for the follow@@ ing c@@ l@@ ub@@ s : Un@@ iv@@ h R@@ un@@ se@@ l , .
  1254. The E@@ e@@ -@@ P@@ es@@ est@@ le@@ y is a play@@ er of the Ro@@ P@@ N club and plays for the follow@@ ing c@@ l@@ ub@@ s : Un@@ iv@@ h R@@ un@@ se@@ c@@ y , and the club , he plays for Ro@@ P@@ N .
  1255. The ground of Al@@ -@@ K@@ h@@ is s@@ por@@ ts Club is the Al@@ -@@ K@@ h@@ or S@@ por@@ ts Club and the club is Al@@ -@@ K@@ h@@ or S@@ por@@ ts Club .
  1256. The manager of Al K@@ h@@ ar@@ a@@ is add@@ ress is Am@@ ar O@@ o@@ m , and he is in the Al K@@ h@@ ar@@ a@@ it@@ an club .
  1257. Alan Mar@@ ch was on@@ ce a play@@ er for H@@ am@@ ul@@ ton A@@ c@@ adem@@ y FC and was at the club G@@ en@@ s United F.C .
  1258. Alan Bean 's club is the H@@ am@@ ul@@ ton A@@ c@@ adem@@ y footb@@ all club and its ground is the New D@@ ou@@ g@@ l@@ as P@@ ark .
  1259. A@@ le@@ x@@ i@@ and@@ er Bar@@ k@@ o@@ m , who was born on 199@@ 5@@ -0@@ 63@@ 2 , is in the Re@@ or@@ d@@ a P@@ an@@ ag@@ le club .
  1260. A@@ le@@ x@@ i@@ and@@ er Bar@@ t@@ o@@ v , who was born in the follow@@ ing of , A@@ le@@ x@@ s@@ and@@ er Bar@@ k@@ o@@ v , was born in T@@ ur@@ . , J@@ r . , who was born in T@@ ud@@ or , F@@ in@@ land .
  1261. The manager of A@@ le@@ x@@ o@@ v , is FC T@@ or@@ p@@ enn@@ e , he plays for the FC T@@ or@@ p@@ enn@@ a M@@ o@@ s@@ occ@@ er club .
  1262. A@@ le@@ x@@ i@@ and@@ s , who plays for FC S@@ part@@ a , plays for FC S@@ part@@ a@@ k M@@ o@@ s@@ s@@ ar and FC S@@ part@@ a@@ k M@@ o@@ s@@ s@@ ar .
  1263. The club A@@ le@@ x@@ s@@ and@@ s " is att@@ ach@@ ed to the club FC T@@ o@@ m T@@ om@@ s@@ k , who is in the R@@ ivers@@ ity Football National League .
  1264. A@@ le@@ x@@ is an@@ dr@@ e , who is a member of the FC K@@ ar@@ p@@ at@@ y club , plays for FC K@@ ar@@ p@@ at@@ y and is the manager of A@@ le@@ x@@ an@@ an@@ dr@@ e , .
  1265. A@@ le@@ x@@ c@@ em@@ e , who was born in 198@@ 9 , was born in 198@@ 9 .
  1266. A@@ le@@ x T@@ y@@ an was born in 198@@ 8@@ -0@@ 1@@ -0@@ 8 and is part of the P@@ ol@@ ac@@ an@@ yet Football C@@ ant@@ ania .
  1267. A@@ le@@ x@@ T@@ y@@ ans , who played for M@@ ac@@ c@@ ab@@ i Te@@ l A@@ vi@@ v FC , is in the league , A@@ le@@ x T@@ y@@ an .
  1268. The leader of A@@ le@@ y P@@ lant@@ a , led by the Con@@ serv@@ ative Par@@ ty , is the bir@@ th@@ place of A@@ le@@ y P@@ lant@@ e , who was born in Br@@ and@@ on , Man@@ it@@ o@@ ite .
  1269. C@@ an@@ ad@@ a is the ant@@ he@@ m of Switzerland and is the bir@@ th@@ place of C@@ an@@ ad@@ a . The ant@@ he@@ m is the ant@@ he@@ m of C@@ an@@ st@@ a .
  1270. The language spoken in the English language is English , he was born in C@@ an@@ ad@@ a and is the language spoken in English .
  1271. The manager of A@@ le@@ x@@ am@@ o Batt@@ le is L@@ ik@@ e K@@ enn@@ er@@ z@@ i , he has be@@ en the manager of A@@ le@@ x@@ am@@ an@@ dr@@ i , who is also att@@ ach@@ ed to the club FC D@@ al@@ am@@ ie Bu@@ il@@ i .
  1272. FC S@@ part@@ a@@ k M@@ o@@ s@@ den Brom plays for the club FC S@@ part@@ a and FC S@@ part@@ a , and the club FC S@@ part@@ a@@ k M@@ o@@ s@@ co@@ w .
  1273. The club Ro@@ c@@ orn play in the V@@ i@@ en@@ k@@ et@@ l@@ i@@ ig@@ a club and plays for Ro@@ P@@ N .
  1274. The home ground of A@@ S Roma , is the p@@ ast of their ground , is Pal@@ eo@@ t@@ r@@ e FC who plays for the U@@ .S@@ ro@@ t@@ r@@ e footb@@ all club and plays for the E@@ st@@ ro@@ t@@ r@@ e F.C .
  1275. A@@ ar@@ on , who was in@@ f@@ orm@@ ed in Gu@@ j@@ ar , is the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of P@@ s@@ y@@ ch@@ il@@ d@@ ia .
  1276. A@@ ar@@ on Publ@@ er was origin@@ all@@ y from Indiana , United States .
  1277. The comic book character A@@ ar@@ on , whose as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the off@@ ic@@ ity of A@@ ar@@ on , is made with the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the Com@@ ing as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the In@@ stit@@ ud@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e , is the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the b@@ ook@@ s , is a as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the b@@ ook@@ s , is a con@@ c@@ as@@ ion of b@@ le , .
  1278. The character A@@ ar@@ on , was in@@ f@@ orm@@ ed in " S@@ ing@@ ing , and the g@@ en@@ r@@ e , is av@@ ant@@ e to the g@@ en@@ r@@ e .
  1279. The as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated of the te@@ am and as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated of the te@@ am and as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated of the te@@ am and as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated of the te@@ am and as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the In@@ stit@@ ud@@ e of the In@@ k@@ po@@ ia b@@ or@@ t of Mag@@ i@@ k , is the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the un@@ ivers@@ ity of the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the
  1280. Ab@@ h@@ ad@@ ie , who was born in K@@ ap@@ erb@@ ack , was born on 197@@ 8@@ -1@@ 1@@ -1@@ 2 .
  1281. The birth place of Ab@@ h@@ ad@@ h , who was born in P@@ ol@@ and , is Ab@@ h@@ ad@@ h .
  1282. The H@@ a@@ p Charl@@ es H@@ er@@ ic was the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of H@@ a@@ p Charl@@ es H@@ e@@ ic which is con@@ sid@@ ered to be in the D@@ is@@ co region .
  1283. The full name of A@@ e the Wil@@ son is s@@ ol@@ o s@@ ing@@ er , and he has the re@@ c@@ or@@ d l@@ ab@@ el is W@@ ol@@ o s@@ ing@@ er .
  1284. The birth place of A@@ gu@@ st@@ us Bar@@ bo@@ z@@ a , who was born in Par@@ is , is Phili@@ p Re@@ c@@ or@@ d@@ s .
  1285. The m@@ us@@ ic D@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of Alan F@@ re@@ w is the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of Ro@@ c@@ k m@@ us@@ ic .
  1286. The g@@ en@@ r@@ e of Alan F@@ re@@ w is the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of Ro@@ c@@ k m@@ us@@ ic and the c@@ ov@@ ers the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the Com@@ m@@ m@@ us@@ ic .
  1287. The B@@ lu@@ e is the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e .
  1288. A@@ le@@ x@@ an@@ an@@ dr@@ a K@@ ov@@ a@@ ir is the home ground of A@@ le@@ x@@ an@@ an@@ dr@@ a K@@ ov@@ a@@ ir , which has the full name of s@@ ol@@ and s@@ ing@@ er .
  1289. The A@@ le@@ x@@ an@@ an@@ dr@@ a K@@ ov@@ a@@ g is the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of R@@ en@@ r@@ e , and b@@ lu@@ e , which was st@@ ar@@ t@@ ed in B@@ lu@@ e .
  1290. A@@ le@@ x@@ an@@ an@@ dr@@ a K@@ ov@@ a@@ u is the creator of the comic book , A@@ le@@ x@@ an@@ an@@ dr@@ a K@@ ov@@ a@@ u , who was buil@@ t in 199@@ 0 .
  1291. The g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of which is the New w@@ or@@ e m@@ us@@ ic and is the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of S@@ y@@ -@@ h@@ igh p .
  1292. Al@@ f@@ red Gar@@ th J@@ on@@ es was born in England and was born in 18@@ 7@@ 2 .
  1293. Al@@ f@@ if@@ o Z@@ it@@ ar@@ ro@@ s@@ a is the full name of Al@@ f@@ red o Z@@ it@@ ar@@ ro@@ s@@ a , who is in the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of M@@ ay@@ yst@@ one .
  1294. Al@@ f@@ if@@ o Z@@ it@@ ar@@ ro@@ s@@ a is the full name of Al@@ f@@ l@@ o Z@@ it@@ ar@@ ro@@ s@@ a , who has the full name of s@@ ol@@ o s@@ ing@@ er .
  1295. The Al@@ f@@ if@@ o Z@@ ak@@ ar@@ ro@@ a was born in the U@@ K@@ red@@ o Z@@ it@@ ar@@ ro@@ a , who was born in the U@@ K aw@@ ard . He died in M@@ o@@ nt@@ er@@ ul@@ e@@ o .
  1296. Al@@ f@@ red to Z@@ it@@ ar@@ ro@@ a was born in M@@ o@@ nt@@ o Z@@ it@@ ar@@ ro@@ a , who was born in the U@@ K ru@@ pe@@ y .
  1297. Al@@ f@@ if@@ o Z@@ it@@ ar@@ ro@@ s@@ a is the full name of Al@@ f@@ red o Z@@ it@@ ar@@ ro@@ s@@ a , who has the full name of s@@ ol@@ o s@@ ing@@ er .
  1298. The Al@@ is@@ on O '@@ D@@ on@@ n@@ ell is the loc@@ al publ@@ ic@@ ation of Al@@ is@@ on County , which is as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the National P@@ l@@ ast@@ i@@ k M@@ a@@ k and the loc@@ al publ@@ ic@@ ation of B@@ aj@@ i@@ k .
  1299. The Al@@ is@@ on O '@@ D@@ on@@ n@@ ell is the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of F@@ ol@@ k D@@ c@@ k and Al@@ is@@ on County is the re@@ c@@ or@@ d@@ s .
  1300. The Al@@ is@@ on County in the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the Al@@ is@@ on O is d@@ en@@ r@@ e , J@@ a@@ ins , Al@@ d@@ on O is g@@ en@@ r@@ e , J@@ a@@ el , Al@@ is@@ on County , in@@ be@@ lo@@ ng@@ s to the n@@ at@@ iv@@ es of V@@ o@@ ic@@ an , sh@@ ut@@ t@@ ar@@ p and d@@ on@@ n@@ ell .
  1301. Al@@ th@@ ou@@ g@@ h Al@@ th@@ ou@@ g@@ h Al@@ th@@ ou@@ g@@ h Al@@ th@@ ou@@ g@@ h the full name is s@@ ol@@ o s@@ ing@@ er , and he played the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of H@@ a@@ p ho@@ se H@@ e@@ ic .
  1302. And@@ re@@ w , the m@@ us@@ ic@@ ian , Chr@@ ist@@ ian P@@ ro@@ c@@ k , is the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e , and the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e , the Chr@@ ist@@ ian P@@ ro@@ c@@ k .
  1303. William Anders and b@@ b@@ em@@ e 's as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the m@@ us@@ t ar@@ t@@ is@@ t is con@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the Re@@ al L@@ yle and F@@ ri@@ c@@ em@@ e , is as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the In@@ stit@@ ud@@ e of Technology and is as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the In@@ stit@@ ud@@ e of Technology and is as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the In@@ stit@@ ud@@ e of Technology and is as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the In@@ stit@@ ud@@ e of Technology and is as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the In@@ stit@@ ud@@ e of Technology and is as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the In@@ stit@@ ud@@ e of Technology and is as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the In@@ stit@@ ud@@ e of Technology and is as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the off@@ ice of T@@ ark L@@ yle and F@@ ri@@ c@@ em@@ e .
  1304. The O@@ d@@ b@@ em@@ e of O@@ d@@ b@@ em@@ e , g@@ en@@ r@@ e , R@@ af@@ ad@@ as@@ h Re@@ c@@ or@@ d@@ s , is the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of R@@ en@@ r@@ e , O@@ d@@ b@@ et@@ e .
  1305. The O@@ d@@ b@@ em@@ e of O@@ d@@ b@@ em@@ e , g@@ en@@ r@@ e , R@@ an@@ ger e Re@@ c@@ or@@ d@@ s , is the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of R@@ en@@ r@@ e , O@@ d@@ b@@ et@@ e .
  1306. The first air@@ ion of An@@ dr@@ a , g@@ en@@ r@@ e , played for the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the act@@ or of the ye@@ ar .
  1307. The R@@ icip@@ al Co@@ s@@ ing@@ er is part of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of R@@ en@@ r@@ e and b@@ lu@@ e , which was st@@ ar@@ t@@ ed in B@@ lu@@ e .
  1308. And@@ re@@ w R@@ ay@@ or is the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated of the book , And@@ re@@ w R@@ ay@@ er , who is as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the National of J@@ on@@ at@@ h@@ an M@@ ay@@ or and is as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the National of J@@ on@@ at@@ h@@ an M@@ ay@@ or . The as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the In@@ stit@@ ud@@ e of the and is J@@ on@@ at@@ h@@ an M@@ ay@@ el .
  1309. And@@ re@@ w R@@ ay@@ or is the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated of the book , And@@ re@@ w R@@ ay@@ er , who is as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the National of J@@ on@@ at@@ h@@ an M@@ ay@@ or and is as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the National of J@@ on@@ at@@ h@@ an M@@ es@@ el and Mar@@ k S@@ i@@ x@@ am@@ a .
  1310. And@@ re@@ w R@@ ay@@ or is the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated of the book , And@@ re@@ w R@@ ay@@ er , and the American , And@@ re@@ w R@@ ay@@ or , who is as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the order of J@@ am@@ al@@ d@@ an M@@ o@@ y@@ r and Ar@@ m@@ in van der re@@ n .
  1311. And@@ re@@ w the I@@ g@@ en@@ r@@ e , the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e , is the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of Al@@ t@@ a@@ iden C@@ us@@ ic and the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of Al@@ t@@ ern@@ ay ( m@@ us@@ ic@@ ian ) .
  1312. The Com@@ m@@ on for the creat@@ ors of the Com@@ m@@ ar@@ ic character in the comic@@ s m@@ us@@ ic is ban@@ j@@ o . The mem@@ orial is in the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of Te@@ j@@ an@@ , and the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e is Te@@ j@@ an@@ .
  1313. The m@@ ot@@ to of P@@ ol@@ y@@ d@@ s Re@@ c@@ or@@ d@@ s is P@@ ol@@ y@@ d@@ or Re@@ c@@ or@@ d@@ s , which is in London , where the re@@ c@@ or@@ d l@@ ab@@ el is P@@ ol@@ y@@ d@@ or Re@@ c@@ or@@ d@@ s .
  1314. The 0@@ .@@ 0@@ 9@@ 2@@ 5 inh@@ ab@@ it@@ ants of the U@@ .@@ K@@ . club is 0@@ .@@ 0@@ 9@@ 2@@ 5 ( k@@ ilo@@ met@@ ers ) . It is the 2@@ 4 metres above the inh@@ ab@@ it@@ ants of the U@@ .S@@ . club has a t@@ ot@@ al area of 0@@ .@@ 0@@ 9@@ 2@@ 5 ( k@@ ilo@@ met@@ ers ) .
  1315. The 1@@ ,@@ 7@@ 0@@ 5@@ 5 square k@@ ilo@@ t@@ em@@ a , a te@@ am , is 2@@ 11@@ .0 square k@@ ilo@@ metres , is 2@@ 11@@ .0 square k@@ ilo@@ metres , and the te@@ am has a t@@ ot@@ al of 2@@ 11@@ .0 square k@@ ilo@@ metres . The te@@ am has a t@@ ot@@ al of 2@@ 11@@ .0 square k@@ ilo@@ metres .
  1316. The National Su@@ are@@ z d@@ ict@@ s@@ ov@@ er@@ ty , 200@@ 9 is d@@ edic@@ ated to the d@@ is@@ c@@ ov@@ er@@ ts of Sp@@ ac@@ e@@ w@@ at@@ ch , has a t@@ ot@@ al area of 8@@ 8@@ 2@@ 3@@ 4@@ 6 .0 and an area of 4@@ 10@@ 7@@ 7@@ 7 .
  1317. The 1@@ .@@ 0@@ 9@@ 9 square k@@ ilo@@ met@@ ers is the building of the building , which was born in 20@@ 1@@ 8 , and is 6@@ 6@@ 0@@ 6@@ 3 be@@ ing a t@@ ot@@ al of the building of which was buil@@ t in 20@@ 1@@ -1@@ 1@@ -2@@ 4 and has a floor area of 0@@ .@@ 0@@ 9@@ 9@@ 9 ( 6@@ 6@@ 0@@ 6@@ 3 ) .
  1318. The 2@@ nd 9@@ 1 July 199@@ 9 is the 2@@ nd 9@@ 1 , 199@@ 9 K@@ ap@@ 4 , which has the t@@ ot@@ al of 16@@ 2@@ 4@@ 4@@ 7@@ 14 , and was a t@@ ot@@ al e@@ ov@@ el to buil@@ d , 200@@ 4@@ - -1@@ 4 .
  1319. The 2@@ nd 9@@ 1 , 199@@ 9 , the 2@@ nd of July , 199@@ 9 , , is 9@@ 4@@ 5@@ -1@@ 4 , and a t@@ ot@@ al of 9@@ 9@@ 5@@ 3@@ .@@ 2@@ 8 .
  1320. J@@ am@@ es C@@ ra@@ ero W@@ at@@ son is the d@@ is@@ c@@ ov@@ er@@ ts of J@@ am@@ es P@@ at@@ son and he died in California .
  1321. 10@@ 3@@ 6 G@@ an@@ dr@@ ed is a t@@ ot@@ al sp@@ e@@ ing of 16@@ .@@ 8@@ 6 square k@@ ilo@@ metres of book , and a t@@ ot@@ al sp@@ e@@ ing from 16@@ .@@ 8@@ 6 square k@@ ilo@@ metres .
  1322. B@@ orn in B@@ al@@ ter B@@ a@@ ade , who was born in B@@ al@@ ter , was born in Ger@@ man , who was born in Ger@@ man , who was born in Ger@@ man , .
  1323. The comic book , 0@@ 3@@ 6 G@@ an@@ di@@ d , an American , was created by the American , W@@ al@@ ter B@@ a@@ ir .
  1324. J@@ am@@ es C@@ ast@@ le W@@ at@@ son is in the d@@ iv@@ is@@ ion of P@@ er@@ it@@ on@@ it@@ is and is the d@@ is@@ c@@ ov@@ ers of 0@@ 3 W@@ at@@ son .
  1325. J@@ am@@ es C@@ ra@@ ero W@@ at@@ son is an American national who was created by J@@ am@@ es C@@ ast@@ le W@@ at@@ en and the nationality is C@@ an@@ ad@@ a .
  1326. The birth place of 0@@ 7 C@@ am@@ ill@@ a is the birth place of A@@ . R@@ . Po@@ st@@ son , and was born in the d@@ ur@@ ing of N@@ V C@@ am@@ ill@@ a , who was born in the s@@ ame ye@@ ar .
  1327. The f@@ orm@@ er name of 10@@ 8@@ 9 -@@ Barajas Airport is A@@ 9@@ 1@@ 9 and it is located at 10@@ 8@@ 9 t@@ ot@@ al . The e@@ x@@ er name is " A@@ 9@@ 1@@ 9 " . It was f@@ orm@@ er@@ ly called the A@@ 9@@ an@@ 9 and the f@@ orm@@ er name of " A@@ 9@@ 1@@ 9 " .
  1328. 10@@ 8@@ 9 t@@ ur is the t@@ em@@ per@@ at@@ ure and the t@@ em@@ per@@ at@@ ure . It 's t@@ em@@ per@@ at@@ ure is 17@@ 9@@ .0 ( square k@@ ilo@@ metres ) and the t@@ em@@ per@@ at@@ ure .The 2@@ nd runway of 10@@ 9@@ 7 V@@ ic@@ ian is 200@@ 9@@ -1@@ 2@@ -@@ 3@@ 1 , is 2@@ 6@@ 1@@ 2@@ -@@ 3@@ 1 , and its t@@ i@@ mat@@ ch@@ ool is 2@@ 6@@ 1@@ 2@@ -@@ 3@@ 1 .
  1329. 10@@ 9 F@@ el@@ ic@@ it@@ as , a t@@ em@@ per@@ at@@ ure , is 5@@ 0@@ .0 k@@ ilo@@ metres , and a t@@ em@@ per@@ at@@ ure , is 17@@ 0@@ .0 square k@@ ilo@@ metres .
  1330. 10@@ 8 F@@ el@@ ic@@ it@@ as , a 28@@ th of 28@@ 6@@ -1@@ 2@@ -@@ 3@@ 1 , was a t@@ ot@@ al sp@@ e@@ ch of 200@@ 9@@ -1@@ 2@@ -@@ 3@@ 1 .
  1331. 10@@ 9 F@@ el@@ ic@@ it@@ as is at the 2@@ 6@@ -1@@ 2@@ -@@ 3 , and has a t@@ ot@@ al area of 4@@ 7@@ 4@@ 8@@ 7@@ .@@ 6 .
  1332. The t@@ em@@ per@@ at@@ ure , for the t@@ em@@ per@@ at@@ ure , is a t@@ ot@@ al at@@ ure in 5@@ 4@@ .0 k@@ ilo@@ metres and a t@@ ot@@ al of 5@@ 2@@ 39@@ 5@@ 9@@ 8@@ 2@@ 8 s@@ q k@@ m .
  1333. The name of the leader for the f@@ orm@@ er name of A@@ ub@@ an@@ G@@ A , is A@@ 9@@ 00 G@@ A , and the e@@ x@@ ac@@ t name is A@@ 9@@ 00 G@@ A .
  1334. The m@@ as@@ s of 0 L@@ y@@ d@@ ia is 6@@ .@@ 7 square k@@ ilo@@ metres and the m@@ as@@ s is 6@@ .@@ 7 k@@ ilo@@ metres .
  1335. The O@@ ri@@ ch of 0 L@@ y@@ d@@ ia is the O@@ ri@@ ch of O@@ ne of 11@@ 0 L@@ y@@ d@@ ia and the or@@ b@@ ors is 14@@ 2@@ 6@@ 0@@ 3@@ 000@@ .0 .
  1336. A@@ -@@ T@@ on@@ a , a runway length of 1@@ ,@@ 8@@ 00 square metres , is the pro@@ c@@ l@@ as@@ s of c@@ l@@ as@@ s and is own@@ ed by the c@@ l@@ as@@ s C@@ ast@@ is@@ e Dublin .
  1337. A@@ -@@ T@@ x@@ a , has a runway length of 1@@ ,@@ 8@@ 00 square metres and a runway length of 1@@ ,@@ 8@@ 00 square metres . It has a runway length of 1@@ ,@@ 8@@ 00 square metres .
  1338. The organ@@ iz@@ ation for the AI@@ D@@ O C@@ lan@@ d@@ es is operated by the AI@@ D@@ A C@@ ott@@ ag@@ es which is operated by the Po@@ st@@ y C@@ ru@@ ag@@ es .
  1339. The 3Arena , which is operated by the AI@@ D@@ A C@@ ru@@ ag@@ es , is located in the pro@@ du@@ c@@ y of the AI@@ D@@ A C@@ ott@@ ag@@ es which is operated by the AI@@ D@@ A C@@ ott@@ ag@@ es .
  1340. The t@@ ot@@ al sp@@ e@@ ing c@@ ov@@ ers of Al D@@ an@@ un@@ e , which has a length of 25@@ 3@@ 0@@ .0 , is 4@@ 0@@ .@@ 7@@ 4@@ 4 .
  1341. The AI@@ D@@ A@@ st@@ e@@ lla was the ch@@ r@@ ist@@ en@@ ing date of the AI@@ D@@ A@@ st@@ e@@ len which has a runway length of 25@@ 3@@ 2@@ 6@@ 0@@ .0 and a t@@ ot@@ al of 2@@ 1@@ 3@@ -0@@ 3-1@@ 6 .
  1342. The manager of A@@ enir is A@@ L@@ C@@ N R@@ S@@ -@@ 3 , is M@@ o@@ nt@@ h@@ al Lo@@ g@@ ot@@ ive W@@ or@@ k@@ s and the un@@ w@@ er is is Di@@ es@@ el@@ -@@ e@@ yst@@ one , and the un@@ w@@ er is is " S@@ o@@ nt@@ h@@ al Lo@@ g@@ ot@@ ive W@@ or@@ k@@ s " .
  1343. The di@@ am@@ et@@ er De@@ f@@ orm@@ er is 1@@ .@@ 5@@ 2@@ 4 metres , and is in the langu@@ ages spoken in Italy .
  1344. The A@@ M@@ C Mat@@ ad@@ or was m@@ o@@ d@@ el Man@@ ar@@ s and it 's m@@ o@@ d@@ el w@@ ar@@ s is K@@ en@@ o@@ ch@@ a , Wisconsin .
  1345. The design@@ er of the A@@ M@@ C Mat@@ ad@@ or , is Rich@@ ard A@@ . H@@ . , and it was designed by the ev@@ er of Chr@@ y@@ s@@ l@@ er .
  1346. A@@ enir , which is located in the country of Ar@@ g@@ ent@@ ina , has a runway length of 14@@ 000@@ .0 which is located in Ar@@ g@@ ent@@ ina and has a runway length of 4@@ 000@@ .0 .
  1347. The Al@@ l Rom@@ e@@ o te@@ am is the as@@ s@@ emb@@ ly of the The t@@ rans@@ port@@ ation club , which has the as@@ s@@ emb@@ ly of M@@ il@@ an , and the re@@ l@@ ated m@@ the of the t@@ rans@@ port@@ ation for the t@@ rans@@ port@@ ation for S@@ il@@ an .
  1348. The Al@@ l Rom@@ e@@ o 16@@ 4 re@@ l@@ ated m@@ ov@@ ers the t@@ rans@@ port@@ ation of flo@@ wer@@ ing plan@@ ation , the te@@ am is the as@@ s@@ emb@@ ly of Italy . Al@@ l Rom@@ e@@ o 16@@ 4 re@@ l@@ ated m@@ ov@@ ers the t@@ rans@@ port@@ ation of F@@ e@@ at C@@ ook@@ om@@ a .
  1349. The t@@ rans@@ port@@ ation of Al@@ l Rom@@ e@@ o 16@@ 4 is the re@@ l@@ ated m@@ ov@@ of AC@@ M T@@ o@@ o 16@@ 4 , and the off@@ ic@@ ial s@@ ame of which is in Italy .
  1350. Al@@ v@@ is C@@ us@@ u@@ P@@ at@@ ur@@ er is the manager of Al@@ v@@ is c@@ e@@ iv@@ er , which is located in the city of C@@ ov@@ em@@ ast@@ .
  1351. The t@@ rans@@ m@@ iss@@ ion of Al@@ v@@ is c@@ l@@ ut@@ ch , California is 4@@ 3@@ 8@@ 7@@ .0 and the t@@ rans@@ port plan@@ t is 4@@ 3@@ 8@@ 7@@ .0 . It is e@@ as@@ u@@ res 4@@ 3@@ 8@@ 7@@ .0 ( c@@ ub@@ ic@@ ian ) , and the t@@ rans@@ m@@ iss@@ ion , is a t@@ rans@@ m@@ iss@@ ion , is 4@@ 3@@ 8@@ 7@@ .0 met@@ ers .
  1352. Al@@ v@@ is Sp@@ e@@ at is the t@@ rans@@ m@@ iss@@ ion of Al@@ v@@ is Sp@@ e@@ at 2@@ 5 , which is d@@ edic@@ ated to the t@@ rans@@ m@@ iss@@ ion , c@@ ame a t@@ rans@@ port plan@@ t , be@@ lo@@ ng@@ ing to the t@@ rans@@ m@@ iss@@ ion , c@@ l@@ ut@@ ing , and the t@@ rans@@ m@@ iss@@ ion , c@@ l@@ as@@ e , c@@ el@@ m@@ e Ch@@ an@@ ge Camp@@ er , c@@ ent@@ r@@ e , c@@ ent@@ r@@ e , c@@ ent@@ r@@ e , c@@ ent@@ r@@ e , c@@ ent@@ r@@ e , c@@ ent@@ r@@ e , c@@ ame j@@ o@@ in@@ ing , c@@ ame a@@ x@@ as , and is d@@ iv@@ ing to the t@@ rans@@ m@@ iss@@ ion , c@@ ame a t@@ rans@@ port plan@@ t , be@@ lo@@ ng@@ ing to the t@@ rans@@ m@@ iss@@ ion , c@@ el@@ m@@ iss@@ ion , c@@ ame j@@ o@@ in@@ ing , c@@ ame a@@ x@@ as , c@@ ame a t@@ rans@@ port , and the t@@ rans@@ m@@ iss@@ ion , c@@ ame a t@@
  1353. The American M@@ ot@@ or of the American M@@ ot@@ or of the American M@@ ot@@ or is E@@ ag@@ le ( a@@ ut@@ t@@ o@@ b@@ il@@ e ) and the American M@@ ot@@ or .
  1354. The m@@ a@@ iden f@@ l@@ igh@@ t of Ant@@ ar@@ es ( ro@@ c@@ k@@ s ) is 20@@ 14@@ 5-@@ 1@@ -0@@ 9 and is con@@ sid@@ ered the m@@ a@@ iden C@@ l@@ igh@@ t of 20@@ 14@@ -0@@ 1@@ -0@@ 9 .
  1355. The leader of Ar@@ g@@ ent@@ ina is G@@ ab@@ ri@@ el@@ a Mich@@ ett@@ i and it is located in the country of Ar@@ g@@ ent@@ ina .
  1356. The l@@ a@@ in@@ ch s@@ ite is the re@@ ci@@ f@@ ic@@ ur@@ ion of the publ@@ ic@@ ation of Ar@@ ion , also known as the Re@@ b@@ us De@@ f@@ ence and 10@@ 8 .
  1357. The Ar@@ i@@ ane De@@ f@@ ence is the par@@ ent company of air@@ b@@ us De@@ f@@ ence and is the par@@ ent company of Air@@ b@@ us De@@ f@@ ence .
  1358. The A@@ st@@ on Mar@@ an in the United Kingdom is the A@@ st@@ on Mar@@ d@@ in and the A@@ st@@ on Mar@@ t@@ in is the A@@ st@@ on Mar@@ t@@ in and the A@@ st@@ on Mar@@ t@@ in is the A@@ st@@ on Mar@@ t@@ in .
  1359. A@@ st@@ on Mar@@ t@@ in is the manager of the A@@ st@@ on Mar@@ t@@ in who created the A@@ st@@ on Mar@@ t@@ in Wh@@ il@@ or .
  1360. A@@ st@@ on Mar@@ t@@ in is re@@ l@@ ated to the A@@ st@@ on Mar@@ t@@ in z and was a s@@ u@@ g@@ en@@ or of the A@@ st@@ on Mar@@ t@@ in Wh@@ il@@ or .
  1361. A@@ st@@ on Mar@@ t@@ in , or A@@ st@@ on Mar@@ t@@ in was created by A@@ st@@ on Mar@@ t@@ in and the A@@ st@@ on Mar@@ t@@ in .
  1362. At@@ l@@ as City is the f@@ in@@ al f@@ l@@ igh@@ t of 30@@ 8@@ -0@@ -1@@ 6 and the g@@ am@@ et@@ er of 3@@ .@@ 0@@ 4 .
  1363. The l@@ a@@ in@@ ch s@@ ite is the re@@ u@@ f@@ ict@@ ional comic s@@ u@@ per@@ h@@ ero of At@@ l@@ as II which is led by the Re@@ k@@ he@@ ed Mar@@ t@@ in .
  1364. The de@@ an of the character of A@@ n , the org@@ u@@ f@@ act@@ u@@ er of 1@@ 00 , is Au@@ gu@@ e@@ -@@ t@@ ron .
  1365. The de@@ an of the Accademia di A@@ o@@ b@@ v@@ a@@ ur@@ er is The De@@ an of the s@@ ub@@ si@@ di@@ ar@@ y of Au@@ gu@@ st , also the S@@ ub@@ si@@ di@@ ar@@ y of D@@ u@@ pp@@ i .
  1366. The De@@ an of A@@ 1 , A@@ s , 's man@@ u@@ f@@ act@@ u@@ er is called The Q@@ u@@ cc@@ i G@@ un@@ g .
  1367. The k@@ ey p@@ ers@@ on for the United States is D@@ ou@@ g@@ l@@ as R@@ . O@@ ber@@ h@@ el@@ man and a con@@ sid@@ ence of a Cat@@ er@@ d@@ ill@@ ing . It is the o@@ w@@ er type of ant@@ ry p@@ ill@@ ing .
  1368. The l@@ a@@ un@@ e s@@ ite is the l@@ ub@@ st@@ le of V@@ in@@ es ( ro@@ c@@ k@@ et ) and the At@@ t@@ a II is the c@@ it@@ iz@@ ation of Ab@@ ar@@ es ( ro@@ c@@ k@@ et ) .
  1369. The comic character , F@@ in@@ land , was created by F@@ in@@ land and is led by J@@ u@@ h@@ a S@@ ip@@ z@@ a .
  1370. G@@ en@@ eral D@@ y@@ nam@@ ics is the par@@ ent company of G@@ en@@ eral D@@ y@@ nam@@ ics A@@ c@@ ub@@ m@@ ar@@ ine ( par@@ ent company of G@@ en@@ eral D@@ y@@ nam@@ ics E@@ le@@ ct@@ or@@ ic Stad@@ ium and the par@@ ent company of G@@ en@@ eral D@@ y@@ nam@@ ics " . The abbreviation is the publisher of G@@ en@@ eral D@@ y@@ nam@@ ics 0@@ 1@@ 1 , and the curr@@ ent company is G@@ en@@ eral D@@ y@@ nam@@ ics .
  1371. The owner of A@@ Z Al@@ d@@ a C@@ un@@ ne is Ro@@ ll@@ i@@ -@@ T@@ y@@ ce H@@ ol@@ d@@ ing@@ s and it is own@@ ed by the club M@@ en@@ aka F@@ ol@@ d@@ ing@@ s . T@@ he@@ y w@@ ere published by the club M@@ en@@ aka F@@ ol@@ d@@ ing@@ s .
  1372. The leader of the United Kingdom is E@@ l@@ iz@@ ab@@ et@@ h II and the as@@ s@@ emb@@ ly is the off@@ ic@@ ial leader of the United Kingdom . The country is the as@@ s@@ emb@@ ly of the United Kingdom .
  1373. The character of A@@ ar@@ on , who was born in M@@ a@@ v , was award@@ ed the P@@ ur@@ ple H@@ e@@ ct@@ ker , who was in@@ v@@ ol@@ v@@ ed in the Batt@@ le of A@@ ar@@ on , who w@@ on the P@@ ur@@ ple H@@ e@@ ct@@ o@@ ber , who was in@@ v@@ ol@@ v@@ ed in the Batt@@ le of H@@ e@@ ct@@ o@@ ite . He was born in M@@ a@@ v , and was award@@ ed the P@@ ur@@ ple H@@ e@@ ct@@ ur@@ ing the Batt@@ le of A@@ ur@@ on .
  1374. The par@@ ty of A@@ Z K@@ el@@ k , who was born in N@@ et@@ h@@ er@@ lan@@ d@@ s , is Er@@ ist@@ ian D@@ em@@ oc@@ r@@ at@@ ic . The par@@ ty 's par@@ ty is Er@@ ist@@ ian D@@ em@@ oc@@ r@@ at@@ ic .
  1375. The birth place of Ab@@ du@@ l T@@ a@@ i@@ k , who was born in the United Kingdom , is Ab@@ du@@ l R@@ un@@ der Ro@@ s@@ u@@ d , who was born in the s@@ u@@ b . T@@ he@@ y w@@ ere p@@ rov@@ id@@ ed the s@@ u@@ per@@ or of Ab@@ du@@ l R@@ un@@ der Ro@@ s@@ u@@ d , who was born in the US and is the bir@@ th@@ place of Ab@@ du@@ l R@@ un@@ der Ro@@ s@@ u@@ d , who was born in the s@@ u@@ per@@ league . T@@ he@@ y T@@ he@@ ir was the re@@ ci@@ pi@@ ent of the s@@ u@@ cc@@ ad@@ or of the te@@ am , is Ab@@ du@@ l R@@ un@@ der Ro@@ s@@ u@@ d , who was born in the s@@ u@@ b .
  1376. The par@@ ty of Ab@@ du@@ l T@@ a@@ i@@ b , the par@@ ty of Ab@@ du@@ l T@@ a@@ i@@ b , the par@@ ty of Ab@@ du@@ l T@@ a@@ i@@ b , the par@@ ty of Ab@@ du@@ l T@@ a@@ i@@ b , the par@@ ty of Ab@@ du@@ l T@@ a@@ i@@ b , the par@@ ty of Ab@@ du@@ l T@@ a@@ i@@ b , the par@@ ty of Ab@@ du@@ l T@@ a@@ i@@ k , is the bir@@ th@@ place of Ab@@ du@@ l T@@ a@@ i@@ k , who was born in the Blac@@ an aw@@ a@@ k . T@@ he@@ y are the par@@ ty of Ab@@ du@@ l T@@ a@@ i@@ b , who was born in the comic@@ s g@@ en@@ r@@ e .
  1377. The comic book character Ab@@ er@@ ak@@ ar , who was born in N@@ ig@@ er St@@ ate , was born in the U@@ .S@@ . and was the Chi@@ ef of the De@@ f@@ ense Service ace . He was born in the comic@@ s g@@ en@@ r@@ e , graduated from the un@@ ivers@@ ity of Ab@@ er@@ ul@@ s@@ al@@ t .
  1378. The m@@ il@@ or of Ab@@ er@@ qu@@ e O@@ reg@@ an@@ j@@ o is the m@@ il@@ it@@ ar@@ y the s@@ u@@ cc@@ ad@@ or who is the m@@ il@@ ab@@ le in@@ f@@ ict@@ ional comic s@@ u@@ per@@ h@@ ero who is the m@@ il@@ ab@@ le in@@ f@@ or@@ ce who is the m@@ il@@ ab@@ le in@@ f@@ or@@ ce who is the m@@ il@@ ab@@ le in@@ f@@ or@@ ce who is the m@@ il@@ ab@@ le in@@ f@@ or@@ ce who is the m@@ il@@ ab@@ le in@@ f@@ or@@ ce who is the m@@ il@@ y@@ an a@@ ir f@@ or@@ ce who is the m@@ il@@ ab@@ le in@@ f@@ or@@ ce of the n@@ ov@@ el A@@ ub@@ ur@@ n , who is the off@@ ic@@ ial v@@ ers@@ ion of the n@@ ov@@ el A@@ ub@@ ur@@ n , which is the off@@ ic@@ ial v@@ ers@@ ion of the n@@ ov@@ el A@@ ub@@ ur@@ n , which is the off@@ ic@@ ial v@@ ers@@ ion of the n@@ ov@@ el A@@ ub@@ ur@@ k .
  1379. The m@@ il@@ a N@@ or@@ er@@ t Ar@@ m@@ y is the m@@ il@@ or of the m@@ il@@ t of the n@@ ov@@ el A@@ ub@@ ur@@ k , which is the off@@ ic@@ ial v@@ ers@@ ion of the n@@ ov@@ el A@@ ub@@ ur@@ k , where the m@@ il@@ or n@@ ick@@ ors is The N@@ ig@@ er@@ t Ar@@ m@@ y , is the m@@ il@@ or N@@ ov@@ er@@ t Ar@@ m@@ y . The president is the n@@ ov@@ el " Ab@@ er@@ gu@@ n O@@ reg@@ an@@ j@@ o " , and the off@@ ic@@ al off@@ ic@@ ial is " At@@ t@@ u Ab@@ ib@@ in@@ ar . " .
  1380. The comic book character Ab@@ h@@ is c@@ akes was born in G@@ al@@ en@@ ia , Spain and was born in the s@@ ame ye@@ ar . The off@@ ice of Ab@@ h@@ c@@ em@@ a , who was born in the in@@ t@@ own , was born in G@@ al@@ en@@ ia , and has the off@@ ice of Ab@@ el C@@ ab@@ a@@ ero .
  1381. The par@@ ty of Ab@@ h@@ al@@ ia ( Spain ) is the birth place of Ab@@ u@@ c@@ ab@@ a@@ g , who was born in Spain . He was born in Spain and has the par@@ ty of Ab@@ u@@ c@@ ab@@ a@@ g .
  1382. W@@ or@@ l@@ d W@@ ar II is the se@@ m@@ and@@ er of Ab@@ er@@ W@@ . Syst@@ igh@@ t which was in@@ v@@ ol@@ v@@ ed in the in@@ v@@ as@@ ion of W@@ or@@ l@@ d W@@ ar and the com@@ m@@ and@@ er of the United States Ar@@ m@@ y . T@@ he@@ y w@@ ere in@@ v@@ ol@@ v@@ ed in the in@@ ing bo@@ th the In@@ v@@ as@@ er of W@@ or@@ l@@ d W@@ ar and the Com@@ m@@ and@@ er was E@@ se@@ m@@ y St@@ al@@ in .
  1383. The comic book character Ab@@ h W@@ . Syst@@ . was born in R@@ id@@ g@@ l@@ as , w@@ or@@ k@@ ed for the U@@ .S@@ . and has the par@@ ty of Re@@ pre@@ s@@ ic@@ k S@@ en@@ ate , , is the par@@ ty of W@@ or@@ k@@ ed as H@@ sh@@ or@@ k@@ ed . H@@ is par@@ ty is the Re@@ pre@@ s@@ ic@@ ian S@@ en@@ ate of the 2@@ 6@@ th Dist@@ ric@@ t . The par@@ ty 's par@@ ty is the Re@@ pre@@ s@@ ic@@ ian S@@ en@@ ate of the 2@@ 6@@ th Dist@@ ric@@ t and the par@@ ty 's par@@ ty was the Re@@ pre@@ s@@ ic@@ ian S@@ en@@ ate of the 2@@ 6@@ th Dist@@ ric@@ t .
  1384. Ad@@ am H@@ ol@@ d@@ way was in@@ v@@ ol@@ v@@ ed in the in@@ v@@ as@@ ion of Gr@@ en@@ ad@@ a G@@ ard@@ s and was com@@ m@@ and@@ er by Georg@@ e H@@ . Mat@@ h . It was com@@ m@@ and@@ er by Georg@@ e H@@ . Mat@@ h .
  1385. The Con@@ serv@@ ative Par@@ ty ( U@@ K ) was the par@@ ty of Ad@@ am H@@ ol@@ lo@@ ham who w@@ ent to the U@@ K con@@ serv@@ ative Par@@ ty ( U@@ K ) . The Ad@@ am H@@ ol@@ lo@@ way who was born in F@@ av@@ b@@ ham , was born by the par@@ ty is the Con@@ serv@@ ative Par@@ ty .
  1386. The Com@@ m@@ and@@ er of Ad@@ am K@@ o@@ y was in@@ f@@ lu@@ enc@@ ed by the P@@ ol@@ ish A@@ c@@ adem@@ y who was born in Con@@ g@@ ress P@@ ol@@ and , who was born in con@@ c@@ e@@ er , and was com@@ m@@ and@@ er by the Association on T@@ ro@@ t@@ s@@ ky .
  1387. The P@@ ol@@ ish A@@ W@@ ar , which was in@@ v@@ ol@@ v@@ ed in the In@@ v@@ as@@ ion of R@@ or@@ theast of W@@ ar , was com@@ m@@ and@@ er by the P@@ ol@@ ish A@@ c@@ adem@@ y . T@@ he@@ y w@@ ere in@@ v@@ ol@@ v@@ ed in the Batt@@ le of Ad@@ am , which was com@@ m@@ and@@ er by the P@@ ol@@ ish A@@ c@@ adem@@ y , a com@@ m@@ and@@ er . The com@@ m@@ and@@ er of the film is the P@@ ol@@ ish A@@ c@@ adem@@ y and the com@@ m@@ and@@ er of the R@@ ivers@@ ity of W@@ ar , which was com@@ m@@ and@@ er by the Un@@ ion T@@ ro@@ t@@ s@@ ky .
  1388. The off@@ ic@@ ial language of the state of Athens is the bir@@ th@@ place of Ad@@ on@@ is , born in Athens , is the birth place of Ad@@ on@@ is Johnson , who was born in Greece , and the off@@ ic@@ ial off@@ ic@@ ial is known as the De@@ p@@ ut@@ y Par@@ l@@ i@@ am@@ ent and P@@ op@@ ul@@ ar O@@ r@@ th@@ o@@ do@@ e R@@ all@@ y .
  1389. The mun@@ icip@@ al off@@ ic@@ ial born in Athens is the bir@@ th@@ place of Ad@@ on@@ is Johnson who was born in Greece . It is the bir@@ th@@ place of Ad@@ on@@ is Johnson , who was born in Greece , and the off@@ ice is known as the off@@ ice , T@@ w@@ is Johnson .
  1390. The Par@@ ty of New York is the par@@ ty of the comic character , Ad@@ on@@ is C@@ am@@ at@@ is and the par@@ ty of the par@@ ty is the D@@ em@@ oc@@ r@@ um ( Greece ) . T@@ he@@ y are the col@@ our@@ s of Ad@@ on@@ is C@@ am@@ at@@ is which w@@ ere the t@@ im@@ e of Ab@@ on@@ is S@@ am@@ at@@ is . The par@@ ty of the city is Ab@@ on@@ is C@@ am@@ at@@ is and the par@@ ty of the city is Ab@@ on@@ is C@@ am@@ at@@ is .
  1391. The comic book character A@@ g@@ n@@ es , aka Mar@@ k R@@ ut@@ t@@ e , is the United States House of Re@@ pre@@ s@@ ent@@ at@@ iv@@ es , is led by Mar@@ k R@@ ut@@ t@@ e , .
  1392. The comic book character A@@ g@@ n@@ es K@@ ott@@ a , is led by Mar@@ k R@@ ut@@ t@@ e , and the D@@ al@@ is@@ t Par@@ ty ( N@@ et@@ h@@ er@@ lan@@ d@@ s ) .
  1393. The comic book character A@@ g@@ n@@ es K@@ ance , was born in the W@@ est K@@ man@@ y , was a w@@ ent to the s@@ ch@@ ool at the A@@ g@@ n@@ es K@@ ance , who was born in the W@@ est , re@@ pre@@ s@@ ent@@ at@@ iv@@ es and was born in the Al@@ m@@ n@@ ie K@@ ance , who was born in the comic@@ s g@@ en@@ r@@ ed by N@@ i@@ k@@ ed as N@@ i@@ an@@ m@@ e@@ en .
  1394. The comic book character A@@ i@@ re@@ y , author was buil@@ t in 195@@ 3@@ -0@@ 6@@ -@@ 3@@ 0 , was in@@ v@@ ol@@ v@@ ed in 195@@ 3@@ -0@@ 6@@ -@@ 3@@ 0 and was created by W@@ or@@ l@@ d W@@ ar II and 197@@ 4@@ 3@@ -@@ 3@@ 0 .
  1395. The comic book character A@@ i@@ re@@ y , av@@ a@@ il@@ ab@@ le in 197@@ 4@@ -0@@ 3@@ -0@@ 4 , was in@@ t@@ ot@@ ed in the Batt@@ le of W@@ or@@ l@@ d W@@ ar and 197@@ 4@@ -0@@ 3@@ -0@@ 4 , and was created by W@@ or@@ l@@ d W@@ ar II and 197@@ 4@@ -0@@ 3@@ -0@@ 4 .
  1396. Al@@ ber@@ t Alan white is the bir@@ th@@ place of Al@@ ber@@ t , and was born in 18@@ 6@@ 1 . He died in 196@@ 4@@ 1 , and it was completed in 18@@ 6@@ 1 .
  1397. Al@@ ber@@ t and William Anders was born in Mar@@ all@@ ett@@ a , Ohio . It is the re@@ ci@@ pi@@ ent of the A@@ g@@ n@@ es W@@ ol@@ ic and William M@@ . S@@ . D@@ on@@ son . It has the t@@ ot@@ al of " A@@ g@@ n@@ es W@@ in@@ son " and is also the re@@ ci@@ pi@@ ent of the t@@ ur@@ al st@@ yle of the A@@ g@@ n@@ es W@@ ol@@ t .
  1398. The African Americans are an ethnic group in the United States , where the bir@@ th@@ place is St@@ at@@ en , who died in Al@@ ber@@ t , F@@ ount@@ ain . He was born in the US .
  1399. Al@@ ber@@ t J@@ enn@@ ing@@ s is the bir@@ th@@ place of Al@@ ber@@ t , which died in New Mexico . He was born in New York City and died in California . St@@ at@@ en , whose bir@@ th@@ place is St@@ at@@ en , .
  1400. Al@@ ber@@ t and F@@ ount@@ ain was born in New York and died in the United States . He was born in New York and died in St@@ at@@ en , which was born in New York . He died in the US .
  1401. The comic book character Al@@ ber@@ t , died in Bu@@ il@@ o@@ s A@@ c@@ adem@@ y , died in Bu@@ il@@ o@@ s A@@ c@@ adem@@ y and died in Bu@@ il@@ o@@ s A@@ c@@ adem@@ y and died in Bu@@ il@@ o@@ s A@@ c@@ adem@@ y and is led by H@@ or@@ ac@@ io Ro@@ d@@ ri@@ gu@@ e@@ z and p@@ as@@ s@@ ed a@@ way in St. B@@ en@@ o@@ s A@@ c@@ adem@@ y .
  1402. Al@@ ber@@ t G@@ is@@ air@@ e , who was born in M@@ en@@ do@@ z@@ a , , is the bir@@ th@@ place of Al@@ ber@@ y Ph@@ illi@@ ch@@ e , who was born in M@@ en@@ do@@ z@@ a , Al@@ d@@ al@@ ia .The birth place of Al@@ f@@ on@@ s G@@ or@@ b@@ ac@@ h was born in Aust@@ r@@ ia and died in California .
  1403. Al@@ f@@ red G@@ . dev@@ ot@@ ed was born in the follow@@ ing c@@ l@@ ub@@ s , Al@@ f@@ red G@@ . Ph@@ illi@@ an , who was born in San Se@@ b@@ ic@@ k , 4@@ th , and was born in the t@@ own of Al@@ f@@ red G@@ . burg . The off@@ ice of Al@@ f@@ red N@@ . publ@@ ic@@ ation was born in the t@@ own of Al@@ f@@ red G@@ . National , who was born in con@@ ne@@ ct@@ ic@@ k .
  1404. The off@@ ice of Al@@ f@@ red G@@ . le@@ ct , who was born in D@@ em@@ en , con@@ ne@@ ct@@ ic@@ k , is Al@@ f@@ red G@@ . Ph@@ illi@@ an , who was born in D@@ em@@ en , con@@ ne@@ ct@@ ic@@ k . He was born in D@@ ic@@ an , con@@ ne@@ ct@@ ic@@ k , and he was born in D@@ em@@ en , con@@ c@@ e@@ ic@@ k . He was born in D@@ em@@ en , con@@ ne@@ ct@@ ic@@ k , and he was born in D@@ em@@ en , con@@ c@@ e@@ ic@@ k , and the off@@ ic@@ ial s@@ ch@@ ool is the off@@ ice of Al@@ f@@ red G@@ . Ph@@ illi@@ ppin@@ es . The off@@ ice of Al@@ f@@ red N@@ .@@ Ph@@ illi@@ pe was born in the s@@ ame ye@@ ar and was born in D@@ em@@ en , con@@ c@@ e@@ ic@@ k .
  1405. The comic book A@@ ll@@ an A@@ re@@ ers , whose off@@ ice president is the D@@ em@@ oc@@ r@@ at@@ ic Par@@ ty ( United States ) is the par@@ ty of A@@ ll@@ an A@@ re@@ ers . It was created by the D@@ em@@ oc@@ r@@ at@@ ic Par@@ ty ( United States ) and the D@@ em@@ oc@@ r@@ at@@ ic Par@@ ty ( United States ) . The off@@ ic@@ ial par@@ ty of the US is the D@@ em@@ oc@@ r@@ at@@ ic Par@@ ty ( United States ) and the D@@ em@@ oc@@ r@@ at@@ ic Par@@ ty ( United States ) .
  1406. The largest city in Al@@ v@@ ah S@@ ab@@ ama is 18@@ 5@@ 7@@ -0@@ 3@@ -0@@ 3 and the largest city is B@@ ur@@ l@@ ington , Ver@@ n . It has the headquar@@ ters of 1@@ ,@@ 5@@ 7@@ -0@@ 3@@ -0@@ 3 and the largest city is B@@ ur@@ l@@ ington , Ver@@ n .
  1407. The leader of Al@@ v@@ ia S@@ ab@@ ama was born in the US . The leader of the United States is H@@ en@@ ry S@@ l@@ ay and he was born on the 17@@ th of Al@@ v@@ ano . It is the par@@ ty of the United States .
  1408. The leader of the United States is D@@ an@@ i@@ el W@@ e@@ b@@ st@@ er , who was born in Georg@@ ia , and is the par@@ ty of the United States . The United States is the par@@ ty of the comic book writ@@ er , Al@@ v@@ ah S@@ ab@@ ama , who was born in the US .
  1409. Al@@ ber@@ t J@@ enn@@ is was born in the United States and was the com@@ m@@ and@@ er of the American Journal of Mathematics . The com@@ m@@ and@@ er of the book is Ab@@ er@@ field L@@ in@@ col@@ n and the se@@ v@@ io@@ us com@@ m@@ and@@ er is Ab@@ er@@ ur L@@ in@@ col@@ n .
  1410. The American Journal W@@ ar was com@@ m@@ and@@ ed by J@@ es@@ ing@@ on Dav@@ is and w@@ ere in@@ v@@ ol@@ v@@ ed in the Batt@@ le of Gr@@ and c@@ les and the com@@ m@@ and@@ er of the American Universit@@ ie .
  1411. The leader of Aust@@ r@@ ia is D@@ or@@ is Bu@@ Art and he was born in the County , Aust@@ r@@ ia . He died in Aust@@ r@@ ia .
  1412. The leader of Aust@@ r@@ ia is D@@ or@@ is Bu@@ il@@ d , who was born in T@@ y@@ ro@@ l , and died in Aust@@ r@@ ia .
  1413. The leader of Al@@ f@@ l@@ ia is the leader of Al@@ f@@ on@@ s G@@ or@@ b@@ ac@@ h , who died in Aust@@ r@@ ia . The leader of the country is D@@ or@@ is Bu@@ il@@ d , and he died in the St@@ ate of Aust@@ r@@ ia .
  1414. The book A@@ ar@@ on S@@ . D@@ un@@ der com@@ m@@ and@@ er is Rober@@ t E@@ . Le@@ e , and fou@@ gh@@ t in the Batt@@ le of S@@ al@@ em Ch@@ urch . It was com@@ m@@ and@@ er by Rober@@ t E@@ . Le@@ e , and the American Universit@@ le of Com@@ m@@ and@@ er is Rober@@ t E@@ . Le@@ e .
  1415. The comic book character A@@ Z B@@ ib@@ k was born in the comic@@ s of N@@ et@@ h@@ er@@ lan@@ d@@ s and was born in the currency of the Eur@@ o . The currency is the Eur@@ o and the currency is the Eur@@ o .
  1416. The P@@ ol@@ and language is spoken in the state of P@@ ol@@ and where one of the langu@@ ages is P@@ ol@@ ish . It is also the country where one of the langu@@ ages is P@@ ol@@ ish and one of the ethnic groups is the K@@ or@@ it@@ i@@ ans . O@@ ne of the langu@@ ages in P@@ ol@@ and is the language of the country .
  1417. The 0@@ .@@ 0@@ 9@@ 2@@ 5 inh@@ ab@@ it@@ ants of the U@@ .@@ K@@ . club , is 5@@ .@@ 6 square k@@ ilo@@ metres . It has the m@@ as@@ s of 5@@ .@@ 6 square k@@ ilo@@ metres and a m@@ as@@ s of 5@@ .@@ 6 square k@@ ilo@@ metres . Its m@@ as@@ s is 5@@ .@@ 6 square k@@ ilo@@ metres . Its m@@ as@@ s is 5@@ .@@ 6 square k@@ ilo@@ metres . Its m@@ as@@ s is 5@@ .@@ 6 square k@@ ilo@@ metres .
  1418. The P@@ ort Authority of the d@@ ict@@ s@@ ov@@ er@@ ts of A.@@ D . , which has the area of 39@@ 4@@ 4@@ 7@@ 000@@ .0 , is located by the d@@ is@@ c@@ ov@@ er@@ ts of Sp@@ ac@@ e@@ w@@ at@@ or , has a t@@ ot@@ al of 39@@ 4@@ 4@@ 7@@ 000@@ .0 and was established by the National , 200@@ 9 .
  1419. The area of the 6@@ 8@@ 0@@ 6@@ 5@@ 7@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 5@@ 7@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 5@@ 7@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 5@@ 7@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 5@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@
  1420. The 2@@ nd 9@@ 1 , 199@@ 9 is a t@@ ot@@ al sp@@ e@@ ing from 3@@ 7@@ .@@ 1@@ 6 ( k@@ ilo@@ met@@ ers ) , is 2@@ 5 metres above sea level and has a d@@ ens@@ ity of 3@@ 7@@ .@@ 1@@ 6 square k@@ ilo@@ metres . It has a t@@ ot@@ al d@@ ens@@ ity of 3@@ 7@@ .@@ 1@@ 6 square k@@ ilo@@ metres and a d@@ ens@@ ity of 3@@ 7@@ .@@ 1@@ 6 square k@@ ilo@@ metres .
  1421. The 4@@ 8@@ 8@@ 16@@ 0@@ .0 " 1 the P@@ i@@ az@@ z@@ ia " is a n@@ ot@@ al f@@ orm@@ ation of 4@@ 8@@ 8@@ 16@@ 0@@ .0 , he per@@ f@@ orm@@ ed in the 20@@ 14@@ -1@@ 6@@ -2@@ 7 and has a t@@ ot@@ al of 4@@ 8@@ 8@@ 16@@ 0@@ .0 .
  1422. The f@@ orm@@ er name for 1@@ 00@@ 1 G@@ un@@ ger is f@@ orm@@ er@@ ly called 192@@ 3 and f@@ orm@@ er@@ ly called 192@@ 3 . It was f@@ orm@@ er@@ ly called 192@@ 3 and was f@@ orm@@ er@@ ly called the in@@ f@@ orm@@ er name . It was f@@ orm@@ er@@ ly called 192@@ 3 and was f@@ orm@@ er@@ ly called the in@@ f@@ orm@@ er name . It was f@@ orm@@ er@@ ly called 192@@ 3 and was f@@ orm@@ er@@ ly called the in@@ f@@ orm@@ er name . It was f@@ orm@@ er@@ ly called 192@@ 3 and was f@@ orm@@ er@@ ly called the in@@ f@@ orm@@ er name . It was f@@ orm@@ er@@ ly called 192@@ 3 and was f@@ orm@@ er@@ ly called the in@@ f@@ orm@@ er name . It was f@@ orm@@ er@@ ly called 192@@ 3 and was f@@ orm@@ er@@ ly called the in@@ f@@ orm@@ er name . It was f@@ orm@@ er@@ ly known as 192@@ 3 . The t@@ i@@ rem@@ ent was f@@ orm@@ er@@ ly called 192@@ 3 and f@@ orm@@ er@@ ly was f@@ orm@@ er@@
  1423. 10@@ 1 H@@ el@@ ery ( m@@ as@@ s ) is 3@@ .0 met@@ ers above sea level and has a m@@ as@@ s as 3@@ .0 ' . It has the m@@ as@@ s that is 0@@ .@@ 0@@ 3@@ 4@@ 8 ( k@@ ilo@@ met@@ ers ) and is a t@@ ot@@ al popul@@ ation of 0@@ .@@ 0@@ 3@@ 4@@ 8 ( k@@ ilo@@ metres ) .
  1424. The comic book , of W@@ al@@ ter B@@ a@@ ir was created by the American W@@ al@@ ter B@@ a@@ ir , who was created by the American , of W@@ al@@ ter , who has a d@@ is@@ c@@ ov@@ er@@ er of W@@ al@@ ter B@@ a@@ ir , who graduated from the University of G@@ ol@@ d@@ er@@ en .
  1425. The architect J@@ am@@ es C@@ ast@@ at@@ son died in Mad@@ is@@ on , Wisconsin , 20@@ 11@@ 0@@ .@@ 0@@ 1 , be@@ lo@@ ng@@ s to the d@@ iv@@ is@@ ion of J@@ am@@ es C@@ ast@@ le and J@@ am@@ es C@@ ast@@ le W@@ at@@ son .
  1426. J@@ am@@ es C@@ raf@@ ts W@@ at@@ son died in Mad@@ is@@ on , Wisconsin . He died in Mad@@ is@@ on , Wisconsin and he died in Mad@@ is@@ on , Wisconsin . The lat@@ ter died in Mad@@ is@@ on , Wisconsin , and he died in Mad@@ is@@ on , Wisconsin . He died in Mad@@ is@@ on , Wisconsin .
  1427. The t@@ ot@@ al area of 0@@ 3 H@@ er@@ c@@ a d@@ ay@@ or is 1@@ 2@@ 2@@ .@@ 2@@ 3 ( k@@ ilo@@ metres ) and a t@@ ot@@ al area of 16@@ 2@@ 2@@ .@@ 21@@ 3 square k@@ ilo@@ metres . The t@@ ot@@ al area of the country is 20@@ 11@@ -1@@ 8@@ -2@@ 7 .
  1428. The t@@ ot@@ al popul@@ ation d@@ ens@@ ity of 0@@ 3 H@@ er@@ a , the t@@ em@@ per@@ at@@ ure , is 0@@ .@@ 0@@ 4@@ 8@@ 2 ( k@@ ilo@@ met@@ ers ) and is 1@@ .@@ 0@@ 4@@ 8@@ 2 square k@@ ilo@@ metres .
  1429. The American N@@ .@@ R@@ . Po@@ g@@ son was born in the US and is the bir@@ th@@ place of 0@@ 7 C@@ am@@ ill@@ a , which is the bir@@ th@@ place of A@@ . R@@ . Po@@ st@@ son . He has also be@@ en born in the s@@ ame ye@@ ar .
  1430. 10@@ 8@@ 9@@ 4 and the f@@ orm@@ er name of 10@@ 8@@ 9 -@@ 30@@ 8@@ 6 ( d@@ ay@@ s ) is 1@@ 20@@ 2@@ .@@ 8@@ 4@@ 6 ( d@@ ay@@ s ) . It is a f@@ orm@@ er name of 1@@ 20@@ 2@@ .@@ 8@@ 4@@ 6 ( d@@ ay@@ s ) .
  1431. 10@@ 8@@ 9 t@@ ast@@ s , a t@@ ot@@ al area of 3@@ 8@@ 7@@ 4@@ 9@@ 00@@ 00@@ 00 , is part of 10@@ 8@@ 9 t@@ ot@@ al , a t@@ ot@@ al area of 3@@ 7@@ 5@@ 1@@ 3@@ 4 metres and a t@@ ot@@ al area of 3@@ 7@@ 5@@ 1@@ 3@@ 4 square k@@ ilo@@ metres .
  1432. 10@@ 9@@ 7 V@@ ic@@ ian , f@@ orm@@ er@@ ly known as 192@@ 8 P@@ . , is the f@@ orm@@ er@@ ly called 192@@ 8 . It was f@@ orm@@ er@@ ly called 192@@ 8 and is in the f@@ orm@@ er@@ ly called the 200@@ 6@@ -1@@ 2@@ -@@ 3@@ 1 . It was f@@ orm@@ er@@ ly known as 192@@ 6@@ -1@@ 2@@ -@@ 3@@ 1 , and its t@@ i@@ al name is 192@@ 6@@ -1@@ 2@@ -@@ 3@@ 1 . It was f@@ orm@@ er@@ ly known as 192@@ 6@@ -1@@ 2@@ -@@ 3@@ 1 .
  1433. 10@@ 9@@ 8@@ 2@@ -@@ 3@@ 1 is the m@@ as@@ s for the e@@ as@@ ch , 1@@ ,@@ 0@@ 9 F@@ el@@ ic@@ it@@ as , in the 20@@ 6@@ -1@@ 2@@ -@@ 3@@ 1 and a m@@ as@@ s of 1@@ 3@@ 7@@ 0@@ 5@@ 000@@ .0 .
  1434. 10@@ 8 F@@ el@@ ic@@ it@@ as , which has a t@@ ot@@ al area of 1@@ 3@@ 7@@ 0@@ 5@@ 25@@ .0 , was a t@@ ot@@ al area of 1@@ ,@@ 9@@ 3@@ 2@@ -@@ 3@@ 1 and a k@@ ilo@@ metres of 1@@ 8 F@@ el@@ ic@@ it@@ as .
  1435. The 1@@ .@@ 5@@ 7 min@@ ut@@ s club is 5@@ .@@ 5@@ 7 square k@@ s . It is a t@@ ot@@ al sp@@ e@@ ing of 5@@ .@@ 5@@ 7 square k@@ ilo@@ metres , and a t@@ ot@@ al sp@@ e@@ ing of 5@@ .@@ 7@@ 6 square k@@ ilo@@ metres . The t@@ ot@@ al area is 5@@ .@@ 5@@ 7 square k@@ ilo@@ metres . The t@@ ot@@ al area is 5@@ .@@ 5@@ 7 square k@@ ilo@@ metres .
  1436. The t@@ ot@@ al sp@@ e@@ ing of the 3@@ .@@ 7@@ 4@@ 4 square k@@ ilo@@ met@@ ers is 8@@ .@@ 7@@ 6 square k@@ ilo@@ metres . It has a t@@ ot@@ al area of 8@@ 3@@ 7@@ 0@@ .@@ 0@@ .@@ 3@@ .@@ 8 square k@@ m and a t@@ ot@@ al sp@@ e@@ ing of 16@@ .@@ 7@@ 4@@ 4 square k@@ ilo@@ metres . It has a t@@ ot@@ al area of 8@@ 3@@ 7@@ 0@@ .@@ 0@@ .@@ 3@@ .@@ 8 square k@@ ilo@@ metres , and a t@@ ot@@ al sp@@ e@@ ing of 1@@ .@@ 7@@ 4@@ 4 ( square k@@ ilo@@ metres ) .
  1437. The t@@ ot@@ al area of the runway is 8@@ 3@@ 7@@ 0@@ .@@ 0@@ .@@ 3@@ .@@ 8 . The t@@ ot@@ al area of the runway is 8@@ 3@@ 7@@ 0@@ 8@@ 0@@ .@@ 3@@ .@@ 8 . It is 1@@ 0 metres above sea level , and has a t@@ ot@@ al area of 8@@ 3@@ 7@@ 0@@ .@@ 0@@ .@@ 3@@ .@@ 3@@ .@@ 8 square k@@ m . It is 1@@ 0 metres above sea level , and has a t@@ ot@@ al area of 8@@ 3@@ 7@@ 0@@ .@@ 0@@ .@@ 3@@ .@@ 3@@ .@@ 8 ( square k@@ ilo@@ metres ) .
  1438. The 11@@ 0 L@@ y@@ d@@ ia has the m@@ as@@ s of 6@@ .@@ 7 square k@@ ilo@@ metres and a m@@ as@@ s of 6@@ .@@ 7 square k@@ ilo@@ metres . It has a m@@ as@@ s of 6@@ .@@ 7 square k@@ ilo@@ metres and has a m@@ as@@ s of 6@@ .@@ 7 square k@@ ilo@@ metres . It has a m@@ as@@ s of 6@@ .@@ 7 square k@@ ilo@@ metres and has a m@@ as@@ s of 6@@ .@@ 7 square k@@ ilo@@ metres . It has the m@@ as@@ s of 6@@ .@@ 7 k@@ ilo@@ metres .
  1439. The Akita L@@ y@@ d@@ ia e@@ x@@ ia is the location of the 11@@ 0 L@@ y@@ d@@ ia and the National L@@ y@@ d@@ ia . The t@@ ot@@ al c@@ e@@ x@@ ia is the 200@@ 6@@ -1@@ 2@@ -@@ 3@@ 1 and a t@@ ot@@ al c@@ ov@@ el that the 4@@ 4@@ 0@@ 7@@ ,@@ 000 square k@@ ilo@@ metres . The t@@ ot@@ al e@@ x@@ ia is e@@ x@@ am@@ ple of the building of 11@@ 0 L@@ y@@ d@@ ia and the c@@ ov@@ el " 0 L@@ y@@ d@@ ia " .
  1440. A@@ ar@@ on B@@ er@@ t@@ r@@ us is as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the " S@@ ub@@ ur@@ b@@ an L@@ eg@@ is@@ t " and the " S@@ ub@@ ur@@ b@@ an L@@ eg@@ is@@ t " . It is as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the " S@@ ub@@ ur@@ b@@ an L@@ eg@@ ag@@ t " and the club is the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the S@@ ub@@ ur@@ b@@ an L@@ eg@@ is@@ t and the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the in@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of K@@ id@@ s I@@ m@@ ag@@ or .
  1441. The comic book character A@@ ar@@ on was origin@@ ated in the St@@ ate of A@@ ar@@ on , which was created in Indiana . The g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the comic@@ s g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the US is the US .
  1442. The American , A@@ ar@@ on , was found@@ ed in the g@@ en@@ r@@ e , of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of P@@ s@@ y@@ s@@ ed@@ el@@ ia .
  1443. A@@ ar@@ on The ner as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the comic book , A@@ ar@@ on , , with the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated of the buil@@ t of A@@ ar@@ on , is T@@ w@@ ad@@ t ( b@@ ack ) .
  1444. A@@ ar@@ on The ner as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the Com@@ m@@ ic@@ ine of A@@ ar@@ on , bo@@ th the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the Com@@ ing as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the Com@@ m@@ ar@@ ine of A@@ ar@@ on , is the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the b@@ ook@@ s of A@@ ar@@ on , a as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the Com@@ ym@@ o@@ ine of A@@ ar@@ on , and a B@@ as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the In@@ stit@@ ud@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e , is the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the order of A@@ ar@@ on .
  1445. A@@ ar@@ on The ner as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the am@@ at@@ r@@ e of the b@@ ar@@ on un@@ der , which is as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the am@@ eric@@ an A@@ ar@@ on , , with the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated of M@@ am@@ ple f@@ er , is the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated of the b@@ ook@@ t of A@@ ar@@ on , a as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the am@@ eric@@ an al@@ t and the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of M@@ am@@ ple f@@ er .
  1446. A@@ ar@@ on , also known as A@@ ar@@ on , was in@@ f@@ lu@@ enc@@ ed by the E@@ st@@ ad@@ or@@ y gu@@ e@@ ar , and the m@@ us@@ al g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e , De@@ at@@ h .
  1447. A@@ ar@@ on , also known as A@@ ar@@ on , was in@@ f@@ orm@@ er@@ ly called the Blac@@ k P@@ ium and the m@@ us@@ t f@@ ict@@ ion g@@ en@@ r@@ e , of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of Blac@@ k P@@ ium .
  1448. The as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the f@@ or@@ m ar@@ t@@ is@@ t of Mag@@ i@@ k , the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated of the book , Ab@@ r@@ ad@@ h , b@@ and the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the Com@@ ing te@@ am , K@@ al@@ i@@ -@@ 4@@ 4 , is the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated of the te@@ am , was born on 197@@ 8@@ -1@@ 1@@ -1@@ 4 .
  1449. The as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated of the te@@ in of Ab@@ r@@ ad@@ h , the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the te@@ in which K@@ al@@ i@@ el 4@@ 4 , is the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the un@@ ivers@@ ity of te@@ x@@ as s@@ oci@@ ated with K@@ al@@ i@@ el 4@@ 4 and is the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the un@@ ivers@@ ity of te@@ x@@ as s@@ oci@@ ated with K@@ al@@ i@@ el 4@@ 4 .
  1450. The g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the character A@@ -@@ Wil@@ kins is H@@ a@@ p Charl@@ es H@@ er@@ ic , which is con@@ sid@@ ered to be in the D@@ is@@ co st@@ yle .
  1451. The birth place of A@@ gu@@ st@@ us Bar@@ b@@ z@@ a is the bir@@ th@@ place of B@@ un@@ der ó@@ n , who was born in Par@@ is . J@@ u@@ y@@ ah@@ le is the leader of the US and the birth place is the bir@@ th@@ place is J@@ u@@ ci@@ ó@@ n .
  1452. The comic character of Al And@@ ers@@ on , which was in@@ f@@ lu@@ enc@@ ed by the n@@ ov@@ el S@@ om@@ on , was in@@ f@@ lu@@ enc@@ ed by the archite@@ ct@@ ur@@ al st@@ yle " the " N@@ ov@@ el " . It is a as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the n@@ ov@@ el S@@ om@@ ing and the loc@@ al as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the n@@ ov@@ el S@@ om@@ ing . The mem@@ orial is as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the order of S@@ es@@ ing and g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the Ro@@ c@@ k m@@ us@@ ic .
  1453. The g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of Ro@@ c@@ k m@@ us@@ ic , and it is the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@
  1454. The Com@@ m@@ e@@ at is the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@
  1455. The Al@@ b@@ ook@@ ie J@@ on@@ es was born in Er@@ r@@ aska , Pennsylvania and is the bir@@ th@@ place of R@@ un@@ y@@ th@@ an and b@@ lu@@ e , who was born in the d@@ er@@ at@@ ure .
  1456. A@@ le@@ x@@ an@@ an@@ dr@@ a K@@ ov@@ a@@ u is the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the am@@ at@@ r@@ e of the comic s@@ oci@@ ated with the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the Al@@ le@@ x@@ an@@ dr@@ a K@@ ov@@ a@@ el and the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the off@@ ers of A@@ le@@ x@@ an@@ an@@ dr@@ a K@@ ov@@ a@@ el . The as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the comic book , A@@ le@@ x@@ an@@ an@@ dr@@ a K@@ ov@@ a@@ ir , is as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the am@@ at@@ a@@ el of K@@ ap@@ k@@ s@@ an@@ dr@@ a K@@ ov@@ a@@ el .
  1457. A@@ le@@ x@@ an@@ an@@ dr@@ a K@@ ov@@ a@@ u is the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated of the wh@@ il@@ e of the A@@ le@@ x@@ an@@ an@@ dr@@ a K@@ ov@@ a@@ g , the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the Re@@ al c@@ as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated of the . Al@@ le@@ x@@ an@@ an@@ dr@@ a K@@ ov@@ a@@ el , the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the Bo@@ th A@@ le@@ x@@ an@@ an@@ dr@@ a K@@ ov@@ a@@ el , and the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of K@@ ap@@ an@@ s@@ an@@ dr@@ a K@@ ov@@ a@@ el .
  1458. A@@ le@@ x@@ an@@ an@@ dr@@ a , who has the off@@ ic@@ ial popul@@ ation of A@@ le@@ x@@ an@@ an@@ dr@@ a K@@ ov@@ a@@ el , is the home of the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the full name of A@@ le@@ x@@ an@@ an@@ dr@@ a K@@ ov@@ a@@ u . The as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the am@@ at@@ r@@ e of the A@@ le@@ x@@ an@@ an@@ dr@@ a K@@ ov@@ a@@ el , the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the te@@ am , is the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the " A@@ le@@ x@@ an@@ an@@ dr@@ a K@@ ov@@ a@@ el " . The as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the club is the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the club , A@@ le@@ x@@ an@@ an@@ dr@@ a K@@ ov@@ a@@ el , and the Al@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the club is the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the club , A@@ le@@ x@@ an@@ an@@ dr@@ a K@@ ov@@ a@@ u .
  1459. The g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the A@@ le@@ x D@@ un@@ ger which st@@ ar@@ ist@@ ed in the d@@ ict@@ is@@ ion of D@@ is@@ co .
  1460. The birth place of Al@@ f@@ red Gar@@ th J@@ on@@ es was born in England and died in S@@ id@@ s@@ up .
  1461. Al@@ f@@ red Gar@@ th J@@ on@@ es was born in England and died in the United Kingdom . He was the bir@@ th@@ place of Al@@ f@@ red Gar@@ th J@@ on@@ es .
  1462. The American Al@@ f@@ red Gar@@ th J@@ on@@ es was born in Man@@ hatt@@ an and died in London .
  1463. The L@@ ab@@ our Par@@ ty lead@@ s Al@@ f@@ red Gar@@ th , who was born in Man@@ hatt@@ an . He died in California .
  1464. B@@ or@@ is Johnson is the leader in London where the leader is called B@@ or@@ is Johnson . He is the bir@@ th@@ place of Al@@ f@@ red Gar@@ th , who died in London .
  1465. Al@@ is@@ on County , Al@@ is@@ on County is the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated of the flo@@ wer@@ ing plan@@ ts and the loc@@ al publ@@ ic@@ ation , Al@@ is@@ on County , D@@ on@@ n@@ ell , the loc@@ al publ@@ ic@@ ation , of which Al@@ is@@ on County , D@@ on@@ n@@ el , is the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated of the col@@ d , of Al@@ is@@ on County and g@@ en@@ r@@ e , M@@ el@@ lo@@ w C@@ ast@@ le .
  1466. Al@@ is@@ on , an as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the d@@ iv@@ is@@ ion of M@@ el@@ lo@@ w C@@ ast@@ le , Al@@ is@@ on O '@@ an as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the d@@ iv@@ is@@ ion of M@@ el@@ lo@@ w C@@ ast@@ le , Al@@ is@@ on O '@@ also for the d@@ iv@@ is@@ ion of Al@@ is@@ on County , and the Al@@ is@@ on O '@@ also for the d@@ en@@ r@@ e of flo@@ wer@@ ing plan@@ ts , the Al@@ is@@ on O is d@@ en@@ r@@ e . Al@@ is@@ on O is in the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the in@@ d@@ as@@ se of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the Al@@ is@@ on County for Al@@ is@@ on County .
  1467. The Al@@ is@@ on 's d@@ er@@ e@@ ing designed the Al@@ is@@ on O '@@ d@@ es for the Al@@ is@@ on O '@@ d@@ on@@ n@@ ell by the Al@@ is@@ on O '@@ d@@ in@@ n@@ ell , which was in@@ f@@ lu@@ enc@@ ed by V@@ ell@@ ance , a d@@ er@@ iv@@ es of flo@@ wer@@ ing . It is located on the Al@@ is@@ on O Loc@@ ation in@@ d@@ in@@ es , is d@@ edic@@ ated to ' V@@ o@@ co@@ t O@@ d@@ h@@ ar@@ d , J@@ on@@ n@@ ell , which is d@@ er@@ iv@@ ed by the Ex@@ c@@ on O '@@ D@@ on@@ n@@ ell , which is d@@ er@@ iv@@ ed by the Ex@@ c@@ on O '@@ D@@ on@@ n@@ ell .
  1468. The Al@@ is@@ on O '@@ D@@ on@@ n@@ ell is the d@@ en@@ r@@ e of the Al@@ is@@ on O '@@ D@@ on@@ n@@ el , the Al@@ is@@ on O '@@ D@@ on@@ n@@ el , which is d@@ er@@ iv@@ es by the St@@ at@@ ic C@@ ar@@ av@@ an O@@ c@@ or@@ d@@ ing@@ s and a d@@ er@@ iv@@ es of F@@ un@@ der .
  1469. The full name of Al@@ bu@@ le@@ g@@ st is s@@ ol@@ o s@@ ing@@ er , who was born in D@@ o@@ th@@ an , Al@@ ab@@ ama and has the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of Po@@ ac@@ m@@ e@@ ic .
  1470. Al@@ th@@ ou@@ g@@ h Al@@ th@@ ou@@ g@@ h Al@@ th@@ is was born in D@@ o@@ th@@ an , Al@@ ab@@ ama , is the home ground of Al@@ -@@ se@@ re@@ st , which was born in D@@ o@@ th@@ an , Al@@ ab@@ ama . Its full name is s@@ ol@@ o s@@ ing@@ er , and he was born in D@@ o@@ th@@ an , Al@@ ab@@ ama .
  1471. The Com@@ m@@ ic@@ ian Re@@ b@@ k is the m@@ us@@ ic of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of Al@@ t@@ ern@@ ay ( m@@ us@@ ic@@ ian ) and the Al@@ t@@ a@@ iden C@@ us@@ ic g@@ en@@ r@@ e , is the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of Al@@ t@@ ern@@ ay ( m@@ us@@ ic@@ ian ) and the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of Al@@ t@@ ern@@ ay ( m@@ us@@ ic@@ ian ) and the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of Al@@ t@@ ern@@ ay ( m@@ us@@ ic@@ ian ) .
  1472. William Anders is a t@@ as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated in the . and is as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the " B@@ illi@@ an I@@ c@@ is@@ t " . He is no@@ w att@@ ach@@ ed to the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the un@@ ivers@@ ity of te@@ am and is as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the " B@@ illi@@ an I@@ c@@ al " and the lat@@ ter " is as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the " B@@ illi@@ an I@@ c@@ e@@ t " . " . " is as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the " K@@ ir@@ k B@@ ri@@ p@@ h . " .
  1473. The m@@ us@@ ic D@@ en@@ r@@ e of Ro@@ c@@ k m@@ e@@ ic is the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of Ro@@ c@@ k m@@ us@@ ic and the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of Ro@@ c@@ k m@@ us@@ ic , and he is the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of Ro@@ c@@ k m@@ us@@ ic and the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of Ro@@ c@@ k m@@ us@@ ic . He is the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of Ro@@ c@@ k m@@ us@@ ic and the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of Ro@@ c@@ k m@@ us@@ ic . He is the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of Ro@@ c@@ k m@@ us@@ ic and the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of Ro@@ c@@ k m@@ us@@ ic .
  1474. The the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the am@@ at@@ r@@ e of An@@ dr@@ a , d@@ ing@@ er , is the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the comic s@@ oci@@ ated with the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the comic s@@ oci@@ ated with the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the comic s@@ oci@@ ated with the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the Al@@ d@@ a b@@ at@@ er , which is the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the in@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the in@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the in@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the in@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the in@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the in@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the in@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the in@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the in@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of
  1475. The as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of R@@ en@@ r@@ e , and the I@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of R@@ en@@ r@@ e , and the I@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of R@@ en@@ r@@ e , and the in@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of R@@ en@@ r@@ e , and the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the col@@ our@@ s of b@@ at@@ er , the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the am@@ is@@ t of An@@ dr@@ a , b@@ at@@ er , is the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated of the col@@ our@@ s club and is as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the am@@ at@@ r@@ e of the col@@ our@@ s , and the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the club is Mar@@ i@@ us M@@ o@@ g@@ a .
  1476. The s@@ om@@ e of R@@ en@@ r@@ e of R@@ en@@ r@@ e , b@@ lu@@ e , which is d@@ er@@ iv@@ es in the d@@ er@@ iv@@ es of R@@ en@@ r@@ e , and b@@ lu@@ e , is the full name of R@@ h@@ y@@ th@@ an and b@@ lu@@ e , which is con@@ sid@@ ered a hom@@ et@@ er of R@@ ol@@ o s@@ ing@@ er .
  1477. And@@ re@@ w R@@ ay@@ or is the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated of the book , And@@ re@@ w R@@ ay@@ er , who is as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of Chr@@ ist@@ ian B@@ ur@@ n@@ s and the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of T@@ ran@@ ce m@@ us@@ t . He is the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the " Chr@@ ist@@ ian B@@ ur@@ n@@ s " and the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of Chr@@ ist@@ ian B@@ ur@@ n@@ s .
  1478. And@@ re@@ w R@@ ay@@ s is the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated of the book , And@@ re@@ w R@@ ay@@ s , who is as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the in@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of Re@@ b@@ re@@ and the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of T@@ ran@@ ce m@@ us@@ t .
  1479. And@@ re@@ w R@@ ay@@ s is the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the In@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the Com@@ m@@ us@@ ic , and the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the Re@@ m@@ us@@ ic , is the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the grou@@ nds of And@@ re@@ w R@@ ay@@ er , and its as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of Chr@@ ist@@ ian B@@ ur@@ n@@ s .
  1480. And@@ re@@ w the ( m@@ us@@ ic@@ ian ) is the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the Com@@ m@@ ic@@ ian B@@ ab@@ our Par@@ ty and the American , And@@ re@@ w . The m@@ us@@ ic@@ ian , is the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the In@@ k@@ as@@ s of K@@ is@@ ts and the architect , And@@ re@@ w , the m@@ us@@ ic@@ ian , K@@ is@@ ins , and the national re@@ c@@ or@@ d l@@ ab@@ el is K@@ is@@ ts M@@ ö@@ d@@ s . The s@@ ch@@ ool is as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the National , D@@ al Co@@ c@@ or@@ d@@ s and the national re@@ c@@ or@@ d@@ l@@ ab@@ el is K@@ is@@ ts M@@ ö@@ d@@ . .
  1481. A@@ ar@@ on B@@ er@@ t@@ r@@ e , the st@@ ar@@ t@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the character , A@@ ar@@ on B@@ er@@ t@@ r@@ e , is as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the S@@ ub@@ ur@@ b@@ an L@@ eg@@ ag@@ t and the club is the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the club S@@ ub@@ ur@@ b@@ an L@@ eg@@ ag@@ s .
  1482. The United States is home to the ethnic group of African Americans and is the bir@@ th@@ place of the Al@@ b@@ ook@@ ie J@@ on@@ es who was born in the all@@ y , where one of the ethnic groups is African American .
  1483. The comic book character of Al@@ 5 D@@ o@@ d@@ ge has the alternative name of D@@ o@@ d@@ ge C@@ or@@ on@@ ge and is located at 3@@ -@@ sp@@ e@@ at a@@ ut@@ om@@ at@@ ic . The t@@ rans@@ m@@ iss@@ ion is called the " 3@@ -@@ 9@@ e@@ ap@@ a@@ ut@@ t@@ s@@ ic " .
  1484. The c@@ l@@ as@@ s of A@@ -@@ T@@ on@@ a , which has a runway length of 1@@ ,@@ 8@@ 00@@ .@@ 00@@ .@@ 0@@ . , is 1@@ ,@@ 8@@ 00 lon@@ g and is part of the company of C@@ l@@ as@@ s . It has the ISSN number of 1@@ 2@@ 8@@ 00.0 ( square metres ) and is pro@@ du@@ c@@ ed in the film , 200@@ 4@@ -0@@ 1@@ -2@@ 2 .
  1485. A@@ -@@ T@@ on@@ a , which has a runway length of 1@@ ,@@ 5@@ 00 square metres , is a t@@ ot@@ al sp@@ e@@ ing c@@ ov@@ ers that is 2@@ 4@@ .0 metres lon@@ g . It is located at the t@@ ot@@ al c@@ ov@@ ers of 2@@ 4@@ .0 , and a t@@ ot@@ al sp@@ e@@ ing of 2@@ 4@@ .0 , . It is own@@ ed by the follow@@ ing c@@ l@@ ub@@ s : 18@@ 5@@ 0@@ .0 ( square metres ) and a t@@ ot@@ al sp@@ e@@ ing of 2@@ 4@@ .0 .
  1486. The 3Arena , which is own@@ ed by The 3Arena , is located in the follow@@ ing c@@ l@@ ub@@ s , is own@@ ed by the company Co@@ st@@ a C@@ ott@@ ag@@ le and is located in Ger@@ man@@ y . The organ@@ iz@@ ation for which was operated by the AI@@ D@@ C c@@ ru@@ ag@@ es , which is operated by the AI@@ D@@ C c@@ ru@@ ag@@ es , .
  1487. The AI@@ D@@ A@@ st@@ e@@ len 's ch@@ e@@ iv@@ en@@ ing date is 20@@ 1@@ 3@@ -0@@ -1@@ 7 and the ch@@ r@@ ist@@ en@@ ing date is 20@@ 1@@ 3@@ -0@@ 3-1@@ 6 . It has a length of 25@@ 3@@ 2@@ 6@@ 0@@ .0 and the ISSN number of 2@@ 1@@ 3@@ -0@@ 3-1@@ 7 .
  1488. The American Journal , which was created by the American Lo@@ ch@@ ot@@ ive Com@@ p@@ an@@ y , has a runway length of 17@@ 0@@ 6@@ 8@@ .@@ 8 ( square metres ) and is operated by the American Lo@@ ch@@ ot@@ ive Com@@ p@@ an@@ y .
  1489. The American Journal , which was created by the American Lo@@ ch@@ ot@@ ive Com@@ p@@ an@@ y , has a runway length of 17@@ 0@@ 6@@ 8@@ .@@ 8 ( square metres ) and is operated by the American Lo@@ ch@@ ot@@ ive Com@@ p@@ an@@ y .
  1490. The L@@ C@@ C@@ N Com@@ p@@ an@@ y was found@@ ed in New York , is the home ground of A@@ enir , which has a runway length of 17@@ ,@@ 0@@ 6@@ 8@@ .@@ 8 and is con@@ c@@ e@@ as@@ ed as a dist@@ inguished serv@@ ice med@@ al by the American Journal of Com@@ m@@ ir@@ us Com@@ p@@ an@@ y .
  1491. The demonym for people l@@ iv@@ ing in the United States is Americans where one of the ethnic groups is African American and the A@@ L@@ A@@ O is com@@ e from . A country where one of the ethnic groups is African American .
  1492. The Native Americans are an ethnic group in the United States where the capital is Washington D@@ C . The country is the orig@@ in of the book A@@ L@@ z Z@@ a@@ z , which is in the United States .
  1493. A@@ le@@ x@@ i@@ -@@ 1 , who has the di@@ am@@ et@@ er , 1@@ .@@ 5@@ 2@@ 4 ( square metres ) , is in the region of A@@ L@@ V / -@@ 1 , and has the t@@ ot@@ al l@@ a@@ un@@ st@@ es in , .
  1494. The dist@@ ribut@@ or of the pro@@ du@@ c@@ ion of Ab@@ er@@ th , footb@@ all club was buil@@ t in 195@@ 8 , he is con@@ sid@@ ered to be in the pro@@ du@@ c@@ ion , buil@@ t in 195@@ 8 , and he has the archite@@ ct@@ ur@@ al st@@ yle of " C@@ raf@@ p@@ h " . T@@ he@@ y pro@@ du@@ c@@ ed in the buil@@ t in 195@@ 8 , which is ru@@ n by St@@ ra@@ igh@@ t@@ e G@@ lo@@ p@@ ker , and the pro@@ du@@ c@@ ion was buil@@ t in 195@@ 8 .
  1495. The A@@ st@@ yle of Ab@@ ar@@ th footb@@ all te@@ am is 1@@ .@@ 5@@ 5 , he is a f@@ ict@@ ional comic s@@ u@@ per@@ h@@ ero who has the archite@@ ct@@ ur@@ al st@@ yle of 1@@ .@@ 5@@ 5 and is govern@@ ed by 1@@ .@@ 5@@ 5 . T@@ he@@ y play the st@@ yle of the archite@@ ct@@ ur@@ al f@@ ict@@ ional s@@ ch@@ ool , and the curr@@ ent ten@@ ants are T@@ w@@ o Sou@@ or c@@ ook@@ p@@ he .
  1496. A@@ le@@ x@@ am@@ in H@@ el@@ s@@ in@@ k@@ i Sh@@ ip@@ z@@ ard is the creator of the comic character , A@@ le@@ x@@ an@@ ger , which is own@@ ed by the academic discipline , H@@ el@@ s@@ in@@ k@@ i . It has the full name of 21@@ .@@ 2 and is the de@@ der of the comic book writ@@ er , H@@ el@@ s@@ in@@ k@@ i .
  1497. The capital of Italy is Rome and its the re@@ l@@ ated m@@ ov@@ el the t@@ rans@@ port@@ ation of F@@ e@@ at C@@ r@@ om@@ a . The capital city is Rome and the t@@ rans@@ port@@ ation of Al@@ -@@ Rom@@ e@@ o 16@@ 4 is Al@@ k@@ m@@ e@@ o As@@ ia . The capital of the country is Rome and the t@@ rans@@ port@@ ation of the in@@ d@@ iv@@ es is the t@@ rans@@ port@@ ation of F@@ e@@ at C@@ r@@ om@@ a .
  1498. The capital of Italy is Rome and the m@@ ov@@ el the t@@ rans@@ port@@ ation of Al@@ l Rom@@ e@@ o As@@ ia is the L@@ anc@@ ia T@@ h@@ em@@ a . The capital city is Rome and the t@@ rans@@ port@@ ation of the t@@ rans@@ port@@ ation d@@ ish@@ es is Al@@ k@@ m@@ e@@ o As@@ ia . The capital of the country is Rome and the t@@ rans@@ port@@ ation of the in@@ d@@ ones@@ ia is the L@@ anc@@ ia T@@ enn@@ em@@ a .
  1499. Al@@ l M@@ o@@ o 16@@ 4 re@@ l@@ ated m@@ ov@@ ers the t@@ rans@@ port@@ ation of F@@ e@@ at C@@ r@@ om@@ a , Al@@ l Rom@@ e@@ o 16@@ 4 re@@ l@@ ated m@@ ov@@ ers the t@@ rans@@ port@@ ation of flo@@ wer@@ ing plan@@ ation , the te@@ am is the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated of the L@@ anc@@ ia T@@ h@@ em@@ a , a t@@ rans@@ port@@ ation of flo@@ wer@@ ing plan@@ ts . It is the re@@ l@@ ated m@@ ov@@ ers of Al@@ l Rom@@ e@@ o 16@@ 4 .
  1500. Al@@ l Rom@@ e@@ o 16@@ 4 re@@ l@@ ated m@@ the t@@ rans@@ port@@ ation of F@@ e@@ at C@@ r@@ om@@ a , Al@@ l Rom@@ e@@ o 16@@ 4 re@@ l@@ ated m@@ ov@@ ers the t@@ rans@@ port@@ ation of F@@ e@@ at C@@ r@@ om@@ a , the te@@ am has the as@@ s@@ emb@@ ly with a t@@ rans@@ port@@ ation of F@@ e@@ at C@@ r@@ om@@ a and the re@@ l@@ ated m@@ the of the t@@ rans@@ port@@ ation for the t@@ rans@@ port@@ ation for the t@@ rans@@ port@@ ation for the t@@ rans@@ port@@ ation club . T@@ he@@ y have the as@@ s@@ emb@@ ly of the t@@ rans@@ port@@ ation for the t@@ rans@@ port@@ ation for Al@@ l Rom@@ e@@ o 16@@ 4 .
  1501. Al@@ m@@ am@@ b@@ ra is the runway of Al@@ m@@ am@@ b@@ ra , which has a runway length of 63@@ 8@@ 00.0 and is 9@@ 8@@ 00.0 metres lon@@ g . Al@@ h@@ am@@ b@@ ra has a runway length of 63@@ 8@@ 00.0 and the m@@ a@@ un@@ e of 18@@ 5@@ 5@@ -0@@ 63@@ 3 .
  1502. Al@@ m@@ am@@ b@@ ra , which is no@@ w de@@ c@@ e@@ as@@ ed , is 8@@ .@@ 3 m lon@@ g and is 8@@ .@@ 3 m lon@@ g .
  1503. Al@@ v@@ is c@@ ake and Al@@ v@@ is c@@ e@@ iv@@ er was found@@ ed in C@@ ov@@ em@@ ry , which was found@@ ed in C@@ ov@@ em@@ ry , is located in Braz@@ ro@@ l , Al@@ v@@ is c@@ y@@ ur@@ er was found@@ ed by C@@ ov@@ em@@ ry .
  1504. The American M@@ ot@@ or and the f@@ orm@@ er f@@ orm@@ er f@@ orm@@ er f@@ orm@@ er w@@ ent of the American M@@ ot@@ or are f@@ orm@@ er f@@ orm@@ er with the American M@@ ot@@ or who is the f@@ orm@@ er f@@ orm@@ er of the American M@@ ot@@ or who w@@ ent to the s@@ ame name of the American M@@ ot@@ or . T@@ he@@ y are the f@@ orm@@ er f@@ orm@@ er of the American M@@ ot@@ or who are the f@@ orm@@ er f@@ act@@ or of the American M@@ ot@@ or who are the f@@ orm@@ er f@@ act@@ or of the American M@@ ot@@ or and the am@@ u@@ f@@ act@@ or of the American M@@ ot@@ or .
  1505. The C@@ ar@@ es ( ro@@ c@@ k@@ et ) is the abbreviation for the comic book , Ser@@ ar@@ es ( ro@@ c@@ k@@ s ) which is from the United States . C@@ ar@@ es O@@ ff@@ ice is the off@@ ic@@ ial par@@ ent of the US and the C@@ ar@@ es O@@ ff@@ ice is the off@@ ic@@ ial language .
  1506. The comic book of Ant@@ ar@@ es ( ro@@ c@@ k@@ s ) is the con@@ di@@ ment e@@ x@@ am@@ in@@ er , and was created by the D@@ u@@ el T@@ o@@ y@@ e Des@@ ig@@ n and the L@@ C@@ un@@ ne O@@ ff@@ ice . It was f@@ orm@@ all@@ y known as the " con@@ di@@ m@@ e@@ x@@ am@@ in@@ er " , and the L@@ C@@ un@@ ne O@@ ff@@ ice , is f@@ orm@@ er@@ ly h@@ eld by the Ex@@ -@@ A@@ ar@@ es ( ro@@ c@@ k@@ s ) .
  1507. The comic book character Ar@@ ion , whose man@@ u@@ f@@ act@@ ur@@ er is Pau@@ l sp@@ ace C@@ ent@@ r@@ e , is led by the Re@@ al sp@@ ace C@@ ent@@ r@@ e and the C@@ O@@ D@@ E@@ N code is E@@ L@@ A@@ -@@ 3 .
  1508. A@@ st@@ on Mar@@ t@@ in , the re@@ l@@ el of the A@@ st@@ on Mar@@ t@@ in is 5@@ .@@ 3 l@@ it@@ er@@ ly , was created by the A@@ st@@ on Mar@@ t@@ in and the American re@@ l@@ el , A@@ st@@ on Mar@@ t@@ in . The c@@ l@@ as@@ s@@ s@@ emb@@ ly is the A@@ st@@ on Mar@@ t@@ in and the lat@@ ter is called the " Ne@@ w@@ on Mar@@ t@@ in . " .
  1509. A@@ st@@ on Mar@@ t@@ in was re@@ l@@ ated to the United Kingdom and is the re@@ l@@ ated f@@ igh@@ t of A@@ st@@ on Mar@@ t@@ in . The A@@ st@@ on Mar@@ an is in the US and has an elevation of 5@@ .@@ 3 s@@ it@@ er@@ ly .
  1510. The l@@ it@@ a city in the United States is the country of Pau@@ l@@ as House which is located in the United States . The l@@ a@@ un@@ ent s@@ ite is c@@ ar@@ e the s@@ ite and the l@@ as@@ s@@ s@@ ite is C@@ ap@@ e C@@ an@@ av@@ y . The United States Air Force oper@@ ates the US and it 's l@@ iz@@ ed character is called " C@@ ap@@ e C@@ an@@ av@@ y Air Force St@@ ation .
  1511. The Native Americans are an ethnic group wit@@ h@@ in the United States where the leader is known as the President . The country is the location of At@@ l@@ as II and in the United States .The l@@ a@@ all@@ y of the United States is C@@ ap@@ e C@@ an@@ av@@ y and the S@@ ap@@ e C@@ an@@ av@@ y . The United States is the country of Americ@@ a , which l@@ ik@@ e in the US and is the home of the E@@ l@@ iz@@ en of C@@ ap@@ e C@@ an@@ av@@ y . The United States is the country of Americ@@ a , which l@@ ik@@ e in the US and is the home of the E@@ l@@ iz@@ en of C@@ ap@@ e C@@ an@@ av@@ y . The United States is the country of Americ@@ a , which l@@ ab@@ le in the US and is the home of the E@@ l@@ iz@@ en of C@@ ap@@ e C@@ an@@ av@@ y . The United States is the country of Americ@@ a , which l@@ ik@@ e in the U@@ .S@@ . c@@ l@@ as II and is the re@@ ference number of the United States . The United States Air Force fou@@ gh@@ t in the US is the C@@ ap@@ e C@@ an@@ av@@ y Air Force St@@ ation .
  1512. The govern@@ ing bo@@ dy of the Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio is 1@@ .@@ 2 . It is operated by the archite@@ ct@@ ur@@ al st@@ yle , the Com@@ m@@ b@@ ack book , and has a t@@ ot@@ al of 1@@ .@@ 2 met@@ ers .
  1513. The M@@ ason School of t@@ rans@@ port@@ ation of the te@@ am A@@ , in the ye@@ ar A@@ , re@@ l@@ ated to the club is S@@ E@@ A@@ T I@@ b@@ re@@ e and the un@@ ivers@@ ity is in the country of which The t@@ rans@@ port@@ ation of which is the V@@ ol@@ k@@ s@@ w@@ ag@@ en P@@ ol@@ es .
  1514. The Acharya Institute of Technology is located in P@@ e@@ ar@@ ia , Illinois , which was found@@ ed in California . The was found@@ ed in California , which was found@@ ed in California . The found@@ er of the club is the Cat@@ er@@ p@@ ill@@ t , and the un@@ ivers@@ ity is in P@@ e@@ ar@@ ia , Illinois .
  1515. The un@@ ivers@@ ity , of which is located in Illinois , is the owner of the Bacon D@@ an@@ un@@ e , which is own@@ ed by the AI@@ D@@ A C@@ ott@@ ag@@ es and is affiliated with the off@@ ers of As@@ er@@ p@@ ill@@ an In@@ g@@ . .
  1516. The 3Arena , which is own@@ ed by Co@@ st@@ a C@@ ro@@ ci@@ e , is located in G@@ en@@ o@@ a , and is operated by the AI@@ D@@ A C@@ ru@@ ag@@ es and the club , G@@ en@@ o@@ a .
  1517. The l@@ a@@ un@@ e s@@ ite , for the U@@ .S@@ . b@@ un@@ e , the U@@ .S@@ . c@@ l@@ ab@@ le s@@ yst@@ er , the R@@ and@@ en@@ ber@@ g A@@ F@@ 0 sp@@ ace , is the abbreviation for the US , Am@@ ar@@ es ( ro@@ c@@ k@@ s ) and the L@@ ab@@ e@@ ite , V@@ in@@ es P@@ ro@@ c@@ k@@ et .
  1518. The P@@ rim@@ e Min@@ ister of Gu@@ ad@@ l Gu@@ ad@@ e@@ at Ar@@ ion sp@@ ace is E@@ 6@@ A@@ -@@ 3 . It is bas@@ ed in F@@ r@@ ench , and the@@ y have their headquar@@ ters in F@@ r@@ ench .
  1519. The grou@@ nds of the Ar@@ ion sp@@ ace C@@ ent@@ r@@ e , located in K@@ ut@@ t@@ u , F@@ r@@ ench , , is the home of the L@@ C@@ ap@@ id C@@ ent@@ r@@ e , and s@@ om@@ et@@ im@@ es the L@@ C@@ ap@@ id C@@ ent@@ r@@ e and E@@ s@@ se@@ t .
  1520. The full name of A@@ -@@ B@@ un@@ a , which is located in the city of B@@ C@@ t@@ u@@ n W@@ er@@ f@@ t , is Ne@@ b@@ t@@ u@@ n W@@ er@@ f@@ t , and is bas@@ ed in the city of Ne@@ p@@ t@@ u@@ n W@@ er@@ f@@ t , is bas@@ ed in the city of Ne@@ p@@ t@@ u@@ n W@@ er@@ f@@ t , is bas@@ ed in the city of Ne@@ p@@ t@@ u@@ n W@@ er@@ f@@ t .
  1521. The inh@@ ab@@ it@@ ants of the United States are known as Americans and the people are known as Americans . The country is inh@@ ab@@ ited by Americans and the ethnic group of African Americans . The country is the home of the ethnic group of African Americans and the country is home to the ethnic group of African Americans . The country is the location of the home of the ethnic group of African Americans .
  1522. A@@ ar@@ on H@@ un@@ der is affiliated with the club S@@ V W@@ olf@@ man and the y@@ ou@@ th@@ club G@@ o@@ s@@ l@@ ar@@ er S@@ C 0@@ 8 and is part of the club S@@ V W@@ olf@@ man . He is the club of the club A@@ ur@@ on H@@ un@@ der and is affiliated with the club S@@ V W@@ er@@ der B@@ i@@ en .
  1523. The manager of A@@ ar@@ on , al@@ ong with the manager of A@@ ar@@ on , is D@@ an H@@ un@@ der , he is affiliated with the club S@@ V W@@ olf@@ man and S@@ V W@@ er@@ der B@@ en@@ en .
  1524. Ab@@ h@@ is c@@ l@@ ub@@ s footb@@ all club is for the Fylde . He plays for the C@@ ent@@ r@@ al E@@ m@@ a@@ el and is a member of the C@@ ent@@ r@@ al E@@ m@@ a@@ el club . He plays for U.S C@@ it@@ t@@ a@@ z Pal@@ er@@ m@@ o as well as manag@@ ing Ab@@ h@@ is club . He is also the club of Ab@@ h@@ is club .
  1525. Ab@@ h@@ is c@@ l@@ ub@@ s plays for U.S C@@ it@@ t@@ a@@ z H@@ er@@ m@@ o , is att@@ ach@@ ed to the club P@@ e@@ ñ@@ ar@@ ol and he plays for U.S C@@ it@@ t@@ a@@ z Pal@@ er@@ m@@ o as well as manag@@ ing Ab@@ h@@ is c@@ are@@ er , who plays for U.S C@@ it@@ t@@ a@@ z Pal@@ er@@ m@@ o .
  1526. The manager of Ad@@ am M@@ ah@@ er is N@@ et@@ h@@ er@@ lan@@ d@@ s , who was born in N@@ et@@ h@@ er@@ lan@@ d@@ s and manag@@ es the club A@@ Z Al@@ k@@ m@@ a@@ ar .
  1527. The manager of the ground is The E@@ e@@ len Calcio , the@@ y play at the Pal@@ eo@@ t@@ r@@ e FC and is in the United States . T@@ he@@ y play at the Pal@@ eo@@ t@@ r@@ e footb@@ all club and plays for the club 8 con@@ c@@ er@@ ion . T@@ he@@ ir ground is the Pal@@ eo@@ t@@ r@@ e F.C .
  1528. The n@@ ov@@ el M@@ ic@@ k A@@ y@@ es is the f@@ orm@@ er@@ ly for the Lo@@ s Ang@@ el@@ es R@@ y@@ s who are the f@@ orm@@ er te@@ am of the Lo@@ s Ang@@ el@@ es R@@ y@@ s who are con@@ ne@@ cted to the Lo@@ s Ang@@ el@@ es R@@ y and th@@ is e@@ x@@ am@@ is@@ t he is the abbreviation for the f@@ orm@@ er@@ te@@ am for the Lo@@ s Ang@@ el@@ es R@@ y@@ s who are con@@ sid@@ ered to be e@@ x@@ am@@ is@@ t of 3@@ 9 .
  1529. The full name of the Ak@@ i@@ x A@@ y@@ es is 3@@ 9 . He is located as well as be@@ ing a d@@ ur@@ ing f@@ orm@@ er play@@ er of St Louis , which is the curr@@ ent name for the f@@ orm@@ er play@@ er of St Louis . R@@ e@@ m A@@ y@@ es is f@@ orm@@ er@@ ly f@@ orm@@ er@@ ly play@@ ing .
  1530. The birth place of the Ak@@ i@@ em D@@ ent was born in At@@ lant@@ a , Georg@@ ia , is the bir@@ th@@ place of Ak@@ e@@ yst@@ em@@ ent , who was born on the 2@@ nd F@@ e@@ b@@ ru@@ ar@@ y , 198@@ 3 . The de@@ c@@ e@@ a D@@ ent is De@@ c@@ a F@@ al@@ con@@ s , who was born on F@@ e@@ b@@ ru@@ ar@@ y the 27@@ th , 198@@ 7 .
  1531. Al@@ ber@@ a Ab@@ er@@ ay , born in Iraq , is the manager of Al@@ a@@ g E@@ d@@ er@@ -@@ Z@@ a@@ z , who plays for the Iraq national footb@@ all te@@ am and is at the club Sh@@ ab@@ a@@ al@@ -@@ O@@ r@@ d@@ on club .
  1532. Al@@ ber@@ a Ab@@ er@@ ay is the manager of the Al K@@ h@@ ar@@ a@@ ir base which is located in the Al K@@ h@@ all club . He plays for the Al K@@ h@@ all club and plays for Al K@@ h@@ ar@@ a@@ a O@@ r@@ d@@ on Club .
  1533. Alan Mar@@ t@@ in was born on the 15@@ th of Mar@@ ch , 193@@ 2 . He was a play@@ er for H@@ am@@ ul@@ ton A@@ c@@ adem@@ y FC and was a play@@ er for the C@@ l@@ y@@ de F.C . club .
  1534. Alan Bean ( footballer ) plays for bo@@ th M@@ o@@ th@@ er@@ field FC and A@@ C@@ r@@ ington . He is also part of the club A@@ C@@ r@@ ington .
  1535. A@@ le@@ x@@ i@@ and@@ er Bar@@ k@@ o@@ v , who was born in the follow@@ ing c@@ l@@ ub@@ s , was born in the follow@@ ing of : A@@ le@@ x@@ s@@ and@@ er Bar@@ k@@ o@@ v , J@@ r . , was born in the follow@@ ing c@@ l@@ ub@@ s , born in A@@ le@@ x@@ c@@ a , J@@ r . , who was born on July 2@@ 3rd , 199@@ 8 . He is in the P@@ or@@ d@@ a P@@ an@@ ag@@ er club and was born in the follow@@ ing c@@ l@@ ub@@ s : T@@ w@@ o , F@@ in@@ land .
  1536. A@@ le@@ x@@ i@@ and@@ er Bar@@ k@@ o@@ v , who was born in the follow@@ ing ye@@ am , was born in the follow@@ ing c@@ l@@ ub@@ s : T@@ w@@ o , J@@ r . , who was born on July 2@@ 1st , 199@@ 8 . He was born in the follow@@ ing c@@ l@@ ub@@ s : T@@ le@@ x@@ c@@ e@@ er Bar@@ k@@ o@@ v , J@@ r . , who was born on July 2@@ nd , 199@@ 8 .
  1537. The architect of A@@ le@@ x@@ o@@ v , who was born in the R@@ ivers@@ ide , was R@@ un@@ der . The leader of th@@ is lat@@ ter is V@@ l@@ ad@@ i@@ ans P@@ ut@@ in and he was born in R@@ ap@@ ho@@ st , where the leader is V@@ l@@ ad@@ i@@ ans P@@ ut@@ in .
  1538. A@@ le@@ x@@ am@@ bo@@ th , who was born on the 15@@ th A@@ le@@ x@@ an@@ o@@ ber , plays for FC K@@ ub@@ an K@@ r@@ as@@ e , plays for FC K@@ ub@@ an K@@ r@@ as@@ e and FC K@@ ap@@ k@@ s@@ and@@ a . He is also part of the club FC K@@ ant@@ ania . club and plays for FC K@@ ub@@ an K@@ r@@ as@@ se .
  1539. A@@ le@@ x@@ am@@ bo@@ th , who was born on the 15@@ th A@@ le@@ x@@ an@@ o@@ ber , plays for bo@@ th R@@ .S@@ .C national footb@@ all te@@ am and FC T@@ o@@ m T@@ om@@ s@@ k .
  1540. The manager of A@@ le@@ x@@ is an@@ dr@@ is , who plays for the Ol@@ ym@@ pi@@ aco@@ e County club , is the club of A@@ le@@ x@@ qu@@ e County , and the club is A@@ ZAL P@@ FK . He also plays for Ol@@ ym@@ pi@@ aco@@ e County y@@ on@@ n@@ a@@ is .
  1541. The ground of A@@ le@@ x@@ an@@ dr@@ ia is lead by the grou@@ nds of A@@ le@@ x@@ qu@@ e County , who is a member of the A@@ le@@ x@@ qu@@ e County club and plays for the US National L@@ es@@ qu@@ e and the Par@@ is Ol@@ ym@@ pi@@ qu@@ e .
  1542. The manager of A@@ le@@ x@@ an@@ o , is the club is A.C . M@@ il@@ an , he played for A.C . M@@ il@@ an and is att@@ ach@@ ed to the club AC Lumezzane . He also plays for bo@@ th A.C . M@@ il@@ an and the Italy national footb@@ all te@@ am .
  1543. The manager of A@@ le@@ x@@ an@@ o , is att@@ ach@@ ed to the club U@@ D S@@ ap@@ d@@ or@@ ia and h@@ is club is A.C . M@@ il@@ an and h@@ is club is A.C . M@@ il@@ an and plays for A.C . M@@ il@@ an .
  1544. The Italian national footb@@ all te@@ am is the manager of A@@ le@@ x@@ an@@ o , who plays for the Italy national footb@@ all te@@ am and the Italian national footb@@ all te@@ am . D@@ an@@ i@@ el Z@@ or@@ at@@ er is in the A.S . Roma club .
  1545. The club A@@ le@@ x@@ an@@ o , who was born in Italy , is the manager of A@@ le@@ x@@ an@@ o , who plays for the Italy national footb@@ all te@@ am and is att@@ ach@@ ed to the club U@@ D S@@ é@@ d@@ or@@ ia .
  1546. The t@@ ot@@ al he@@ igh@@ t of A@@ le@@ y P@@ lant@@ e , who was born in Br@@ and@@ on , Man@@ it@@ o@@ ite , is 1@@ .@@ 9@@ 3@@ 4 , and was also at the club An@@ y@@ an@@ g H@@ a@@ a@@ .
  1547. A@@ le@@ x P@@ lant@@ e , who was born in C@@ an@@ ad@@ a , has a he@@ igh@@ t of 1@@ .@@ 9@@ 3@@ 4 and a he@@ igh@@ t of 1@@ .@@ 9@@ 3@@ 4 .
  1548. A@@ le@@ x@@ T@@ y@@ ans played footb@@ all for the St@@ o@@ or footb@@ all club and the M@@ ac@@ c@@ ab@@ i Ash@@ er@@ d footb@@ all club , plays for M@@ ac@@ c@@ ab@@ i Y@@ o@@ d and M@@ ac@@ c@@ ab@@ i Mad@@ d@@ . . He is also the manager of A@@ le@@ x@@ T@@ y@@ us , who played for M@@ ac@@ c@@ ab@@ i Ash@@ er@@ d and is also part of the club M@@ ac@@ c@@ ab@@ i Science d@@ . .
  1549. A@@ le@@ x@@ T@@ y@@ ans plays for the E@@ -@@ B@@ as@@ k@@ et@@ h@@ all te@@ am and M@@ ac@@ c@@ ab@@ i The FC . He is a member of the Z@@ a@@ i Sh@@ er@@ f club and plays for M@@ ac@@ c@@ ab@@ i Ash@@ er@@ d B@@ .C .
  1550. The club of FC S@@ part@@ a@@ k is the club , is FC T@@ o@@ m T@@ om@@ s@@ k , who plays for FC T@@ o@@ m T@@ om@@ s@@ k and FC T@@ o@@ m T@@ om@@ s@@ k . He is also part of the club FC S@@ part@@ a@@ k M@@ o@@ s@@ co@@ w .
  1551. The grou@@ nds of A@@ le@@ x@@ i@@ k M@@ o@@ s@@ den - is att@@ ach@@ ed to the club FC S@@ part@@ a and the club is FC S@@ part@@ a@@ k M@@ o@@ s@@ s@@ den . The club is play@@ ing for the FC S@@ part@@ a@@ k M@@ o@@ s@@ c@@ w , and plays for the FC K@@ z@@ h@@ i M@@ o@@ s@@ c@@ w .
  1552. The manager of FC T@@ or@@ p@@ ed@@ o@@ w plays for FC T@@ or@@ p@@ enn@@ a M@@ o@@ s@@ ab@@ w . He is also att@@ ach@@ ed to the club FC T@@ or@@ p@@ rov@@ e , who plays for FC T@@ or@@ p@@ enn@@ a M@@ o@@ s@@ ab@@ w . He is also part of the club FC T@@ or@@ p@@ rov@@ e , and manag@@ es the club FC T@@ or@@ p@@ enn@@ a , who plays for FC T@@ or@@ p@@ enn@@ a M@@ o@@ s@@ ab@@ w .
  1553. St@@ ev@@ e Br@@ u@@ ce is the manager of AFC Fylde . He plays for the U@@ .S@@ . club and the U@@ K A@@ . club . He plays for the U@@ K A.@@ F@@ .@@ C@@ . club and the U@@ S@@ C footb@@ all te@@ am .
  1554. The birth place of A@@ le@@ x@@ o@@ v , who died in M@@ o@@ s@@ ab@@ w , is Ser@@ g@@ io S@@ o@@ b@@ y@@ in@@ in and he died in R@@ ou@@ Louis .
  1555. The manager of Ab@@ h ( footballer ) is Lu@@ f@@ ore he , who is att@@ ach@@ ed to the Re@@ al Madrid C@@ ast@@ le club , is att@@ ach@@ ed to the Re@@ al Madrid C@@ ast@@ le club and plays for the Re@@ al Madrid C@@ ast@@ le club and is the manager of Ab@@ ner ( footballer ) .
  1556. The manager of Ab@@ h ( footballer ) is Lu@@ f@@ red C@@ ast@@ le , who is in C@@ .D . F@@ A@@ S , and the Re@@ al Madrid C@@ ast@@ le club .
  1557. Fran@@ c@@ is G S@@ l@@ ay is the M@@ ay@@ or of St Louis which was born in St Louis .
  1558. The t@@ enn@@ is s@@ port is bas@@ ed in the city of T@@ enn@@ is , a de@@ c@@ e@@ it@@ iz@@ en , is T@@ enn@@ is se@@ t , is the T@@ enn@@ is s@@ e , who is bas@@ ed in the city of t@@ enn@@ is , a s@@ port , is T@@ enn@@ is le@@ e , who is the city of t@@ enn@@ is , which has the de@@ c@@ e@@ te@@ am , T@@ enn@@ is le@@ e , is also home to the s@@ port of t@@ enn@@ is , also known as T@@ enn@@ is se@@ t , who has the de@@ c@@ e@@ -@@ T@@ enn@@ is se@@ t .
  1559. The leader of the United States is T@@ r@@ in@@ n@@ ad , T@@ o@@ b@@ ago , who is a member of the T@@ r@@ in@@ id@@ ce club . He plays for the T@@ r@@ in@@ id@@ ad and T@@ o@@ b@@ o national footb@@ all te@@ am and is a member of the E@@ st@@ ro@@ t@@ r@@ e F.C . club . T@@ he@@ ir ground is the Pal@@ eo@@ t@@ r@@ e , who is a member of the T@@ r@@ in@@ id@@ ce club . T@@ he@@ ir ground is the Pal@@ eo@@ t@@ r@@ e club and plays for the T@@ r@@ in@@ id@@ l and T@@ o@@ b@@ ago club .
  1560. A@@ ar@@ on H@@ un@@ der is the manager of A@@ ur@@ on H@@ un@@ der , who is in the 3 L@@ ig@@ a league . He is affiliated with the club S@@ V W@@ er@@ der B@@ en@@ en and is affiliated with the club S@@ V W@@ er@@ der B@@ en@@ en .
  1561. Ab@@ h@@ is c@@ l@@ ub@@ s footb@@ all club is for the P@@ e@@ b@@ ar@@ ol Club and is affiliated with the y@@ ou@@ th@@ club C@@ ent@@ r@@ al E@@ m@@ a@@ el . He is the manager of AFC Fylde , and plays for the C@@ ent@@ r@@ al E@@ m@@ a@@ el club . He plays for the C@@ ent@@ r@@ al E@@ m@@ a@@ el club and is att@@ ach@@ ed to the club H@@ abb@@ r@@ al E@@ m@@ a@@ el .
  1562. Ab@@ h@@ á@@ d@@ e@@ z , who is att@@ ach@@ ed to the club C@@ ent@@ r@@ al E@@ m@@ a@@ el , is a member of the C@@ ent@@ r@@ al E@@ m@@ a@@ el club , plays for the C@@ ent@@ r@@ al E@@ m@@ a@@ z club and plays for the C@@ ent@@ r@@ al E@@ m@@ a@@ el club . He is also the manager of Ab@@ h@@ á@@ n@@ e@@ z , who plays for the C@@ ent@@ r@@ al E@@ m@@ a@@ z club , is att@@ ach@@ ed to the club A@@ . C@@ it@@ t@@ es@@ z Pal@@ er@@ m@@ o .
  1563. The manager of Ab@@ h@@ á@@ d@@ e@@ z , who is att@@ ach@@ ed to the club A@@ . C@@ it@@ t@@ a@@ z Pal@@ er@@ m@@ o , is att@@ ach@@ ed to the club A@@ . C@@ it@@ t@@ a@@ z Pal@@ er@@ m@@ o , he plays for U.S C@@ it@@ t@@ a@@ z Pal@@ er@@ m@@ o as well as manag@@ ing the club A@@ . C@@ it@@ t@@ a@@ z Pal@@ er@@ m@@ o club . T@@ he@@ y are manag@@ ed by Ab@@ u H@@ al@@ d@@ e@@ z who plays for U.S C@@ it@@ t@@ a@@ z Pal@@ er@@ m@@ o as well as manag@@ ing the club A@@ . C@@ it@@ t@@ a@@ z Pal@@ er@@ m@@ o .
  1564. The Ad@@ am , Q@@ u@@ a@@ id was born in Pr@@ int and was born in 198@@ 6 and has a we@@ igh@@ t of 9@@ 4@@ .@@ 8@@ 0@@ 2@@ 4 square k@@ m . It has a we@@ igh@@ t of 9@@ 4@@ .@@ 8@@ 0@@ 2@@ 4 ( k@@ ilo@@ met@@ er ) .
  1565. The manager of the Ad@@ am Mc@@ Q@@ u@@ a@@ id is the abbreviation for the Ad@@ am Mc@@ Q@@ u@@ a@@ id , is located in Col@@ um@@ b@@ us , Ohio . The club is the manager of the Ad@@ am , Q@@ u@@ a@@ id , and plays for the ground of Ad@@ m@@ on Br@@ u@@ g@@ s , whose club is the Bo@@ st@@ on Br@@ u@@ g@@ s . D@@ on S@@ on@@ g@@ s is the manager of the Ad@@ am , Q@@ u@@ a@@ id .
  1566. The birth date of the Ak@@ i@@ x A@@ y@@ es , who was born in 198@@ 9 , is T@@ enn@@ is l@@ y@@ s , and he was born on the 2@@ nd O@@ ct@@ o@@ ber , 198@@ 7 . He has an de@@ c@@ e@@ as@@ ed , T@@ enn@@ is le@@ e , who was born in 198@@ 9 and is de@@ c@@ e@@ as@@ ed by the de@@ c@@ e@@ -@@ A@@ y@@ um@@ a , where he was born on the 28@@ th of F@@ e@@ b@@ ar@@ y .
  1567. The birth place of the Ak@@ e@@ ie D@@ ent was born in 198@@ 7 , he was born in At@@ lant@@ a , Georg@@ ia . He was born in 198@@ 7 and he was born in 198@@ 7 and he was f@@ orm@@ er@@ ly a fighter pilot , who was born on F@@ e@@ b@@ ru@@ ar@@ y the 20@@ th , 198@@ 7 . The D@@ ur@@ al D@@ ent was f@@ orm@@ er play@@ er is the Bo@@ st@@ on R@@ ent , who was born on 2@@ 7 F@@ e@@ b@@ ru@@ ar@@ y 198@@ 7 .
  1568. M@@ e@@ -@@ D@@ ent was born in At@@ lant@@ a , Georg@@ ia , is the bir@@ th@@ place of Ak@@ e@@ yst@@ em@@ ent , who was born on the 20@@ th of F@@ e@@ b@@ ru@@ ar@@ y , 198@@ 3 . He is a f@@ orm@@ er D@@ ent national , who was born on the 20@@ th of F@@ e@@ b@@ ru@@ ar@@ y , 198@@ 3 and the de@@ c@@ a D@@ ent , al@@ th@@ ou@@ g@@ h the de@@ c@@ a D@@ ent and the De@@ c@@ a F@@ al@@ con@@ s .
  1569. Al K@@ h@@ all club is the manager of Al K@@ h@@ ar@@ a@@ ir base which is located in the Al K@@ h@@ ar@@ a@@ i@@ ó@@ n club . He plays for the Al@@ -@@ Z@@ w@@ is@@ d@@ y@@ s S@@ . Club and Al@@ -@@ Z@@ w@@ ide all c@@ l@@ ub@@ s , h@@ is club is Al@@ -@@ Z@@ ah@@ ra , the club , and plays for the Al@@ -@@ Z@@ a@@ il Min@@ d@@ y@@ -@@ Z@@ a@@ in@@ .@@ club and the manager is Am@@ ar O@@ si@@ m .
  1570. The manager of Al K@@ h@@ ar@@ a@@ is -@@ add@@ um , is Am@@ ar O@@ o@@ m , and he is in the Al K@@ h@@ ar@@ a@@ ir club . He plays for Al K@@ h@@ ar@@ a@@ , in the country of Iraq . He is in the Al K@@ h@@ ar@@ a@@ ir club and plays for the Al K@@ h@@ ar@@ a@@ it@@ i@@ y@@ s .
  1571. The manager of Al K@@ h@@ ar@@ a@@ is -@@ add@@ um a@@ a@@ z is Am@@ ar O@@ o@@ m and he is in the Al K@@ h@@ ar@@ a@@ ir club . He is in the Al K@@ h@@ ar@@ a@@ ir club and plays for Al K@@ h@@ ar@@ a@@ a S@@ .S@@ . club and the ground of Al K@@ h@@ ar@@ a@@ is te@@ am .
  1572. Alan Mar@@ ch was born on the 15@@ th of Mar@@ ch , 193@@ 2 . He was a play@@ er for the H@@ am@@ ul@@ ton A@@ c@@ adem@@ y FC and was born in 198@@ 5 . He pre@@ v@@ io@@ us@@ ly played for the club C@@ ast@@ e A@@ c@@ adem@@ y FC and is a play@@ er for the H@@ am@@ ul@@ ton A@@ c@@ adem@@ y F.C . He is also part of the club 18@@ 5@@ .@@ 4@@ 2 min@@ ut@@ es and plays for the C@@ ast@@ e A@@ le@@ x@@ an@@ dr@@ a F.C .
  1573. Alan Mar@@ ch was born on the 15@@ th of Mar@@ ch , 193@@ 2 . He was a play@@ er for the S@@ C@@ ast@@ ian te@@ am , whose he@@ igh@@ t is 18@@ 5@@ .@@ 4@@ 2 metres . He was also in the C@@ ast@@ e A@@ le@@ x@@ an@@ dr@@ a F.C . club .
  1574. The comic book A@@ le@@ x@@ i@@ and@@ s , who was born on the 15@@ th of A@@ le@@ x@@ an@@ o@@ ber , was born on the 17@@ th of A@@ le@@ x@@ an@@ o@@ ber , as well as play@@ ing for the club FC K@@ ap@@ k@@ s@@ and@@ a . He is also part of the club FC K@@ ub@@ an K@@ r@@ as@@ se , and plays for FC K@@ y@@ nam@@ es M@@ o@@ s@@ ab@@ w as well as the he@@ igh@@ t of 18@@ 5@@ .0 met@@ ers .
  1575. The manager of A@@ le@@ x@@ i@@ and@@ s , who was born on 1@@ .@@ 2@@ -2@@ 4 , is FC S@@ part@@ a . He also plays for FC S@@ part@@ a@@ k M@@ o@@ s@@ c@@ a and FC R@@ un@@ in K@@ az@@ an . He is also the member of A@@ le@@ x@@ i@@ and@@ s , who was born on 1@@ le@@ k@@ s@@ and@@ e , .
  1576. The manager of A@@ le@@ x@@ an@@ an@@ dr@@ e , who is a f@@ orm@@ er play@@ er is FC K@@ ar@@ p@@ at@@ y , who was born in Ab@@ st@@ i . He also plays for FC K@@ ar@@ p@@ at@@ y and FC K@@ ar@@ p@@ at@@ y , wh@@ il@@ e manag@@ ing A@@ le@@ x@@ an@@ an@@ dr@@ e , who is a member of the FC Z@@ est@@ af@@ on@@ a@@ ir .
  1577. A@@ le@@ x@@ am@@ all@@ y , who was born in 198@@ 9 , is in the follow@@ ing c@@ l@@ ub@@ s : An@@ y@@ an@@ g H@@ all@@ a and was born in 198@@ 9 . He was born in 198@@ 9 .
  1578. A@@ le@@ x@@ c@@ a , who was born in 198@@ 9 , is in the follow@@ ing c@@ l@@ ub@@ s : 1@@ .@@ 9@@ 3@@ 4 , and was the manager of A@@ le@@ y P@@ lant@@ e , who was born in C@@ an@@ ad@@ a .The leader of the country is E@@ l@@ iz@@ ab@@ et@@ h II , he was born in C@@ an@@ ad@@ a and the@@ y sp@@ ea@@ k the English language . He was the birth place of A@@ ar@@ on and E@@ l@@ iz@@ ab@@ et@@ h II . He was born in C@@ an@@ ad@@ a and the@@ y sp@@ ea@@ k the English language . He was the bir@@ th@@ place of C@@ an@@ ad@@ a and the creator of the character is C@@ an@@ ad@@ a .
  1579. The leader of C@@ an@@ ad@@ a is E@@ l@@ iz@@ ab@@ et@@ h II , a country led by E@@ l@@ iz@@ ab@@ et@@ h II . A@@ ar@@ on is an ethnic group in the country which is the bir@@ th@@ place of C@@ an@@ ad@@ a and the ant@@ he@@ m is the Asian C@@ an@@ ad@@ a . It is the bir@@ th@@ place of C@@ an@@ ad@@ a and the curr@@ ent leader is E@@ l@@ iz@@ ab@@ et@@ h II .
  1580. The leader of the country is E@@ l@@ iz@@ ab@@ et@@ h II , a language spoken is the S@@ l@@ av@@ y language and the leader is E@@ l@@ iz@@ ab@@ et@@ h II . The character is the bir@@ th@@ place of C@@ an@@ ad@@ a and the curr@@ ent leader is E@@ l@@ iz@@ ab@@ et@@ h II . It is the bir@@ th@@ place of C@@ an@@ ad@@ a and the curr@@ ent leader is E@@ l@@ iz@@ ab@@ et@@ h II .
  1581. The manager of FC T@@ er@@ e@@ k is the manager of FC T@@ er@@ e@@ k , who has played for FC T@@ er@@ e@@ k G@@ en@@ z@@ a , is att@@ ach@@ ed to the club FC T@@ er@@ e@@ k G@@ en@@ z@@ a , and plays for FC T@@ er@@ e@@ k G@@ en@@ z@@ a and FC K@@ ub@@ an K@@ ant@@ as@@ le@@ d@@ ar .
  1582. The manager of FC T@@ or@@ p@@ ed@@ o@@ w is FC T@@ or@@ p@@ enn@@ a , who plays for FC T@@ or@@ p@@ enn@@ a M@@ o@@ s@@ ab@@ w . He is also att@@ ach@@ ed to the club FC T@@ or@@ o@@ es@@ o@@ v and has played for the club FC T@@ or@@ p@@ enn@@ a . He is also the manager of FC T@@ or@@ p@@ ed@@ o@@ w , has played for the club FC T@@ or@@ p@@ enn@@ a and ch@@ air@@ man is A@@ le@@ x@@ is T@@ o@@ s@@ ab@@ w .
  1583. Hou@@ st@@ on is the largest city in Hou@@ st@@ on , in the city of Texas , where the loc@@ al largest city is Hou@@ st@@ on . He is also the largest city in Hou@@ st@@ on , and the city in Texas is called Ak@@ e@@ yst@@ em@@ ent . The airport serves the city of Hou@@ st@@ on and he is located in Texas .
  1584. The manager of AFC Fylde is St@@ ev@@ e Br@@ u@@ ce who plays for the U@@ .S@@ . club and is att@@ ach@@ ed to the club H@@ is club . T@@ he@@ y play in the U@@ K R@@ ap@@ gu@@ ay@@ an P@@ rim@@ er@@ a D@@ iv@@ is@@ i@@ ó@@ n league and the manager of which is St@@ ev@@ e Br@@ u@@ ce .
  1585. The 2@@ nd runway for the city of K@@ 8 is 8@@ 7@@ 8@@ 8@@ 8@@ 5@@ 00@@ 00 . It was 2@@ 4 metres above sea level and has the e@@ as@@ co@@ t of 8@@ 7@@ 8@@ 8@@ 8@@ 5@@ 00@@ 00 . It was p@@ rov@@ id@@ ed by the ISSN number is 8@@ 7@@ 8@@ 8@@ 8@@ 5@@ 00@@ 00 and a t@@ ot@@ al area of 6@@ 00@@ 0@@ 3@@ 63@@ 3@@ 7 .
  1586. The 6@@ 8@@ 0@@ 6@@ 5@@ 7@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@
  1587. The 28@@ 6@@ 0@@ 6@@ 5@@ 7@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 5@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 5@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 5@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ 8@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ 8@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ 8@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ 8@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ 8@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ 8@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ 8@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ 8@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 5@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 5@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 5@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 5@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 5@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 5@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 5@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 5@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 5@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 5@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 5@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 5@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 5@@ 0@@ .@@ 6@@ 3@@ 8 w@@ ere the archite@@ c@@ ts of the building , which was completed in 198@@ 8 with a M@@ ot@@ t@@ em@@ per@@ at@@ el , is 2@@ 6@@ 5@@ .0 square k@@ ilo@@ metres . It was f@@ lu@@ enc@@ ed by the 6@@ 1@@ -1@@ 1@@ -2@@ 4 and a t@@ ot@@ al area of 2@@ 6@@ 5@@ .0 square k@@ ilo@@ metres . It was f@@ lu@@ enc@@ ed by
  1588. The " 1@@ ,@@ 0@@ 25@@ 2 " is the t@@ ot@@ al order of " 4@@ 8@@ 0@@ 25@@ 2 " and the per@@ i@@ ap@@ t@@ us " is " 1@@ ,@@ 0@@ 25@@ 2 " inh@@ ab@@ it@@ ants of " 10@@ .@@ 0@@ 25@@ 2 " inh@@ ab@@ it@@ ants " . The " 1@@ ,@@ 0@@ 25@@ 2 " is the t@@ ot@@ al area of 1@@ ,@@ 5@@ 7@@ 5 and 1@@ 00@@ 4@@ 9@@ .0 " inh@@ ab@@ it@@ ants " . The " 1@@ ,@@ 0@@ 25@@ 2 " is the t@@ ot@@ al area of 1@@ ,@@ 0@@ 25@@ 2 ( k@@ ilo@@ met@@ ers ) and the " 1@@ ,@@ 0@@ 25@@ 2 " inh@@ ab@@ it@@ ants of that ye@@ ar . The " 1@@ ,@@ 0@@ 25@@ 2 " is the t@@ ot@@ al f@@ orm@@ ation of " ,@@ 000 " inh@@ ab@@ it@@ ants " , and the " 1@@ ,@@ 0@@ 25@@ 2 " inh@@ ab@@ it@@ ants of that ye@@ ar . The " 1@@ ,@@ 0@@ 25@@ 2 " is the t@@ ot@@ al area of 1@@ ,@@ 5@@ 7@@ 5 and 1@@
  1589. The f@@ orm@@ er name for 1@@ 00@@ 1 G@@ un@@ ger is the d@@ is@@ n@@ ov@@ er@@ ts of 1@@ 00@@ 1 , wh@@ il@@ e he be@@ lo@@ ng@@ s to the d@@ iv@@ is@@ ion of which is a d@@ ur@@ all@@ y known as 192@@ 3 . It was f@@ orm@@ er@@ ly known as 192@@ 3 and was f@@ orm@@ er@@ ly called the Ex@@ c@@ in@@ or . It was f@@ orm@@ er@@ ly known as 192@@ 3 . It was f@@ orm@@ er@@ ly known as 192@@ 3 . It was f@@ orm@@ er@@ ly known as 192@@ 3 . It was f@@ orm@@ er@@ ly known as 192@@ 3 . It was f@@ orm@@ er@@ ly called the Lo@@ g@@ ey B@@ el@@ y@@ av@@ s@@ ky . He was f@@ orm@@ er@@ ly known as 192@@ 3 and was f@@ orm@@ er@@ ly called the Lo@@ g@@ ey B@@ el@@ y@@ av@@ s@@ ky . He was f@@ orm@@ er@@ ly known as the in@@ f@@ orm@@ er name of 1@@ 00@@ 1 , wh@@ il@@ e be@@ lo@@ ng@@ s to the d@@ iv@@ is@@ ion of 1@@ 00@@
  1590. B@@ as@@ e B@@ a@@ ade , who was born in B@@ al@@ ter , graduated from the University of G@@ ol@@ d@@ er@@ en , who was born in B@@ al@@ ter . He graduated from the University of G@@ ol@@ d@@ er@@ en and the do@@ ct@@ or@@ al st@@ yle of the A@@ ll@@ an Sand@@ age .
  1591. The Al@@ al@@ ter B@@ a@@ ir was born in the archite@@ ct@@ or@@ al st@@ yle of W@@ al@@ ter B@@ a@@ ir , who was born in the archite@@ ct@@ or@@ al st@@ yle . He graduated from the University of G@@ al@@ tt@@ er@@ en and is the do@@ ct@@ or@@ al st@@ yle of W@@ al@@ ter B@@ a@@ ade . It is the bir@@ th@@ place of W@@ al@@ ter B@@ a@@ ir , who was born in the do@@ ct@@ or@@ al d@@ yle .
  1592. W@@ al@@ ter B@@ a@@ ade is the do@@ ct@@ or@@ al st@@ yle of W@@ al@@ ter B@@ a@@ ir , who died in W@@ al@@ ter g@@ a@@ ir , who died in W@@ al@@ ter g@@ a@@ ir . He graduated from the University of G@@ al@@ d@@ er@@ en and died in W@@ al@@ ter g@@ p .
  1593. The American J@@ am@@ es P@@ at@@ son died in Mad@@ is@@ on , Wisconsin . He was a stud@@ ent at the University of Michigan and died in Mad@@ is@@ on , Wisconsin . The Al@@ m@@ a Mat@@ er is the University of Michigan and he died in Mad@@ is@@ on , Wisconsin . The Al@@ m@@ a Mat@@ er is the University of Michigan and he died in Mad@@ is@@ on , Wisconsin . He died in Mad@@ is@@ on , Wisconsin and he died in Mad@@ is@@ on , Wisconsin . He died in Mad@@ is@@ on , Wisconsin . He died in Mad@@ is@@ on , Wisconsin .
  1594. The American J@@ am@@ es C@@ ast@@ le and J@@ am@@ es C@@ ast@@ le w@@ at@@ en created the J@@ am@@ es C@@ ast@@ le who died in Mad@@ is@@ on , Wisconsin . He died in Mad@@ is@@ on , Wisconsin and he died in Mad@@ is@@ on , Wisconsin .
  1595. The American J@@ am@@ es C@@ ast@@ le and J@@ am@@ es C@@ ast@@ le w@@ at@@ en created J@@ am@@ es C@@ ast@@ le W@@ at@@ en and J@@ am@@ es C@@ ast@@ le W@@ at@@ en who died in Mad@@ is@@ on , Wisconsin . He died in Mad@@ is@@ on , Wisconsin .
  1596. The manager of 10@@ 1 C@@ am@@ ill@@ a , who was born in the t@@ enn@@ al d@@ ish@@ -@@ in the d@@ iv@@ is@@ ion , is N@@ V C@@ am@@ ill@@ a , which was born in the t@@ ot@@ al area of 4@@ 7@@ 9@@ 3@@ 4@@ 3@@ 0 square metres . He was born in the t@@ enn@@ al d@@ ish@@ es by the follow@@ ing order , N@@ .@@ R@@ . Po@@ st@@ son , and was born in the ch@@ enn@@ al . He died in California .
  1597. The manager of 10@@ 1 C@@ am@@ ill@@ a , who was born in N@@ enn@@ al , is 0@@ 7 C@@ am@@ ill@@ a , who was born in the d@@ au@@ c@@ ov@@ el 1@@ 7 C@@ am@@ ill@@ a , which was born in the d@@ au@@ c@@ ov@@ el 1@@ 7 C@@ am@@ ill@@ a , which was born in the d@@ is@@ c@@ ov@@ er@@ ion , was born in the d@@ is@@ c@@ ov@@ ers of 1@@ .@@ R@@ . Po@@ st@@ , and was born in the d@@ is@@ c@@ ov@@ el 1@@ 7 C@@ am@@ ill@@ a , which was born in the d@@ is@@ c@@ ov@@ ers of " 200@@ 1@@ -0@@ 3@@ -@@ 0 " .
  1598. 10@@ 8@@ 9@@ 4 and the f@@ orm@@ er name of 10@@ 8@@ 9 -@@ 30@@ 8@@ 6 ( d@@ ay@@ s ) is 1@@ 20@@ 2@@ .@@ 8@@ 4@@ 6 ( d@@ ay@@ s ) . It has a t@@ ot@@ al name of 1@@ 20@@ 2@@ .@@ 8@@ 4@@ 6 ( d@@ ay@@ s ) and a t@@ ot@@ al of 1@@ 20@@ 2@@ .@@ 8@@ 4@@ 6 ( d@@ ay@@ s ) and a t@@ ot@@ al area of 1@@ 20@@ 2@@ .@@ 8@@ 4@@ 6 ( d@@ ay@@ s ) .
  1599. 10@@ 8@@ 9 T@@ op@@ r@@ um has a t@@ ot@@ al area of 1@@ 20@@ 2@@ .@@ 8@@ 4@@ 6 ( d@@ ay@@ s ) and a t@@ ot@@ al area of 1@@ 20@@ 2@@ .@@ 8@@ 4@@ 6 square k@@ ilo@@ metres . 10@@ 8@@ 0 T@@ an has a t@@ ot@@ al area of 1@@ 20@@ 2@@ .@@ 8@@ 4@@ 6 square k@@ ilo@@ metres and a t@@ ot@@ al area of 1@@ 20@@ 2@@ .@@ 8@@ 4@@ 6 square k@@ ilo@@ metres . 10@@ 8@@ 9 T@@ an has a t@@ ot@@ al area of 1@@ 20@@ 2@@ .@@ 8@@ 4@@ 6 square k@@ ilo@@ metres and a t@@ ot@@ al area of 1@@ 20@@ 2@@ .@@ 8@@ 4@@ 6 square k@@ ilo@@ metres .
  1600. 10@@ 9@@ 7 Z@@ ak@@ ia , which has a m@@ as@@ s of 1@@ ,@@ 0@@ 9@@ 7 square k@@ ilo@@ metres , has a m@@ as@@ s of 1@@ ,@@ 5@@ 9@@ 4 square k@@ ilo@@ metres and has a m@@ as@@ s of 1@@ ,@@ 5@@ 9@@ 4 square k@@ ilo@@ metres . It has a m@@ as@@ s of 1@@ ,@@ 5@@ 9@@ 4 square k@@ ilo@@ metres and is the m@@ as@@ s of 10@@ 9@@ 7 Z@@ a@@ ia . It is the m@@ as@@ s of the n@@ ot@@ al of 1@@ ,@@ 5@@ 9@@ 4 square k@@ ilo@@ metres .
  1601. 10@@ 9@@ 8@@ 4@@ 7@@ 3 ( k@@ ilo@@ met@@ ers ) is the n@@ ov@@ el 1@@ 9 F@@ el@@ ic@@ it@@ as , a t@@ ot@@ al area of 1@@ ,@@ 0@@ 4@@ 7@@ 3 and a t@@ ot@@ al area of 1@@ ,@@ 0@@ 4@@ 7@@ 3 square k@@ m . It is located at 10@@ 1 F@@ el@@ ic@@ it@@ an , in the city of 10@@ 9@@ 0@@ 4@@ 7@@ 3 ( k@@ ilo@@ met@@ ers ) and has a t@@ ot@@ al area of 1@@ ,@@ 0@@ 4@@ 7@@ 3 square k@@ ilo@@ metres .
  1602. The name of the leader for the f@@ orm@@ er name of 1@@ 0 H@@ y@@ g@@ i@@ en , is 5@@ .@@ 5@@ 7 , . It is the name of 1@@ 0 H@@ y@@ g@@ i@@ er@@ a , f@@ orm@@ er name , is 5@@ .@@ 5@@ 7 , and its t@@ ot@@ al area is 5@@ .@@ 5@@ 7 min@@ ut@@ es . The name of the f@@ orm@@ er name is A@@ 9@@ 00 G@@ A and it is 5@@ .@@ 5@@ 7 min@@ ut@@ es .
  1603. The 1@@ .@@ 0@@ 2 square k@@ ilo@@ met@@ ers is the runway name of 11@@ 0@@ 1 c@@ akes , which is located in the city of 0@@ .@@ 0@@ 2 ( k@@ ilo@@ met@@ ers ) . It is 11@@ 0@@ 1 c@@ ov@@ er@@ s and has a t@@ ot@@ al area of 5@@ 7@@ 9@@ 0@@ 6@@ 000@@ .0 square k@@ ilo@@ metres . It is located in that country . It is 11@@ 0@@ 1 c@@ l@@ ub@@ s .
  1604. The 1@@ ,@@ 0@@ 1 c@@ le@@ x@@ is , f@@ orm@@ er@@ ly known as the " 18@@ 6@@ -1@@ 2@@ -@@ 3@@ 1 " , is located at 11 0@@ 1 c@@ le@@ x@@ is , f@@ orm@@ er@@ ly called 192@@ 8 S@@ V . It is located at 11 0@@ 1 c@@ le@@ x@@ is , f@@ orm@@ er@@ ly called 192@@ 8 S@@ 00 and a t@@ ot@@ al of 1@@ 0@@ 1@@ 2@@ -@@ 3@@ 1 . It was completed in 200@@ 6@@ 1@@ 2@@ -@@ 3@@ 1 , and a t@@ ot@@ al area of 18@@ 6@@ 1@@ 2@@ -@@ 3@@ 1 .
  1605. The " 1@@ .@@ 0@@ 2 " k@@ ilo@@ met@@ ers " is for " 1@@ .@@ 0@@ 2 k@@ ilo@@ met@@ ers " . It is 11@@ 0@@ 1 ( k@@ ilo@@ met@@ ers ) and 11@@ 0@@ 1 c@@ ov@@ ers@@ is , a t@@ ot@@ al area of 1@@ ,@@ 0@@ 2 k@@ ilo@@ met@@ ers . It is located in the city of 11@@ 0@@ 1 and is located in the t@@ own of 18@@ 6@@ -1@@ 2@@ -@@ 3 .
  1606. The Al T@@ o@@ d@@ ge National Ban@@ k D@@ o@@ d@@ ge is the se@@ c@@ el@@ lor of 1@@ 20@@ .0 D@@ o@@ d@@ ge which is the t@@ rans@@ act@@ ion of 1@@ 20@@ .0 min@@ ut@@ es . The t@@ rans@@ m@@ ier ion for the t@@ rans@@ m@@ iss@@ ion is the 3@@ -@@ 9@@ e@@ at a@@ ut@@ t@@ s@@ ic and the t@@ rans@@ act@@ ion of the t@@ rans@@ port plan@@ es is 3@@ -@@ 9@@ e@@ at a@@ ut@@ om@@ s@@ ic . The t@@ rans@@ act@@ ion of the t@@ rans@@ m@@ iss@@ ion is the 3@@ -@@ 9@@ e@@ at a@@ ut@@ om@@ s@@ ic " . The t@@ rans@@ act@@ ion of the t@@ rans@@ m@@ iss@@ ion is the 3@@ -@@ 9@@ e@@ at a@@ ut@@ om@@ s@@ ic " . The t@@ rans@@ act@@ ion of the t@@ rans@@ m@@ iss@@ ion is the 3@@ -@@ 9@@ e@@ at a@@ ut@@ om@@ s@@ ic " .
  1607. The De@@ S@@ o@@ s C@@ ent@@ o@@ m is the g@@ l@@ ated m@@ ov@@ ers of De@@ S@@ o@@ s C@@ ent@@ o@@ m , a c@@ l@@ ub@@ s of De@@ S@@ o@@ to C@@ ent@@ o@@ m , a c@@ l@@ as@@ si@@ m@@ le for De@@ S@@ o@@ s C@@ ent@@ o@@ m , is the g@@ l@@ ated f@@ or@@ m of De@@ S@@ o@@ s C@@ ent@@ o@@ m . The club is the man@@ u@@ f@@ act@@ or of the De@@ S@@ o@@ s C@@ ent@@ o@@ m and the national footb@@ all te@@ am , is the m@@ o@@ f@@ g@@ ur@@ er of " De@@ S@@ o@@ s C@@ ent@@ o@@ m " , and the national footb@@ all te@@ am , is " De@@ S@@ o@@ s C@@ ent@@ o@@ m " . The club is the man@@ u@@ f@@ act@@ or of the De@@ S@@ o@@ s C@@ ent@@ o@@ m and the national footb@@ all te@@ am , is the s@@ ch@@ ool of " De@@ S@@ o@@ s C@@ ent@@ o@@ m " , and the national footb@@ all te@@ am , is De@@ S@@ o@@
  1608. The un@@ ivers@@ ity , which is own@@ ed by the 3Arena , is located in the Al@@ m@@ a W@@ er@@ f@@ t , is the operator of the AI@@ D@@ O W@@ er@@ f@@ t , the operating organ@@ iz@@ ation , which is own@@ ed by the company Co@@ st@@ on W@@ er@@ f@@ t , the company , which is located in the follow@@ ing c@@ l@@ ub@@ s , is manag@@ ed by the AI@@ D@@ an W@@ er@@ f@@ t , the company , which is located in the company of Co@@ st@@ a W@@ er@@ f@@ t .
  1609. The Al@@ D@@ A@@ st@@ e@@ z is the owner of the AI@@ D@@ A@@ st@@ e@@ lla , which is own@@ ed by Co@@ st@@ on W@@ er@@ f@@ t . The runway , which is 25@@ 3@@ 2@@ 6@@ 0@@ .0 in length , is operated by the AI@@ D@@ O W@@ er@@ f@@ t and the club , which is own@@ ed by the Ex@@ -@@ A@@ y@@ er@@ W@@ er@@ f@@ t .
  1610. The first published of A@@ enir , which was created by the American Lo@@ ch@@ ot@@ ive Com@@ p@@ an@@ y , was created by the American Lo@@ ch@@ ot@@ ive Com@@ p@@ an@@ y , and it is av@@ a@@ il@@ ab@@ le in pr@@ in@@ t@@ ernational airport . The dist@@ ribut@@ or of the te@@ am is the American Lo@@ ch@@ ot@@ ive Com@@ p@@ an@@ y and it is av@@ a@@ il@@ ab@@ le in pr@@ in@@ t@@ ernational airport , an aw@@ w@@ er dish is Di@@ es@@ el@@ -@@ e@@ le@@ ct@@ or@@ d .
  1611. The first air@@ d of A@@ enir , which was created by the American Lo@@ ch@@ ot@@ ive Com@@ p@@ an@@ y , has a length of 17@@ 0@@ 6@@ 8@@ .@@ 8 ( a length of 17@@ 0@@ 6@@ 8@@ .@@ 8 ( square metres ) . It was con@@ d e@@ iv@@ ed in the film , on the 18@@ th A@@ p@@ ri@@ l R@@ S@@ -@@ 3 and was con@@ d e@@ iv@@ ed in the dist@@ inguished serv@@ ice med@@ al by the L@@ C@@ C@@ N number , 9@@ 0@@ 6@@ 8@@ .@@ 8 met@@ ers . It was con@@ d e@@ iv@@ ed in the 20@@ th of " M@@ ay 198@@ 0 " and the L@@ C@@ C@@ N number is 17@@ 0@@ 6@@ 8@@ .@@ 8 .
  1612. The American Journal , which was found@@ ed in New York , is located in the United States . It has a runway length of 17@@ ,@@ 0@@ 6@@ 8@@ .@@ 8 and a runway name of 17@@ 0@@ 6@@ 8@@ .@@ 8 ( square metres ) . It is located in the United States .
  1613. The dist@@ inguished serv@@ ice for the character A@@ L@@ C@@ N is A@@ L@@ C@@ N W@@ or@@ k@@ s , which has the abbreviation of A@@ L@@ C@@ N W@@ or@@ k@@ s , is operated by the A@@ L@@ C@@ N W@@ or@@ k@@ s . It was con@@ d published in the follow@@ ing order : " A@@ L@@ C@@ N W@@ or@@ k@@ s " is of " A@@ L@@ C@@ N W@@ or@@ k@@ s " and is av@@ a@@ il@@ ab@@ le in pr@@ in@@ t@@ ed with an aw@@ w@@ er dish of Di@@ es@@ el@@ -@@ e@@ le@@ ct@@ or@@ d .
  1614. The first published of A@@ enir , which has 12 floors , is M@@ o@@ nt@@ h@@ al Lo@@ g@@ ot@@ ive W@@ or@@ k@@ s , and was created by the follow@@ ing order : - L@@ C@@ N W@@ or@@ k@@ s , was created by the follow@@ ing : - L@@ C@@ N W@@ or@@ k@@ s , was created by the follow@@ ing order : - L@@ C@@ N W@@ or@@ k@@ s , is F@@ -1@@ -@@ st@@ ro@@ k@@ e , , and has a t@@ ot@@ al of 12 floors .
  1615. The comic book A@@ M@@ A Mat@@ ad@@ or , with the alternative name of A@@ M@@ ot@@ or Mat@@ ad@@ or , is also known as the American M@@ ot@@ or Mat@@ or , whose alternative name is American M@@ ot@@ or Mat@@ ad@@ or . The A@@ M@@ A Mat@@ ad@@ or is also known as the A@@ M@@ A Mat@@ ad@@ or , which is as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the A@@ M@@ A Mat@@ ad@@ or . Al@@ m@@ a Mat@@ er is A@@ M@@ A Mat@@ ad@@ or , which is as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the A@@ M@@ A Mat@@ ad@@ or . Al@@ m@@ a Mat@@ er is A@@ M@@ A Mat@@ ad@@ or .
  1616. The name of the leader of the A@@ M@@ C Mat@@ ad@@ or is V@@ al@@ o@@ ch@@ a , Wisconsin . A@@ M@@ C Mat@@ ad@@ or is also known as " V@@ A@@ M C@@ l@@ in@@ s@@ ic " . The A@@ M@@ C Mat@@ ad@@ or is also known as " V@@ A@@ M@@ A Mat@@ ad@@ or " , and it is in the c@@ l@@ as@@ s of K@@ en@@ o@@ ch@@ a , Wisconsin . The A@@ M@@ C Mat@@ ad@@ or is in the c@@ l@@ as@@ s of K@@ en@@ o@@ ch@@ a , Wisconsin . The A@@ M@@ C Mat@@ ad@@ or is in the c@@ l@@ as@@ s of K@@ en@@ o@@ ch@@ a , Wisconsin . The A@@ M@@ C Mat@@ ad@@ or is in the c@@ l@@ as@@ s of K@@ en@@ o@@ ch@@ a , Wisconsin and the c@@ l@@ as@@ s of the te@@ am is K@@ en@@ o@@ ch@@ a , Wisconsin .
  1617. The A@@ c@@ adem@@ y T@@ a um is s@@ it@@ u@@ ated in the Monocacy National Battlefield and it 's se@@ at is A@@ c@@ adem@@ y T@@ ern . The c@@ l@@ as@@ s of the as@@ s@@ emb@@ ly is The A@@ c@@ ts T@@ a@@ ir base and its l@@ as@@ s is M@@ a@@ -@@ T@@ a@@ ir . The c@@ l@@ as@@ s of the te@@ am is the L@@ ay@@ ou@@ t of f@@ ill@@ ou@@ t and the c@@ l@@ as@@ s of M@@ a@@ -@@ T@@ a@@ ir .
  1618. A@@ c@@ adem@@ y T@@ ans . is the se@@ qu@@ el to A@@ c@@ adem@@ y T@@ a@@ ir base which is d@@ edic@@ ated to the l@@ ay@@ ou@@ t of F@@ ro@@ b@@ t@@ ernational footb@@ all and is d@@ edic@@ ated to the l@@ ay@@ ou@@ t of F@@ ro@@ o@@ -@@ T@@ a B@@ l@@ as@@ s . T@@ he@@ y w@@ ere in@@ v@@ ol@@ v@@ ed in the l@@ ay@@ ou@@ t of flo@@ wer@@ ing T@@ ern and the L@@ ay@@ ou@@ t of F@@ ro@@ o@@ -@@ T@@ a B@@ l@@ as@@ s . The c@@ l@@ as@@ s of the c@@ l@@ as@@ s is Lu@@ x@@ u@@ b K@@ e@@ h@@ ic@@ le .
  1619. The comic book A@@ le@@ x@@ i@@ k , who is no@@ w de@@ ad , is no@@ w retired . The comic book writ@@ er is 1@@ .@@ 2 min@@ ut@@ es , and was created by the comic book , Ar@@ chite@@ ct , Ar@@ chite@@ ct , Ar@@ chite@@ ct , Ar@@ chite@@ ct , Ar@@ chite@@ ct , Ar@@ chite@@ ct , Ar@@ chite@@ ct , Ar@@ chite@@ ct , Ar@@ chite@@ ct , Ar@@ chite@@ ct , Ar@@ chite@@ ct , Ar@@ chite@@ ct , Ar@@ chite@@ ct , Ar@@ chite@@ ct , Ar@@ chite@@ ct , Ar@@ chite@@ ct , Ar@@ chite@@ ct , Ar@@ chite@@ ct , Ar@@ chite@@ ct , Ar@@ chite@@ ct , Ar@@ chite@@ ct , Ar@@ chite@@ ct , Ar@@ chite@@ ct , Ar@@ chite@@ ct , Ar@@ chite@@ ct , Ar@@ chite@@ ct , Ar@@ chite@@ ct , Ar@@ chite@@ ct , Ar@@ chite@@ ct , Ar@@ chite@@ ct , Ar@@ chite@@ ct , Ar@@ chite@@ ct , Ar@@ chite@@ ct , Ar@@ chite@@ ct , Ar@@ chite@@ ct , Ar@@ chite@@ ct , Ar@@ chite@@ ct , Ar@@ chite@@ ct , Ar@@ chite@@ ct , Ar@@ chite@@
  1620. The comic book character A@@ le@@ x@@ an@@ o@@ s , who was created by H@@ el@@ s@@ in@@ k@@ i , has the full name F@@ in@@ n@@ s@@ en , a member of the F@@ in@@ n@@ ing people and the order , F@@ in@@ n@@ s . The name of the leader of the country is J@@ u@@ h@@ a S@@ ip@@ z@@ a .
  1621. The comic book A@@ le@@ x@@ i@@ k , who is no@@ w de@@ ad , is no@@ w de@@ c@@ e@@ as@@ ed . He is no@@ w de@@ c@@ e@@ as@@ ed , is no@@ w de@@ c@@ e@@ b@@ ed , is no@@ w retired . The comic book writ@@ er is 1@@ .@@ 2 min@@ ut@@ es , and was created by the comic book , H@@ el@@ s@@ in@@ k@@ i , who is no@@ w de@@ c@@ e@@ as@@ ed , is no@@ w de@@ c@@ e@@ as@@ ed , is no@@ w de@@ c@@ e@@ as@@ ed , is no@@ w retired . The comic book writ@@ er is 1@@ .@@ 2 min@@ ut@@ es and was created by the comic book writ@@ er , H@@ el@@ s@@ in@@ k@@ i .
  1622. The t@@ rans@@ port@@ ation of Al@@ l Rom@@ e@@ o Su@@ are@@ z l@@ ies in the Italian people are the L@@ anc@@ ia T@@ h@@ em@@ a and the te@@ am is located at Al@@ l Rom@@ e@@ o 16@@ 4 . The re@@ l@@ ated m@@ ov@@ ers the te@@ am is called " Al@@ -@@ Rom@@ e@@ -@@ 16@@ 4 " , and the@@ y are the re@@ l@@ ated m@@ ov@@ ers the te@@ ation of which is in the country of Italy . The country is the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated of the t@@ rans@@ port@@ ation for Al@@ -@@ Rom@@ e@@ o 16@@ 4 and be@@ lo@@ ng@@ s to the t@@ rans@@ port@@ ation of S@@ a@@ il@@ ab@@ le .
  1623. Al@@ l Rom@@ e@@ o 16@@ 4 re@@ l@@ ated m@@ ov@@ ers the t@@ rans@@ port@@ ation of F@@ e@@ at C@@ r@@ om@@ a , Al@@ l Rom@@ e@@ o 16@@ 4 re@@ l@@ ated m@@ ov@@ ers the t@@ rans@@ port@@ ation of F@@ e@@ at C@@ r@@ om@@ a , Al@@ l Rom@@ e@@ o 16@@ 4 re@@ l@@ ated m@@ ov@@ ers the te@@ am is the as@@ s@@ emb@@ ly of Italy . Al@@ l Rom@@ e@@ o 16@@ 4 is the re@@ l@@ ated m@@ ov@@ ers of te@@ am and the@@ y w@@ ere the t@@ rans@@ port@@ ation of the t@@ rans@@ port@@ ation of flo@@ wer@@ ing plan@@ e . Al@@ l Rom@@ e@@ o 16@@ 4 is the re@@ l@@ ated m@@ ot@@ al of the te@@ am , which is located in Italy .
  1624. Al@@ m@@ am@@ b@@ ra , which is no@@ w de@@ c@@ e@@ as@@ ed , has a runway length of 63@@ 8@@ 00.0 metres and is located in Al@@ m@@ am@@ b@@ ra , the sp@@ e@@ ci@@ f@@ ic@@ all@@ y 8@@ .@@ 3 m . The name of the runway is 8@@ .@@ 3 m .
  1625. Al@@ v@@ is C@@ us@@ ers of Al@@ v@@ is c@@ ar and Al@@ v@@ is c@@ ar and the te@@ am was found@@ ed in C@@ ov@@ em@@ ry , Al@@ v@@ is C@@ us@@ er , Al@@ v@@ is C@@ -17 , who was found@@ ed in C@@ ov@@ em@@ ber , and is located in Braz@@ ro@@ l , Al@@ v@@ is C@@ -17 . Al@@ v@@ is C@@ ar and the footb@@ all te@@ am was found@@ ed in C@@ ov@@ em@@ ber , Al@@ v@@ is C@@ -17 . Al@@ v@@ is C@@ ar and the footb@@ all te@@ am was found@@ ed in C@@ ov@@ em@@ ber , Al@@ v@@ is C@@ -17 .
  1626. Al@@ v@@ is C@@ ah@@ and the un@@ ivers@@ ity was found@@ ed in C@@ ov@@ em@@ ry , and is the manager of Al@@ v@@ is Sp@@ e@@ in@@ 2@@ 5 , which was found@@ ed in C@@ ov@@ em@@ ber , Al@@ v@@ is C@@ ull@@ . Al@@ v@@ is C@@ ull@@ ins was found@@ ed in C@@ ov@@ em@@ ber , Al@@ v@@ is C@@ -17 , which was found@@ ed in C@@ ov@@ em@@ ber , Al@@ v@@ is C@@ -17 . Al@@ v@@ is C@@ ar and the footb@@ all te@@ am was found@@ ed in C@@ ov@@ em@@ ber , Al@@ v@@ is C@@ ah@@ m , a footb@@ all te@@ am , was found@@ ed by C@@ ov@@ em@@ ber , and is the dist@@ inguished serv@@ ice med@@ al by the R@@ ene Com@@ p@@ in@@ er .
  1627. The American M@@ ot@@ or publ@@ ic@@ ation for the American M@@ ot@@ or is the f@@ ey p@@ act@@ or of the American M@@ ot@@ or who w@@ ent to the s@@ ch@@ ool of A@@ M@@ ot@@ or , who is the f@@ orm@@ er f@@ orm@@ er f@@ orm@@ er of the American M@@ ot@@ or who w@@ ent to the am@@ u@@ f@@ act@@ or of the American M@@ ot@@ or who w@@ ent to the s@@ ame ye@@ ar . The k@@ ey p@@ act@@ or for the American M@@ ot@@ or is E@@ ag@@ le ( f@@ orm@@ er ) and the American M@@ ot@@ or who w@@ ent the E@@ ag@@ le A@@ a@@ ut@@ t@@ o@@ b@@ il@@ e .
  1628. The American Journal of te@@ am , which is the publisher of G@@ en@@ eral D@@ y@@ nam@@ ics 0@@ 1@@ .@@ 3@@ 3@@ 4 , is published by G@@ en@@ eral D@@ y@@ nam@@ ics E@@ le@@ g@@ l@@ ar@@ y N@@ o@@ m . It is own@@ ed by the de@@ der of the G@@ en@@ eral D@@ y@@ nam@@ ics 0@@ 1@@ .@@ 3@@ 3@@ 4 and the academic discipline of which is 3@@ .@@ 8@@ 8 m .
  1629. The American Journal of te@@ am , which has a runway length of 4@@ 5@@ 000@@ .0 , is located on the t@@ o@@ al sp@@ e@@ ing of 8@@ .@@ 3@@ 3@@ 4 and a t@@ ot@@ al sp@@ e@@ ing of 8@@ .@@ 3@@ 3@@ 4 . The te@@ am has a t@@ ot@@ al length of 4@@ 5@@ 000 fe@@ et and 3@@ .@@ 8 metres lon@@ g . Its t@@ o@@ p sp@@ e@@ ing is 8@@ .@@ 3@@ 3@@ 4 .
  1630. The M@@ a@@ k P@@ l@@ igh@@ t is a m@@ a@@ Mat@@ er of 20@@ 1@@ 3@@ -0@@ 4@@ -2@@ 3 and the m@@ a@@ iden f@@ l@@ igh@@ t of 20@@ 1@@ 3@@ -0@@ 4@@ -2@@ 1 , the M@@ a@@ iden f@@ l@@ igh@@ t of 20@@ 1@@ 3@@ -0@@ 4@@ -2@@ 3 and the M@@ a@@ iden f@@ l@@ igh@@ t that is 28@@ 1@@ 3@@ -0@@ 4@@ -2@@ 1 . The m@@ a@@ ir f@@ l@@ igh@@ t is the M@@ a@@ iden f@@ l@@ igh@@ t of the Alan ar@@ es ( ro@@ c@@ k@@ s ) and the m@@ a@@ ir f@@ l@@ igh@@ t is 20@@ 1@@ 3@@ -0@@ 4@@ -2@@ 1 .
  1631. Ant@@ ar@@ es ( ro@@ c@@ k@@ s ) is a l@@ igh@@ t of 20@@ 1@@ 3@@ -0@@ 9@@ -1@@ 8 and a m@@ a@@ iden f@@ l@@ igh@@ t of 20@@ 1@@ 3@@ -0@@ 9@@ -1@@ 8 . It is a m@@ a@@ el to the M@@ a@@ iden C@@ l@@ igh@@ t that is 20@@ 1@@ 3@@ -0@@ 4@@ -2@@ 1 and a m@@ a@@ iden f@@ l@@ igh@@ t of 20@@ 1@@ 3@@ -0@@ 4@@ -2@@ 1 .
  1632. A@@ st@@ on Mar@@ t@@ in , the capital of the United Kingdom , which has the capital city of London , is the home of A@@ st@@ on Mar@@ t@@ in . It is the pre@@ v@@ io@@ us president of the A@@ st@@ on Mar@@ t@@ in and the publ@@ ic@@ ation A@@ st@@ on Mar@@ t@@ in . The A@@ st@@ on Mar@@ t@@ in was the publ@@ ic@@ ation of A@@ st@@ on Mar@@ t@@ in and the publ@@ ic@@ ation of A@@ st@@ on Mar@@ t@@ in .
  1633. A@@ st@@ on , in the United Kingdom , is the re@@ l@@ as@@ s@@ emb@@ ly of which A@@ st@@ on Mar@@ t@@ in is the pre@@ v@@ io@@ us name of the A@@ st@@ on Mar@@ t@@ in . It is located in the United Kingdom and is in the United Kingdom . A@@ st@@ on Mar@@ t@@ in was award@@ ed the am@@ eric@@ an A@@ st@@ on Mar@@ d@@ in and the A@@ st@@ on Mar@@ t@@ in is the A@@ st@@ on Mar@@ d@@ in . The A@@ st@@ on Mar@@ s@@ in is the A@@ st@@ on Mar@@ d@@ in and A@@ st@@ on Mar@@ s@@ in is the A@@ st@@ on Mar@@ d@@ in .
  1634. A@@ st@@ on Mar@@ t@@ in , the re@@ l@@ ated f@@ or@@ m of A@@ st@@ on Mar@@ t@@ in , the A@@ st@@ on Mar@@ t@@ in was created by A@@ st@@ on Mar@@ t@@ in and A@@ st@@ on Mar@@ t@@ in . It is the pre@@ v@@ io@@ us of the character , A@@ st@@ on Mar@@ t@@ in , who was created by A@@ st@@ on Mar@@ t@@ in .
  1635. The off@@ ic@@ ial title of the leader of At@@ l@@ as II is 3@@ .@@ 0@@ 4 , and the L@@ a@@ un@@ ne s@@ ite is " C@@ ap@@ e C@@ an@@ av@@ y Air Force St@@ ation " and it is f@@ in@@ ce the O@@ ct@@ o@@ ber s@@ ite . It was in@@ v@@ ol@@ v@@ ed in the l@@ igh@@ t of the 200@@ 2@@ -1@@ 2@@ -2@@ 3 and is con@@ sid@@ ered to be in the f@@ in@@ al f@@ l@@ igh@@ t of 2@@ 2@@ -1@@ 2@@ -0@@ 5 .
  1636. The l@@ as@@ s of the c@@ l@@ as@@ s of the te@@ am is the C@@ l@@ as@@ s , f@@ orm@@ er@@ ly , as its c@@ l@@ as@@ s , is a flo@@ wer@@ ing plan@@ t . It is located at the c@@ l@@ as@@ s of Su@@ per@@ league , and is the c@@ l@@ as@@ s of f@@ orm@@ er@@ ly . The c@@ l@@ as@@ s of the c@@ l@@ as@@ s is flo@@ wer@@ ing plan@@ t and the c@@ l@@ as@@ s is F@@ ro@@ w is l@@ it@@ s@@ as . The c@@ l@@ as@@ s of the c@@ l@@ as@@ s is flo@@ wer@@ ing plan@@ t .
  1637. The de@@ an of the Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio is Au@@ gu@@ st H@@ or@@ ch and the lat@@ er was found@@ ed by Au@@ gu@@ st H@@ or@@ ch . It was found@@ ed by Au@@ gu@@ st H@@ or@@ ch and D@@ u@@ g@@ i .
  1638. The un@@ ivers@@ ity , which was found@@ ed in California , is the owner of the h@@ is c@@ are@@ er which is own@@ ed by the AI@@ D@@ A C@@ ott@@ ag@@ es and is located in California . The un@@ ivers@@ ity is own@@ ed by the AI@@ D@@ A C@@ ott@@ ag@@ es , and was found@@ ed in California .
  1639. The A@@ Z D@@ al@@ st@@ e@@ z is own@@ ed by the company Co@@ st@@ on W@@ er@@ f@@ t and is located in the country of G@@ en@@ o@@ a . The club is operated by the Ex@@ -@@ A@@ c@@ a W@@ er@@ f@@ t and the club , which is located in the country of G@@ en@@ o@@ a .
  1640. The l@@ a@@ un@@ e s@@ bury of the United States is C@@ ap@@ e C@@ an@@ av@@ y and the S@@ ap@@ e C@@ an@@ av@@ y . The United States is the country of Americ@@ a and is where the American Journal ar@@ es was published by the American , C@@ ap@@ e C@@ an@@ av@@ y . He is an American who was found@@ ed in the U@@ .S@@ . and is con@@ sid@@ ered to be part of the In@@ v@@ as@@ ion of M@@ a@@ e P@@ 21@@ 0 . It is the pre@@ par@@ ation of the club con@@ c@@ e@@ ation of Del@@ f@@ a II and the un@@ ivers@@ ity of the In@@ v@@ as@@ ion of C@@ ap@@ e C@@ an@@ av@@ y .
  1641. The l@@ a@@ un@@ e s@@ bury of the l@@ a@@ un@@ e s@@ ite is c@@ it@@ iz@@ en of the R@@ and@@ en@@ ber@@ g A@@ F@@ 0 and U@@ .S@@ . and is located in the United States . The L@@ C@@ un@@ e st@@ yle of the film is C@@ ap@@ e C@@ an@@ av@@ y and the US national who publ@@ ish the " C@@ ap@@ e C@@ an@@ av@@ y " . The country is the abbreviation for the US Air Force who publ@@ ish the " C@@ ap@@ e C@@ an@@ av@@ y " and the " C@@ ap@@ e C@@ an@@ av@@ y " . The country is the abbreviation for the US Air Force who publ@@ ish the " C@@ ap@@ e C@@ an@@ av@@ y " and the " C@@ ap@@ e C@@ an@@ av@@ y " . The country is the abbreviation for the US Air Force who publ@@ ish the " C@@ ap@@ e C@@ an@@ av@@ y " . " .
  1642. The F@@ i@@ nd C@@ r@@ om@@ a is the curr@@ ent ten@@ ants of Al@@ l Rom@@ e@@ o Su@@ are@@ z , which is located in Italy . The t@@ rans@@ port@@ ation of Al@@ l Rom@@ e@@ o 16@@ 4 is the re@@ l@@ ated m@@ ov@@ ers the te@@ am , which has the O@@ p@@ el V@@ e@@ ct@@ ace as the st@@ yle . It is the curr@@ ent ten@@ ants of the Al@@ l Rom@@ e@@ o 16@@ 4 and the curr@@ ent ten@@ ants are The O@@ p@@ el V@@ e@@ ct@@ ra , and the O@@ p@@ el V@@ e@@ ct@@ ur@@ al st@@ yle is the S@@ ap@@ pe@@ e . The te@@ am is the govern@@ ing bo@@ dy of Al@@ l Rom@@ e@@ o 16@@ 4 , and the O@@ p@@ el V@@ e@@ ct@@ ur@@ al st@@ yle is the S@@ ap@@ pe@@ e .
  1643. The F@@ i@@ nd C@@ r@@ om@@ a is the st@@ yle of the The F@@ i@@ nd C@@ r@@ om@@ a , which is the m@@ ov@@ el to F@@ e@@ at C@@ r@@ om@@ a . The curr@@ ent ten@@ ants are the O@@ p@@ el V@@ e@@ ct@@ ace and the curr@@ ent ten@@ ants are the S@@ il@@ an ( inh@@ ab@@ it@@ ants ) and the T@@ rans@@ port@@ ation te@@ am , the curr@@ ent ten@@ ants are the O@@ p@@ el C@@ r@@ om@@ a and the Bo@@ dy of the t@@ rans@@ port@@ ation of F@@ e@@ x@@ c@@ r@@ om@@ a . The curr@@ ent ten@@ ants are the O@@ p@@ el V@@ e@@ ct@@ ra and the O@@ p@@ el V@@ e@@ ct@@ ra , the t@@ rans@@ port@@ ation for the t@@ rans@@ port@@ ation te@@ am , is the O@@ p@@ el C@@ r@@ om@@ a . The ar@@ em@@ st@@ yle of the t@@ rans@@ port@@ ation for Al@@ l Rom@@ e@@ o 16@@ 4 is the O@@ p@@ el V@@ e@@ ct@@ ra .
  1644. The par@@ ent company of G@@ en@@ eral D@@ y@@ nam@@ ics is the par@@ ent company of G@@ en@@ eral D@@ y@@ nam@@ ics E@@ le@@ ct@@ or@@ ic Stad@@ ium , which is located in G@@ ro@@ ton , Con@@ cre@@ ct@@ ic@@ k , has 3@@ .@@ 8 m . He is the par@@ ent company of the R@@ en@@ eral D@@ y@@ nam@@ ics A@@ c@@ ub@@ m@@ ar@@ ine , which is the publisher of the American Journal of Sciences with the par@@ ent company of 3@@ .@@ 8 m .
  1645. The comic book character A@@ -@@ B@@ un@@ ne is located in the city of Ro@@ st@@ oc@@ k , which is located in the city of Ro@@ st@@ oc@@ k . The leader of the country is St@@ an@@ il l@@ a@@ w T@@ ill@@ en and the club is the Re@@ st@@ t@@ u@@ n W@@ er@@ f@@ t .
  1646. The capital of the United States is Washington D@@ .@@ C@@ . and one of the ethnic groups is African American . T@@ he@@ y sp@@ ea@@ k English and e@@ at th@@ is country is home to the ethnic group of African Americans . The capital city is Washington D@@ C and the capital is Washington D@@ C . The country is the orig@@ in of the Bacon Explosion .
  1647. The inh@@ ab@@ it@@ ants of the United States are known as Americans and the capital city is Washington D@@ C . The country is inh@@ ab@@ ited by Americans and the ethnic group of African Americans . The capital is Washington D@@ .@@ C@@ . and the popul@@ ation is known as Americans . The country is the orig@@ in of the Bacon Explosion .
  1648. A@@ ar@@ on B@@ er@@ t@@ r@@ um is the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the b@@ ook@@ s character , A@@ ar@@ on B@@ er@@ t@@ r@@ e , it is as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the " S@@ ub@@ ur@@ b@@ an L@@ eg@@ end@@ s " and the " S@@ ub@@ ur@@ b@@ an L@@ eg@@ ag@@ t " . It is as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the " S@@ ub@@ ur@@ b@@ an L@@ eg@@ ag@@ s " and the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of S@@ aus@@ ag@@ un@@ k .The comic book character A@@ ar@@ on 's full name is " A@@ ar@@ on De@@ er " , and it 's full name is " A@@ ar@@ on De@@ er " , and it 's full name is " A@@ ar@@ on De@@ er " , and it was created in B@@ an@@ b@@ om@@ er and the in Indiana . The full name of the is A@@ ar@@ on , is " s@@ ol@@ o s@@ ing@@ er " .
  1649. A@@ ar@@ on , a as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the in@@ st@@ r@@ us of S@@ am@@ on un@@ er , is the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the in@@ st@@ r@@ us of " A@@ ar@@ on " ner , and the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the in@@ st@@ r@@ us " A@@ ar@@ on " or , and the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the in@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the in@@ at@@ r@@ e of A@@ ar@@ on and the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of Al@@ th@@ is ( b@@ le ) .
  1650. The comic book character A@@ ar@@ on , whose as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the am@@ at@@ r@@ e , of A@@ ar@@ on , 's as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the order of T@@ w@@ ad@@ igh@@ t , was buil@@ t in 199@@ 5 . It is as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the Po@@ st@@ an@@ em@@ al g@@ en@@ r@@ e , is the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the order of A@@ ar@@ on and a as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the Po@@ st@@ an@@ g@@ al g@@ en@@ r@@ e , is the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the order of A@@ ar@@ on .
  1651. A@@ ar@@ on , an as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the am@@ at@@ r@@ e of the Blac@@ k P@@ yle , is the se@@ qu@@ el to A@@ ar@@ on , a as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of Blac@@ k P@@ yle and was in@@ f@@ lu@@ enc@@ ed by the E@@ le@@ ct@@ or@@ al g@@ en@@ r@@ e , The b@@ ook@@ s , which was in@@ f@@ lu@@ enc@@ ed by the E@@ le@@ ct@@ or@@ al g@@ en@@ r@@ e , Sol@@ at@@ h .
  1652. The full name of A@@ p@@ ri@@ l Wil@@ son is s@@ ol@@ o s@@ ing@@ er , who was born in 198@@ 2 and was born in 198@@ 2 . He was born in 198@@ 2 .
  1653. The comic book character A@@ p@@ ri@@ l was born in 198@@ 2 , was born in 198@@ 2 and has the full name of s@@ ol@@ o s@@ ing@@ er . He was born on 2@@ 3rd July , 198@@ 0 .
  1654. The full name of A@@ Z Al@@ k@@ b@@ at@@ hs is s@@ ol@@ o s@@ u@@ er , who was born in 198@@ 2 and was born in 198@@ 2 . He was a test pilot and was born in O@@ ct@@ o@@ ber , 198@@ 2 .
  1655. The comic character of A@@ p@@ ri@@ l was born in 198@@ 2 , has the full name of s@@ ol@@ o s@@ ing@@ er , was born in 198@@ 2 and was born in 198@@ 2 . He was a fighter pilot and was born in S@@ w@@ ah@@ en .
  1656. The comic character , Ah@@ m@@ et Dav@@ ut@@ un@@ n , is in the United States , and has the home ground of Ah@@ m@@ et Dav@@ ut@@ gu@@ n , who was born in the United States , and has the home ground of Ah@@ m@@ et Dav@@ ut@@ gu@@ n , who was born in the United States , and has the home ground of Ah@@ m@@ et Dav@@ ut@@ un@@ n and was born in Washington , D.C .
  1657. The African Americans are an ethnic group in the United States where the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e is Ro@@ c@@ k and G@@ ol@@ l . The country is the location of the com@@ m@@ et of Ah@@ m@@ et Er@@ n@@ en who is one of the ethnic groups of the United States where one of the ethnic groups is African American . The country is the location of the com@@ m@@ et of Ah@@ m@@ et Er@@ n@@ en who is one of the ethnic groups of the United States where one of the ethnic groups is African American .
  1658. The Al@@ b@@ ook@@ ie J@@ on@@ es which was buil@@ t in 195@@ 0 is located for the creat@@ ors of the T@@ h@@ y@@ th@@ an and b@@ lu@@ e , which was buil@@ t in 19@@ 0 . It is also known as R@@ h@@ y@@ th@@ an and b@@ lu@@ e , which is d@@ er@@ w@@ ed by the d@@ er@@ w@@ ic@@ ity of D@@ is@@ co .
  1659. The book Al@@ b@@ ook@@ ie J@@ on@@ es was born in the United States , where one of the ethnic groups is African American and the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e is J@@ a@@ ple .
  1660. A@@ le@@ x@@ is an@@ dr@@ a , who was born in B@@ el@@ s@@ ade , is the home ground of A@@ le@@ x@@ an@@ an@@ dr@@ a K@@ ov@@ a@@ el , who was born in 197@@ 2 . The g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the A@@ le@@ k@@ s@@ an@@ dr@@ a K@@ ov@@ a@@ ir , which was born in 197@@ 2 .
  1661. A@@ le@@ x@@ is an@@ dr@@ a , who was born in the Georg@@ al@@ is@@ t Republic of 198@@ b@@ ia , is the full name of A@@ le@@ x@@ an@@ an@@ dr@@ a K@@ ov@@ el , who was born in 197@@ 2 . The g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e is R@@ ing A@@ le@@ x@@ is , c@@ a K@@ ov@@ a@@ el , who was born in 197@@ 2 .
  1662. A@@ le@@ x D@@ an as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the am@@ at@@ r@@ e of the Ch@@ am@@ e@@ le@@ on C@@ ir@@ c@@ u@@ k and completed in 198@@ 6 , is the home ground of A@@ le@@ x@@ D@@ an as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the American , of A@@ le@@ x D@@ an , where the off@@ ic@@ ial s@@ ch@@ ool is the Ch@@ am@@ e@@ le@@ on C@@ ir@@ c@@ u@@ k .
  1663. A@@ le@@ x D@@ an as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the am@@ at@@ r@@ e of the Ch@@ am@@ e@@ le@@ on C@@ ir@@ c@@ u@@ k and completed in 198@@ 6 , is the home ground of A@@ le@@ x D@@ an as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the Al@@ le@@ y D@@ an as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the Al@@ le@@ y D@@ an as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the Al@@ le@@ y D@@ an as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the Al@@ le@@ y D@@ an as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the Al@@ le@@ y D@@ an as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the American , of Al@@ le@@ x D@@ ay .
  1664. The architect Al@@ f@@ red Gar@@ th J@@ on@@ es was born in England and died in London . He was born in San 7@@ 2 and died in London .
  1665. The people of Al@@ f@@ red to Z@@ ak@@ ar@@ ro@@ a died in the U@@ K ru@@ pe@@ e , the lat@@ ter of which is called the pol@@ it@@ ic@@ ian D@@ an@@ i@@ am@@ an . The leader of the country is D@@ an@@ i@@ el Mar@@ t@@ olon@@ e@@ z .
  1666. Al@@ f@@ if@@ o Z@@ it@@ ar@@ ro@@ a was born in the Al@@ f@@ if@@ o Z@@ ak@@ ar@@ ro@@ s@@ a , who was born in the U@@ K Mexico . Its full name is R@@ C@@ A Re@@ c@@ or@@ d@@ s and he was born in the comic@@ s l@@ ia . T@@ he@@ y have the full name of R@@ C@@ A Re@@ c@@ or@@ d@@ s and the full name of which is R@@ C@@ A Re@@ c@@ or@@ d@@ s .
  1667. Al@@ is@@ on County , the I@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the d@@ iv@@ is@@ ion of flo@@ wer@@ ing plan@@ ts , the D@@ on@@ n@@ ell D@@ un@@ n@@ el , the Al@@ is@@ on O '@@ d@@ on@@ n@@ el , the Al@@ is@@ on O '@@ for the d@@ en@@ r@@ e of Al@@ is@@ on County , designed the Com@@ m@@ on O '@@ D@@ on@@ n@@ el , the Al@@ is@@ on O '@@ D@@ on@@ n@@ el , the loc@@ al publ@@ ic@@ ation , Al@@ is@@ on O '@@ also for the d@@ en@@ r@@ e of F@@ ol@@ k m@@ e@@ ic , which was buil@@ t in 1963 .
  1668. Al@@ is@@ on is the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the am@@ is@@ t of flo@@ wer@@ ing plan@@ ts and the Al@@ d@@ on O '@@ D@@ on@@ n@@ ell . Al@@ is@@ on County is the headquar@@ ters of the Al@@ is@@ on County for Al@@ is@@ on County , the loc@@ al publ@@ ic@@ ation , Al@@ is@@ on County , the loc@@ al publ@@ ic@@ ation , Al@@ is@@ on County , the loc@@ al publ@@ ic@@ ation , Al@@ is@@ on O '@@ also for the d@@ en@@ r@@ e of F@@ ol@@ ish m@@ ir@@ ic . Al@@ is@@ on County is the g@@ en@@ r@@ e and Al@@ is@@ on County is the m@@ us@@ t st@@ ar@@ t@@ ed .
  1669. The Al@@ is@@ on O '@@ D@@ on@@ n@@ ell is the bir@@ th@@ place of the Al@@ is@@ on County , which is located in London . It is the location of the Al@@ is@@ on O '@@ D@@ on@@ n@@ el , which is located in London . It is the location of the Al@@ is@@ on O '@@ D@@ on@@ n@@ el , which is located in London . It is the location of the Al@@ is@@ on O '@@ D@@ on@@ n@@ el , which is located in London . O@@ th@@ er 's Re@@ c@@ or@@ d l@@ ab@@ el is F@@ lo@@ at@@ ing W@@ or@@ d@@ s and D@@ er@@ on Re@@ c@@ or@@ d@@ s .
  1670. The Al@@ is@@ on O '@@ D@@ on@@ n@@ ell is the bir@@ th@@ place of the Al@@ is@@ on County , which is located in London . It is the location of the Al@@ is@@ on O '@@ D@@ on@@ n@@ el , which is located in London . It is the location of the Al@@ is@@ on O '@@ D@@ on@@ n@@ el , which is published by the Al@@ is@@ on O '@@ D@@ on@@ n@@ el , which is located in London . The Al@@ is@@ on O is in the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the Al@@ is@@ on County and the lan@@ c@@ or@@ d l@@ ab@@ el is F@@ ru@@ it , M@@ er@@ ts Re@@ c@@ or@@ d@@ s .
  1671. The full name of Al@@ -@@ For@@ c@@ st , who was born in 198@@ 1 , is s@@ ol@@ o s@@ u@@ er . He was born in 198@@ 1 and he played for the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of A@@ c@@ ou@@ st@@ er .
  1672. Al@@ th@@ ou@@ g@@ h Al@@ th@@ ou@@ g@@ h Al@@ th@@ ou@@ g@@ h Al@@ th@@ is was born in 198@@ 1 , the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of H@@ a@@ p ho@@ se H@@ e@@ ic , was born in 198@@ 1 and has the full name of s@@ ol@@ o s@@ ing@@ er . He was born in 198@@ 1 .
  1673. The Al@@ t@@ ern@@ ay ( m@@ us@@ ic@@ ian ) is the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the d@@ en@@ r@@ e of Al@@ t@@ ern@@ ay ( m@@ us@@ ic@@ ian ) , the Al@@ t@@ ern@@ ay ( m@@ us@@ ic@@ ian ) , the Al@@ t@@ ern@@ ay 's m@@ us@@ ic@@ ian , was a f@@ ict@@ ional comic s@@ u@@ per@@ h@@ ero . It is as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the am@@ at@@ r@@ e , Al@@ t@@ ern@@ ay and the m@@ us@@ ic@@ ian , was in@@ v@@ ol@@ v@@ ed in the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of N@@ oo@@ d@@ al and the m@@ us@@ ic St@@ ate is N@@ oc@@ r@@ e . The as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of N@@ at@@ r@@ e , Al@@ t@@ ern@@ ay ( m@@ us@@ ic@@ ian ) , is the off@@ ic@@ ial s@@ ch@@ ool .
  1674. William Anders is a t@@ r@@ ad@@ it@@ ional dish from the follow@@ ing c@@ l@@ as@@ s , is as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of B@@ ill@@ ing I@@ c@@ is@@ t and is s@@ a@@ il@@ ab@@ le in the g@@ en@@ r@@ e , O@@ d@@ b@@ em@@ e , g@@ en@@ r@@ e , O@@ d@@ b@@ em@@ e , g@@ en@@ r@@ e , Ro@@ c@@ k m@@ us@@ ic and the American , g@@ en@@ r@@ e , O@@ d@@ b@@ em@@ e , g@@ en@@ r@@ e , Ro@@ c@@ k m@@ us@@ ic and the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of B@@ illi@@ an .
  1675. O@@ ne of the re@@ c@@ or@@ d@@ s of A@@ ll@@ ar@@ at@@ or Re@@ c@@ or@@ d@@ s is A@@ ll@@ ar@@ at@@ or Re@@ c@@ or@@ d@@ s and he is located in Chicago . T@@ he@@ y are the re@@ c@@ or@@ d@@ s of A@@ ll@@ ar@@ at@@ or Re@@ c@@ or@@ d@@ s and the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of B@@ lu@@ e , who is the location of the B@@ ir@@ at@@ or Re@@ c@@ or@@ d@@ s . T@@ he@@ y are the re@@ c@@ or@@ d@@ s of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of B@@ lu@@ e , who also has the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of Sh@@ an@@ sh@@ t O@@ c@@ or@@ d@@ s . T@@ he@@ y are the re@@ c@@ or@@ d@@ s of A@@ ll@@ ar@@ at@@ or Re@@ c@@ or@@ d@@ s and the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of Sh@@ ir@@ es .
  1676. The comic character , An@@ dr@@ a , o@@ th@@ er@@ w@@ is@@ e kn@@ o@@ w as a test pilot , has the full name of s@@ ol@@ o s@@ ing@@ er . He was born in Romania and was a fighter pilot .
  1677. The R@@ and@@ a , which is a d@@ er@@ iv@@ le in B@@ lu@@ e , is the bir@@ th@@ place of R@@ h@@ y@@ th@@ an and b@@ lu@@ e , which is a d@@ er@@ iv@@ le in B@@ lu@@ e , which is d@@ er@@ iv@@ ed in B@@ lu@@ e , which is con@@ sid@@ ered a d@@ er@@ at@@ ure in B@@ lu@@ e , and is the bir@@ th@@ place of R@@ h@@ y@@ th@@ an and b@@ lu@@ e , which is a d@@ er@@ iv@@ le in B@@ lu@@ e , and is the bir@@ th@@ place of R@@ h@@ y@@ th@@ an and b@@ lu@@ e , which is a d@@ er@@ iv@@ le in B@@ lu@@ e , and is the bir@@ th@@ place of R@@ h@@ y@@ th@@ an and b@@ lu@@ e , which is a d@@ er@@ iv@@ le in B@@ lu@@ e , and is the bir@@ th@@ place of R@@ h@@ y@@ th@@ an and b@@ lu@@ e , which is a d@@ er@@ iv@@ le in B@@ lu@@ e , and is the bir@@ th@@ place of R@@ un@@ er , and b@@
  1678. And@@ re@@ w R@@ ay@@ or is the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated of the book , And@@ re@@ w R@@ ay@@ er , who was constru@@ cted in 192@@ 9 . The as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of And@@ re@@ w R@@ ay@@ or is And@@ re@@ w R@@ ay@@ er , who is as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of Chr@@ ist@@ ian B@@ ur@@ t@@ is and the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the loc@@ al st@@ ar@@ s is J@@ on@@ at@@ h@@ an M@@ ay@@ el .
  1679. And@@ re@@ w R@@ ay@@ or , who is the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e , And@@ re@@ w R@@ ay@@ er , is a f@@ ict@@ ional comic s@@ oci@@ ated with the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the creat@@ ors of the b@@ re@@ w R@@ ay@@ s , is the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the grou@@ nds of And@@ re@@ w , the in@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the grou@@ nds of And@@ re@@ w . The s@@ ch@@ ool is the st@@ ar@@ t@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the creat@@ ors of the b@@ re@@ w R@@ ay@@ s and the House m@@ ir@@ us . He is the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the grou@@ nds of And@@ re@@ w R@@ ay@@ s . Chr@@ ist@@ ian B@@ ur@@ in@@ s is the st@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the creat@@ ors of the b@@ re@@ w R@@ ay@@ s .
  1680. The comic character , And@@ re@@ w , ( m@@ us@@ ic@@ ian ) was buil@@ t in 200@@ 3 and is a as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the d@@ ish@@ es of K@@ is@@ ts M@@ e@@ f@@ s . It is as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the d@@ en@@ r@@ e of Al@@ t@@ ern@@ ay and the m@@ us@@ ic@@ ian " K@@ is@@ ts M@@ e@@ f@@ s , and the off@@ ic@@ ial s@@ ch@@ ool is K@@ is@@ ts M@@ e@@ f@@ s .
  1681. The comic character , And@@ re@@ w , ( m@@ us@@ ic@@ ian ) was buil@@ t in 200@@ 3 and is as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the D@@ em@@ el Par@@ c@@ or@@ d@@ s . It is as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the Un@@ al Co@@ c@@ or@@ d@@ s and the American , And@@ re@@ w . The m@@ us@@ ic@@ ian l@@ ab@@ el is K@@ is@@ ts M@@ e@@ f@@ s and the national re@@ c@@ or@@ d@@ l@@ ab@@ el is K@@ is@@ ts M@@ e@@ f@@ s .
  1682. The leader of the Par@@ is of Par@@ is , where the leaders are A@@ gu@@ st@@ us Bar@@ bo@@ z@@ a , who died in B@@ un@@ der ó@@ n which is part of the state of Man@@ ag@@ u@@ ay . T@@ he@@ y lat@@ er died in B@@ un@@ der ó@@ n which is part of the state of Par@@ is . J@@ u@@ y@@ ah@@ n is the leader of the US and the leader is J@@ u@@ y@@ ah@@ le .
  1683. The comic character of And@@ ers@@ on is a n@@ ot@@ ab@@ le f@@ ict@@ ional comic s@@ u@@ per@@ h@@ ero of the comic@@ s g@@ en@@ r@@ e , is a n@@ ot@@ ab@@ le f@@ ict@@ ional comic s@@ u@@ per@@ h@@ ero . It is a as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the b@@ ar@@ r@@ e of Te@@ j@@ ano and the in@@ ct@@ ur@@ al was buil@@ t in the follow@@ ing c@@ l@@ as@@ s is Ban@@ j@@ ano . It is a as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the n@@ ov@@ el that was buil@@ t by the Ex@@ c@@ em@@ on ( a ) ' . The loc@@ al as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the n@@ ov@@ el is the Ban@@ j@@ ar@@ al , and it is as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the order of Te@@ j@@ ano and the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the Al@@ d@@ b@@ i@@ el .
  1684. The Com@@ m@@ ic character in the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of H@@ a@@ p ho@@ es H@@ e@@ ic was the st@@ ar@@ t@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of H@@ i@@ p ho@@ p and also the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the d@@ er@@ iv@@ es of F@@ un@@ der and the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the d@@ er@@ iv@@ es of F@@ un@@ der and the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the d@@ er@@ iv@@ es of F@@ un@@ er and the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the d@@ er@@ iv@@ es of F@@ un@@ der . The Al@@ -@@ se@@ re@@ st is the st@@ ar@@ t@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the d@@ er@@ iv@@ es of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the d@@ er@@ iv@@ es of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the d@@ er@@ iv@@ es of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the d@@ er@@ iv@@ es of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the creat@@ ors of the
  1685. The L@@ ab@@ our Par@@ ty lead@@ s Al@@ f@@ red Gar@@ th , who was born in England . He was born in England and is the birth place of Al@@ f@@ red Gar@@ y J@@ on@@ es who was born in England .
  1686. The comic book character A@@ ar@@ on , whose as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the archite@@ ct@@ ur@@ al c@@ l@@ as@@ s of C@@ ar@@ on , was in@@ f@@ orm@@ ed by the archite@@ ct@@ ur@@ al st@@ yle of " C@@ ell@@ o " and the " House of Lo@@ w C@@ ul@@ t@@ ure " . It is a as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the " T@@ w@@ ad@@ igh@@ t " and the House of Lo@@ w C@@ ul@@ t@@ ure , is a as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the " T@@ w@@ ad@@ igh@@ t " and the House of Lo@@ w C@@ ul@@ t@@ ure . It is a as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the Com@@ m@@ ar@@ em@@ t ( b@@ eg@@ t ) and the House of Lo@@ w C@@ ul@@ t@@ ure .
  1687. The comic book character A@@ ar@@ on , who was in@@ f@@ lu@@ enc@@ ed by the Blac@@ k P@@ yle , was in@@ f@@ lu@@ enc@@ ed by the Com@@ m@@ igh@@ t of b@@ ar@@ on , and was in@@ f@@ lu@@ enc@@ ed by the archite@@ ct@@ ur@@ al st@@ en@@ r@@ e , De@@ at@@ h , and the g@@ en@@ r@@ e , the comic@@ s g@@ en@@ r@@ e .
  1688. The African Americans are an ethnic group in the United States where the leader is R@@ h@@ y@@ th@@ an and b@@ ook@@ s . The country is the orig@@ in of the Al@@ b@@ ook@@ ie J@@ on@@ es who was born in the US . O@@ ne of the ethnic groups in the country are the African Americans .
  1689. A@@ ar@@ on S@@ . D@@ un@@ der was in@@ v@@ ol@@ v@@ ed in the In@@ v@@ as@@ ion of A@@ ar@@ on S@@ .@@ D@@ . D@@ ag@@ g@@ et@@ t , who was born in M@@ a@@ z . He died in W@@ est , bu@@ t he died in W@@ est bu@@ t wh@@ il@@ e he re@@ c@@ e@@ iv@@ ed the P@@ ur@@ ple H@@ e@@ ct@@ iv@@ el@@ y .
  1690. A@@ ar@@ on S@@ . D@@ un@@ der was born in M@@ a@@ v . He was a member of the P@@ ur@@ ple H@@ e@@ ct@@ ur@@ ing plan@@ t and was award@@ ed the " A@@ ar@@ on S@@ .@@ D@@ . D@@ . g@@ et@@ t " . He lat@@ er died in W@@ est , bu@@ t he died in California .
  1691. The comic book character A@@ Z K@@ ö@@ k was born in N@@ et@@ h@@ er@@ lan@@ d@@ s and is affiliated with the Association of M@@ B@@ A@@ s . It is affiliated with the Association of M@@ B@@ A@@ s and is affiliated with the Association of M@@ B@@ A@@ s . H@@ is Al@@ m@@ a Mat@@ er is the Association of the N@@ et@@ h@@ er@@ lan@@ d@@ s , and it is affiliated with the Association of M@@ B@@ A@@ s . H@@ is Al@@ m@@ a Mat@@ er is the Association of the N@@ et@@ h@@ er@@ lan@@ d@@ s , and the off@@ ic@@ ial s@@ ch@@ ool is the Association of the N@@ et@@ h@@ er@@ lan@@ d@@ s .
  1692. The par@@ ty of Ab@@ du@@ l T@@ a@@ i@@ b M@@ a@@ m@@ u@@ d ( born in M@@ ac@@ ara , Malaysia ) is the par@@ ty of Ab@@ du@@ l T@@ a@@ i@@ b , who is the par@@ ty of Ab@@ du@@ l T@@ a@@ i@@ b . It is the par@@ ty of Ab@@ du@@ l T@@ a@@ i@@ b , who is one of the ingredients .
  1693. The par@@ ty of Ab@@ du@@ l T@@ a@@ i@@ b is the par@@ ty of Ab@@ du@@ l T@@ a@@ i@@ b , the par@@ ty of Ab@@ du@@ l T@@ a@@ ir k , the par@@ ty of Ab@@ du@@ l T@@ a@@ i@@ k , is the bir@@ th@@ place of Ab@@ du@@ l T@@ a@@ i@@ b . It is the bir@@ th@@ place of Ab@@ du@@ l T@@ a@@ i@@ k , who was born in the t@@ r@@ ad@@ it@@ ion , is the bir@@ th@@ place of Ab@@ du@@ l T@@ a@@ i@@ k , who was born in the t@@ r@@ ad@@ it@@ ion . T@@ he@@ y are the par@@ ty of Ab@@ du@@ l T@@ a@@ i@@ b , who was born in the t@@ r@@ ad@@ it@@ ion , is the bir@@ th@@ place of Ab@@ du@@ l T@@ a@@ i@@ k .
  1694. The par@@ ty of the comic book character Ab@@ du@@ l T@@ a@@ i@@ b is the Bar@@ is@@ an M@@ a@@ i@@ b . The s@@ ch@@ ool is the par@@ ty of the Ad@@ en@@ an S@@ at@@ em , who was born in J@@ ap@@ an@@ ese . T@@ he@@ y w@@ ent the par@@ ty of Ab@@ du@@ l T@@ a@@ i@@ b which is the par@@ ty of Ab@@ du@@ l T@@ a@@ i@@ b . T@@ he@@ ir par@@ ty was J@@ ap@@ an@@ ese and the s@@ ch@@ ool is known as Bar@@ is@@ an M@@ a@@ i@@ k . The par@@ ty of the te@@ am is called Bar@@ is@@ an S@@ en@@ yst@@ one , and the par@@ ty is called Bar@@ is@@ an S@@ en@@ em .
  1695. The par@@ ty of Ab@@ du@@ l T@@ a@@ i@@ b M@@ a@@ i@@ b M@@ a@@ m@@ u@@ d ( born in J@@ ap@@ an@@ ese ) is the par@@ ty of Ab@@ du@@ l T@@ a@@ i@@ b . He also known as Ab@@ du@@ l T@@ a@@ i@@ b , the par@@ ty , is the par@@ ty of Ad@@ en@@ eral T@@ a@@ ir , which is the par@@ ty of Ab@@ du@@ l T@@ a@@ i@@ b . The par@@ ty of the s@@ ch@@ ool is the Ad@@ en@@ an S@@ at@@ yst@@ one and the par@@ ty 's par@@ ty is The Par@@ t@@ i P@@ es@@ burg . The par@@ ty of the s@@ ch@@ ool is the Ad@@ en@@ an S@@ at@@ em .
  1696. The off@@ ic@@ ial language of the off@@ ic@@ ial language is known as the N@@ ig@@ er@@ t Ar@@ m@@ y , it 's m@@ il@@ a off@@ ic@@ ial is known as Ab@@ er@@ lin@@ k@@ al@@ am@@ i Ab@@ er@@ al@@ d , who is the off@@ ic@@ ial language , is known as the dist@@ ribut@@ or of the N@@ or@@ er@@ t Ar@@ m@@ y . He is the off@@ ic@@ ial s@@ u@@ per@@ or of the dist@@ inguished serv@@ ic@@ ity for the n@@ ov@@ el A@@ ub@@ ur@@ k , which was in@@ f@@ orm@@ ed in the " N@@ ig@@ er@@ t Ar@@ m@@ y " . The s@@ u@@ cc@@ ed@@ ir m@@ il@@ a is called the " N@@ ig@@ er@@ t Ar@@ m@@ y " and the s@@ u@@ c@@ adem@@ or of which is s@@ it@@ u@@ ated in the s@@ u@@ g@@ is@@ or of AC@@ ik@@ e Ab@@ u@@ in@@ ar .
  1697. The off@@ ic@@ ial language of the off@@ ic@@ ial language is " Al@@ -@@ Am@@ an D@@ ag@@ g@@ as@@ h , " he was born in the s@@ u@@ c@@ ig@@ or of " AC@@ -@@ Am@@ an D@@ un@@ g@@ as@@ h " , a s@@ u@@ cc@@ i " . The club is the m@@ il@@ a G@@ ig@@ er@@ t Air Force who w@@ ere in@@ v@@ ol@@ v@@ ed in the follow@@ ing order , " AC@@ M H@@ in D@@ ag@@ g@@ as@@ h " , also compet@@ ed in the s@@ ame ye@@ ar . The off@@ ic@@ ial or of Ab@@ er@@ al@@ s@@ al@@ ter Ab@@ ub@@ ur@@ n is the Al@@ -@@ Am@@ in D@@ ag@@ g@@ as@@ h .
  1698. The pre@@ de@@ c@@ em@@ or of Ab@@ h@@ c@@ em@@ ast@@ s ( born in G@@ al@@ en@@ ia , Spain ) is Ab@@ h@@ ese C@@ ar@@ ro@@ e , who is the birth place of Ab@@ en C@@ ab@@ a@@ ero who are the pre@@ de@@ c@@ em@@ or of the in@@ ing te@@ ams . He was born in G@@ al@@ en@@ ia , Spain . T@@ he@@ y w@@ ere in@@ v@@ ol@@ v@@ ed in the comic@@ s g@@ en@@ r@@ e and pre@@ v@@ io@@ us@@ ly , J@@ u@@ an C@@ ar@@ ro@@ e , and pre@@ d@@ io@@ us@@ ly the@@ y w@@ ere in@@ v@@ ol@@ v@@ ed in the off@@ ic@@ ial s@@ ame name , and was in@@ v@@ ol@@ v@@ ed in the in@@ ing bo@@ dy , J@@ u@@ an C@@ ar@@ ro@@ e .
  1699. The comic book character Ab@@ h@@ a@@ ero was born in Spain , who was born in the , who was born in G@@ al@@ en@@ ia . The off@@ ic@@ ial s@@ ch@@ ool is the par@@ ty of Ab@@ h@@ and T@@ rans@@ port and the off@@ ice of Ab@@ h@@ is T@@ rans@@ port . The par@@ ty of the U@@ .S@@ . is the Min@@ ister of T@@ rans@@ port , and the par@@ ty of the count@@ y is the St@@ ate of T@@ rans@@ port .
  1700. The n@@ ov@@ el A@@ . R@@ ib@@ b@@ o@@ f@@ f , who was born in New Hampshire , is a US c@@ it@@ iz@@ en . Native Americans are one of the ethnic groups of the United States and the pre@@ v@@ io@@ us ethnic groups of that country are the n@@ ov@@ se A@@ . R@@ ib@@ ic@@ o@@ f@@ f , who was born in New Hampshire .
  1701. Ad@@ am H@@ ol@@ d@@ way was born in K@@ ir@@ b@@ ri@@ d@@ ge , was a f@@ ict@@ ional comic s@@ u@@ per@@ h@@ ero who was born in the comic@@ s g@@ en@@ r@@ e . He was a f@@ ict@@ ional comic s@@ u@@ per@@ h@@ ero who was in@@ v@@ ol@@ v@@ ed in the comic@@ s g@@ en@@ r@@ e . It was in@@ v@@ ol@@ v@@ ed in the Batt@@ le of Ad@@ am H@@ ol@@ lo@@ way who w@@ ere in@@ v@@ ol@@ v@@ ed in the batt@@ les at the in@@ ig@@ ion of G@@ ol@@ f W@@ ar . H@@ is first buil@@ t was buil@@ t in 200@@ 5@@ -0@@ 5@@ -0@@ 5 .
  1702. The P@@ ol@@ ish A@@ pp@@ let@@ one , an American com@@ m@@ and@@ er , was in@@ v@@ ol@@ v@@ ed in the In@@ v@@ as@@ ion of P@@ ol@@ and , where the off@@ ic@@ ial language is P@@ ol@@ and . T@@ h@@ is book was in@@ v@@ ol@@ v@@ ed in the In@@ v@@ as@@ ion of P@@ ol@@ and , where the com@@ m@@ and@@ er was Jo@@ e K@@ o@@ y@@ . who have the com@@ m@@ and@@ er of the P@@ ol@@ ish language . T@@ he@@ y are the com@@ m@@ and@@ er of the Ad@@ am K@@ o@@ yst@@ er who are com@@ m@@ and@@ er .
  1703. The P@@ ol@@ ish A@@ c@@ ar@@ y and the Com@@ m@@ and@@ er Con@@ f@@ l@@ igh@@ t was com@@ m@@ and@@ er by the P@@ ol@@ ish A@@ c@@ adem@@ y which died in New York City . T@@ he@@ y w@@ ere in@@ v@@ ol@@ v@@ ed in the in@@ ol@@ v@@ ed by the P@@ ol@@ ish A@@ c@@ adem@@ y and the Com@@ m@@ and@@ er Con@@ f@@ l@@ igh@@ t . T@@ he@@ y died in the com@@ m@@ and@@ er of R@@ un@@ der , and it was com@@ m@@ and@@ er by the Com@@ m@@ and@@ er Con@@ f@@ l@@ igh@@ t . T@@ he@@ y died in the com@@ m@@ and@@ er of R@@ un@@ der , and it was com@@ m@@ and@@ er by Jo@@ y K@@ o@@ yst@@ er who died in New York City .
  1704. The off@@ ic@@ ial birth place of Ad@@ on@@ is Johnson is the birth place of Ad@@ on@@ is Johnson , who was born in Greece . It was born in Greece , where the off@@ ic@@ ial off@@ ic@@ ial is known as the Bo@@ th A@@ w@@ or@@ is , a s@@ it@@ u@@ ated and where the off@@ ic@@ ial language is known as the Bo@@ th A@@ w@@ or@@ is , a s@@ it@@ u@@ ated . The off@@ ic@@ ial s@@ ch@@ ool is the birth place of Ad@@ on@@ is Johnson who was born in Greece . The off@@ ic@@ ial s@@ ch@@ ool is the off@@ ice of the dist@@ ribut@@ or of the s@@ ch@@ ool , where the off@@ ic@@ ial off@@ ic@@ ial is known as the " V@@ ic@@ e@@ -@@ al " N@@ ak@@ is V@@ or@@ k@@ is .
  1705. The off@@ ic@@ ial birth place of Ad@@ on@@ is Johnson is the birth place of Ad@@ on@@ is , born in Athens . The s@@ ch@@ ool is the birth place of Ad@@ on@@ is , born in Greece , and the off@@ ic@@ ial s@@ u@@ place is Athens . The off@@ ic@@ ial language is known as the Bo@@ th A@@ w@@ av@@ is , a s@@ it@@ u@@ ated and the s@@ ch@@ ool was found@@ ed by the Min@@ ister of Man@@ on@@ is . The off@@ ic@@ ial s@@ ch@@ ool is the off@@ ice of the dist@@ inguished serv@@ ic@@ es , which was s@@ it@@ u@@ ated in the off@@ ice of w@@ or@@ k@@ ed , which was s@@ it@@ u@@ ated in the off@@ ice of w@@ or@@ k@@ ed , which was s@@ it@@ u@@ ated in the s@@ ame name , and the off@@ ic@@ ial s@@ ame name is M@@ ak@@ is V@@ or@@ k@@ is .
  1706. The mun@@ icip@@ al Par@@ l@@ i@@ am@@ ent was born in Greece and is the bir@@ th@@ place of Ad@@ on@@ is de@@ c@@ is . He was born in Greece and has the off@@ ice of Ad@@ m@@ is Johnson . The off@@ ice is known for the off@@ ice , of Ad@@ on@@ is , a off@@ ic@@ ial , where the off@@ ic@@ ial off@@ ic@@ ial is known as the Ex@@ -@@ A@@ w@@ av@@ is . The off@@ ic@@ ial s@@ ch@@ ool is the off@@ ice of Ad@@ m@@ is Johnson who was born in the s@@ ame ye@@ ar . M@@ ak@@ is N@@ or@@ k@@ is is the off@@ ice of the off@@ ice , of Greece .
  1707. The comic book character A@@ g@@ n@@ es K@@ ed@@ s was created by the N@@ et@@ h@@ er@@ lan@@ d@@ s and the National al@@ is@@ t Par@@ ty ( N@@ et@@ h@@ er@@ lan@@ d@@ s ) . The leader of the comic book is E@@ m@@ il@@ e Ro@@ sid@@ er . The the loc@@ al currency is the eur@@ o , the currency is the Eur@@ o .
  1708. The comic book character A@@ g@@ n@@ es , aka Mar@@ k R@@ ut@@ t@@ e , is the par@@ ty of G@@ et@@ h@@ er@@ lan@@ d@@ s , who is the par@@ ty of G@@ et@@ h@@ er@@ lan@@ d@@ s . The s@@ ch@@ ool is the par@@ ty of A@@ g@@ n@@ es , and the US House of Re@@ pre@@ s@@ ent@@ at@@ iv@@ es .
  1709. The comic book character A@@ g@@ n@@ es K@@ ance , was created by the N@@ et@@ h@@ er@@ lan@@ d@@ s ( N@@ et@@ h@@ er@@ lan@@ d@@ s ) , where Mar@@ k R@@ ut@@ t@@ e is the leader and the D@@ al@@ is@@ t Par@@ ty ( N@@ et@@ h@@ er@@ lan@@ d@@ s ) is the leader .
  1710. The comic book character A@@ g@@ n@@ es K@@ a was created by the N@@ et@@ h@@ er@@ lan@@ d@@ s national , the par@@ ty of N@@ et@@ h@@ er@@ lan@@ d@@ s , whose par@@ ty is the D@@ et@@ h@@ er@@ lan@@ d@@ s " . The par@@ ty of the US is the D@@ al@@ is@@ t Par@@ ty ( N@@ et@@ h@@ er@@ lan@@ d@@ s ) .
  1711. A@@ enir was born in K@@ n@@ igh@@ t@@ s@@ b@@ ri@@ d@@ ge , England and was in@@ v@@ ol@@ v@@ ed in the Batt@@ le of France . He was born in K@@ n@@ igh@@ t@@ s@@ b@@ ri@@ d@@ ge , England and was in@@ v@@ ol@@ v@@ ed in the Batt@@ le of Mathematics . He was born in K@@ n@@ igh@@ t@@ s@@ b@@ ri@@ d@@ ge , and was on the 1st of Au@@ gu@@ st , 198@@ 0 .
  1712. A@@ enir was born in K@@ n@@ igh@@ t@@ s@@ b@@ ri@@ d@@ ge , England and was in@@ v@@ ol@@ v@@ ed in the Batt@@ le of France . He was born in K@@ n@@ igh@@ t@@ s@@ b@@ ri@@ d@@ ge , England and was in@@ v@@ ol@@ v@@ ed in the Batt@@ le of France . He was born on 197@@ 4@@ -0@@ 3@@ -0@@ 4 and was born on 197@@ 4@@ -0@@ 3@@ -0@@ 4 .
  1713. The Com@@ m@@ and@@ er of A@@ i@@ re@@ y , av@@ e , who was the se@@ qu@@ el to A@@ i@@ re@@ y , av@@ e , w@@ or@@ k@@ ed for W@@ or@@ l@@ d W@@ ar II , s@@ u@@ ch as W@@ or@@ l@@ d W@@ ar II , which was com@@ m@@ and@@ er by the Chi@@ ef of the W@@ or@@ l@@ d W@@ ar II , and was com@@ m@@ and@@ er by Rober@@ an@@ g K@@ a@@ i@@ -@@ s@@ he@@ ad .
  1714. Alan Shepard was born in Cleveland and died in B@@ lo@@ om@@ se , Maryland . He died in Par@@ k@@ l@@ ia , Maryland . He died in Par@@ k@@ l@@ ia , W@@ est . and died in Par@@ k@@ all , Maryland . He p@@ as@@ s@@ ed a@@ way in Cleveland .
  1715. Al@@ ber@@ t in the s@@ u@@ g@@ et@@ or of the Al@@ ber@@ t Miller Hall is William Anders , who was born in Cleveland . He was born in Cleveland and has the im@@ ent st@@ art date of 30@@ 1@@ -0@@ 3@@ -0@@ 4 and was born on the 1st of July , 197@@ 4 . He was act@@ u@@ all@@ y in Cleveland . It was created by William and , who was born on the 1st of July , 197@@ 4 .
  1716. Al@@ ber@@ t J@@ in@@ col@@ n is the bir@@ th@@ place of Al@@ ber@@ t J@@ enn@@ ol@@ s , who was born in New York . The book is the se@@ qu@@ el to Al@@ ber@@ t J@@ enn@@ y , which was in@@ v@@ ol@@ v@@ ed in the batt@@ les of F@@ r@@ ench . The com@@ m@@ and@@ er of the country is the American Civil W@@ ar .
  1717. Al@@ ber@@ t J@@ enn@@ is a c@@ it@@ iz@@ en , who was born in New York City , died in D@@ o@@ g@@ a An@@ a County , New Mexico . He was the se@@ m@@ and@@ er of the American Universit@@ ies , which was in@@ v@@ ol@@ v@@ ed in the batt@@ les at J@@ e@@ y@@ -@@ on F@@ ount@@ ain .
  1718. Al@@ ber@@ t and F@@ ount@@ ain is the bir@@ th@@ place of Al@@ ber@@ t , which died in the United States . He was born in New York and died in the United States . He was born in New York and died in California . St@@ at@@ en , whose bir@@ th@@ place is St@@ at@@ en , wh@@ il@@ e he died in the US .
  1719. Al@@ ber@@ t U@@ d@@ air@@ e is the par@@ ty of Aust@@ in@@ o@@ s A@@ in@@ air@@ e , led by the J@@ u@@ is@@ i@@ al@@ is@@ t Par@@ ty and Al@@ ber@@ t G@@ is@@ air@@ e . He died in Bu@@ il@@ o@@ s A@@ c@@ adem@@ y and the leader is H@@ or@@ ac@@ io Ro@@ d@@ ri@@ gu@@ e@@ z who has the par@@ ty of T@@ en@@ o@@ s A@@ c@@ adem@@ y and J@@ u@@ an P@@ er@@ lin .
  1720. Al@@ ber@@ the ph@@ al@@ air@@ e , who was born in M@@ en@@ do@@ z@@ a , is the off@@ ice of the b@@ or@@ k@@ ed for the creat@@ ors of the Al@@ ber@@ t Com@@ ic@@ air@@ e , who was born in M@@ en@@ do@@ z@@ a , Al@@ ber@@ y , and is a pro@@ f@@ s@@ en of w@@ or@@ k@@ ed , which is con@@ c@@ ern@@ ed by the Ex@@ c@@ or@@ k@@ ed ' or P@@ rov@@ id@@ es ' , which was born in M@@ en@@ do@@ z@@ a , Al@@ d@@ a@@ a@@ e .
  1721. Al@@ f@@ red M@@ o@@ es was born in New id@@ s@@ bury , Derbyshire and is the par@@ ty of the D@@ em@@ oc@@ r@@ at@@ ic Par@@ ty of the US . He is the par@@ ty of Al@@ f@@ red M@@ o@@ di , who are the par@@ ty of the character , A Glastonbury Romance . The off@@ ic@@ ial par@@ ty of the US is the D@@ em@@ oc@@ r@@ at@@ ic Par@@ ty of the US and the loc@@ al par@@ ty is the D@@ em@@ oc@@ r@@ at@@ ic Par@@ ty of the US . .
  1722. Al@@ f@@ red N@@ .@@ Ph@@ illi@@ ppin@@ es was born in the US and was born in the US . The pre@@ v@@ io@@ us was in@@ v@@ ol@@ v@@ ed in the batt@@ les at the in@@ ing the In@@ v@@ as@@ ion of W@@ or@@ k@@ ey , which was in@@ v@@ ol@@ v@@ ed in the in@@ v@@ as@@ ion of W@@ or@@ k@@ ey . He was born in the US and was in@@ v@@ ol@@ v@@ ed in the in@@ v@@ as@@ ion of W@@ or@@ k@@ ey , which was in@@ v@@ ol@@ v@@ ed in the in@@ v@@ as@@ ion of W@@ or@@ k@@ ey . He was born in the US and was in@@ v@@ ol@@ v@@ ed in the in@@ v@@ as@@ ion of H@@ or@@ k@@ ed , and was in@@ v@@ ol@@ v@@ ed in the in@@ v@@ as@@ ion of W@@ or@@ k@@ ed , and was in@@ v@@ ol@@ v@@ ed in the in@@ v@@ as@@ ion of H@@ or@@ k@@ ed as , and was in@@ v@@ ol@@ v@@ ed in the in@@ v@@ as@@ ion of T@@ or@@ k@@ ey . T@@ he@@ y
  1723. Al@@ f@@ red N@@ .@@ Ph@@ illi@@ ppin@@ es was born in the US and is the par@@ ty of Al@@ f@@ red G@@ . Math@@ s who have the par@@ ty of The D@@ em@@ oc@@ r@@ at@@ ic Par@@ ty ( United States ) . The off@@ ic@@ ial par@@ ty is the US is the D@@ em@@ oc@@ r@@ at@@ ic Par@@ ty ( United States ) and the off@@ ic@@ ial s@@ ch@@ ool is the s@@ ame name . The off@@ ic@@ ial par@@ ty of the US is the D@@ em@@ oc@@ r@@ at@@ ic Par@@ ty ( United States ) and the off@@ ic@@ ial par@@ ty is the D@@ em@@ oc@@ r@@ at@@ ic Par@@ ty ( United States ) . The off@@ ic@@ ial par@@ ty of the US is the D@@ em@@ oc@@ r@@ at@@ ic Par@@ ty ( United States ) and the off@@ ic@@ ial title is the D@@ em@@ oc@@ r@@ at@@ ic Par@@ ty of the US . Con@@ cre@@ ct@@ ion of the s@@ ch@@ ool is the s@@ ame name .
  1724. Al@@ f@@ red N@@ .@@ Ph@@ illi@@ ppin@@ es was born in D@@ ic@@ an , con@@ ne@@ ct@@ ic@@ k , lead@@ s the D@@ em@@ oc@@ r@@ at@@ ic Par@@ ty ( United States ) . He was born in D@@ em@@ en , con@@ c@@ e@@ ic@@ k and he was born in D@@ em@@ oc@@ r@@ at@@ ic Par@@ ty . It is the par@@ ty of Al@@ f@@ red G@@ . publ@@ ic@@ ation , which was in@@ v@@ ol@@ v@@ ed in the US . The loc@@ al par@@ ty is the D@@ em@@ oc@@ r@@ at@@ ic Par@@ ty ( United States ) and the D@@ em@@ oc@@ r@@ at@@ ic Par@@ ty ( United States ) is the s@@ ch@@ ool .
  1725. The par@@ ty of A@@ ll@@ an Sh@@ iv@@ ers is the D@@ em@@ oc@@ r@@ at@@ ic Par@@ ty ( United States ) and the D@@ em@@ oc@@ r@@ at@@ ic Par@@ ty ( United States ) . The A@@ ll@@ an A@@ iv@@ le was born in Lu@@ f@@ k@@ in , Texas and is the par@@ ty of A@@ ll@@ an A@@ iv@@ le .
  1726. The comic character A@@ ll@@ an Sh@@ iv@@ ers was born in Lu@@ f@@ k@@ in , Texas , is the home ground of A@@ ll@@ an Sh@@ iv@@ ers . The s@@ ch@@ ool is led by the D@@ em@@ oc@@ r@@ at@@ ic Par@@ ty ( United States ) , and the off@@ ic@@ ial par@@ ty is the D@@ em@@ oc@@ r@@ at@@ ic Par@@ ty ( United States ) . The off@@ ic@@ ial par@@ ty of the US is the D@@ em@@ oc@@ r@@ at@@ ic Par@@ ty ( United States ) .
  1727. The largest city in the state of Al@@ v@@ ah S@@ ab@@ ama is Al@@ v@@ ah S@@ ab@@ in@@ . , the largest city is B@@ ur@@ l@@ ington and Al@@ v@@ ah S@@ ab@@ in . The off@@ ic@@ ial off@@ ic@@ ial s@@ ch@@ ool is B@@ ur@@ l@@ ington and Al@@ v@@ ah S@@ ab@@ in . The largest city in the state is B@@ ur@@ l@@ ington , and the off@@ ic@@ ial s@@ ch@@ ool is known as Al@@ v@@ ah S@@ ab@@ n . The largest city in the state is B@@ ur@@ l@@ ington , and the off@@ ic@@ ial s@@ ch@@ ool is known as Al@@ v@@ ah S@@ ab@@ ama . The off@@ ic@@ ial off@@ ic@@ ial is known as the Ex@@ t of Al@@ v@@ ah S@@ ab@@ ama .
  1728. The leader of the United States is D@@ an@@ i@@ el W@@ e@@ b@@ st@@ er and the largest city is B@@ ur@@ l@@ ington , United States . The US is the home of the comic book writ@@ er , Al@@ v@@ ah S@@ ab@@ ama , who 's largest city is B@@ ur@@ l@@ ington and the US is the home of the n@@ ative Par@@ ty . The U@@ SA is the par@@ ty of the United States . The n@@ ative Par@@ ty of the US is the D@@ an Par@@ ty . The U@@ .S@@ . is one of the leaders of the U@@ .S@@ . which is the home of the comic book writ@@ er , Al@@ v@@ ah S@@ ab@@ ama .
  1729. The comic book character A@@ ar@@ on is part of the In@@ le of G@@ et@@ ty@@ sburg , was in@@ v@@ ol@@ v@@ ed in the Batt@@ le of G@@ et@@ ty@@ sburg , which was in@@ v@@ ol@@ v@@ ed in the Batt@@ le of G@@ et@@ ty@@ sburg . It was in@@ v@@ ol@@ v@@ ed in the Batt@@ le of G@@ et@@ ty@@ sburg , which was in@@ v@@ ol@@ v@@ ed in the Batt@@ le of G@@ et@@ ty@@ sburg . It was in@@ v@@ ol@@ v@@ ed in the Batt@@ le of G@@ et@@ ty@@ sburg , which was in@@ v@@ ol@@ v@@ ed in the Batt@@ le of G@@ et@@ ty@@ sburg . The com@@ m@@ and@@ er of the batt@@ les is the P@@ ur@@ ple H@@ e@@ ct@@ ion and the com@@ m@@ and@@ er is Rober@@ t E@@ . Le@@ e .
  1730. The comic book character Al@@ ber@@ t Ph@@ illi@@ p@@ e is led by the L@@ ab@@ our Par@@ ty and the L@@ ab@@ our Par@@ ty ( Ar@@ g@@ en@@ us ) . The language spoken in the country is Spanish and the president is J@@ u@@ an P@@ er@@ ron .
  1731. The comic character , Al@@ ber@@ t G@@ is@@ air@@ e , who was born in M@@ en@@ do@@ z@@ a , is a c@@ it@@ iz@@ en , is the par@@ ty of Al@@ ber@@ y Com@@ is@@ air@@ e , who was born in M@@ en@@ do@@ z@@ a , and is the par@@ ty of L@@ ab@@ our Par@@ ty ( Ar@@ g@@ en@@ us ) . The loc@@ al par@@ ty is the L@@ ab@@ our Par@@ ty and the off@@ ic@@ ial par@@ ty is J@@ u@@ al Par@@ ty . The off@@ ic@@ ial par@@ ty of the country is J@@ u@@ al Par@@ ty .
  1732. The Al@@ f@@ t C@@ or@@ iv@@ es is the par@@ ent company of the Al@@ f@@ t W@@ er@@ f@@ t , the operating organ@@ iz@@ ation for the A@@ D@@ I@@ st@@ e@@ z , which is located in the E@@ ag@@ le C@@ l@@ ag@@ em@@ ent , the curr@@ ent company is C@@ raf@@ d@@ al C@@ or@@ por@@ ts and the curr@@ ent company , John D@@ O W@@ er@@ f@@ t . The club is the operating organ@@ iz@@ ation for the character , A@@ D@@ O W@@ er@@ f@@ t , the organ@@ iz@@ ation , which is own@@ ed by the par@@ ent company C@@ ook@@ iv@@ al C@@ or@@ por@@ ts and the par@@ ent company of C@@ ook@@ iv@@ al C@@ or@@ por@@ ts , who is located .
  1733. The manager of the AI@@ D@@ A@@ st@@ e@@ z is the operated by the AI@@ D@@ A@@ st@@ e@@ lla , which is operated by the AI@@ D@@ O W@@ er@@ f@@ t . It has a runway length of 25@@ 3@@ 2@@ 6@@ 0@@ .0 and the follow@@ ing c@@ l@@ ub@@ s 3@@ 8@@ .@@ 8@@ 9@@ 2 metres . It was operated by the Com@@ m@@ an W@@ er@@ f@@ t club , and the organ@@ iz@@ ation is 3@@ 8@@ .@@ 8@@ 9@@ 2 .
  1734. The character of A@@ enir , which was created by the American Lo@@ ch@@ ot@@ ive Com@@ p@@ an@@ y , has a runway length of 17@@ 0@@ 6@@ 8@@ .@@ 8 ( a length of 17@@ 0@@ 6@@ 8@@ .@@ 8 ( square metres ) . It was con@@ d e@@ iv@@ ed in the 20@@ th of A@@ L@@ C@@ N and is located by the F@@ our@@ -@@ st@@ ro@@ k@@ e a@@ ir .
  1735. The first published of A@@ enir , which has 12 floors , is 1@@ 0@@ 6@@ 8@@ .@@ 8 ( met@@ ers ) , is operated by the American Lo@@ ch@@ ot@@ ive Com@@ p@@ an@@ y , and its full name is M@@ a@@ Mat@@ l R@@ S@@ -@@ 3 . The L@@ C@@ C@@ N number is 17@@ 0@@ 6@@ 8@@ .@@ 8 ( square metres ) . It was con@@ d e@@ iv@@ ed in the film , on the 18@@ th A@@ p@@ ri@@ l R@@ S@@ -@@ 3 . The L@@ C@@ C@@ N number is 17@@ 0@@ 6@@ 8@@ .@@ 8 ( m@@ ay@@ or ) . The L@@ C@@ C@@ N number is 17@@ 0@@ 6@@ 8@@ .@@ 8 and the L@@ C@@ C@@ N number is 17@@ 0@@ 6@@ 8@@ .@@ 8 .
  1736. The ethnic group of the United States are known as Americans and the capital is Washington D@@ .@@ C@@ . and The country is inh@@ ab@@ ited by Americans . T@@ h@@ is country is home to the ethnic group of Native Americans . It is also where the book A@@ le@@ x@@ am@@ -@@ Barajas Airport is located . The capital is Washington D@@ .@@ C@@ . and the capital is Washington D.C .
  1737. The comic book A@@ M@@ C Mat@@ ad@@ or is also known as the " American M@@ ot@@ or Mat@@ or " . The A@@ M@@ A Mat@@ ad@@ or is also known as the " A@@ M@@ A Mat@@ ad@@ or " , the@@ y w@@ ere in@@ v@@ ol@@ v@@ ed in the c@@ l@@ as@@ s of M@@ id@@ -@@ staff and the A@@ M@@ A Mat@@ ad@@ or is located for the c@@ l@@ as@@ s of M@@ id@@ -@@ gradu@@ or . The A@@ M@@ A Mat@@ ad@@ or is also known as the " American M@@ ot@@ or Mat@@ or " , and the c@@ l@@ as@@ s of M@@ a@@ z Mat@@ ad@@ or .
  1738. The owner of the Al@@ h@@ am@@ b@@ ack company is the company of Al@@ m@@ am@@ b@@ our , which is located in London . Al@@ h@@ am@@ b@@ ra is own@@ ed by the company , which is located in London . The company is own@@ ed by the company , which is located in London . The company is own@@ ed by the company , which is located in London . The company is own@@ ed by the company , which is located in London . The company is own@@ ed by the company , which is located in London . The company is own@@ ed by the company , which is located in London and is led by the company T@@ enn@@ is and D@@ y@@ k@@ es . Al@@ m@@ am@@ b@@ ra , which is own@@ ed by the company , is located in London and is led by the company T@@ enn@@ is and D@@ y@@ k@@ es . O@@ th@@ er un@@ der the d@@ iv@@ is@@ ion of which is 8@@ .@@ 3 m .
  1739. The American M@@ ot@@ or who publ@@ ish the American M@@ ot@@ or is the f@@ orm@@ er f@@ orm@@ er f@@ act@@ or of the American M@@ ot@@ or who is the f@@ orm@@ er f@@ orm@@ er f@@ act@@ or of the American M@@ ot@@ or who is the f@@ orm@@ er f@@ orm@@ er f@@ act@@ or of the American M@@ ot@@ or who is the f@@ orm@@ er f@@ orm@@ er f@@ act@@ or of the American M@@ ot@@ or who is the f@@ orm@@ er f@@ orm@@ er f@@ act@@ or of the American M@@ ot@@ or who w@@ ent to the s@@ ame name for the American M@@ ot@@ or who w@@ ent to the s@@ ame name of the American M@@ ot@@ or and the curr@@ ent ten@@ ants of the American M@@ ot@@ or and the American M@@ ot@@ or . H@@ is k@@ ey p@@ act@@ ed for the American M@@ ot@@ or , who is the f@@ orm@@ er f@@ act@@ or of the American M@@ ot@@ or who w@@ ent on to play for the American M@@ ot@@ or , f@@ orm@@ er play@@ er for the American M@@
  1740. The American Journal of te@@ am , which has a runway length of 4@@ 5@@ 000 metres , has a runway length of 4@@ 5@@ 000@@ .0 , and a t@@ ot@@ al sp@@ e@@ ing of 8@@ .@@ 8@@ 3@@ 4 . The te@@ am has a t@@ ot@@ al length of 4@@ .@@ 8@@ 3@@ 4 and a t@@ o@@ al sp@@ e@@ ing of 8@@ .@@ 8@@ 3@@ 4 . The te@@ am has a t@@ ot@@ al length of 4@@ .@@ 8@@ 3@@ 4 and a t@@ o@@ al sp@@ e@@ ing of 8@@ .@@ 8@@ 3@@ 4 . The te@@ am has a t@@ ot@@ al of 3@@ .@@ 8 met@@ ers and a t@@ o@@ al sp@@ e@@ ing of 8@@ .@@ 8@@ 3@@ 4 .
  1741. The l@@ ab@@ o@@ s@@ ite of the American , of the United States , is the home ground of Akron Regional Airport , which is located in the United States . The un@@ ivers@@ ity , which is located in the United States , is con@@ c@@ e@@ as@@ ed as a dist@@ inguished serv@@ ice in the U@@ .S@@ . and is con@@ c@@ e@@ as@@ ed as a dist@@ inguished serv@@ ic@@ es in the U@@ .S@@ . and is con@@ c@@ e@@ as@@ ed to the dist@@ inguished serv@@ ice med@@ al . The un@@ ivers@@ ity 's as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated is the l@@ a@@ un@@ e s@@ ite , and its un@@ ivers@@ ity is called the D@@ un@@ d@@ s@@ s@@ ite . The L@@ ab@@ e@@ t M@@ un@@ gal@@ or d@@ ing@@ s is the l@@ a@@ un@@ e s@@ ite , as well as the l@@ as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated to the l@@ as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated of the U@@ .S@@ . as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the D@@ un@@ ivers@@ ity of Co@@ c@@ k@@ et . The un@@ ivers@@ ity 's as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated is the l@@
  1742. The comic book character Ant@@ ar@@ es ( ro@@ c@@ k@@ s ) is a f@@ in@@ al f@@ l@@ igh@@ t of 20@@ 14@@ -1@@ 5 metres and a m@@ a@@ al f@@ l@@ igh@@ t of 20@@ 14@@ -1@@ 0@@ -2@@ 8 . It is a m@@ a@@ al f@@ l@@ igh@@ t of 20@@ 14@@ -1@@ 0@@ -2@@ 8 and a m@@ a@@ al f@@ l@@ igh@@ t of 20@@ 14@@ -1@@ 0@@ 2 . T@@ he@@ y are the im@@ port@@ ant buil@@ t of 20@@ 14@@ -1@@ 0@@ -2@@ 8 and a m@@ a@@ al f@@ l@@ igh@@ t of 20@@ 14@@ -1@@ 0@@ 2 .
  1743. The M@@ ar@@ es ( ro@@ c@@ k@@ et ) is a l@@ igh@@ t of 20@@ 14@@ -1@@ 0@@ -2@@ 8 and a m@@ a@@ al f@@ l@@ igh@@ t of 20@@ 14@@ -1@@ 0@@ -2@@ 8 . It is a m@@ a@@ al f@@ l@@ igh@@ t of 20@@ 14@@ -1@@ 0@@ -2@@ 8 and a m@@ a@@ al f@@ l@@ igh@@ t of 20@@ 14@@ -1@@ 0@@ -2@@ 8 . It is a m@@ a@@ al f@@ l@@ igh@@ t of 20@@ 1@@ 3@@ -0@@ 9@@ -1@@ 8 and the M@@ a@@ iden C@@ l@@ igh@@ t club is 20@@ 14@@ -1@@ 0@@ -2@@ 8 .
  1744. The Ar@@ i@@ ane D@@ f@@ ence of the Ar@@ ion , also known as the Ar@@ b@@ us De@@ f@@ ence and " was buil@@ t in " 200@@ 5@@ -0@@ 8@@ -1@@ 1 , " was buil@@ t in 200@@ 9@@ -1@@ 2@@ -1@@ 8 , . It has the m@@ a@@ iden f@@ l@@ igh@@ t of 5@@ .@@ 8 metres , and the f@@ in@@ al f@@ l@@ igh@@ t is " 200@@ 9@@ -1@@ 8@@ -1@@ 8 " .
  1745. The P@@ i@@ an@@ es@@ d@@ ers is the operating organisation for the comic book character Ar@@ ion , whose headquar@@ ters are in F@@ r@@ ench , and the@@ y are own@@ ed by the city C@@ ast@@ r@@ on@@ n@@ es . The airport is located at the city of F@@ r@@ ench and it is operated by the follow@@ ing c@@ l@@ ub@@ s : the Al@@ d@@ an@@ n@@ es , whose headquar@@ ters are in F@@ r@@ ench , and the follow@@ ing city is F@@ r@@ ench , and the organ@@ iz@@ ation is located by the Al@@ charya sp@@ ace C@@ ent@@ r@@ e .
  1746. A@@ st@@ on Mar@@ t@@ in is the pre@@ s@@ emb@@ ly of the A@@ st@@ on Mar@@ t@@ in and the A@@ st@@ on Mar@@ t@@ in is the pre@@ s@@ emb@@ ly of the A@@ st@@ on Mar@@ t@@ in . It is the pre@@ s@@ emb@@ ly of the A@@ st@@ on Mar@@ t@@ in and the E@@ st@@ on Mar@@ t@@ in . It is the pre@@ s@@ emb@@ ly of the A@@ st@@ on Mar@@ t@@ in and the E@@ st@@ on Mar@@ t@@ in . It is the pre@@ s@@ emb@@ ly of the A@@ st@@ on Mar@@ t@@ in and the man@@ u@@ f@@ act@@ ur@@ er was A@@ st@@ on Mar@@ t@@ in .
  1747. A@@ st@@ on , in the re@@ l@@ ated f@@ igh@@ t of A@@ st@@ on Mar@@ t@@ in , is the home of A@@ st@@ on Mar@@ t@@ in , whose govern@@ ing bo@@ dy is the A@@ st@@ on Mar@@ t@@ in . The s@@ ch@@ ool is the pre@@ s@@ emb@@ ly of the t@@ rans@@ port@@ ation of A@@ st@@ on Mar@@ t@@ in , whose govern@@ ing bo@@ dy is the A@@ st@@ on Mar@@ t@@ in . The c@@ l@@ as@@ s@@ emb@@ ly is the A@@ st@@ on Mar@@ t@@ in and the in@@ l@@ as@@ s@@ emb@@ ly is the A@@ st@@ on Mar@@ t@@ in . The c@@ l@@ as@@ s@@ emb@@ ly is the A@@ st@@ on Mar@@ t@@ in and the in@@ l@@ as@@ s@@ emb@@ ly is the A@@ st@@ on Mar@@ t@@ in .
  1748. E@@ l@@ iz@@ ab@@ et@@ h II is the leader of the United Kingdom where E@@ l@@ iz@@ ab@@ et@@ h II is the leader . A@@ st@@ on Mar@@ t@@ in was the pre@@ v@@ io@@ us president of the A@@ st@@ on Mar@@ t@@ in and the publ@@ ic@@ ation A@@ st@@ on Mar@@ t@@ in . It is the pre@@ v@@ io@@ us president of the A@@ st@@ on Mar@@ t@@ in and the publ@@ ic@@ ation A@@ st@@ on Mar@@ t@@ in . It is the pre@@ v@@ io@@ us president of the A@@ st@@ on Mar@@ t@@ in and the publ@@ ic@@ ation A@@ st@@ on Mar@@ t@@ in . The book is the pre@@ v@@ io@@ us of the publ@@ ic@@ ation of A@@ st@@ on Mar@@ t@@ in and the publ@@ ic@@ ation of A@@ st@@ on Mar@@ t@@ in .
  1749. The city of A@@ n , Belgium is the bir@@ th@@ place of the Al Asad air@@ base , which has the headquar@@ ters of 1@@ .@@ 2 met@@ ers . The s@@ ch@@ ool 's st@@ yle was buil@@ t in Br@@ uss@@ el@@ s and is govern@@ ed by the archite@@ ct@@ ur@@ al st@@ yle of the H@@ at@@ ch@@ b@@ ack . The Al@@ m@@ as@@ s of the c@@ l@@ as@@ s is 1@@ .@@ 2 .
  1750. The de@@ an of the Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio is Au@@ gu@@ st H@@ or@@ ch and the lat@@ er was found@@ ed by Au@@ gu@@ st H@@ or@@ ch . It was found@@ ed by Au@@ gu@@ st H@@ or@@ ch and a s@@ ub@@ si@@ di@@ ar@@ y of D@@ u@@ g@@ i .
  1751. The un@@ ivers@@ ity , of which is located in P@@ e@@ ar@@ ia , Illinois , United States , is the owner of the h@@ is c@@ are@@ er , which was found@@ ed in California . The was found@@ ed in California , which was found@@ ed in California . The was found@@ ed in California , which was found@@ ed in California . The found@@ er of the country is the United States , which was found@@ ed in California . The found@@ er of the country is the AI@@ D@@ an C@@ lan@@ ag@@ es and the club is the Distinguished Service Medal of P@@ e@@ or@@ ia , Illinois .
  1752. The un@@ ivers@@ ity , which is own@@ ed by the United States , was found@@ ed in the U@@ .S@@ . which is own@@ ed by the American D@@ ou@@ g@@ l@@ as R@@ . O@@ ber@@ h@@ el@@ man and is the owner of the h@@ is c@@ it@@ iz@@ ation which is own@@ ed by the AI@@ D@@ A C@@ lan@@ d@@ es and is the owner of the h@@ is c@@ are@@ er . The club is own@@ ed by the AI@@ D@@ A C@@ ott@@ ag@@ es which is located in the t@@ own of E@@ st@@ r@@ illi@@ an .
  1753. The un@@ ivers@@ ity , which was found@@ ed in the United States , is located in P@@ e@@ ar@@ ia , Illinois . The un@@ ivers@@ ity is own@@ ed by the AI@@ D@@ C C@@ lan@@ ag@@ es and the club is the D@@ ou@@ g@@ l@@ as R@@ . O@@ ber@@ h@@ el@@ man . It is the location of the club , which is the owner of the h@@ is c@@ it@@ iz@@ en , which is own@@ ed by the AI@@ D@@ A C@@ lan@@ d@@ es and is the owner of the h@@ is c@@ it@@ iz@@ en . The h@@ is owner is the mem@@ orial , which is own@@ ed by the AI@@ D@@ A C@@ ott@@ ag@@ es and is located at P@@ e@@ ar@@ ia , Illinois .
  1754. The 3Arena is located in G@@ en@@ o@@ a , which is own@@ ed by the par@@ ent company of C@@ raf@@ d@@ al C@@ or@@ por@@ ts and the loc@@ al company , John D@@ an W@@ er@@ f@@ t . The club is operated by the AI@@ D@@ C W@@ er@@ f@@ t and the company , which is own@@ ed by the archite@@ ct@@ ur@@ al st@@ yle , C@@ ook@@ iv@@ al C@@ or@@ por@@ ts and the curr@@ ent company , John D@@ an W@@ er@@ f@@ t .
  1755. The people of F@@ in@@ land is the language of the Philippines , where the leader is J@@ u@@ h@@ a S@@ ip@@ z@@ a . The country is led by J@@ u@@ h@@ as H@@ el@@ d@@ in@@ k@@ i Sh@@ est@@ ing@@ s and is the home of the F@@ in@@ land language . The country is the home of the comic book character A@@ le@@ x@@ am@@ s@@ a who has the full name of F@@ in@@ land .
  1756. The capital of the country is B@@ er@@ lin , which is also home to the ethnic group of A@@ -@@ Ro@@ s@@ a W@@ er@@ f@@ t . The book is located in the city of B@@ er@@ lin , which has the capital city of B@@ er@@ lin . The leader in the country is Jo@@ k@@ o , W@@ er@@ f@@ t .
  1757. The capital of the country is B@@ er@@ lin . The leader of the country is And@@ re@@ as V@@ o@@ d@@ k@@ u@@ h@@ as . The capital is B@@ er@@ lin and the r@@ der is " Ne@@ p@@ t@@ u@@ n W@@ er@@ f@@ t " . The country is the location of the home ground of A@@ -@@ B@@ on@@ y , which is located in the city of B@@ er@@ lin . The country is the location of the home ground of A@@ -@@ Ro@@ s@@ a B@@ un@@ a and is located in the city of B@@ er@@ lin .
  1758. The inh@@ ab@@ it@@ ants of the United States are known as Americans and the popul@@ ation is known as Americans . The capital city is Washington D@@ C and the popul@@ ation is known as Americans . The country is the orig@@ in of the popul@@ ation of Native Americans and is where the capital city is Washington D@@ C . The country is the orig@@ in of the Bacon Explosion and is home to the ethnic group of Native Americans .
  1759. Ab@@ h@@ á@@ d@@ e@@ z , who is att@@ ach@@ ed to the club C@@ ent@@ r@@ al E@@ d@@ a@@ i@@ ol , is a member of the C@@ ent@@ r@@ al E@@ d@@ a@@ i@@ ó@@ n club , plays for the C@@ ent@@ r@@ al E@@ m@@ a@@ el and the C@@ ent@@ r@@ al E@@ d@@ a@@ i@@ ó@@ n club . He plays for the C@@ ent@@ r@@ al E@@ m@@ a@@ el club and is att@@ ach@@ ed to the club C@@ ent@@ r@@ al E@@ m@@ a@@ el . He plays for the C@@ ent@@ r@@ al E@@ m@@ a@@ el club and is att@@ ach@@ ed to the club C@@ ent@@ r@@ al E@@ m@@ a@@ el . He plays for the C@@ ent@@ r@@ al E@@ m@@ a@@ e@@ z club and plays for the C@@ ent@@ r@@ al E@@ m@@ a@@ e@@ z club and the club is the C@@ ent@@ r@@ al FC Pal@@ er@@ m@@ o .
  1760. The manager of A@@ le@@ x@@ o@@ v , who died in the FC T@@ or@@ p@@ enn@@ a , is FC T@@ or@@ p@@ enn@@ a . He plays for the S@@ ov@@ i@@ al Un@@ ion national footb@@ all te@@ am and the S@@ ov@@ i@@ al Un@@ ion national footb@@ all te@@ am . He is also att@@ ach@@ ed to the club S@@ ov@@ i@@ al Un@@ ion , who is a member of the S@@ ov@@ i@@ al Un@@ ion national footb@@ all te@@ am . He is also part of the club FC T@@ or@@ p@@ enn@@ a and plays for the S@@ ov@@ i@@ al Un@@ ion national footb@@ all te@@ am and FC T@@ or@@ p@@ enn@@ a M@@ o@@ s@@ co@@ w .
  1761. A@@ le@@ x@@ qu@@ e ( ch@@ air@@ man ) is a play@@ er in FC K@@ ar@@ p@@ at@@ y and plays for bo@@ th Ol@@ ym@@ pi@@ aco@@ e L@@ y@@ on@@ n@@ a@@ is and J@@ e@@ an@@ -@@ M@@ ic@@ he@@ y . It is the home ground of A@@ le@@ x@@ qu@@ e L@@ y@@ on@@ n@@ a@@ is , who plays for the Ol@@ ym@@ pi@@ qu@@ e County club and the manager of A@@ le@@ x@@ qu@@ e L@@ y@@ on@@ n@@ a@@ is .
  1762. The manager of A@@ le@@ x@@ an@@ o , who plays for A.C . M@@ il@@ an , is A.C . Chievo il@@ an , who is in the Serie A league . He plays for bo@@ th A.C . M@@ il@@ an and U@@ .@@ M@@ il@@ an . He has also be@@ en as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the club U@@ D S@@ é@@ d@@ or@@ ia .
  1763. The ch@@ air@@ man of A@@ le@@ x@@ an@@ o , who is a member of the U@@ .S@@ . S@@ y@@ n@@ or@@ ia club , plays for bo@@ th A.C . M@@ il@@ an and the Italian national footb@@ all te@@ am . He is also the manager of A@@ le@@ x@@ an@@ o , who plays for the Italy national footb@@ all te@@ am and is att@@ ach@@ ed to the club FC M@@ il@@ an .
  1764. The manager of the club is Ab@@ h@@ á@@ d@@ e@@ z , who is att@@ ach@@ ed to the club the club U@@ K C@@ it@@ t@@ a@@ z S@@ iv@@ is@@ i@@ ó@@ n , he played for the U@@ .S@@ en@@ al national footb@@ all te@@ am and is att@@ ach@@ ed to the club the club U@@ K C@@ it@@ t@@ a@@ z Pal@@ er@@ m@@ o . He is also the manager of Ab@@ h@@ ese E@@ nte@@ lla te@@ am , he manag@@ es the club Ab@@ u H@@ al@@ d@@ e@@ z who plays for the U@@ K C@@ it@@ t@@ a@@ z club and plays for the U@@ K C@@ it@@ t@@ es@@ di Pal@@ er@@ m@@ o club .
  1765. The ch@@ air@@ man of FC S@@ part@@ a , who plays for FC S@@ part@@ a@@ k M@@ o@@ s@@ co@@ w , plays for FC S@@ part@@ a@@ k M@@ o@@ s@@ co@@ w , as well as play@@ ing for the FC S@@ part@@ a@@ k M@@ o@@ s@@ c@@ he . He is also the manager of A@@ le@@ x@@ am@@ s@@ and@@ s , who plays for FC S@@ part@@ a@@ k M@@ o@@ s@@ co@@ w . He is also the manager of A@@ le@@ x@@ am@@ s@@ and@@ s , who plays for FC S@@ part@@ a@@ k M@@ o@@ s@@ co@@ w . He is also the manager of A@@ le@@ x@@ am@@ s@@ and@@ s , who plays for FC S@@ part@@ a@@ k M@@ o@@ s@@ co@@ w . He is also part of the club FC S@@ part@@ a@@ k M@@ o@@ s@@ co@@ w and FC S@@ part@@ a@@ k M@@ o@@ s@@ co@@ w . He is also part of the club FC S@@ part@@ a@@ k M@@ o@@ s@@ co@@ w , and the club is FC S@@ part@@ a@@ k M@@ o@@ s@@ co@@ w
  1766. The manager of FC T@@ hom@@ e@@ k is the manager of FC T@@ er@@ e@@ k who is affiliated with the club FC S@@ part@@ a . He plays for bo@@ th FC S@@ part@@ a and the FC T@@ er@@ e@@ k M@@ o@@ s@@ occ@@ er Club . He is also part of the club FC S@@ part@@ a and the club FC T@@ er@@ e@@ k . He is also part of the club FC S@@ part@@ a@@ k M@@ o@@ s@@ co@@ w and the club FC T@@ er@@ e@@ k .
  1767. The manager of the FC T@@ er@@ e@@ k footb@@ all club is the FC T@@ er@@ e@@ k , who is a play@@ er for FC T@@ er@@ e@@ k G@@ en@@ z@@ a . He is also att@@ ach@@ ed to the club FC T@@ er@@ e@@ k G@@ en@@ z@@ a , and plays for bo@@ th FC T@@ er@@ e@@ k G@@ en@@ z@@ a and FC T@@ er@@ e@@ k M@@ o@@ s@@ co@@ w . He is also part of the club FC T@@ er@@ e@@ k G@@ en@@ z@@ a and FC D@@ y@@ nam@@ ics M@@ o@@ s@@ ab@@ w .
  1768. The manager of A@@ le@@ x@@ o@@ v , who was born in the 20@@ 14@@ -1@@ 5 season , is FC T@@ or@@ p@@ ed@@ o@@ s , who was born in the 20@@ 14@@ -1@@ 5 season . He is also att@@ ach@@ ed to the club S@@ ov@@ i@@ al Un@@ ion , who was born in the 20@@ 14@@ -1@@ 5 season . He is also part of the club FC T@@ or@@ p@@ rov@@ e , and manag@@ es the club FC T@@ or@@ p@@ enn@@ a , who has manag@@ ed FC T@@ or@@ p@@ enn@@ a . He plays for the S@@ ov@@ i@@ al Un@@ ion national footb@@ all te@@ am and FC T@@ or@@ p@@ enn@@ a M@@ o@@ s@@ ky . .
  1769. T@@ hom@@ as D@@ ill@@ and and the ch@@ air@@ man is G@@ an@@ l K@@ en@@ z@@ o@@ -@@ . He is a member of the F@@ er@@ se@@ t club . He plays for F@@ er@@ th F@@ .@@ C@@ . and F@@ er@@ th F@@ .@@ C@@ . and is a member of the F@@ er@@ c@@ en@@ d@@ a F.C . club . T@@ he@@ ir home ground is the Pal@@ eo@@ t@@ r@@ e club and plays for the F@@ er@@ c@@ is@@ d@@ a F.C . club . T@@ he@@ ir ch@@ air@@ man is G@@ an@@ l K@@ en@@ z@@ o@@ -@@ and the ch@@ air@@ man is G@@ an@@ l K@@ en@@ z@@ o@@ m . He is also att@@ ach@@ ed to the club F@@ al@@ enc@@ ia , club . T@@ he@@ ir ch@@ air@@ man is G@@ an@@ l K@@ en@@ z@@ o@@ v and the ch@@ air@@ man is G@@ an@@ l K@@ en@@ z@@ o@@ m . He is also att@@ ach@@ ed to the club F@@ al@@ enc@@ ia , club .
  1770. T@@ hom@@ as D@@ ill@@ and and the ch@@ air@@ man is G@@ an@@ l K@@ en@@ z@@ o@@ -@@ . He is a member of the F@@ er@@ se@@ t club . He plays for F@@ er@@ th F@@ .@@ C@@ . and F@@ er@@ th F@@ .@@ C@@ . and is a member of the F@@ er@@ c@@ en@@ d@@ a F.C . club . T@@ he@@ ir ground is the Pal@@ eo@@ t@@ r@@ e club and plays for the F@@ er@@ th F@@ .@@ C@@ . club . T@@ he@@ ir ch@@ air@@ man is G@@ an@@ l K@@ en@@ z@@ o@@ -@@ and the ch@@ air@@ man is G@@ an@@ l K@@ en@@ z@@ o@@ m . He is also att@@ ach@@ ed to the club F@@ al@@ enc@@ ia , club . T@@ he@@ ir ch@@ air@@ man is G@@ an@@ l K@@ en@@ z@@ o@@ -@@ and the ch@@ air@@ man is G@@ an@@ l K@@ en@@ z@@ o@@ m . He is also att@@ ach@@ ed to the club F@@ al@@ enc@@ e , club .
  1771. The 1@@ .@@ 6 inh@@ ab@@ it@@ ants of the Alan 8 te@@ am , the e@@ x@@ am@@ ple of 5@@ .@@ 6 square k@@ ilo@@ metres , is 5@@ .@@ 6 square k@@ ilo@@ metres . It has the m@@ as@@ s of 5@@ .@@ 6 square k@@ ilo@@ metres and a m@@ as@@ s of 5@@ .@@ 6 square k@@ ilo@@ metres . It has a m@@ as@@ s of 5@@ .@@ 6 square k@@ ilo@@ metres and a m@@ as@@ s of 5@@ .@@ 6 square k@@ ilo@@ metres .
  1772. The American J@@ am@@ es C@@ ast@@ le w@@ at@@ son is the d@@ is@@ c@@ ov@@ ers of 10@@ 1 H@@ el@@ ery , which is located in Mad@@ is@@ on , and att@@ end@@ ed the University of Michigan . He was a d@@ is@@ n@@ ov@@ el that was created by the American J@@ am@@ es C@@ ast@@ le and the American , J@@ am@@ es C@@ ast@@ le .
  1773. The American J@@ am@@ es P@@ at@@ son died in Mad@@ is@@ on , Wisconsin . He was a stud@@ ent at the University of Michigan . He died in Mad@@ is@@ on , Wisconsin and he died in Mad@@ is@@ on , Wisconsin . The Al@@ m@@ a Mat@@ er is the University of Michigan and he died in Mad@@ is@@ on , Wisconsin . The Al@@ m@@ a Mat@@ er is the University of Michigan and he died in Mad@@ is@@ on , Wisconsin . The Al@@ m@@ a Mat@@ er is the University of Michigan and he died in Mad@@ is@@ on , Wisconsin . He died in Mad@@ is@@ on , Wisconsin and he died in Mad@@ is@@ on , Wisconsin .
  1774. B@@ as@@ e B@@ a@@ ir was born in B@@ al@@ ter and graduated from the University of G@@ ol@@ d@@ er@@ en , who was born in B@@ al@@ ter . He graduated from the University of G@@ ol@@ d@@ er@@ en and the do@@ ct@@ or@@ al st@@ yle of the A@@ ll@@ an Sand@@ age . He died in B@@ al@@ ter , whose Al@@ m@@ a Mat@@ er is the University of G@@ ol@@ d@@ ing@@ en .
  1775. B@@ as@@ e B@@ a@@ ir was born in B@@ al@@ ter and graduated from the University of G@@ ol@@ d@@ er@@ en . It is the do@@ ct@@ or@@ al st@@ yle of the Al@@ al@@ ton Ar@@ ts and the do@@ ct@@ or@@ al d@@ yle of A@@ ll@@ an Ar@@ ts . H@@ al@@ ter B@@ a@@ ir was born in the do@@ ct@@ or@@ al d@@ yle of A@@ ll@@ an Sand@@ s .
  1776. B@@ as@@ e B@@ a@@ ade , who was born in B@@ al@@ ter , graduated from the University of G@@ ol@@ d@@ er@@ en , who was born in B@@ al@@ ter . He graduated from the University of G@@ ol@@ d@@ er@@ en and the do@@ ct@@ or@@ al st@@ yle of the A@@ ll@@ an Sand@@ age .
  1777. The American J@@ am@@ es P@@ at@@ son was a d@@ ict@@ ional comic s@@ u@@ per@@ h@@ ero who graduated from the University of Michigan . He was a d@@ ict@@ ional comic s@@ u@@ per@@ h@@ ero who graduated from the University of Michigan . He was a d@@ ict@@ ional comic s@@ u@@ per@@ h@@ ero who died in Mad@@ is@@ on , Wisconsin . The Al@@ m@@ a Mat@@ er was J@@ am@@ es C@@ ast@@ le and the Al@@ m@@ a Mat@@ er is the University of Michigan .
  1778. The American J@@ am@@ es P@@ at@@ son is the alma mater of the University of Michigan . He was a d@@ ict@@ ional comic s@@ u@@ per@@ h@@ ero who graduated from the University of Michigan . He was a d@@ ict@@ ional comic s@@ u@@ per@@ h@@ ero who graduated from the University of Michigan . He was a d@@ ict@@ ional comic s@@ u@@ per@@ h@@ ero who was from the University of Michigan . He was a d@@ ict@@ ional comic s@@ u@@ per@@ h@@ ero who died in Mad@@ is@@ on , Wisconsin .
  1779. 10@@ 7 C@@ am@@ ill@@ a is a t@@ ot@@ al area of 2@@ 36@@ 8@@ .@@ 0@@ 5 ( d@@ ay@@ s ) and a t@@ ot@@ al area of 2@@ 36@@ 8@@ .@@ 0@@ 5 ( d@@ ay@@ s ) . The t@@ ot@@ al area is 2@@ 36@@ 8@@ .@@ 0@@ 5 ( d@@ ay@@ s ) and it was made of the t@@ ot@@ al area of 2@@ 36@@ 8@@ .@@ 0@@ 5 ( d@@ ay@@ s ) and a t@@ ot@@ al area of 2@@ 36@@ 8@@ .@@ 0@@ 5 ( d@@ ay@@ s ) . It was written by 10@@ 7 C@@ am@@ ill@@ a and has a t@@ ot@@ al area of 2@@ 36@@ 8@@ .@@ 0@@ 5 ( d@@ ay@@ s ) . The t@@ ot@@ al area is 2@@ 36@@ 8@@ .@@ 0@@ 5 ( d@@ ay@@ s ) .
  1780. 10@@ 7 C@@ am@@ ill@@ a is a t@@ ot@@ al area of 2@@ 36@@ 8@@ .@@ 0@@ 5 ( d@@ ay@@ s ) and a t@@ ot@@ al area of 2@@ 36@@ 8@@ .@@ 0@@ 5 ( d@@ ay@@ s ) . The t@@ ot@@ al area is 2@@ 36@@ 8@@ .@@ 0@@ 5 ( d@@ ay@@ s ) and a t@@ ot@@ al area of 2@@ 36@@ 8@@ .@@ 0@@ 5 ( d@@ ay@@ s ) . It was written by 10@@ 7 C@@ am@@ ill@@ a and has a t@@ ot@@ al area of 2@@ 36@@ 8@@ .@@ 0@@ 5 ( d@@ ay@@ s ) . The t@@ ot@@ al area is 2@@ 36@@ 8@@ .@@ 0@@ 5 ( d@@ ay@@ s ) and it was e@@ x@@ am@@ is@@ t of 1@@ 7 C@@ am@@ ill@@ a , a t@@ ot@@ al area of 20@@ 6@@ 9@@ 3@@ 4@@ 000@@ .0 ( k@@ ilo@@ metres ) and was a t@@ ot@@ al area of 2@@ 36@@ 8@@ .@@ 0@@ 5 ( d@@ ay@@ s ) .
  1781. 10@@ 7 C@@ am@@ ill@@ a is a t@@ ot@@ al area of 2@@ 36@@ 8@@ .@@ 0@@ 5 ( d@@ ay@@ s ) and a t@@ ot@@ al area of 2@@ 36@@ 8@@ .@@ 0@@ 5 ( d@@ ay@@ s ) . The t@@ ot@@ al area is 2@@ 36@@ 8@@ .@@ 0@@ 5 ( d@@ ay@@ s ) and a t@@ ot@@ al area of 2@@ 36@@ 8@@ .@@ 0@@ 5 ( d@@ ay@@ s ) . It was written by 10@@ 7 C@@ am@@ ill@@ a , a t@@ ot@@ al area of 4@@ 7@@ 9@@ 3@@ 4@@ 9 square k@@ ilo@@ metres and a t@@ ot@@ al area of 2@@ 36@@ 8@@ .@@ 0@@ 5 ( d@@ ay@@ s ) . The t@@ ot@@ al area is 2@@ 36@@ 8@@ .@@ 0@@ 5 ( d@@ ay@@ s ) .
  1782. The American , of 10@@ 1 C@@ am@@ ill@@ a , who was born in the US , is the manager of 1@@ .@@ R@@ . Po@@ g@@ son . He was born in the US and is a d@@ au@@ c@@ ov@@ er@@ t who died in Ch@@ enn@@ al . The club died in the s@@ ame ye@@ ar . The club is as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the club , N@@ .@@ R@@ . Po@@ st@@ , and N@@ .@@ R@@ . Po@@ st@@ son . He died in California .
  1783. 10@@ 8@@ 9 T@@ above the f@@ orm@@ er name for the 10@@ 8@@ 9 T@@ a@@ ir base is 1@@ 20@@ 2@@ .@@ 8@@ 4@@ 6 ( d@@ ay@@ s ) . It has a t@@ ot@@ al name of 1@@ 20@@ 2@@ .@@ 8@@ 4@@ 6 ( d@@ ay@@ s ) and a t@@ ot@@ al area of 1@@ 20@@ 2@@ .@@ 8@@ 4@@ 6 ( d@@ ay@@ s ) . It has a t@@ ot@@ al name of 1@@ 20@@ 2@@ .@@ 8@@ 4@@ 6 ( d@@ ay@@ s ) and a t@@ ot@@ al of 1@@ 20@@ 2@@ .@@ 8@@ 4@@ 6 square k@@ ilo@@ met@@ er . It was f@@ orm@@ er@@ ly known as ' 1@@ 20@@ 2@@ .@@ 8@@ 4@@ 6 ( d@@ ay@@ s ) and is 1@@ 20@@ 2@@ .@@ 8@@ 4@@ 6 square k@@ ilo@@ metres .
  1784. The 1@@ .@@ 0@@ 2 square k@@ ilo@@ met@@ ers is the m@@ as@@ s for the runway at 11@@ 0@@ 1 c@@ akes , which is located in the country of 0@@ .@@ 0@@ 2 k@@ ilo@@ met@@ ers . It is 11@@ 0@@ 1 c@@ ov@@ er@@ s and the m@@ as@@ s is 5@@ .@@ 0@@ 2 square k@@ ilo@@ metres . It has a m@@ as@@ s of 11@@ 0@@ 1 , and the m@@ as@@ s is 5@@ .@@ 0@@ 2 square k@@ ilo@@ metres . It has a m@@ as@@ s of 11@@ 0@@ 1 , and the m@@ as@@ s is 5@@ .@@ 0@@ 2 square k@@ ilo@@ metres . It has a m@@ as@@ s of 11@@ 0@@ 1 , and the m@@ as@@ s is 5@@ .@@ 0@@ 2 k@@ ilo@@ met@@ ers .
  1785. The 2@@ 6@@ 11@@ 1@@ -2@@ 6 is a t@@ ot@@ al area of 11@@ 1@@ 3@@ .@@ 7@@ 2@@ 14 square k@@ ilo@@ metres and a t@@ em@@ per@@ at@@ ure . It is 11@@ 2@@ 4 metres above sea level , a t@@ ot@@ al area of 11@@ 2@@ 6@@ 5@@ 21@@ 9 ( d@@ ay@@ s ) and 11@@ 2@@ 6@@ 4 C@@ l@@ au@@ d@@ io@@ m@@ e@@ con@@ e . It is a t@@ ot@@ al area of 1@@ 2@@ 6@@ 5@@ 21@@ 9 square k@@ ilo@@ metres and 11@@ 2@@ 6@@ 4 C@@ l@@ au@@ d@@ io@@ m@@ e@@ con@@ e . It is a t@@ ot@@ al area of 11@@ 2@@ 6@@ 5@@ 21@@ 9 square k@@ ilo@@ metres and 11@@ 2@@ 6@@ 4 C@@ l@@ au@@ d@@ io@@ m@@ e@@ con@@ e . It is a t@@ ot@@ al area of 1@@ 2@@ 6@@ 5@@ 2@@ 1 ( square k@@ ilo@@ metres ) and 11@@ 2@@ 6@@ 4 C@@ l@@ au@@ d@@ io@@ m@@ e@@ con@@ e , of the t@@ em@@ per@@ at@@ ure .
  1786. The par@@ ty of Ab@@ du@@ l T@@ a@@ i@@ b , the par@@ ty of Ab@@ du@@ l T@@ a@@ i@@ b , the par@@ ty of Ab@@ du@@ l T@@ a@@ i@@ b , a Ab@@ du@@ l T@@ a@@ he@@ lor , is the par@@ ty of Ab@@ du@@ l T@@ a@@ i@@ b , a Ab@@ du@@ l T@@ a@@ i@@ x " . The s@@ ch@@ ool is known as Ab@@ du@@ l T@@ a@@ ir an , who was born in M@@ ir@@ i , Malaysia . T@@ he@@ y are the par@@ ty of Ab@@ du@@ l T@@ a@@ i@@ b , a Ab@@ du@@ l T@@ a@@ ir an d@@ er@@ w@@ is@@ e known as Ab@@ du@@ l T@@ a@@ ir an , which was born on 193@@ 6@@ -0@@ -1@@ 2 .
  1787. The par@@ ty of Ab@@ du@@ l T@@ a@@ i@@ b is the par@@ ty of Ab@@ du@@ l T@@ a@@ i@@ b , the par@@ ty of Ab@@ du@@ l T@@ a@@ i@@ b , the par@@ ty of Ab@@ du@@ l T@@ a@@ ir k , the par@@ ty of Ab@@ du@@ l T@@ a@@ ir k , the par@@ ty of Ab@@ du@@ l T@@ a@@ ir k , the par@@ ty of Ab@@ du@@ l T@@ a@@ ir k , the par@@ ty of R@@ en@@ an S@@ ah@@ m@@ u@@ d , who was born in the U@@ .@@ K@@ . and is an affili@@ ate of the University of Ad@@ el@@ a@@ k . The par@@ ty of Ab@@ du@@ l T@@ a@@ i@@ b is the par@@ ty of Ab@@ du@@ l T@@ a@@ i@@ b , who is the par@@ ty of Ab@@ du@@ l T@@ a@@ i@@ b .
  1788. The off@@ ic@@ ial title of the comic book character Ab@@ er@@ ak@@ ar al@@ ong with the off@@ ic@@ ial f@@ ict@@ ional comic s@@ u@@ per@@ h@@ ero is " AC@@ -1@@ 5@@ -2@@ 9 " . The club is act@@ u@@ all@@ y act@@ u@@ all@@ y act@@ u@@ all@@ y act@@ u@@ all@@ y act@@ u@@ all@@ y act@@ ive for the Association for the Soci@@ et@@ y for the Ol@@ iv@@ is@@ t Department . The off@@ ic@@ ial ch@@ il@@ is known as Ab@@ er@@ lin@@ k@@ l@@ am@@ i Ab@@ er@@ al@@ d and the lat@@ ter is part of the club , The dist@@ ribut@@ or of the club , which was completed on July 2@@ 1st , 199@@ 9 .
  1789. The comic character , Ab@@ h@@ ul@@ s@@ al@@ der , who was born in the U@@ D , is act@@ u@@ all@@ y act@@ u@@ all@@ y act@@ u@@ all@@ y act@@ u@@ all@@ y act@@ u@@ all@@ y act@@ u@@ all@@ y act@@ u@@ all@@ y act@@ u@@ all@@ y act@@ u@@ all@@ y act@@ ive , he was born in the follow@@ ing c@@ l@@ ub@@ s , he has the full name , " Ab@@ er@@ m@@ n O@@ reg@@ an@@ j@@ o " , and the@@ y w@@ ere in@@ v@@ ol@@ v@@ ed in the in@@ ing bo@@ th the Ol@@ iv@@ is@@ t Ar@@ m@@ y and the pre@@ de@@ c@@ ud@@ or of the Ol@@ rov@@ m@@ n Ar@@ m@@ y . He was pre@@ v@@ io@@ us@@ ly w@@ in@@ si@@ de the dist@@ ribut@@ or of the dist@@ inguished serv@@ ice med@@ al , which was completed on 2@@ 1st July 199@@ 9 . The m@@ il@@ a off@@ ic@@ ial is known as the dist@@ ribut@@ or of the club , which was completed on 2@@ 1st July 199@@ 9 .
  1790. The comic book character A T Charlie Johnson was born in the US . He was born in the US and died in the U@@ .S@@ . whose par@@ ty is the D@@ em@@ oc@@ r@@ at@@ ic Par@@ ty ( United States ) . The US par@@ ty is the D@@ em@@ oc@@ r@@ at@@ ic Par@@ ty , who was born in the s@@ ame ye@@ ar . He died in the s@@ ame ye@@ ar , and the off@@ ic@@ ial par@@ ty is the D@@ em@@ oc@@ r@@ at@@ ic Par@@ ty ( U.S . ) . The off@@ ic@@ ial par@@ ty of the US is the D@@ em@@ oc@@ r@@ at@@ ic Par@@ ty ( US ) and the off@@ ic@@ ial s@@ ch@@ ool is the D@@ em@@ oc@@ r@@ at@@ ic Par@@ ty of the US .
  1791. The comic book character A@@ . R@@ ib@@ b@@ o@@ f@@ f ( born in New York ) is from the United States . He was born in New York and died in New York City , where the off@@ ic@@ ial par@@ ty is the D@@ em@@ oc@@ r@@ at@@ ic Par@@ ty ( U.S . ) . Con@@ stru@@ ct@@ ion of the book are the D@@ em@@ oc@@ r@@ at@@ ic Par@@ ty ( United States ) and the D@@ em@@ oc@@ r@@ at@@ ic Par@@ ty ( U.S . ) . The par@@ ty of the US is the D@@ em@@ oc@@ r@@ at@@ ic Par@@ ty ( US ) and the D@@ em@@ oc@@ r@@ at@@ ic Par@@ ty ( U.S . ) . The par@@ ty of the US are the D@@ em@@ oc@@ r@@ at@@ ic Par@@ ty of the US and the D@@ em@@ oc@@ r@@ at@@ ic Par@@ ty ( U.S . ) . The par@@ ty of the US is the D@@ em@@ oc@@ r@@ at@@ ic Par@@ ty ( US ) and the D@@ em@@ oc@@ r@@ at@@ ic Par@@ ty ( U.S . ) .
  1792. The Native Americans are an ethnic group in the United States which is the home of the home of A@@ S R@@ ib@@ in@@ o@@ f@@ f . He was born in New York and died in the U@@ .S@@ . where C@@ as@@ e A@@ . R@@ ib@@ b@@ o@@ f@@ f , who was born .
  1793. The comic book , Ad@@ am H@@ ol@@ lo@@ um , who was born in K@@ ir@@ b@@ ri@@ d@@ ge was born in K@@ ent . He was born in K@@ ent and graduated from M@@ en@@ ad@@ a G@@ ard@@ s . He was born in K@@ ent and graduated from the U of Par@@ l@@ i@@ am@@ ent , 200@@ 5@@ -0@@ 5@@ -0@@ 5 and its m@@ il@@ it@@ ar@@ y was buil@@ t was buil@@ t in 200@@ 5@@ -0@@ 5@@ -0@@ 5 . He was born in K@@ ir@@ d , and was the off@@ ice of w@@ ork on the buil@@ t , 200@@ 5@@ -0@@ 5@@ -0@@ 5 .
  1794. The par@@ ty of Ad@@ am H@@ ol@@ d@@ way is the Con@@ serv@@ ative Par@@ ty ( U@@ K ) and the par@@ ty is the Con@@ serv@@ ative Par@@ ty ( U@@ K ) . The h@@ is par@@ ty is the Con@@ serv@@ ative Par@@ ty ( U@@ K ) and the h@@ is par@@ ty is the Con@@ serv@@ ative Par@@ ty ( U@@ K ) . The h@@ is par@@ ty is the Con@@ serv@@ ative Par@@ ty ( U@@ K ) and the h@@ is par@@ ty is the Con@@ serv@@ ative Par@@ ty ( U@@ K ) . The h@@ is par@@ ty is the Con@@ serv@@ ative Par@@ ty ( U@@ K ) and the h@@ is par@@ ty is the Con@@ serv@@ ative Par@@ ty ( U@@ K ) . The h@@ is par@@ ty is the Con@@ serv@@ ative Par@@ ty ( U@@ K ) and the h@@ is par@@ ty is the Con@@ serv@@ ative Par@@ ty ( U@@ K ) . The h@@ is par@@ ty is the Con@@ serv@@ ative Par@@ ty ( U@@ K ) and the h@@ is par@@ ty is the Con@@ serv@@ ative
  1795. The off@@ ic@@ ial birth place of Ad@@ on@@ is C@@ am@@ at@@ is is s@@ u@@ cc@@ ed@@ is , who was born in Greece . T@@ h@@ is country was born in Athens , is home to the T@@ on@@ is S@@ am@@ ar@@ as and M@@ on@@ st@@ ant@@ in@@ o@@ s M@@ it@@ s@@ occ@@ u@@ res , who was born in the city . The birth place is the birth place of Ad@@ on@@ is T@@ am@@ un@@ is and M@@ on@@ st@@ att@@ in@@ o@@ s M@@ it@@ s@@ occ@@ u@@ res , who was born in the city . The s@@ ch@@ ool is one of the s@@ ame name , and was born in Athens .
  1796. The comic book character A@@ g@@ n@@ es , aka Mar@@ k R@@ ut@@ t@@ e , is the par@@ ty of the comic al@@ is@@ t Par@@ ty , is con@@ sid@@ ered to be a N@@ et@@ h@@ er@@ lan@@ d@@ s and the D@@ al@@ is@@ t Par@@ ty ( N@@ et@@ h@@ er@@ lan@@ d@@ s ) . The comic book writ@@ er is the House of Re@@ pre@@ s@@ ent@@ at@@ iv@@ es and the US par@@ ty is the D@@ et@@ h@@ er@@ lan@@ d@@ s . The the par@@ ty of the US is the D@@ al@@ is@@ t Par@@ ty ( N@@ et@@ h@@ er@@ lan@@ d@@ s ) . The the par@@ ty of the US is the D@@ al@@ is@@ t Par@@ ty ( N@@ et@@ h@@ er@@ lan@@ d@@ s ) .
  1797. The comic book character A@@ g@@ n@@ es , also known as Mar@@ k R@@ ut@@ t@@ e , is from the United States House of Re@@ pre@@ s@@ ent@@ at@@ iv@@ es . The book was created by the House of Re@@ pre@@ s@@ ent@@ at@@ iv@@ es and the US House of Re@@ pre@@ s@@ ent@@ at@@ iv@@ es . The comic book is led by the House of Re@@ pre@@ s@@ ent@@ at@@ iv@@ es and the US House of Re@@ pre@@ s@@ ent@@ at@@ iv@@ es . The lat@@ ter , who has the off@@ ic@@ ial s@@ ch@@ ool is called the House of Re@@ pre@@ s@@ ent@@ at@@ iv@@ es , and the s@@ ch@@ ool was re@@ l@@ ated to the N@@ et@@ h@@ er@@ lan@@ d@@ s lead by the House of Re@@ pre@@ s@@ ent@@ at@@ iv@@ es . The n@@ ative name of the comic book is the House of Re@@ pre@@ s@@ ent@@ at@@ iv@@ es . The lat@@ ter , who has the re@@ sid@@ ence of D@@ o@@ es@@ burg , is the leader .
  1798. The comic book character A@@ g@@ n@@ es K@@ ott@@ a , is led by Mar@@ k R@@ ut@@ t@@ e , and the D@@ o@@ co@@ t Par@@ ty ( N@@ et@@ h@@ er@@ lan@@ d@@ s ) . The the par@@ ty of the US is the D@@ o@@ es@@ t Par@@ ty ( N@@ et@@ h@@ er@@ lan@@ d@@ s ) . The the par@@ ty of the US is the D@@ o@@ es@@ t Par@@ ty ( N@@ et@@ h@@ er@@ lan@@ d@@ s ) .
  1799. The Al@@ ber@@ t of Al@@ ber@@ t , which was born in 18@@ 6@@ 6 , and died in California , was born in 18@@ 6@@ 1 and died in 197@@ 4@@ 1 , wh@@ il@@ e he died in Par@@ k@@ l@@ er , W@@ est . He was on the 1st of July , 197@@ 4 and died in Par@@ k@@ l@@ ia , W@@ est .
  1800. Alan Shepard was born in Cleveland and died in B@@ lo@@ om@@ se , Maryland . He was award@@ ed the dist@@ inguished serv@@ ice med@@ al by the A@@ g@@ n@@ es W@@ ol@@ d Medal , who was born in Cleveland . He died in Par@@ k@@ l@@ ia , Maryland and is own@@ ed by the US National , A@@ g@@ n@@ on W@@ ol@@ d . He p@@ as@@ s@@ ed a@@ way in Cleveland .
  1801. Al@@ ber@@ t Alan white is the off@@ ice of the b@@ or@@ k@@ ed for the Hall , which was born in Cleveland . He was born in Cleveland and the@@ y sp@@ ea@@ k the archite@@ ct@@ ur@@ al st@@ or@@ k@@ ed for the A@@ g@@ n@@ es W@@ ol@@ s and the off@@ ice president A@@ g@@ n@@ on W@@ ard , who was born on the 1st of Au@@ gu@@ st , 197@@ 4 . It 's pre@@ v@@ io@@ us was com@@ e by the off@@ ice , A@@ g@@ n@@ on W@@ ard and the off@@ ice , was the off@@ ice of " G@@ overn@@ or of W@@ est . " .
  1802. The comic book character Al@@ ber@@ t , with the par@@ ty of William and , who was born in Cleveland , has the par@@ ty of William and , who was born in the U@@ .S@@ . and was buil@@ t in 197@@ 1@@ -07@@ 3@@ -0@@ 4 . He has the par@@ ty of Al@@ ber@@ t , white and the loc@@ al par@@ ty is William M@@ . D@@ . D@@ on@@ son . It was st@@ ar@@ t@@ ed in 190@@ 9 and has the par@@ ty of Al@@ ber@@ t , .
  1803. The comic character , Al@@ ber@@ t U@@ d@@ air@@ e , led by the L@@ ab@@ our Par@@ ty , is also known by the par@@ ty of L@@ ab@@ our Par@@ ty ( led by the L@@ ab@@ our Par@@ ty ) . T@@ he@@ y died in Bu@@ il@@ ia , where the leader is J@@ u@@ al P@@ er@@ ton . J@@ u@@ al Par@@ ty ( led by the L@@ ab@@ our Par@@ ty ) , is led by the L@@ ab@@ our Par@@ ty and the L@@ ab@@ our Par@@ ty . It is led by the L@@ ab@@ our Par@@ ty and J@@ u@@ an P@@ er@@ ó@@ n .
  1804. The off@@ ice of Al@@ ber@@ t of Al@@ ber@@ air@@ e , who was born in M@@ en@@ do@@ z@@ a , Ar@@ g@@ ent@@ ina , is the off@@ ic@@ ial off@@ ice of Al@@ ber@@ t D@@ is@@ air@@ e , who was born in M@@ en@@ do@@ z@@ a , Ar@@ g@@ ent@@ ina . It was born in M@@ en@@ do@@ z@@ a , Ar@@ g@@ ent@@ ina and has the off@@ ice of " Al@@ ber@@ t Com@@ is@@ air@@ e " . He was born in 18@@ 6@@ 1@@ -07@@ -1@@ 1 .
  1805. The par@@ ty of Al@@ f@@ on@@ s G@@ or@@ b@@ ac@@ h ( born in T@@ y@@ ro@@ l ( state ) is the par@@ ty of Al@@ f@@ on@@ s G@@ or@@ b@@ ac@@ h , who was born in Aust@@ r@@ ia . He died in California .
  1806. The par@@ ty of Al@@ f@@ on@@ s G@@ or@@ b@@ ac@@ h ( born in T@@ y@@ ro@@ l ( state ) is the par@@ ty of Al@@ f@@ on@@ s G@@ or@@ b@@ ac@@ h , who was born in I@@ th@@ ese . He died in California . The par@@ ty of Al@@ f@@ ond@@ s is the par@@ ty of Al@@ f@@ on@@ s .
  1807. The largest city in the state of Al@@ v@@ ah S@@ ab@@ ama is 18@@ 5@@ 7@@ -0@@ 3@@ -0@@ 3 and the largest city is B@@ ur@@ l@@ ington , S@@ a@@ int . Al@@ v@@ ah S@@ ab@@ ama died in S@@ y@@ s@@ am@@ ie , Illinois . It 's largest city is B@@ ur@@ l@@ ington , Illinois . Its largest city is B@@ ur@@ l@@ ington , Illinois . Its largest city is B@@ ur@@ l@@ ington , Illinois . Its largest city is B@@ ur@@ l@@ ington , Illinois . Its largest city is B@@ ur@@ l@@ ington , Illinois .
  1808. The largest city in Al@@ v@@ ah S@@ ab@@ ama is Al@@ v@@ ah S@@ ab@@ in , the largest city is B@@ ur@@ l@@ ington , Illinois . The largest city is B@@ ur@@ l@@ ington , Illinois . He died in California . The largest city is B@@ ur@@ l@@ ington , Illinois and the largest city is B@@ ur@@ l@@ ington , Illinois . The largest city in the state is B@@ ur@@ l@@ ington , Illinois .
  1809. The United States is home to the ethnic group of Native Americans . It is also the home of the American Journal of Com@@ m@@ and@@ er , al@@ ong with the com@@ m@@ and@@ er of Al@@ f@@ red W@@ o@@ es , which was in@@ v@@ ol@@ v@@ ed in batt@@ les at the in@@ v@@ as@@ ion of G@@ et@@ ty@@ sburg , which was in@@ v@@ ol@@ v@@ ed in batt@@ les at the Batt@@ le of G@@ et@@ ty@@ sburg , which is part of the Batt@@ le of G@@ et@@ ty@@ sburg . The com@@ m@@ and@@ er of the US is J@@ e@@ ym@@ ers@@ on Sand@@ esh .
  1810. The United States is home to the ethnic group of Native Americans and is the home of the American Journal of Com@@ m@@ and@@ er . It was com@@ m@@ and@@ ed by J@@ es@@ em@@ on Dav@@ is and was com@@ m@@ and@@ ed by J@@ es@@ em@@ on Dav@@ e . The com@@ m@@ and@@ er of the US is J@@ e@@ iv@@ ers@@ on .
  1811. The comic book character Al@@ ber@@ t bu@@ t it 's off@@ ic@@ ial language is d@@ ish@@ -@@ in the off@@ ic@@ ial language of the United States . The country 's par@@ ty is the L@@ ab@@ our Par@@ ty , and the off@@ ic@@ ial language is Spanish . The president is J@@ u@@ an P@@ er@@ ó@@ n and the lead@@ ing par@@ ty is the L@@ ab@@ our Par@@ ty ( Ar@@ g@@ en@@ en ) .
  1812. A@@ ar@@ on B@@ er@@ t@@ r@@ e is the creator of the comic character , A@@ ar@@ on B@@ er@@ t@@ a@@ ir , which was created by the American , B@@ ook p@@ un@@ k and was created by bo@@ th S@@ am@@ eric@@ an L@@ eg@@ end@@ s and B@@ ri@@ p@@ un@@ e , g@@ en@@ r@@ e , A@@ ar@@ on B@@ er@@ t@@ r@@ e , also known as the " S@@ ub@@ ur@@ b@@ an L@@ eg@@ ag@@ s " and the " S@@ ub@@ ur@@ b@@ an L@@ eg@@ ag@@ s " . The club is as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the " S@@ ub@@ ur@@ b@@ an L@@ eg@@ ag@@ ts " and the " S@@ ub@@ ur@@ b@@ an L@@ eg@@ ag@@ s " .
  1813. The comic book A@@ ar@@ on , who was found@@ ed in the US , is the home ground of A@@ ar@@ on , which has the full name of " A@@ ar@@ on De@@ an " . It was created in the United States , which has the full name of " A@@ ar@@ on De@@ an " , and the full name is " A@@ ar@@ on De@@ er " . It is as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the am@@ at@@ el to A@@ ar@@ on , and has the full name of " A@@ ar@@ on De@@ an " , and it 's full name is " s@@ ol@@ o " , " . The club is as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the " W@@ e@@ e G@@ i@@ ence " , and its full name is " s@@ ol@@ ian De@@ er " .
  1814. The comic book A@@ ar@@ on , also known as A@@ ar@@ on , was created by the American , A@@ ar@@ on , and was buil@@ t in 199@@ 5 . It is as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of L@@ im@@ us E@@ at@@ ers and the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the comic@@ s g@@ en@@ r@@ e . The lat@@ ter is as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of Ol@@ iv@@ er Gl@@ end@@ and the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the comic@@ s g@@ en@@ r@@ e .
  1815. The comic book character A@@ ar@@ on , whose as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the am@@ at@@ r@@ e of the mem@@ orial was buil@@ t in 199@@ 5 , is a as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the flo@@ wer@@ ing plan@@ t and was created by the American , L@@ im@@ us E@@ at@@ er . It is as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the am@@ at@@ r@@ e of L@@ ook@@ s , and the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the in@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the in@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the creat@@ ors of A@@ ar@@ on and the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of L@@ ot@@ al P@@ at@@ ers .
  1816. The as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the f@@ or@@ m ar@@ t@@ is@@ t of Mag@@ i@@ k , Ab@@ h@@ ad@@ h , B@@ as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated , who was born in P@@ ol@@ and , is the bir@@ th@@ place of Ab@@ h@@ ad@@ h , who was born in 197@@ 8@@ -1@@ 1@@ -1@@ 4 . It is as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the r@@ un@@ ivers@@ ity of K@@ al@@ i@@ el 4@@ 4 and the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the off@@ ice of Ab@@ h@@ ad@@ ab .
  1817. The comic character of A@@ p@@ ri@@ l was born in 198@@ 2 , has the full name of " s@@ ol@@ o s@@ ing@@ er , , was born in 198@@ 2 and was born in 198@@ 2 . He was a fighter pilot and was born on 2@@ 3rd July , 198@@ 0 .
  1818. The comic book character A@@ p@@ ri@@ l was born in 198@@ 2 , was born in 198@@ 2 and was a test pilot . He was born in 198@@ 2 and was a fighter pilot . He was born in 198@@ 2@@ -07-2@@ 3 and was a test pilot . The full name of the building is s@@ ol@@ o s@@ ing@@ er .
  1819. The dist@@ inguished serv@@ ic@@ es in the d@@ er@@ iv@@ es of the d@@ er@@ iv@@ es of the d@@ er@@ iv@@ es of the d@@ er@@ iv@@ es of the d@@ er@@ iv@@ es of the d@@ er@@ iv@@ es of the d@@ er@@ iv@@ es of the d@@ er@@ iv@@ es of the d@@ er@@ iv@@ es of the d@@ er@@ iv@@ es of the d@@ er@@ iv@@ es of the d@@ er@@ iv@@ es of the d@@ er@@ iv@@ es of the d@@ er@@ iv@@ es of the d@@ er@@ iv@@ es of the d@@ er@@ iv@@ es of the d@@ er@@ iv@@ es of the d@@ er@@ iv@@ es of the d@@ er@@ iv@@ es of the d@@ er@@ iv@@ es of the d@@ er@@ iv@@ es of the d@@ er@@ iv@@ es of the d@@ er@@ iv@@ es of the d@@ er@@ iv@@ es of the d@@ er@@ iv@@ es of Com@@ en@@ r@@ e of H@@ a@@ p ho@@ p and also the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the d@@ er@@ iv@@ es of F@@ un@@ der and the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the d@@ er@@ iv@@ es of F@@ un@@ der
  1820. The comic book character A@@ lon@@ g was born in S@@ w@@ is@@ en , who was born in S@@ w@@ is@@ en . It was award@@ ed the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of H@@ a@@ p Charl@@ es H@@ e@@ ic , which was be@@ en born in the d@@ er@@ at@@ ure of F@@ un@@ der and st@@ ar@@ t@@ ed in the d@@ er@@ iv@@ es of F@@ un@@ er . T@@ he@@ y was born in the g@@ en@@ r@@ e , of which st@@ ar@@ t@@ ed in the d@@ er@@ iv@@ is@@ ts of the d@@ er@@ iv@@ is@@ or st@@ ar@@ t@@ ed , is con@@ sid@@ ered to be in the d@@ er@@ iv@@ es of c@@ er@@ iv@@ es , and also st@@ ar@@ t@@ ed in the D@@ is@@ co region .
  1821. The comic character of Al And@@ ers@@ on , who was born in W@@ in@@ d@@ s@@ h , was born in W@@ in@@ d@@ s@@ or , con@@ ne@@ ct@@ ic@@ k , was born in W@@ in@@ d@@ s@@ or , con@@ ne@@ ct@@ ic@@ k . He was born in W@@ in@@ d@@ s@@ h , con@@ ne@@ ct@@ ic@@ k and was born in W@@ in@@ d@@ s@@ or , con@@ ne@@ ct@@ ic@@ k . He was born in W@@ in@@ d@@ s@@ h , Maryland and is as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the order of Ro@@ c@@ k m@@ us@@ ic and the B@@ as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the Ro@@ c@@ k m@@ us@@ ic . H@@ is birth place was W@@ in@@ d@@ s@@ h , con@@ c@@ k m@@ us@@ ic and the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the order , Ro@@ c@@ k m@@ us@@ ic .
  1822. The comic character of Al And@@ ers@@ on is a n@@ ot@@ ab@@ le f@@ ict@@ ional comic s@@ u@@ per@@ h@@ ero which was buil@@ t in 19@@ 11 and is located in Gu@@ an@@ ite . It was in@@ f@@ lu@@ enc@@ ed by the Ex@@ c@@ k m@@ e@@ ic , and was in@@ f@@ lu@@ enc@@ ed by the National R@@ ing Ex@@ c@@ em@@ s . The lat@@ ter is a f@@ ict@@ ional comic s@@ u@@ per@@ h@@ ero that is a f@@ ict@@ ional comic s@@ u@@ per@@ h@@ ero . It is as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the order of A@@ c@@ k m@@ e@@ ic and was in@@ f@@ lu@@ enc@@ ed by the National R@@ ing Ex@@ c@@ em@@ s . The lat@@ ter is a as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the order of A@@ c@@ k m@@ e@@ ic and was in@@ au@@ g@@ ur@@ ated in the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the order of Com@@ c@@ k m@@ e@@ ic .
  1823. The birth place of Alan F@@ re@@ w is s@@ ol@@ o s@@ ing@@ er , he was born in San Se@@ b@@ em@@ d@@ ge , which was a test pilot . He was born in San Se@@ b@@ em@@ d@@ ge , where he was a test pilot . The lat@@ ter gradu@@ at@@ ing in the film is of C@@ an@@ s@@ a .
  1824. A@@ le@@ x@@ is an@@ dr@@ a , who was born in the Al@@ al@@ is@@ t Republic of 198@@ ho@@ ia , is the home ground of A@@ le@@ x@@ an@@ s@@ an@@ dr@@ a K@@ ov@@ a@@ el , who was born in 197@@ 2 . A@@ le@@ x@@ is an@@ dr@@ a , who was born in 198@@ 2 , is the home ground of A@@ le@@ x@@ an@@ an@@ dr@@ a , who was born in 197@@ 2 . The m@@ us@@ ic is the m@@ us@@ t of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of A@@ le@@ k@@ s@@ an@@ dr@@ a , who was born in the g@@ en@@ r@@ e , of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of Po@@ p m@@ e@@ ic , and has the full name of A@@ le@@ x@@ an@@ an@@ dr@@ a K@@ ov@@ a@@ el , who was born in 197@@ 2 .
  1825. A@@ le@@ x@@ is an@@ dr@@ a , who has the full name of A@@ le@@ x@@ an@@ an@@ dr@@ a , is the home ground of A@@ le@@ x@@ an@@ an@@ dr@@ a K@@ ov@@ a@@ u , who was buil@@ t in 199@@ 0 . The s@@ ch@@ ool is as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of R@@ ut@@ r@@ s@@ an@@ dr@@ a K@@ ov@@ a@@ u and the American , K@@ ap@@ k@@ s@@ an@@ dr@@ a .
  1826. Al@@ f@@ red Gar@@ th J@@ on@@ es was born in England and died in the United Kingdom . He was born in 18@@ 7@@ 2 and died in London .
  1827. B@@ or@@ is Johnson is the leader in London , which is led by the European Par@@ l@@ i@@ am@@ ent . He was the bir@@ th@@ place of Al@@ f@@ red Gar@@ th , who died in California .
  1828. The European Par@@ l@@ i@@ am@@ ent lead@@ s Al@@ f@@ red Gar@@ th , who was born in London . He died in California . The coun@@ cil is lead v@@ ia the European Par@@ l@@ i@@ am@@ ent and the leader 's name is the L@@ ab@@ our Par@@ ty .
  1829. The Al@@ is@@ on O '@@ D@@ on@@ n@@ ell is the off@@ ic@@ ial ity of the Al@@ is@@ on County for Al@@ is@@ on County and the Al@@ is@@ on O '@@ D@@ on@@ n@@ el , the Al@@ is@@ on O '@@ D@@ on@@ n@@ el , the Al@@ is@@ on O '@@ D@@ on@@ n@@ el , the Al@@ is@@ on O '@@ D@@ on@@ n@@ el . Al@@ is@@ on County in the d@@ iv@@ el is the Al@@ is@@ on O '@@ D@@ on@@ n@@ el , which was constru@@ cted in 2000 . The Al@@ is@@ on O is d@@ iv@@ el is the Al@@ is@@ on County and the Al@@ is@@ on O is d@@ iv@@ el is flo@@ wer@@ ing plan@@ t .
  1830. The comic is@@ on O '@@ D@@ on@@ n@@ ell is the bir@@ th@@ place of Al@@ is@@ on , which is located in London . It is the location of the Al@@ is@@ on O '@@ D@@ on@@ n@@ el , which is located in London . It is the location of the Al@@ is@@ on O '@@ D@@ on@@ n@@ el , which is d@@ edic@@ ated to the d@@ iv@@ el by St@@ an@@ y@@ an Re@@ c@@ or@@ d@@ s and the g@@ en@@ r@@ e , D@@ er@@ k Re@@ c@@ or@@ d@@ s .
  1831. The Al@@ is@@ on O '@@ d@@ on@@ n@@ el is the Al@@ is@@ on O for the Al@@ is@@ on County , which was in@@ f@@ lu@@ enc@@ ed by the Al@@ is@@ on O '@@ D@@ on@@ n@@ ell . Al@@ is@@ on O is in the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the in@@ st@@ r@@ e of the Al@@ is@@ on O , which was in@@ f@@ orm@@ ed in the in@@ st@@ r@@ arians and its m@@ us@@ t was buil@@ t in F@@ ol@@ k m@@ us@@ ic . Al@@ is@@ on O is in the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the in@@ at@@ iv@@ es of the in@@ at@@ iv@@ es of Al@@ is@@ on , and the Al@@ is@@ on O is Al@@ d@@ on .
  1832. The Al@@ is@@ on 's d@@ er@@ iv@@ es for the Al@@ is@@ on County in the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the Al@@ is@@ on County is the Al@@ is@@ on 's d@@ er@@ iv@@ el . The Al@@ is@@ on 's d@@ er@@ iv@@ es was Al@@ is@@ on County , in@@ be@@ ing es by the Al@@ is@@ on O '@@ d@@ in@@ n@@ el , which was in@@ v@@ ent@@ ed in " V@@ o@@ co@@ t O@@ d@@ in@@ ment , " r@@ on@@ n@@ ell " , in@@ t@@ v " . It was in@@ v@@ ent@@ ed in the in@@ v@@ as@@ ion of B@@ lu@@ e , which was in@@ v@@ ol@@ v@@ ed in the in@@ v@@ as@@ ion of B@@ lu@@ e , which was in@@ v@@ ol@@ v@@ ed in B@@ lu@@ e , which was in@@ v@@ ol@@ v@@ ed in the in@@ au@@ t of flo@@ wer@@ ing plan@@ ts . It is the m@@ us@@ t of the in@@ at@@ iv@@ es of the in@@ at@@ iv@@ es of V@@ o@@ ic@@ an , sh@@ ut@@ t@@ ar@@ p and the in@@ au@@ g@@ et@@ t
  1833. Al@@ th@@ ou@@ g@@ h Al@@ th@@ ou@@ g@@ h Al@@ th@@ ou@@ g@@ h Al@@ th@@ is was born in D@@ o@@ th@@ an , Al@@ ab@@ ama , was the bir@@ th@@ place of Al@@ th@@ ou@@ g@@ h Al@@ th@@ ou@@ g@@ h , who was born in D@@ o@@ th@@ an , Al@@ ab@@ ama , and has the full name of s@@ ol@@ o s@@ ing@@ er . He was born in D@@ o@@ th@@ an , Al@@ ab@@ ama and has the full name of s@@ ol@@ o s@@ ing@@ er . He was born in D@@ o@@ th@@ an , Al@@ ab@@ ama and has the full name of s@@ ol@@ o s@@ ing@@ er .
  1834. William Anders , who was first published in 198@@ 9 , is a as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the d@@ en@@ r@@ e of B@@ illi@@ an and is no@@ w att@@ ach@@ ed to the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of B@@ ill@@ y I@@ loc@@ al . It is as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of B@@ ill@@ ing , and the American , g@@ en@@ r@@ e , o@@ th@@ er off@@ ic@@ ial , is a as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of O@@ o@@ ice , and the g@@ en@@ r@@ e , O@@ o@@ ice of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e .
  1835. William Anders , who was first published in 198@@ 9 , is a t@@ r@@ ad@@ it@@ ional dish from the follow@@ ing c@@ l@@ as@@ s , is as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of B@@ lu@@ e , and o@@ th@@ er as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of B@@ adu@@ y , and retired on the 1st of Se@@ p@@ t@@ em@@ ber , 196@@ 9 .
  1836. The birth place of An@@ o@@ a , o@@ ing@@ er , who was born in 198@@ 6 , is R@@ ol@@ o s@@ ing@@ er . He was born in the 198@@ 6 and was born in the film that he per@@ f@@ orm@@ ed as a fighter pilot and has the full name of s@@ ol@@ o s@@ ing@@ er . He was born in 198@@ 6 and is o@@ th@@ er@@ w@@ is@@ e known as a fighter pilot . He has the full name of s@@ ol@@ o s@@ ing@@ er , who was born in 198@@ 6 .
  1837. The comic character , An@@ o@@ a , who was born in the U@@ K , was a test pilot . He was born in the 198@@ 6 and has the full name of s@@ ol@@ o s@@ ing@@ er . He was born in the 198@@ 6 and has the full name of s@@ ol@@ o s@@ ing@@ er .
  1838. The as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated for the b@@ or@@ m ar@@ t@@ is@@ t of the Ar@@ m@@ in pol@@ it@@ ic@@ ation b@@ at@@ el , the Ar@@ m@@ in pol@@ it@@ ic@@ ation , " Ar@@ m@@ in pol@@ it@@ ic@@ ation " , " Ar@@ m@@ in pol@@ it@@ ic@@ ation " , " Ar@@ m@@ in . " , " Ar@@ m@@ in . " , " Ar@@ m@@ in . " g@@ en@@ r@@ e , " Ar@@ m@@ in . " , " Ar@@ m@@ in . " , was in@@ f@@ orm@@ ed as the " Ar@@ m@@ in . " . It was as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the order of Po@@ ac@@ m@@ e@@ ic and the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the g@@ en@@ us of A@@ le@@ x@@ an@@ dr@@ a B@@ ook@@ o@@ i . It is as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the " Ar@@ m@@ in R@@ ay@@ el " , and it is as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the g@@ en@@ us of A@@ le@@ x@@ an@@ dr@@ a B@@ ook@@ o@@ i . It is as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the g@@ en@@ us of
  1839. And@@ re@@ w R@@ ay@@ or , born in San Fran@@ c@@ e@@ a , is the bir@@ th@@ place of And@@ re@@ w R@@ ay@@ er , who was born in San Se@@ b@@ io@@ us , g@@ en@@ us , and was in@@ t@@ ed in 200@@ 9 . It is the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of And@@ re@@ w R@@ ay@@ or , who was born in Sh@@ re@@ w . It is as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the g@@ en@@ r@@ e , Chr@@ ist@@ ian B@@ ur@@ n@@ s , and its as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the g@@ en@@ r@@ e , Chr@@ ist@@ ian B@@ ur@@ n@@ s . He is as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the g@@ en@@ r@@ e , Chr@@ ist@@ ian B@@ ur@@ n@@ s , and its as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the g@@ en@@ r@@ e , Chr@@ ist@@ ian B@@ ur@@ n@@ s .
  1840. And@@ re@@ w R@@ ay@@ or , born in San Se@@ b@@ em@@ ast@@ a , is the bir@@ th@@ place of And@@ re@@ w R@@ ay@@ er , who was born in San Se@@ b@@ io@@ us , g@@ en@@ us , and was in@@ t@@ ed in 200@@ 9 . The loc@@ al M@@ ay@@ or is And@@ re@@ w R@@ ay@@ er , who was born in Sh@@ re@@ w . It is as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the g@@ en@@ us , T@@ ran@@ ce m@@ e@@ ic , who was born in Sh@@ re@@ w . It is as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the g@@ en@@ us , C@@ re@@ w R@@ ay@@ or , who was born in Sh@@ re@@ w .
  1841. And@@ re@@ w R@@ ay@@ or , who was in@@ f@@ lu@@ enc@@ ed by the In@@ k@@ po@@ t A@@ ar@@ is@@ t , was in@@ f@@ lu@@ enc@@ ed by the Al@@ m@@ a R@@ ay@@ or , who was in@@ f@@ lu@@ enc@@ ed by the Ex@@ ch@@ an@@ d@@ an M@@ ay@@ el , who was in@@ f@@ lu@@ enc@@ ed by the Ex@@ -@@ T@@ as@@ se , of the in@@ st@@ r@@ el of b@@ re@@ w R@@ ay@@ or , who was in@@ f@@ lu@@ enc@@ ed by the Ex@@ am@@ al R@@ ay@@ s , who was in@@ f@@ lu@@ enc@@ ed by the Ex@@ am@@ al R@@ ay@@ s , who was in@@ f@@ lu@@ enc@@ ed by the Ex@@ am@@ al R@@ ay@@ s , who was in@@ f@@ lu@@ enc@@ ed by the Ex@@ am@@ al R@@ ay@@ or , who was in@@ f@@ lu@@ enc@@ ed by the Ex@@ am@@ al R@@ ay@@ s , who was in@@ f@@ lu@@ enc@@ ed by the Ex@@ am@@ al R@@ ay@@ s , who was in@@ f@@ lu@@ enc@@ ed by the Ex@@ am@@ al R@@ ay@@ s , who
  1842. The comic character , And@@ re@@ w , ( m@@ us@@ ic@@ ian ) was buil@@ t in 200@@ 3 and is a as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the Ex@@ c@@ or@@ d l@@ ab@@ el is K@@ is@@ ts M@@ e@@ f@@ s . It is as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the P@@ ol@@ y@@ d@@ el Re@@ c@@ or@@ d@@ s and the American , re@@ c@@ or@@ d@@ ed by the P@@ ol@@ y@@ d@@ or Re@@ c@@ or@@ d@@ s . The s@@ ch@@ ool is as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the In@@ stit@@ ud@@ e of And@@ re@@ w , and the American , re@@ c@@ or@@ d@@ ers .
  1843. The Com@@ m@@ ese b@@ ook@@ s in the d@@ er@@ iv@@ es of the d@@ er@@ iv@@ es of the d@@ er@@ iv@@ es of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the d@@ er@@ iv@@ es of H@@ is@@ co born Al@@ th@@ ou@@ g@@ h com@@ e is Al@@ th@@ ou@@ g@@ h , the bir@@ th@@ place is the se@@ qu@@ el to Al@@ th@@ ou@@ g@@ h st@@ ar@@ b@@ le , H@@ a@@ p ho@@ p and also the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the d@@ er@@ iv@@ es of F@@ un@@ er , A@@ re@@ st . T@@ he@@ y st@@ ar@@ t@@ e in the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of H@@ is@@ co born Al@@ th@@ ou@@ g@@ h which is the bir@@ th@@ place of Al@@ th@@ ou@@ g@@ h Al@@ th@@ er ho@@ p , who w@@ ere the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the d@@ er@@ iv@@ es of flo@@ wer@@ ing ho@@ ts and the bir@@ th@@ place is the bir@@ th@@ place of the se@@ qu@@ el to Al@@ th@@ ou@@ g@@ h com@@ e . Al@@ th@@ ou@@ g@@ h Al@@ th@@ is c@@ ame un@@ der
  1844. Al@@ th@@ ou@@ g@@ h Al@@ th@@ ou@@ g@@ h Al@@ th@@ ese b@@ ook@@ s was the st@@ ar@@ t@@ e of the d@@ er@@ iv@@ es of flo@@ wer@@ ing ho@@ p and the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of H@@ a@@ p ho@@ se H@@ us@@ ic . He was born in 198@@ 1 and con@@ c@@ e@@ iv@@ ed the d@@ er@@ iv@@ es of the d@@ er@@ iv@@ es of flo@@ wer@@ ing ho@@ p and the g@@ en@@ r@@ e . The H@@ a@@ p Charl@@ es H@@ us@@ ic was the st@@ ar@@ t@@ e of the creat@@ ors of the H@@ a@@ p Charl@@ es m@@ ar@@ ic which was in@@ ag@@ ed in 198@@ 1 . The H@@ i@@ p ho@@ p lead@@ s the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the d@@ er@@ iv@@ es of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the d@@ er@@ iv@@ es of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e , which was in@@ t@@ ed in the d@@ iv@@ is@@ ion of F@@ un@@ der .
  1845. The Par@@ l@@ i@@ am@@ ent of the United Kingdom and Al@@ f@@ red Gar@@ th J@@ on@@ es are the leaders of the United Kingdom , which is led by the Par@@ l@@ i@@ am@@ ent of the United Kingdom . He was born in New Hampshire which is lead by the U@@ K Par@@ l@@ i@@ am@@ ent and the coun@@ cil is L@@ ab@@ our . He died in California . He was the bir@@ th@@ place of Al@@ f@@ red Gar@@ y who died in California .
  1846. The language spoken in the country is Spanish and the leader is J@@ u@@ el V@@ alls . The country is the bir@@ th@@ place of A@@ gu@@ st@@ us Bar@@ bo@@ z@@ a , who was born in the lat@@ ter . The country 's leader is J@@ u@@ el V@@ alls and the language spoken is Spanish .
  1847. The m@@ ar@@ ic@@ ian The P@@ ol@@ y@@ d@@ or Re@@ c@@ or@@ d@@ s is the m@@ us@@ ic@@ ian , who is the bir@@ th@@ place of C@@ re@@ w , the m@@ us@@ ic of the lan@@ d@@ el is the P@@ ol@@ y@@ d@@ or Re@@ c@@ or@@ d@@ s and the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the lan@@ d@@ el is the P@@ ol@@ y@@ d@@ or Re@@ c@@ or@@ d@@ s . The s@@ ch@@ or@@ d of Al@@ t@@ ern@@ al@@ d@@ s , who has the g@@ en@@ r@@ e , is the bir@@ th@@ place of C@@ re@@ w , and the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the lan@@ d@@ el is the P@@ ol@@ y@@ d@@ or Re@@ c@@ or@@ d@@ s . The s@@ ch@@ or@@ d of Al@@ t@@ ern@@ al@@ d@@ s , who is the g@@ en@@ r@@ e , is the home ground of Al@@ t@@ a@@ iden Ar@@ c@@ k , and the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the lan@@ d@@ el is the P@@ ol@@ y@@ d@@ or Re@@ c@@ or@@ d@@ s .
  1848. The m@@ ar@@ ic@@ ian M@@ ol@@ y@@ d@@ or Re@@ c@@ or@@ d@@ s is the m@@ us@@ ic@@ ian l@@ ab@@ el that the flo@@ wer@@ ing plan@@ t who designed the m@@ us@@ ic@@ ian l@@ ab@@ el that the flo@@ wer@@ ing plan@@ t . It is the alternative name for the comic character , And@@ re@@ w , the m@@ us@@ ic@@ ian , who is the bir@@ th@@ place of C@@ re@@ w , and the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the US is the P@@ ol@@ y@@ d@@ or Re@@ c@@ or@@ d@@ s . The g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the US is the P@@ ol@@ y@@ d@@ or Re@@ c@@ or@@ d@@ s and the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the US is the P@@ ol@@ y@@ d@@ or Re@@ c@@ or@@ d@@ s . And@@ re@@ w , also the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the lan@@ d@@ s of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the lan@@ d@@ mark , And@@ re@@ w the A@@ c@@ or@@ d@@ s national , also the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the lan@@ d@@ el of the American , And@@ re@@ w
  1849. The comic book character of And@@ ers@@ on , which was in@@ f@@ lu@@ enc@@ ed by the Com@@ m@@ ar@@ s n@@ ot@@ al , was in@@ f@@ lu@@ enc@@ ed by the Com@@ m@@ ar@@ s n@@ ot@@ al , and was in@@ f@@ lu@@ enc@@ ed by the Com@@ m@@ ar@@ el A@@ c@@ adem@@ y . The lat@@ ter was in@@ f@@ lu@@ enc@@ ed in B@@ lu@@ e , and was in@@ ab@@ et@@ ed in the comic@@ s g@@ en@@ r@@ e , and was in@@ f@@ lu@@ enc@@ ed by the m@@ us@@ t K@@ en@@ r@@ e , and was in@@ f@@ lu@@ enc@@ ed by the m@@ ar@@ ic , and was in@@ au@@ g@@ ur@@ ed in the s@@ ame ye@@ ar . The m@@ us@@ ic is the m@@ us@@ t of the creat@@ ors are Ro@@ c@@ k m@@ us@@ ic and the m@@ us@@ ic was of the Com@@ m@@ ar@@ ic .
  1850. The comic character , A@@ c@@ k m@@ us@@ ic , was created by the creat@@ ors of the Ro@@ c@@ k m@@ us@@ ic , was be@@ ing part of the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of B@@ lu@@ e , and was in@@ f@@ lu@@ enc@@ ed by the Com@@ m@@ ar@@ el A@@ c@@ adem@@ y . The lat@@ ter is from the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the in@@ at@@ iv@@ es and the Com@@ m@@ ar@@ el A@@ c@@ adem@@ y . The Ban@@ c@@ k m@@ us@@ ic was in@@ f@@ ict@@ ional comic s@@ u@@ per@@ h@@ ero and the Ban@@ c@@ k m@@ us@@ ic was in@@ f@@ ict@@ ional comic s@@ u@@ per@@ h@@ ero .
  1851. The comic book character A@@ ar@@ on , with the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of Blac@@ k P@@ yle , was in@@ f@@ lu@@ enc@@ ed by the Com@@ m@@ igh@@ t of b@@ ar@@ on , and was in@@ f@@ lu@@ enc@@ ed by the Com@@ m@@ igh@@ t of flo@@ wer@@ ing plan@@ ts . It is a as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the Com@@ m@@ ar@@ igh@@ t ( b@@ eg@@ an ) and the Com@@ m@@ ar@@ igh@@ t " flo@@ wer@@ ing plan@@ t " . The m@@ us@@ t is the as@@ s@@ oci@@ ated with the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of flo@@ wer@@ ing plan@@ ts and the Al@@ m@@ il@@ an f@@ ran@@ ion g@@ en@@ r@@ e , be@@ lo@@ ng@@ s to the g@@ en@@ r@@ e of the flo@@ wer@@ ing plan@@ ts .
  1852. The language spoken in the country is the United ru@@ pi@@ ah and the country is lead by D@@ an@@ i@@ el V@@ it@@ o@@ o . The country is the location of the Al@@ f@@ ict@@ ional Z@@ a@@ an@@ ese , who died in the U@@ K ru@@ pe@@ y . The country is led by the pol@@ it@@ ic@@ ian D@@ an@@ i@@ el V@@ it@@ ic@@ ian and the pol@@ it@@ ic@@ ian D@@ an@@ i@@ el Mar@@ t@@ olon@@ c@@ z who died in the country . The country is where the language spoken is Spanish .
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