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Jul 20th, 2018
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  1. Address Function Instruction
  2. LOAD:0000248C Elf32_Sym <aSonySetXloudPa - byte_3E3C, sony_set_xloud_parameters, \ ; "sony_set_xloud_parameters"
  3. LOAD:00007CED aSonySetXloudPa DCB "sony_set_xloud_parameters",0
  4. LOAD:0000ADD4 Elf32_Rel <0x74F24, 0x13216> ; R_ARM_JUMP_SLOT sony_set_xloud_parameters
  5. .plt:0000C914 j_sony_set_xloud_parameters ; [0000000C BYTES: COLLAPSED FUNCTION j_sony_set_xloud_parameters. PRESS CTRL-NUMPAD+ TO EXPAND]
  6. .text:00058FF4 sony_set_sonybundle_parameters BL j_sony_set_xloud_parameters
  7. .text:00059004 sony_set_sonybundle_parameters LDR R2, =(aSSonySetXloudP - 0x59018)
  8. .text:00059010 sony_set_sonybundle_parameters ADD R2, PC, R2 ; "%s: sony_set_xloud_parameters error ret"...
  9. .text:000590E8 off_590E8 DCD aSSonySetXloudP - 0x59018
  10. .text:00059484 sony_set_xloud_parameters EXPORT sony_set_xloud_parameters
  11. .text:000594A0 sony_set_xloud_parameters ADR R0, aVendorEtcSonyE_1 ; "/vendor/etc/sony_effect/xloud_param_qds"...
  12. .text:00059510 sony_set_xloud_parameters loc_59510 ; CODE XREF: sony_set_xloud_parameters+B8↓j
  13. .text:00059540 sony_set_xloud_parameters ADR R1, aXloudStrength ; "xloud_strength"
  14. .text:00059570 sony_set_xloud_parameters loc_59570 ; CODE XREF: sony_set_xloud_parameters+A4↑j
  15. .text:00059578 sony_set_xloud_parameters loc_59578 ; CODE XREF: sony_set_xloud_parameters+84↑j
  16. .text:000595AC sony_set_xloud_parameters ADR R3, aSonySetXloudPa_0 ; "sony_set_xloud_parameters"
  17. .text:000595BC sony_set_xloud_parameters loc_595BC ; CODE XREF: sony_set_xloud_parameters+30↑j
  18. .text:000595C0 sony_set_xloud_parameters ADR R1, aVendorEtcSonyE_1 ; "/vendor/etc/sony_effect/xloud_param_qds"...
  19. .text:000595CC sony_set_xloud_parameters ADD R2, PC, R2 ; "%s: xLOUD parameter file open error %s"
  20. .text:000595D4 sony_set_xloud_parameters ADR R3, aSonySetXloudPa_0 ; "sony_set_xloud_parameters"
  21. .text:000595E8 sony_set_xloud_parameters loc_595E8 ; CODE XREF: sony_set_xloud_parameters+64↑j
  22. .text:00059600 sony_set_xloud_parameters ADR R3, aSonySetXloudPa_0 ; "sony_set_xloud_parameters"
  23. .text:00059614 sony_set_xloud_parameters loc_59614 ; CODE XREF: sony_set_xloud_parameters+110↑j
  24. .text:00059618 sony_set_xloud_parameters ; sony_set_xloud_parameters+160↑j ...
  25. .text:00059638 sony_set_xloud_parameters ; End of function sony_set_xloud_parameters
  26. .text:0005963C off_5963C DCD off_745EC - 0x5949C ; DATA XREF: sony_set_xloud_parameters+C↑r
  27. .text:00059640 aVendorEtcSonyE_1 DCB "/vendor/etc/sony_effect/xloud_param_qdsp.bin",0
  28. .text:00059670 aRb_3 DCB "rb",0 ; DATA XREF: sony_set_xloud_parameters+20↑o
  29. .text:00059674 ; DATA XREF: sony_set_xloud_parameters+168↑r
  30. .text:00059678 ; DATA XREF: sony_set_xloud_parameters:loc_595E8↑r
  31. .text:0005967C ; DATA XREF: sony_set_xloud_parameters+128↑o
  32. .text:00059698 ; DATA XREF: sony_set_xloud_parameters+70↑o
  33. .text:000596C4 aR_0 DCB "r",0 ; DATA XREF: sony_set_xloud_parameters+74↑o
  34. .text:000596C8 asc_596C8 DCB ":",0 ; DATA XREF: sony_set_xloud_parameters+A8↑o
  35. .text:000596CC aXloudStrength DCB "xloud_strength",0 ; DATA XREF: sony_set_xloud_parameters+BC↑o
  36. .text:000596DC asc_596DC DCB ",",0 ; DATA XREF: sony_set_xloud_parameters+D0↑o
  37. .text:000596E0 ; DATA XREF: sony_set_xloud_parameters+118↑r
  38. .text:000596E4 ; DATA XREF: sony_set_xloud_parameters+114↑r
  39. .text:000596E8 ; DATA XREF: sony_set_xloud_parameters+140↑r
  40. .text:000596EC ; DATA XREF: sony_set_xloud_parameters:loc_595BC↑r
  41. .rodata:00070B27 aSSonySetXloudP DCB "%s: sony_set_xloud_parameters error ret: %d",0
  42. .rodata:00070BA3 aSXloudParamete DCB "%s: xLOUD parameter file open error %s",0
  43. .rodata:00071A50 off_71A50 DCD aSonySetXloudPa+0x13
  44. DCD aSonySetXloudPa+0x13 ; "meters"
  45. DCD aSonySetXloudPa+0x13 ; "meters"
  46. .got:00074F24 sony_set_xloud_parameters_ptr DCD sony_set_xloud_parameters
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