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Oct 18th, 2017
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  1. BIackPink Jisoo left the lobby
  2. take me saiph: eve go back to playing norms
  3. Trigger Happy left the lobby
  4. SKT Harry Styles left the lobby
  5. Ènryu earned an S- on Kha'Zix
  6. Courageous Hero: dude
  7. Courageous Hero: im
  8. Courageous Hero: auto
  9. Courageous Hero: filled
  10. take me saiph: fucking
  11. take me saiph: DODGE
  12. Courageous Hero: give me a break
  13. take me saiph: THEN
  14. Dumpsterskeez left the lobby
  15. Courageous Hero: i
  16. Courageous Hero: dont
  17. Courageous Hero: want 2
  18. take me saiph: you're actually retarded lol
  19. take me saiph: ok then congrats on losing 20 points
  20. take me saiph: like i know your shitty mmr ass doesd
  21. Courageous Hero: 15*
  22. Courageous Hero: dude
  23. Courageous Hero: your toxic
  24. Sankwish left the lobby
  25. Courageous Hero: like actually
  26. take me saiph: -3 or -3X
  27. Courageous Hero: slowd own
  28. take me saiph: how am i toxic lol?
  29. DontTalkToMeep left the lobby
  30. take me saiph: because you and every other garbage player like you is too scared to lose -3 lp
  31. Courageous Hero: did you just read what you were typing
  32. take me saiph: and 0 mmr
  33. Courageous Hero: all game
  34. take me saiph: ?
  35. take me saiph: i typed maybe 3 things the whole game
  36. take me saiph: and none of them were toxic LOL
  37. Courageous Hero: and all
  38. Courageous Hero: were toxic
  39. Courageous Hero: dude
  40. take me saiph: if you think telling you to dodge if you're autofilled is toxic
  41. soccerlife45: xd funny when egirls flame someone when they cant get past plat solo xd
  42. take me saiph: you're actually retarde
  43. Courageous Hero: no
  44. Courageous Hero: not that
  45. take me saiph: ?
  46. Courageous Hero: in game
  47. take me saiph: wtf are u talking about lol
  48. take me saiph: go check my profile vik
  49. take me saiph: tell me how many duo games u see
  50. Ènryu: ?
  51. soccerlife45: i dont need to
  52. take me saiph: please tell me
  53. soccerlife45: the way u type
  54. soccerlife45: and its obv that
  55. soccerlife45: u duod early season
  56. take me saiph: ????????????????????????????????????????
  57. Ènryu: u main janna
  58. take me saiph: what are u talking aboit lol
  59. take me saiph: i made this account in april
  60. Ènryu: thats all that needs to be said
  61. soccerlife45: we both know it
  62. soccerlife45: dw
  63. take me saiph: solo queued from placements to dia
  64. soccerlife45: xd
  65. Ènryu: playing
  66. Ènryu: janna
  67. take me saiph: typical sexist highschoolers lol
  68. soccerlife45: i made this account last week
  69. Ènryu: yea?
  70. soccerlife45: solo qued
  71. soccerlife45: to
  72. soccerlife45: idk where this is
  73. Ènryu: are u like 35?
  74. take me saiph: no one can go from placements to diamond playing janna
  75. Ènryu: or what
  76. take me saiph: stop circlejerking
  77. Ènryu: ?
  78. soccerlife45: not that
  79. Ènryu: are u ok
  80. soccerlife45: its obvious
  81. soccerlife45: u didnt
  82. soccerlife45: im not saying
  83. take me saiph: ?
  84. soccerlife45: ppl like
  85. take me saiph: how is it obvious lol
  86. soccerlife45: turkish coffee
  87. soccerlife45: can
  88. soccerlife45: bc
  89. Courageous Hero: yall need some chill pill
  90. soccerlife45: ur playstyle
  91. take me saiph: i was the only person on my team who played well
  92. soccerlife45: ?
  93. soccerlife45: 1 nman ulting
  94. soccerlife45: bard
  95. soccerlife45: 4 times
  96. soccerlife45: then 1 man ulting me
  97. take me saiph: ????????????????????????????
  98. soccerlife45: 2 times
  99. take me saiph: if i didnt flash ult you there
  100. take me saiph: you would have killed kalista
  101. take me saiph: are u retarded LOL
  102. soccerlife45: yes bc
  103. Ènryu: hey egirl
  104. Ènryu: chill
  105. take me saiph: are u saying i should let my adc die for free
  106. Ènryu: men #1
  107. soccerlife45: an egirl who plays janna only
  108. soccerlife45: knows
  109. soccerlife45: my champ
  110. Ènryu: men are superior
  111. soccerlife45: more than me
  112. Courageous Hero: see what I had to deal with
  113. take me saiph: calling me an egirl doesnt offend me lol
  114. Courageous Hero: x
  115. soccerlife45: so what sur excuse
  116. Courageous Hero: D
  117. soccerlife45: for
  118. take me saiph: and its quite clear i dont play only janna?
  119. soccerlife45: bard
  120. soccerlife45: ?
  121. soccerlife45: 4 times?
  122. take me saiph: youre literally recycling
  123. soccerlife45: then flaming
  124. soccerlife45: if u wanna
  125. Ènryu: men are superior gender proven by studies
  126. take me saiph: circlejerked insults
  127. soccerlife45: if u wanna
  128. soccerlife45: climb
  129. soccerlife45: dont play support
  130. take me saiph: u think i havent heard them all lol?
  131. soccerlife45: prove to the world
  132. soccerlife45: girls can
  133. soccerlife45: actually climb
  134. soccerlife45: not playing
  135. Ènryu: men are superior gender proven by studies
  136. soccerlife45: 50 50 roles
  137. take me saiph: theres plenty of girls who don't play support
  138. soccerlife45: play mid
  139. soccerlife45: or jungle
  140. Ènryu: and ur
  141. Ènryu: not
  142. Ènryu: one ofthem
  143. Ènryu: xd
  144. take me saiph: what is wrong with playing support lol?
  145. soccerlife45: yes link me their profiles and ill have screenshots of me
  146. Courageous Hero: why are smurfs so toxic
  147. Courageous Hero: holyshit
  148. soccerlife45: on their account
  149. soccerlife45: or
  150. soccerlife45: karasmai
  151. take me saiph: ??????
  152. soccerlife45: boosting
  153. soccerlife45: tell me
  154. soccerlife45: who
  155. soccerlife45: above d3
  156. soccerlife45: besides
  157. take me saiph: can u please give me an argument thats not circlejerked lol
  158. soccerlife45: leanh
  159. soccerlife45: ?
  160. soccerlife45: ok
  161. Ènryu: if u saw a retarded kid in school that acted as if he had the highest iq
  162. soccerlife45: so
  163. take me saiph: u cant call me boosted, its quite clear i only solo queue
  164. soccerlife45: link me
  165. Ènryu: what would u do?
  166. take me saiph: every win or loss is mine
  167. soccerlife45: idc about if ur boosted
  168. soccerlife45: show
  169. take me saiph: u cant say i only play janna
  170. soccerlife45: me
  171. soccerlife45: a girl
  172. soccerlife45: that
  173. soccerlife45: solod
  174. soccerlife45: past d3
  175. take me saiph: bc its quite clear i play more champs than her
  176. soccerlife45: show
  177. soccerlife45: me
  178. soccerlife45: ?
  179. soccerlife45: ur tleling
  180. soccerlife45: plenty
  181. soccerlife45: link me one
  182. take me saiph: ?????????????
  183. soccerlife45: link me one
  184. soccerlife45: cmon
  185. soccerlife45: ?
  186. take me saiph: i dont have any girls on my friends list lol
  187. soccerlife45: who go
  188. soccerlife45: got there solo
  189. take me saiph: i literally have 5 people
  190. soccerlife45: i have
  191. soccerlife45: 2
  192. soccerlife45: i can
  193. take me saiph: but i used to have this d2 chick plays top
  194. soccerlife45: still find
  195. Ènryu: i have 4
  196. soccerlife45: opggs
  197. soccerlife45: whats her
  198. soccerlife45: ign?
  199. take me saiph: she changes it like every week
  200. take me saiph: how the fuck am is upposed to know
  201. Ènryu: im trans does that count
  202. soccerlife45: i wonder why
  203. soccerlife45: ?
  204. take me saiph: ???
  205. take me saiph: bc she likes her name changed
  206. Ènryu: boosted
  207. take me saiph: no
  208. Ènryu: boosted
  209. soccerlife45: im sure
  210. soccerlife45: then
  211. take me saiph: shes like 2k games hardstuck
  212. soccerlife45: give proof
  213. Ènryu: so
  214. take me saiph: but shes above d3 and doesnt play support
  215. Ènryu: boosted
  216. take me saiph: ?
  217. Ènryu: ?
  218. soccerlife45: do uk
  219. soccerlife45: how many
  220. soccerlife45: accounts
  221. soccerlife45: i boosted
  222. take me saiph: u realize how many guys are boosted?
  223. soccerlife45: that had 2k games
  224. take me saiph: why are u being sexist lol
  225. soccerlife45: and hardstuck
  226. soccerlife45: ?
  227. Ènryu: not
  228. soccerlife45: i know
  229. Ènryu: its just meming
  230. soccerlife45: how many guys r boosted
  231. Ènryu: lol
  232. soccerlife45: but hte %age
  233. soccerlife45: of guys
  234. take me saiph: theres like a 9 to 1 ratio of guys boosted to girls
  235. Ènryu: did u not see me repeat
  236. Ènryu: the same sentence
  237. Ènryu: over and over
  238. Ènryu: also bc population is 9:1 xD
  239. soccerlife45: boosted to non boosted guys to boosted girls to non boosted girls
  240. take me saiph: yes exactly
  241. soccerlife45: its like 60 to 40 for guys while 90 to 10
  242. take me saiph: please enlighten me on whats wrong
  243. soccerlife45: for females
  244. take me saiph: with liking the support role?
  245. soccerlife45: u like
  246. soccerlife45: not being able
  247. soccerlife45: to win without
  248. Ènryu: there is nothing wrong until u start complaining
  249. soccerlife45: relying on team
  250. take me saiph: i like helping people
  251. soccerlife45: not to be braindead
  252. Ènryu: abt losing games
  253. take me saiph: whats wrong with that
  254. soccerlife45: if u like helping ppl
  255. Ènryu: ?
  256. soccerlife45: dont flame
  257. Ènryu: ur not helping
  258. soccerlife45: ur jungler
  259. take me saiph: lol i didnt complain about my team once
  260. Ènryu: by complaining
  261. Ènryu: and saying
  262. soccerlife45: ?
  263. Ènryu: ur the best in the game
  264. take me saiph: i told my retard jungle to dodge
  265. Ènryu: xDDD
  266. Ènryu: ur team
  267. Ènryu: xDDD
  268. take me saiph: because people at this elo
  269. Ènryu: tjats
  270. Courageous Hero: im not a retard
  271. take me saiph: are too scared to lose -3 lp
  272. Ènryu: not complaining or flaming?
  273. Ènryu: hbu
  274. Courageous Hero: im inexperienced
  275. Ènryu: did u dodge
  276. take me saiph: whejn they're autofilled
  277. Ènryu: >w<
  278. soccerlife45: id rather
  279. soccerlife45: lose 11
  280. soccerlife45: lp
  281. soccerlife45: to int u down with ur attitude
  282. soccerlife45: o shit
  283. take me saiph: because obvioulsy -3 is worse than losing -20 and mmr
  284. soccerlife45: autofilled jungle
  285. soccerlife45: guess my
  286. take me saiph: ?????
  287. Ènryu: hbu
  288. soccerlife45: ass has to make her dodge
  289. Courageous Hero: hahahhaha
  290. take me saiph: are u threatened by a girl being toxic LOL
  291. soccerlife45: instead
  292. take me saiph: THATS SO CUTE
  293. soccerlife45: of maining jungle
  294. Courageous Hero: you guys have 11 pages of text
  295. Courageous Hero: in word
  296. soccerlife45: XD
  297. take me saiph: not all girls are submissive
  298. take me saiph: :))))
  299. Ènryu: i-im pretty s-scared
  300. soccerlife45: ik
  301. soccerlife45: but all girls
  302. soccerlife45: are trash
  303. soccerlife45: until
  304. soccerlife45: u show me
  305. Ènryu: pls d-dont hurt me
  306. soccerlife45: opgg
  307. take me saiph: one day youll graduate from highschool and learn
  308. soccerlife45: of one
  309. soccerlife45: above d3
  310. soccerlife45: im college
  311. soccerlife45: but
  312. soccerlife45: ik
  313. soccerlife45: ur iq too high
  314. take me saiph: you actually
  315. Ènryu: dw i will in 2019
  316. take me saiph: dont even realize
  317. soccerlife45: to seee me in hs
  318. soccerlife45: X
  319. soccerlife45: D
  320. take me saiph: the contradition in what you ar saying
  321. take me saiph: listen to this
  322. soccerlife45: im waiting
  323. soccerlife45: for d3_
  324. take me saiph: the population is like 9:1 boys girls right?
  325. soccerlife45: opgg
  326. Ènryu: waht deos conrtadciton mean
  327. soccerlife45: and the
  328. take me saiph: and diamond is like 0.5% of population
  329. soccerlife45: guysboosted to guys not boosted ratio
  330. take me saiph: or like .1%
  331. take me saiph: some shit
  332. soccerlife45: 6 to 4
  333. take me saiph: so obviously the amt of girls is even smaller
  334. soccerlife45: girls boosted to girls not boosted ratio
  335. soccerlife45: 9-1
  336. soccerlife45: and i have
  337. take me saiph: and most of the girls here were in fact boosted
  338. soccerlife45: 442 screenshots of accounts ive boosted
  339. Courageous Hero: dam your sitll at it
  340. soccerlife45: for
  341. soccerlife45: a margin\
  342. soccerlife45: want some
  343. soccerlife45: here
  344. Courageous Hero: its been like 7 minutes
  345. soccerlife45: one sec
  346. take me saiph: that doesnt mean girls arent capable of being good at the game
  347. take me saiph: theres just less of them so less potential
  348. soccerlife45: yea
  349. soccerlife45: but
  350. take me saiph: maybe use your brain
  351. take me saiph: before being retarded
  352. soccerlife45: can they be good
  353. soccerlife45: if they arent
  354. take me saiph: with circlejerk insults
  355. soccerlife45: past d3?
  356. soccerlife45: solo?
  357. soccerlife45: or do u think
  358. take me saiph: that literally every girl has heard 1000 times
  359. soccerlife45: d5 is good
  360. soccerlife45: ?
  361. Courageous Hero: guys
  362. take me saiph: i dont think d5 is good
  363. soccerlife45: ok
  364. soccerlife45: so
  365. soccerlife45: main jungle
  366. Courageous Hero: you should make this
  367. soccerlife45: and make a change
  368. take me saiph: d1 isnt even good lol
  369. Courageous Hero: areddit post
  370. Courageous Hero: lol
  371. soccerlife45: change the steriotype
  372. soccerlife45: dont be a flaming support main
  373. take me saiph: ive solo queued there !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! believ eit or not XDDD
  374. take me saiph: lol?
  375. Courageous Hero left the lobby
  376. soccerlife45: xd
  377. take me saiph: please
  378. soccerlife45: every female on support
  379. take me saiph: tell me how telling my jg to dodge
  380. take me saiph: is toxic
  381. soccerlife45: uhh
  382. soccerlife45: igot a screenshot
  383. take me saiph: is it not rational to dodge
  384. take me saiph: if you are autofilled
  385. soccerlife45: of me getting a 2 week ban
  386. soccerlife45: for telling
  387. soccerlife45: my jungler
  388. soccerlife45: to dodge
  389. soccerlife45: here
  390. soccerlife45: screenshot
  391. take me saiph: cool i have 3 permabans
  392. soccerlife45: and in the ticket
  393. soccerlife45: 3
  394. soccerlife45: XD
  395. take me saiph: that doesnt mean telling someone to dodge is toxic
  396. soccerlife45: cute
  397. take me saiph: ?"/??
  398. soccerlife45: it does
  399. take me saiph: its literally
  400. take me saiph: common sense
  401. soccerlife45: in the ticket
  402. soccerlife45: they literally said
  403. take me saiph: ya im sure you said some shit like "you have 3 iq boosted fuck *insert racial slur*
  404. take me saiph: no one gets perma'd from not being toxic
  405. soccerlife45: racial
  406. take me saiph: or banned*
  407. soccerlife45: ?
  408. soccerlife45: ?
  409. soccerlife45: i said
  410. soccerlife45: dodge i already dodged
  411. Ènryu:
  412. soccerlife45: granted
  413. Ènryu: u 2 shud duo
  414. soccerlife45: ..
  415. soccerlife45: kys
  416. take me saiph: ????????
  417. soccerlife45: fucking virgin
  418. take me saiph: i dont duo
  419. take me saiph: and i dont duo with squeaky voiced highschoolers
  420. soccerlife45: i dont duo unless payed
  421. take me saiph: :)_
  422. take me saiph: sexist* squeaky voiced highschoolers
  423. soccerlife45: squeeky
  424. soccerlife45: high school
  425. soccerlife45: xd
  426. take me saiph: go talk to a girl irl with that attitude
  427. soccerlife45: i do
  428. take me saiph: oh wait youve never talked to one
  429. take me saiph: XDDD
  430. soccerlife45: ikr
  431. Ènryu: T_T
  432. Ènryu: right on the dot
  433. soccerlife45: cant come up with facts makes assumptions, show me a girl above d3
  434. take me saiph: "h-hey.... w'whats the weather like haha...."
  435. Ènryu: im gonna go cut myself now
  436. soccerlife45: instead of making up
  437. take me saiph: I AM NOT FRIENDS WITH ANY GIRLS
  438. soccerlife45: some top laning chick
  439. soccerlife45: that changes
  440. soccerlife45: ok
  441. take me saiph: GIRLS DO NOT LIKE ME
  442. soccerlife45: so ur admitting
  443. Ènryu: s-siri whats the w-w-w--weather like today
  444. Ènryu: u fucking got me
  445. soccerlife45: all girls are shit at this game
  446. take me saiph: ?
  447. soccerlife45: then
  448. take me saiph: dude
  449. soccerlife45: show me
  450. soccerlife45: opgg
  451. soccerlife45: cmon
  452. take me saiph: youre actually retarded lol
  453. soccerlife45: im asking
  454. soccerlife45: for facts
  455. soccerlife45: ur making assumptions
  456. Ènryu: >w<
  457. soccerlife45: u want
  458. soccerlife45: to prove me wrong
  459. Ènryu: >>>>>>>>>>>>>w<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
  460. soccerlife45: ?
  461. soccerlife45: prove me wrong
  462. take me saiph: you want to talk about facts but ignore statistics lol
  463. soccerlife45: stfu fucking virgin kha
  464. soccerlife45: statistics
  465. soccerlife45: ok
  466. soccerlife45: out of all females
  467. soccerlife45: 9 to 1
  468. take me saiph: do u know how many girls you probably play with but dont know they're girls?
  469. soccerlife45: boostedrate
  470. soccerlife45: males
  471. soccerlife45: 6 to 4
  472. soccerlife45: i have
  473. soccerlife45: 400
  474. soccerlife45: screenshots
  475. take me saiph: not all of them have names like xoxoChocolatekisses XDD
  476. soccerlife45: of people who payed
  477. soccerlife45: for
  478. soccerlife45: a boost
  479. soccerlife45: 430ish
  480. soccerlife45: as
  481. soccerlife45: a control
  482. take me saiph: ?
  483. take me saiph: what are u even trying to argue
  484. soccerlife45: u want me to post
  485. take me saiph: im legit confused
  486. soccerlife45: egirls flame
  487. soccerlife45: but r shit
  488. soccerlife45: play jungle
  489. take me saiph: ?
  490. soccerlife45: instead of telling
  491. take me saiph: everyone flames but is shit
  492. soccerlife45: ur jungle to dodge
  493. take me saiph: that doesnt mean anything lol
  494. soccerlife45: yea but
  495. soccerlife45: if ur shittier
  496. soccerlife45: then the person ur flaming
  497. soccerlife45: for being offrole
  498. take me saiph: lol
  499. take me saiph: jesus
  500. take me saiph: my point was he didnt dodge
  501. soccerlife45: Courageous Hero: i
  502. Courageous Hero: dont
  503. Courageous Hero: want 2
  504. take me saiph: you're actually retarded lol
  505. take me saiph: ok then congrats on losing 20 points
  506. take me saiph: like i know your s
  507. take me saiph: he wants to make everyone lose lp and mmr
  508. soccerlife45: "im not flaming our jungler"
  509. take me saiph: because he's too scared to lose -3 lp
  510. soccerlife45: proceeds to call him
  511. soccerlife45: retarded
  512. take me saiph: i didnt say i never flamed him
  513. soccerlife45: if he dodges
  514. take me saiph: jesus
  515. soccerlife45: hell be autofilled
  516. take me saiph: i said telling him to dodge isnt toxic
  517. soccerlife45: next game
  518. soccerlife45: might as well
  519. soccerlife45: get it outa the way
  520. take me saiph: you have impaired reading comprehension
  521. take me saiph: have u even gradutaed from middle school?
  522. take me saiph: its not
  523. soccerlife45: u said
  524. soccerlife45: u didnt flame right
  525. take me saiph: guaranteed you'll be autofiled twice in a row lol
  526. soccerlife45: u didnt flame right
  527. Ènryu: take me saiph: how am i toxic lol?
  528. soccerlife45: so if i copy and paste
  529. Ènryu: take me saiph: how am i toxic lol?
  530. soccerlife45: where u said
  531. Ènryu: take me saiph: how am i toxic lol?
  532. Ènryu: take me saiph: how am i toxic lol?
  533. soccerlife45: how am i toxic
  534. soccerlife45: or well
  535. soccerlife45: he does it
  536. soccerlife45: LMAO
  537. soccerlife45: XDD
  538. take me saiph: sigh
  539. soccerlife45: condtradicting
  540. Ènryu: whew
  541. soccerlife45: myself tho
  542. soccerlife45: dw
  543. soccerlife45: ?
  544. take me saiph: i didnt call him retarded until after that
  545. soccerlife45: i give proof and stats
  546. soccerlife45: u speew bs
  547. soccerlife45: im hs boy
  548. Ènryu: just climb playing another role
  549. soccerlife45: squeeky voice
  550. soccerlife45: no proof
  551. take me saiph: you have given 0 proof or stats of anything lol
  552. soccerlife45: like every
  553. soccerlife45: chick
  554. soccerlife45: no proof
  555. Ènryu: if u dont want to be stereotyped
  556. soccerlife45: i hasve
  557. soccerlife45: 400 screenshots
  558. soccerlife45: as a control
  559. soccerlife45: want themm
  560. soccerlife45: here
  561. soccerlife45: one sec
  562. take me saiph: just because u dont see something doesnt mean it doesnt exist XDDD
  563. soccerlife45: then
  564. soccerlife45: prove it
  565. soccerlife45: ?
  566. take me saiph: ?????????
  567. soccerlife45: that easy
  568. soccerlife45: ur making excuses
  569. soccerlife45: o shit
  570. soccerlife45: i have no female friends
  571. soccerlife45: o shit
  572. soccerlife45: she changes
  573. take me saiph: youre retarded if you think there are zero girls who have solo'd past d3
  574. soccerlife45: her ign weekly
  575. soccerlife45: ok
  576. soccerlife45: then
  577. Ènryu: if u dont see something then u dont know if it truly exists or not
  578. Ènryu: xd
  579. soccerlife45: proove it
  580. take me saiph: ?
  581. take me saiph: im proof
  582. take me saiph: go look at my rank over time thing
  583. take me saiph: u can see my peak
  584. soccerlife45: i have 14 accounts in that area and the only females up there are the dumb submissive retards that duo and click e
  585. take me saiph: like 2 months ago
  586. soccerlife45: nice
  587. soccerlife45: peak
  588. soccerlife45: takes u
  589. soccerlife45: hundreds
  590. soccerlife45: to peak
  591. soccerlife45: at d2
  592. soccerlife45: nice
  593. take me saiph: yes it does
  594. take me saiph: whats wrong with that lol?
  595. soccerlife45: so
  596. soccerlife45: show me
  597. soccerlife45: u said
  598. soccerlife45: girls r good at this game
  599. soccerlife45: somewhere
  600. soccerlife45: so
  601. soccerlife45: show me
  602. take me saiph: youre actually
  603. soccerlife45: what do u
  604. soccerlife45: consider
  605. soccerlife45: good
  606. take me saiph: so dumb lol
  607. soccerlife45: ?
  608. take me saiph: lcs pros
  609. take me saiph: masters players
  610. soccerlife45: pros
  611. take me saiph: challenger players
  612. soccerlife45: MASTERS
  613. soccerlife45: LOL
  614. soccerlife45: how muhc
  615. soccerlife45: lp
  616. soccerlife45: ?
  617. take me saiph: yes different people have different views of whats good!!!
  618. take me saiph: surprising wow!!!!
  619. soccerlife45: yes
  620. soccerlife45: ik
  621. soccerlife45: so
  622. soccerlife45: tell me
  623. soccerlife45: where
  624. soccerlife45: is girl
  625. soccerlife45: remilia has a penis
  626. take me saiph: any masters player
  627. take me saiph: ??????????
  628. soccerlife45: any?
  629. soccerlife45: remilia
  630. take me saiph: yes???????????
  631. soccerlife45: stripped drunk on stream...
  632. soccerlife45: i wishi could
  633. soccerlife45: unsee
  634. take me saiph: why are u changing the topic to that
  635. soccerlife45: the penis
  636. soccerlife45: bc
  637. soccerlife45: u say
  638. take me saiph: do u legit have some mental condition?
  639. soccerlife45: girls r good
  640. soccerlife45: where
  641. soccerlife45: the girls in masters
  642. soccerlife45: besides
  643. soccerlife45: vipers boosted gf
  644. soccerlife45: and
  645. soccerlife45: kitzuos?
  646. take me saiph: i didnt say all girls are good
  647. soccerlife45: ok
  648. soccerlife45: u want me
  649. soccerlife45: to copy and paste
  650. soccerlife45: just likle
  651. soccerlife45: before
  652. soccerlife45: when u said
  653. take me saiph: i said saying girls have 0 capability of being good
  654. soccerlife45: ?
  655. take me saiph: is a retarded thing to say
  656. soccerlife45: ofc they have the capability
  657. soccerlife45: thats y
  658. soccerlife45: im telling u
  659. soccerlife45: to jungle
  660. soccerlife45: bc
  661. take me saiph: dude
  662. soccerlife45: if ur a support main
  663. soccerlife45: u could be rank 1
  664. take me saiph: theres chicks in challenger
  665. soccerlife45: doesnt mean ur good
  666. soccerlife45: o
  667. soccerlife45: herest the
  668. soccerlife45: girl in challenger
  669. soccerlife45: that
  670. soccerlife45: i sold my account to
  671. take me saiph: that kat 1 trick girl
  672. soccerlife45: heres transaction details
  673. soccerlife45: gamer girl
  674. soccerlife45: is a guy
  675. soccerlife45: ...
  676. soccerlife45: im in skype
  677. soccerlife45: with him
  678. soccerlife45: ...
  679. take me saiph: ?????????
  680. soccerlife45: ....
  681. soccerlife45: gamer girl
  682. soccerlife45: is a guy
  683. soccerlife45: kat evolved
  684. take me saiph: wtf is wrong with you that you're so adamant on trying to say all girls are bad at league lol
  685. soccerlife45: is a guy
  686. take me saiph: like i dont get it
  687. soccerlife45: wheres
  688. soccerlife45: the female
  689. soccerlife45: kat 1 trick?
  690. soccerlife45: ur lying again?
  691. soccerlife45: im saying
  692. take me saiph: not that kat
  693. soccerlife45: all girls are shit bc
  694. take me saiph: theres a kat 1 trick girl in challenger
  695. soccerlife45: they dont do roles like jungle
  696. soccerlife45: which one?
  697. soccerlife45: bc
  698. soccerlife45: im at 400 lp
  699. soccerlife45: and
  700. soccerlife45: theres no girls
  701. soccerlife45: besides
  702. soccerlife45: the one that bought
  703. soccerlife45: tarz account
  704. soccerlife45: im telling u
  705. take me saiph: theres *no girls u know of
  706. soccerlife45: to main jungle
  707. soccerlife45: not support
  708. soccerlife45: all
  709. soccerlife45: challenger players
  710. take me saiph: like i said, not all of them have egirl names
  711. soccerlife45: are inthe skype
  712. soccerlife45: none
  713. soccerlife45: are girls
  714. soccerlife45: r u stupid
  715. soccerlife45: last season
  716. soccerlife45: tarzaned made a skype
  717. soccerlife45: to invite
  718. soccerlife45: anyone who ever hits top 200
  719. soccerlife45: and the only girl
  720. soccerlife45: in there is vipers
  721. soccerlife45: gf
  722. take me saiph: LOL
  723. soccerlife45: who he boosted him self
  724. take me saiph: u mean that dude
  725. take me saiph: who boosted the brainless egirl
  726. take me saiph: whats her name
  727. soccerlife45: yes
  728. take me saiph: pocket size
  729. soccerlife45: uhh
  730. soccerlife45: yea
  731. soccerlife45: the one i hit front page for
  732. soccerlife45: for inting
  733. soccerlife45: and
  734. take me saiph: ya thats a boosted girl
  735. soccerlife45: flaming
  736. soccerlife45: yea
  737. soccerlife45: masters girls
  738. soccerlife45: also same thing
  739. take me saiph: you shouldnt let chicks like that
  740. take me saiph: who swallow for elo
  741. soccerlife45: so
  742. take me saiph: be your judgement for the rest of girls on league
  743. soccerlife45: therefore
  744. soccerlife45: polay jungle
  745. Ènryu: gl in esports
  746. soccerlife45: play jungle
  747. take me saiph: do u realize how flawed that logic is
  748. Ènryu: play jg
  749. soccerlife45: or another role
  750. soccerlife45: bc
  751. take me saiph: k teach me jungle?
  752. soccerlife45: no one will resect a support main
  753. soccerlife45: teach urself
  754. soccerlife45: u think
  755. soccerlife45: anyone taught me
  756. soccerlife45: how to play
  757. take me saiph: ive been playing support in every game ever
  758. take me saiph: i like it
  759. soccerlife45: this shitty ass game
  760. soccerlife45: i mained
  761. take me saiph: i dont see whats wrong with it lol
  762. soccerlife45: swain
  763. soccerlife45: swain
  764. soccerlife45: and
  765. soccerlife45: im
  766. take me saiph: if there were no support mains who would play support?
  767. Ènryu: play khazix
  768. take me saiph: youd probably cry if u had no one to play that role
  769. soccerlife45: autofilled players
  770. soccerlife45: autofilled mids
  771. soccerlife45: are better than supports
  772. soccerlife45: mains
  773. soccerlife45: besides a select few
  774. soccerlife45: in soloq
  775. Ènryu: u know there was this one girl
  776. soccerlife45: play mid
  777. take me saiph: ya thats bullshit LOL
  778. soccerlife45: if u wanna
  779. soccerlife45: offrole
  780. Ènryu: in nidhoggs discord
  781. soccerlife45: ?
  782. soccerlife45: o right
  783. Ènryu: who
  784. soccerlife45: iforgot
  785. soccerlife45: a d4
  786. Ènryu: was a jg main
  787. soccerlife45: egirl knows better
  788. take me saiph: literally every person woh gets an autofilled support
  789. take me saiph: complains
  790. Ènryu: j4 kha etc
  791. soccerlife45: about soloq
  792. Ènryu: turns out
  793. soccerlife45: ?
  794. take me saiph: that their support has no idea waht theyre doing
  795. Ènryu: it was a guy all along catfishing as a female
  796. soccerlife45: in this meta
  797. Ènryu: xd
  798. soccerlife45: u go
  799. soccerlife45: ardent
  800. soccerlife45: and afk
  801. soccerlife45: next to adc
  802. soccerlife45: u dont need to
  803. soccerlife45: know how to support
  804. soccerlife45: blame riot
  805. soccerlife45: not the supports
  806. Ènryu: maybe there are females that arent bad and no one knows abt them
  807. take me saiph: sure, yuou can do that
  808. Ènryu: but the ones that stand out
  809. soccerlife45: y tf
  810. soccerlife45: is the kha
  811. Ènryu: aka 90%
  812. take me saiph: but then yuoull have 0 impact on the game
  813. soccerlife45: still here
  814. soccerlife45: wanna know
  815. Ènryu: represent ur population
  816. soccerlife45: what has an impact on the game
  817. Ènryu: so what do u do if u dont want to be
  818. soccerlife45: for the first 20 minutes and can
  819. take me saiph: you can buff your adc all you want
  820. Ènryu: represented by them?
  821. soccerlife45: change tides?
  822. Ènryu: dont play support
  823. soccerlife45: jungle
  824. take me saiph: but what if your adc is retarded?
  825. soccerlife45: so play it
  826. take me saiph: and can barely right click?
  827. soccerlife45: look at our kha
  828. Ènryu: dont argue like what ur doing rn
  829. soccerlife45: he 1v9
  830. take me saiph: then being a shieldslut does nothing for your team
  831. soccerlife45: there r no
  832. soccerlife45: adcs that dont know how to right click past 150 lp
  833. take me saiph: i could care less about stereotypes lol
  834. Ènryu left the lobby
  835. soccerlife45: then
  836. take me saiph: just because im a girl and play support doesnt mean anything
  837. soccerlife45: prove them wrong
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