

Nov 17th, 2019
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  1. on damage:
  2. if victim is player:
  3. attacker is player
  4. cancel event
  5. else:
  6. attacker is player
  7. damage was caused by projectile
  8. projectile is a egg
  9. cancel event
  10. teleport the victim to {naraku}
  11. chance of 20%:
  12. add 1 to {catch.boke.%uuid of attacker%}
  13. send "&b&l%victim's name%&aをつかまえた!" to attacker
  14. set {_h} to victim's health * 2
  15. set {_mh} to victim's max health * 2
  16. give snowball named "&a&lMonsterBall: &b&l%victim's name%" with lore "&3%victim's name%&3's info&a:" and "&aEntity ID: &b%victim%" and " &cHealth&a: &c%{_h}% &c/ &c%{_mh}%" to attacker
  17. else:
  18. send "&b&l%victim's name%&7はにげてしまった..." to attacker
  20. on spawn:
  21. if entity is zombie:
  22. chance of 0.1%:
  23. set name of entity to "&a&lフシ・ビー"
  24. broadcast "&6&l伝説のボケモソが出現しました!"
  25. else:
  26. chance of 1%:
  27. set name of entity to "&aゾンデッド"
  28. else:
  29. set name of entity to "&aゾン・ビー"
  30. else if entity is skeleton:
  31. chance of 0.1%:
  32. set name of entity to "&f&lスケスケ"
  33. broadcast "&6&l伝説のボケモソが出現しました!"
  34. else:
  35. chance of 1%:
  36. set name of entity to "&fスケ・ルトン"
  37. else:
  38. set name of entity to "&fスケルスケ"
  39. else if entity is spider:
  40. chance of 0.1%:
  41. set name of entity to "&0&lモックダー"
  42. broadcast "&6&l伝説のボケモソが出現しました!"
  43. else:
  44. chance of 1%:
  45. set name of entity to "&0スクモ"
  46. else:
  47. set name of entity to "&0ククモ"
  48. else if entity is creeper:
  49. chance of 0.1%:
  50. set name of entity to "&2&lエクスリーパー"
  51. broadcast "&6&l伝説のボケモソが出現しました!"
  52. else:
  53. chance of 1%:
  54. set name of entity to "&2パー・クリ"
  55. else:
  56. set name of entity to "&2クリッパー"
  57. else if entity is witch:
  58. chance of 0.1%:
  59. set name of entity to "&5&lマジョッチ"
  60. broadcast "&6&l伝説のボケモソが出現しました!"
  61. else:
  62. chance of 1%:
  63. set name of entity to "&5ウェマポ"
  64. else:
  65. set name of entity to "&5マウィ"
  66. else if entity is stray:
  67. chance of 0.1%:
  68. set name of entity to "&f&lスケ・コールド"
  69. broadcast "&6&l伝説のボケモソが出現しました!"
  70. else:
  71. chance of 1%:
  72. set name of entity to "&fスト・レイン"
  73. else:
  74. set name of entity to "&fストストレ"
  75. else if entity is zombie pigman:
  76. chance of 0.1%:
  77. set name of entity to "&c&lトンカ"
  78. broadcast "&6&l伝説のボケモソが出現しました!"
  79. else:
  80. chance of 1%:
  81. set name of entity to "&cピッグピッグ"
  82. else:
  83. set name of entity to "&cブタブタ"
  84. else if entity is zombie villager:
  85. chance of 0.1%:
  86. set name of entity to "&2&lムゾラ"
  87. broadcast "&6&l伝説のボケモソが出現しました!"
  88. else:
  89. chance of 1%:
  90. set name of entity to "&2ビレゾ"
  91. else:
  92. set name of entity to "&2ムラゾビト"
  93. else if entity is wither skeleton:
  94. chance of 0.1%:
  95. set name of entity to "&0&lウィスク"
  96. broadcast "&6&l伝説のボケモソが出現しました!"
  97. else:
  98. chance of 1%:
  99. set name of entity to "&0スー"
  100. else:
  101. set name of entity to "&0クロ"
  102. else if entity is villager:
  103. chance of 0.1%:
  104. set name of entity to "&6&lム・ラムラ"
  105. broadcast "&6&l伝説のボケモソが出現しました!"
  106. else:
  107. chance of 1%:
  108. set name of entity to "&6ラハァン"
  109. else:
  110. set name of entity to "&6ムハラァビント"
  111. else if entity is blaze:
  112. chance of 0.1%:
  113. set name of entity to "&4&l炎芋"
  114. broadcast "&6&l伝説のボケモソが出現しました!"
  115. else:
  116. chance of 1%:
  117. set name of entity to "&4ポテト"
  118. else:
  119. set name of entity to "&4ファブイ"
  120. else if entity is squid:
  121. chance of 0.1%:
  122. set name of entity to "&8&lイカドス"
  123. broadcast "&6&l伝説のボケモソが出現しました!"
  124. else:
  125. chance of 1%:
  126. set name of entity to "&8イカクイーン"
  127. else:
  128. set name of entity to "&8イカキング"
  129. else if entity is enderman:
  130. chance of 0.1%:
  131. set name of entity to "&0&lワープマン"
  132. broadcast "&6&l伝説のボケモソが出現しました!"
  133. else:
  134. chance of 1%:
  135. set name of entity to "&0エマダ"
  136. else:
  137. set name of entity to "&0クロワテ"
  138. else if entity is pig:
  139. chance of 0.1%:
  140. set name of entity to "&d&lブッタ"
  141. broadcast "&6&l伝説のボケモソが出現しました!"
  142. else:
  143. chance of 1%:
  144. set name of entity to "&dトカツン"
  145. else:
  146. set name of entity to "&dピトタブ"
  147. else if entity is bat:
  148. chance of 0.1%:
  149. set name of entity to "&7&lパタバタ"
  150. broadcast "&6&l伝説のボケモソが出現しました!"
  151. else:
  152. chance of 1%:
  153. set name of entity to "&7コウモット"
  154. else:
  155. set name of entity to "&7コバパ"
  156. else if entity is cave spider:
  157. chance of 0.1%:
  158. set name of entity to "&5&lドグモ"
  159. broadcast "&6&l伝説のボケモソが出現しました!"
  160. else:
  161. chance of 1%:
  162. set name of entity to "&5ドックモ"
  163. else:
  164. set name of entity to "&5スポイパ"
  165. else if entity is pig:
  166. chance of 0.1%:
  167. set name of entity to "&d&lブッタ"
  168. broadcast "&6&l伝説のボケモソが出現しました!"
  169. else:
  170. chance of 1%:
  171. set name of entity to "&dトカツン"
  172. else:
  173. set name of entity to "&dピトタブ"
  174. else if entity is cow:
  175. chance of 0.1%:
  176. set name of entity to "&6&lウッシッシ"
  177. broadcast "&6&l伝説のボケモソが出現しました!"
  178. else:
  179. chance of 1%:
  180. set name of entity to "&6ウモー"
  181. else:
  182. set name of entity to "&6カウモシ"
  183. else if entity is donkey:
  184. chance of 0.1%:
  185. set name of entity to "&e&lバーロ"
  186. broadcast "&6&l伝説のボケモソが出現しました!"
  187. else:
  188. chance of 1%:
  189. set name of entity to "&eロヒバラ"
  190. else:
  191. set name of entity to "&eロレッバ"
  192. else if entity is elder guardian:
  193. chance of 0.1%:
  194. set name of entity to "&b&l海の守護者"
  195. broadcast "&6&l伝説のボケモソが出現しました!"
  196. else:
  197. chance of 1%:
  198. set name of entity to "&bガシキグ"
  199. else:
  200. set name of entity to "&bエシオウ"
  201. else if entity is wither:
  202. chance of 0.1%:
  203. set name of entity to "&0&l&n暗黒ノ王"
  204. broadcast "&6&l伝説のボケモソが出現しました!"
  205. else:
  206. chance of 1%:
  207. set name of entity to "&0壊神"
  208. else:
  209. set name of entity to "&0終焉"
  210. else if entity is ender dragon:
  211. chance of 0.1%:
  212. set name of entity to "&0&l&n深淵ノ統一者"
  213. broadcast "&6&l伝説のボケモソが出現しました!"
  214. else:
  215. chance of 1%:
  216. set name of entity to "&0舞壊覇竜"
  217. else:
  218. set name of entity to "&0破壊竜"
  219. else if entity is endermite:
  220. chance of 0.1%:
  221. set name of entity to "&5&l深淵ノ紙魚"
  222. broadcast "&6&l伝説のボケモソが出現しました!"
  223. else:
  224. chance of 1%:
  225. set name of entity to "&5ワシム"
  226. else:
  227. set name of entity to "&5エンミト"
  228. else if entity is evoker:
  229. chance of 0.1%:
  230. set name of entity to "&7&lヴォエ"
  231. broadcast "&6&l伝説のボケモソが出現しました!"
  232. else:
  233. chance of 1%:
  234. set name of entity to "&7キカ"
  235. else:
  236. set name of entity to "&7イーオ"
  237. else if entity is ghast:
  238. chance of 0.1%:
  239. set name of entity to "&f&lガスト"
  240. broadcast "&6&l伝説のボケモソが出現しました!"
  241. else:
  242. chance of 1%:
  243. set name of entity to "&fファバ"
  244. else:
  245. set name of entity to "&fイゴート"
  246. else if entity is guardian:
  247. chance of 0.1%:
  248. set name of entity to "&b&l守護者"
  249. broadcast "&6&l伝説のボケモソが出現しました!"
  250. else:
  251. chance of 1%:
  252. set name of entity to "&bプロガシウ"
  253. else:
  254. set name of entity to "&bノテクミ"
  255. else if entity is horse:
  256. chance of 0.1%:
  257. set name of entity to "&d&lヒヒヒ"
  258. broadcast "&6&l伝説のボケモソが出現しました!"
  259. else:
  260. chance of 1%:
  261. set name of entity to "&dマホラ"
  262. else:
  263. set name of entity to "&dイル"
  264. else if entity is husk:
  265. chance of 0.1%:
  266. set name of entity to "&6&lクウザ"
  267. broadcast "&6&l伝説のボケモソが出現しました!"
  268. else:
  269. chance of 1%:
  270. set name of entity to "&6フナク"
  271. else:
  272. set name of entity to "&6ファイス"
  273. else if entity is llama:
  274. chance of 0.1%:
  275. set name of entity to "&f&lラ・マー"
  276. broadcast "&6&l伝説のボケモソが出現しました!"
  277. else:
  278. chance of 1%:
  279. set name of entity to "&fツペッラ"
  280. else:
  281. set name of entity to "&fベマサ"
  282. else if entity is magma cube:
  283. chance of 0.1%:
  284. set name of entity to "&c&lマキュー"
  285. broadcast "&6&l伝説のボケモソが出現しました!"
  286. else:
  287. chance of 1%:
  288. set name of entity to "&cネキュー"
  289. else:
  290. set name of entity to "&cキュー"
  291. else if entity is chicken:
  292. chance of 0.1%:
  293. set name of entity to "&4&lコケ・コケコ"
  294. broadcast "&6&l伝説のボケモソが出現しました!"
  295. else:
  296. chance of 1%:
  297. set name of entity to "&4ニトワ"
  298. else:
  299. set name of entity to "&4ワリニ"
  300. else if entity is mooshroom:
  301. chance of 0.1%:
  302. set name of entity to "&4&lキォモ"
  303. broadcast "&6&l伝説のボケモソが出現しました!"
  304. else:
  305. chance of 1%:
  306. set name of entity to "&4マッウ"
  307. else:
  308. set name of entity to "&4ムルシュム"
  309. else if entity is mule:
  310. chance of 0.1%:
  311. set name of entity to "&6&lラバズー"
  312. broadcast "&6&l伝説のボケモソが出現しました!"
  313. else:
  314. chance of 1%:
  315. set name of entity to "&6ムバル"
  316. else:
  317. set name of entity to "&6バルーズ"
  318. else if entity is ocelot:
  319. chance of 0.1%:
  320. set name of entity to "&d&lニャゴラ"
  321. broadcast "&6&l伝説のボケモソが出現しました!"
  322. else:
  323. chance of 1%:
  324. set name of entity to "&dメヲウ"
  325. else:
  326. set name of entity to "&dニセネ"
  327. else if entity is chicken:
  328. chance of 0.1%:
  329. set name of entity to "&4&lコケ・コケコ"
  330. broadcast "&6&l伝説のボケモソが出現しました!"
  331. else:
  332. chance of 1%:
  333. set name of entity to "&4ニトワ"
  334. else:
  335. set name of entity to "&4ワリニ"
  337. command /check:
  338. permission: check
  339. trigger:
  340. send "%target entity%"
  342. command /hoge:
  343. permission: hoge
  344. trigger:
  345. set {naraku} to location of player
  347. command /ball <player> <number>:
  348. permission: ball.get
  349. trigger:
  350. give arg 2 of egg named "&a&lMonsterBall" with lore "&bあてた相手を たまに つかまえる" to arg 1
  351. send "&b%arg 1%にMonsterBallを%arg 2%個渡しました"
  353. on spawn:
  354. {spawn} is false
  355. cancel event
  357. on spawn:
  358. if entity is chicken:
  359. chance of 0.1%:
  360. set name of entity to "&4&lコケ・コケコ"
  361. broadcast "&6&l伝説のボケモソが出現しました!"
  362. else:
  363. chance of 1%:
  364. set name of entity to "&4ニトワ"
  365. else:
  366. set name of entity to "&4ワリニ"
  368. command /status [<offline player>]:
  369. aliases: /st
  370. trigger:
  371. if arg 1 is set:
  372. send "&6&m &b %arg 1%'s Status &6&m "
  373. send ""
  374. send "&eCatch Bokémon&a: &e%{catch.boke.%uuid of arg 1%}%"
  375. send ""
  376. send "&dFirst Join&a: %{firstjoin.%uuid of arg 1%}%"
  377. send ""
  378. send "&bLast Join&a: %{lastjoin.%uuid of arg 1%}%"
  379. send ""
  380. send "&7Last Quit&a: %{lastquit.%uuid of arg 1%}%"
  381. send ""
  382. send "&6&m "
  383. else:
  384. send "&6&m &b %player%'s Status &6&m "
  385. send ""
  386. send "&eCatch Bokémon&a: &e%{catch.boke.%uuid of player%}%"
  387. send ""
  388. send "&dFirst Join&a: %{firstjoin.%uuid of player%}%"
  389. send ""
  390. send "&bLast Join&a: %{lastjoin.%uuid of player%}%"
  391. send ""
  392. send "&7Last Quit&a: %{lastquit.%uuid of player%}%"
  393. send ""
  394. send "&6&m "
  396. on first join:
  397. set {firstjoin.%uuid of player%} to now
  399. on join:
  400. set {lastjoin.%uuid of player%} to now
  402. on quit:
  403. set {lastquit.%uuid of player%} to now
  405. every 1 minutes:
  406. set {spawn} to true
  407. wait 1 seconds
  408. set {spawn} to false
  410. every 5 minutes:
  411. command "tp @e[type=zombie] 0 -10 0"
  412. command "tp @e[type=skeleton] 0 -10 0"
  413. command "tp @e[type=spider] 0 -10 0"
  414. command "tp @e[type=creeper] 0 -10 0"
  416. on shoot:
  417. if projectile is egg:
  418. name of shooter's tool contains "§a§lMonsterBall"
  419. if {ok.%uuid of shooter%} is true:
  420. send "&b&lあなたは既にボールを投げています" to shooter
  421. cancel event
  422. else:
  423. set {ok.%uuid of shooter%} to true
  424. else if projectile is snowball:
  425. name of shooter's tool contains "§a§lMonsterBall"
  426. set {_a} to shooter's tool
  427. set {_Entity.%uuid of shooter%} to lore 2 of {_a}
  428. replace all "&aEntity ID: &b" with "" in {_Entity.%uuid of shooter%} parsed as an entitytype
  429. while the projectile is alive:
  430. set {_snbloc.%uuid of shooter%} to location of projectile
  431. set action bar of loop-player to "はっしゃぶつはalive"
  432. spawn {_Entity.%uuid of shooter%} at the {_snbloc.%uuid of shooter%}
  433. command "summon %{_Entity.%uuid of shooter%}% {_snbloc.%uuid of shooter%}"
  437. on projectile hit:
  438. {ok.%uuid of shooter%} is true
  439. set {ok.%uuid of shooter%} to false
  441. command /spawnok:
  442. permission: skript.admiso.spawn.ok.suruyatu
  443. trigger:
  444. set {spawn} to true
  445. wait 2 seconds
  446. set {spawn} to false
  448. command /e <text>:
  449. permission: evaluate
  450. trigger:
  451. evaluate arg 1
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