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Sep 23rd, 2019
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  1. Key: Poetiethemapper
  2. Character: Tarus
  3. Skill(or transformation): AT1
  4. Reasoning:
  5. Ever since the attack of the Demons Tarus has witnessed people being broken down, low spirited and/or mourning the fallen. One example is Touma. Tarus didn’t know them, but their corpse was dumped at the hideout of the resistance. Most of the soldiers there showed their pain, praying for better days and this significantly impacted Tarus. Not only did it hurt him seeing fellow soldiers grieving their fallen comrade, it hurt him more to see that a living person had found their end like that – eyes gouged out and then dumped lifeless at the entrance like they were filth.
  7. His continuous training also contributes largely to the ability to transform; he has been spending most of his time fighting the Saiyans, Anna and the significantly stronger Cellerin. Not only gave it insight to newer techniques, but also that there was room to grow, instead of having to rely on the symbiot that was within.
  9. And the moment that pushes him over the edge; He ran into Saul, Helga, Tony and Moira. The first ordered the last to attack Tarus and show their Demon. Moira heeded and/but proceeded to apologize to Tarus. This showed that they were acting against their will. Whereas Tarus strongly desires to set the island free, witnessing the act of Demons firsthand just pushes him over edge. How they decided for others what to do, a reflection of what they had done to the island – changing it to their will. Having already determined to fight for the island, witnessing Moira as a slave just pushes him forward with unwavering resolve to show her a way out. If that’s through beating her, then so be it.
  11. What is the moment:
  12. The moment Saul ordered her to attack and she does.
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