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Dec 15th, 2019
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  1. ######################################################
  2. ## ##
  3. ## SuperiorSkyblock 2 ##
  4. ## Developed by Ome_R ##
  5. ## ##
  6. ######################################################
  8. # If you wish to create a new language file, please copy this one.
  9. # Make sure you give the name a correct language name.
  10. #
  12. ADMIN_DEPOSIT_MONEY: '&e&lBank | &7You deposited ${0} into {1}''s island bank.'
  13. ADMIN_DEPOSIT_MONEY_NAME: '&e&lBank | &7You deposited ${0} into the bank of the island {1}.'
  14. ADMIN_HELP_FOOTER: '&e&lSuperiorSkyblock &7Developed by Ome_R'
  15. ADMIN_HELP_HEADER: '&e&lSuperiorSkyblock &7Admin Commands List [{0}/{1}]:'
  16. ADMIN_HELP_LINE: '&e/{0} &f- &7{1}'
  17. ADMIN_HELP_NEXT_PAGE: '&e&lSuperiorSkyblock &7Use /is admin {0} for the next page.'
  18. ALREADY_IN_ISLAND: '&c&lError | &7You are already in an island.'
  19. ALREADY_IN_ISLAND_OTHER: '&c&lError | &7This player is already a member of your island.'
  20. BAN_ANNOUNCEMENT: '&e&lIsland | &7{0} was BANNED from the island by {1}.'
  21. BAN_PLAYERS_WITH_LOWER_ROLE: '&c&lError | &7You can only ban players with a lower island role than yours.'
  22. BANNED_FROM_ISLAND: '&c&lError | &7You are banned from this island.'
  23. BLOCK_LEVEL: '&e&lLevel | &7The block {0}''s level is {1}.'
  24. BLOCK_VALUE: '&e&lWorth | &7The block {0} worth {1}.'
  25. BLOCK_VALUE_WORTHLESS: '&e&lWorth | &7The block {0} is worthless.'
  26. BONUS_SET_SUCCESS: '&e&lIsland | &7Successfully updated the island bonus to {0}.'
  27. BORDER_PLAYER_COLOR_UPDATED: '&e&lBorder | &7Successfully changed your personal border color to {0}.'
  28. BUILD_OUTSIDE_ISLAND: '&c&lError | &7You cannot build outside of your protection range.'
  29. CANNOT_SET_ROLE: '&c&lError | &7You cannot set the player''s role to {0}.'
  30. CHANGE_PERMISSION_FOR_HIGHER_ROLE: '&c&lError | &7You can only change permissions to lower island role than yours.'
  31. CHANGED_BIOME: '&e&lIsland | &7Successfully changed biome to {0}. You might need to reconnect to the server to see changes.'
  32. CHANGED_BLOCK_LIMIT: '&e&lUpgrades | &7Successfully updated the {0} Block limit of {1}''s island.'
  33. CHANGED_BLOCK_LIMIT_ALL: '&e&lUpgrades | &7Successfully updated the {0} Block limit of all the islands.'
  34. CHANGED_BLOCK_LIMIT_NAME: '&e&lUpgrades | &7Successfully updated the {0} Block limit of {1}.'
  35. CHANGED_CROP_GROWTH: '&e&lUpgrades | &7Successfully updated the crop growth multiplier of {0}''s island.'
  36. CHANGED_CROP_GROWTH_ALL: '&e&lUpgrades | &7Successfully updated the crop growth multiplier of all the islands.'
  37. CHANGED_CROP_GROWTH_NAME: '&e&lUpgrades | &7Successfully updated the crop growth multiplier of {0}.'
  38. CHANGED_DISCORD: '&e&lIsland | &7Successfully changed island discord to {0}.'
  39. CHANGED_ISLAND_SIZE: '&e&lUpgrades | &7Successfully updated the island size of {0}''s island.'
  40. CHANGED_ISLAND_SIZE_NAME: '&e&lUpgrades | &7Successfully updated the island size of {0}.'
  41. CHANGED_LANGUAGE: '&e&lLanguage | &7Successfully changed your language to {0}.'
  42. CHANGED_MOB_DROPS: '&e&lUpgrades | &7Successfully updated the mob drops multiplier of {0}''s island.'
  43. CHANGED_MOB_DROPS_ALL: '&e&lUpgrades | &7Successfully updated the mob drops multiplier of all the islands.'
  44. CHANGED_MOB_DROPS_NAME: '&e&lUpgrades | &7Successfully updated the mob drops multiplier of {0}.'
  45. CHANGED_NAME: '&e&lIsland | &7You changed your island''s name to {0}.'
  46. CHANGED_NAME_OTHER: '&e&lIsland | &7You changed the {0} island''s name to {1}.'
  47. CHANGED_NAME_OTHER_NAME: '&e&lIsland | &7You changed the name of {0} to {1}.'
  48. CHANGED_PAYPAL: '&e&lIsland | &7Successfully changed island paypal to {0}.'
  49. CHANGED_SPAWNER_RATES: '&e&lUpgrades | &7Successfully updated the spawner rates multiplier of {0}''s island.'
  50. CHANGED_SPAWNER_RATES_ALL: '&e&lUpgrades | &7Successfully updated the spawner rates multiplier of all the islands.'
  51. CHANGED_SPAWNER_RATES_NAME: '&e&lUpgrades | &7Successfully updated the spawner rates multiplier of {0}.'
  52. CHANGED_TEAM_LIMIT: '&e&lUpgrades | &7Successfully updated the team limit of {0}''s island.'
  53. CHANGED_TEAM_LIMIT_ALL: '&e&lUpgrades | &7Successfully updated the team limit of all the islands.'
  54. CHANGED_TEAM_LIMIT_NAME: '&e&lUpgrades | &7Successfully updated the team limit of {0}.'
  55. CHANGED_TELEPORT_LOCATION: '&e&lIsland | &7Successfully updated teleport location.'
  56. CHANGED_WARPS_LIMIT: '&e&lUpgrades | &7Successfully updated the warps limit of {0}''s island.'
  57. CHANGED_WARPS_LIMIT_ALL: '&e&lUpgrades | &7Successfully updated the warps limit of all the islands.'
  58. CHANGED_WARPS_LIMIT_NAME: '&e&lUpgrades | &7Successfully updated the warps limit of {0}.'
  61. COMMAND_ARGUMENT_DISCORD: 'discord...'
  69. COMMAND_ARGUMENT_MESSAGE: 'message...'
  85. COMMAND_COOLDOWN_FORMAT: '&c&lError | &7You may only use the command in {0}.'
  94. COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ACCEPT: 'Accept an invitation from a player.'
  95. COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN: 'Use the admin commands.'
  96. COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_BONUS: 'Grant a bonus to a player.'
  97. COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_BYPASS: 'Toggle bypass mode.'
  98. COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_CLOSE: 'Close an island to the public.'
  99. COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_DEMOTE: 'Demote a member in another player''s island.'
  100. COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_DEPOSIT: 'Deposit money into another player''s island bank.'
  101. COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_DISBAND: 'Disband another player''s island permanently.'
  102. COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_GIVE_DISBANDS: 'Give disbands to a player.'
  103. COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_IGNORE: 'Ignore an island from top islands.'
  104. COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_JOIN: 'Join an island without an invitation.'
  105. COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_MSG: 'Send a player a message without any prefixes.'
  106. COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_MSG_ALL: 'Send to all island members a message without any prefixes.'
  107. COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_NAME: 'Change the name of an island.'
  108. COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_OPEN: 'Open an island to the public.'
  109. COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_PROMOTE: 'Promote a member in another player''s island.'
  110. COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_RECALC: 'Re-calculates the worth of an island.'
  111. COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_RELOAD: 'Reload all configurations and tasks of the plugin.'
  112. COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_REMOVE_RATINGS: 'Remove all ratings given by a player.'
  113. COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_SCHEMATIC: 'Create schematics for the plugin.'
  114. COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_SET_BLOCK_LIMIT: 'Set block limit for another player''s island.'
  115. COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_SET_CROP_GROWTH: 'Set the crop growth multiplier for another player''s island.'
  116. COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_SET_DISBANDS: 'Set a player''s amount of island disbands.'
  117. COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_SET_HOPPERS_LIMIT: 'Set hoppers limit for another player''s island.'
  118. COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_SET_LEADER: 'Transfer an island to someone else.'
  119. COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_SET_MOB_DROPS: 'Set the mob drops multiplier for another player''s island.'
  120. COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_SET_PERMISSION: 'Set a required role for a permission for all the islands.'
  121. COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_SET_RATE: 'Set the rating of another player.'
  122. COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_SET_SETTINGS: 'Toggle settings for a specific island.'
  123. COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_SET_GENERATOR: 'Change percentage of a material for the cobblestone generator.'
  124. COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_SET_SIZE: 'Change another player''s island size.'
  125. COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_SET_SPAWNER_RATES: 'Set the spawner rates multiplier for another player''s island.'
  126. COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_SET_TEAM_LIMIT: 'Set members limit for another player''s island.'
  127. COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_SET_UPGRADE: 'Set the level of an upgrade for another player''s island.'
  128. COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_SET_WARPS_LIMIT: 'Set the warps limit of an island.'
  129. COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_SHOW: 'Get information about an island.'
  130. COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_SPY: 'Toggle chat spy mode'
  131. COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_UNIGNORE: 'Unignore an island from top islands.'
  132. COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_WITHDRAW: 'Withdraw money from another player''s island bank.'
  133. COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_BAN: 'Ban a player from your island.'
  134. COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_BIOME: 'Change the biome of the island.'
  135. COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_BORDER: 'Change the border color of the islands.'
  136. COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_CLOSE: 'Close the island to the public.'
  137. COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_COOP: 'Add a player as a co-op to your island.'
  138. COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_CREATE: 'Create a new island.'
  139. COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_DEL_WARP: 'Delete an island warp.'
  140. COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_DEMOTE: 'Demote a member in your island.'
  141. COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_DEPOSIT: 'Deposit money from your personal account into the island''s bank.'
  142. COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_DISBAND: 'Disband your island permanently.'
  143. COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_EXPEL: 'Kick a visitor from your island.'
  144. COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_FLY: 'Toggle island fly.'
  145. COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_HELP: 'List of all commands.'
  146. COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_INVITE: 'Invite a player to your island.'
  147. COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_KICK: 'Kick a player from your island.'
  148. COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_LEAVE: 'Leave your island.'
  149. COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_MISSION: 'Complete a mission.'
  150. COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_MISSIONS: 'Open the missions menu.'
  151. COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_NAME: 'Change the name of your island.'
  152. COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_OPEN: 'Open the island to the public.'
  153. COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_PANEL: 'Open island panel.'
  154. COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_PARDON: 'Unban a player from your island.'
  155. COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_PERMISSIONS: 'Get all permissions for an island role.'
  156. COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_PROMOTE: 'Promote a member in your island.'
  157. COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_RANKUP: 'Level up an upgrade.'
  158. COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_RATE: 'Rate an island.'
  159. COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_RATINGS: 'Show all island ratings.'
  160. COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_SETTINGS: 'Open the settings menu.'
  161. COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_RECALC: 'Re-calculates the island worth.'
  162. COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_SET_DISCORD: 'Set the discord of the island for island payouts.'
  163. COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_SET_PAYPAL: 'Set the paypal email of the island for island payouts.'
  164. COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_SET_ROLE: 'Change the role of a player in your island.'
  165. COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_SET_TELEPORT: 'Change the teleport location of your island.'
  166. COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_SET_WARP: 'Create a new island warp.'
  167. COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_SHOW: 'Get information about an island.'
  168. COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_TEAM: 'Get information about island members status.'
  169. COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_TEAM_CHAT: 'Toggle team chat mode.'
  170. COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_TELEPORT: 'Teleport to your island.'
  171. COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_TOGGLE: 'Toggle island borders and stacked blocks placements.'
  172. COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_TOP: 'Open top islands panel.'
  173. COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_TRANSFER: 'Transfer your island''s leadership.'
  174. COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_UNCOOP: 'Remove a player from being a co-op in your island.'
  175. COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_UPGRADE: 'Open upgrades panel.'
  176. COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_VALUE: 'Get the worth value of a block.'
  177. COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_VISIT: 'Teleport to the visitors location of an island.'
  178. COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_WARP: 'Warp to an island warp.'
  179. COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_WARPS: 'Open the warps menu.'
  180. COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_WITHDRAW: 'Withdraw money from your island''s bank into your personal account.'
  181. COMMAND_USAGE: '&cUsage: /{0}'
  182. COOP_ANNOUNCEMENT: '&e&lIsland | &7{0} added {1} as a co-op member.'
  183. COOP_BANNED_PLAYER: '&c&lError | &7This player is banned from the island and cannot be coop.'
  184. CREATE_ISLAND: '&e&lIsland | &7Created a new island at {0} in {1}ms.'
  185. DELETE_WARP: '&e&lIsland | &7You deleted the warp {0}.'
  186. DELETE_WARP_SIGN_BROKE: '&7&oThere was a sign for that warp, it got broken...'
  187. DEMOTE_PLAYERS_WITH_LOWER_ROLE: '&c&lError | &7You can only demote players with a lower island role than yours.'
  188. DEMOTED_MEMBER: '&e&lIsland | &7You demoted {0} to a {1} in his island.'
  189. DEPOSIT_ANNOUNCEMENT: '&e&lBank | &7{0} deposited ${1} into the island bank!'
  190. DESTROY_OUTSIDE_ISLAND: '&c&lError | &7You cannot destroy outside of your protection range.'
  191. DISBAND_ANNOUNCEMENT: '&e&lIsland | &7Your island was disbanded by {0}.'
  192. DISBAND_GIVE: '&e&lIsland | &7You received {0} disbands.'
  193. DISBAND_GIVE_OTHER: '&e&lIsland | &7You gave {0} disbands to {1}.'
  194. DISBAND_SET: '&e&lIsland | &7Your disband count was set to {0}.'
  195. DISBAND_SET_OTHER: '&e&lIsland | &7You set {0}''s disband count to {1}.'
  196. DISBANDED_ISLAND: '&e&lIsland | &7You disbanded your island.'
  197. DISBANDED_ISLAND_OTHER: '&e&lIsland | &7You disbanded {0}''s island.'
  198. DISBANDED_ISLAND_OTHER_NAME: '&e&lIsland | &7You disbanded the island {0}.'
  199. ENTER_PVP_ISLAND: '&7&oYou were teleported into an island that has PVP enabled. You are immuned to PVP for the next 10 seconds...'
  200. EXPELLED_PLAYER: '&e&lIsland | &7{0} was expelled from the island.'
  201. GENERATOR_UPDATED: '&e&lIsland | &7Successfully updated the generator percentage of {0} to {1}''s island.'
  202. GENERATOR_UPDATED_NAME: '&e&lIsland | &7Successfully updated the generator percentage of {0} to the island of {1}.'
  203. GENERATOR_UPDATED_ALL: '&e&lIsland | &7Successfully updated the generator percentage of {0} to all the islands.'
  204. GLOBAL_MESSAGE_SENT: '&e&lIsland | &7Successfully sent to {0}''s island members the message!'
  205. GLOBAL_MESSAGE_SENT_NAME: '&e&lIsland | &7Successfully sent to the island members of {0} the message!'
  206. GOT_BANNED: '&e&lIsland | &7You were BANNED from {0}''s island.'
  207. GOT_DEMOTED: '&e&lIsland | &7You were demoted to a {0} in your island.'
  208. GOT_EXPELLED: '&e&lIsland | &7&oYou were expelled from the island by {0}.'
  209. GOT_INVITE: '&e&lIsland | &7{0} invited you to his island.'
  210. GOT_INVITE_TOOLTIP: '&7Click the message in order to accept the invite.'
  211. GOT_KICKED: '&e&lIsland | &7You were kicked from your island by {0}.'
  212. GOT_PROMOTED: '&e&lIsland | &7You were promoted to a {0} in your island.'
  213. GOT_REVOKED: '&e&lIsland | &7{0} revoked your invitation to his island.'
  214. GOT_UNBANNED: '&e&lIsland | &7You were UNBANNED from {0}''s island.'
  215. HIT_PLAYER_IN_ISLAND: '&c&lError | &7You cannot hit players inside islands.'
  216. IGNORED_ISLAND: '&e&lIsland | &7{0}''s island is now ignored from top islands.'
  217. IGNORED_ISLAND_NAME: '&e&lIsland | &7The island {0} is now ignored from top islands.'
  218. INTERACT_OUTSIDE_ISLAND: '&c&lError | &7You cannot interact outside of your protection range.'
  219. INVALID_AMOUNT: '&c&lError | &7Invalid amount {0}.'
  220. INVALID_ISLAND: '&c&lError | &7You don''t have an island.'
  221. INVALID_ISLAND_LOCATION: '&c&lError | &7There is no island in your location.'
  222. INVALID_ISLAND_OTHER: '&c&lError | &7{0} doesn''t have an island.'
  223. INVALID_ISLAND_OTHER_NAME: '&c&lError | &7There is no island with the name {0}.'
  225. &c&lError | &7Couldn't find the island permission {0}.
  226. &c&lError | &7Island Permissions: {1}
  227. INVALID_LEVEL: '&c&lError | &7Invalid level {0}.'
  228. INVALID_LIMIT: '&c&lError | &7Invalid limit {0}.'
  229. INVALID_MATERIAL: '&c&lError | &7Invalid material {0}.'
  230. INVALID_MISSION: '&c&lError | &7Invalid mission {0}.'
  231. INVALID_MULTIPLIER: '&c&lError | &7Invalid multiplier {0}.'
  232. INVALID_PERCENTAGE: '&c&lError | &7Percentage must be between 0 and 100.'
  233. INVALID_PLAYER: '&c&lError | &7Cannot find a player called {0}'
  234. INVALID_RATE: |
  235. &c&lError | &7Couldn't find a rating with the name {0}.
  236. &c&lError | &7Island Ratings: {1}
  237. INVALID_ROLE: |
  238. &c&lError | &7Couldn't find the island role {0}.
  239. &c&lError | &7Island Roles: {1}
  241. &c&lError | &7Couldn't find the island settings {0}.
  242. &c&lError | &7Island Settings: {1}
  243. INVALID_SIZE: '&c&lError | &7Invalid size {0}.'
  244. INVALID_TOGGLE_MODE: '&c&lError | &7Cannot toggle {0}.'
  246. &c&lError | &7Couldn't find an upgrade called {0}.
  247. &c&lError | &7Upgrades: {1}
  248. INVALID_VISIT_LOCATION: '&c&lError | &7This island has no visitors location.'
  249. INVALID_VISIT_LOCATION_BYPASS: '&7&oYou have bypass mode, teleporting you to the island...'
  250. INVALID_WARP: '&c&lError | &7Invalid warp {0}.'
  251. INVITE_ANNOUNCEMENT: '&e&lIsland | &7{0} invited {1} to the island.'
  252. INVITE_BANNED_PLAYER: '&c&lError | &7This player is banned from the island and cannot get invited.'
  253. INVITE_TO_FULL_ISLAND: '&c&lError | &7You cannot invite more members to your island.'
  254. ISLAND_ALREADY_EXIST: '&c&lError | &7An island with that name already exists.'
  255. ISLAND_BANK_EMPTY: '&e&lBank | &7Island bank is empty.'
  256. ISLAND_CALC_ANNOUNCEMENT: '&e&lSuperiorSkyblock &7All islands have been re-calculated!'
  257. ISLAND_CLOSED: '&e&lIsland | &7Successfully closed the island to the public.'
  258. ISLAND_CREATE_PROCCESS_REQUEST: '&e&lIsland | &7Processing your request...'
  259. ISLAND_FLY_DISABLED: '&e&lFly | &7Island fly was automatically &cdisabled&7.'
  260. ISLAND_FLY_ENABLED: '&e&lFly | &7Island fly was automatically &aenabled&7.'
  261. ISLAND_GOT_DELETED_WHILE_INSIDE: '&e&lIsland | &7&oYou had been inside an island that been disbanded, so you were teleported back to spawn...'
  262. ISLAND_GOT_PVP_ENABLED_WHILE_INSIDE: '&e&lIsland | &7&oYou had been inside an island that had turned pvp on, so you were teleported back to spawn...'
  263. ISLAND_HELP_FOOTER: '&e&lSuperiorSkyblock &7Developed by Ome_R'
  264. ISLAND_HELP_HEADER: '&e&lSuperiorSkyblock &7Commands List [{0}/{1}]:'
  265. ISLAND_HELP_LINE: '&e/{0} &f- &7{1}'
  266. ISLAND_HELP_NEXT_PAGE: '&e&lSuperiorSkyblock &7Use /is help {0} for the next page.'
  268. &e&lIsland | &7Blocks Limits:
  269. {0}
  270. ISLAND_INFO_ADMIN_BLOCKS_LIMITS_LINE: '&e&lIsland | &7 {0}: {1}'
  271. ISLAND_INFO_ADMIN_CROPS_MULTIPLIER: '&e&lIsland | &7Crops Multiplier: {0}'
  272. ISLAND_INFO_ADMIN_DROPS_MULTIPLIER: '&e&lIsland | &7Drops Multiplier: {0}'
  274. &e&lIsland | &7Generator Rates:
  275. {0}
  276. ISLAND_INFO_ADMIN_GENERATOR_RATES_LINE: '&e&lIsland | &7 {0}: {1}%'
  277. ISLAND_INFO_ADMIN_SIZE: '&e&lIsland | &7Border Size: {0}'
  278. ISLAND_INFO_ADMIN_SPAWNERS_MULTIPLIER: '&e&lIsland | &7Spawners Multiplier: {0}'
  279. ISLAND_INFO_ADMIN_TEAM_LIMIT: '&e&lIsland | &7Team Limit: {0}'
  281. &e&lIsland | &7Upgrades:
  282. {0}
  283. ISLAND_INFO_ADMIN_UPGRADE_LINE: '&e&lIsland | &7 {0}: {1}'
  284. ISLAND_INFO_BANK: '&e&lIsland | &7Bank: {0}'
  285. ISLAND_INFO_DISCORD: '&e&lIsland | &7Discord: {0}'
  288. ISLAND_INFO_LOCATION: '&e&lIsland | &7Home: {0}'
  289. ISLAND_INFO_NAME: '&e&lIsland | &7Name: {0}'
  290. ISLAND_INFO_OWNER: '&e&lIsland | &7Leader: {0}'
  291. ISLAND_INFO_PAYPAL: '&e&lIsland | &7Paypal: {0}'
  292. ISLAND_INFO_PLAYER_LINE: '&e&lIsland | &7 - {0}'
  293. ISLAND_INFO_RATE: '&e&lIsland | &7Rate: {0} &7({1}/5) - {2} total ratings.'
  302. &e&lIsland | &7{0}s:
  303. {1}
  304. ISLAND_INFO_WORTH: '&e&lIsland | &7Worth: {0}'
  305. ISLAND_OPENED: '&e&lIsland | &7Successfully opened the island to the public.'
  306. ISLAND_PROTECTED: '&c&lError | &7This island is protected.'
  308. ISLAND_TEAM_STATUS_HEADER: '&e&lIsland | &7Members of {0}''s Island &8[&e{1}&8/&e{2}&8]&7:'
  309. ISLAND_TEAM_STATUS_OFFLINE: '&c(Offline)'
  310. ISLAND_TEAM_STATUS_ONLINE: '&a(Online)'
  311. ISLAND_TEAM_STATUS_ROLES: '&e&lIsland | &7 * [{0}] {1} {2} &7({3})'
  312. ISLAND_TOP_STATUS_OFFLINE: '&c(Offline)'
  313. ISLAND_TOP_STATUS_ONLINE: '&a(Online)'
  315. ISLAND_WARP_PRIVATE: '&c[Private]'
  316. ISLAND_WAS_CLOSED: '&e&lIsland | &7&oThe island you were in was closed and you were teleported back to spawn...'
  317. ISLAND_WORTH_RESULT: '&e&lIsland | &7Your island worth is {0} [Level {1}]'
  318. JOIN_ANNOUNCEMENT: '&e&lIsland | &7{0} has joined your island.'
  319. JOIN_FULL_ISLAND: '&c&lError | &7This island reached the maximum amount of allowed members.'
  320. JOIN_WHILE_IN_ISLAND: '&c&lError | &7You are already inside an island.'
  321. JOINED_ISLAND: '&e&lIsland | &7You joined {0}''s island.'
  322. JOINED_ISLAND_NAME: '&e&lIsland | &7You joined the island {0}.'
  323. JOINED_ISLAND_AS_COOP: '&e&lIsland | &7You are now a co-op member of {0}''s island.'
  324. JOINED_ISLAND_AS_COOP_NAME: '&e&lIsland | &7You are now a co-op member of the island {0}.'
  325. KICK_ANNOUNCEMENT: '&e&lIsland | &7{0} was kicked from the island by {1}.'
  326. KICK_PLAYERS_WITH_LOWER_ROLE: '&c&lError | &7You can only kick players with a lower island role than yours.'
  327. LACK_CHANGE_PERMISSION: '&c&lError | &7You must have this permission in order to change it to other roles.'
  328. LAST_ROLE_DEMOTE: '&c&lError | &7You cannot demote this player anymore.'
  329. LAST_ROLE_PROMOTE: '&c&lError | &7You cannot promote this player anymore.'
  330. LEAVE_ANNOUNCEMENT: '&e&lIsland | &7{0} left the island.'
  332. &c&lError | &7You cannot leave your island when you own it.
  333. &c&lError | &7You can transfer the ownership using /is transfer.
  334. LEFT_ISLAND: '&e&lIsland | &7You left your island.'
  335. LEFT_ISLAND_COOP: '&e&lIsland | &7You are no longer a co-op member of {0}''s island.'
  336. LEFT_ISLAND_COOP_NAME: '&e&lIsland | &7You are no longer a co-op member of the island {0}.'
  337. MATERIAL_NOT_SOLID: '&c&lError | &7You must provide a solid material.'
  338. MAXIMUM_LEVEL: '&c&lError | &7The maximum level for this upgrade is {0}.'
  339. MESSAGE_SENT: '&e&lIsland | &7Successfully sent {0} the message!'
  340. MISSION_CANNOT_COMPLETE: '&c&lError | &7You cannot complete this mission yet.'
  341. MISSION_NO_AUTO_REWARD: '&e&lMission | &7You have all the required materials to finish {0} - use /is missions to complete!'
  342. MISSION_NOT_COMPLETE_REQUIRED_MISSIONS: '&c&lError | &7You must complete {0} before completing this mission.'
  343. NAME_ANNOUNCEMENT: '&e&lIsland | &7{0} changed his island name to {1}.'
  344. NAME_BLACKLISTED: '&c&lError | &7You cannot use that name.'
  345. NAME_CHAT_FORMAT: '&8[&e{0}&8] &r'
  346. NAME_TOO_LONG: '&c&lError | &7Island names cannot be more than 16 chars long.'
  347. NAME_TOO_SHORT: '&c&lError | &7Island names cannot be less than 3 chars long.'
  348. NO_BAN_PERMISSION: '&c&lError | &7You must be at least {0} in order to ban players.'
  349. NO_CLOSE_BYPASS: '&c&lError | &7This island is not opened to the public.'
  350. NO_CLOSE_PERMISSION: '&c&lError | &7You must be at least {0} in order to close the island to the public.'
  351. NO_COMMAND_PERMISSION: '&fUnknown command. Type "/help" for help.'
  352. NO_COOP_PERMISSION: '&c&lError | &7You must be at least {0} in order to add players as co-op members.'
  353. NO_DELETE_WARP_PERMISSION: '&c&lError | &7You must be at least {0} in order to delete warps.'
  354. NO_DEMOTE_PERMISSION: '&c&lError | &7You must be at least {0} in order to demote players.'
  355. NO_DEPOSIT_PERMISSION: '&c&lError | &7You must be at least {0} in order to deposit money to island bank.'
  356. NO_DISBAND_PERMISSION: '&c&lError | &7You must be at least {0} in order to disband your island.'
  357. NO_EXPEL_PERMISSION: '&c&lError | &7You must be at least {0} in order to expel players from your island.'
  358. NO_INVITE_PERMISSION: '&c&lError | &7You must be at least {0} in order to invite players.'
  359. NO_ISLAND_INVITE: '&c&lError | &7Could not find any invites from this island.'
  360. NO_KICK_PERMISSION: '&c&lError | &7You must be at least {0} in order to kick players.'
  361. NO_MORE_DISBANDS: '&c&lError | &7You can''t disband any more islands.'
  362. NO_MORE_WARPS: '&c&lError | &7Your island can''t have any more warps.'
  363. NO_NAME_PERMISSION: '&c&lError | &7You cannot change the name of your island.'
  364. NO_OPEN_PERMISSION: '&c&lError | &7You must be at least {0} in order to open the island to the public.'
  365. NO_PERMISSION_CHECK_PERMISSION: '&c&lError | &7You must be at least {0} in order to get information about permissions.'
  366. NO_PROMOTE_PERMISSION: '&c&lError | &7You must be at least {0} in order to promote players.'
  367. NO_RANKUP_PERMISSION: '&c&lError | &7You must be at least {0} in order to rankup upgrades.'
  368. NO_RATINGS_PERMISSION: '&c&lError | &7You must be at least {0} in order to check ratings.'
  369. NO_SET_BIOME_PERMISSION: '&c&lError | &7You must be at least {0} in order to change island biome.'
  370. NO_SET_DISCORD_PERMISSION: '&c&lError | &7You must be at least {0} in order to change island discord.'
  371. NO_SET_HOME_PERMISSION: '&c&lError | &7You must be at least {0} in order to set the teleport location of the island.'
  372. NO_SET_PAYPAL_PERMISSION: '&c&lError | &7You must be at least {0} in order to change island paypal email.'
  373. NO_SET_ROLE_PERMISSION: '&c&lError | &7You must be at least {0} in order to set roles for players.'
  374. NO_SET_SETTINGS_PERMISSION: '&c&lError | &7You must be at least {0} in order to change island settings.'
  375. NO_SET_WARP_PERMISSION: '&c&lError | &7You must be at least {0} in order to set island warps.'
  376. NO_TRANSFER_PERMISSION: '&c&lError | &7You must be the island''s leader in order to transfer the leadership.'
  377. NO_UNCOOP_PERMISSION: '&c&lError | &7You must be at least {0} in order to remove players from being co-op members.'
  378. NO_WITHDRAW_PERMISSION: '&c&lError | &7You must be at least {0} in order to withdraw money from island bank.'
  379. NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY_TO_DEPOSIT: '&c&lError | &7You don''t have enough money to deposit {0} dollars into your island''s bank.'
  380. NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY_TO_UPGRADE: '&c&lError | &7You don''t have enough money.'
  382. &e&lPanel | &7Toggled island panel &cOFF&7.
  383. &e&lPanel | &7Running /is will teleport you to the island.
  384. PANEL_TOGGLE_ON: |-
  385. &e&lPanel | &7Toggled island panel &aON&7.
  386. &e&lPanel | &7Running /is will open the panel for you.
  387. PERMISSION_CHANGED: '&e&lIsland | &7Successfully updated the permission {0} of {1}''s island.'
  388. PERMISSION_CHANGED_NAME: '&e&lIsland | &7Successfully updated the permission {0} of the island {1}.'
  389. PERMISSION_CHANGED_ALL: '&e&lIsland | &7Successfully updated the permission {0} for all the islands.'
  390. PLAYER_ALREADY_BANNED: '&c&lError | &7This player is already banned.'
  391. PLAYER_ALREADY_COOP: '&c&lError | &7This player is already coop.'
  392. PLAYER_ALREADY_IN_ROLE: '&c&lError | &7{0} is already a {1}.'
  393. PLAYER_EXPEL_BYPASS: '&c&lError | &7This user cannot be expelled from the island.'
  394. PLAYER_JOIN_ANNOUNCEMENT: '&e&lIsland | &7{0} joined the server.'
  395. PLAYER_NOT_BANNED: '&c&lError | &7This player is not banned.'
  396. PLAYER_NOT_COOP: '&c&lError | &7This player is not co-op.'
  397. PLAYER_NOT_INSIDE_ISLAND: '&c&lError | &7This player is not inside your island.'
  398. PLAYER_NOT_ONLINE: '&c&lError | &7This player is not online!'
  399. PLAYER_QUIT_ANNOUNCEMENT: '&e&lIsland | &7{0} left the server.'
  400. PROMOTE_PLAYERS_WITH_LOWER_ROLE: '&c&lError | &7You can only promote players with a lower island role than yours.'
  401. PROMOTED_MEMBER: '&e&lIsland | &7You promoted {0} to a {1} in his island.'
  402. RATE_ANNOUNCEMENT: '&e&lIsland | &7{0} has rated your island {1} out of 5!.'
  403. RATE_CHANGE_OTHER: '&e&lIsland | &7You changed the rating of {0} to {1}.'
  404. RATE_OWN_ISLAND: '&c&lError | &7You can''t rate your own island.'
  405. RATE_REMOVE_ALL: '&e&lIsland | &7Successfully removed all ratings of {0}.'
  406. RATE_SUCCESS: '&e&lIsland | &7You rated this island with {0} stars!'
  407. REACHED_BLOCK_LIMIT: '&e&lUpgrades | &7You have reached the island''s limit for {0} Block.'
  408. RECALC_ALL_ISLANDS: '&e&lIsland | &7Recalculating all islands...'
  409. RECALC_ALL_ISLANDS_DONE: '&e&lIsland | &7Successfully finished recalculating all islands.'
  410. RECALC_PROCCESS_REQUEST: '&e&lIsland | &7Processing your request...'
  411. RELOAD_COMPLETED: '&e&lIsland | &7Reload is finished!'
  412. RELOAD_PROCCESS_REQUEST: '&e&lIsland | &7Starting to reload configurations...'
  413. REVOKE_INVITE_ANNOUNCEMENT: '&e&lIsland | &7{0} revoked the invitation of {1} to the island.'
  414. SAME_NAME_CHANGE: '&c&lError | &7You must enter a different name from your current island name.'
  415. SCHEMATIC_LEFT_SELECT: '&e&lSchematics | &7Selected position #2 ({0})'
  416. SCHEMATIC_NOT_READY: '&c&lError | &7You haven''t selected two positions.'
  417. SCHEMATIC_PROCCESS_REQUEST: '&e&lSchematics | &7Processing your request...'
  419. &e&lSchematics | &7You have selected two positions. Run /is admin schematic <name> to create a new schematic.
  420. &e&lSchematics | &7Make sure you stand at the teleportion location when executing the command.
  421. SCHEMATIC_RIGHT_SELECT: '&e&lSchematics | &7Selected position #1 ({0})'
  422. SCHEMATIC_SAVED: '&e&lSchematics | &7Successfully saved schematic!'
  423. SELF_ROLE_CHANGE: '&c&lError | &7You cannot change the role of yourself.'
  424. SET_UPGRADE_LEVEL: '&e&lUpgrades | &7Successfully updated the level of {0} for {1}''s island.'
  425. SET_UPGRADE_LEVEL_NAME: '&e&lUpgrades | &7Successfully updated the level of {0} for {1}.'
  426. SET_WARP: '&e&lIsland | &7Successfully created a new warp at {0}.'
  427. SET_WARP_OUTSIDE: '&c&lError | &7You cannot set warps outside your island.'
  428. SETTINGS_UPDATED: '&e&lIsland | &7Successfully updated the settings {0} to {1}''s island.'
  429. SETTINGS_UPDATED_NAME: '&e&lIsland | &7Successfully updated the settings {0} to the island {1}.'
  430. SETTINGS_UPDATED_ALL: '&e&lIsland | &7Successfully updated the settings {0} to all the islands.'
  431. SPY_TEAM_CHAT_FORMAT: '&7[Spy] &e[{0}] {1}&f: &7{2}'
  432. TEAM_CHAT_FORMAT: '&e[{0}] {1}&f: &7{2}'
  433. TELEPORT_LOCATION_OUTSIDE_ISLAND: '&c&lError | &7You are not inside your island.'
  434. TELEPORT_WARMUP: '&7&oYou will be teleported in {0}... Do not move!'
  435. TELEPORT_WARMUP_CANCEL: '&7&oYou moved and so the telportation was cancelled.'
  436. TELEPORTED_FAILED: '&e&lIsland | &7It seems like this island has no safe blocks. Please contact a staff member.'
  437. TELEPORTED_SUCCESS: '&e&lIsland | &7You were teleported to your island.'
  438. TELEPORTED_TO_WARP: '&e&lIsland | &7Successfully teleported to this island warp.'
  439. TOGGLE_FLY_OUTSIDE_ISLAND: '&c&lError | &7You cannot toggle fly mode outside your island.'
  440. TOGGLED_BYPASS_OFF: '&e&lBypass | &7Toggled bypass mode &cOFF&7.'
  441. TOGGLED_BYPASS_ON: '&e&lBypass | &7Toggled bypass mode &aON&7.'
  442. TOGGLED_FLY_OFF: '&e&lFly | &7Toggled island fly &cOFF&7.'
  443. TOGGLED_FLY_ON: '&e&lFly | &7Toggled island fly &aON&7.'
  444. TOGGLED_SCHEMATIC_OFF: '&e&lSchematics | &7Toggling schematic mode &cOFF&7.'
  446. &e&lSchematics | &7Toggling schematic mode &aON&7.
  447. &e&lSchematics | &7Select an area using a golden axe.
  448. TOGGLED_SPY_OFF: '&e&lSpy | &7Toggled spy chat &cOFF&7.'
  449. TOGGLED_SPY_ON: '&e&lSpy | &7Toggled spy chat &aON&7.'
  450. TOGGLED_STACKED_BLOCKS_OFF: '&e&lStacker | &7Toggling blocks stacker &cOFF&7.'
  451. TOGGLED_STACKED_BLOCKS_ON: '&e&lStacker | &7Toggling blocks stacker &aON&7.'
  452. TOGGLED_TEAM_CHAT_OFF: '&e&lChat | &7Toggling team chat &cOFF&7.'
  453. TOGGLED_TEAM_CHAT_ON: '&e&lChat | &7Toggling team chat &aON&7.'
  454. TOGGLED_WORLD_BORDER_OFF: '&e&lBorder | &7Toggling world border &cOFF&7.'
  455. TOGGLED_WORLD_BORDER_ON: '&e&lBorder | &7Toggling world border &aON&7.'
  456. TRANSFER_ADMIN: '&e&lIsland | &7You transferred {0}''s leadership to {1}.'
  457. TRANSFER_ADMIN_ALREADY_LEADER: '&c&lError | &7{0} is already the leader of his island.'
  458. TRANSFER_ADMIN_DIFFERENT_ISLAND: '&c&lError | &7These players are not in the same islands.'
  459. TRANSFER_ADMIN_NOT_LEADER: '&c&lError | &7This player is not a leader of any islands.'
  460. TRANSFER_ALREADY_LEADER: '&c&lError | &7You''re already the leader of this island.'
  461. TRANSFER_BROADCAST: '&e&lIsland | &7The island''s leadership has been transferred to {0}.'
  462. UNBAN_ANNOUNCEMENT: '&e&lIsland | &7{0} was UNBANNED from the island by {1}.'
  463. UNCOOP_ANNOUNCEMENT: '&e&lIsland | &7{0} removed {1} from being a co-op member.'
  464. UNCOOP_LEFT_ANNOUNCEMENT: '&e&lIsland | &7{0} left the game and is no longer a co-op member.'
  465. UNIGNORED_ISLAND: '&e&lIsland | &7{0}''s island is now un-ignored from top islands.'
  466. UNIGNORED_ISLAND_NAME: '&e&lIsland | &7The island {0} is now un-ignored from top islands.'
  467. UNSAFE_WARP: '&e&lIsland | &7&oLooks like this warp is unsafe. Please try another warp.'
  468. UPDATED_PERMISSION: '&e&lIsland | &7Updated permissions for {0}.'
  469. UPDATED_SETTINGS: '&e&lIsland | &7Updated the island settings {0}.'
  470. VISITOR_BLOCK_COMMAND: '&c&lError | &7You cannot use that command on other islands.'
  471. WARP_ALREADY_EXIST: '&c&lError | &7There is already a warp with this name.'
  473. &e&lBank | &7Island bank has only {0} dollars inside it.
  474. &e&lBank | &7&oWithdrawing all money..."
  475. WITHDRAW_ANNOUNCEMENT: '&e&lBank | &7{0} withdrawn ${1} from the island bank!'
  476. WITHDRAWN_MONEY: '&e&lBank | &7You withdrawn ${0} from {1}''s island bank!'
  477. WITHDRAWN_MONEY_NAME: '&e&lBank | &7You withdrawn ${0} from the island bank of {1}!'
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