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Feb 3rd, 2018
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  1. import Foundation
  2. #if os(Linux)
  3. import SwiftGlibc
  5. SwiftGlibc.srandom(UInt32(time(nil)))
  7. public func arc4random_uniform(_ max: UInt32) -> Int32 {
  8. return (SwiftGlibc.rand() % Int32(max-1))
  9. }
  10. #endif
  12. extension String {
  13. func write(toFile path: String) -> Bool {
  14. let fp = fopen(path, "w"); defer {fclose(fp)}
  15. var byteArray: [UInt8] = {$0}
  16. let count = fwrite(&byteArray, 1, byteArray.count, fp)
  17. return count == self.utf8.count
  18. }
  19. }
  21. protocol Descriptable {
  22. func description() -> String
  23. }
  25. class TuringMachine<A: Hashable & Descriptable> {
  26. let names: [String]
  27. var states: [State<A>] = []
  28. init(names: [String]) {
  29. self.names = names
  30. }
  31. func consume(states inStates: [[A: Operation<A>]?]) {
  32. states = inStates.enumerated().flatMap({ (i, s) in
  33. if let s = s{
  34. return State.init(name: self.names[i], operations: s)
  35. }
  36. return nil
  37. })
  38. }
  40. func description(`for` alphabet: [A]) -> String {
  41. let alphabet = alphabet.shuffled()
  42. var out = [ {$0.description()}.reduce("Q/A") {$0 + "\t\($1)"}]
  43. out.append((states.first?.description(alphabet: alphabet, names: self.names))!)
  44. out += states.dropFirst().shuffled().map {$0.description(alphabet: alphabet, names: self.names)}
  45. return out.dropFirst().reduce(out.first!) {$0 + "\n" + $1}
  46. }
  47. }
  49. struct State<A: Hashable & Descriptable> {
  50. let name: String
  51. let operations: [A:Operation<A>]
  52. func description(alphabet: [A], names: [String]) -> String {
  53. return {self.operations[$0]?.description(selfName:, names: names) ?? ""}
  54. .reduce(name) {"\($0)\t\($1)"}
  55. }
  56. }
  58. enum Direction: Character {
  59. case left = "l"
  60. case right = "r"
  61. case stay = "n"
  62. }
  64. class Operation<A: Hashable & Descriptable & Equatable>: Equatable {
  65. static func ==(lhs: Operation<A>, rhs: Operation<A>) -> Bool {
  66. return == && lhs.move == rhs.move && lhs.nextState == rhs.nextState
  67. }
  69. func replace(_ i: Int, with j: Int) {
  70. if nextState == .other(i) {
  71. nextState = .other(j)
  72. }
  73. }
  75. let place: A
  76. let move: Direction
  77. var nextState: NextState
  78. func description(selfName: String, names: [String]) -> String {
  79. return "\(place.description()) \(move.rawValue) \(nextState.description(selfName: selfName, names: names))"
  80. }
  82. init(place: A, move: Direction, next: NextState) {
  83. = place
  84. self.move = move
  85. self.nextState = next
  86. }
  87. }
  89. enum NextState: Equatable {
  90. static func ==(lhs: NextState, rhs: NextState) -> Bool {
  91. switch lhs {
  92. case .self:
  93. switch rhs {
  94. case .self:
  95. return true
  96. default:
  97. return false
  98. }
  99. case .other(let n):
  100. switch rhs {
  101. case .other(let m):
  102. return m == n
  103. default:
  104. return false
  105. }
  106. }
  107. }
  109. case `self`
  110. case other(Int)
  111. func description(selfName: String, names: [String]) -> String {
  112. switch self {
  113. case .self:
  114. return selfName
  115. case .other(let s):
  116. return names[s]
  117. }
  118. }
  119. }
  121. enum Alphabet: Descriptable {
  122. static var aChar: Character = "a"
  124. func description() -> String {
  125. switch self {
  126. case .zero:
  127. return "0"
  128. case .one:
  129. return "1"
  130. case .a:
  131. return String(Alphabet.aChar)
  132. case .none:
  133. return "_"
  134. case .star:
  135. return "*"
  136. }
  137. }
  139. case zero
  140. case one
  141. case a
  142. case star
  143. case none
  144. }
  146. extension MutableCollection {
  147. /// Shuffles the contents of this collection.
  148. mutating func shuffle() {
  149. let c = count
  150. guard c > 1 else { return }
  152. for (firstUnshuffled, unshuffledCount) in zip(indices, stride(from: c, to: 1, by: -1)) {
  153. let d: IndexDistance = numericCast(arc4random_uniform(numericCast(unshuffledCount)))
  154. let i = index(firstUnshuffled, offsetBy: d)
  155. swapAt(firstUnshuffled, i)
  156. }
  157. }
  158. }
  160. extension Sequence {
  161. /// Returns an array with the contents of this sequence, shuffled.
  162. func shuffled() -> [Element] {
  163. var result = Array(self)
  164. result.shuffle()
  165. return result
  166. }
  167. }
  169. let alpha = "qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm"
  170. var names: [String] {
  171. return {c in {"\(c)\($0)"}}
  172. .reduce([], (+)).shuffled()
  173. }
  175. func generateMachine(function: [Alphabet]) -> TuringMachine<Alphabet> {
  176. let machine = TuringMachine<Alphabet>(names: names)
  177. var states: [[Alphabet: Operation<Alphabet>]] = [
  178. [ // 0
  179. .zero: Operation(place: .zero, move: .left, next: .self),
  180. .one: Operation(place: .one, move: .left, next: .self),
  181. .star: Operation(place: .star, move: .left, next: .self),
  182. .none: Operation(place: .star, move: .right, next: .other(2))
  183. ],
  184. [ // 1
  185. .zero: Operation(place: .zero, move: .right, next: .other(2)),
  186. .one: Operation(place: .one, move: .right, next: .other(2)),
  187. .a: Operation(place: .a, move: .right, next: .self),
  188. .star: Operation(place: .star, move: .right, next: .self),
  189. .none: Operation(place: .none, move: .left, next: .other(25))
  190. ],
  191. [ // 2
  192. .zero: Operation(place: .zero, move: .right, next: .self),
  193. .one: Operation(place: .one, move: .right, next: .self),
  194. .a: Operation(place: .a, move: .right, next: .self),
  195. .star: Operation(place: .star, move: .right, next: .self),
  196. .none: Operation(place: .none, move: .left, next: .other(3))
  197. ],
  198. [ // 3
  199. .zero: Operation(place: .none, move: .left, next: .other(4)),
  200. .one: Operation(place: .none, move: .left, next: .other(5)),
  201. .star: Operation(place: .star, move: .left, next: .other(6))
  202. ]
  203. ]
  204. states += (6...7).map {n in // 4-5
  205. [
  206. .zero: Operation(place: .zero, move: .left, next: .self),
  207. .one: Operation(place: .one, move: .left, next: .self),
  208. .star: Operation(place: .star, move: .left, next: .other(n))
  209. ]
  210. }
  211. states += [8, 10].map { n in // 6-7
  212. [
  213. .zero: Operation(place: .a, move: .left, next: .other(n)),
  214. .one: Operation(place: .a, move: .left, next: .other(n + 1)),
  215. .a: Operation(place: .a, move: .left, next: .self),
  216. .star: Operation(place: .star, move: .left, next: .other(n + 4))
  217. ]
  218. }
  219. states += (12...15).map {n in // 8-11
  220. [
  221. .zero: Operation(place: .zero, move: .left, next: .self),
  222. .one: Operation(place: .one, move: .left, next: .self),
  223. .star: Operation(place: .star, move: .left, next: .other(n))
  224. ]
  225. }
  226. states += [16, 18, 20, 22].map { n in //12-15
  227. [
  228. .zero: Operation(place: .a, move: .left, next: .other(n)),
  229. .one: Operation(place: .a, move: .left, next: .other(n + 1)),
  230. .a: Operation(place: .a, move: .left, next: .self),
  231. .star: Operation(place: .star, move: .left, next: .other(n))
  232. ]
  233. }
  234. let translation = [0, 4, 2, 6, 1, 5, 3, 7]
  235. states += (0..<function.count).map { n in // 16-23
  236. [
  237. .zero: Operation(place: .zero, move: .left, next: .self),
  238. .one: Operation(place: .one, move: .left, next: .self),
  239. .star: Operation(place: .star, move: .left, next: .self),
  240. .none: Operation(place: function[translation[n]], move: .right, next: .other(24))
  241. ]
  242. }
  243. states += [ // 24
  244. [ // 24
  245. .zero: Operation(place: .zero, move: .right, next: .self),
  246. .one: Operation(place: .one, move: .right, next: .self),
  247. .a: Operation(place: .a, move: .right, next: .self),
  248. .star: Operation(place: .star, move: .right, next: .other(1))
  249. ],
  250. // [ //25
  251. // .zero: Operation(place: .zero, move: .left, next: .self),
  252. // .one: Operation(place: .one, move: .left, next: .self),
  253. // .a: Operation(place: .a, move: .left, next: .self),
  254. // .star: Operation(place: .star, move: .left, next: .self),
  255. // .none: Operation(place: .zero, move: .right, next: .other(26))
  256. // ],
  257. // [ //26
  258. // .zero: Operation(place: .zero, move: .right, next: .self),
  259. // .one: Operation(place: .one, move: .right, next: .self),
  260. // .a: Operation(place: .a, move: .right, next: .self),
  261. // .star: Operation(place: .star, move: .right, next: .self),
  262. // .none: Operation(place: .none, move: .left, next: .other(27))
  263. // ],
  264. ]
  265. states += (26...28).map { n in // 25-27
  266. [ // 27
  267. .zero: Operation(place: .none, move: .left, next: .self),
  268. .one: Operation(place: .none, move: .left, next: .self),
  269. .a: Operation(place: .none, move: .left, next: .self),
  270. .star: Operation(place: .none, move: .left, next: .other(n))
  271. ]
  272. }
  274. states += [
  275. // [ // 30
  276. // .zero: Operation(place: .zero, move: .left, next: .self),
  277. // .one: Operation(place: .one, move: .left, next: .self),
  278. // .none: Operation(place: .none, move: .right, next: .other(31))
  279. // ],
  280. // [ // 31
  281. // .zero: Operation(place: .none, move: .right, next: .self),
  282. // .one: Operation(place: .one, move: .stay, next: .self),
  283. // .none: Operation(place: .zero, move: .stay, next: .other(32))
  284. // ],
  285. [ // 32
  286. .zero: Operation(place: .zero, move: .stay, next: .self),
  287. .one: Operation(place: .one, move: .stay, next: .self),
  288. .a: Operation(place: .a, move: .stay, next: .self),
  289. .star: Operation(place: .star, move: .stay, next: .self),
  290. .none: Operation(place: .none, move: .stay, next: .self)
  291. ]
  292. ]
  294. func optimize(states: [[Alphabet: Operation<Alphabet>]]) -> [[Alphabet: Operation<Alphabet>]?] {
  295. var inStates: [[Alphabet: Operation<Alphabet>]?] = states
  296. var didChange = true
  297. while didChange {
  298. didChange = false
  299. var i = 0
  300. while i < inStates.count {
  301. if let state = inStates[i] {
  302. for (j, nextState) in inStates.lazy.enumerated().dropFirst(i + 1) {
  303. if let nextState = nextState {
  304. if state.count == nextState.count && state.keys.reduce(true) {$0 && (state[$1] == nextState[$1])} {
  305. didChange = true
  306. // print( {"\(i) \($0.key): \($0.value.description(selfName: "self", names: (0...32).map {String($0)}))"})
  307. // print( {"\(j) \($0.key): \($0.value.description(selfName: "self", names: (0...32).map {String($0)}))"})
  308. // print()
  309. inStates[j] = nil
  310. inStates.forEach {$0?.values.forEach {$0.replace(j, with: i)}}
  311. }
  312. }
  313. }
  314. }
  315. i += 1
  316. }
  317. // inStates.forEach { print($0?.map {"\($0.key): \($0.value.description(selfName: "self", names: (0...32).map {String($0)}))"})}
  318. }
  319. return inStates
  320. }
  321. machine.consume(states: optimize(states: states))
  322. return machine
  323. }
  325. //print(generateMachine(function: [.one, .zero,.one, .zero,.one, .zero,.one, .zero,]).description(for: [.a, .none, .one, .star, .zero]))
  327. let args = Array(CommandLine.arguments.dropFirst())
  328. var out: String?
  330. var i = 0
  331. while i < args.count {
  332. switch args[i] {
  333. case "-o":
  334. if i + 1 < args.count {
  335. i += 1
  336. out = args[i]
  337. }
  338. default:
  339. break
  340. }
  341. i += 1
  342. }
  344. print("Please enter your function values F(0,0,0) F(0,0,1) ... F(1,1,1): ", separator: "", terminator: "")
  345. if let input = readLine(strippingNewline: true) {
  346. let onesAndZeros = input.filter({$0 == "0" || $0 == "1"})
  347. if onesAndZeros.count != 8 {
  348. print("Honestly, I was expecting 8 values...")
  349. exit(0)
  350. }
  351. let machine = generateMachine(function:{$0 == "0" ? .zero : .one})
  352. let rez = machine.description(for: [.a, .none, .one, .star, .zero])
  353. #if os(Linux)
  354. if let out = out {
  355. if !rez.write(toFile: out) {
  356. print("Something went wrong with writing the file...\nI am just going to print to console")
  357. } else {
  358. exit(0)
  359. }
  360. }
  362. #else
  364. if let out = out {
  365. do {
  366. try rez.write(to: URL.init(fileURLWithPath: out), atomically: true, encoding: .utf8)
  367. exit(0)
  368. } catch {
  369. print("Something went wrong with writing the file...\nI am just going to print to console")
  370. }
  371. }
  372. #endif
  373. print("Copy the folowing text into a .txt file.")
  374. print("NOTE: you must preserve tabs. (Some text editors convert tabs to spaces.)")
  375. print(rez)
  377. }
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