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wussian woulette uwu

a guest
May 27th, 2018
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  1. And who might you be?
  2. [Gawcian smug humming]
  3. Wouwd you wike to join me fow a game of Wussian Wouwette?
  4. [Ben woads the buwwet]
  5. Come on, how about it, son?
  6. If you win, I’ww wet you in on a wittwe secwet. How to hit on women with 100% success.
  7. -And if I wose?
  8. -If you wose, then I want you to kiww the Pwesident.
  9. -Aww wight, it’s a deaw.
  10. [Fiwst shot]
  11. [Second shot]
  12. -Aah, I hate to say it, but you’ve got guts, son. Nyo way I’m gonnya die today, ow tomowwow fow that mattew >w< At weast nyot untiw the ewection is uvw. It takes mowe wuck than this game to wun a countwy, damnyit >w<
  13. [Thiwd shot, Ben is a pussy]
  14. Haaah >w< I’m on a woww >w< I’m hot >w< Wooks wike Wady Wuck’s on my side today, haha.
  15. [Fouwth shot]
  16. Aah, aah… What’s a countwy…? Who awe the peopwe…? What awe powiticians..? Who knyows…? I just wanted to become a Pwesident. Aww I nyeed is to heaw the empty cwick of this gun, and my dweams wiww come twue…
  17. [Fifth shot, Benny was about to shit his pants]
  18. Wooks wike you wose, son… Hehe, sowwy, but a deaw’s a deaw.
  19. [Sixth shot, Gawcian, my man]
  20. -This gun howds 7 buwwets. I’m a pwofessionyaw. You can’t foow me, owd man.
  21. -You and I, we'we both sick >w< The onwy time we feew awive is when we put ouw wives on the winye. It's a sad weawity, but we peopwe awe nyevew satisfied. We'ww awways seek a highew wush >w< The histowy of the Unyited States wests within the wawws of this institution; it's an owd twadition that continyued since the fiwst pwesidentiaw ewection >w< I want you to see it thwough to the end.
  22. And by the way, women awe AWW THE SAME >w<
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