

Dec 12th, 2018
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  1. on join:
  2. player has played before:
  3. set the join message to "&8(&6&lJOIN&8) &7%player% has &crejoined&7."
  4. else:
  5. add 1 to {joins}
  6. set the join message to "&8(&6&lJOIN&8) &7%player% has &cjoined for the first time&7! &8(##&6%{joins}%&8)"
  8. on quit:
  9. set the leave message to "&8(&6&lLEAVE&8) &7%player% has &cleft.&7."
  11. on chat:
  12. cancel event
  13. {rank.%player%} is "Owner":
  14. broadcast "&c&lOWNER &7%player% &f%message%"
  15. else if {rank.%player%} is "ADMIN":
  16. broadcast "&9&lADMIN &7%player% &f%message%"
  17. else if {rank.%player%} is "DEV":
  18. broadcast "&6&lDEV &7%player% &f%message%"
  19. else if {rank.%player%} is "MOD":
  20. broadcast "&e&lMOD &7%player% &f%message%"
  21. else:
  22. broadcast "&7%player% &f%message%"
  24. Command /rank [<player>] [<text>]:
  25. trigger:
  26. player is op:
  27. arg-2 is set:
  28. send "&8(&6&lRANK&8) &7Rank set."
  29. send "&8(&6&lRANK&8) &7Your rank has been set to '%arg-2%' by %player%" to arg-1
  30. set {rank.%arg-1%} to arg-2
  31. else:
  32. send "&8(&6&lRANK&8) &7/rank (player) (rank)"
  33. else:
  34. send "&8(&6&lRANK&8) &7Invalid permissions"
  36. on right click with stone axe:
  37. set {x1.%player%} to rounded down x-position of event-block
  38. set {y1.%player%} to rounded down y-position of event-block
  39. set {z1.%player%} to rounded down z-position of event-block
  40. send "&8(&6&lSWE&8) &7Point 2 set! (X: %{x1.%player%}%, Y: %{y1.%player%}% Z: %{z1.%player%}%)"
  42. on break:
  43. player's held item is a stone axe
  44. cancel event
  45. set {x2.%player%} to rounded down x-position of event-block
  46. set {y2.%player%} to rounded down y-position of event-block
  47. set {z2.%player%} to rounded down z-position of event-block
  48. send "&8(&6&lSWE&8) &7Point 1 set! (X: %{x2.%player%}%, Y: %{y2.%player%}% Z: %{z2.%player%}%)"
  50. Command //fill <text>:
  51. trigger:
  52. set {_u} to unix timestamp of now
  53. {y2.%player%} > {y1.%player%}:
  54. set {_loop} to {y2.%player%} - {y1.%player%} + 1
  55. set {_add} to false
  56. else:
  57. set {_loop} to {y1.%player%} - {y2.%player%} + 1
  58. set {_add} to true
  59. set {_time1} to now
  60. set {_c} to {y2.%player%}
  61. loop > 50:
  62. # Chunkfill
  63. send "&8(&6&lSWE&8) &7Using &eChunkfilling &7method (large volume)"
  64. set {_x1} to rounded down(%{x1.%player%}% / 4)
  65. set {_y1} to rounded down(%{y1.%player%}% / 4)
  66. set {_z1} to rounded down(%{z1.%player%}% / 4)
  67. set {_x2} to rounded down(%{x2.%player%}% / 4)
  68. set {_y2} to rounded down(%{y2.%player%}% / 4)
  69. set {_z3} to rounded down(%{z2.%player%}% / 4)
  70. # Begin Loop
  71. loop {_loop} times:
  72. execute console command "fill %{_x1}% %{_c}% %{z1.%player%}% %{x2.%player%}% %{_c}% %{z2.%player%}% %arg-1%"
  74. {_add} is false:
  75. remove 1 from {_c}
  76. else:
  77. add 1 to {_c}
  78. else:
  79. # Standard
  80. loop {_loop} times:
  81. execute console command "fill %{x1.%player%}% %{_c}% %{z1.%player%}% %{x2.%player%}% %{_c}% %{z2.%player%}% %arg-1%"
  82. {_add} is false:
  83. remove 1 from {_c}
  84. else:
  85. add 1 to {_c}
  86. set {_time} to (unix timestamp of now - {_u}) * 1000
  87. send "&8(&6&lSWE&8) &7Operation completed in %{_time}%ms."
  89. Command //sphere <integer> <item type>:
  90. trigger:
  91. set {_u} to unix timestamp of now
  92. loop blocks in radius arg-1 around location of player:
  93. loop-block is not arg-2
  94. set loop-block to arg-2
  95. execute console command "tp %player% ~ ~%ARG-1% ~"
  96. set {_time} to (unix timestamp of now - {_u}) * 1000
  97. send "&8(&6&lSWE&8) &7Operation completed in %{_time}%ms."
  99. Command /up <integer>:
  100. trigger:
  101. execute console command "tp %player% ~ ~%ARG-1% ~"
  102. set block under player to glass
  103. send "&8(&6&lSWE&8) &7Whooosh!"
  105. Command //
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