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Nov 13th, 2019
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  1. public static void method1060(byte[] data, int arg1) {
  2. try {
  3. anInt1256++;
  4. StreamBuffer stream = new StreamBuffer(data);
  5. stream.pointion = data.length - 2;
  6. Class49.anInt991 = stream.readUShort((byte) -106);
  7. Class30.anIntArray650 = new int[Class49.anInt991];
  8. Class35.anIntArray726 = new int[Class49.anInt991];
  9. Class13_Sub2.anIntArray2480 = new int[Class49.anInt991];
  10. Class4_Sub23.aByteArrayArray2426 = new byte[Class49.anInt991][];
  11. Class4_Sub20_Sub7_Sub5.anIntArray3395 = new int[Class49.anInt991];
  12. stream.pointion = -7 + data.length + -(8 * Class49.anInt991);
  13. Class53.anInt1080 = stream.readUShort((byte) -110);
  14. Class32.anInt696 = stream.readUShort((byte) -123);
  15. int i_1_ = (stream.readUByte() & 0xff) - -1;
  16. for (int i_2_ = 0; i_2_ < Class49.anInt991; i_2_++)
  17. Class35.anIntArray726[i_2_] = stream.readUShort((byte) -118);
  18. for (int i_3_ = 0; i_3_ < Class49.anInt991; i_3_++)
  19. Class4_Sub20_Sub7_Sub5.anIntArray3395[i_3_] = stream.readUShort((byte) -111);
  20. for (int i_4_ = 0; i_4_ < Class49.anInt991; i_4_++)
  21. Class30.anIntArray650[i_4_] = stream.readUShort((byte) -128);
  22. for (int i_5_ = 0; (Class49.anInt991 ^ 0xffffffff) < (i_5_ ^ 0xffffffff); i_5_++)
  23. Class13_Sub2.anIntArray2480[i_5_] = stream.readUShort((byte) -110);
  24. stream.pointion = (-(3 * (i_1_ + -1)) + (data.length + -7) - 8 * Class49.anInt991);
  25. Class67.anIntArray1367 = new int[i_1_];
  26. for (int i_6_ = 1; (i_1_ ^ 0xffffffff) < (i_6_ ^ 0xffffffff); i_6_++) {
  27. Class67.anIntArray1367[i_6_] = stream.method248(false);
  28. if (Class67.anIntArray1367[i_6_] == 0)
  29. Class67.anIntArray1367[i_6_] = 1;
  30. }
  31. stream.pointion = 0;
  32. for (int i_7_ = 0; (Class49.anInt991 ^ 0xffffffff) < (i_7_ ^ 0xffffffff); i_7_++) {
  33. int i_8_ = Class30.anIntArray650[i_7_];
  34. int i_9_ = Class13_Sub2.anIntArray2480[i_7_];
  35. int i_10_ = i_9_ * i_8_;
  36. byte[] is = new byte[i_10_];
  37. Class4_Sub23.aByteArrayArray2426[i_7_] = is;
  38. int i_11_ = stream.readUByte();
  39. if (i_11_ == 0) {
  40. for (int i_12_ = 0; i_12_ < i_10_; i_12_++)
  41. is[i_12_] = stream.method229(109);
  42. } else if ((~i_11_) == -2) {
  43. for (int i_13_ = 0; i_8_ > i_13_; i_13_++) {
  44. for (int i_14_ = 0; i_9_ > i_14_; i_14_++)
  45. is[i_8_ * i_14_ + i_13_] = stream.method229(-120);
  46. }
  47. }
  48. }
  49. } catch (RuntimeException runtimeexception) {
  50. throw Class4_Sub20_Sub7_Sub4.method423(runtimeexception, ("sd.E("
  51. + (data != null ? "{...}" : "null") + ',' + arg1 + ')'));
  52. }
  53. }
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