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Oct 16th, 2018
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  1. // Written by Nick Poulden, Tyler Yasaka, and the Origin Protocol Team.
  2. pragma solidity ^0.4.13;
  4. library ClaimHolderLibrary {
  5. event ClaimAdded(bytes32 indexed claimId, uint256 indexed topic, uint256 scheme, address indexed issuer, bytes signature, bytes data, string uri);
  6. event ClaimRemoved(bytes32 indexed claimId, uint256 indexed topic, uint256 scheme, address indexed issuer, bytes signature, bytes data, string uri);
  8. struct Claim {
  9. uint256 topic;
  10. uint256 scheme;
  11. address issuer; // msg.sender
  12. bytes signature; // this.address + topic + data
  13. bytes data;
  14. string uri;
  15. }
  17. struct Claims {
  18. mapping (bytes32 => Claim) byId;
  19. mapping (uint256 => bytes32[]) byTopic;
  20. }
  22. function addClaim(
  23. KeyHolderLibrary.KeyHolderData storage _keyHolderData,
  24. Claims storage _claims,
  25. uint256 _topic,
  26. uint256 _scheme,
  27. address _issuer,
  28. bytes _signature,
  29. bytes _data,
  30. string _uri
  31. )
  32. public
  33. returns (bytes32 claimRequestId)
  34. {
  35. if (msg.sender != address(this)) {
  36. require(KeyHolderLibrary.keyHasPurpose(_keyHolderData, keccak256(abi.encodePacked(msg.sender)), 3), "Sender does not have claim signer key");
  37. }
  39. bytes32 claimId = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_issuer, _topic));
  41. if (_claims.byId[claimId].issuer != _issuer) {
  42. _claims.byTopic[_topic].push(claimId);
  43. }
  45. _claims.byId[claimId].topic = _topic;
  46. _claims.byId[claimId].scheme = _scheme;
  47. _claims.byId[claimId].issuer = _issuer;
  48. _claims.byId[claimId].signature = _signature;
  49. _claims.byId[claimId].data = _data;
  50. _claims.byId[claimId].uri = _uri;
  52. emit ClaimAdded(
  53. claimId,
  54. _topic,
  55. _scheme,
  56. _issuer,
  57. _signature,
  58. _data,
  59. _uri
  60. );
  62. return claimId;
  63. }
  65. function addClaims(
  66. KeyHolderLibrary.KeyHolderData storage _keyHolderData,
  67. Claims storage _claims,
  68. uint256[] _topic,
  69. address[] _issuer,
  70. bytes _signature,
  71. bytes _data,
  72. uint256[] _offsets
  73. )
  74. public
  75. {
  76. uint offset = 0;
  77. for (uint16 i = 0; i < _topic.length; i++) {
  78. addClaim(
  79. _keyHolderData,
  80. _claims,
  81. _topic[i],
  82. 1,
  83. _issuer[i],
  84. getBytes(_signature, (i * 65), 65),
  85. getBytes(_data, offset, _offsets[i]),
  86. ""
  87. );
  88. offset += _offsets[i];
  89. }
  90. }
  92. function removeClaim(
  93. KeyHolderLibrary.KeyHolderData storage _keyHolderData,
  94. Claims storage _claims,
  95. bytes32 _claimId
  96. )
  97. public
  98. returns (bool success)
  99. {
  100. if (msg.sender != address(this)) {
  101. require(KeyHolderLibrary.keyHasPurpose(_keyHolderData, keccak256(abi.encodePacked(msg.sender)), 1), "Sender does not have management key");
  102. }
  104. emit ClaimRemoved(
  105. _claimId,
  106. _claims.byId[_claimId].topic,
  107. _claims.byId[_claimId].scheme,
  108. _claims.byId[_claimId].issuer,
  109. _claims.byId[_claimId].signature,
  110. _claims.byId[_claimId].data,
  111. _claims.byId[_claimId].uri
  112. );
  114. delete _claims.byId[_claimId];
  115. return true;
  116. }
  118. function getClaim(Claims storage _claims, bytes32 _claimId)
  119. public
  120. view
  121. returns(
  122. uint256 topic,
  123. uint256 scheme,
  124. address issuer,
  125. bytes signature,
  126. bytes data,
  127. string uri
  128. )
  129. {
  130. return (
  131. _claims.byId[_claimId].topic,
  132. _claims.byId[_claimId].scheme,
  133. _claims.byId[_claimId].issuer,
  134. _claims.byId[_claimId].signature,
  135. _claims.byId[_claimId].data,
  136. _claims.byId[_claimId].uri
  137. );
  138. }
  140. function getBytes(bytes _str, uint256 _offset, uint256 _length)
  141. internal
  142. pure
  143. returns (bytes)
  144. {
  145. bytes memory sig = new bytes(_length);
  146. uint256 j = 0;
  147. for (uint256 k = _offset; k < _offset + _length; k++) {
  148. sig[j] = _str[k];
  149. j++;
  150. }
  151. return sig;
  152. }
  153. }
  155. contract ERC725 {
  157. uint256 constant MANAGEMENT_KEY = 1;
  158. uint256 constant ACTION_KEY = 2;
  159. uint256 constant CLAIM_SIGNER_KEY = 3;
  160. uint256 constant ENCRYPTION_KEY = 4;
  162. event KeyAdded(bytes32 indexed key, uint256 indexed purpose, uint256 indexed keyType);
  163. event KeyRemoved(bytes32 indexed key, uint256 indexed purpose, uint256 indexed keyType);
  164. event ExecutionRequested(uint256 indexed executionId, address indexed to, uint256 indexed value, bytes data);
  165. event Executed(uint256 indexed executionId, address indexed to, uint256 indexed value, bytes data);
  166. event Approved(uint256 indexed executionId, bool approved);
  168. function getKey(bytes32 _key) public view returns(uint256[] purposes, uint256 keyType, bytes32 key);
  169. function keyHasPurpose(bytes32 _key, uint256 _purpose) public view returns (bool exists);
  170. function getKeysByPurpose(uint256 _purpose) public view returns(bytes32[] keys);
  171. function addKey(bytes32 _key, uint256 _purpose, uint256 _keyType) public returns (bool success);
  172. function removeKey(bytes32 _key, uint256 _purpose) public returns (bool success);
  173. function execute(address _to, uint256 _value, bytes _data) public returns (uint256 executionId);
  174. function approve(uint256 _id, bool _approve) public returns (bool success);
  175. }
  177. contract ERC735 {
  179. event ClaimRequested(uint256 indexed claimRequestId, uint256 indexed topic, uint256 scheme, address indexed issuer, bytes signature, bytes data, string uri);
  180. event ClaimAdded(bytes32 indexed claimId, uint256 indexed topic, uint256 scheme, address indexed issuer, bytes signature, bytes data, string uri);
  181. event ClaimRemoved(bytes32 indexed claimId, uint256 indexed topic, uint256 scheme, address indexed issuer, bytes signature, bytes data, string uri);
  182. event ClaimChanged(bytes32 indexed claimId, uint256 indexed topic, uint256 scheme, address indexed issuer, bytes signature, bytes data, string uri);
  184. struct Claim {
  185. uint256 topic;
  186. uint256 scheme;
  187. address issuer; // msg.sender
  188. bytes signature; // this.address + topic + data
  189. bytes data;
  190. string uri;
  191. }
  193. function getClaim(bytes32 _claimId) public view returns(uint256 topic, uint256 scheme, address issuer, bytes signature, bytes data, string uri);
  194. function getClaimIdsByTopic(uint256 _topic) public view returns(bytes32[] claimIds);
  195. function addClaim(uint256 _topic, uint256 _scheme, address issuer, bytes _signature, bytes _data, string _uri) public returns (bytes32 claimRequestId);
  196. function removeClaim(bytes32 _claimId) public returns (bool success);
  197. }
  199. contract KeyHolder is ERC725 {
  200. KeyHolderLibrary.KeyHolderData keyHolderData;
  202. constructor() public {
  203. KeyHolderLibrary.init(keyHolderData);
  204. }
  206. function getKey(bytes32 _key)
  207. public
  208. view
  209. returns(uint256[] purposes, uint256 keyType, bytes32 key)
  210. {
  211. return KeyHolderLibrary.getKey(keyHolderData, _key);
  212. }
  214. function getKeyPurposes(bytes32 _key)
  215. public
  216. view
  217. returns(uint256[] purposes)
  218. {
  219. return KeyHolderLibrary.getKeyPurposes(keyHolderData, _key);
  220. }
  222. function getKeysByPurpose(uint256 _purpose)
  223. public
  224. view
  225. returns(bytes32[] _keys)
  226. {
  227. return KeyHolderLibrary.getKeysByPurpose(keyHolderData, _purpose);
  228. }
  230. function addKey(bytes32 _key, uint256 _purpose, uint256 _type)
  231. public
  232. returns (bool success)
  233. {
  234. return KeyHolderLibrary.addKey(keyHolderData, _key, _purpose, _type);
  235. }
  237. function approve(uint256 _id, bool _approve)
  238. public
  239. returns (bool success)
  240. {
  241. return KeyHolderLibrary.approve(keyHolderData, _id, _approve);
  242. }
  244. function execute(address _to, uint256 _value, bytes _data)
  245. public
  246. returns (uint256 executionId)
  247. {
  248. return KeyHolderLibrary.execute(keyHolderData, _to, _value, _data);
  249. }
  251. function removeKey(bytes32 _key, uint256 _purpose)
  252. public
  253. returns (bool success)
  254. {
  255. return KeyHolderLibrary.removeKey(keyHolderData, _key, _purpose);
  256. }
  258. function keyHasPurpose(bytes32 _key, uint256 _purpose)
  259. public
  260. view
  261. returns(bool exists)
  262. {
  263. return KeyHolderLibrary.keyHasPurpose(keyHolderData, _key, _purpose);
  264. }
  266. }
  268. contract ClaimHolder is KeyHolder, ERC735 {
  270. ClaimHolderLibrary.Claims claims;
  272. function addClaim(
  273. uint256 _topic,
  274. uint256 _scheme,
  275. address _issuer,
  276. bytes _signature,
  277. bytes _data,
  278. string _uri
  279. )
  280. public
  281. returns (bytes32 claimRequestId)
  282. {
  283. return ClaimHolderLibrary.addClaim(
  284. keyHolderData,
  285. claims,
  286. _topic,
  287. _scheme,
  288. _issuer,
  289. _signature,
  290. _data,
  291. _uri
  292. );
  293. }
  295. function addClaims(
  296. uint256[] _topic,
  297. address[] _issuer,
  298. bytes _signature,
  299. bytes _data,
  300. uint256[] _offsets
  301. )
  302. public
  303. {
  304. ClaimHolderLibrary.addClaims(
  305. keyHolderData,
  306. claims,
  307. _topic,
  308. _issuer,
  309. _signature,
  310. _data,
  311. _offsets
  312. );
  313. }
  315. function removeClaim(bytes32 _claimId) public returns (bool success) {
  316. return ClaimHolderLibrary.removeClaim(keyHolderData, claims, _claimId);
  317. }
  319. function getClaim(bytes32 _claimId)
  320. public
  321. view
  322. returns(
  323. uint256 topic,
  324. uint256 scheme,
  325. address issuer,
  326. bytes signature,
  327. bytes data,
  328. string uri
  329. )
  330. {
  331. return ClaimHolderLibrary.getClaim(claims, _claimId);
  332. }
  334. function getClaimIdsByTopic(uint256 _topic)
  335. public
  336. view
  337. returns(bytes32[] claimIds)
  338. {
  339. return claims.byTopic[_topic];
  340. }
  341. }
  343. contract ClaimHolderRegistered is ClaimHolder {
  345. constructor (
  346. address _userRegistryAddress
  347. )
  348. public
  349. {
  350. V00_UserRegistry userRegistry = V00_UserRegistry(_userRegistryAddress);
  351. userRegistry.registerUser();
  352. }
  353. }
  355. contract ClaimHolderPresigned is ClaimHolderRegistered {
  357. constructor(
  358. address _userRegistryAddress,
  359. uint256[] _topic,
  360. address[] _issuer,
  361. bytes _signature,
  362. bytes _data,
  363. uint256[] _offsets
  364. )
  365. ClaimHolderRegistered(_userRegistryAddress)
  366. public
  367. {
  368. ClaimHolderLibrary.addClaims(
  369. keyHolderData,
  370. claims,
  371. _topic,
  372. _issuer,
  373. _signature,
  374. _data,
  375. _offsets
  376. );
  377. }
  378. }
  380. library KeyHolderLibrary {
  381. event KeyAdded(bytes32 indexed key, uint256 indexed purpose, uint256 indexed keyType);
  382. event KeyRemoved(bytes32 indexed key, uint256 indexed purpose, uint256 indexed keyType);
  383. event ExecutionRequested(uint256 indexed executionId, address indexed to, uint256 indexed value, bytes data);
  384. event ExecutionFailed(uint256 indexed executionId, address indexed to, uint256 indexed value, bytes data);
  385. event Executed(uint256 indexed executionId, address indexed to, uint256 indexed value, bytes data);
  386. event Approved(uint256 indexed executionId, bool approved);
  388. struct Key {
  389. uint256[] purposes; //e.g., MANAGEMENT_KEY = 1, ACTION_KEY = 2, etc.
  390. uint256 keyType; // e.g. 1 = ECDSA, 2 = RSA, etc.
  391. bytes32 key;
  392. }
  394. struct KeyHolderData {
  395. uint256 executionNonce;
  396. mapping (bytes32 => Key) keys;
  397. mapping (uint256 => bytes32[]) keysByPurpose;
  398. mapping (uint256 => Execution) executions;
  399. }
  401. struct Execution {
  402. address to;
  403. uint256 value;
  404. bytes data;
  405. bool approved;
  406. bool executed;
  407. }
  409. function init(KeyHolderData storage _keyHolderData)
  410. public
  411. {
  412. bytes32 _key = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(msg.sender));
  413. _keyHolderData.keys[_key].key = _key;
  414. _keyHolderData.keys[_key].purposes.push(1);
  415. _keyHolderData.keys[_key].keyType = 1;
  416. _keyHolderData.keysByPurpose[1].push(_key);
  417. emit KeyAdded(_key, 1, 1);
  418. }
  420. function getKey(KeyHolderData storage _keyHolderData, bytes32 _key)
  421. public
  422. view
  423. returns(uint256[] purposes, uint256 keyType, bytes32 key)
  424. {
  425. return (
  426. _keyHolderData.keys[_key].purposes,
  427. _keyHolderData.keys[_key].keyType,
  428. _keyHolderData.keys[_key].key
  429. );
  430. }
  432. function getKeyPurposes(KeyHolderData storage _keyHolderData, bytes32 _key)
  433. public
  434. view
  435. returns(uint256[] purposes)
  436. {
  437. return (_keyHolderData.keys[_key].purposes);
  438. }
  440. function getKeysByPurpose(KeyHolderData storage _keyHolderData, uint256 _purpose)
  441. public
  442. view
  443. returns(bytes32[] _keys)
  444. {
  445. return _keyHolderData.keysByPurpose[_purpose];
  446. }
  448. function addKey(KeyHolderData storage _keyHolderData, bytes32 _key, uint256 _purpose, uint256 _type)
  449. public
  450. returns (bool success)
  451. {
  452. require(_keyHolderData.keys[_key].key != _key, "Key already exists"); // Key should not already exist
  453. if (msg.sender != address(this)) {
  454. require(keyHasPurpose(_keyHolderData, keccak256(abi.encodePacked(msg.sender)), 1), "Sender does not have management key"); // Sender has MANAGEMENT_KEY
  455. }
  457. _keyHolderData.keys[_key].key = _key;
  458. _keyHolderData.keys[_key].purposes.push(_purpose);
  459. _keyHolderData.keys[_key].keyType = _type;
  461. _keyHolderData.keysByPurpose[_purpose].push(_key);
  463. emit KeyAdded(_key, _purpose, _type);
  465. return true;
  466. }
  468. function approve(KeyHolderData storage _keyHolderData, uint256 _id, bool _approve)
  469. public
  470. returns (bool success)
  471. {
  472. require(keyHasPurpose(_keyHolderData, keccak256(abi.encodePacked(msg.sender)), 2), "Sender does not have action key");
  473. require(!_keyHolderData.executions[_id].executed, "Already executed");
  475. emit Approved(_id, _approve);
  477. if (_approve == true) {
  478. _keyHolderData.executions[_id].approved = true;
  479. success = _keyHolderData.executions[_id][_id].data, 0);
  480. if (success) {
  481. _keyHolderData.executions[_id].executed = true;
  482. emit Executed(
  483. _id,
  484. _keyHolderData.executions[_id].to,
  485. _keyHolderData.executions[_id].value,
  486. _keyHolderData.executions[_id].data
  487. );
  488. return;
  489. } else {
  490. emit ExecutionFailed(
  491. _id,
  492. _keyHolderData.executions[_id].to,
  493. _keyHolderData.executions[_id].value,
  494. _keyHolderData.executions[_id].data
  495. );
  496. return;
  497. }
  498. } else {
  499. _keyHolderData.executions[_id].approved = false;
  500. }
  501. return true;
  502. }
  504. function execute(KeyHolderData storage _keyHolderData, address _to, uint256 _value, bytes _data)
  505. public
  506. returns (uint256 executionId)
  507. {
  508. require(!_keyHolderData.executions[_keyHolderData.executionNonce].executed, "Already executed");
  509. _keyHolderData.executions[_keyHolderData.executionNonce].to = _to;
  510. _keyHolderData.executions[_keyHolderData.executionNonce].value = _value;
  511. _keyHolderData.executions[_keyHolderData.executionNonce].data = _data;
  513. emit ExecutionRequested(_keyHolderData.executionNonce, _to, _value, _data);
  515. if (keyHasPurpose(_keyHolderData, keccak256(abi.encodePacked(msg.sender)),1) || keyHasPurpose(_keyHolderData, keccak256(abi.encodePacked(msg.sender)),2)) {
  516. approve(_keyHolderData, _keyHolderData.executionNonce, true);
  517. }
  519. _keyHolderData.executionNonce++;
  520. return _keyHolderData.executionNonce-1;
  521. }
  523. function removeKey(KeyHolderData storage _keyHolderData, bytes32 _key, uint256 _purpose)
  524. public
  525. returns (bool success)
  526. {
  527. if (msg.sender != address(this)) {
  528. require(keyHasPurpose(_keyHolderData, keccak256(abi.encodePacked(msg.sender)), 1), "Sender does not have management key"); // Sender has MANAGEMENT_KEY
  529. }
  531. require(_keyHolderData.keys[_key].key == _key, "No such key");
  532. emit KeyRemoved(_key, _purpose, _keyHolderData.keys[_key].keyType);
  534. // Remove purpose from key
  535. uint256[] storage purposes = _keyHolderData.keys[_key].purposes;
  536. for (uint i = 0; i < purposes.length; i++) {
  537. if (purposes[i] == _purpose) {
  538. purposes[i] = purposes[purposes.length - 1];
  539. delete purposes[purposes.length - 1];
  540. purposes.length--;
  541. break;
  542. }
  543. }
  545. // If no more purposes, delete key
  546. if (purposes.length == 0) {
  547. delete _keyHolderData.keys[_key];
  548. }
  550. // Remove key from keysByPurpose
  551. bytes32[] storage keys = _keyHolderData.keysByPurpose[_purpose];
  552. for (uint j = 0; j < keys.length; j++) {
  553. if (keys[j] == _key) {
  554. keys[j] = keys[keys.length - 1];
  555. delete keys[keys.length - 1];
  556. keys.length--;
  557. break;
  558. }
  559. }
  561. return true;
  562. }
  564. function keyHasPurpose(KeyHolderData storage _keyHolderData, bytes32 _key, uint256 _purpose)
  565. public
  566. view
  567. returns(bool result)
  568. {
  569. bool isThere;
  570. if (_keyHolderData.keys[_key].key == 0) {
  571. return false;
  572. }
  574. uint256[] storage purposes = _keyHolderData.keys[_key].purposes;
  575. for (uint i = 0; i < purposes.length; i++) {
  576. if (purposes[i] <= _purpose) {
  577. isThere = true;
  578. break;
  579. }
  580. }
  581. return isThere;
  582. }
  583. }
  585. contract V00_UserRegistry {
  586. /*
  587. * Events
  588. */
  590. event NewUser(address _address, address _identity);
  592. /*
  593. * Storage
  594. */
  596. // Mapping from ethereum wallet to ERC725 identity
  597. mapping(address => address) public users;
  599. /*
  600. * Public functions
  601. */
  603. /// @dev registerUser(): Add a user to the registry
  604. function registerUser()
  605. public
  606. {
  607. users[tx.origin] = msg.sender;
  608. emit NewUser(tx.origin, msg.sender);
  609. }
  611. /// @dev clearUser(): Remove user from the registry
  612. function clearUser()
  613. public
  614. {
  615. users[msg.sender] = 0;
  616. }
  617. }
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