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a guest
Jan 23rd, 2018
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  1. Game 1
  2. Just Kenny: OOPS
  3. Just Kenny: nice walking to a ward when theres 2 free kills in front of u
  4. Just Kenny: come into lane and kill these morons
  5. Just Kenny: you can kill the ward after
  6. Just Kenny: k vel
  7. Just Kenny: now youre flat trolling
  8. Just Kenny: velkoz
  9. Just Kenny: fucking
  10. Just Kenny: backed
  11. Just Kenny: right when shen goes on me
  12. Just Kenny: just watches me die
  13. Just Kenny: for no reason
  14. Just Kenny: youre trolling
  15. Just Kenny: secondd time youve watched me die
  16. Just Kenny: for no reason
  17. Just Kenny: becaseu ive played
  18. Just Kenny: 30 games this seaosn
  19. Just Kenny: because i dont care about this game anymore
  20. Just Kenny: have you ever wondered
  21. Just Kenny: why youre plat garbage
  22. Just Kenny: shit talking people in plat
  23. Just Kenny: learn to play this game
  24. Just Kenny: then come talk
  25. Just Kenny: to me
  26. Just Kenny: because you clearly dont know how
  27. Just Kenny: youre boosted plat garbage
  28. Just Kenny: always will be
  29. Just Kenny: come get masters
  30. Just Kenny: and you can talk to me
  31. Just Kenny: baroins
  32. Just Kenny: alread
  33. Just Kenny: gone
  34. Just Kenny: you cant do shit
  35. Just Kenny: just take the tower
  36. Just Kenny: lol
  37. Just Kenny: why would you all back
  38. Just Kenny: shouldnt have fought then
  39. Just Kenny: braindead moron
  40. Just Kenny: and i didnt imagine
  41. Just Kenny: you would willingly fight a 4v5
  42. Just Kenny: braindead plat animal
  43. Just Kenny: ill show u my masters last season
  44. Just Kenny: stay plat
  45. Just Kenny: brainded moron
  46. Just Kenny: ive played 20 gamees this sesaon
  47. Just Kenny: because i dont care
  48. Just Kenny: about this pathetic game anymore
  49. Just Kenny: pathetic game
  50. Just Kenny: with braindead idiots like you
  51. Just Kenny: youve been flaming
  52. Just Kenny: everyone on this team
  53. Just Kenny: from minute 1
  54. Just Kenny: how do you think anyone but you
  55. Just Kenny: is the pathetic one here
  56. Just Kenny: a question mark ping
  57. Just Kenny: is not flaming
  58. Just Kenny: learn fucking english
  59. Just Kenny: you cant even speak
  60. Just Kenny: i cant be bothered
  61. Just Kenny: to play this game anymore
  62. Just Kenny: and clim
  63. Just Kenny: because idiots like you exist
  64. Just Kenny: you did the same
  65. Just Kenny: fucking thing to varus
  66. Just Kenny: you hypocritifcal monkey
  67. Just Kenny: LOL!
  68. Just Kenny: you dont understand youre doing
  69. Just Kenny: the exact same thign
  70. Just Kenny: i did
  71. Just Kenny: and you cant see it
  72. Just Kenny: its hilarious
  73. Just Kenny: at least i know im an asshole
  74. Just Kenny: LOL!
  75. Just Kenny: LOL
  76. Just Kenny: LOL
  77. Game 2
  78. Just Kenny: oops wrong runes
  79. Just Kenny: LOL
  80. Just Kenny: i eman
  81. Just Kenny: you ran back into vis q
  82. Just Kenny: for no reason
  83. Just Kenny: cuz it was free
  84. Just Kenny: but she flashed me
  85. Just Kenny: shouldve autoed harder
  86. Just Kenny: kappa 123
  87. Just Kenny: dw i carry
  88. Just Kenny: ?
  89. Just Kenny: ?
  90. Just Kenny: ?
  91. Just Kenny: ?
  92. Just Kenny: ?
  93. Just Kenny: ?
  94. Just Kenny: ?
  95. Just Kenny: ?
  96. Just Kenny: ?
  97. Just Kenny: ?
  98. Just Kenny: ?
  99. Just Kenny: ?
  100. Just Kenny: ?
  101. Just Kenny: ?
  102. Just Kenny: ?
  103. Just Kenny: im not tilted
  104. Just Kenny: i give 0 fucks
  105. Just Kenny: im just playing so i dont decay fam
  106. Just Kenny: same
  107. Just Kenny: i can never finish either
  108. Just Kenny: no youll be oom
  109. Just Kenny: tfw
  110. Just Kenny: i dont know
  111. Just Kenny: how youre managing
  112. Just Kenny: to be bad at annie
  113. Just Kenny: but youre actually doing it
  114. Just Kenny: yeah
  115. Just Kenny: but im settuing up
  116. Just Kenny: and hes doing the most retarded shit
  117. Just Kenny: its hilarious
  118. Just Kenny: no
  119. Just Kenny: SHE WEAS FUCKING DEAD
  121. Just Kenny: LMAO
  122. Just Kenny: buyt you tried to kill both
  123. Just Kenny: for no reason
  124. Just Kenny: you split your abilities
  125. Just Kenny: on two poeple
  126. Just Kenny: this annie
  127. Just Kenny: is straight
  128. Just Kenny: bad
  129. Just Kenny: LOL
  130. Just Kenny: wtf is this
  131. Just Kenny: LMFAO
  132. Just Kenny: hey
  133. Just Kenny: come get masters
  134. Just Kenny: then you can talk to me
  135. Just Kenny: ok?
  136. Just Kenny: ye
  137. Just Kenny: ill show you
  138. Just Kenny: after
  139. Just Kenny: :)
  140. Just Kenny: cuz i dont give a shit
  141. Just Kenny: about this game
  142. Just Kenny: anymorew
  143. Just Kenny: and when i have braindead morons like you
  144. Just Kenny: why should i care
  145. Just Kenny: ECKS DEEEE
  146. Just Kenny: it was just a prank
  147. Just Kenny: meme'd
  148. Just Kenny: wait youre supposed to let me use my avbilities on you
  149. Just Kenny: sorry its hard to care
  150. Just Kenny: when youre getting blamed by shitty plats that cant even play annie
  151. Just Kenny: ECKS DEE
  152. Just Kenny: same
  153. Just Kenny: striaght broken
  154. Just Kenny: that chain follows me
  155. Just Kenny: MASTER YOURSELF
  156. Just Kenny: MASTER THE ENBEMY
  157. Just Kenny: yeah
  158. Just Kenny: to keep a cool head while being flamed all game
  159. Just Kenny: it takes practice yaknow
  160. Just Kenny: my personal well being rides on what these plat players think of me
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