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a guest
Jan 25th, 2016
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  1. bmk_bBenchmarkDemos = 0;
  2. bmk_bOnScreenReport = 1;
  3. ccn_fLineFadeTime = 2; _(version="1")
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  10. cht_bEnableCheats = 0;
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  12. cld_iMaxThreads = 0; _(version="3")
  13. cli_iMaxBPS = 12000; _(version="2")
  14. cli_iMaxOutBPS = 10000; _(version="2")
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  84. efx_fOcclusionRadiusMaxStretchDistance = 1000;
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  91. efx_iOcclusionQuality = 1;
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  112. gam_bArmorStays = -1;
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  134. gam_iExtraEnemyStrengthPerPlayer = -1;
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  273. pfx_lrmLightningRenderingMode = 0;
  274. phy_iMaxThreads = 0; _(version="2")
  275. plr_bAllowPlayerAutoJump = 1;
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  286. prj_bAllowGibs = 1;
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  288. prj_bDisableRagdollDeaths = 0; _(version="1")
  289. prj_bEnableClientSideEffects = 1;
  290. prj_bEnableDynamicDecals = 1;
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  293. prj_bHardwareMouseCursor = 1;
  294. prj_bSkippableIntroScene = 1;
  295. prj_bStartupAutoDetection = 1;
  296. prj_bSymbolicPingDisplay = 0;
  297. prj_ctFeetAdjustmentIKIterations = 4;
  298. prj_ctMaxCorpses = 50; _(version="1")
  299. prj_ctMaxCorpsesCoop = 20; _(version="1")
  300. prj_ctMaxDebris = 200; _(version="2")
  301. prj_ctMaxDebrisCoop = 100; _(version="1")
  302. prj_ctMaxFlamesPerSurface = 20;
  303. prj_ctMaxFlamesPerSurfaceCoop = 10;
  304. prj_ctMaxMovingCorpses = 10; _(version="1")
  305. prj_ctMaxMovingCorpsesCoop = 5; _(version="1")
  306. prj_ctMaxMovingDebris = 100; _(version="2")
  307. prj_ctMaxMovingDebrisCoop = 40; _(version="1")
  308. prj_ctMaxQuickMatchTries = 5;
  309. prj_ctTimeBanMinutes = 60;
  310. prj_fCutSceneDontSkipPeriod = 1;
  311. prj_fDebrisScreenSizeRatioCull = 0.0010000002; _(version="2")
  312. prj_fDebrisScreenSizeRatioCullCoop = 0.003; _(version="1")
  313. prj_fMaxFeetAdjustmentDistance = 100;
  314. prj_fVoteDuration = 60;
  315. prj_fVoteEndDelay = 3;
  316. prj_fVotePercentageToPass = 0.5;
  317. prj_iBloodAndGoreSkin = 0;
  318. prj_iCPUSpeed = 4;
  319. prj_iFlashlightType = 3;
  320. prj_iGPUMemory = 4;
  321. prj_iGPUSpeed = 4;
  322. prj_smSubtitleMode_copy = 2;
  323. prj_strDefaultMapDir = "Content/SeriousSam3/Levels/Multiplayer";
  324. prj_strDisabledVoteTypes = "";
  325. prj_strGfxUserInfoDate = "";
  326. prj_strGraphicCardName = "";
  327. prj_strLastAutoDetectSetup = "gfx_iPixelProgramVersion=40,gfx_ctConcurrentGPUs=1,sys_iGPUVendorID=4098,sys_iCPUFamily=6,sys_iCPUMHz=3400,sys_iGPUDeviceID=26520,sys_strCPUVendor=GenuineIntel,gfx_ulVideoMemoryMB=3072,";
  328. prj_strMapList = "";
  329. prj_strMapListFile = "Content/SeriousSam3/DMMapList.txt";
  330. prj_strMultiplayerSessionName = ""; _(version="2")
  331. prt_bSmoothTextureAnimation = 1;
  332. prt_fParticleBias = 1.2;
  333. rcon_slMaxBufferSize = 131072;
  334. rcts_bDebugNegotiations = 0;
  335. rcts_bLocalMode = 0;
  336. rcts_strAdminPassword = "*";
  337. rcts_strWelcomeNote = "RCon telnet server";
  338. ren_bAllowMainThreadRecording = 1;
  339. ren_bAmbientShadows = 1;
  340. ren_bAntiAliasedMirrors = 0;
  341. ren_bDynamicFastLights = 1;
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  350. ren_bModelGrouping = 1;
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  361. ren_fNearClipPlaneDistance = 0.1; _(version="3")
  362. ren_fOcclusionSizeTreshold = 0.2;
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  364. ren_fRenderingSizeRatio = 1;
  365. ren_fWireDistanceCullingBias = 1;
  366. ren_iMaxThreads = 2; _(version="3")
  367. ren_iMirrorLevelBias = 2;
  368. ren_iRescalingFilter = 1;
  369. ren_iWiresCastShadows = 2;
  370. ser_iMaxClientBPS = 20000;
  371. ser_strBanList = "";
  372. sfx_bAllowEAX = 1;
  373. sfx_bLowSampleRate = 0;
  374. sfx_fAttenuationByVoiceOver = 0.15000002; _(version="4")
  375. sfx_fDopplerEffectBias = 1;
  376. sfx_fMasterVolume = 0.28780488; _(version="3")
  377. sfx_fMaxTotalVolume = 3; _(version="2")
  378. sfx_iAPI = 3; _(version="4")
  379. sfx_iAudioDevice = 0;
  380. sfx_iMaxActiveSounds = 35;
  381. sfx_iStreamingBufferSize = 88; _(version="2")
  382. sha_bAllowRefractions = 1;
  383. sha_bAllowZoomBlurring = 1;
  384. sha_bCombineLightPasses = 1;
  385. sha_bCreateAllVariations = 0;
  386. sha_bEdgeSmoothing = 1;
  387. sha_bNoProgressBar = 1; _(version="2")
  388. sha_bShadowFiltering = 1;
  389. sha_bShadowTrilinearDithering = 0;
  390. sha_bVertexShadows = 0;
  391. sha_fCascadeChoiceBias = 0.01;
  392. sha_fFilledHighlightingDistance = 50;
  393. sha_fShadowDarkness = 2; _(version="3")
  394. sha_fShadowMinVariance = 1.E-005; _(version="3")
  395. sha_fShadowSmoothness = 0.25; _(version="3")
  396. sha_fShadowTrilinearSpan = 0.5;
  397. sha_iMaxShockwaves = 40;
  398. sha_iParallaxMappingMethod = 2; _(version="3")
  399. sha_iParallaxMappingQuality = 2;
  400. sha_iZoomBlurMip = 0; _(version="2")
  401. sha_iZoomBlurSamples = 16;
  402. shb_bForceBilinearFiltering = 0;
  403. shb_bGeometryInstancing = 1;
  404. shb_bOcclusionCulling = 1;
  405. shb_bShadowBlurring = 1;
  406. shb_fCascadedStepFactor = 5; _(version="2")
  407. shb_fNearShadowDistance = 5; _(version="2")
  408. shb_fOcclusionSizeTreshold = 15;
  409. shb_iShadowAntialiasing = 1;
  410. shb_iShadowFormat = 0;
  411. shb_pixMaxShadowSize = 3072; _(version="4")
  412. shb_pixShadowDensity = 96;
  413. sim_bAutoDecreaseQuality = 1;
  414. sim_bAutoPause = 1;
  415. sim_iFixMicroStuttering = 2;
  416. snd_fDistanceAttenuationPower = 2; _(version="2")
  417. snd_fEffectsVolume = 0.28780488; _(version="3")
  418. snd_fMovieVolume = 0.7; _(version="3")
  419. snd_fMusicVolume = 0.31707316; _(version="3")
  420. snd_fVoiceCommVolume = 0.7;
  421. tex_bAutoUploading = 1;
  422. tex_bDynamicAtlasUpdates = 1;
  423. tex_bLowQuality = 0;
  424. tex_bNoProgressBar = 0;
  425. tex_fAllowedUploadBurst = 0.5;
  426. tex_fLODBias = 0;
  427. tex_iAnisotropy = 16; _(version="2")
  428. tex_iBaseMip = 0;
  429. tex_iFiltering = 22;
  430. tex_iProbeDecayTime = 30;
  431. tex_iSquishCompressionQuality = 2;
  432. tex_pixMaxSize = 4096;
  433. tex_pixProbeSize = 16;
  434. thr_iAffinityStrictness = 0; _(version="2")
  435. thr_iMaxWorkerThreads = 0;
  436. tim_bLogTimerOffsets = 0;
  437. vo_bMicBoost = 1;
  438. vo_bUsingPushToTalk = 1;
  439. vo_bVoiceEnabled = 1;
  440. vo_fMicSensitivity = 0;
  441. vo_fVoiceReceiveVolume = 0.7;
  442. vo_fVoiceTransmitVolume = 1;
  443. vsl_fGlobalVibrationStrength = 1; _(version="2")
  444. xad_bInstantUpdates = 0;
  445. xad_bReuseVoices = 1;
  446. xad_fStereoSeparation = 0.8;
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