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May 26th, 2017
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  1. Consciousness
  2. -monitoring internal mental processes, personal behavior, and the environment
  3. -controlling one’s plans based on information received through monitoring
  4. Preconscious Information: information that could become conscious
  5. -tip of the tongue, subliminal perception, blindsight
  6. Hypnosis: state of consciousness in which the person is susceptible to suggestion
  7. -four elements: told to focus on what’s being said, relax/feel tired, “let go”, vivid imagination
  8. -hypnotic susceptibility: degree to which a person is a good hypnotic subject
  9. Hypnosis theories
  10. -(dissociation)hypnosis works only in a person’s immediate consciousness, while a hidden observer remained aware of all that was going on
  11. -(social-cognitive)people who are hypnotized are merely playing the role expected of them
  12. Sleep
  13. -hypothalamus: tiny section of the brain that influences the glandular system
  14. -suprachiasmatic nucleus: internal clock that tells people when to wake up/sleep, tells pineal gland to secrete melatonin
  15. -circadian rhythm disorder: disturbances in sleep cycle, jetlag, shift work, etc
  16. Sleep Theories
  17. -adaptation: one doesn’t move around during the time of day which is most dangerous
  18. -restoration: one needs to restore depleted energy stores
  19. Sleep deprivation
  20. -problems: tension, mood swings, hallucinations, psychotic symptoms
  21. -no more than four days
  22. -neurochemicals: melatonin, tryptophan
  23. -microsleeps: brief sidesteps into sleep lasting a few seconds
  24. Brainwave patterns
  25. -electroencephalograph(eeg): used to see brainwave activity
  26. -beta: awake, alert, conscious
  27. -alpha: relaxed, calm, meditation
  28. -theta: deep relaxation/meditation
  29. -delta: deep, dreamless sleep
  30. Stages of sleep(nonrem)
  31. -1:theta:transition between wakefulness/sleep
  32. -2:alpha:sleep spindles(increased eeg activity), k-complexes(lower muscle tension)
  33. -3,4:delta:deep sleep
  34. Stages of sleep(rem)
  35. -REM:most important phase of sleep; rem rebound
  36. -sleep paralysis
  37. Dreams
  38. -random activation causes dreams, dreams cause activation during REM sleep
  39. -meaning: manifestation of subconscious, what we were thinking about the day before, nothing
  40. Sleep Disorders
  41. -Insomnia: difficulty falling/staying asleep
  42. -hypersomnia: difficulty staying awake during the day even with adequate sleep
  43. -Narcolepsy: uncontrollably falling asleep (cataplexy: loss of muscle tone)
  44. -sleep apnea: stop breathing
  45. -sleep walking: episodes of seeing, walking, or talking without memory
  46. -night terrors: extremely fearful emotion/behavior in sleep
  47. -restless leg syndrome: unusual movement
  48. DRUGS
  49. -physical dependence: tolerance, withdrawal
  50. -psychological dependence:
  51. Drug categories
  52. -CNS Depressants: slow down the brain/body; alcohol, barbiturates, antianxiety, GHB, rohypnol
  53. - CNS stimulants: stimulate the sympathetic nervous system; cocaine, amphetamines
  54. -dissociative anesthetics: inhibit pain by cutting off the brain’s perception of pain; PCP
  55. -narcotic analgesics: relieve pain/create mood changes; opium, codeine, heroin, morphine
  56. - hallucinogens:cause altered perception of reality;LSD, peyote, MDMA
  57. -inhalants:mind altering; paint, gasoline, anesthetic gases
  58. - cannabis
  59. Sensation: messages we receive from our sensory receptors
  60. Perception: the way sensation information is interpreted
  61. Psychophysics: systematic study of the relationship between physical stimulation and psychological sensation
  62. Stroop effect: headfux colors
  63. Signal-detection theory(sdt): hit, miss, false alarm, correct rejection
  64. Sensory adaptation: temporary physiological response to a sensed change in the environment: tuning out, driving, reading
  65. Vison: electromagnetic spectrum: the range of energy wavelengths we can(not) see
  66. Structure of the eye: cornea, iris, pupil, lens, retna
  67. Retna:ganglion cells; amacrine, horizontal/bipolar cells, photoreceptors
  68. Rods: 120M rods, no color vision, vision in dim light
  69. Condes: 8M, color vision, vision in bright light
  70. Photoreceptors: transducer stimuli into usable information
  71. Fovea: central receiving area, focuses on what you are looking at, all cones
  72. Color qualities: hue, saturation, brightness
  73. Visual perception: consistency; cues: relative size, gradient, interposition, motion parallax
  74. Vision theory
  75. -Gestalt: elements that are similar are grouped
  76. -feature-detector: cellsi n the brain respond to specific features
  77. -template-matching: match the stimuli we see with the perfect example
  78. -feature-matching: match the features of stimuli we see with features we remember
  79. Hearing
  80. -properties: amplitude, pitch, timbre
  81. Outer ear: pinna (collects sound waves), eardrum(vibrates when sound interacts)
  82. Middle ear: malleus, incus, stapes: bones that amplify sound
  83. Inner ear: cochlea: transmits auditory information to the brain via acoustic nerve
  84. Hearing theories
  85. -place theory: we hear each pitch based on specific places the basilar membrane in the cochlea is stimulated
  86. -frequency theory; the basilar membrane reproduces the frequencies it receives to the acoustic nerve
  87. -duplicity theory: both location and frequency
  88. Taste
  89. -four properties: sweetness, sourness, bitterness, saltiness, MSG
  90. Smell
  91. -reasons: enhancing taste, memory, survival, pheromones
  92. -olfactory bulbs: areas of the brain located above the sinus cavity that receive information from receptor cells
  93. Touch
  94. -sensations: pressure ,temperature, pain
  95. -extroception, introception
  96. Movement, balance, equilibrium
  97. -kinesthesis: how we understand our skeletal movement and positioning
  98. -vestibular sense: the sense of balance and equilibrium (vestibular sacs and semicircle canals)
  99. Synesthesia: neurological condition where sensory information from one modality is sensed in another modality
  100. -*graphemia, *logia, *phonia, *graphia
  101. Synesthesia theories
  102. -Degeneracy: more primitive utility of senses
  103. -compensation: compensating for defective senses
  104. -vibration; color patterns are mathematically related to sound waves
  105. -emotional-tone: based on emotional experiences
  106. -learning: a learned response in early life
  107. Intelligence: goal directed adaptive behavior
  108. Thought
  109. -Critical thinking; evaluating to find answer. (Analysis; breakdown, Synthesis; combining two/more)
  110. -Judgement/decision; moving from evaluation to choosing.
  111. Creativity
  112. -Covergent thinking;there is one answer and all lines of thinking will eventually lead to that truth. Start from theory then gather data.
  113. -Divergent thinking; start with one point, come up with many. Start with data then explain.
  114. Problems
  115. -Well structured; beginning specified, goals stated, transformation functions specific, evaluation functions clear. (Solve: Algorithms and Heuristics/strats)
  116. -Ill structured; opposite.(Solve: incubation, experience(heuristics/analogy) and insight)
  117. Problem Categories
  118. -Transformation; Move from initial state to goal state
  119. -Arrangement; arrange problem elements in desired fashion
  120. -Induction; Find principal via examples
  121. -Deduction; Via principals draw a conclusion
  122. -Divergance; Generate as many solutions as possiblem
  123. Obsticles and Aids to Solving
  124. -Obst; mental sets(entrenchment), dunctional fixedness(stereotype), negative transfer
  125. -Aids; Incubation, transfer of analogies, positive transfer.
  126. Theories
  127. -Utility max; max pleasure, minimize pain
  128. -Subjectivy utility; amount of pos/neg varies based on the person
  129. Common Hueristics
  130. -Anchoring/adjustment; change belief based on information
  131. -Availability; make judgement based on how easy they come to mind
  132. -Representativeness; How similar is something to population, degree to which it fits pattern
  133. Intellingence
  134. -Goal directed adaptive behavior
  135. -Based on learning, memory, language and attention/perception
  136. Standford-Binet
  137. -Overall score/Subscore; verbal reasoning, abstract/visual, gantitative, short term memory
  138. Wechsler IQ Test
  139. -Verbal scales; info, comprehension, digit span, similarities, vocab, arithmetic
  140. -Performance scales; object assembly, block design, digit symbol, pic arrange, pic concept, pic completion, matrix reasoning
  141. High Intelligence
  142. -Top 2% have IQ > 132
  143. -Smart but not much in other areas
  144. -Scoring well on certain tests may not predict intelligence
  145. -Moron: 51-70, Imbecile: 26-50, Idiot: 0-25
  146. -Mild ret 55-70, mod ret 40-54, severe ret 25-39, profound ret 0-24
  147. Individual differences
  148. -Some in respective skillsets, lessesning interval. Richer environments = difference
  149. -Validity, Reliability, Standardization
  150. Artificial intelligence
  151. -learning, reasoning, problem solving, perception, language understanding.
  152. -MYCIN; detecting/trating infection
  153. -INTERNIST; Broad diagnosis of medical problems
  154. -DENDREAL; IDing molecular structures of organic compounds
  155. Language
  156. -Organize, combine words, communicate.
  157. -Communication; Exchange of information through means such as words, gestures looks, movements and contextual cues.
  158. -Communicative; Express info. Arbitrary; meanings not instrinsically ID. Rule Gov; involves meaningful structure. Multiple lvls; can be restated. Productive; infinite amount that can be produced. Dynamic; constantly changing. Spontaneously aquired; without special effort.
  159. Pragmatics
  160. -Sociolinguistics; nonverbal expressions, verbal inflection etc
  161. Definitions
  162. -Phonemes; speech sounds
  163. -Morphemes; word building components
  164. -Lexicon; Collection of morphemes
  165. -Vocab; collection of known words
  166. -Syntax; structure of words
  167. -Perscriptive grammar; preferred use of language
  168. -Descriptive grammar; rules for structure/function
  169. -Phrase-structure grammar; superficial ordering of words
  170. Transformational grammar; make superficial into deep relevant info
  171. Errors
  172. -Slips of the tongue, garden path sentence, Stuttering, Dyslexia, Tourette's
  173. -Dynsarthria; muscles in face slow
  174. -Aphasia; limited speech, reading, writing, listening
  175. -Apraxia; trouble producing words
  176. -Selective mutism; Lack of speech in certain situations
  177. -Spasmodic dysphonia; persistant hoarseness/quivering/jerkiness of voice
  178. Disorders
  179. -Orofacial Myofunctional; tongue too far forward in mouth
  180. -ALS/Lou Gehrig's; inability to speak loud/clear and eventually not at all
  181. -Huntingtons; slowed speech, word finding difficulty and progressive
  182. Brain Activity
  183. -Broca(left front lobe); movement of mouth, grammatical speech
  184. -Wernicke(left temp lobe); language comprehension.
  185. -Left hemisphere; syntax/writing
  186. -Right; auditory/linguistic comprehension
  187. -Linguistic Relativity; language influences the way one thinks/develops
  188. Early Language
  189. -Parental response, cooing, babbling, holophrases(1 word), telegraph speech(2 word)
  190. Language Aquisition
  191. -Nature/critical periods; time of rapid development
  192. -Nurture; imitation/conditioning(rewarded for correct sounds)
  193. Convenience Language
  194. -Pidgin; combining two+ languages for individuals that speak but one.
  195. -Creole; pidgin languages passed down as first language
  196. -Code/switching; switching between languages (spanglish)
  197. -Mixed; combining languages for people well versed in both
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