Guest User


a guest
Mar 19th, 2018
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  1. // #region Crear o Actualizar un Item
  2. function CreateUpdate() {
  3. var checkBanderas = true;
  4. var MyObject = {};
  5. var PasswordRepeat = null;
  6. // Id Name Description NameOrIP Enabled Default
  7. if ($('#hdUserId').val() == "") { MyObject.Id = 0; } else { MyObject.Id = $('#hdUserId').val(); }
  9. if ($('#txt_UserName').val() == "") { MyObject.UserName = null; } else { MyObject.UserName = $('#txt_UserName').val(); }
  10. if ($('#txt_Password').val() == "") { MyObject.Password = null; } else { MyObject.Password = $('#txt_Password').val(); }
  11. if ($('#txt_PasswordRepeat').val() == "") { PasswordRepeat == null; } else { PasswordRepeat = $('#txt_PasswordRepeat').val(); }
  12. if ($('#txt_FirstName').val() == "") { MyObject.FirstName = null; } else { MyObject.FirstName = $('#txt_FirstName').val(); }
  13. if ($('#txt_LastName').val() == "") { MyObject.LastName = null; } else { MyObject.LastName = $('#txt_LastName').val(); }
  14. if (MyObject.FirstName == null) {
  15. $('#dlgCreateUpdate').modal('hide');
  16. ShowMessageBox("Error de Validación", "Ingresa el Nombre para poder continuar.", false, " $('#dlgCreateUpdate').modal('show'); FocusTextBox('#txt_FirstName');", null);
  17. return;
  18. }
  19. if (MyObject.LastName == null) {
  20. $('#dlgCreateUpdate').modal('hide');
  21. ShowMessageBox("Error de Validación", "Ingresa el Apellido para poder continuar.", false, " $('#dlgCreateUpdate').modal('show'); FocusTextBox('#txt_LastName');", null);
  22. return;
  23. }
  24. if (MyObject.Password == null) {
  25. $('#dlgCreateUpdate').modal('hide');
  26. ShowMessageBox("Error de Validación", "Ingresa la Contraseña para poder continuar.", false, " $('#dlgCreateUpdate').modal('show'); FocusTextBox('#txt_Password');", null);
  27. return;
  28. }
  29. if (PasswordRepeat == null) {
  30. $('#dlgCreateUpdate').modal('hide');
  31. ShowMessageBox("Error de Validación", "Ingresa la Contraseña de Confirmación para poder continuar.", false, " $('#dlgCreateUpdate').modal('show'); FocusTextBox('#txt_PasswordRepeat');", null);
  32. return;
  33. }
  34. if (MyObject.Password != PasswordRepeat) {
  35. $('#dlgCreateUpdate').modal('hide');
  36. ShowMessageBox("Error de Validación", "Las contraseñas no coinciden.", false, " $('#dlgCreateUpdate').modal('show'); CleanPasswords();", null);
  37. return;
  38. }
  39. if (MyObject.UserName == null) {
  40. $('#dlgCreateUpdate').modal('hide');
  41. ShowMessageBox("Error de Validación", "Ingresa el Nombre de Usuario para poder continuar.", false, " $('#dlgCreateUpdate').modal('show'); FocusTextBox('#txt_UserName');", null);
  42. return;
  43. }
  44. var data = MyObject;
  45. console.log("data: " + JSON.stringify(data));
  46. $.ajax(
  47. {
  48. url: '/Users/CreateUpdate_Users'
  49. , type: "POST"
  50. , data: JSON.stringify(data)
  51. , dataType: "json"
  52. , contentType: 'application/json'
  53. })
  54. .done(function (result) {
  55. if (result.success) {
  56. ShowMessageBox("Guardado", "Los datos han sido guardados correctamente.", false, null, null);
  57. DoSearch();
  58. //oTable.DataTable();
  59. }
  60. else {
  61. ShowMessageBox("Error", "A ocurrido un error al intentar guardar los datos. Contacte al Administrador del Sistema.", false, "$('#dlgCreateUpdate').modal('show');", null);
  62. }
  63. //HideLoading();
  64. })
  65. .fail(function (e) {
  66. alert("Error: " + e.status + ": " + e.statusText, + "[" + e.Message + "]");
  67. //HideLoading();
  68. });
  70. //ShowLoading();
  71. $('#dlgCreateUpdate').modal('hide');
  72. }
  73. // #endregion
  75. <HttpPost()>
  76. Function CreateUpdate_Users(MyObject As Entities.ApiUser) As ActionResult
  77. Dim Success As Boolean = True
  78. Dim Message As String = String.Empty
  79. Dim model As UserModels = New UserModels()
  80. Try
  81. Using logic As Logic = New Logic()
  82. Dim ToSave As Entities.ApiUser = New Entities.ApiUser()
  83. If (MyObject.Id > 0) Then
  84. MyObject.Id = Nothing
  85. End If
  86. model.Item = logic.Save_Users(MyObject)
  87. End Using
  88. Catch ex As Exception
  89. Success = False
  90. Message = ex.Message
  91. End Try
  92. Dim c As Object = New With {.success = Success, .message = Message}
  93. Dim r As JsonResult = Json(c, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)
  94. Return r
  95. End Function
  97. End Class
  99. Public Class Testing
  100. Property Id As Nullable(Of Integer)
  101. Property Name As String
  102. End Class
  104. <System.Web.Services.WebMethod()>
  105. Public Shared Function CreateUpdate(Item As Testing) As Entities.ApiForm
  106. Dim form As Entities.ApiForm = New Entities.ApiForm()
  107. Dim flag As Boolean = False
  108. Return form
  109. End Function
  111. var Item = { Id: null }
  113. $.ajax({
  114. type: "POST",
  115. url: "ApiEnviromentEditForms.aspx/CreateUpdate",
  116. data: '{"Item":' + JSON.stringify(Item) + '}',
  117. contentType: "application/json",
  118. dataType: "json",
  119. success: function (response)
  120. {
  122. }
  123. HideLoading();
  124. $('#modalCreateUpdate').modal('hide');
  125. swal(
  126. 'Guardado!',
  127. 'El Formulario ha sido guardado con exito.',
  128. 'success'
  129. )
  130. },
  131. failure: function(response) {
  132. alert(response.d);
  133. HideLoading();
  134. }
  135. });
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