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Sep 18th, 2019
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  1. Game 1
  2. In-Game
  3. Doctor Taquito: nothing like new junglers who are toxic
  4. Doctor Taquito: epic
  5. Doctor Taquito: zoe passive
  6. Doctor Taquito: yi goes in 2v1
  7. Doctor Taquito: spam pings
  8. Doctor Taquito: nice
  9. Doctor Taquito: buddy it's lookin like you're the noob yi
  10. Doctor Taquito: js
  11. Doctor Taquito: nice hook naut
  12. Doctor Taquito: why did you go in
  13. Doctor Taquito: yi
  14. Doctor Taquito: keep it classy
  15. Doctor Taquito: true
  16. Doctor Taquito: yi doing worse job than yasuo jungle
  17. Doctor Taquito: and is spam pinging and flaming us
  18. Doctor Taquito: nice
  19. Doctor Taquito: he's still doing worse
  20. Doctor Taquito: lmao
  21. Doctor Taquito: i don't think we win this 4v5
  22. Doctor Taquito: maybe if we had a jg
  23. Doctor Taquito: fk off son of b is the only thing yi has said all game
  24. Doctor Taquito: jk he jus said "fk offfffffff mother fk"
  25. Doctor Taquito: if you're actually turkish
  26. Doctor Taquito: why not play on turkey servers
  27. Doctor Taquito: was yi the no on ff
  28. Doctor Taquito: oof
  29. Doctor Taquito: that's literally what you build on morde
  30. Doctor Taquito: dumbass
  31. Doctor Taquito: imagine building yi wrong but pinging morde build as wrong
  32. Doctor Taquito: hmm
  33. Doctor Taquito: galaxy brai
  34. Doctor Taquito: that was a 2v1
  35. Doctor Taquito: 2v3*
  36. Doctor Taquito: you're not a teammate
  37. Doctor Taquito: :(
  38. Doctor Taquito: holy shit, he's an ap champion dumbass
  39. Doctor Taquito: how many times do you need to be told that
  40. Doctor Taquito: good lord
  41. Doctor Taquito: you're too dumb to save
  42. Doctor Taquito: he's probably some 5 year old turkish kid who's too scared to curse on the internet
  43. Doctor Taquito: YI
  44. Doctor Taquito: HE IS
  45. Doctor Taquito: AN AP CHAMPION
  46. Doctor Taquito: HOLY FUCK
  48. Doctor Taquito: YOU FUCKING MEGABRAIN
  49. Doctor Taquito: good god you're so fucking stupid
  50. Doctor Taquito: unlucky
  51. Doctor Taquito: i'm just going to stop typing to your brick wall of a brain
  52. Doctor Taquito: iron 5 isn't a division, but you fucking belong there
  53. Doctor Taquito: yi please go to turkish servers
  54. Doctor Taquito: idk how we're winning with this galaxy brain yi
  55. Doctor Taquito: he's actually telling morde to sell his items because morde isn't ap
  56. Doctor Taquito: report yi and i will
  57. Post-Game
  58. Doctor Taquito: so i should just report all of you except naut and yas?
  59. Doctor Taquito: i mean tbf veigar couldnt end solo
  60. Doctor Taquito: he presses r and is then useless
  61. Doctor Taquito: he did better than you and twitch
  62. Doctor Taquito: ...
  63. Doctor Taquito: i mean you missed every hook in the first 15 minutes
  64. Doctor Taquito: don't put it all on other people buddy
  65. Doctor Taquito: i understand that you're a lux otp
  66. Doctor Taquito: so you probably can't comprehend actual skill shots
  67. Doctor Taquito: but seriously, that game was not your teams fault instead of yours
  68. Doctor Taquito: yes, i ban lux every game because she's a champion that requires no skill to play
  69. Doctor Taquito: as illustrated by the fact that you find success with her
  70. Doctor Taquito: because clearly you haven one
  71. Doctor Taquito: yes
  72. Doctor Taquito: i bet you do
  73. Doctor Taquito: considering her animations don't reflect their hitboxes
  74. Doctor Taquito: anyways buddy, hope you can focus and improve, and don't blame the game on your team
  75. Doctor Taquito: do what you can to win, and if that's not enough
  76. Doctor Taquito: go next
  77. Doctor Taquito: hey i feel that
  78. Doctor Taquito: i'm an adc main and my jungler is afk every game
  79. Doctor Taquito: like this game where yi was telling morde that morde isn't an AP champion
  80. Doctor Taquito: yeah he spam pinged us every time he inted
  81. Doctor Taquito: your yasuo had second highest cs in game
  82. Doctor Taquito: that's what he has to do
  83. Doctor Taquito: veigar is useless when his ult is on CD
  84. Doctor Taquito: he couldn't push into us though
  85. Doctor Taquito: we one shot him
  86. Doctor Taquito: well, unlucky then
  87. Doctor Taquito: but that's the way veigar players do their thing
  88. Doctor Taquito: afk until ult comes off cd
  89. Doctor Taquito: true that
  90. Doctor Taquito: he is only level 20
  91. Doctor Taquito: i don't think he was smurfing either
  92. Doctor Taquito: so
  93. Doctor Taquito: i don't think he was
  94. Doctor Taquito: because as soon as he used ult, he became useless
  95. Doctor Taquito: yeah but i almost had as much as he did and i am support
  96. Doctor Taquito: well i carried
  97. Doctor Taquito: he didn't know how to play veigar well enough after his ult combo
  98. Doctor Taquito: most of his kills were clean ups or one shotting me or tristana
  99. Doctor Taquito: or yi inting to him
  100. Doctor Taquito: that happened quite a bit
  101. Doctor Taquito: maybe he was smurfing, idk
  102. Doctor Taquito: if he was, he's probably a bronze smurf
  103. Doctor Taquito: because i'm only silver
  104. Doctor Taquito: and he was not better than me
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