
Custom Work, Elias

Nov 23rd, 2017
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  415. <BODY oncontextmenu="return false" onselectstart="return false" ondragstart="return false">
  417. // who i'd like to meet.
  419. </td></tr></table></td></tr></table><br><br><br><table bordercolor="ffcc99" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="435" bgcolor="ffcc99" border="0"><tr><td class="text" valign="left" align="left" width="435" bgcolor="ffcc99" height="0" style="word-wrap:break-word"><span class="whitetext12"></span></td></tr><tr><td><table bordercolor="000000" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="435" align="left" bgcolor="ffffff" border="0"><td valign="top" align="left" width="435" bgcolor="ffffff" style="word-wrap:break-word">
  421. <div class="sbhttk"></div>
  422. <div class="sbbghttk"></div>
  423. <div class="sbpichttk"><img src=""></div>
  424. <div class="sboochttk"><h1>OWES LIST.</h1>
  425. <center><b>OWES</b>
  426. <Br>name - 00/00/17
  427. <Br>name - 00/00/17
  428. <Br>name - 00/00/17
  429. <br><b>OWED</b>
  430. <br>name - 00/00/17
  431. <br>name - 00/00/17
  432. <br>name - 00/00/17
  433. <h1>OOC INFO.</h1>
  434. My replies will come as my muse allows them. I am not the person in the photos, and this layout was created by <a href="/httk">Hail to the King</a>.
  435. </div>
  436. <div class="navhttk">
  437. <a class="nhttk" href="/home.php">home</a>
  438. <a class="nhttk" href="/home.php">message</a>
  439. <a class="nhttk" href="/home.php">comment</a>
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  443. <a class="nhttk" href="/home.php">bulletins</a>
  444. <a class="nhttk" href="/httk"><span class="httk">♛credit</span><span class="ktth">hailtotheking♛</span></a>
  445. </div>
  447. <div class="biohttk"><h2>put a decent sized quote here, don't worry it text wraps.</h2>Write about this character and how bomb as fvck they are. Make it kind of long, 'cause it looks better when it scrolls. Write about this character and how bomb as fvck they are. Make it kind of long, 'cause it looks better when it scrolls. Write about this character and how bomb as fvck they are. Make it kind of long, 'cause it looks better when it scrolls. Write about this character and how bomb as fvck they are. Make it kind of long, 'cause it looks better when it scrolls. Write about this character and how bomb as fvck they are. Make it kind of long, 'cause it looks better when it scrolls. Write about this character and how bomb as fvck they are. Make it kind of long, 'cause it looks better when it scrolls. Write about this character and how bomb as fvck they are. Make it kind of long, 'cause it looks better when it scrolls. Write about this character and how bomb as fvck they are. Write about this character and how bomb as fvck they are. Make it kind of long, 'cause it looks better when it scrolls. Write about this character and how bomb as fvck they are. Make it kind of long, 'cause it looks better when it scrolls. Write about this character and how bomb as fvck they are. Make it kind of long, 'cause it looks better when it scrolls. Write about this character and how bomb as fvck they are. Make it kind of long, 'cause it looks better when it scrolls. Write about this character and how bomb as fvck they are. Make it kind of long, 'cause it looks better when it scrolls. Write about this character and how bomb as fvck they are. Make it kind of long, 'cause it looks better when it scrolls. Write about this character and how bomb as fvck they are. Make it kind of long, 'cause it looks better when it scrolls. Write about this character and how bomb as fvck they are. Write about this character and how bomb as fvck they are. Make it kind of long, 'cause it looks better when it scrolls. Write about this character and how bomb as fvck they are. Make it kind of long, 'cause it looks better when it scrolls. Write about this character and how bomb as fvck they are. Make it kind of long, 'cause it looks better when it scrolls. Write about this character and how bomb as fvck they are. Make it kind of long, 'cause it looks better when it scrolls. Write about this character and how bomb as fvck they are. Make it kind of long, 'cause it looks better when it scrolls. Write about this character and how bomb as fvck they are. Make it kind of long, 'cause it looks better when it scrolls. Write about this character and how bomb as fvck they are. Make it kind of long, 'cause it looks better when it scrolls. Write about this character and how bomb as fvck they are. Write about this character and how bomb as fvck they are. Make it kind of long, 'cause it looks better when it scrolls. Write about this character and how bomb as fvck they are. Make it kind of long, 'cause it looks better when it scrolls. Write about this character and how bomb as fvck they are. Make it kind of long, 'cause it looks better when it scrolls. Write about this character and how bomb as fvck they are. Make it kind of long, 'cause it looks better when it scrolls. Write about this character and how bomb as fvck they are. Make it kind of long, 'cause it looks better when it scrolls. Write about this character and how bomb as fvck they are. Make it kind of long, 'cause it looks better when it scrolls. Write about this character and how bomb as fvck they are. Make it kind of long, 'cause it looks better when it scrolls. Write about this character and how bomb as fvck they are. Write about this character and how bomb as fvck they are. Make it kind of long, 'cause it looks better when it scrolls. Write about this character and how bomb as fvck they are. Make it kind of long, 'cause it looks better when it scrolls. Write about this character and how bomb as fvck they are. Make it kind of long, 'cause it looks better when it scrolls. Write about this character and how bomb as fvck they are. Make it kind of long, 'cause it looks better when it scrolls. Write about this character and how bomb as fvck they are. Make it kind of long, 'cause it looks better when it scrolls. Write about this character and how bomb as fvck they are. Make it kind of long, 'cause it looks better when it scrolls. Write about this character and how bomb as fvck they are. Make it kind of long, 'cause it looks better when it scrolls. Write about this character and how bomb as fvck they are. Write about this character and how bomb as fvck they are. Make it kind of long, 'cause it looks better when it scrolls. Write about this character and how bomb as fvck they are. Make it kind of long, 'cause it looks better when it scrolls. Write about this character and how bomb as fvck they are. Make it kind of long, 'cause it looks better when it scrolls. Write about this character and how bomb as fvck they are. Make it kind of long, 'cause it looks better when it scrolls. Write about this character and how bomb as fvck they are. Make it kind of long, 'cause it looks better when it scrolls. Write about this character and how bomb as fvck they are. Make it kind of long, 'cause it looks better when it scrolls. Write about this character and how bomb as fvck they are. Make it kind of long, 'cause it looks better when it scrolls. Write about this character and how bomb as fvck they are. </div>
  449. <div class="basicshttk"><h1>legal information</h1>
  450. <b>GIVEN NAME</b> Write about this character and how bomb as fvck they are. Make it kind of long, 'cause it looks better when it scrolls.
  451. <br><b>NICKNAMES</b> Write about this character and how bomb as fvck they are. Make it kind of long, 'cause it looks better when it scrolls.
  452. <br><b>BIRTHDAY</b> Write about this character and how bomb as fvck they are. Make it kind of long, 'cause it looks better when it scrolls.
  453. <br><b>AGE </b> Write about this character and how bomb as fvck they are. Make it kind of long, 'cause it looks better when it scrolls.
  454. <br><b>ASTROLOGY</b> Write about this character and how bomb as fvck they are. Make it kind of long, 'cause it looks better when it scrolls.
  455. <br><b>SEXUAL ORIENTATION</b> Write about this character and how bomb as fvck they are. Make it kind of long, 'cause it looks better when it scrolls.
  456. <br><b>OCCUPATION</b> Write about this character and how bomb as fvck they are. Make it kind of long, 'cause it looks better when it scrolls.
  457. <br><b>PLACE OF BIRTH</b> Write about this character and how bomb as fvck they are. Make it kind of long, 'cause it looks better when it scrolls.
  458. <br><b>CURRENT RESIDENCE</b>Write about this character and how bomb as fvck they are. Make it kind of long, 'cause it looks better when it scrolls.
  460. <b>HEIGHT</b> Write about this character and how bomb as fvck they are. Make it kind of long, 'cause it looks better when it scrolls.
  461. <br><b>WEIGHT</b>Write about this character and how bomb as fvck they are. Make it kind of long, 'cause it looks better when it scrolls.
  462. <br><b>HAIR COLOR</b> Write about this character and how bomb as fvck they are. Make it kind of long, 'cause it looks better when it scrolls.
  463. <br><b>EYE COLOR</b> Write about this character and how bomb as fvck they are. Make it kind of long, 'cause it looks better when it scrolls.
  464. <br><b>BODY BUILD</b> Write about this character and how bomb as fvck they are. Make it kind of long, 'cause it looks better when it scrolls.
  465. <h1>FAMILY INFORMATION.</h1>
  466. <b>SPOUSE</b> Write about this character and how bomb as fvck they are. Make it kind of long, 'cause it looks better when it scrolls.
  467. <br><b>CHILDREN</b> Write about this character and how bomb as fvck they are. Make it kind of long, 'cause it looks better when it scrolls.
  468. <br><b>PARENTS</b> Write about this character and how bomb as fvck they are. Make it kind of long, 'cause it looks better when it scrolls.
  469. <br><b>SISTERS</b> Write about this character and how bomb as fvck they are. Make it kind of long, 'cause it looks better when it scrolls.
  470. <br><b>BROTHERS</b> Write about this character and how bomb as fvck they are. Make it kind of long, 'cause it looks better when it scrolls.
  471. <br><b>AUNTS</b> Write about this character and how bomb as fvck they are. Make it kind of long, 'cause it looks better when it scrolls.
  472. <br><b>UNCLES</b>Write about this character and how bomb as fvck they are. Make it kind of long, 'cause it looks better when it scrolls.
  473. <br><b>COUSINS</b> Write about this character and how bomb as fvck they are. Make it kind of long, 'cause it looks better when it scrolls.
  474. <br><b>GRANDPARENTS</b> Write about this character and how bomb as fvck they are. Make it kind of long, 'cause it looks better when it scrolls.
  475. <br><b>OTHER FAMILY</b> Write about this character and how bomb as fvck they are. Make it kind of long, 'cause it looks better when it scrolls.
  477. <b>VEHICLES</b> Write about this character and how bomb as fvck they are. Make it kind of long, 'cause it looks better when it scrolls.
  478. <br><b>ADDICTIONS</b>Write about this character and how bomb as fvck they are. Make it kind of long, 'cause it looks better when it scrolls.
  479. <br><b>LIKES</b>Write about this character and how bomb as fvck they are. Make it kind of long, 'cause it looks better when it scrolls.
  480. <br><b>DISLIKES</b> Write about this character and how bomb as fvck they are. Make it kind of long, 'cause it looks better when it scrolls.
  481. <h1>personality.</h1>
  482. Write about this character and how bomb as fvck they are. Make it kind of long, 'cause it looks better when it scrolls. Write about this character and how bomb as fvck they are. Make it kind of long, 'cause it looks better when it scrolls. Write about this character and how bomb as fvck they are. Make it kind of long, 'cause it looks better when it scrolls. Write about this character and how bomb as fvck they are. Make it kind of long, 'cause it looks better when it scrolls. Write about this character and how bomb as fvck they are. Make it kind of long, 'cause it looks better when it scrolls. Write about this character and how bomb as fvck they are. Make it kind of long, 'cause it looks better when it scrolls. Write about this character and how bomb as fvck they are. Make it kind of long, 'cause it looks better when it scrolls. Write about this character and how bomb as fvck they are.</div>
  484. <div class="relhttk">
  485. <h1>STATUS: <b>enamoured</b>.</h1>
  486. <h2>put a decent sized quote here, don't worry it text wraps.</h2>
  487. <b>whom</b> Carleigh Rose Bishop<br>
  488. <b>sexual orientation</b> Heterosexual<br>
  489. <b>first started dating</b> 11/01/2017 ~ Our first date.<br>
  490. <b>official</b> 11/06/2017 ~ She said she’d be mine.<br>
  491. <b>first kiss</b> 10/31/2017 ~ Wrapped in warm blankets.<br>
  492. <b>song dedication</b> The Only Exception ~ Paramore.<br>
  494. <br><br>
  495. <b>comments</b>
  496. <br><br>
  497. Carleigh Rose Bishop; Captain Obvious; <br>
  498. You are the Jasmin to my Aladdin, the Princess Leia to my Han Solo, the Professor McGonagall to my Albus Dumbledore, the other half of me. I love you for all of your quirks. I love you for all of your kisses. I love you for all of your smiles. I love you for your laugh. I love you for your mad cooking skills. But most of all I love you for who you are, flaws and all. You have turned my life upside down and inside out but I wouldn’t have it any other way. You are the love of my life and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for us.
  499. </div>
  501. <div class="mainhttk">
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  508. <a class="mhttk" href="">connection name</a>
  509. <a class="mhttk" href="">connection name</a>
  510. <a class="mhttk" href="">connection name</a>
  511. <a class="mhttk" href="">connection name</a>
  512. <a class="mhttk" href="">connection name</a>
  513. <a class="mhttk" href="">connection name</a>
  514. <a class="mhttk" href="">connection name</a>
  515. <a class="mhttk" href="">connection name</a>
  516. <a class="mhttk" href="">connection name</a>
  517. <a class="mhttk" href="">connection name</a>
  518. <a class="mhttk" href="">connection name</a>
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  521. <a class="mhttk" href="">connection name</a>
  522. <a class="mhttk" href="">connection name</a>
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  525. <a class="mhttk" href="">connection name</a>
  526. </div>
  528. <div class="quotehttk">if i cannot bend heaven, i will raise hell</div>
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