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Apr 20th, 2016
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  1. AceLa13: what the fuck is with the ARK server they play on today?
  2. shellgames: Happy birthday man
  3. shellgames: And the server has been fucking up all day
  4. AceLa13: You fucking fag. Still going on with that joke lol
  5. shellgames: And yesterday
  6. AceLa13: yeah I noticed. like..... REALLY fucking up.
  7. AceLa13: unplayable.
  8. shellgames: And last I checked I wasn't a cigarette silly willy
  9. AceLa13: you don't need to be so literal and politically correct mah ni66uh ^5.
  10. AceLa13: now put on that bob marley filter on snapchat and some right r&b and have a good day! :)
  11. shellgames: I'm a PC MC
  12. AceLa13: feh I'm very not peecee/equal opportunity hateful/offender tbh.
  13. AceLa13: but i'd never let someone starve or suffer without medicine or whatnots if I had it my way
  14. AceLa13: or education/good jobs you get the gist.
  15. shellgames: Equal opportunity I believe considering your past as a dictator, but your modern day stance on the suffering is cool
  16. AceLa13: I was never hitler.
  17. AceLa13: jesus man you can seriously drop that lame joke now
  18. shellgames: Then why do you have the same bday
  19. AceLa13: he died in ab unker by cyanide capsule followed by pretty much complete incineration
  20. AceLa13: .....i don't.
  21. shellgames: And why do you look the same
  22. AceLa13: it's the 14th of august. :P
  23. shellgames: And why do you sympathize with him
  24. AceLa13: thank heavens it's not today
  25. AceLa13: Well..... it's more like I can sympathize with a strong state/[people/folk
  26. shellgames: And why do you hate for no damn reason other than someone is different
  27. AceLa13: and that diversity has been rammed down our throats a bit TOO much.
  28. shellgames: Spoken like a true fuhrer
  29. AceLa13: well, I can't tell you why I don't like most differentness/exoticness, again other than I am the lone individual who is actually mandated to like it
  30. AceLa13: but that's just it I can "tolerate" it for a visit - I just don't wanna live there.
  31. shellgames: Live where
  32. AceLa13: To the Japanese, you or I are "gaijiin" or at least would be, I imagine western influence and that stupid psychiatry bullshit has fucked Japan up pretty bad
  33. shellgames: Germany?
  34. AceLa13: no.
  35. AceLa13: foreignness, diversity, etc.
  36. shellgames: America is an ironic place for you to live then
  37. shellgames: Start a cult
  38. AceLa13: basically being cultured is all well and good and whatnots but at the same time, I'm a homely white dude from bumfuck nowhere.
  39. AceLa13: I don't really wanna go to Mali or whereever/import some asian/russian/filipino as a bride etc.
  40. shellgames: The Organization for Thin Whites
  41. shellgames: Filipino
  42. AceLa13: lulz
  43. AceLa13: dude my point is that national socialism isn't ALL bad.
  44. shellgames: I didn't know you liked exotic Chris
  45. AceLa13: and that far lefties drove me so far over the edge I started to drift - especially since libertarianism also is a thing/exists....and I really can't stand the right wing - like at all.
  46. shellgames: No it's not, but when it's associated with genocide it kind of gets a bad rap
  47. AceLa13: you do realize winners write history books, control propaganda and what is taught in schools etc.
  48. AceLa13: well you *can* disassociate said genocide you know.
  49. AceLa13: even if it happened at the intensity level claimed.
  50. shellgames: So was it all a conspiracy
  51. shellgames: That explains it all
  52. AceLa13: Nay. I did not say that.
  53. shellgames: Hitler was baking cakes
  54. AceLa13: I merely stated that the losers always bear the brunt of the war and the winners get off scott free - see also the confederacy OH NOES MUH EVIL....
  55. shellgames: Hitler got off scott free he killed himself
  56. AceLa13: yet black freedmen/soldiers in the CSA were, ironically equal to their less melanin pigmented brethren - something the North could not claim.
  57. shellgames: ..or did he
  58. AceLa13: *facepalm*
  59. AceLa13: suicide isn't getting off from anything.
  60. AceLa13:
  61. AceLa13: speaking of killing zombies
  62. AceLa13: don't you already do that a lot?
  63. shellgames: Well he didn't have to pay for the atrocities he committed
  64. shellgames: I kill zombies
  65. AceLa13: ... "pay"
  66. AceLa13: like what?
  67. AceLa13: put them to death?
  68. AceLa13: oh. rioght.
  69. shellgames: On his own terms is better on someone else's
  70. AceLa13: or perhaps keep them in prison for umpteen gillion years paying for their every need since you have to be the good guys and geneva convention and shit
  71. AceLa13: well so be it.
  72. AceLa13: the victors can't have all the fun
  73. AceLa13: and i was never the type to like authority getting their due.
  74. AceLa13: *any* authority
  75. shellgames: He should have gotten to rot in jail for a bit or do you think he woulda been killed on sight
  76. shellgames: I would have teabagged him tbh
  77. AceLa13: lol
  78. AceLa13: they'd just have murdered him or he'd killed himself anyway
  79. AceLa13: you realize his doc had him hooked on a nasty drug cocktail, right - and he was probably sane before that genocide bit and that might have only occurred *after*
  80. AceLa13:
  81. shellgames: dundunduun
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