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Jan 19th, 2020
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  1. 1. wall3inovens07:03 PM
  2. 2. Yo
  3. 3. who told you this stuff it is private
  4. 4. you judge this of Gavin's group which is quite rude
  5. 5. Rigon knows Gavin's group well
  6. 6. sugma-what-69420 Snoovatar
  7. 7. sugma-what-6942007:35 PM
  8. 8. I don't remember the name of the dude, but I kinda don't like pedophilia..
  9. 9. Who's Rigon?
  10. 10. wall3inovens Snoovatar
  11. 11. wall3inovens08:04 PM
  12. 12. kids are suffering
  13. 13. Rigon is an admin he knows alot
  14. 14. I am a good guy
  15. 15. sugma-what-69420 Snoovatar
  16. 16. sugma-what-6942008:08 PM
  17. 17. If you care about the kids, why not do something about it?
  18. 18. wall3inovens Snoovatar
  19. 19. wall3inovens08:09 PM
  20. 20. I don't care about the kids
  21. 21. I never said that
  22. 22. Kids suck
  23. 23. Kids suck in 2 ways
  24. 24. Ignore e12
  25. 25. sugma-what-69420 Snoovatar
  26. 26. sugma-what-6942008:10 PM
  27. 27. How are you all so casual about this?
  28. 28. wall3inovens Snoovatar
  29. 29. wall3inovens08:10 PM
  30. 30. Anything he says is not right
  31. 31. Idk
  32. 32. I'm just being normal
  33. 33. sugma-what-69420 Snoovatar
  34. 34. sugma-what-6942008:11 PM
  35. 35. Normal? If I'm understanding, nothing about this is normal, or legal
  36. 36. wall3inovens Snoovatar
  37. 37. wall3inovens08:11 PM
  38. 38. I am a normal Individual
  39. 39. With a normal everyday life
  40. 40. There's way more story behind this then just a ped group
  41. 41. sugma-what-69420 Snoovatar
  42. 42. sugma-what-6942008:12 PM
  43. 43. What's the story then?
  44. 44. wall3inovens Snoovatar
  45. 45. wall3inovens08:13 PM
  46. 46. I cannot tell you all of it since we don't like to say those things
  47. 47. sugma-what-69420 Snoovatar
  48. 48. sugma-what-6942008:13 PM
  49. 49. From the little I know, you guys are sick and blackmail kids into sending nudes and stuff
  50. 50. wall3inovens Snoovatar
  51. 51. wall3inovens08:14 PM
  52. 52. A guy named kid night guard was a guy who hungout with me alot
  53. 53. Then he was telling me about this group
  54. 54. It was way different
  55. 55. There are 2 groups
  56. 56. One is world corporation
  57. 57. And the other is Gavin's group
  58. 58. Gavin didn't even make the group
  59. 59. It was some dude named Chase
  60. 60. Gavin got way too obsessed with this game it became his entire life
  61. 61. sugma-what-69420 Snoovatar
  62. 62. sugma-what-6942008:18 PM
  63. 63. Wasn't there some WorldCorp stuff on YT a while back?
  64. 64. wall3inovens Snoovatar
  65. 65. wall3inovens08:18 PM
  66. 66. Exactly
  67. 67. sugma-what-69420 Snoovatar
  68. 68. sugma-what-6942008:18 PM
  69. 69. Something about disturbing videos?
  70. 70. wall3inovens Snoovatar
  71. 71. wall3inovens08:18 PM
  72. 72. Yes
  73. 73. I don't do that stuff that is very gross
  74. 74. I don't know if those kids are from cnr or what
  75. 75. That group belongs to somebody else now
  76. 76. Gavin doesn't own it but he is delusional
  77. 77. He thinks he does
  78. 78. That group is connected to us though
  79. 79. I've talked to many of the members
  80. 80. They are impossible to talk to and I can hear a thick Mexican accent even from their text
  81. 81. I don't know how they are connected
  82. 82. I think they collabed with us for something
  83. 83. Don't talk to Gavin at all
  84. 84. Don't even look at that guy
  85. 85. He is not worthy of having connection to the outside world
  86. 86. We are not what you think at all
  87. 87. Well some of it
  88. 88. But most of it is not what you think
  89. 89. These 4 kids made Gavin's group
  90. 90. And one of the members got really attached to cnr and started acting like it's his 100% life
  91. 91. He got really upset when one of his friends stopped playing
  92. 92. So he basically messed up the group
  93. 93. It's hard to explain
  94. 94. I don't know if you´re still there
  95. 95. sugma-what-69420 Snoovatar
  96. 96. sugma-what-6942008:26 PM
  97. 97. I am
  98. 98. Have you met e12?
  99. 99.  
  100. 100. wall3inovens Snoovatar
  101. 101. wall3inovens08:26 PM
  102. 102. He is the real creator of Gavin's Group
  103. 103. And he got screwed over by gavin
  104. 104. He is younger than Gavin
  105. 105. By like 4 years
  106. 106. So e12 is 14 and Gavin is like 17 or 18
  107. 107. e12 acts like hes a member but hes an angry victim
  108. 108. Gavin thinks cnr is life
  109. 109. And is basically psychotic
  110. 110. And I am just here for the ped group
  111. 111. The other kids are just random ass victims
  112. 112. Gavin has a plan for them starting tommorow
  113. 113. They don't know about it
  114. 114. I will not tell you what's happening
  115. 115. But some of them are being transfered to something much worse
  116. 116. sugma-what-69420 Snoovatar
  117. 117. sugma-what-6942008:30 PM
  118. 118. Transferred?
  119. 119. wall3inovens Snoovatar
  120. 120. wall3inovens08:31 PM
  121. 121. yes
  122. 122. sugma-what-69420 Snoovatar
  123. 123. sugma-what-6942008:32 PM
  124. 124. What does that mean?
  125. 125. wall3inovens Snoovatar
  126. 126. wall3inovens08:33 PM
  127. 127. Gavin's group has the info of the kids so they are vulnerable
  128. 128. You can guess the meaning of transfer in this situation
  129. 129. This is deep stuff
  130. 130. Very deep stuff
  131. 131. sugma-what-69420 Snoovatar
  132. 132. sugma-what-6942008:35 PM
  133. 133. Can something be done about it?
  134. 134. wall3inovens Snoovatar
  135. 135. wall3inovens08:35 PM
  136. 136. Well
  137. 137. Some squad tracked down our group and has valuable info
  138. 138. They are like a bunch of 14 year olds
  139. 139. Like 5 of them or something
  140. 140. And they all hijacked Gavin's group
  141. 141. So yes they might actually do something about it
  142. 142. On the other hand
  143. 143. I dont care about them so I'm not gonna do anything
  144. 144. Actually these 14 year olds might stop this
  145. 145. They have really good info
  146. 146. Apparently they made a plan and had it for like 4 months so
  147. 147. sugma-what-69420 Snoovatar
  148. 148. sugma-what-6942008:37 PM
  149. 149. Who are they?
  150. 150. wall3inovens Snoovatar
  151. 151. wall3inovens08:37 PM
  152. 152. We have 2 names
  153. 153. Actually 1
  154. 154. Ryan is one of the kids names
  155. 155. The info they have is enough to stop anything in the future Gavin's group will do
  156. 156. They still have access to our private chats
  157. 157. On discord
  158. 158. sugma-what-69420 Snoovatar
  159. 159. sugma-what-6942008:39 PM
  160. 160. How did they get into those?
  161. 161. wall3inovens Snoovatar
  162. 162. wall3inovens08:39 PM
  163. 163. Oh I'm not that high of a rank
  164. 164. I don't have that info
  165. 165. They just told me something about a hijack
  166. 166. And those kids being the ones
  167. 167. You can ask Gavin or Rigon
  168. 168. They will tell you
  169. 169. Or Dylan
  170. 170. Dylan can also tell you
  171. 171. sugma-what-69420 Snoovatar
  172. 172. sugma-what-6942008:41 PM
  173. 173. I have e12 and Gavin's Reddits, nothing else.
  174. 174. wall3inovens08:42 PM
  175. 175. We did find out the discords of the squad who hijacked us
  176. 176. They are some Roblox players
  177. 177. Some of the members do Roblox for kids to
  178. 178. Ofcourse it's Roblox
  179. 179. I have to go
  180. 180. sugma-what-69420 Snoovatar
  181. 181. sugma-what-6942008:44 PM
  182. 182. Alright, see you I guess
  183. 183.  
  184. 184. wall3inovens Snoovatar
  185. 185. wall3inovens09:26 PM
  186. 186. I'm back I don't know if you are here
  187. 187. sugma-what-69420 Snoovatar
  188. 188. sugma-what-6942009:44 PM
  189. 189. I am.
  190. 190. Now I am I mean
  191. 191. So does this mean Worldcorp wasn't some ARG?
  192. 192. wall3inovens Snoovatar
  193. 193. wall3inovens09:51 PM
  194. 194. No
  195. 195. It's not an arg
  196. 196. They are trying to get you to believe that now since they have been figured out
  197. 197. I genuinely feel bad for the kids in the videos but not In Gavin's group
  198. 198. sugma-what-69420 Snoovatar
  199. 199. sugma-what-6942009:53 PM
  200. 200. Why not for the ones in Gavin's too?
  201. 201. wall3inovens Snoovatar
  202. 202. wall3inovens09:54 PM
  203. 203. Because they are not important we don't care for them
  204. 204. They are things
  205. 205. sugma-what-69420 Snoovatar
  206. 206. sugma-what-6942009:54 PM
  207. 207. Things?
  208. 208. wall3inovens Snoovatar
  209. 209. wall3inovens09:55 PM
  210. 210. Yes they aren't people to us at all
  211. 211. sugma-what-69420 Snoovatar
  212. 212. sugma-what-6942009:55 PM
  213. 213. These are human children
  214. 214. wall3inovens Snoovatar
  215. 215. wall3inovens09:55 PM
  216. 216. No
  217. 217. sugma-what-69420 Snoovatar
  218. 218. sugma-what-6942009:55 PM
  219. 219. What do you mean no?
  220. 220. wall3inovens Snoovatar
  221. 221. wall3inovens09:55 PM
  222. 222. I don't think of them like that
  223. 223. sugma-what-69420 Snoovatar
  224. 224. sugma-what-6942009:55 PM
  225. 225. What the f-
  226. 226. wall3inovens Snoovatar
  227. 227. wall3inovens09:56 PM
  228. 228. We don't care about the things here
  229. 229. I feel bad for a few of them
  230. 230. Could we talk about this somewhere else this is not that private
  231. 231. Somebody's gonna see this
  232. 232. sugma-what-69420 Snoovatar
  233. 233. sugma-what-6942009:57 PM
  234. 234. What's not private about this?
  235. 235. wall3inovens Snoovatar
  236. 236. wall3inovens09:58 PM
  237. 237. Eh
  238. 238. The children have fallen for this so they asked for it
  239. 239. sugma-what-69420 Snoovatar
  240. 240. sugma-what-6942009:58 PM
  241. 241. Kids are gullible, and you know it
  242. 242. wall3inovens Snoovatar
  243. 243. wall3inovens09:59 PM
  244. 244. I know I feel bad that I don't feel bad
  245. 245. But I couldn't care less about Gavin's kids
  246. 246. They are items
  247. 247. sugma-what-69420 Snoovatar
  248. 248. sugma-what-6942010:01 PM
  249. 249. You sound like you use them.
  250. 250. wall3inovens Snoovatar
  251. 251. wall3inovens10:01 PM
  252. 252. Yeah
  253. 253. I do feel bad in a way
  254. 254. sugma-what-69420 Snoovatar
  255. 255. sugma-what-6942010:01 PM
  256. 256. Why are you sharing all of this?
  257. 257. wall3inovens Snoovatar
  258. 258. wall3inovens10:01 PM
  259. 259. You can't do nothing
  260. 260. So
  261. 261. Kid night guard is our most valuable one in Gavin's
  262. 262. He keeps telling stuff to people that
  263. 263. e12 is not a member he is a kid
  264. 264. It's funny how people know him the most when he's the least valued
  265. 265. I'm pretty sure he's in world corp too
  266. 266. Which is horrible
  267. 267. I'm not that bad of a guy actually
  268. 268. sugma-what-69420 Snoovatar
  269. 269. sugma-what-6942010:05 PM
  270. 270. Sounds like you're trying to tell yourself that,
  271. 271. wall3inovens Snoovatar
  272. 272. wall3inovens10:05 PM
  273. 273. I just hate kids
  274. 274. Destroy it and everything related to it
  275. 275. I do feel bad because some of these kids just played cnr for fun but got screwed over
  276. 276. We do not care about anything
  277. 277. Most members are just on cnr
  278. 278. They wait for the next victim to come
  279. 279. We have trapped 4 this year
  280. 280. You good?
  281. 281. sugma-what-69420 Snoovatar
  282. 282. sugma-what-6942010:10 PM
  283. 283. I don't have anything to say.
  284. 284. wall3inovens Snoovatar
  285. 285. wall3inovens10:10 PM
  286. 286. It's good if you see a kid from the group don't talk to it
  287. 287. Don't listen to it
  288. 288. Don't interact with it
  289. 289. sugma-what-69420 Snoovatar
  290. 290. sugma-what-6942010:11 PM
  291. 291. You people are sick.
  292. 292. wall3inovens Snoovatar
  293. 293. wall3inovens10:11 PM
  294. 294. There's more to the story then just that
  295. 295. There's more groups
  296. 296. They aren't sick
  297. 297. They don't do this
  298. 298. The OG Gavin's Group is better
  299. 299. I'm sick and I know that
  300. 300. I don't care
  301. 301.
  302. 302.
  303. 303.
  304. 304. You good lmao
  305. 305. Are you shocked or some shit I thought you knew this
  306. 306. You good bro?
  307. 307. I'll tell you a secret okay dude
  308. 308. There's
  309. 309. A guy
  310. 310. Who's bout to stop this
  311. 311. Y'know that squad I was taking about
  312. 312. They are 100% about to screw us over
  313. 313. Kids from the group are being moved
  314. 314. Can you join our group to help us
  315. 315. sugma-what-69420 Snoovatar
  316. 316. sugma-what-6942010:17 PM
  317. 317. Why would I join or help you?
  318. 318.  
  319. 319. wall3inovens Snoovatar
  320. 320. wall3inovens10:25 PM
  321. 321. Because
  322. 322. I just thought man
  323. 323. We can't move all these kids bro
  324. 324. Look I'm sorry
  325. 325. sugma-what-69420 Snoovatar
  326. 326. sugma-what-6942010:26 PM
  327. 327. For what?
  328. 328. wall3inovens Snoovatar
  329. 329. wall3inovens10:36 PM
  330. 330. Oh I said look I'm sorry to the wrong dude sorry
  331. 331. Bro are we friends
  332. 332. Can we talk on cnr
  333. 333. wall3inovens Snoovatar
  334. 334. wall3inovens10:37 PM
  335. 335. Because this place is more public as hell
  336. 336. In asia
  337. 337. sugma-what-69420 Snoovatar
  338. 338. sugma-what-6942010:37 PM
  339. 339. Okay
  341. Monologue:
  342. 340. >The game lets you put rooms in multiple servers, Asia being one.
  343. 341. >So I hopped in to talk to wall3inovens.
  346. 342.  
  347. 343. Him:
  348. 344. They have my Reddit info
  349. 345. They can see my history, I may already be screwed
  350. 346.  
  351. 347. Me:
  352. 348. If I can't do anythin, why hide it?
  353. 349.  
  354. 350. Him:
  355. 351. You just can't track me, trust me I got everything under control
  356. 352.  
  357. 353. Me:
  358. 354. What do you mean by tracking?
  359. 355.  
  360. 356. Him:
  361. 357. Nothing...
  362. 358. Gavin's is screwed
  363. 359. Have you seen a Kid Night Guard? We need him back.
  364. 360.  
  365. 361. Me:
  366. 362. Seen him, never spoken to him
  367. 363.  
  368. 364. Him:
  369. 365. WorldCorp is much worse
  370. 366. Do you know a guy named oo.eo
  371. 367.  
  372. 368. Me:
  373. 369. No
  374. 370.  
  375. 371. Him:
  376. 372. He had a plan to shut you down
  377. 373. You're big rn in the Group
  378. 374. People want to silence you
  379. 375.  
  380. 376. Me:
  381. 377. Silence me?
  382. 378.  
  383. 379. Him:
  384. 380. Are you with the kids that got our info?
  385. 381.  
  386. 382. Me:
  387. 383. No, I hadn't even heard of them.
  388. 384.  
  389. 385. Him:
  390. 386. They were spamming the Discord
  391. 387.  
  392. 388. Me:
  393. 389. I wish I knew them, they seem neat.
  394. 390.  
  395. 391. Him:
  396. 392. How do you know this stuff?
  397. 393.  
  398. 394. Me:
  399. 395. Someone from your group told me, don't remember who
  400. 396.  
  401. 397. Him:
  402. 398. A child or member?
  403. 399.  
  404. 400. Me:
  405. 401. Member, I think
  406. 402.  
  407. 403. Him:
  408. 404. I'm gonna get busted by the FBI
  409. 405. Go to jail maybe
  410. 406.  
  411. 407. Me:
  412. 408. Hopefully
  413. 409.  
  414. 410. Him:
  415. 411. You know the wolf craze in 2014?
  416. 412. Every one was some wolf?
  417. 413. Some of them, the popular ones, were part of this
  418. 414. And
  419. 415. nvm
  420. 416. Are you LostClosetKey?
  421. 417.  
  422. 418. Me:
  423. 419. No
  424. 420.  
  425. 421. Him:
  426. 422. He's a lil snake lol
  427. 423. If you see him ignore him
  428. 424. There is so many distractions on this game
  429. 425. So many
  430. 426. Cnr is honestly a distraction at this point
  431. 427. 2014 to 2019 has had so much manipulation
  432. 428. 2020 will change
  433. 429. You won't notice
  434. 430. But Gavin has plans
  435. 431. You'll start noticing in June
  436. 432. The huge amount of sex servers decreasing
  437. 433. The number of kids in the game decreasing
  438. 434. Even the popular people will go
  439. 435. Gavin can't let go of the past
  440. 436. So he just continues and thats why he does this stuff
  441. 437. He is a boomer
  442. 438. I will tell you the Discord
  443. 439. rn
  444. 440.  
  445. 441. Me:
  446. 442. I honestly don't know
  447. 443.  
  448. 444. Him:
  449. 445. There´s really gross stuff in it
  450. 446. You probably don't
  451. 447. Lmao
  453. Monologue:
  454. 448. <He then left the game. I continued chatting after.>
  457. 449.  
  458. 450. wall3inovens Snoovatar
  459. 451. wall3inovens11:43 PM
  460. 452. Yo
  461. 453. sugma-what-69420 Snoovatar
  462. 454. sugma-what-6942011:44 PM
  463. 455. Yo I guess
  464. 456. wall3inovens Snoovatar
  465. 457. wall3inovens11:46 PM
  466. 458. Lmao if only you knew half of Gavin's group
  467. 459. You'd piss yourself
  468. 460. sugma-what-69420 Snoovatar
  469. 461. sugma-what-6942011:46 PM
  470. 462. Probably.
  471. 463. wall3inovens Snoovatar
  472. 464. wall3inovens11:47 PM
  473. 465. I don't even know 70%
  474. 466. All I know is what goes on is way worse thann anything I have said
  475. 467. There's deep web stuff
  476. 468. It's pretty sad kids are exposed to that stuff lmao
  477. 469. You´re scared of me bet
  478. 470. Im a good man irl
  479. 471. sugma-what-69420 Snoovatar
  480. 472. sugma-what-6942011:50 PM
  481. 473. Pretty sure having kids send nudes counts as in irl
  482. 474. wall3inovens Snoovatar
  483. 475. wall3inovens11:51 PM
  484. 476. Having items*
  485. 477. sugma-what-69420 Snoovatar
  486. 478. sugma-what-6942011:51 PM
  487. 479. Are you even human?
  488. 480. wall3inovens Snoovatar
  489. 481. wall3inovens11:51 PM
  490. 482. Items don't count bro
  491. 483. Come on cnr and I will show you everything
  492. 484. I will tell you the info base
  493. 485. I will tell you absolutely everything
  494. 486. Do you like kids
  495. 487. Do you like the kiddie kid kid
  496. 488. Do you like your kids
  497. 489. Do you want to save the kids
  498. 490. Do you want to save deez kids
  499. 491. sugma-what-69420 Snoovatar
  500. 492. sugma-what-6942011:55 PM
  501. 493. I'd kinda prefer if this stuff wasn't happening
  502. 494. wall3inovens Snoovatar
  503. 495. wall3inovens11:55 PM
  504. 496. Have you ever talked to a kid in our group
  505. 497. Don't talk to it
  506. 498. It's a lying snake
  507. 499. All they want for Christmas is gay pumpkin pie
  508. 500. In 5 minutes our plan will be executed
  509. 501.  
  510. 502. Where I live it's new years In 5 minutes
  511. 503. And Jan 1 is when we do our plan
  512. 504. It's a happy new year
  513. 505. For everybody
  514. 506. I have videos
  515. 507. You´re invited to watch !!!!!!!
  516. 508. Watch me bro
  517. 509. I smell the kid
  518. 510. Are you still there guy
  519. 511. That's what I thought
  520. 512. sugma-what-69420 Snoovatar
  521. 513. sugma-what-6942011:59 PM
  522. 514. Yes.
  523. 515. wall3inovens Snoovatar
  524. 516. wall3inovens11:59 PM
  525. 517. Oh
  526. 518. We will be getting "rid" of most kids on Jan 1st
  527. 519. 1 minute until theret
  528. 520. It will happen on Jan 4th probably
  529. 521. But it's being executed today
  530. 522. Gavin is active now
  531. 523. Yo we got some talk back over here bro
  532. 524. Some kids talking back
  533. 525. Do you think I should be respected
  534. 526. sugma-what-69420 Snoovatar
  535. 527. sugma-what-6942012:01 AM
  536. 528. No, I don't
  537. 529. wall3inovens12:01 AM
  538. 530. Do you think you´re in a bad place
  539. 531. sugma-what-69420 Snoovatar
  540. 532. sugma-what-6942012:02 AM
  541. 533. No, but I think I can get some kids out of one
  542. 534. wall3inovens Snoovatar
  543. 535. wall3inovens12:02 AM
  544. 536. Do you think kids are great?
  545. 537. Do you think I'm asking weird questions?
  546. 538. Do you think these questions should be answered?
  547. 539. sugma-what-69420 Snoovatar
  548. 540. sugma-what-6942012:04 AM
  549. 541. I think you're insane.
  550. 542. wall3inovens Snoovatar
  551. 543. wall3inovens12:05 AM
  552. 544. Do you think you can save kids
  553. 545. sugma-what-69420 Snoovatar
  554. 546. sugma-what-6942012:06 AM
  555. 547. If my plan works, yes
  556. 548. wall3inovens Snoovatar
  557. 549. wall3inovens12:06 AM
  558. 550. Your apart of the squad aren't you...
  559. 551. sugma-what-69420 Snoovatar
  560. 552. sugma-what-6942012:07 AM
  561. 553. Nah, but 4chan eats up this stuff
  562. 554. wall3inovens Snoovatar
  563. 555. wall3inovens12:07 AM
  564. 556. Oh god
  565. 557. Please bro
  566. 558. Not 4chan
  567. 559. sugma-what-69420 Snoovatar
  568. 560. sugma-what-6942012:08 AM
  569. 561. 3 times out of 10 they can stop this kind of stuff
  570. 562. wall3inovens Snoovatar
  571. 563. wall3inovens12:08 AM
  572. 564. Please bro I'll do anything
  573. 565. Literally anything
  574. 566. They could f us
  575. 567. man I'm sorry
  576. 568. Son of a gun
  577. 569. I don't wanna go to jail please
  578. 570. They'll track us down
  579. 571. sugma-what-69420 Snoovatar
  580. 572. sugma-what-6942012:10 AM
  581. 573. Can't tell if this is sarcasm or not
  582. 574. wall3inovens Snoovatar
  583. 575. wall3inovens12:10 AM
  584. 576. I'm being half sarcastic and half real
  585. 577. 4chan will actually eat us though
  586. 578. They will eat us like a {N-WORD} with a chicken wing
  587. 579. sugma-what-69420 Snoovatar
  588. 580. sugma-what-6942012:11 AM
  589. 581. I'm posting a transcript of this as we speak
  590. 582. wall3inovens Snoovatar
  591. 583. wall3inovens12:11 AM
  592. 584. I'm sorry bro
  593. 585. Can we talk on cnr
  594. 586. They will skin us alive
  595. 587. They will go surgery on a grape
  596. 588. I'll tell you anything
  597. 589. Just don't post it
  598. 590. Anything you want
  599. 591. Except for Gavin's group discord
  600. 592. sugma-what-69420 Snoovatar
  601. 593. sugma-what-6942012:14 AM
  602. 594. I just want you sick guys in jail
  603. 595. wall3inovens Snoovatar
  604. 596. wall3inovens12:14 AM
  605. 597. Please talk on cnr
  606. 598. Asia
  607. 599. I'm begging you
  608. 600. Just cnr I'll tell you legit anything
  609. 601. Anything
  610. 602. I'm not responding until you answer me
  611. 603. Bro bro bro
  612. 604. You there please
  613. 605. I'll tell you anything ask me
  614. 606. Ask me
  615. 607. sugma-what-69420 Snoovatar
  616. 608. sugma-what-6942012:16 AM
  617. 609. I've already posted most of it
  618. 610. wall3inovens Snoovatar
  619. 611. wall3inovens12:16 AM
  620. 612. And I'll tell
  621. 613. Ask me anything
  622. 614. And I'll tell you
  623. 615. If you delete it
  624. 616. Go on cnr asia
  625. 617. sugma-what-69420 Snoovatar
  626. 618. sugma-what-6942012:17 AM
  627. 619. Damn, I can't make this stuff up
  628. 620. wall3inovens Snoovatar
  629. 621. wall3inovens12:17 AM
  630. 622. And I'll tell you
  631. 623. What the f are you saying
  632. 624. Please go on cnr
  633. 625. Asia
  634. 626. And I'll tell you anything
  636. Monologue:
  637. 627. >I >I went in game to get more info before posting more
  638. >He seemed to be panicking, saying he grew more and more worldcorp every day
  640. >He claimed he knew the guy that was yelling at the kid
  641. >He said he had the guy's instagram, but didn't tell it
  642. >He said he is 32 years old, named Jeffrey, looks average, and has a long beard
  643. >He said the kid is 7 and named Xander
  644. >He said they live somewhere in Sandusky
  645. >He said the vid has party lights because it was the kid's birthday
  646. >Most of it seemed like bs, so take it with a grain of salt
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