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a guest
Feb 20th, 2018
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text 4.16 KB | None | 0 0
  1. .text:00401590 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  2. .text:00401590
  3. .text:00401590
  4. .text:00401590 sub_401590 proc near ; DATA XREF: .rdata:0040245Cā†“o
  5. .text:00401590 push esi
  6. .text:00401591 mov esi, ecx
  7. .text:00401593 call ?OnInitDialog@CDialog@@UAEHXZ ; CDialog::OnInitDialog(void)
  8. .text:00401598 mov eax, [esi+20h]
  9. .text:0040159B push 0 ; lpTimerFunc
  10. .text:0040159D push 64h ; uElapse
  11. .text:0040159F push 3 ; nIDEvent
  12. .text:004015A1 push eax ; hWnd
  13. .text:004015A2 call ds:SetTimer
  14. .text:004015A8 push 0 ; int
  15. .text:004015AA lea ecx, [esi+64h] ; this
  16. .text:004015AD mov dword ptr [esi+60h], 0
  17. .text:004015B4 call ?EnableWindow@CWnd@@QAEHH@Z ; CWnd::EnableWindow(int)
  18. .text:004015B9 mov eax, 1
  19. .text:004015BE pop esi
  20. .text:004015BF retn
  21. .text:004015BF sub_401590 endp
  22. .text:004015BF
  23. .text:004015C0 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  24. .text:004015C0 sub esp, 0Ch
  25. .text:004015C3 push esi
  26. .text:004015C4 mov esi, ecx
  27. .text:004015C6 mov edx, [esi+60h]
  28. .text:004015C9 inc edx
  29. .text:004015CA mov eax, edx
  30. .text:004015CC mov [esi+60h], edx
  31. .text:004015CF cmp eax, 64h
  32. .text:004015D2 jle short loc_401608
  33. .text:004015D4 mov eax, [esi+20h]
  34. .text:004015D7 push edi
  35. .text:004015D8 push 3
  36. .text:004015DA push eax
  37. .text:004015DB call ds:KillTimer
  38. .text:004015E1 lea edi, [esi+64h]
  39. .text:004015E4 push 1
  40. .text:004015E6 mov ecx, edi
  41. .text:004015E8 call ?EnableWindow@CWnd@@QAEHH@Z ; CWnd::EnableWindow(int)
  42. .text:004015ED push offset unk_403024
  43. .text:004015F2 mov ecx, edi
  44. .text:004015F4 call ?SetWindowTextA@CWnd@@QAEXPBD@Z ; CWnd::SetWindowTextA(char const *)
  45. .text:004015F9 pop edi
  46. .text:004015FA mov ecx, esi
  47. .text:004015FC call ?Default@CWnd@@IAEJXZ ; CWnd::Default(void)
  48. .text:00401601 pop esi
  49. .text:00401602 add esp, 0Ch
  50. .text:00401605 retn 4
  51. .text:00401608 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  53. loc_401608: ; CODE XREF: .text:004015D2ā†‘j
  54. .text:00401608 mov ecx, 64h
  55. .text:0040160D lea edx, [esp+4]
  56. .text:00401611 sub ecx, eax
  57. .text:00401613 push ecx
  58. .text:00401614 push offset unk_403020
  59. .text:00401619 push edx
  60. .text:0040161A call ds:sprintf
  61. .text:00401620 add esp, 0Ch
  62. .text:00401623 lea eax, [esp+4]
  63. .text:00401627 lea ecx, [esi+64h]
  64. .text:0040162A push eax
  65. .text:0040162B call ?SetWindowTextA@CWnd@@QAEXPBD@Z ; CWnd::SetWindowTextA(char const *)
  66. .text:00401630 mov ecx, esi
  67. .text:00401632 call ?Default@CWnd@@IAEJXZ ; CWnd::Default(void)
  68. .text:00401637 pop esi
  69. .text:00401638 add esp, 0Ch
  70. .text:0040163B retn 4
  71. .text:0040163B ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  72. .text:0040163E align 10h
  73. .text:00401640 cmp dword ptr [ecx+60h], 64h
  74. .text:00401644 jl short locret_40164B
  75. .text:00401646 jmp ?Default@CWnd@@IAEJXZ ; CWnd::Default(void)
  76. .text:0040164B ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
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