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Jul 16th, 2018
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  1. After eating a plentiful helping of fish for dinner, Erica and I were sitting on the couch in the living room, just relaxing and watching TV.
  3. Erica looked over at the end-table, and noticed her phone vibrating.
  4. “It’s my dad.” She said, reading the caller ID on the lock screen.
  5. “Bad news, you think?” I asked.
  6. “It’s after 10 PM, which means something is keeping him from sleeping.”
  7. She picked up the phone and put it to her ear.
  8. “Hi dad.”
  9. “What? You need me again?”
  10. “Yeah, I can help. Where do I need to go?”
  11. “Okay. I’ll take care of it… Yep, love you too.”
  12. She hung up the phone.
  13. “So what did he need?” I asked.
  14. “I thought I had stopped all the criminal activity in the city after the last time, but apparently this crime ring runs much deeper. This guy sounds like a real bond villain, secret fortress and all. Guard dogs, armed guards. I wouldn’t be surprised if he said his vacation home was a volcano.”
  15. “Gotta go lend a hand then, huh?”
  16. “Yep. I’ll be back in time for bed. Don’t worry about me.”
  17. ---
  18. After being given the coordinates to her destination, she quickly flew over there to finally see what she was up against. It was 30 miles off the coast on a remote island with its own fully functioning volcano, aptly named “1 Volcano Lane” written on the mailbox at the base of the mountain. At the foot of the mountain, the only thing in front of her was a massive staircase carved into the brown rocks that start from sea level and go straight up towards the center of the volcano, no other entrances. Surrounding that one path was 3 different layers of outer walls lined with barbed wire and the occasional guard tower. Erica didn’t intend on taking a bath in hot lava today, so decided to press on through the front door in style.
  19. As she approached the first wall, she could finally appreciate how large it was up close, 20 feet tall, made of a mixture of metal and concrete, coated in barbed wire at the top where there were foot paths for the armed guards to patrol on, similar to the great wall of China.
  20. “Shit, better lay low.” Erica thought, as she concentrated, seemingly washing her skin in paint as it transformed to appear transparent, making her completely invisible.
  21. She snuck past the guards and took a sigh of relief, but was immediately interrupted by the sound of dogs barking in the distance. The scuffle of paws rushed across the ground as the barks got louder and louder, eventually showing unleashed German Shepherds rushing towards her, out for blood.
  22. “Heh, you can’t see me, but you can smell me. Alright, I’ll play along.” Erica thought.
  23. She focused her energy and strained, causing herself to transform. The familiar sensation of growing a new tail tickled her backside as a massive 4-foot tall and 2-foot wide bushy black and white tail sprouted out of her. The rest of her body quickly followed suit as her skin instantly grew a layer of thick matching fur, all the way up from her legs to her face, deciding to give herself a cute pair of skunk ears and nose to complete the look. She lifted one leg up as if to let out a massive fart and a cloud of noxious gas sprayed out of her, wafting towards the dogs and not only tricking them, but making them faint from the overwhelming smell a few seconds later.
  24. “Oops. Maybe a little too strong.” She said to herself, as she quickly converted back to her normal form and slipped back into the darkness.
  25. Erica continued to press on, climbing up the rocky mountain until she eventually reached the second gate. There was a door way at this gate, a black steel-padded one with a cage on the window. She slipped her way up the hill and in front of the door, where she jammed her finger into the padlock, melting and reforming her finger to match the perfect shape of the correct key, and unlocked it. As the door creaked open, she heard a loud “POP!” sound, as on either side, a small circular lid flung open, releasing 2 large swarms of attack bees.
  26. “Shit, it’s a trap!” Erica immediately launched into the air, 20 feet above the ground. In midair, she changed back into her spider girl form, growing out a massive 5-foot black torso and an extra 8 black spider legs in a quick flash. She winced and squeezed as a huge glob of her webbing material shot out from the hole on the back of her spider body and down towards the ground, covering all the bees in a 5-foot radius with a ball of her sticky silk webbing.
  27. “Who the fuck has attack bees, anyway?” Erica thought to herself now that she was out of danger, and floated back down to the ground, reverting to her natural form.
  29. The alarm from inside the base began blaring at full volume, and the sky lit up with flashing red floodlights and industrial size search lights. The stampede of boots against the ground got louder, as Erica heard anywhere between 6-12 guys begin pouring out of the main entrance. The *KA-CHUNK* noise of reloading assault rifles filled the air, as Erica could very clearly hear that beyond that 2nd gateway she was in for a fight.
  30. “COME OUT WITH YOUR HANDS UP!” An imposing voice penetrated her ear drums.
  31. Smug and confident in her ability to turn herself invulnerable, Erica decided to play along. She turned her skin back to normal, once again making her fully visible, but revealed that she was wearing a skin-tight black latex suit underneath, perfectly customized to fit and compliment every crevice and curve of her body dynamically as they changed.
  32. “Alright boys, you caught me.” She said with her hands up, walking out in front of the crowd of 10 armed guards with various weapons pointed at her.
  33. “FIRE!” The captain shrieked.
  34. Erica closed her eyes and puffed her chest as 6 armed guards fired automatic rifles directly at her, and easily bounced off her like BB gun pellets against a wall.
  35. “Aaahhhh~~” Erica moaned as the rain of lead caressed her skin. Deciding which parts of your body can become hyper-sensitive and rearranging nerve endings to redefine what certain stimulations mean is very helpful; Erica can basically turn her entire body into an Erica-sized G-spot on command.
  36. The furious commander, watching as his troops’ weapons were doing no visible damage to her, nodded to another soldier at the back of the line. He stepped forwards into view, pulling out a military-grade rocket launcher out from the shadows, mounting it on his shoulder and firing straight at her, kicking his shoulder back from the immense recoil.
  37. Erica eagerly jumped towards the flying missile-shaped grenade and opened her gaping mouth, allowing the bulky basketball-sized rocket fly straight down her throat and into her stomach. She smiled and waited a second or two before she heard a “poof” noise come from inside her and had her chest momentarily blow up like a big balloon before reverting back to normal.
  38. Completely shocked and surprised, the soldiers had no idea what to do other than to stop shooting and put their hands up, as their weapons had just been made completely redundant by her skin, harder than diamonds, yet softer than silk to the touch.
  39. She clenched her fists and powerfully began sucking in air like an industrial strength vacuum, until her stomach inflated outwards to almost cartoon proportions, growing to look like she was pregnant with an invisible oxygen baby, then quickly into a full-grown oxygen man, her stomach now about 6-7 feet in diameter.
  40. She unleashed her insane lung capacity, pursing her lips together and blowing forwards. A small hurricane of gale force winds escaped her kissable lips and catapulted all 10 fully-grown adult men hundreds of feet into the air and into the ocean surrounding the island.
  41. “Nice try.” She thought to herself, smiling.
  42. She slid inside the vault door that led inside the interior of the volcano, left open by the now-disposed guards. Immediately in front of her was a set of stairs leading downwards into a large hangar that seemed like the interior decoration was inspired by Shadow Moses Island, cold metal and concrete gray walls, chain-link catwalk rafters hanging from the ceilings, and the floor lined with all sorts of weapons caches, grenades, rifles, the whole 9 yards. Was this guy building up his own private army?
  43. As she trekked further in, she amplified her hearing sense to try and pin down where someone called “Boss” could be, the alleged leader of this entire operation. As she walked down the hallways of the internal labyrinth she passed multiple garage doors opened to reveal canvas-covered jeeps and shipping trucks packed to the brim, or in the process of being packed, with crates of the dirty weapons. She passed by two hallways on her left and right, marked “BARRACKS WING A” and BARRACKS WING B” respectively. Right at the end of the hallway was a set of metal-plated double doors with armed guards standing on either side. Erica quickly turned back invisible and silently floated up to them, extending her arms out to grab the two guards’ heads and quickly shove them into each other, knocking them out from the impact. She carefully opened the look to the double door and slipped in as quietly as shapeshifterly-possible.
  44. As she entered the ominously silent room, interrupted only by the occasional raindrop against the moonlit window pane and the static of a stack of small closed-circuit security cam TV’s.
  45. The sound of slow, pronounced hand claps echoed through the darkness as a figure dressed in New Balance 608’s, a pair of light-wash Levi’s jeans, a black leather trench coat, Mario 1-UP Mushroom T-shirt, fingerless gloves, and a matching black fedora. As the light revealed his face as he stepped out of the shadows, it revealed a heavy-set white guy, thin-frame glasses, gratuitously patchy scruffy neckbeard of brown, and at least 3 visible chins.
  46. “Well, well, well. Congrats on making it this far. Unfortunately for you, you’re not dealing with a man who works out at the gym… This one works out AT THE LIBRARY!” He yelled as he whipped a small remote out of his trench coat pocket, and slapping the red button down.
  47. *KA-CHUNK*
  48. The floor right below Erica ceased to exist as the cheeto dust-covered man opened his trap door, causing Erica to lose her balance and fall backwards into a small 4x4 ft. pit. Her head turned at the last second to see the fate in front of her as her body fell straight into a grid of high-powered lasers. The super-hot lasers sliced through Erica’s body like wet tissue paper, causing her body to split into dozens of little fleshy pieces as it fell through the hole in the ground and into a metal spike-covered floor at the bottom covered in blood stains.
  49. The boss gave a confident smirk and laughed to himself as her heard a big squishy “plop” on the floor.
  50. At the bottom of the dirty pit was about a dozen little blobs of tan clay, lying motionless. One of them began shivering as Erica regained her consciousness and control of her body. The little blobs all began to move and shake, converting themselves from the little fleshy piles of goop into miniature humanoid forms, growing arms and legs and their own set of matching coffee brown hair, making a dozen mini-sized Ericas.
  51. As the boss walked back to his battle station of computer monitors watching the perimeter, he suddenly collapsed forwards on the ground, covered by a dozen foot-tall copies of the girl he thought he had just sliced into sushi seconds ago. The tiny Ericas dogpiled him to the ground as their skin began converting into a wet clay-like form, mixing and molding together with each other’s bodies as they held the boss down until they had melded themselves back into the normal-sized Erica, who made the scene look like something out of a femdom BDSM video with her latex body suit.
  52. “Aaarrrgh! I would have gotten away with it to, if it weren’t for you meddling— uh, girl!”
  53. Erica smiled as she wrapped him up in her cushiony long stretchy arms and flew him back to the mainland to turn him in at the police station.
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