
Dancing with a Fat Goat-Mom(Fat Story)

Jun 25th, 2019
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  1. >The couch groaned as toriel pushed the last of the butterscotch pie past her chubby cheeks and into her greedy maw. Her three chins resting on her breasts which were froced up due to her purple bra. A splash of butterscotch is smeared both of her grapefruit sized cheeks as her chins seemed to catch any remnants. Her stomach goes past her lap and, going past her knees despite her sitting down, and is now having an almost globular look to it as her beanbag of a stomach groaned, Opening her thunder thighs to accommodate her now taut stomach.
  2. >She lets a content burp as She reaches out a welcoming arm , her fat bingo wings acting like pillows as you lean into her dough-like shoulder.
  3. >Toriel smiles as soon he softly nuzzles your head with a stained cheek, ”It’s so nice to finally have the house to ourselves, it’s been a pain trying to hide my relationship from Kris, since he is really into getting me and my ex back together” toriel sighs and looks sadly at the now empty pie tins before her. Her chins swaying as she shakes her head, followed by a small burp escaping her.
  4. >”Ever since Kris and Susie have become friends...they go out to party nearly every night,’s.” Toriel mumbles something under her breath as she pulls you in closer, her bloated stomach felt almost like a food filled balloon as her breaths caused it to rise and fall against you, it felt like it had almost no give.
  5. >And yet she didn’t even seem to notice, seemingly too caught up in her own world.
  6. >You ask her what’s wrong, which prompts her to turn her head towards you, a fake smile on her face as she begins to feel up the right side of her body.
  7. >”Nothing I just....kinda wish I could show you some of my old dance moves I was quite the dancer not too long ago!” She said as she pulled a wrapped chocolate bar from one of her hidden fat folds, and began to unwrap it.
  8. >Without thinking you offer up an idea, why not dance here since it’s her house and all.
  9. >Her eyes widen as she has a bar halfway in her mouth.
  10. >Toriel in a quick motion tilted her head back, causing her back fat to become visible on the back of her neck. And swallowed the bar whole before turning to you once more,
  11. >”Are you sure? I mean....I’m not exactly that slender anymore...” Toriel sadly poked at her stomach and watched as her clawed finger becoming completely enveloped in her stomach, Toriel sighed “I just don’t think I can dance anymore since I’m so, big. I-I need to start making more pies.” Toriel got out of the couch with a heave and a mighty grunt causing her stomach to gurgle in protest at the quick movement.
  12. >You hear a silent fart of sadness escape from toriels bookshelf of an ass, the two flesh globs seemingly fighting each other for dominance with each waddle as they both seemed to overlap and squeeze against one another with every step she took.
  13. >Toriel let out another sigh as she opened the fridge turning in such a way that her gut wouldn’t force it closed. You watched from the couch, this is really tearing her up. There has to be some way notice a small radio near the kitchen counter, where the obese goat is currently kneading some dough with an emotionless expression.
  14. >She felt so useless all she could do was make pies and stuff herself in order to relive her immense boredom. She was so..
  15. >Is that music? Toriel looked to the old radio to see it playing a cd of hers.
  16. >Dancing by myself? You muse as you walk up behind her, her shelf of an ass touching your crotch despite being about a foot away from her.
  17. >Toriel chuckles “Yeah, it always makes me feel better on days when I’m down, I used to dance with it when I was thinner” she gives you a tired smile.
  18. >You take her hand as she is about to begin kneading more dough, she looks at you with confusion. Before you you tug at her arm, which did not move her an inch, with her rolling her eyes toriel stomped her way toward the center of the room, her stomach swaying as she rubbed it gently with her free paw.
  20. >You lightly tap your foot on the wooden floor to the beat of the music, slowly you let go of her paw as Toriel looks at you with a tired expression. “If I had a chance I’d ask the world to dance.”, you say trying and failing to sound anywhere close to Billy’s vocals. Toriel’s frown stays, for about 2 seconds before it quivers and she starts to giggle at your poor attempt at dancing. “Y-your serious?”
  21. >Toriel says unable to suppress her laughter. You don’t answer and attempt to do whatever cheesy moves you can remember. Pfft, what did she know your a great dancer! To show off your superior dance knowledge you decide to do an MJ spin, which you do perfect, Fuck! You suddenly find yourself stumbling into a sea of white.
  22. >*HUUURP!* Toriel didn’t bother to excuse herself as your face makes contact with her stomach. She looks done at you her previous smile gone as her eyes cast judgement upon your dance of failure. You push your self out of the sea of gurgling fur as you look at her with a blush on your face, as you lightly rub your arm. “Uh, sorry.” You mumble out as toriel put her paws to her sides as she glared you. Aw, you totally messed up. “Your a really um, “Unique” dancer...” Toriel says with what seems like genuine smile, as her glare fades.
  23. >The goats face becomes smug as she begins to gyro ate her body, her arms in the air as she begins to move her mountainous hips back and fourth, the momentum causing her churning stomach to join in as it swayed throwing crumbs once hidden between her love handles to fleck out. She pumps her arms out in the arm causing her fat winged arms to jiggle like jello as she wore an expression of concentration. Her eyes focused and her cheeks puffed up as she attempts to immitate one of her favorite dances. She looks to you and sees your face seemingly flushed crimson as crumbs are now present on your shirt.
  24. >”Wow.” You mutter, as toriels dance continued. Toriel smiles suddenly feeling comfortable at your silent encouragement, which was certainly non-sexual, surely. Toriel began to pump her fists as her feet stomped against her hard wood floor, shaking the entire house. You took your placements to her ignoring how each stomp seemed to emit a fart to escape her.
  25. >With a dorky smile you attempt to imitate her to the sound of dancing with myself. “When there’s no one else in sight” you start as you dance next to the now smiling goat who is currently stomping and causing the whole house to shake. “In a crowded lonely night” Toriel sings an an admittedly beautiful voice, as her cheeks push up in a large open mouthed smile.You playfully fist pump your way around her in order the face her correctly, avoiding her bouncing gut which is a bit of a danger zone at the moment.
  26. >With a quick grab of her stomach you say “well, I wait so long for my love Vibration!” You say with a smile. *FFFRRRRRT!!* >Toriels ass cheeks literally clapped together with force of the vibrations that escaped her. Toriel and you stare at each other faces blank. Toriel snorts, and begins to laugh uproarious. “I can’t *Urp!* Be-*Hourp!*lieve that just happened!” she burped in between her bursts of laughter. Her chins and breasts slapping against one another as she snort laughs, you can’t help but laugh along.
  27. >”I-I guess that l-l-loves vibration!” Toriel sends herself into naother laughing fit that you join in on. You laugh until tears come out of your eyes as you hold your stomach, your sides! Toriel is still laughing albeit now with less gas. You catch your breath as you stand up straight, wiping a tear out of your eye.
  28. >“So, how-“ Your cut short as you feel yourself being pulled into a back breaking hug. Her still sticky cheeks rubbing against you this time pushing against you hard to point where it partially obscures your vision. It’s not so bad as it’s soft and hearing her lightly hum, and have that adorable smile helps too. Without hesitation you hug back grabbed ahold of plenty of back flab as she plants light kisses on your forehead. “Thank you.” Is all Toriel says as she pulls her face away from you. She doesn’t let up on the hug however and keeps her iron grip on you. You brush the side of her face with the back of your hand hoping it’s romantic and not too cheesy. “Your welcome, your the best dancer I’ve ever seen Tori”. “Tori? Toriel questions as she looks down at your from in between her breasts.
  29. >You quickly blink realizing your mistake “Sorry! I meant to-“ Your silenced as you taste the sensation of butterscotch on your lips. Toriel looks into your eyes as she breaks away as quickly as she came. “Go ahead, I think, we are at the point where you can call me that.” Toriel smiles warmly before sighing happily. You can’t help but sigh as well as you place your head against her gelatinous pillows she calls her tits. Her chins acting a sort of headrest as she leads you both to the couch, neither willing to let go of the other, as toriel lays down with you on top of her. Your sudden weight on her causing her to let out a final burp, neither of you cared though. Because neither of you were dancing alone anymore,
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