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Dec 3rd, 2018
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  2. SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] No such file or directory
  3. 500 Internal Server Error - PDOException
  4. Stack Trace
  6. in /home/pliskin/Guilde/Killer/killer/vendor/doctrine/dbal/lib/Doctrine/DBAL/Driver/PDOConnection.php at line 36 -+
  7. {
  8. public function __construct($dsn, $user = null, $password = null, array $options = null)
  9. {
  10. parent::__construct($dsn, $user, $password, $options);
  11. $this->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_STATEMENT_CLASS, array('Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\PDOStatement', array()));
  12. $this->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);
  13. }
  14. at PDO ->__construct ('mysql:host=localhost;port=3306;dbname=killer;charset=UTF8;', 'killer', 'LKcF4T!', array())
  15. in /home/pliskin/Guilde/Killer/killer/vendor/doctrine/dbal/lib/Doctrine/DBAL/Driver/PDOConnection.php at line 36 -+
  16. at PDOConnection ->__construct ('mysql:host=localhost;port=3306;dbname=killer;charset=UTF8;', 'killer', 'LKcF4T!', array())
  17. in /home/pliskin/Guilde/Killer/killer/vendor/doctrine/dbal/lib/Doctrine/DBAL/Driver/PDOMySql/Driver.php at line 47 -+
  18. at Driver ->connect (array('dbname' => 'killer', 'host' => 'localhost', 'port' => '3306', 'user' => 'killer', 'password' => 'LKcF4T!', 'charset' => 'UTF8', 'driver' => 'pdo_mysql', 'driverOptions' => array()), 'killer', 'LKcF4T!', array())
  19. in /home/pliskin/Guilde/Killer/killer/vendor/doctrine/dbal/lib/Doctrine/DBAL/Connection.php at line 350 -+
  20. at Connection ->connect ()
  21. in /home/pliskin/Guilde/Killer/killer/vendor/doctrine/dbal/lib/Doctrine/DBAL/Connection.php at line 627 -+
  22. at Connection ->executeQuery ('SELECT AS id1, AS name2, t0.logo AS logo3, t0.leader_id AS leader_id4 FROM Team t0', array(), array())
  23. in /home/pliskin/Guilde/Killer/killer/vendor/doctrine/orm/lib/Doctrine/ORM/Persisters/BasicEntityPersister.php at line 843 -+
  24. at BasicEntityPersister ->loadAll (array(), null, null, null)
  25. in /home/pliskin/Guilde/Killer/killer/vendor/doctrine/orm/lib/Doctrine/ORM/EntityRepository.php at line 157 -+
  26. at EntityRepository ->findBy (array())
  27. in /home/pliskin/Guilde/Killer/killer/vendor/doctrine/orm/lib/Doctrine/ORM/EntityRepository.php at line 141 -+
  28. at EntityRepository ->findAll ()
  29. in /home/pliskin/Guilde/Killer/killer/src/Guilde/KillerBundle/Controller/AdminController.php at line 13 -+
  30. at AdminController ->teamListAction ()
  31. at call_user_func_array (array(object(AdminController), 'teamListAction'), array())
  32. in kernel.root_dir/bootstrap.php.cache at line 1421 -+
  33. at HttpKernel ->handleRaw (object(Request), '1')
  34. in kernel.root_dir/bootstrap.php.cache at line 1385 -+
  35. at HttpKernel ->handle (object(Request), '1', true)
  36. in kernel.root_dir/bootstrap.php.cache at line 1561 -+
  37. at HttpKernel ->handle (object(Request), '1', true)
  38. in kernel.root_dir/bootstrap.php.cache at line 612 -+
  39. at Kernel ->handle (object(Request))
  40. in /home/pliskin/Guilde/Killer/killer/web/app_dev.php at line 28 -+
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