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a guest
Oct 3rd, 2019
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text 89.81 KB | None | 0 0
  1. [code]
  2. 09:52:02:251 | RL | INFO | +N/A | Main - RocketLauncher v1.2.0.1 (
  3. 09:52:02:402 | RL | INFO | +140 | Main - System Specs:
  4. RocketLauncher Dir: G:\Hyperspin\RocketLauncher
  5. RocketLauncher is: 32-bit
  6. OS: Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate
  7. SKU: Ultimate
  8. Total Memory: 16310.96 MB
  9. Free Memory: 12181.59 MB
  10. Used Memory: 4129.375 MB
  11. SystemType: 64-bit
  12. Physical Processors: 1
  13. Logical Processors: 4
  14. GPU 1 Name: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB
  15. GPU 1 RAM: -1.00 MB
  16. GPU 1 Driver Version:
  17. Sound 1 Device: NVIDIA High Definition Audio
  18. Sound 1 Status: Enabled
  19. Sound 2 Device: Creative Audigy Audio Processor (WDM)
  20. Sound 2 Status: Enabled
  21. OS Language: English_United_States
  22. System Locale: en-US
  23. Formats Locale: el-GR
  24. Windows UI Language: en-US
  25. Text Encoding: Windows-1252
  26. OS Admin Status: Yes
  27. RL Compatibility Flags: HIGHDPIAWARE RUNASADMIN
  28. Latest .Net Version: v4.0.30319
  29. Monitor #1 (\\.\DISPLAY1): 1920x1080 (1920x1050 work) [32bit] [240hz] [Landscape] (Primary)
  30. Current AHK Desktop Width: 1920
  31. Current AHK Desktop Height: 1080
  32. Monitor #1 DPI: 125
  33. ErrorMode: 0
  34. AutoHotkey Path:
  35. AHK Version:
  36. Unicode: No
  37. 09:52:02:402 | RL | INFO | +0 | CheckFile - Checking if G:\Hyperspin\RocketLauncher\RocketLauncher.exe exists
  38. 09:52:02:402 | RL | INFO | +0 | Main - Raw CLI received: "-s Tiger -r Indy 500 (USA) -f G:\Hyperspin\Hyperspin 1.4\HyperSpin.exe -p HyperSpin -c 1 -o 1"
  39. 09:52:02:402 | RL | INFO | +0 | Main - Loading Front End Plugin: "HyperSpin"
  40. 09:52:02:402 | RL | INFO | +0 | Main - RocketLauncher received "Tiger" and "Indy 500 (USA)"
  41. 09:52:02:407 | RL | INFO | +16 | Main - Did not find a "G:\Hyperspin\RocketLauncher\Settings\Tiger\Game Options.ini" file, skipping any game-specific options.
  42. 09:52:02:407 | RL | INFO | +0 | Main - Indy 500 (USA) is using the default emulator: RetroArch
  43. 09:52:02:407 | RL | INFO | +0 | Main - Checking for a [RetroArch] section in G:\Hyperspin\RocketLauncher\Settings\Tiger\Emulators.ini
  44. 09:52:02:407 | RL | INFO | +0 | Main - Found [RetroArch] in G:\Hyperspin\RocketLauncher\Settings\Tiger\Emulators.ini
  45. 09:52:02:407 | RL | INFO | +0 | CheckFile - Checking if G:\Hyperspin\RocketLauncher\Modules\RetroArch\RetroArch.ahk exists
  46. 09:52:02:411 | RL | INFO | +0 | Main - Indy 500 (USA) will use module: G:\Hyperspin\RocketLauncher\Modules\RetroArch\RetroArch.ahk
  47. 09:52:02:421 | RL | INFO | +15 | Main - Using standard method with "Rom Extension" SkipChecks or without any SkipChecks.
  48. 09:52:02:422 | RL | INFO | +0 | CheckFile - Checking if G:\RetroArch\retroarch.exe exists
  49. 09:52:02:423 | RL | INFO | +0 | Main - INI Keys read
  50. 09:52:02:423 | RL | INFO | +0 | CheckFile - Checking if G:\Hyperspin\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\7z.exe exists
  51. 09:52:02:423 | RL | INFO | +0 | CheckFile - Checking if G:\Hyperspin\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\7z.dll exists
  52. 09:52:02:424 | RL | INFO | +0 | Main - "Indy 500 (USA)" does not qualify for MultiGame. Only roms with any of these strings in their name are acceptable: \(Disc|\(Disk|\(Cart|\(Tape|\(Cassette|\(Part|\(Side
  53. 09:52:02:424 | RL | INFO | +0 | CheckPaths - Started
  54. 09:52:02:424 | RL | INFO | +0 | CheckPaths - Looking for rom: G:\Hyperspin\Roms\Tiger\Indy 500 (USA).zip
  55. 09:52:02:424 | RL | INFO | +0 | CheckPaths - Found rom: G:\Hyperspin\Roms\Tiger\Indy 500 (USA).zip
  56. 09:52:02:424 | RL | INFO | +0 | CheckPaths - Ended
  57. 09:52:02:425 | RL | INFO | +0 | BuildScript - User Variables:
  58. ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  60. ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  62. #NoTrayIcon
  63. #InstallKeybdHook
  64. MiscUtils.DetectHiddenWindows("On")
  65. SetTitleMatchMode, 2
  66. SendMode, Event
  67. Global RLLog
  68. Global RLObject
  69. 0 := "12"
  70. rlPath := "G:\Hyperspin\RocketLauncher"
  71. pluginPath := "G:\Hyperspin\RocketLauncher\Plugins"
  72. pluginName := "HyperSpin"
  73. pluginExt := ".plugin"
  74. contextOnExit := "1"
  75. rlMode := ""
  76. rlTitle := "RocketLauncher"
  77. rlVersion := ""
  78. rlAuthor := "djvj"
  79. rlURL := ""
  80. langFile := "G:\Hyperspin\RocketLauncher\Data\Language\Localization.ini"
  81. primMonitor := "1"
  82. frontendPID := ""
  83. frontendPath := "G:\Hyperspin\Hyperspin 1.4"
  84. frontendExe := "HyperSpin.exe"
  85. frontendExt := "exe"
  86. frontendName := "HyperSpin"
  87. frontendDrive := "G"
  88. exitEmulatorKey := "Esc|1joy10|2joy10"
  89. restoreFE := "false"
  90. exitScriptKey := "~q & ~s"
  91. toggleCursorKey := "~e & ~t"
  92. emuFullPath := "G:\RetroArch\retroarch.exe"
  93. emuPath := "G:\RetroArch"
  94. emuName := "RetroArch"
  95. emuExt := "exe"
  96. baseRomPath := ""
  97. romPath := "G:\Hyperspin\Roms\Tiger"
  98. romPathFromIni := "G:\Hyperspin\Roms\Tiger"
  99. romExtension := ".zip"
  100. romExtensionOrig := ".zip"
  101. romExtensions := "zip"
  102. executable := "retroarch.exe"
  103. systemDbName := "Tiger"
  104. systemName := "Tiger"
  105. dbPath := ""
  106. dbName := "Indy 500 (USA)"
  107. dbExt := ""
  108. romFoundByExt := ""
  109. romName := "Indy 500 (USA)"
  110. romMapPath := ""
  111. romMappingEnabled := "false"
  112. romMappingLaunchMenuEnabled := "false"
  113. romMappingFirstMatchingExt := "false"
  114. romMappingShowAllRomsInArchive := "true"
  115. romMappingNumberOfGamesByScreen := "7"
  116. romMappingHideParent := "false"
  117. romMappingMenuWidth := "400"
  118. romMappingMenuMargin := "65"
  119. romMappingTextFont := "Bebas Neue"
  120. romMappingTextOptions := "cFFFFFFFF r4 s60 Bold"
  121. romMappingDisabledTextColor := "ff888888"
  122. romMappingTextSizeDifference := "7"
  123. romMappingTextMargin := "15"
  124. romMappingTitleTextFont := "Bebas Neue"
  125. romMappingTitleTextOptions := "cFFFFFFFF r4 s90 Bold"
  126. romMappingTitle2TextFont := "Bebas Neue"
  127. romMappingTitle2TextOptions := "cFFFFFFFF r4 s22 Bold"
  128. romMappingGameInfoTextFont := "Bebas Neue"
  129. romMappingGameInfoTextOptions := "cFFFFFFFF r4 s22 Regular"
  130. romMappingGameNameTextFont := "Bebas Neue"
  131. romMappingGameNameTextOptions := "cFFFFFFFF r4 s40 Regular"
  132. romMappingBackgroundBrush := "aa000000"
  133. romMappingColumnBrush := "33000000"
  134. romMappingButtonBrush1 := "6f000000"
  135. romMappingButtonBrush2 := "33000000"
  136. romMappingBackgroundAlign := "Stretch and Lose Aspect"
  137. romMappingMenuFlagWidth := "55"
  138. romMappingMenuFlagSeparation := "7"
  139. romMappingDefaultMenuList := "FullList"
  140. romMappingSingleFilteredRomAutomaticLaunch := "false"
  141. altArchiveNameOnly := ""
  142. altRomNameOnly := ""
  143. altArchiveAndRomName := ""
  144. altArchiveAndManyRomNames := ""
  145. altRomNamesOnly := ""
  146. romMapScenario := ""
  147. skipchecks := "false"
  148. romMatchExt := "false"
  149. blockInputTime := "0"
  150. blockInputFile := "G:\Hyperspin\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\BlockInput.exe"
  151. errorLevelReporting := "false"
  152. lockLaunch := "false"
  153. lockLaunchGame := ""
  154. screenRotationAngle := "0"
  155. screenRotationAngleGame := ""
  156. setResolution := ""
  157. logFile := ""
  158. logLabel := [" INFO"," WARNING"," ERROR"," DEBUG"," TRACE"]
  159. logLevel := "1"
  160. logShowDebugConsole := "false"
  161. logShowCommandWindow := "false"
  162. logCommandWindow := "false"
  163. logIncludeModule := "true"
  164. logIncludeFileProperties := "false"
  165. logIncludeDLLLogs := "false"
  166. errorSounds := "true"
  167. rlDebugConsoleStdout := ""
  168. sysLang := "English_United_States"
  169. sysType := "64-bit"
  170. broadcastWindowTitle := ""
  171. navUpKey := "Up"
  172. navDownKey := "Down"
  173. navLeftKey := "Left"
  174. navRightKey := "Right"
  175. navSelectKey := "Enter"
  176. navP2UpKey := "Numpad8"
  177. navP2DownKey := "Numpad2"
  178. navP2LeftKey := "Numpad4"
  179. navP2RightKey := "Numpad6"
  180. navP2SelectKey := "NumpadEnter"
  181. originalWidth := "1920"
  182. originalHeight := "1080"
  183. vdEnabled := "false"
  184. vdFullPath := "C:\Program Files (x86)\DAEMON Tools Lite\DTLite.exe"
  185. vdUseSCSI := "true"
  186. vdDriveLetter := "E"
  187. vdDriveLetterScsi := ""
  188. vdAddDrive := "true"
  189. demulShooterPath := ""
  190. servoStikEnabled := "false"
  191. servoStikExitMode := "false"
  192. ledblinkyEnabled := "false"
  193. ledblinkySystemName := ""
  194. ledblinkyFullPath := ""
  195. ledblinkyProfilePath := "G:\Hyperspin\RocketLauncher\Profiles\LEDBlinky"
  196. ledblinkyRLProfile := "G:\Hyperspin\RocketLauncher\Profiles\LEDBlinky\RocketLauncher"
  197. winIPACFullPath := ""
  198. ultraMapEnabled := "false"
  199. ultraMapFullPath := ""
  200. emuIdleShutdown := "0"
  201. launchPasswordHash := "UpUpDownDownLeftRightLeftRight"
  202. cursorSize := ""
  203. hideCursor := "true"
  204. hideEmu := "false"
  205. hideFE := "false"
  206. suspendFE := "false"
  207. fadeIn := "true"
  208. fadeInDuration := "500"
  209. fadeInTransitionAnimation := "DefaultAnimateFadeIn"
  210. fadeInDelay := "0"
  211. fadeInExitDelay := "1000"
  212. fadeOutExitDelay := "0"
  213. fadeOut := "false"
  214. fadeOutExtraScreen := "false"
  215. fadeOutDuration := "500"
  216. fadeOutTransitionAnimation := "DefaultAnimateFadeOut"
  217. fadeOutDelay := "0"
  218. fadeLyrInterpolation := "7"
  219. fadeMuteEmulator := "false"
  220. fadeUseBackgrounds := "false"
  221. fadeClickThrough := "false"
  222. fadeSounds := "false"
  223. fade7zProgressMode := "extraction"
  224. fadeWidthBaseRes := "1920"
  225. fadeHeightBaseRes := "1080"
  226. fadeLyr1Color := "FF000000"
  227. fadeLyr1AlignImage := "Stretch and Lose Aspect"
  228. fadeLyr2Pos := "Stretch and Lose Aspect"
  229. fadeLyr2X := "0"
  230. fadeLyr2Y := "0"
  231. fadeLyr2W := ""
  232. fadeLyr2H := ""
  233. fadeLyr2Adjust := "1"
  234. fadeLyr2PicPad := "0"
  235. fadeLyr2Prefix := "Extra Layer 1 - Console"
  236. fadeLyr3Pos := "Center"
  237. fadeLyr3X := "450"
  238. fadeLyr3Y := "450"
  239. fadeLyr3W := ""
  240. fadeLyr3H := ""
  241. fadeLyr3Adjust := "1"
  242. fadeLyr3PicPad := "0"
  243. fadeLyr3Speed := "750"
  244. fadeLyr3Animation := "DefaultFadeAnimation"
  245. fadeLyr37zAnimation := "DefaultFadeAnimation"
  246. fadeLyr3Type := "imageandbar"
  247. fadeLyr3ImgFollow7zProgress := "true"
  248. fadeLyr3Repeat := "1"
  249. fadeLyr3BackImageTransparency := "30"
  250. fadeLyr3StaticPos := "No Alignment"
  251. fadeLyr3StaticX := "0"
  252. fadeLyr3StaticY := "870|1575"
  253. fadeLyr3StaticW := ""
  254. fadeLyr3StaticH := ""
  255. fadeLyr3StaticAdjust := "1"
  256. fadeLyr3StaticPicPad := "0"
  257. fadeLyr3StaticPrefix := "Info Bar"
  258. fadeLyr4Adjust := "1"
  259. fadeLyr4X := "1792|952"
  260. fadeLyr4Y := "891|1596"
  261. fadeLyr4W := "128"
  262. fadeLyr4H := ""
  263. fadeLyr4Pos := "No Alignment"
  264. fadeLyr4FPS := "50"
  265. fadeLyr4PicPad := "0"
  266. fadeTranspGifColor := "FFFFFF"
  267. fadeBarWindow := "Image"
  268. fadeBarWindowX := ""
  269. fadeBarWindowY := ""
  270. fadeBarWindowW := "900"
  271. fadeBarWindowH := ""
  272. fadeBarWindowR := "30"
  273. fadeBarWindowM := "30"
  274. fadeBarWindowHatchStyle := "8"
  275. fadeBar := "7zOnly"
  276. fadeProgressDuration := "0"
  277. fadeBarBack := "true"
  278. fadeBarBackColor := "FF555555"
  279. fadeBarH := "30"
  280. fadeBarR := "10"
  281. fadeBarColor := "DD00BFFF"
  282. fadeBarHatchStyle := "8"
  283. fadeBarPercentageText := "true"
  284. fadeBarInfoText := "true"
  285. fadeBarXOffset := "0"
  286. fadeBarYOffset := "150"
  287. fadeRomInfoDescription := "filtered text"
  288. fadeRomInfoSystemName := "image"
  289. fadeRomInfoYear := "text with label"
  290. fadeRomInfoDeveloper := "text with label"
  291. fadeRomInfoPublisher := "text with label"
  292. fadeRomInfoGenre := "disabled"
  293. fadeRomInfoRating := "image"
  294. fadeRomInfoOrder := "Description|SystemName|Year|Manufacturer|Genre|Rating"
  295. fadeRomInfoTextPlacement := "User Defined"
  296. fadeRomInfoTextMargin := "7"
  297. fadeRomInfoText1Options := "w1600|787 h90 x165 y870|1575 cFFE1E1E1 r4 s90 Left Regular"
  298. fadeRomInfoText2Options := "w400 x8 y15 cFF555555 r4 s60 Bold"
  299. fadeRomInfoText3Options := "w310 x165 y960|1665 cFFE1E1E1 r4 s66 Left Regular"
  300. fadeRomInfoText4Options := "w1305|492 h66 x460 y960|1665 cFFE1E1E1 r4 s66 Left Regular"
  301. fadeRomInfoText5Options := "cFF555555 r4 s42 Bold"
  302. fadeRomInfoText6Options := "h135 x15 y885|1590 cFFCFCFCA r4 s120 Regular"
  303. fadeRomInfoText7Options := "h135 x15 y885|1590 cFFCFCFCA r4 s120 Regular"
  304. fadeStats_Number_of_Times_Played := "text with label"
  305. fadeStats_Last_Time_Played := "text with label"
  306. fadeStats_Average_Time_Played := "text with label"
  307. fadeStats_Total_Time_Played := "text with label"
  308. fadeStats_System_Total_Played_Time := "text with label"
  309. fadeStats_Total_Global_Played_Time := "text with label"
  310. fadeStatsInfoOrder := "Number_of_Times_Played|Last_Time_Played|Average_Time_Played|Total_Time_Played|System_Total_Played_Time|Total_Global_Played_Time"
  311. fadeStatsInfoTextPlacement := "topRight"
  312. fadeStatsInfoTextMargin := "7"
  313. fadeStatsInfoText1Options := "cFFB4B4B4 r4 s22 Bold"
  314. fadeStatsInfoText2Options := "cFFB4B4B4 r4 s22 Bold"
  315. fadeStatsInfoText3Options := "cFFB4B4B4 r4 s22 Bold"
  316. fadeStatsInfoText4Options := "cFFB4B4B4 r4 s22 Bold"
  317. fadeStatsInfoText5Options := "cFFB4B4B4 r4 s22 Bold"
  318. fadeStatsInfoText6Options := "cFFB4B4B4 r4 s22 Bold"
  319. fadeText1X := "0"
  320. fadeText1Y := "0"
  321. fadeText1Options := "cFFB4B4B4 r4 s30 Right Bold"
  322. fadeText1 := "Loading Game"
  323. fadeText2X := "0"
  324. fadeText2Y := "0"
  325. fadeText2Options := "cFFB4B4B4 r4 s30 Right Bold"
  326. fadeText2 := "Extraction Complete, Ready"
  327. fadeText3 := "Loading Game"
  328. fadeText4 := "Loading Complete"
  329. fadeFont := "Bebas Neue"
  330. fadeSystemAndRomLayersOnly := "false"
  331. fadeExtractionTime := "disabled"
  332. fadeExtractionTimeTextX := "0"
  333. fadeExtractionTimeTextY := "0"
  334. fadeExtractionTimeTextOptions := "cFF555555 r4 s20 Bold"
  335. fadeInterruptKey := ""
  336. detectFadeErrorEnabled := "true"
  337. fadeImgPath := "G:\Hyperspin\RocketLauncher\Media\Fade"
  338. RLDataPath := "G:\Hyperspin\RocketLauncher\Data"
  339. RLMediaPath := "G:\Hyperspin\RocketLauncher\Media"
  340. RLErrSoundPath := "G:\Hyperspin\RocketLauncher\Media\Sounds\Error"
  341. modulesPath := "G:\Hyperspin\RocketLauncher\Modules"
  342. moduleFullName := "G:\Hyperspin\RocketLauncher\Modules\RetroArch\RetroArch.ahk"
  343. moduleName := "RetroArch"
  344. modulePath := "G:\Hyperspin\RocketLauncher\Modules\RetroArch"
  345. moduleExtension := "ahk"
  346. moduleExtensionsPath := "G:\Hyperspin\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions"
  347. libPath := "G:\Hyperspin\RocketLauncher\Lib"
  348. sevenZEnabled := "false"
  349. sevenZPath := "G:\Hyperspin\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\7z.exe"
  350. sevenZDllPath := "G:\Hyperspin\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\7z.dll"
  351. sevenZExtractPath := "C:\Users\Tasos\AppData\Local\Temp"
  352. sevenZExtractPathOrig := ""
  353. sevenZAttachSystemName := "false"
  354. sevenZDelTemp := "true"
  355. sevenZFormats := ".zip|.rar|.7z|.lha|.lzh|.gzip|.tar"
  356. sevenZFormatsNoP := "zip|rar|7z|lha|lzh|gzip|tar"
  357. sevenZFormatsRegEx := "\.zip|\.rar|\.7z|\.lha|\.lzh|\.gzip|\.tar"
  358. sevenZGamesToKeep := ""
  359. sevenZDeletePerSystem := "false"
  360. sevenZExtensions := "zip|rar|7z|lha|lzh|gzip|tar"
  361. 7zExtractPath := "C:\Users\Tasos\AppData\Local\Temp"
  362. mgEnabled := "false"
  363. mgKey := "~NumpadSub"
  364. mgBackgroundColor := "FF000000"
  365. mgSidePadding := "0.2"
  366. mgWidthBaseRes := "1920"
  367. mgHeightBaseRes := "1080"
  368. mgYOffset := "500|800"
  369. mgFont := "Arial"
  370. mgText1Options := "x10p y250|500 w80p Center cBBFFFFFF r4 s100 BoldItalic"
  371. mgText1Text := "Please select a game"
  372. mgText2Options := "w96p cFFFFFFFF r4 s50 Center BoldItalic"
  373. mgText2Offset := "100"
  374. mgUseSound := "true"
  375. mgSoundfreq := "300"
  376. mgExitEffect := "none"
  377. mgSelectedEffect := "rotate"
  378. mgUseGameArt := "false"
  379. mgCandidate := ""
  380. mgValidTypes := "\(Disc|\(Disk|\(Cart|\(Tape|\(Cassette|\(Part|\(Side"
  381. mgOnLaunch := "false"
  382. pauseEnabled := "false"
  383. pauseKey := "~NumpadAdd"
  384. pauseBackToMenuBarKey := "X"
  385. pauseZoomInKey := "C"
  386. pauseZoomOutKey := "V"
  387. pauseScreenshotKey := "~PrintScreen"
  388. pauseHiToTextPath := "G:\Hyperspin\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\HiToText.exe"
  389. pauseSaveStateKeyCodes := ""
  390. pauseLoadStateKeyCodes := ""
  391. keyboardEncoder := ""
  392. keyboardEncoderEnabled := "false"
  393. keymapperEnabled := "false"
  394. keymapperAHKMethod := "false"
  395. keymapper := "xpadder"
  396. xpadderFullPath := "G:\Hyperspin\Hyperspin 1.4\Scripts\Xpadder\Xpadder.exe"
  397. joyToKeyFullPath := "G:\Hyperspin\Hyperspin 1.4\Scripts\JoyToKey\JoyToKey.exe"
  398. profilePath := "G:\Hyperspin\RocketLauncher\Profiles"
  399. keymapperProfilePath := "G:\Hyperspin\RocketLauncher\Profiles\xpadder"
  400. keymapperFrontEndProfileName := "RocketLauncherUI"
  401. keymapperFrontEndProfile := "false"
  402. keymapperRocketLauncherProfileEnabled := "false"
  403. joyIDsEnabled := "false"
  404. joyIDsPreferredControllersGlobal := ""
  405. joyIDsPreferredControllersSystem := "use_global"
  406. joyIDsPreferredControllersOnExit := ""
  407. CustomJoyNamesEnabled := "false"
  408. CustomJoyNames := ""
  409. rotateMethod := "false"
  410. FEProfile := "G:\Hyperspin\RocketLauncher\Profiles\xpadder\RocketLauncherUI"
  411. defaultProfile := "G:\Hyperspin\RocketLauncher\Profiles\xpadder\_Default"
  412. systemProfile := "G:\Hyperspin\RocketLauncher\Profiles\xpadder\Tiger"
  413. xPadderSystemProfile := "G:\Hyperspin\RocketLauncher\Profiles\xpadder\Tiger\_Default"
  414. emuProfile := "G:\Hyperspin\RocketLauncher\Profiles\xpadder\Tiger\RetroArch"
  415. romProfile := "G:\Hyperspin\RocketLauncher\Profiles\xpadder\Tiger\Indy 500 (USA)"
  416. RocketLauncherProfile := "G:\Hyperspin\RocketLauncher\Profiles\xpadder\RocketLauncher"
  417. blankProfile := "G:\Hyperspin\RocketLauncher\Profiles\xpadder\_Default\blank"
  418. ahkFEProfile := "G:\Hyperspin\RocketLauncher\Profiles\AHK\RocketLauncherUI"
  419. ahkDefaultProfile := "G:\Hyperspin\RocketLauncher\Profiles\AHK\_Default"
  420. ahkSystemProfile := "G:\Hyperspin\RocketLauncher\Profiles\AHK\Tiger"
  421. ahkEmuProfile := "G:\Hyperspin\RocketLauncher\Profiles\AHK\Tiger\RetroArch"
  422. ahkRomProfile := "G:\Hyperspin\RocketLauncher\Profiles\AHK\Tiger\Indy 500 (USA)"
  423. ahkRocketLauncherProfile := "G:\Hyperspin\RocketLauncher\Profiles\AHK\RocketLauncher"
  424. bezelEnabled := "false"
  425. bezelICEnabled := "false"
  426. shaderName := "false"
  427. shaderColor := ""
  428. shaderTransparency := ""
  429. statisticsEnabled := "false"
  430. pressDuration := "-1"
  431. emuVolume := "1"
  432. dxwndIni := "G:\Hyperspin\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\dxwnd\dxwnd.ini"
  433. dxwndFullPath := "G:\Hyperspin\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\dxwnd\dxwnd.exe"
  434. qResFullPath := "G:\Hyperspin\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\QRes.exe"
  435. mon1O := ""
  436. pacDrivedllFile := "G:\Hyperspin\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\PacDrive32.dll"
  437. userFadeAnimIniFile := "G:\Hyperspin\RocketLauncher\Lib\User Fade Animations.ini"
  438. testFile := ""
  439. testDuration := ""
  440. initialErrorMode := "0"
  442. 09:52:02:425 | RL | INFO | +0 | BuildScript - Loaded XHotkey Init.ahk scripts
  443. 09:52:02:425 | RL | INFO | +0 | BuildScript - Loaded Fade Init.ahk scripts
  444. 09:52:02:425 | RL | INFO | +0 | BuildScript - Validating module
  445. 09:52:02:429 | RL | INFO | +0 | BuildScript - Validation complete
  446. 09:52:02:429 | RL | INFO | +0 | BuildScript - Module:
  447. MEmu := "RetroArch"
  448. MEmuV := "v1.3.6"
  449. MURL := [""]
  450. MAuthor := ["djvj","zerojay","SweatyPickle"]
  451. MVersion := "2.4.3"
  452. MCRC := "699AB8F7"
  453. iCRC := "FB2DB971"
  454. MID := "635038268922229162"
  455. MSystem := ["Acorn BBC Micro","AAE","Amstrad CPC","Amstrad GX4000","APF Imagination Machine","Applied Technology MicroBee","Apple IIGS","Arcade Classics","Atari 2600","Atari 5200","Atari 7800","Atari 8-Bit","Atari Classics","Atari Jaguar","Atari Lynx","Atari ST","Atari XEGS","Bally Astrocade","Bandai Gundam RX-78","Bandai Super Vision 8000","Bandai Wonderswan","Bandai Wonderswan Color","Canon X07","Capcom Classics","Capcom Play System I","Capcom Play System II","Capcom Play System III","Casio PV-1000","Casio PV-2000","Cave","Coleco ADAM","ColecoVision","Commodore MAX Machine","Commodore Amiga","Creatronic Mega Duck","Data East Classics","Dragon Data Dragon","Emerson Arcadia 2001","Entex Adventure Vision","Elektronika BK","Epoch Game Pocket Computer","Epoch Super Cassette Vision","Exidy Sorcerer","Fairchild Channel F","Final Burn Alpha","Funtech Super Acan","GamePark 32","GCE Vectrex","Hartung Game Master","Interton VC 4000","Irem Classics","JungleTac Sport Vii","Konami Classics","MAME","Magnavox Odyssey 2","Microsoft MSX","Microsoft MSX2","Matra & Hachette Alice","Mattel Aquarius","Mattel Intellivision","Midway Classics","Namco Classics","Namco System 22","NEC PC Engine","NEC PC Engine-CD","NEC PC-FX","NEC TurboGrafx-16","NEC SuperGrafx","NEC TurboGrafx-CD","Nintendo 64","Nintendo 64DD","Nintendo Arcade Systems","Nintendo Classics","Nintendo DS","Nintendo Entertainment System","Nintendo Famicom","Nintendo Famicom Disk System","Nintendo Game Boy","Nintendo Game Boy Color","Nintendo Game Boy Japan","Nintendo Game Boy Advance","Nintendo Game & Watch","Nintendo Super Game Boy","Nintendo Pokemon Mini","Nintendo Virtual Boy","Nintendo Super Famicom","Nintendo Satellaview","Nintendo SuFami Turbo","Panasonic 3DO","Elektronska Industrija Pecom 64","Philips CD-i","Philips Videopac","RCA Studio II","ScummVM","Sega 32X","Sega Classics","Sega Mega Drive 32X","Sega Mark III","Sega SC-3000","Sega SG-1000","Sega CD","Sega Dreamcast","Sega Game Gear","Sega Genesis","Sega Master System","Sega Mega Drive","Sega Meganet","Sega Nomad","Sega Pico","Sega Saturn","Sega Saturn Japan","Sega VMU","Sega ST-V","Sharp X1","Sharp X68000","Sinclair ZX Spectrum","Sinclair ZX81","Sony PlayStation","Sony PlayStation Minis","Sony PocketStation","Sony PSP","Sony PSP Minis","Sord M5","SNK Classics","SNK Neo Geo","SNK Neo Geo AES","SNK Neo Geo MVS","SNK Neo Geo Pocket","SNK Neo Geo CD","SNK Neo Geo Pocket Color","Spectravideo","Super Nintendo Entertainment System","Taito Classics","Tandy TRS-80 Color Computer","Technos","Texas Instruments TI 99-4A","Thomson MO5","Thomson TO7","Tiger","Tiger Handheld Electronics","Tiki-100","Tomy Tutor","VTech CreatiVision","Watara Supervision","Williams Classics","Sega Naomi","Sammy Atomiswave","Commodore 64","Daphne","Creatonic Mega Duck"]
  456. ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  457. ; Notes:
  458. ; If the emu doesn't load and you get no error, usually this means the LibRetro DLL is not working!
  459. ; Devs stated they will never add support for mounted images (like via DT)
  460. ; Fullscreen is controlled via the module setting in RocketLauncherUI
  461. ; This module uses the CLI version of RetroArch (retroarch.exe), not the GUI (retroarch-phoenix.exe).
  462. ; The emu may make a mouse cursor appear momentarily during launch, MouseMove and hide_cursor seem to have no effect
  463. ; Enable 7z support for archived roms
  464. ; Available CLI options:
  465. ;
  466. ; LibRetro DLLs:
  467. ; LibRetro DLLs come with the emu, but here is another source for them:
  468. ; Whatever cores you decide to use, make sure they are extracted anywhere in your Emu_Path\cores folder. The module will find and load the default core unless you choose a custom one for each system.
  469. ; You can find supported cores that Retroarch supports simply by downloading them from the "retroarch-phoenix.exe" or by visiting here:
  470. ; Some good discussion on cores and filters:
  471. ;
  472. ; SRM files:
  473. ; The srm files location is determined by the configuration file used (savefile_directory = ":\whatever") The default RetroArch srm directory is ":\saves" You can select to sort into core folders (ie: :/saves/Mednafen PSX) by changing sort_savefiles_enable = "true" in the configuration file.
  474. ;
  475. ; Save states:
  476. ; The save state files location is determined by the configuration file used (savestate_directory = ":\whatever") The default RetroArch savestate directory is ":\states" You can select to sort into core folders (ie: :/states/Mednafen PSX) by changing sort_savestates_enable = "true" in the configuration file.
  477. ;
  478. ; Config files:
  479. ; By default, the module looks for config files in a folder called config in the RetroArch folder. Example: C:\emus\RetroArch\config. You can change this folder to anything you like by changing the module's ConfigFolder setting in RocketLauncherUI. This will be the config folder for the module and will NOT change the location of RetroArch's own /config directory.
  480. ; RetroArch's global config file is called "retroarch.cfg". RetroArch will use a system cfg file named to match your System Name (example: Nintendo Entertainment System.cfg).
  481. ; RetroArch will also load core config files named after the core name. Example: nestopia_libretro.cfg
  482. ; This allows different settings globally, for each system, and for each core. If you want all systems to use the same retroarch.cfg, do not have any system or core cfg files, only have the retroarch.cfg.
  483. ; If a core config exists, it takes precedence over the global config. And if a system config exists, it takes precedence over the core config.
  484. ;
  485. ; Core Options:
  486. ; By default, RetroArch creates a retroarch-core-options.cfg in it's root directory. Example: C:\emus\RetroArch\retroarch-core-options.cfg. This will always be used if the default RetroArch.cfg is loaded. If a configuration file from any other location is used, RetroArch will create a retroarch-core-options.cfg file in the root of that directory. The module has an option to have RetroArch use only the default retroarch-core-options.cfg file no matter the path of the config directory or location of the configuiration file being used. To enable this option set Single_Core_Options to true.
  488. ; MultiGame:
  489. ; MultiGame support is currently only available for the Mednafen PSX core. Retroarch uses the same method as Mednafen to load multi-disc games. This method involves m3u playlists which are commonly used for music. The m3u files needed to load multi-disc games are generated for you by the module when you launch a multi-disc game and are saved to your corresponding rom directory. Due to m3u limitations, your multi-disc roms/images cannot be archived -- they must be unzipped. All single disc games can remain archived and you can still enable 7z under system settings. If you do not wish to use MultiGame support you can archive your roms/images and m3u generation will be skipped on launch.
  490. ; The m3u files generated by the module contain a list of paths to all roms/images in the multi-disc set. Retroarch automatically loads the first path in the m3u so the first path will always be the disc you are loading. For example, Final Fantasy VII has 3 discs and if you load Disc 2 first, the order of the paths in the m3u will be disc 2, disc 3, disc 1. If you load Disc 3 first, the order will be disc 3, disc 1, disc 2. The module anticipates this and will load the correct disk, selected from the Pause/MultiDisk menus. However if you choose to manually use Retroarch's UI or disk swap keys to change discs, you will need to keep this in mind.
  491. ; In order for RocketLauncher's MultiGame UI to swap discs, you must define Eject_Toggle_Key, Next_Disk_Key, and Previous_Disk_Key under global settings for the emulator in RocketLauncher. Because AHK and Retroarch use different naming conventions for some keyboard keys, it is best to use a letter, a number, or F1-F12.
  492. ;
  493. ; MAME:
  494. ; MAME BIOS roms should be placed in Rom Path's directory. Some systems require the BIOS roms be placed in the MAME internal name directory. (Example: :\Rom Folder\a5200). The MAME BIOS_Roms_Folder option will have no effect unless you are using an older version of the mess core.
  495. ;
  496. ; System Specific Notes:
  497. ; Microsoft MSX/MSX2: Launch an MSX game and in the core options, set the console to be an MSX2 and it will play both just fine.
  498. ; Nintendo Famicom Disk System - Requires disksys.rom be placed in the folder you define as system_directory in the RetroArch's cfg.
  499. ; Sega CD - Requires "bios_CD_E.bin", "bios_CD_J.bin", "bios_CD_U.bin" all be placed in the folder you define as system_directory in the RetroArch's cfg.
  500. ; Super Nintendo Entertainment System - requires split all 10 dsp# & st### roms all be placed in the folder you define as system_directory in the RetroArch's cfg. Many games, like Super Mario Kart require these.
  501. ; NEC TurboGrafx-CD (using pce fast core) - Requires "syscard3.pce" be placed in the folder you define as system_directory in the RetroArch's cfg.
  502. ; NEC TurboGrafx-CD (using MAME core)
  503. ; - You'll need to update a couple mame specific options in the Retroarch core options file to get it to boot from the cli. These should probably be updated automagically by the module. Turning softlists off, but might not need to.
  504. ; mame_boot_from_cli = "enabled"
  505. ; mame_softlists_enable = "disabled"
  506. ; mame_softlists_auto_media = "disabled"
  507. ; - Requires hash folder from MAME/MESS/UME, either from the source or release package. Save this in the system_directory you've defined for RetroArch. Something like \RetroArch\system\mame\hash\
  508. ; - Requires the CD bios file(s) saved in the mame bios folder you've defined. Usually \RetroArch\system\mame\bios\
  509. ; For PC Engine-CD you'll need the file "[cd] cd-rom system (japan) (v2.1).pce" zipped as and saved in a pce subfolder in your bios path, so \RetroArch\system\mame\bios\pce\
  510. ; For PC Engine SuperGrafx-CD you'll need the file "[cd] super cd-rom system (japan) (v3.0).pce" zipped as and saved in a pce subfolder in your bios path, so \RetroArch\system\mame\bios\pce\
  511. ; For TurboGrafx-CD you'll need the file "[cd] turbografx cd system card (usa) (v2.0).pce" zipped as and saved in a tg16 subfolder in your bios path, so \RetroArch\system\mame\bios\tg16\
  512. ; For TurboDuo you'll need the file "[cd] turbografx cd super system card (usa) (v3.0).pce" zipped as and saved in a tg16 subfolder in your bios path, so \RetroArch\system\mame\bios\tg16\
  513. ; Nintendo Super Game Boy - Set the Module setting in RocketLauncherUI SuperGameBoy to true to enable a system or only a rom to use SGB mode. This is not needed if your systemName is set to the official name of "Nintendo Super Game Boy". Requires "sgb.boot.rom" and "Super Game Boy (World).sfc" to be placed in the folder you define as system_directory in the RetroArch's cfg. This is needed if you want to use Super game boy mode and color palettes. Also requires using the latest bsnes core. Not all games support SGB mode.
  514. ; Sony PSP/PlayStation Minis: To avoid the dialog box complaining about ppge_atlas.zim, download it from and place it in your Retroarch/system/PPSSPP/ directory.
  515. ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  516. StartModule()
  517. BezelGUI()
  518. FadeInStart()
  520. primaryExe := new Emulator(emuPath . "\" . executable) ; instantiate emulator executable object
  521. emuPrimaryWindow := new Window(new WindowTitle("RetroArch","RetroArch")) ; instantiate primary emulator window object
  522. emuConsoleWindow := new Window(new WindowTitle("","ConsoleWindowClass")) ; instantiate emulator console window object
  524. ; Here we define all supported systems for this module. This object controls how the module reacts to different systems. RetroArch can play a lot of systems, but needs to know what system you want to run, so this module has to adapt.
  525. ; 1 - Official System Name in RocketLauncher
  526. ; 2 - Short name used only for easy referencing within module
  527. ; 3 - Default core
  528. ; 4 - The system ID MAME core recognizes
  529. RLLog.Debug("Module - Started building the " . MEmu . " object")
  530. mTypeVar:="
  531. ( LTrim
  532. AAE|LibRetro_AAE|mame_libretro
  533. Acorn BBC Micro|LibRetro_BBCB|mame_libretro|bbcb
  534. Amstrad CPC|LibRetro_CPC|mame_libretro|cpc464
  535. Amstrad GX4000|LibRetro_GX4K|mame_libretro|gx4000
  536. APF Imagination Machine|LibRetro_APF|mame_libretro|apfimag
  537. Apple IIGS|LibRetro_AIIGS|mame_libretro|apple2gs
  538. Applied Technology MicroBee|LibRetro_MBEE|mame_libretro|mbeeic
  539. Arcade Classics|LibRetro_ARCADE|mame_libretro
  540. Atari 2600|LibRetro_2600|stella_libretro|a2600
  541. Atari 5200|LibRetro_5200|mame_libretro|a5200
  542. Atari 7800|LibRetro_7800|prosystem_libretro|a7800
  543. Atari 8-Bit|LibRetro_ATARI8|mame_libretro|a800
  544. Atari Classics|LibRetro_ACLS|mame_libretro
  545. Atari Jaguar|LibRetro_JAG|virtualjaguar_libretro|jaguar
  546. Atari Lynx|LibRetro_LYNX|handy_libretro|lynx
  547. Atari ST|LibRetro_ST|hatari_libretro
  548. Atari XEGS|LibRetro_XEGS|mame_libretro|xegs
  549. Bally Astrocade|LibRetro_BAST|mame_libretro|astrocde
  550. Bandai Gundam RX-78|LibRetro_BGRX|mame_libretro|rx78
  551. Bandai Super Vision 8000|LibRetro_SV8K|mame_libretro|sv8000
  552. Bandai Wonderswan|LibRetro_WSAN|mednafen_wswan_libretro|wswan
  553. Bandai Wonderswan Color|LibRetro_WSANC|mednafen_wswan_libretro|wscolor
  554. Canon X07|LibRetro_CX07|mame_libretro|x07
  555. Capcom Classics|LibRetro_CAPC|mame_libretro
  556. Capcom Play System I|LibRetro_CPS1|fbalpha_libretro
  557. Capcom Play System II|LibRetro_CPS2|fbalpha_libretro
  558. Capcom Play System III|LibRetro_CPS3|mame_libretro
  559. Casio PV-1000|LibRetro_CAS1K|mame_libretro|pv1000
  560. Casio PV-2000|LibRetro_CAS2K|mame_libretro|pv2000
  561. Cave|LibRetro_CAVE|mame_libretro
  562. Coleco ADAM|LibRetro_ADAM|mame_libretro|adam
  563. ColecoVision|LibRetro_COLEC|mame_libretro|coleco
  564. Commodore Amiga|LibRetro_PUAE|puae_libretro
  565. Commodore Max Machine|LibRetro_CMAX|mame_libretro|vic10
  566. Commodore 64|LibRetro_C64|vice_x64_libretro|C64
  567. Creatronic Mega Duck|LibRetro_DUCK|mame_libretro|megaduck
  568. Daphne|LibRetro_Daphne|daphne_libretro
  569. Data East Classics|LibRetro_DATA|mame_libretro
  570. Dragon Data Dragon|LibRetro_DRAG64|mame_libretro|dragon64
  571. Elektronika BK|LibRetro_EBK|mame_libretro|bk0010
  572. Elektronska Industrija Pecom 64|LibRetro_P64|mame_libretro|pecom64
  573. Emerson Arcadia 2001|LibRetro_A2001|mame_libretro|arcadia
  574. Entex Adventure Vision|LibRetro_AVISION|mame_libretro|advision
  575. Epoch Game Pocket Computer|LibRetro_GPCKET|mame_libretro|gamepock
  576. Epoch Super Cassette Vision|LibRetro_SCV|mame_libretro|scv
  577. Exidy Sorcerer|LibRetro_SORCR|mame_libretro|sorcerer
  578. Fairchild Channel F|LibRetro_CHANF|mame_libretro|channelf
  579. Final Burn Alpha|LibRetro_FBA|fbalpha_libretro
  580. Funtech Super Acan|LibRetro_SACAN|mame_libretro|supracan
  581. GamePark 32|LibRetro_GP32|mame_libretro|gp32
  582. GCE Vectrex|LibRetro_VECTX|mame_libretro|vectrex
  583. Hartung Game Master|LibRetro_GMASTR|mame_libretro|gmaster
  584. Interton VC 4000|LibRetro_VC4K|mame_libretro|vc4000
  585. Irem Classics|LibRetro_IREM|mame_libretro
  586. JungleTac Sport Vii|LibRetro_SPORTV|mame_libretro|vii
  587. Konami Classics|LibRetro_KONC|mame_libretro
  588. Magnavox Odyssey 2|LibRetro_ODYS2|mame_libretro|odyssey2
  589. MAME|LibRetro_MAME|mame_libretro|mame
  590. Matra & Hachette Alice|LibRetro_ALICE|mame_libretro|alice32
  591. Mattel Aquarius|LibRetro_AQUA|mame_libretro|aquarius
  592. Mattel Intellivision|LibRetro_INTV|mame_libretro|intv
  593. MGT Sam Coupe|LibRetro_SAMCP|mame_libretro|
  594. Microsoft MS-DOS|LibRetro_MSDOS|dosbox_libretro
  595. Microsoft MSX|LibRetro_MSX|bluemsx_libretro
  596. Microsoft MSX2|LibRetro_MSX2|bluemsx_libretro
  597. Microsoft Windows 3.x|LibRetro_WIN3X|dosbox_libretro
  598. Midway Classics|LibRetro_MIDC|mame_libretro
  599. Namco Classics|LibRetro_NAMC|mame_libretro
  600. Namco System 22|LibRetro_NAM2|mame_libretro
  601. NEC PC Engine|LibRetro_PCE|mednafen_pce_libretro|pce,cart
  602. NEC PC Engine-CD|LibRetro_PCECD|mednafen_pce_libretro|pce,cdrom
  603. NEC PC-FX|LibRetro_PCFX|mednafen_pcfx_libretro
  604. NEC SuperGrafx|LibRetro_SGFX|mednafen_supergrafx_libretro|sgx,cart
  605. NEC TurboGrafx-16|LibRetro_TG16|mednafen_pce_libretro|tg16,cart
  606. NEC TurboGrafx-CD|LibRetro_TGCD|mednafen_pce_libretro|tg16,cdrom
  607. Nintendo 64|LibRetro_N64|mupen64plus_libretro|n64
  608. Nintendo 64DD|LibRetro_N64|mupen64plus_libretro
  609. Nintendo Arcade Systems|LibRetro_NINARC|mame_libretro
  610. Nintendo Classics|LibRetro_NINC|mame_libretro
  611. Nintendo DS|LibRetro_DS|desmume_libretro
  612. Nintendo Entertainment System|LibRetro_NES|nestopia_libretro|nes
  613. Nintendo Famicom|LibRetro_NFAM|nestopia_libretro
  614. Nintendo Famicom Disk System|LibRetro_NFDS|nestopia_libretro|famicom
  615. Nintendo Game Boy|LibRetro_GB|gambatte_libretro|gameboy
  616. Nintendo Game Boy Advance|LibRetro_GBA|vba_next_libretro|gba
  617. Nintendo Game Boy Color|LibRetro_GBC|gambatte_libretro|gbcolor
  618. Nintendo Game Boy Japan|LibRetro_GBJ|gambatte_libretro|gameboy
  619. Nintendo Game & Watch|LibRetro_GW|gw_libretro
  620. Nintendo Pokemon Mini|LibRetro_POKE|mame_libretro|pokemini
  621. Nintendo Satellaview|LibRetro_NSFS|snes9x_libretro
  622. Nintendo SuFami Turbo|LibRetro_NSFST|snes9x_libretro
  623. Nintendo Super Famicom|LibRetro_NSF|bsnes_balanced_libretro
  624. Nintendo Super Game Boy|LibRetro_SGB|bsnes_balanced_libretro
  625. Nintendo Virtual Boy|LibRetro_NVB|mednafen_vb_libretro|vboy
  626. Othello Multivision|LibRetro_OTHO|genesis_plus_gx_libretro
  627. Panasonic 3DO|LibRetro_3DO|4do_libretro
  628. Philips CD-i|LibRetro_CDI|mame_libretro|cdimono1
  629. Philips Videopac|LibRetro_PVID|mame_libretro|videopac
  630. RCA Studio II|LibRetro_STUD2|mame_libretro|studio2
  631. SCUMMVM|LibRetro_SCUMM|scummvm_libretro
  632. Sega 32X|LibRetro_32X|picodrive_libretro|32x
  633. Sega CD|LibRetro_SCD|genesis_plus_gx_libretro|segacd
  634. Sega Classics|LibRetro_SEGC|mame_libretro
  635. Sega Dreamcast|LibRetro_DCAST|reicast_libretro
  636. Sega Game Gear|LibRetro_GG|genesis_plus_gx_libretro|gamegear
  637. Sega Genesis|LibRetro_GEN|genesis_plus_gx_libretro|genesis
  638. Sega Mark III|Libretro_SM3|genesis_plus_gx_libretro
  639. Sega Master System|LibRetro_SMS|genesis_plus_gx_libretro|sms
  640. Sega Mega Drive|LibRetro_GEN|genesis_plus_gx_libretro|megadriv
  641. Sega Mega Drive 32X|LibRetro_MD32X|picodrive_libretro
  642. Sega Meganet|LibRetro_GEN|genesis_plus_gx_libretro|genesis
  643. Sega Nomad|LibRetro_GEN|genesis_plus_gx_libretro|genesis
  644. Sega Pico|LibRetro_PICO|picodrive_libretro
  645. Sega Saturn|LibRetro_SAT|yabause_libretro|saturn
  646. Sega Saturn Japan|LibRetro_SAT|yabause_libretro|saturnjp
  647. Sega SC-3000|LibRetro_SC3K|mame_libretro|sc3000
  648. Sega SG-1000|LibRetro_SG1K|genesis_plus_gx_libretro
  649. Sega ST-V|LibRetro_STV|mame_libretro
  650. Sega VMU|LibRetro_SVMU|mame_libretro|svmu
  651. Sharp X1|LibRetro_SX1|mame_libretro|x1
  652. Sharp X68000|LibRetro_SX68000|mame_libretro|x68000
  653. Sinclair ZX Spectrum|LibRetro_SPECZX|mame_libretro|spectrum
  654. Sinclair ZX81|LibRetro_ZX81|81_libretro|zx81
  655. SNK Classics|LibRetro_SNKC|mame_libretro
  656. SNK Neo Geo|LibRetro_NEO|fbalpha_libretro
  657. SNK Neo Geo AES|LibRetro_NEOAES|mame_libretro|aes
  658. SNK Neo Geo CD|LibRetro_NEOCD|mame_libretro|neocdz
  659. SNK Neo Geo MVS|LibRetro_NEOMVS|mame_libretro
  660. SNK Neo Geo Pocket|LibRetro_NGP|mednafen_ngp_libretro|ngp
  661. SNK Neo Geo Pocket Color|LibRetro_NGPC|mednafen_ngp_libretro|ngpc
  662. Sony PlayStation|LibRetro_PSX|mednafen_psx_libretro|psu
  663. Sony PlayStation Minis|LibRetro_PSXMIN|ppsspp_libretro
  664. Sony PocketStation|LibRetro_POCKS|mame_libretro|pockstat
  665. Sony PSP|LibRetro_PSP|ppsspp_libretro
  666. Sony PSP Minis|LibRetro_PSP|ppsspp_libretro
  667. Sord M5|LibRetro_SORD|mame_libretro|m5
  668. Spectravideo|LibRetro_SV328|mame_libretro|svi328n
  669. Super Nintendo Entertainment System|LibRetro_SNES|bsnes_balanced_libretro|snes
  670. Taito Classics|LibRetro_TAIC|mame_libretro
  671. Tandy TRS-80 Color Computer|LibRetro_TRS80|mame_libretro|coco3
  672. Technos|LibRetro_TECHN|mame_libretro
  673. Texas Instruments TI 99-4A|LibRetro_TI99|mame_libretro|ti99_4a
  674. Thomson MO5|LibRetro_MO5|mame_libretro|mo5
  675. Thomson TO7|LibRetro_TO7|mame_libretro|to7
  676. Tiger|LibRetro_TCOM|mame_libretro|gamecom
  677. Tiger Handheld Electronics|LibRetro_MAME|mame_libretro|mame
  678. Tiki-100|LibRetro_TIKI|mame_libretro|kontiki
  679. Tomy Tutor|LibRetro_TOMY|mame_libretro|tutor
  680. VTech CreatiVision|LibRetro_VTECH|mame_libretro|crvision
  681. Watara Supervision|LibRetro_SUPRV|mame_libretro|svision
  682. Williams Classics|LibRetro_WILLS|mame_libretro
  683. Sega Naomi|LibRetro_NAOMI|reicast_oit_libretro
  684. Sammy Atomiswave|LibRetro_ATOMISWAVE|reicast_oit_libretro
  686. )"
  687. mType := Object()
  688. Loop, Parse, mTypeVar, `n, `r
  689. {
  690. obj := {}
  691. Loop, Parse, A_LoopField, |
  692. {
  693. If (A_Index = 1)
  694. obj.System := A_LoopField
  695. Else If (A_Index = 2)
  696. obj.ID := A_LoopField
  697. Else If (A_Index = 3)
  698. obj.Core := A_LoopField
  699. Else { ; 4
  700. StringSplit, tmp, A_LoopField, `,
  701. obj.MAMEID := tmp1
  702. obj.MAMEMedia := tmp2
  703. }
  704. }
  705. mType.Insert(obj["System"], obj)
  706. }
  707. RLLog.Debug("Module - Finished building the " . MEmu . " object")
  708. ; For easier use throughout the module
  709. retroSystem := mType[systemName].System
  710. retroID := mType[systemName].ID
  711. retroCore := mType[systemName].Core
  712. retroMAMEID := mType[systemName].MAMEID
  713. retroMAMEMedia := mType[systemName].MAMEMedia
  714. RLLog.Info("Module - Using these system variables:")
  715. RLLog.Info("Module - retroSystem: " . retroSystem)
  716. RLLog.Info("Module - retroID: " . retroID)
  717. RLLog.Info("Module - retroCore: " . retroCore)
  718. RLLog.Info("Module - retroMAMEID: " . retroMAMEID)
  719. RLLog.Info("Module - retroMAMEMedia: " . retroMAMEMedia)
  720. If !retroSystem
  721. ScriptError("Your systemName is: " . systemName . "`nIt is not one of the known supported systems for this " . MEmu . " module: " . moduleName)
  722. If !retroCore
  723. ScriptError("Your Core ID is: " . retroID . "`nCould not find a default core to use. Please update the module with a default core.")
  725. Fullscreen := moduleIni.Read("Settings", "Fullscreen","true",,1)
  726. configFolder := moduleIni.Read("Settings", "ConfigFolder",emuPath . "\config",,1)
  727. singlecoreoptions := moduleIni.Read("Settings", "single_core_options","false",,1) = "true" ? ":\retroarch-core-options.cfg" : """"
  728. mameRomPath := moduleIni.Read("MAME", "BIOS_Roms_Folder",,,1)
  729. mameHideNag := If moduleIni.Read("MAME", "Hide_Nag_Screen","false",,1) = "true" ? "enabled" : "disabled"
  730. mameHideInfo := If moduleIni.Read("MAME", "Hide_Info_Screen","false",,1) = "true" ? "enabled" : "disabled"
  731. mameHideWarn := If moduleIni.Read("MAME", "Hide_Warning_Screen","false",,1) = "true" ? "enabled" : "disabled"
  732. hideConsole := moduleIni.Read("Settings", "HideConsole","true",,1)
  733. ejectToggleKey := moduleIni.Read("Settings", "Eject_Toggle_Key",,,1)
  734. nextDiskKey := moduleIni.Read("Settings", "Next_Disk_Key",,,1)
  735. prevDiskKey := moduleIni.Read("Settings", "Previous_Disk_Key",,,1)
  736. core := moduleIni.Read(romName . "|" . systemName, "LibRetro_Core",retroCore,,1)
  737. superGB := moduleIni.Read(romName . "|" . systemName, "SuperGameBoy","false",,1)
  738. enableNetworkPlay := moduleIni.Read(romName . "|Network", "Enable_Network_Play","false",,1)
  739. overlay := moduleIni.Read(romName . "|" . systemName, "Overlay",,,1)
  740. videoShader := moduleIni.Read(romName . "|" . systemName, "VideoShader",,,1)
  741. aspectRatioIndex := moduleIni.Read(romName . "|" . systemName, "AspectRatioIndex",,,1)
  742. customViewportWidth := moduleIni.Read(romName . "|" . systemName, "CustomViewportWidth",,,1)
  743. customViewportHeight := moduleIni.Read(romName . "|" . systemName, "CustomViewportHeight",,,1)
  744. customViewportX := moduleIni.Read(romName . "|" . systemName, "CustomViewportX",,,1)
  745. customViewportY := moduleIni.Read(romName . "|" . systemName, "CustomViewportY",,,1)
  746. stretchToFillBezel := moduleIni.Read(romName . "|" . systemName, "StretchToFillBezel","false",,1)
  747. rotation := moduleIni.Read(romName . "|" . systemName, "Rotation",0,,1)
  748. cropOverscan := moduleIni.Read(romName . "|" . systemName, "CropOverscan",,,1)
  749. threadedVideo := moduleIni.Read(romName . "|" . systemName, "ThreadedVideo",,,1)
  750. vSync := moduleIni.Read(romName . "|" . systemName, "VSync",,,1)
  751. integerScale := moduleIni.Read(romName . "|" . systemName, "IntegerScale",,,1)
  752. configurationPerCore := moduleIni.Read(romName . "|" . systemName, "ConfigurationPerCore","false",,1)
  754. If (StringUtils.Contains(core, "^(mame|mess|ume)") && !retroMAMEID) {
  755. retroMAMEID := "mame" ; set all systems that use a mame core to the default mame ID so any system name is supported
  756. RLLog.Warning("Module - Setting MAMEID to default ""mame"" for """ . retroSystem . """")
  757. }
  759. configFolder := RLObject.getFullPathFromRelative(rlPath,configFolder)
  760. mameRomPath := If mameRomPath ? RLObject.getFullPathFromRelative(rlPath,mameRomPath) : romPath
  761. overlay := RLObject.getFullPathFromRelative(rlPath,overlay)
  762. videoShader := RLObject.getFullPathFromRelative(rlPath,videoShader)
  763. rotateBezel := false
  765. configFolder := new Folder(configFolder)
  767. If (retroID = "LibRetro_SGB" || superGB = "true") ; if system or rom is set to use Super Game Boy
  768. { superGB := "true" ; setting this just in case it's false and the system is Nintendo Super Game Boy
  769. sgbRomPath := CheckFile(emuPath . "\system\Super Game Boy (World).sfc","Could not find the rom required for Super Game Boy support. Make sure the rom ""Super Game Boy (World).sfc"" is located in: " . emuPath . "\system")
  770. CheckFile(emuPath . "\system\sgb.boot.rom","Could not find the bios required for Super Game Boy support. Make sure the bios ""sgb.boot.rom"" is located in: " . emuPath . "\system")
  771. retroID := "LibRetro_SGB" ; switching to Super Game Boy mode
  772. retroSystem := "Nintendo Super Game Boy"
  773. }
  775. ; Find the dll for this system
  776. libDll := CheckFile(emuPath . "\cores\" . core . ".dll", "Your " . retroID . " dll is set to " . core . " but could not locate this file:`n" . emuPath . "\cores\" . core . ".dll")
  778. ; Find the cfg file to use
  779. If !configFolder.Exist()
  780. ScriptError("You need to make sure ""ConfigFolder"" is pointing to your RetroArch config folder. By default it is looking here: """ . configFolder.FilePath . """")
  781. globalRetroCfg := emuPath . "\retroarch.cfg"
  782. systemRetroCfg := configFolder.FilePath . "\" . retroSystem . ".cfg"
  783. coreRetroCfg := configFolder.FilePath . "\" . core . ".cfg"
  784. RLLog.Info("Module - Global cfg should be: " . globalRetroCfg)
  785. RLLog.Info("Module - System cfg should be: " . systemRetroCfg)
  786. RLLog.Info("Module - Core cfg should be: " . coreRetroCfg)
  787. foundCfg := ""
  789. systemRetroCfg := new File(systemRetroCfg)
  790. coreRetroCfg := new File(coreRetroCfg)
  791. globalRetroCfg := new File(globalRetroCfg)
  793. If systemRetroCfg.Exist() { ; check for system cfg first
  794. retroCFGFile := systemRetroCfg
  795. foundCfg := 1
  796. RLLog.Info("Module - Found a System cfg!")
  797. } Else If coreRetroCfg.Exist() { ; 2nd option is a core config
  798. retroCFGFile := coreRetroCfg
  799. foundCfg := 1
  800. RLLog.Info("Module - Found a Core cfg!")
  801. } Else If globalRetroCfg.Exist() { ; 3rd is global cfg
  802. retroCFGFile := globalRetroCfg
  803. foundCfg := 1
  804. RLLog.Info("Module - Found a Global cfg!")
  805. }
  806. If foundCfg {
  807. RLLog.Info("Module - " . MEmu . " is using " . retroCFGFile.FileFullPath . " as its config file.")
  808. retroCFG := LoadProperties(retroCFGFile.FileFullPath)
  809. } Else
  810. RLLog.Warning("Module - Could not find a cfg file to update settings. RetroArch will make one for you.")
  812. If StringUtils.Contains(rotation,"1|3") ; use vertical bezel if RA rotation is set to 90 or 270 degrees
  813. rotateBezel := true
  815. If StringUtils.Contains(retroID, "LibRetro_NFDS|LibRetro_SCD|LibRetro_TGCD|LibRetro_PCECD|LibRetro_PCFX") { ; these systems require the retroarch settings to be read
  816. retroSysDir := ReadProperty(retroCFG,"system_directory") ; read value
  817. retroSysDir := ConvertRetroCFGKey(retroSysDir) ; remove dbl quotes
  818. retroSysDirLeft := StringUtils.Left(retroSysDir, 2)
  819. If (retroSysDirLeft = ":\") { ; if retroarch is set to use a default folder
  820. retroSysDir := StringUtils.TrimLeft(retroSysDir, 1)
  821. RLLog.Info("Module - RetroArch is using a relative system path: """ . retroSysDir . """")
  822. retroSysDir := emuPath . retroSysDir
  823. }
  824. If !retroSysDir
  825. ScriptError("RetroArch requires you to set your system_directory and place bios rom(s) in there for """ . retroSystem . """ to function. Please do this first by running ""retroarch-phoenix.exe"" manually.")
  826. checkForSlash := StringUtils.Right(retroSysDir, 1)
  827. If (checkForSlash = "\") ; check if a backslash is the last character. If it is, remove it, as this is non-standard method to define folders
  828. retroSysDir := StringUtils.TrimRight(retroSysDir, 1)
  829. }
  831. If (StringUtils.Contains(core, "^(mame|mess|ume)")) || (StringUtils.Contains(retroID, "LibRetro_N64|LibRetro_NES|LibRetro_LYNX|LibRetro_PSX")) || (StringUtils.Contains(retroID, "LibRetro_NES") && (StringUtils.Contains(core, "nestopia_libretro"))) { ; these systems will use an ini to store game specific settings
  832. RLLog.Info("Module - Reading / creating system ini for specific settings.")
  833. If !StringUtils.Contains(core, "^(mame|mess|ume)") {
  834. If !SystemModuleIni.Exist()
  835. SystemModuleIni.Append ; create a new blank ini file if one does not exist
  836. }
  838. coreOptionsCFG := LoadProperties(coreOptionsCFGFile.FileFullPath)
  840. If StringUtils.Contains(core, "^(mame|mess|ume)") { ; Set some MAME/MESS/UME core options.
  841. tmpCore := If StringUtils.Contains(core, "mame") ? "mame" : "mess"
  842. WriteProperty(coreOptionsCFG, tmpCore . "_read_config", """enabled""", 1)
  843. WriteProperty(coreOptionsCFG, tmpCore . "_boot_from_cli", """enabled""", 1) ; This needs to be enabled in order to run games with RLauncher
  844. WriteProperty(coreOptionsCFG, tmpCore . "_hide_nagscreen", "" . mameHideNag . "", 1)
  845. WriteProperty(coreOptionsCFG, tmpCore . "_hide_infoscreen", "" . mameHideInfo . "", 1)
  846. WriteProperty(coreOptionsCFG, tmpCore . "_hide_warnings", "" . mameHideWarn . "", 1)
  847. } Else If StringUtils.Contains(retroID, "LibRetro_N64") { ; Nintendo 64
  848. mupenGfx := moduleIni.Read(romName . "|" . systemName, "Mupen_Gfx_Plugin", "auto",,1)
  849. mupenRsp := moduleIni.Read(romName . "|" . systemName, "Mupen_RSP_Plugin", "auto",,1)
  850. mupenCpu := moduleIni.Read(romName . "|" . systemName, "Mupen_CPU_Core", "dynamic_recompiler",,1)
  851. mupenPak1 := moduleIni.Read(romName . "|" . systemName, "Mupen_Pak_1", "memory",,1)
  852. mupenPak2 := moduleIni.Read(romName . "|" . systemName, "Mupen_Pak_2", "memory",,1)
  853. mupenPak3 := moduleIni.Read(romName . "|" . systemName, "Mupen_Pak_3", "memory",,1)
  854. mupenPak4 := moduleIni.Read(romName . "|" . systemName, "Mupen_Pak_4", "memory",,1)
  855. mupenGfxAccur := moduleIni.Read(romName . "|" . systemName, "Mupen_Gfx_Accuracy", "high",,1)
  856. mupenExpMem := moduleIni.Read(romName . "|" . systemName, "Mupen_Disable_Exp_Memory", "no",,1)
  857. mupenTexturFilt := moduleIni.Read(romName . "|" . systemName, "Mupen_Texture_Filtering", "nearest",,1)
  858. mupenViRefresh := moduleIni.Read(romName . "|" . systemName, "Mupen_VI_Refresh", "2200",,1)
  859. mupenFramerate := moduleIni.Read(romName . "|" . systemName, "Mupen_Framerate", "fullspeed",,1)
  860. mupenResolution := moduleIni.Read(romName . "|" . systemName, "Mupen_Resolution", "640x480",,1)
  861. mupenPolyOffstFctr := moduleIni.Read(romName . "|" . systemName, "Mupen_Polygon_Offset_Factor", "-3.0",,1)
  862. mupenPolyOffstUnts := moduleIni.Read(romName . "|" . systemName, "Mupen_Polygon_Offset_Units", "-3.0",,1)
  863. mupenViOverlay := moduleIni.Read(romName . "|" . systemName, "Mupen_VI_Overlay", "disabled",,1)
  864. mupenAnalogDzone := moduleIni.Read(romName . "|" . systemName, "Mupen_Analog_Deadzone", "15",,1)
  866. WriteProperty(coreOptionsCFG, "mupen64-gfxplugin", mupenGfx, 1)
  867. WriteProperty(coreOptionsCFG, "mupen64-rspplugin", mupenRsp, 1)
  868. WriteProperty(coreOptionsCFG, "mupen64-cpucore", mupenCpu, 1)
  869. WriteProperty(coreOptionsCFG, "mupen64-pak1", mupenPak1, 1)
  870. WriteProperty(coreOptionsCFG, "mupen64-pak2", mupenPak2, 1)
  871. WriteProperty(coreOptionsCFG, "mupen64-pak3", mupenPak3, 1)
  872. WriteProperty(coreOptionsCFG, "mupen64-pak4", mupenPak4, 1)
  873. WriteProperty(coreOptionsCFG, "mupen64-gfxplugin-accuracy", mupenGfxAccur, 1)
  874. WriteProperty(coreOptionsCFG, "mupen64-disableexpmem", mupenExpMem, 1)
  875. WriteProperty(coreOptionsCFG, "mupen64-filtering", mupenTexturFilt, 1)
  876. WriteProperty(coreOptionsCFG, "mupen64-virefresh", mupenViRefresh, 1)
  877. WriteProperty(coreOptionsCFG, "mupen64-framerate", mupenFramerate, 1)
  878. WriteProperty(coreOptionsCFG, "mupen64-screensize", mupenResolution, 1)
  879. WriteProperty(coreOptionsCFG, "mupen64-polyoffset-factor", mupenPolyOffstFctr, 1)
  880. WriteProperty(coreOptionsCFG, "mupen64-polyoffset-units", mupenPolyOffstUnts, 1)
  881. WriteProperty(coreOptionsCFG, "mupen64-angrylion-vioverlay", mupenViOverlay, 1)
  882. WriteProperty(coreOptionsCFG, "mupen64-astick-deadzone", mupenAnalogDzone, 1)
  883. } Else If StringUtils.Contains(retroID, "LibRetro_NES") { ; these systems will use an ini to store game specific settings
  884. If StringUtils.Contains(core, "nestopia_libretro") { ; Nestopia
  885. nestopiaBlargg := moduleIni.Read(romName . "|Nestopia", "Nestopia_Blargg_NTSC_Filter", "disabled",,1)
  886. nestopiaPalette := moduleIni.Read(romName . "|Nestopia", "Nestopia_Palette", "canonical",,1)
  887. nestopiaNoSprteLimit := moduleIni.Read(romName . "|Nestopia", "Nestopia_Remove_Sprites_Limit", "disabled",,1)
  889. WriteProperty(coreOptionsCFG, "nestopia_blargg_ntsc_filter", nestopiaBlargg, 1)
  890. WriteProperty(coreOptionsCFG, "nestopia_palette", nestopiaPalette, 1)
  891. WriteProperty(coreOptionsCFG, "nestopia_nospritelimit", nestopiaNoSprteLimit, 1)
  892. }
  893. } Else If StringUtils.Contains(retroID, "LibRetro_LYNX") { ; Atari Lynx
  894. If StringUtils.Contains(core, "handy_libretro") { ; Handy
  895. handyRotate := moduleIni.Read(romName . "|" . systemName, "Handy_Rotation", "None",,1)
  896. If StringUtils.Contains(handyRotate, "240") or StringUtils.Contains(handyRotate, "90")
  897. rotateBezel := true
  898. WriteProperty(coreOptionsCFG, "handy_rot", handyRotate, 1)
  899. }
  900. } Else If StringUtils.Contains(retroID, "LibRetro_PSX") { ; Sony PlayStation
  901. psxCdImageCache := moduleIni.Read(romName . "|" . systemName, "PSX_CD_Image_Cache", """enabled""",,1)
  902. psxMemcardHandling := moduleIni.Read(romName . "|" . systemName, "PSX_Memcard_Handling", """libretro""",,1)
  903. psxDualshockAnalogToggle := moduleIni.Read(romName . "|" . systemName, "PSX_Dualshock_Analog_Toggle", """enabled""",,1)
  905. WriteProperty(coreOptionsCFG, "beetle_psx_cdimagecache", psxCdImageCache, 1)
  906. WriteProperty(coreOptionsCFG, "beetle_psx_use_mednafen_memcard0_method", psxMemcardHandling, 1)
  907. WriteProperty(coreOptionsCFG, "beetle_psx_analog_toggle", psxDualshockAnalogToggle, 1)
  908. }
  909. SaveProperties(coreOptionsCFGFile.FileFullPath, coreOptionsCFG)
  910. }
  912. hideEmuObj := Object(emuConsoleWindow,0,emuPrimaryWindow,1)
  913. 7z(romPath, romName, romExtension, sevenZExtractPath)
  915. mgM3UFile := new File(romPath . "\" . romTable[1,4] . ".m3u")
  917. mgRomExtensions := "cue|iso|ccd"
  918. mgValidExtension := false
  920. Loop, Parse, mgRomExtensions, |
  921. If (romExtension = "." . A_LoopField)
  922. mgValidExtension := true
  924. If (StringUtils.Contains(retroID, "LibRetro_PSX") && romTable.MaxIndex() && mgValidExtension) { ; See if MultiGame table is populated
  925. m3uRomIndex := Object()
  926. mgType := romTable[1,6] . " "
  927. mgMaxIndex := romTable.MaxIndex()
  928. mgRomIndex := 0
  930. If mgM3UFile.Exist()
  931. mgM3UFile.Delete()
  933. Loop % mgMaxIndex
  934. {
  935. If (romTable[A_Index, 3] = romName) {
  936. tempType := romTable[A_Index, 5]
  937. mgRomIndex := StringUtils.TrimLeft(tempType, StringUtils.StringLength(mgType))
  938. RLLog.Info("Found rom index in rom set in romTable: " . mgRomIndex)
  939. Break
  940. }
  941. }
  943. If (mgRomIndex > 0) {
  944. tempRomIndex := mgRomIndex
  945. Loop % mgMaxIndex
  946. {
  947. mgTypeIndex := mgType . tempRomIndex
  948. m3uRomIndex.Insert(tempRomIndex)
  950. Loop % mgMaxIndex
  951. {
  952. If (romTable[A_Index, 5] = mgTypeIndex) {
  953. tempRomPath := romTable[A_Index, 1]
  954. mgM3UFile.Append(tempRomPath . "`n")
  955. RLLog.Info("Module - Appending rom path to m3u: " . tempRomPath)
  956. Break
  957. }
  958. }
  960. If (tempRomIndex < mgMaxIndex)
  961. tempRomIndex++
  962. Else
  963. tempRomIndex := 1
  964. }
  965. }
  966. }
  968. ; MAME/MESS/UME core options
  969. MAMEParam1 := ""
  970. MAMEParam2 := ""
  971. MAMEParam3 := ""
  972. If StringUtils.Contains(core, "^(mame|mess|ume)") { ; if a MAME/MESS/UME core is used
  973. If !retroMAMEID
  974. ScriptError("Your systemName is: " . systemName . "`nIt is not one of the known supported systems for the MAME/MESS/UME LibRetro core")
  975. Else
  976. RLLog.Info("Module - MAME/MESS/UME mode using a known ident: " . retroMAMEID)
  978. If !mameRomPath
  979. ScriptError("Please set the RetroArch module setting ""BIOS_Roms_Folder"" to the folder that contains your MAME/MESS/UME BIOS roms to use with RetroArch.")
  981. If (retroMAMEID = "mame") { ; want this for arcade mame only
  982. RLLog.Info("Module - Retroarch MAME/MESS/UME Arcade mode enabled")
  983. fullRomPath := " """ . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """"
  984. } Else {
  985. RLLog.Info("Module - Retroarch MAME/MESS/UME Console/PC mode enabled")
  986. MAMEParam1 := ""
  987. MAMEParam2 := " -rompath \""" . mameRomPath . "\"""
  989. ; If we already have a media type, then use it.
  990. If (StringUtils.Contains(retroMAMEID, "tg16|pce") && retroMAMEMedia = "cart") {
  991. ;MAMEParam3 := " -cart \" . """" . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . "\" . """"
  992. MAMEParam3 := " -cart \""" . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . "\"""""
  993. ; TODO: This needs a better way to handle the cdrom bios files, in my opinion. As it is, there's no clean way to pick between the v2.00 or v3.00 bios.
  994. ; Defaulting to the TurboDuo cdrom bios since it will play 2.00 or 3.00 games.
  995. } Else If (StringUtils.Contains(retroMAMEID, "tg16|pce") && retroMAMEMedia = "cdrom") {
  996. ;MAMEParam3 := " -cart cdsys -cdrm \" . """" . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . "\" . """"
  997. MAMEParam3 := " -cart scdsys -cdrm \""" . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . "\"""""
  998. } Else {
  999. ; Build a key/value object containing the different MAMEParam3 choices
  1000. MAMEP3 := Object("alice32","cass1","gp32","memc","cpc464","cass","spectrum","cass","dragon64","cass","cdimono1","cdrom","bk0010","cass","neocd","cdrom","neocdz","cdrom","saturn","cdrm","saturnjp","cdrm","svi328n","cass","pecom64","cass","psu","cdrm","svmu","quik","gamecom","cart1","mbeeic","quik1")
  1001. MAMEParam3 := MAMEP3[retroMAMEID] ; search object for the retroMAMEID pair
  1002. MAMEParam3 := " -" . (If MAMEParam3 ? MAMEParam3 : "cart") . " \" . """" . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . "\" . """"
  1003. }
  1005. If (retroMAMEID = "mbeeic") ; Applied Technology MicroBee
  1006. { microbeeModel := IniReadCheck(MAMESysINI, romName, "MicroBee_Model","mbeeic",,1)
  1007. If microbeeModel not in mbee,mbeeic,mbeepc,mbeepc85,mbee56
  1008. ScriptError("This is not a known MicroBee model value: " . microbeeModel)
  1009. Else If (microbeeModel != "mbeeic")
  1010. retroMAMEID := microbeeModel
  1011. If romExtension in .mwb,.com,.bee
  1012. mediaDeviceType := "quik1"
  1013. Else If romExtension in .wav,.tap
  1014. mediaDeviceType := "cass"
  1015. Else If romExtension in .rom
  1016. mediaDeviceType := "cart"
  1017. Else If romExtension in .dsk
  1018. mediaDeviceType := "flop1"
  1019. Else ; .bin format
  1020. mediaDeviceType := "quik2"
  1021. MAMEParam3 := " -" . mediaDeviceType . " \" . """" . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . "\" . """"
  1022. }
  1024. If (retroMAMEID = "x68000") ; Sharp X68000
  1025. {
  1026. If romExtension in .xdf,.hdm,.2hd,.dim,.d77,.d88,.1dd,.dfi,.imd,.ipf,.mfi,.mfm,.td0,.cqm,.cqi,.dsk
  1027. mediaDeviceType := "flop1"
  1028. Else ; .bin format
  1029. mediaDeviceType := "sasi"
  1030. MAMEParam3 := " -" . mediaDeviceType . " \" . """" . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . "\" . """"
  1031. }
  1033. fullRomPath := MAMEParam1 . MAMEParam2 . MAMEParam3
  1034. }
  1035. } Else If (superGB = "true") {
  1036. RLLog.Info("Module - Retroarch Super Game Boy mode enabled")
  1037. fullRomPath := " """ . sgbRomPath . """ --subsystem sgb """ . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """"
  1038. } Else {
  1039. RLLog.Info("Module - Retroarch standard mode enabled")
  1040. fullRomPath := " """ . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """"
  1041. }
  1043. If (retroID = "LibRetro_NFDS") ; Nintendo Famicom Disk System
  1044. { disksysRom := new File(retroSysDir . "\disksys.rom")
  1045. If !disksysRom.Exist()
  1046. ScriptError("RetroArch requires ""disksys.rom"" for " . retroSystem . " but could not find it in your system_directory: """ . retroSysDir . """")
  1047. } Else If (retroID = "LibRetro_SCD") ; Sega CD
  1048. { If !StringUtils.Contains(romExtension, "\.bin|\.cue|\.iso")
  1049. ScriptError("RetroArch only supports Sega CD games in bin|cue|iso format. It does not support:`n" . romExtension)
  1050. biosCDEBin := new File(retroSysDir . "\bios_CD_E.bin")
  1051. biosCDUBin := new File(retroSysDir . "\bios_CD_U.bin")
  1052. biosCDJBin := new File(retroSysDir . "\bios_CD_J.bin")
  1053. If !biosCDEBin.Exist()
  1054. ScriptError("RetroArch requires ""bios_CD_E.bin"" for " . retroSystem . " but could not find it in your system_directory: """ . retroSysDir . """")
  1055. If !biosCDUBin.Exist()
  1056. ScriptError("RetroArch requires ""bios_CD_U.bin"" for " . retroSystem . " but could not find it in your system_directory: """ . retroSysDir . """")
  1057. If !biosCDJBin.Exist()
  1058. ScriptError("RetroArch requires ""bios_CD_J.bin"" for " . retroSystem . " but could not find it in your system_directory: """ . retroSysDir . """")
  1059. } Else If StringUtils.Contains(retroID,"LibRetro_PCECD|LibRetro_TGCD") ; NEC PC Engine-CD and NEC TurboGrafx-CD
  1060. { If !StringUtils.Contains(romExtension,"\.ccd|\.cue")
  1061. ScriptError("RetroArch only supports " . retroSystem . " games in ccd or cue format. It does not support:`n" . romExtension)
  1062. sysCard3Pce := new File(retroSysDir . "\syscard3.pce")
  1063. If !sysCard3Pce.Exist()
  1064. ScriptError("RetroArch requires ""syscard3.pce"" for " . retroSystem . " but could not find it in your system_directory: """ . retroSysDir . """")
  1065. } Else If (retroID = "LibRetro_PCFX")
  1066. { If !StringUtils.Contains(romExtension,"\.ccd|\.cue")
  1067. ScriptError("RetroArch only supports " . retroSystem . " games in ccd or cue format. It does not support:`n" . romExtension)
  1068. pcfxBios := new File(retroSysDir . "\pcfx.bios")
  1069. If !pcfxBios.Exist()
  1070. ScriptError("RetroArch requires ""pcfx.bios"" for " . retroSystem . " but could not find it in your system_directory: """ . retroSysDir . """")
  1071. } Else If (retroID = "LibRetro_SCUMM")
  1072. {
  1073. scummFile := new File(romPath . "\" . romName . ".scummvm")
  1074. If !scummFile.Exist()
  1075. scummFile.Append("""" . romName . """")
  1076. }
  1078. networkSession := ""
  1079. If (enableNetworkPlay = "true") {
  1080. RLLog.Info("Module - Network Multi-Player is an available option for " . dbName)
  1082. netplayNickname := moduleIni.Read("Network", "NetPlay_Nickname","Player",,1)
  1083. getWANIP := moduleIni.Read("Network", "Get_WAN_IP","false",,1)
  1085. If (getWANIP = "true")
  1086. myPublicIP := GetPublicIP()
  1089. defaultServerIP := moduleIni.Read("Network", "Default_Server_IP", myPublicIP,,1)
  1090. defaultServerPort := moduleIni.Read("Network", "Default_Server_Port",,,1)
  1091. lastIP := moduleIni.Read("Network", "Last_IP", defaultServerIP,,1) ; does not need to be on the ISD
  1092. lastPort := moduleIni.Read("Network", "Last_Port", defaultServerPort,,1) ; does not need to be on the ISD
  1094. mpMenuStatus := MultiPlayerMenu(lastIP,lastPort,networkType,,0)
  1095. If (mpMenuStatus = -1) { ; if user exited menu early
  1096. RLLog.Warning("Module - Cancelled MultiPlayer Menu. Exiting module.")
  1097. ExitModule()
  1098. }
  1099. If networkSession {
  1100. RLLog.Info("Module - Using a Network for " . dbName)
  1101. moduleIni.Write(networkPort, "GlobalModuleIni", "Network", "Last_Port")
  1102. ; msgbox lastIP: %lastIP%`nlastPort: %lastPort%`nnetworkIP: %networkIP%`nnetworkPort: %networkPort%
  1103. If (networkType = "client") {
  1104. moduleIni.Write(networkIP, "GlobalModuleIni", "Network", "Last_IP") ; Save last used IP and Port for quicker launching next time
  1105. netCommand := " -C " . networkIP . " --port " . networkPort . " --nick """ . netplayNickname . """" ; -C = connect as client
  1106. } Else { ; server
  1107. netCommand := " -H --port " . networkPort . " --nick """ . netplayNickname . """" ; -H = host as server
  1108. }
  1110. RLLog.Info("Module - Starting a network session using the IP """ . networkIP . """ and PORT """ . networkPort . """")
  1111. } Else
  1112. RLLog.Info("Module - User chose Single Player mode for this session")
  1113. }
  1115. BezelStart(,,(If rotateBezel ? 1:""))
  1117. If foundCfg {
  1118. If (stretchToFillBezel = "true" and bezelEnabled = "true" and bezelPath)
  1119. {
  1120. customViewportWidth := bezelScreenWidth
  1121. customViewportHeight := bezelScreenHeight
  1122. customViewportX := 0
  1123. customViewportY := 0
  1124. aspectRatioIndex := 22
  1125. RLLog.Info("Stretching viewport to fit bezel")
  1126. }
  1128. raCfgHasChanges := ""
  1129. WriteRetroProperty("core_options_path", singlecoreoptions)
  1130. WriteRetroProperty("input_overlay", overlay)
  1131. WriteRetroProperty("video_shader", videoShader)
  1132. WriteRetroProperty("aspect_ratio_index", aspectRatioIndex)
  1133. WriteRetroProperty("custom_viewport_width", customViewportWidth)
  1134. WriteRetroProperty("custom_viewport_height", customViewportHeight)
  1135. WriteRetroProperty("custom_viewport_x", customViewportX)
  1136. WriteRetroProperty("custom_viewport_y", customViewportY)
  1137. WriteRetroProperty("video_rotation", rotation)
  1138. WriteRetroProperty("video_crop_overscan", cropOverscan)
  1139. WriteRetroProperty("video_threaded", threadedVideo)
  1140. WriteRetroProperty("video_vsync", vSync)
  1141. WriteRetroProperty("video_scale_integer", integerScale)
  1142. WriteRetroProperty("input_disk_eject_toggle", ejectToggleKey)
  1143. WriteRetroProperty("input_disk_next", nextDiskKey)
  1144. WriteRetroProperty("input_disk_prev", prevDiskKey)
  1145. If StringUtils.Contains(retroID, "LibRetro_PSX") {
  1146. Loop, 8 ; Loop 8 times for 8 controllers
  1147. { p%A_Index%ControllerType := moduleIni.Read(romName . "|" . systemName, "P" . A_Index . "_Controller_Type", 517,,1)
  1148. WriteRetroProperty("input_libretro_device_p" . A_Index, p%A_Index%ControllerType)
  1149. }
  1150. }
  1152. If raCfgHasChanges {
  1153. RLLog.Info("Module - Saving changed settings to: """ . retroCFGFile.FileFullPath . """")
  1154. SaveProperties(retroCFGFile.FileFullPath, retroCFG)
  1155. }
  1156. }
  1158. fullscreen := If fullscreen = "true" ? " -f" : ""
  1159. retroCFGFileCLI := If foundCfg ? " -c """ . retroCFGFile.FileFullPath . """" : ""
  1163. HideAppStart(hideEmuObj,hideEmu)
  1165. If (StringUtils.Contains(core, "^(mame|mess|ume)") && (retroMAMEID != "mame")) { ; if a MAME/MESS/UME core is used
  1166. primaryExe.Run(" """ . (retroMAMEID ? retroMAMEID : "") . fullRomPath . """ " . fullscreen . retroCFGFileCLI . " -L """ . libDll . netCommand, "Hide")
  1167. } Else If (retroID = "LibRetro_SCUMM") {
  1168. primaryExe.Run(" """ . scummFile . """" . fullscreen . retroCFGFileCLI . " -L """ . libDll . "" . netCommand, "Hide")
  1169. } Else If (retroID = "LibRetro_SGB" || If superGB = "true") { ; For some reason, the order of our command line matters in this particular case.
  1170. primaryExe.Run(fullscreen . retroCFGFileCLI . " -L """ . libDll . fullRomPath . netCommand, "Hide")
  1171. } Else If mgM3UFile.Exist() {
  1172. primaryExe.Run(" """ . mgM3UFile.FileFullPath . """" . fullscreen . retroCFGFileCLI . " -L """ . libDll . netCommand, "Hide")
  1173. } Else {
  1174. primaryExe.Run(" " . fullRomPath . fullscreen . retroCFGFileCLI . " -L """ . libDll . netCommand, "Hide")
  1175. }
  1177. mpMenuStatus := ""
  1178. If networkSession {
  1179. canceledServerWait := false
  1180. multiplayerMenuExit := false
  1181. TimerUtils.SetTimer("NetworkConnectedCheck", 500)
  1183. If (networkType = "server") {
  1184. RLLog.Info("Module - Waiting for a client to connect to your server")
  1185. mpMenuStatus := MultiPlayerMenu(,,,,,,,,"You are the server. Please wait for your client to connect.")
  1186. } Else { ; client
  1187. RLLog.Info("Module - Trying to contact the server to establish a connection.")
  1188. mpMenuStatus := MultiPlayerMenu(,,,,,,,,"Attempting to connect to the server...")
  1189. }
  1191. If (mpMenuStatus = -1) { ; if user exited menu early before a client connected
  1192. RLLog.Warning("Module - Cancelled waiting for the " . If (networkType = "server") ? "client to connect" : "server to respond" . ". Exiting module.")
  1193. If primaryExe.Process("Exist")
  1194. primaryExe.Process("Close") ; must close process as the exe is waiting for a client to connect and no window was drawn yet
  1195. ExitModule()
  1196. } Else { ; blank response from MultiPlayerMenu, exited properly
  1197. RLLog.Info("Module - " . If (networkType = "server") ? "Client has connected" : "Connected to the server")
  1198. emuPrimaryWindow.Wait()
  1199. emuPrimaryWindow.WaitActive()
  1200. }
  1201. TimerUtils.SetTimer("NetworkConnectedCheck", "Off")
  1202. } Else { ; single player
  1203. emuPrimaryWindow.Wait()
  1204. emuPrimaryWindow.WaitActive()
  1205. }
  1207. If (hideConsole = "true")
  1208. emuConsoleWindow.Set("Transparent", "On") ; makes the console window transparent so you don't see it on exit
  1210. BezelDraw()
  1211. HideAppEnd(hideEmuObj,hideEmu)
  1212. FadeInExit()
  1213. primaryExe.Process("WaitClose")
  1214. 7zCleanUp()
  1215. BezelExit()
  1216. FadeOutExit()
  1217. ExitModule()
  1220. ; Writes new properties into the retroCFG if defined by user
  1221. WriteRetroProperty(key,value="") {
  1222. If (value != "") {
  1223. Global retroCFG,raCfgHasChanges
  1224. WriteProperty(retroCFG, key, value,1,1)
  1225. raCfgHasChanges := 1
  1226. }
  1227. }
  1229. ; Used to convert between RetroArch keys and usable data
  1230. ConvertRetroCFGKey(txt,direction="read"){
  1231. Global emuPath,RLLog
  1232. If (direction = "read")
  1233. { newtxt := StringUtils.TrimLeft(txt,1,0) ; removes the " from the left of the txt
  1234. newtxt := StringUtils.TrimRight(newtxt,1,0) ; removes the " from the right of the txt
  1235. relativeCheck := StringUtils.SubStr(newtxt,1,1,0)
  1236. If StringUtils.Contains(relativeCheck,":",0) { ; if the path contains a ":" then it is a relative path
  1237. RLLog.Debug("ConvertRetroCFGKey - " . newtxt . " is a relative path")
  1238. newtxt := StringUtils.TrimLeft(newtxt,1,0) ; removes the : from the left of the txt
  1239. newtxt := AbsoluteFromRelative(emuPath, "." . newtxt) ; convert relative to absolute
  1240. }
  1241. If StringUtils.Contains(newtxt,"/",0)
  1242. newtxt := StringUtils.Replace(newtxt,"/","\",1,,0) ; replaces all forward slashes with backslashes
  1243. } Else If (direction = "write")
  1244. { newtxt := """" . txt . """" ; wraps the txt with ""
  1245. If StringUtils.Contains(newtxt,"\\",0)
  1246. newtxt := StringUtils.Replace(newtxt,"\","/",1,,0) ; replaces all backslashes with forward slashes
  1247. } Else
  1248. ScriptError("Not a valid use of ConvertRetroCFGKey. Only ""read"" or ""write"" are supported.")
  1249. RLLog.Debug("ConvertRetroCFGKey - Converted " . txt . " to " . newtxt)
  1250. Return newtxt
  1251. }
  1253. MultiGame:
  1254. KeyUtils.SetKeyDelay(100)
  1255. emuPrimaryWindow.Activate()
  1256. KeyUtils.Send("{" . ejectToggleKey . " down}{" . ejectToggleKey . " up}") ; eject disc in Retroarch
  1257. If (!mgLastRomIndex) {
  1258. mgLastRomIndex := mgRomIndex
  1259. }
  1260. selectedRomIndex := 0
  1261. selectedRomIndex := StringUtils.TrimLeft(selectedRomNum, StringUtils.StringLength(mgType,0))
  1263. Loop % mgMaxIndex
  1264. {
  1265. If (m3uRomIndex[A_index] = mgLastRomIndex) {
  1266. tempLastRomIndex := A_index
  1267. RLLog.Debug("Module - Last index: " . tempLastRomIndex)
  1268. }
  1269. If (m3uRomIndex[A_index] = selectedRomIndex) {
  1270. tempSelectedRomIndex := A_index
  1271. RLLog.Debug("Module - Selected index: " . tempSelectedRomIndex)
  1272. }
  1273. }
  1275. mgNewIndex := tempLastRomIndex - tempSelectedRomIndex
  1277. If (mgNewIndex < 0) {
  1278. mgNewIndex := mgNewIndex * -1
  1279. Loop % mgNewIndex
  1280. {
  1281. RLLog.Debug("Module - Sending the next disk key: " . nextDiskKey)
  1282. KeyUtils.Send("{" . nextDiskKey . " down}{" . nextDiskKey . " up}")
  1283. }
  1284. } Else If (mgNewIndex > 0) {
  1285. Loop % mgNewIndex
  1286. {
  1287. RLLog.Debug("Module - Sending the previous disk key: " . mgNewIndex)
  1288. KeyUtils.Send("{" . prevDiskKey . " down}{" . prevDiskKey . " up}")
  1289. }
  1290. }
  1292. KeyUtils.Send("{" . ejectToggleKey . " down}{" . ejectToggleKey . " up}") ; close disc in Retroarch
  1293. mgLastRomIndex := selectedRomIndex
  1294. Return
  1296. NetworkConnectedCheck:
  1297. If clientConnected
  1298. multiplayerMenuExit := true
  1299. Else If emuPrimaryWindow.Exist() {
  1300. RLLog.Info("Module - RetroArch session started, closing the MultiPlayer menu")
  1301. multiplayerMenuExit := true
  1302. }
  1303. Return
  1305. CloseProcess:
  1306. FadeOutStart()
  1307. emuPrimaryWindow.Close()
  1308. Return
  1310. 09:52:02:430 | RL | INFO | +0 | BuildScript - Loaded Multi-Player scripts
  1311. 09:52:02:430 | RL | INFO | +0 | BuildScript - "G:\Hyperspin\RocketLauncher\Lib\User Functions\Global.ahk" not found
  1312. 09:52:02:430 | RL | INFO | +0 | BuildScript - "G:\Hyperspin\RocketLauncher\Lib\User Functions\Tiger" not found
  1313. 09:52:02:430 | RL | INFO | +0 | BuildScript - "G:\Hyperspin\RocketLauncher\Lib\User Functions\Emulators\RetroArch.ahk" not found
  1314. 09:52:02:430 | RL | INFO | +0 | BuildScript - "G:\Hyperspin\RocketLauncher\Lib\User Functions\Tiger\Emulators\RetroArch.ahk" not found
  1315. 09:52:02:430 | RL | INFO | +0 | BuildScript - "G:\Hyperspin\RocketLauncher\Lib\User Functions\Tiger\Indy 500 (USA).ahk" not found
  1316. 09:52:02:430 | RL | INFO | +0 | BuildScript - Finished injecting functions into module
  1317. 09:52:02:430 | RL | INFO | +0 | Main - Module is built
  1318. 09:52:02:430 | RL | INFO | +0 | CheckFile - Checking if G:\Hyperspin\RocketLauncher\AutoHotkey.dll exists
  1319. 09:52:02:432 | RL | INFO | +0 | Main - Running module
  1320. 09:52:02:556 | MD | INFO | +N/A | Module initialized
  1321. 09:52:02:558 | MD | INFO | +0 | StartModule - Started
  1322. 09:52:02:558 | MD | INFO | +0 | StartModule - MEmu: RetroArch
  1323. MEmuV: v1.3.6
  1324. MURL:
  1325. MAuthor: djvj|zerojay|SweatyPickle
  1326. MVersion: 2.4.3
  1327. MCRC: 699AB8F7
  1328. iCRC: FB2DB971
  1329. MID: 635038268922229162
  1330. MSystem: Acorn BBC Micro|AAE|Amstrad CPC|Amstrad GX4000|APF Imagination Machine|Applied Technology MicroBee|Apple IIGS|Arcade Classics|Atari 2600|Atari 5200|Atari 7800|Atari 8-Bit|Atari Classics|Atari Jaguar|Atari Lynx|Atari ST|Atari XEGS|Bally Astrocade|Bandai Gundam RX-78|Bandai Super Vision 8000|Bandai Wonderswan|Bandai Wonderswan Color|Canon X07|Capcom Classics|Capcom Play System I|Capcom Play System II|Capcom Play System III|Casio PV-1000|Casio PV-2000|Cave|Coleco ADAM|ColecoVision|Commodore MAX Machine|Commodore Amiga|Creatronic Mega Duck|Data East Classics|Dragon Data Dragon|Emerson Arcadia 2001|Entex Adventure Vision|Elektronika BK|Epoch Game Pocket Computer|Epoch Super Cassette Vision|Exidy Sorcerer|Fairchild Channel F|Final Burn Alpha|Funtech Super Acan|GamePark 32|GCE Vectrex|Hartung Game Master|Interton VC 4000|Irem Classics|JungleTac Sport Vii|Konami Classics|MAME|Magnavox Odyssey 2|Microsoft MSX|Microsoft MSX2|Matra & Hachette Alice|Mattel Aquarius|Mattel Intellivision|Midway Classics|Namco Classics|Namco System 22|NEC PC Engine|NEC PC Engine-CD|NEC PC-FX|NEC TurboGrafx-16|NEC SuperGrafx|NEC TurboGrafx-CD|Nintendo 64|Nintendo 64DD|Nintendo Arcade Systems|Nintendo Classics|Nintendo DS|Nintendo Entertainment System|Nintendo Famicom|Nintendo Famicom Disk System|Nintendo Game Boy|Nintendo Game Boy Color|Nintendo Game Boy Japan|Nintendo Game Boy Advance|Nintendo Game & Watch|Nintendo Super Game Boy|Nintendo Pokemon Mini|Nintendo Virtual Boy|Nintendo Super Famicom|Nintendo Satellaview|Nintendo SuFami Turbo|Panasonic 3DO|Elektronska Industrija Pecom 64|Philips CD-i|Philips Videopac|RCA Studio II|ScummVM|Sega 32X|Sega Classics|Sega Mega Drive 32X|Sega Mark III|Sega SC-3000|Sega SG-1000|Sega CD|Sega Dreamcast|Sega Game Gear|Sega Genesis|Sega Master System|Sega Mega Drive|Sega Meganet|Sega Nomad|Sega Pico|Sega Saturn|Sega Saturn Japan|Sega VMU|Sega ST-V|Sharp X1|Sharp X68000|Sinclair ZX Spectrum|Sinclair ZX81|Sony PlayStation|Sony PlayStation Minis|Sony PocketStation|Sony PSP|Sony PSP Minis|Sord M5|SNK Classics|SNK Neo Geo|SNK Neo Geo AES|SNK Neo Geo MVS|SNK Neo Geo Pocket|SNK Neo Geo CD|SNK Neo Geo Pocket Color|Spectravideo|Super Nintendo Entertainment System|Taito Classics|Tandy TRS-80 Color Computer|Technos|Texas Instruments TI 99-4A|Thomson MO5|Thomson TO7|Tiger|Tiger Handheld Electronics|Tiki-100|Tomy Tutor|VTech CreatiVision|Watara Supervision|Williams Classics|Sega Naomi|Sammy Atomiswave|Commodore 64|Daphne|Creatonic Mega Duck
  1331. 09:52:02:558 | MD | INFO | +0 | StartModule - You have a supported System Name for this module: "Tiger"
  1332. 09:52:02:558 | MD | INFO | +0 | LocaleUtils.i18n - Started
  1333. 09:52:02:558 | MD | INFO | +0 | LocaleUtils.i18n - Ended, using "Open" for ""
  1334. 09:52:02:558 | MD | INFO | +0 | LocaleUtils.i18n - Started
  1335. 09:52:02:558 | MD | INFO | +0 | LocaleUtils.i18n - Ended, using "Start" for "dialog.start"
  1336. 09:52:02:580 | MD | INFO | +31 | PluginInit - Started
  1337. 09:52:02:580 | MD | INFO | +0 | CheckFile - Checking if G:\Hyperspin\Hyperspin 1.4\Databases\Tiger\Tiger exists
  1338. 09:52:02:580 | MD | INFO | +0 | BuildAssetsTable - Started - Building Table for: Game Logo|System Logo
  1339. 09:52:02:639 | MD | INFO | +63 | BuildAssetsTable - Ended
  1340. 09:52:02:639 | MD | INFO | +0 | BuildAssetsTable - Started - Building Table for: Artwork1|Box Art|Cartridge|Flyers|Letters|Other
  1341. 09:52:02:679 | MD | INFO | +31 | BuildAssetsTable - Ended
  1342. 09:52:02:679 | MD | INFO | +0 | BuildAssetsTable - Started - Building Table for: Game Video|System Video
  1343. 09:52:02:707 | MD | INFO | +31 | BuildAssetsTable - Ended
  1344. 09:52:02:707 | MD | INFO | +0 | PluginInit - Ended
  1345. 09:52:02:708 | MD | INFO | +0 | SystemCursor - Hiding mouse cursor
  1346. 09:52:02:743 | MD | INFO | +31 | StartModule - Ended
  1347. 09:52:02:744 | MD | INFO | +0 | GetFadePicFile - Randomized images and Fade will use G:\Hyperspin\RocketLauncher\Media\Fade\_Default\Layer 1.png
  1348. 09:52:02:860 | MD | INFO | +125 | DefaultAnimateFadeIn - Started, direction is: in
  1349. 09:52:02:860 | MD | INFO | +0 | DefaultAnimateFadeIn - Drawing First FadeIn Image.
  1350. 09:52:03:392 | MD | INFO | +530 | DefaultAnimateFadeIn - Ended
  1351. 09:52:03:429 | MD | INFO | +32 | DefaultFadeAnimation - Started
  1352. 09:52:03:429 | MD | INFO | +0 | GetFadePicFile - Randomized images and Fade will use G:\Hyperspin\RocketLauncher\Media\Fade\_Default\Info Bar.png
  1353. 09:52:03:451 | MD | INFO | +31 | GetFadePicFile - Randomized images and Fade will use G:\Hyperspin\RocketLauncher\Media\Fade\_Default\Layer 3.png
  1354. 09:52:03:454 | MD | INFO | +0 | BuildAssetsTable - Started - Building Table for: Genre Logo|Rating Logo|Developer Logo|Publisher Logo|Year Logo
  1355. 09:52:03:454 | MD | INFO | +0 | BuildAssetsTable - Ended
  1356. 09:52:03:454 | MD | INFO | +0 | BuildAssetsTable - Started - Building Table for: System Logo|Game Logo|Game Logo
  1357. 09:52:03:454 | MD | INFO | +0 | BuildAssetsTable - Ended
  1358. 09:52:03:481 | MD | INFO | +31 | DefaultFadeAnimation - Ended
  1359. 09:52:03:481 | MD | INFO | +0 | DxwndUpdateIniPath - DxwndIni set to G:\Hyperspin\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\dxwnd\dxwnd.ini
  1360. 09:52:03:486 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module - Using these system variables:
  1361. 09:52:03:486 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module - retroSystem: Tiger
  1362. 09:52:03:486 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module - retroID: LibRetro_TCOM
  1363. 09:52:03:486 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module - retroCore: mame_libretro
  1364. 09:52:03:486 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module - retroMAMEID: gamecom
  1365. 09:52:03:486 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module - retroMAMEMedia: cdrom
  1366. 09:52:03:486 | MD | INFO | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module - Fullscreen: true (DEFAULT)
  1367. 09:52:03:486 | MD | INFO | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module {GlobalModuleIni} - [Settings] - ConfigFolder: ..\_CFG
  1368. 09:52:03:486 | MD | INFO | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module - single_core_options: false (DEFAULT)
  1369. 09:52:03:486 | MD | INFO | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module - BIOS_Roms_Folder: (NO VALUE)
  1370. 09:52:03:486 | MD | INFO | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module - Hide_Nag_Screen: false (DEFAULT)
  1371. 09:52:03:486 | MD | INFO | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module - Hide_Info_Screen: false (DEFAULT)
  1372. 09:52:03:486 | MD | INFO | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module - Hide_Warning_Screen: false (DEFAULT)
  1373. 09:52:03:486 | MD | INFO | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module - HideConsole: true (DEFAULT)
  1374. 09:52:03:486 | MD | INFO | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module - Eject_Toggle_Key: (NO VALUE)
  1375. 09:52:03:486 | MD | INFO | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module - Next_Disk_Key: (NO VALUE)
  1376. 09:52:03:486 | MD | INFO | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module - Previous_Disk_Key: (NO VALUE)
  1377. 09:52:03:486 | MD | INFO | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module {GlobalModuleIni} - [Tiger] - LibRetro_Core: mame_libretro
  1378. 09:52:03:486 | MD | INFO | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module - SuperGameBoy: false (DEFAULT)
  1379. 09:52:03:486 | MD | INFO | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module - Enable_Network_Play: false (DEFAULT)
  1380. 09:52:03:486 | MD | INFO | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module - Overlay: (NO VALUE)
  1381. 09:52:03:486 | MD | INFO | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module - VideoShader: (NO VALUE)
  1382. 09:52:03:487 | MD | INFO | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module - AspectRatioIndex: (NO VALUE)
  1383. 09:52:03:487 | MD | INFO | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module - CustomViewportWidth: (NO VALUE)
  1384. 09:52:03:487 | MD | INFO | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module - CustomViewportHeight: (NO VALUE)
  1385. 09:52:03:487 | MD | INFO | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module - CustomViewportX: (NO VALUE)
  1386. 09:52:03:487 | MD | INFO | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module - CustomViewportY: (NO VALUE)
  1387. 09:52:03:487 | MD | INFO | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module - StretchToFillBezel: false (DEFAULT)
  1388. 09:52:03:487 | MD | INFO | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module - Rotation: 0 (DEFAULT)
  1389. 09:52:03:487 | MD | INFO | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module - CropOverscan: (NO VALUE)
  1390. 09:52:03:487 | MD | INFO | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module - ThreadedVideo: (NO VALUE)
  1391. 09:52:03:487 | MD | INFO | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module - VSync: (NO VALUE)
  1392. 09:52:03:487 | MD | INFO | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module - IntegerScale: (NO VALUE)
  1393. 09:52:03:487 | MD | INFO | +0 | RIniFile.Read - Module - ConfigurationPerCore: false (DEFAULT)
  1394. 09:52:03:487 | MD | INFO | +0 | CheckFile - Checking if G:\RetroArch\cores\mame_libretro.dll exists
  1395. 09:52:03:487 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module - Global cfg should be: G:\RetroArch\retroarch.cfg
  1396. 09:52:03:487 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module - System cfg should be: G:\Hyperspin\_CFG\Tiger
  1397. 09:52:03:487 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module - Core cfg should be: G:\Hyperspin\_CFG\mame_libretro.cfg
  1398. 09:52:03:488 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module - Found a Global cfg!
  1399. 09:52:03:488 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module - RetroArch is using G:\RetroArch\retroarch.cfg as its config file.
  1400. 09:52:03:488 | MD | INFO | +0 | LoadProperties - Started and loading this cfg into memory: G:\RetroArch\retroarch.cfg
  1401. 09:52:03:490 | MD | INFO | +0 | LoadProperties - Ended
  1402. 09:52:03:490 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module - Reading / creating system ini for specific settings.
  1403. 09:52:03:490 | MD | INFO | +0 | LoadProperties - Started and loading this cfg into memory:
  1404. 09:52:03:490 | MD | INFO | +0 | LoadProperties - Ended
  1405. 09:52:03:490 | MD | INFO | +0 | SaveProperties - Started and saving this cfg to disk:
  1406. 09:52:03:490 | MD | INFO | +0 | SaveProperties - Ended
  1407. 09:52:03:490 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module - MAME/MESS/UME mode using a known ident: gamecom
  1408. 09:52:03:490 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module - Retroarch MAME/MESS/UME Console/PC mode enabled
  1409. 09:52:03:523 | MD | INFO | +31 | Module - Saving changed settings to: "G:\RetroArch\retroarch.cfg"
  1410. 09:52:03:523 | MD | INFO | +0 | SaveProperties - Started and saving this cfg to disk: G:\RetroArch\retroarch.cfg
  1411. 09:52:03:525 | MD | INFO | +0 | SaveProperties - Ended
  1412. 09:52:03:526 | MD | INFO | +0 | Process.Run - Running: G:\RetroArch\retroarch.exe "gamecom -rompath \"G:\Hyperspin\Roms\Tiger\" -cart1 \"G:\Hyperspin\Roms\Tiger\Indy 500 (USA).zip\"" -f -c "G:\RetroArch\retroarch.cfg" -L "G:\RetroArch\cores\mame_libretro.dll
  1413. 09:52:03:589 | MD | INFO | +78 | DefaultFadeAnimationLoop - percentage
  1414. 09:52:03:595 | MD | INFO | +0 | Window.Wait - Waiting for window "RetroArch ahk_class RetroArch"
  1415. 09:52:03:638 | MD | INFO | +47 | DefaultFadeAnimationLoop - percentage11
  1416. 09:52:03:708 | MD | INFO | +62 | DefaultFadeAnimationLoop - percentage16
  1417. 09:52:03:768 | MD | INFO | +63 | DefaultFadeAnimationLoop - percentage22
  1418. 09:52:03:833 | MD | INFO | +62 | DefaultFadeAnimationLoop - percentage28
  1419. 09:52:03:893 | MD | INFO | +63 | DefaultFadeAnimationLoop - percentage34
  1420. 09:52:03:953 | MD | INFO | +62 | DefaultFadeAnimationLoop - percentage41
  1421. 09:52:03:974 | MD | INFO | +16 | Window.WaitActive - Waiting for "RetroArch ahk_class RetroArch"
  1422. 09:52:03:013 | MD | INFO | +46 | DefaultFadeAnimationLoop - percentage47
  1423. 09:52:04:077 | MD | INFO | +63 | DefaultFadeAnimationLoop - percentage53
  1424. 09:52:04:138 | MD | INFO | +62 | DefaultFadeAnimationLoop - percentage59
  1425. 09:52:04:200 | MD | INFO | +63 | DefaultFadeAnimationLoop - percentage66
  1426. 09:52:04:267 | MD | INFO | +62 | DefaultFadeAnimationLoop - percentage72
  1427. 09:52:04:328 | MD | INFO | +62 | DefaultFadeAnimationLoop - percentage78
  1428. 09:52:04:394 | MD | INFO | +63 | DefaultFadeAnimationLoop - percentage84
  1429. 09:52:05:182 | MD | INFO | +795 | DefaultAnimateFadeIn - Started, direction is: out
  1430. 09:52:05:699 | MD | INFO | +515 | DefaultAnimateFadeIn - Ended
  1431. 09:52:05:770 | MD | INFO | +63 | Process.Process - "WaitClose" "retroarch.exe"
  1432. 09:52:06:649 | MD | INFO | +889 | CloseProcess - Started, user requested to end launched application
  1433. 09:52:06:951 | MD | INFO | +296 | CloseProcess - Ended
  1434. 09:52:06:953 | MD | INFO | +0 | ExitModule - Started
  1435. 09:52:06:953 | MD | INFO | +0 | ExitModule - Ended
  1436. End of Module Logs
  1437. 09:52:07:041 | RL | INFO | +4618 | Main - Module ended, exiting RocketLauncher normally
  1438. 09:52:07:041 | RL | INFO | +0 | ExitScript - Started
  1439. 09:52:07:043 | RL | INFO | +0 | ExitScript - Restoring taskbar
  1440. 09:52:07:261 | RL | INFO | +218 | SystemCursor - Restoring mouse cursor
  1441. 09:52:07:265 | RL | INFO | +0 | ExitScript - Restored cursor
  1442. 09:52:07:265 | RL | INFO | +0 | ExitScript - Ended
  1443. [/code]
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