Guest User


a guest
Apr 25th, 2019
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text 4.38 KB | None | 0 0
  1. /* welcome */
  3. !!embed {
  4. "title": ":small_blue_diamond:━━━━━━━━:small_blue_diamond:━━━━:small_blue_diamond:━━━━━━━━━:small_blue_diamond:",
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  20. "color": 15020594,
  21. "description": "AnimeFrenzy is a server mainly for people who likes anime styled art. Of course, it's not all about anime art but it is obviously the main focus in the server. Whether you are an artist or simply someone who enjoy seeing the creation process of artworks, you are all welcomed here. We sincerely hope that you'll enjoy your stay (however long it is) withus.\n\n**What we offer**\n\n:small_blue_diamond: cool server\n:small_blue_diamond: cool server\n:small_blue_diamond: cool server\n:small_blue_diamond: cool server\n:small_blue_diamond: cool server\n:small_blue_diamond: cool server",
  22. "image": {
  23. "url": ""
  24. }
  25. }
  27. /* currency */
  29. !!embed {
  30. "title": ":small_blue_diamond:━━━━━━━━:small_blue_diamond:━━━━:small_blue_diamond:━━━━━━━━━:small_blue_diamond:",
  31. "color": 15020594,
  32. "image": {
  33. "url": ""
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  39. "image": {
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  45. "title": ":small_blue_diamond:━━━━━━━━:small_blue_diamond:━━━━:small_blue_diamond:━━━━━━━━━:small_blue_diamond:",
  46. "color": 15020594,
  47. "description": "**Our Server Currency**\n\nAF's currency is called Art Coin, in short AC :ArtCoins: Use Art Coins to buy various item from the shop. You will have access to the shop starting at level 10. You are allowed to use server currency as a commission payment method if you don't feel like asking real money or any other possible reasons. To check your current balance type `>balance`, to pay or give money to someone type `>pay @user <amount>`, to view the shop type `>shop` and to buy an item from the shop type `>buy <name of the item>`. You can gain coins by doing the followings...\n\n:small_blue_diamond: By being active in chat \n:small_blue_diamond: Participating in weekly art contests\n:small_blue_diamond: Participating in server events\n:small_blue_diamond: Leveling up \n:small_blue_diamond: Playing games coming soon...",
  48. "image": {
  49. "url": ""
  50. }
  51. }
  54. /* staff */
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  56. "title": ":small_blue_diamond:━━━━━━━━:small_blue_diamond:━━━━:small_blue_diamond:━━━━━━━━━:small_blue_diamond:",
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  71. "title": ":small_blue_diamond:━━━━━━━━:small_blue_diamond:━━━━:small_blue_diamond:━━━━━━━━━:small_blue_diamond:",
  72. "color": 15020594,
  73. "description": "**Our Staff**\n\n:small_blue_diamond: <@246660882803720193> \n:small_blue_diamond: <@246660882803720193>\n:small_blue_diamond: <@246660882803720193>\n:small_blue_diamond: <@246660882803720193>\n:small_blue_diamond: <@246660882803720193>\n\nWe are here to make sure that the chat is secure, that members aren't breaking any rules and handing out appropriate punishment for the troublemakers. We will always stand by a **neutral side and give unbiased judgement.** Do not hesitate to ping us if you see someone breaking our server guidelines or if you have any questions.",
  74. "image": {
  75. "url": ""
  76. }
  77. }
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