Guest User


a guest
Sep 16th, 2019
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text 41.33 KB | None | 0 0
  1. #X-Generator:
  2. #version: 2.13.1
  3. # Single quotes have to be doubled: ''
  4. # Translations start here
  5. # by:
  6. action=\u00a75* {0} \u00a75{1}
  7. addedToAccount=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a7f{0} бгдидко.
  8. addedToOthersAccount=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a7f{0} бгдидко \u00a73{1}\u00a7f. Нов баланс\: {2}
  9. adventure=adventure
  10. alertBroke=broke\:
  11. alertFormat=\u00a73[{0}] \u00a7r {1} \u00a7f {2} at\: {3}
  12. alertPlaced=placed\:
  13. alertUsed=used\:
  14. antiBuildBreak=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74You are not permitted to break\u00a73 {0} \u00a74blocks here.
  15. antiBuildCraft=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74You are not permitted to create\u00a73 {0}\u00a74.
  16. antiBuildDrop=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74You are not permitted to drop\u00a73 {0}\u00a74.
  17. antiBuildInteract=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74Нямате право да използвате:\u00a73 {0}\u00a74.
  18. antiBuildPlace=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74Вие нямате право да поставяте блокчета тук.
  19. antiBuildUse=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74Нямате право да използвате това.\u00a73 {0}\u00a74.
  20. autoAfkKickReason=\u00a78\u00BB You have been kicked for idling more than {0} minutes.
  21. backAfterDeath=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Използвайте /back за да се върнете към предишната си локация.
  22. backUsageMsg=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Връщане към предишната локация
  23. backupDisabled=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74An external backup script has not been configured.
  24. backupFinished=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Backup finished.
  25. backupStarted=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Backup started.
  26. balance=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Balance\:\u00a73 {0}
  27. balanceOther=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Баланс по сметка \u00a73{0}\u00a77\:\u00a73 {1}
  28. balanceTop=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Top balances ({0})
  29. banExempt=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74You can not ban that player.
  30. banFormat=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74Banned\:\n\ \u00a73{0}
  31. bed=\u00a7obed\u00a7r
  32. bedMissing=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74Вашето spawn легло не съществува, било е премахнато или блокирано.
  33. bedNull=\u00a7mbed\u00a7r
  34. bedSet=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Bed spawn set\!
  35. bigTreeFailure=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74Big tree generation failure. Try again on grass or dirt.
  36. bigTreeSuccess=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Big tree spawned.
  37. blockList=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Essentials relayed the following commands to another plugin\:
  38. bookAuthorSet=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Author of the book set to {0}.
  39. bookLocked=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77This book is now locked.
  40. bookTitleSet=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Title of the book set to {0}.
  41. broadcast=\u00a7r\u00a78[\u00a73СЪОБЩЕНИЕ\u00a78]\u00a77 {0}
  42. buildAlert=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74You are not permitted to build.
  43. bukkitFormatChanged=\u00a78\u00BB Bukkit version format changed. Version not checked.
  44. burnMsg=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77You set\u00a73 {0} \u00a77on fire for\u00a73 {1} seconds\u00a77.
  45. canTalkAgain=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77You can now talk again.
  46. cannotStackMob=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74You do not have permission to stack multiple mobs.
  47. cantFindGeoIpDB=\u00a78\u00BB Can''t find GeoIP database\!
  48. cantReadGeoIpDB=\u00a78\u00BB Failed to read GeoIP database\!
  49. cantSpawnItem=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74You are not allowed to spawn the item\u00a73 {0}\u00a74.
  50. chatTypeAdmin=[A]
  51. chatTypeLocal=[L]
  52. chatTypeSpy=[Spy]
  53. cleaned=\u00a78\u00BB Userfiles Cleaned.
  54. cleaning=\u00a78\u00BB Cleaning userfiles.
  55. commandFailed=\u00a78\u00BB Command {0} failed\:
  56. commandHelpFailedForPlugin=\u00a78\u00BB Error getting help for plugin\: {0}
  57. commandNotLoaded=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74Command {0} is improperly loaded.
  58. compassBearing=\u00a77Bearing\: {0} ({1} градуса).
  59. configFileMoveError=\u00a78\u00BB Failed to move config.yml to backup location.
  60. configFileRenameError=Failed to rename temp file to config.yml.
  61. connectedPlayers=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Connected players\u00a7r
  62. connectionFailed=Failed to open connection.
  63. cooldownWithMessage=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74Време за изчакване\: {0}
  64. corruptNodeInConfig=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74Notice\: Your configuration file has a corrupt {0} node.
  65. couldNotFindTemplate=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74Could not find template {0}
  66. creatingConfigFromTemplate=\u00a78\u00BB Creating config from template\: {0}
  67. creatingEmptyConfig=\u00a78\u00BB Създаване на празен config\: {0}
  68. creative=creative
  69. currency={0}{1}
  70. currentWorld=\u00a78\u00BB\u00a77Current World\:\u00a73 {0}
  71. day=day
  72. days=days
  73. defaultBanReason=\u00a78\u00BB BananaCNetwork is amazing on Spigot\!
  74. deleteFileError=Could not delete file\: {0}
  75. deleteHome=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Home\u00a73 {0} \u00a77has been removed.
  76. deleteJail=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Jail\u00a73 {0} \u00a77has been removed.
  77. deleteWarp=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Warp\u00a73 {0} \u00a77has been removed.
  78. deniedAccessCommand=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a73{0} \u00a74was denied access to command.
  79. denyBookEdit=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74You cannot unlock this book.
  80. denyChangeAuthor=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74You cannot change the author of this book.
  81. denyChangeTitle=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74You cannot change the title of this book.
  82. depth=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77You are at sea level.
  83. depthAboveSea=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77You are\u00a73 {0} \u00a77block(s) above sea level.
  84. depthBelowSea=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77You are\u00a73 {0} \u00a77block(s) below sea level.
  85. destinationNotSet=\u00a78\u00BB Destination not set\!
  86. disableUnlimited=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Disabled unlimited placing of\u00a73 {0} \u00a77for {1}.
  87. disabled=disabled
  88. disabledToSpawnMob=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74Spawning this mob was disabled in the config file.
  89. distance=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Distance\: {0}
  90. dontMoveMessage=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Телепортацият ще бъде извършена след\u00a73 {0}\u00a77. Не мърдайте
  91. downloadingGeoIp=\u00a78\u00BB Downloading GeoIP database... this might take a while (country\: 0.6 MB, city\: 20MB)
  92. duplicatedUserdata=\u00a78\u00BB Duplicated userdata\: {0} and {1}.
  93. durability=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77This tool has \u00a73{0}\u00a77 uses left
  94. editBookContents=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a7eYou may now edit the contents of this book.
  95. enableUnlimited=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Giving unlimited amount of\u00a73 {0} \u00a77to \u00a73{1}.
  96. enabled=enabled
  97. enchantmentApplied=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Енчантът\u00a73 {0} \u00a77е приложен към предмета във вашата ръка..
  98. enchantmentNotFound=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74Този енчант не е намерен.\!
  99. enchantmentPerm=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74You do not have the permission for\u00a73 {0}\u00a74.
  100. enchantmentRemoved=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77The enchantment\u00a73 {0} \u00a77has been removed from your item in hand.
  101. enchantments=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Enchantments\:\u00a7r {0}
  102. errorerrorCallingCommand=\u00a78\u00BB Error calling command /{0}
  103. errorWithMessage=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a73Error\:\u00a74 {0}
  104. essentialsHelp1=\u00a78\u00BB The file is broken and Essentials can''t open it. Essentials is now disabled. If you can''t fix the file yourself, go to http\://
  105. essentialsHelp2=\u00a78\u00BB The file is broken and Essentials can''t open it. Essentials is now disabled. If you can''t fix the file yourself, either type /essentialshelp in game or go to http\://
  106. essentialsReload=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Essentials Reloaded\u00a73 {0}
  107. exp=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a73{0} \u00a77has\u00a73 {1} \u00a77exp (level\u00a73 {2}\u00a77) and needs\u00a73 {3} \u00a77more exp to level up.
  108. expSet=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a73{0} \u00a77now has\u00a73 {1} \u00a77exp.
  109. extinguish=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77You extinguished yourself.
  110. extinguishOthers=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77You extinguished {0}\u00a77.
  111. failedToCloseConfig=\u00a78\u00BB Failed to close config {0}.
  112. failedToCreateConfig=\u00a78\u00BB Грешка при създаване на config {0}.
  113. failedToWriteConfig=\u00a78\u00BB Невъзможна промяна на config {0}.
  114. false=\u00a74false\u00a7r
  115. feed=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Вашият апетит е запълнен.
  116. feedOther=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77You satiated the appetite of \u00a73{0}\u00a77.
  117. fileRenameError=Renaming file {0} failed\!
  118. fireworkColor=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74Invalid firework charge parameters inserted, must set a color first.
  119. fireworkEffectsCleared=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Removed all effects from held stack.
  120. fireworkSyntax=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Firework parameters\:\u00a73 color\:<color> [fade\:<color>] [shape\:<shape>] [effect\:<effect>]\n\u00a77To use multiple colors/effects, seperate values with commas\: \u00a73red,blue,pink\n\u00a77Shapes\:\u00a73 star, ball, large, creeper, burst \u00a77Effects\:\u00a73 trail, twinkle.
  121. flyMode=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Set fly mode\u00a73 {0} \u00a77for \u00a73{1}\u00a77.
  122. flying=flying
  123. foreverAlone=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74You have nobody to whom you can reply.
  124. fullStack=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74You already have a full stack.
  125. gameMode=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Set game mode\u00a73 {0} \u00a77for \u00a73{1}\u00a77.
  126. gcWorld=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77{0} "\u00a73{1}\u00a77"\: \u00a73{2}\u00a77 chunks, \u00a73{3}\u00a77 entities, \u00a73{4}\u00a77 tiles.
  127. gcfree=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Free memory\:\u00a73 {0} MB.
  128. gcmax=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Maximum memory\:\u00a73 {0} MB.
  129. gctotal=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Allocated memory\:\u00a73 {0} MB.
  130. geoIpUrlEmpty=GeoIP download url is empty.
  131. geoIpUrlInvalid=GeoIP download url is invalid.
  132. geoipJoinFormat=\u00a77Player \u00a73{0} \u00a77comes from \u00a73{1}\u00a77.
  133. giveSpawn=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Giving\u00a73 {0} \u00a77of\u00a73 {1} \u00a77to\u00a73 {2}\u00a77.
  134. godDisabledFor=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74изкюлчен \u00a77 за\u00a73 {0}
  135. godEnabledFor=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77включен\u00a77 за\u00a73 {0}
  136. godMode=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Режим господ\u00a73 {0}\u00a77.
  137. groupDoesNotExist=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74There''s no one online in this group\!
  138. groupNumber=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a73{0}\u00a77 online, for the full list\:\u00a73 /{1} {2}
  139. hatArmor=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74You cannot use this item as a hat\!
  140. hatEmpty=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74You are not wearing a hat.
  141. hatFail=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74You must have something to wear in your hand.
  142. hatPlaced=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Enjoy your new hat\!
  143. hatRemoved=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Your hat has been removed.
  144. haveBeenReleased=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77You have been released.
  145. heal=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Вие бяхте излекуван..
  146. healDead=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74Неможете да излекувате мъртъв играч.\!
  147. healOther=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Healed\u00a73 \u00a73{0}\u00a77.
  148. helpConsole=\u00a78\u00BB To view help from the console, type ?.
  149. helpFrom=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Commands from {0}\:
  150. helpLine=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77/{0}\u00a7r\: {1}
  151. helpMatching=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Съвпадение на команди: "\u00a73{0}\u00a77"\:
  152. helpOp=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74[HelpOp]\u00a7r \u00a77{0}\:\u00a7r {1}
  153. helpPlugin=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74{0}\u00a7r\: Помощ за плгуна:\: /help {1}
  154. holdBook=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74You are not holding a writable book.
  155. holdFirework=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74You must be holding a firework to add effects.
  156. holdPotion=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74You must be holding a potion to apply effects to it.
  157. holeInFloor=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74Hole in floor\!
  158. homeSet=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Заданена къщна локация
  159. homes=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Homes\:\u00a7r {0}
  160. hour=hour
  161. hours=hours
  162. ignoredList=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Игнорирани:\:\u00a7r {0}
  163. ignorePlayer=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Вие игнорирате\u00a73 {0} \u00a77от сега.
  164. illegalDate=\u00a78\u00BB Невалидно форматиране на датата.
  165. infoChapter=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Изберете глава.\:
  166. infoChapterPages=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a7e ---- \u00a77{0} \u00a7e--\u00a77 Страница \u00a73{1}\u00a77 от \u00a73{2} \u00a7e----
  167. infoPages=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a7e ---- \u00a77{2} \u00a7e--\u00a77 Страница \u00a73{0}\u00a77/\u00a73{1} \u00a7e----
  168. infoUnknownChapter=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74Unknown chapter.
  169. insufficientFunds=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74Insufficient funds available.
  170. invalidCharge=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74Invalid charge.
  171. invalidFireworkFormat=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77The option \u00a74{0} \u00a77is not a valid value for \u00a74{1}\u00a77.
  172. invalidHome=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74Home\u00a73 {0} \u00a74doesn''t exist\!
  173. invalidHomeName=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74Invalid home name\!
  174. invalidMob=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74Невалиден моб.
  175. invalidNumber=\u00a78\u00BB Невалидно число.
  176. invalidPotion=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74Invalid Potion.
  177. invalidPotionMeta=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74Invalid potion meta\: \u00a73{0}\u00a74.
  178. invalidSignLine=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74Линия номер: \u00a73 {0} \u00a74върху табелата е невалидна.
  179. invalidWarpName=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74Невалидно име на warp.\!
  180. invalidWorld=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74Невалиден свят
  181. is=is
  182. itemCannotBeSold=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74That item cannot be sold to the server.
  183. itemMustBeStacked=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74Item must be traded in stacks. A quantity of 2s would be two stacks, etc.
  184. itemNames=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Item short names\:\u00a7r {0}
  185. itemNotEnough1=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74You do not have enough of that item to sell.
  186. itemNotEnough2=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77If you meant to sell all of your items of that type, use /sell itemname.
  187. itemNotEnough3=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77/sell itemname -1 will sell all but one item, etc.
  188. itemSellAir=\u00a78\u00BB You really tried to sell Air? Put an item in your hand.
  189. itemSold=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Sold for \u00a73{0} \u00a77({1} {2} at {3} each).
  190. itemSoldConsole=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77{0} \u00a77sold {1} for \u00a77{2} \u00a77({3} items at {4} each).
  191. itemSpawn=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Giving\u00a73 {0} \u00a77of\u00a73 {1}
  192. itemType=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Item\:\u00a73 {0} \u00a77-\u00a73 {1}
  193. itemsCsvNotLoaded=\u00a78\u00BB Could not load items.csv\!
  194. jailAlreadyIncarcerated=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74Person is already in jail\:\u00a73 {0}
  195. jailMessage=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74You do the crime, you do the time.
  196. jailNotExist=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74That jail does not exist.
  197. jailReleased=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Player \u00a73{0}\u00a77 unjailed.
  198. jailReleasedPlayerNotify=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77You have been released\!
  199. jailSentenceExtended=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Jail time extend to\: {0}
  200. jailSet=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Jail\u00a73 {0} \u00a77has been set.
  201. jumpError=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74That would hurt your computer''s brain.
  202. kickDefault=\u00a78\u00BB Kicked from server.
  203. kickExempt=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74You can not kick that person.
  204. kickedAll=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74Всички играчи са изгонени от сървъра.
  205. kill=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Killed\u00a73 {0}\u00a77.
  206. killExempt=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74You can not kill \u00a73{0}
  207. kitCost=\u00a78\u00BB \ \u00a77\u00a7o({0})\u00a7r
  208. kitError2=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74Този кит не е правилно настроен. Моля свържете се с администратор.
  209. kitError=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74There are no valid kits.
  210. kitGiveTo=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Даване на кита\u00a73 {0}\u00a77 на {1}\u00a7.
  211. kitInvFull=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74Вашият инвентар е пълен. Част от кита е на земята.
  212. kitNotFound=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74Несъществуващ кит.
  213. kitOnce=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74Неможете да използвате този кит отново.
  214. kitReceive=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Получен кит:\u00a73 {0}\u00a77.
  215. kitTimed=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74Неможете да използвате кита в следващите:\u00a73 {0}\u00a74.
  216. kits=\u00a77Kits\:\u00a7r {0}
  217. leatherSyntax=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Leather Color Syntax\: color\:<red>,<green>,<blue> eg\: color\:255,0,0.
  218. lightningSmited=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Thou hast been smitten\!
  219. lightningUse=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Smiting\u00a73 {0}
  220. listAfkTag=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77[AFK]\u00a7r
  221. listAmount=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77There are \u00a73{0}\u00a77 out of maximum \u00a73{1}\u00a77 players online.
  222. listAmountHidden=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77There are \u00a73{0}\u00a77/{1}\u00a77 out of maximum \u00a73{2}\u00a77 players online.
  223. listGroupTag=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77{0}\u00a7r\: \u00a7r
  224. listHiddenTag=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77[HIDDEN]\u00a7r
  225. loadWarpError=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74Failed to load warp {0}.
  226. localFormat=[L]<{0}> {1}
  227. mailClear=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77За да марикарте вашите съобщения като прочетени напишете:\u00a73 /mail clear.
  228. mailCleared=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Съобщенията изчистени.\!
  229. mailSent=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Mail sent\!
  230. markMailAsRead=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77За да марикарте вашите съобщения като прочетени напишете:\u00a73 /mail clear.
  231. markedAsAway=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77You are now marked as away.
  232. markedAsNotAway=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77You are no longer marked as away.
  233. matchingIPAddress=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77The following players previously logged in from that IP address\:
  234. maxHomes=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74Нямате право да задавате повече от\u00a73 {0} \u00a74Къщни локации..
  235. mayNotJail=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74You may not jail that person\!
  236. me=me
  237. minute=minute
  238. minutes=minutes
  239. missingItems=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74You do not have {0}x {1}.
  240. mobSpawnError=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74Грешка при смяната на моб-spawner-а.
  241. mobSpawnLimit=\u00a78\u00BB Mob quantity limited to server limit.
  242. mobSpawnTarget=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74Целевия блок трябва да бъде spawner на мобове..
  243. mobsAvailable=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Mobs\:\u00a7r {0}
  244. moneyRecievedFrom=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a73{0} получени пари от: \u00a73{1}.
  245. moneySentTo=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a73{0} средства изпратени до: \u00a73{1}.
  246. month=month
  247. months=months
  248. moreThanZero=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74Quantities must be greater than 0.
  249. moveSpeed=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Заданена скорост \u00a73 {1} \u00a77for \u00a73{2}\u00a77.
  250. msgFormat=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77[\u00a77{0} \u00a77\u00BB {1}\u00a77] \u00a7r{2}
  251. multipleCharges=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74You cannot apply more than one charge to this firework.
  252. multiplePotionEffects=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74You cannot apply more than one effect to this potion.
  253. muteExempt=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74You may not mute that player.
  254. muteNotify=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a73{0} \u00a77has muted \u00a73{1}\u00a77.
  255. mutedPlayer=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Player\u00a73 {0} \u00a77muted.
  256. mutedPlayerFor=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Player\u00a73 {0} \u00a77muted for\u00a73 {1}\u00a77.
  257. mutedUserSpeaks=\u00a78\u00BB {0} се опита да говори.
  258. nearbyPlayers=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Players nearby\:\u00a7r {0}
  259. negativeBalanceError=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74Играчът неможе да има отрицателни средства.
  260. nickChanged=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Името е променеано..
  261. nickDisplayName=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74You have to enable change-displayname in Essentials config.
  262. nickInUse=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74Това име вече се използва.
  263. nickNamesAlpha=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74Имената трябва да бъдат буквено-цифрови..
  264. nickNoMore=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Вие сте с нормалното си име.
  265. nickSet=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Вашето име е променено на: \u00a73{0}
  266. nickTooLong=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74Това име е твърде дълго
  267. noAccessCommand=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74Достъп Отказан!
  268. noAccessPermission=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74Достъп Отказан! {0}.
  269. noBreakBedrock=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74You are not allowed to destroy bedrock.
  270. noDestroyPermission=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74Нямате право да чупите този блок. {0}.
  271. noDurability=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74This item does not have a durability.
  272. noGodWorldWarning=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74Warning\! God mode in this world disabled.
  273. noHelpFound=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74Несъществуваща команда!
  274. noHomeSetPlayer=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Играчът няма запазен home.
  275. noIgnored=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Вие не игнорирате никого.
  276. noKitPermission=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74Достъпа до този кит отказан!
  277. noKits=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Няма налични китове.
  278. noMail=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Нямате съобщения
  279. noMatchingPlayers=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Несъществуващ играч.
  280. noMetaFirework=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74You do not have permission to apply firework meta.
  281. noMetaPerm=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74You do not have permission to apply \u00a73{0}\u00a74 meta to this item.
  282. noNewMail=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Нямате нови съобщения
  283. noPendingRequest=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74Нямате заявки.
  284. noPerm=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74You do not have the \u00a73{0}\u00a74 permission.
  285. noPermToSpawnMob=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74You don''t have permission to spawn this mob.
  286. noPlacePermission=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74You do not have permission to place a block near that sign.
  287. noPotionEffectPerm=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74You do not have permission to apply potion effect \u00a73{0} \u00a74to this potion.
  288. noPowerTools=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77You have no power tools assigned.
  289. noWarpsDefined=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Няма налични warp-ове.
  290. none=none
  291. notAllowedToQuestion=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74You are not authorized to use question.
  292. notAllowedToShout=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74You are not authorized to shout.
  293. notEnoughExperience=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74You do not have enough experience.
  294. notEnoughMoney=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74Нямате достатъчно пари.
  295. notFlying=not flying
  296. notRecommendedBukkit=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74* \! * Bukkit version is not the recommended build for Essentials.
  297. notSupportedYet=\u00a78\u00BB Не поддържано действие.
  298. nothingInHand=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74Нямате нищо в ръката си.
  299. now=now
  300. nuke=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a75May death rain upon them.
  301. numberRequired=\u00a78\u00BB A number goes there, silly.
  302. onlyDayNight=\u00a78\u00BB /time only supports day/night.
  303. onlyPlayerSkulls=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74You can only set the owner of player skulls (397\:3).
  304. onlyPlayers=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74Only in-game players can use {0}.
  305. onlySunStorm=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74/Метерологичното време поддържа единственно sun/storm
  306. orderBalances=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Ordering balances of\u00a73 {0} \u00a77users, please wait...
  307. oversizedTempban=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74You may not ban a player for this period of time.
  308. pTimeCurrent=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a73{0}\u00a77''s time is\u00a73 {1}\u00a77.
  309. pTimeCurrentFixed=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a73{0}\u00a77''s time is fixed to\u00a73 {1}\u00a77.
  310. pTimeNormal=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a73{0}\u00a77''s time is normal and matches the server.
  311. pTimeOthersPermission=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74You are not authorized to set other players'' time.
  312. pTimePlayers=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77These players have their own time\:\u00a7r
  313. pTimeReset=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Player time has been reset for\: \u00a73{0}
  314. pTimeSet=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Player time is set to \u00a73{0}\u00a77 for\: \u00a73{1}.
  315. pTimeSetFixed=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Player time is fixed to \u00a73{0}\u00a77 for\: \u00a73{1}.
  316. pWeatherCurrent=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a73{0}\u00a77''s weather is\u00a73 {1}\u00a77.
  317. pWeatherInvalidAlias=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74Invalid weather type
  318. pWeatherNormal=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a73{0}\u00a77''s weather is normal and matches the server.
  319. pWeatherOthersPermission=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74You are not authorized to set other players'' weather.
  320. pWeatherPlayers=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77These players have their own weather\:\u00a7r
  321. pWeatherReset=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Player weather has been reset for\: \u00a73{0}
  322. pWeatherSet=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Player weather is set to \u00a73{0}\u00a77 for\: \u00a73{1}.
  323. pendingTeleportCancelled=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74Pending teleportation request cancelled.
  324. playerBanIpAddress=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Player\u00a73 {0} \u00a77забрани ИП адресът: \u00a73 {1}\u00a77.
  325. playerBanned=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Player\u00a73 {0} \u00a77забрани\u00a73 {1} \u00a77за {2}.
  326. playerInJail=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74Player is already in jail\u00a73 {0}\u00a77.
  327. playerJailed=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Player\u00a73 {0} \u00a77jailed.
  328. playerJailedFor=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Player\u00a73 {0} \u00a77jailed for {1}.
  329. playerKicked=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Player\u00a73 {0} \u00a77kicked {1} for {2}.
  330. playerMuted=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77You have been muted\!
  331. playerMutedFor=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77You have been muted for\u00a73 {0}.
  332. playerNeverOnServer=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74Player\u00a73 {0} \u00a74was never on this server.
  333. playerNotFound=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74Player not found.
  334. playerUnbanIpAddress=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Player\u00a73 {0} \u00a77unbanned IP\: {1}.
  335. playerUnbanned=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Player\u00a73 {0} \u00a77unbanned\u00a73 {1}.
  336. playerUnmuted=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77You have been unmuted.
  337. pong=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Pong\!
  338. posPitch=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Pitch\: {0} (Head angle)
  339. posX=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77X\: {0} (+East <-> -West)
  340. posY=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Y\: {0} (+Up <-> -Down)
  341. posYaw=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Yaw\: {0} (Rotation)
  342. posZ=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Z\: {0} (+South <-> -North)
  343. possibleWorlds=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Possible worlds are the numbers 0 through {0}.
  344. potions=\u00a77Potions\:\u00a7r {0}\u00a77.
  345. powerToolAir=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74Command can''t be attached to air.
  346. powerToolAlreadySet=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74Command \u00a73{0}\u00a74 is already assigned to {1}.
  347. powerToolAttach=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a73{0}\u00a77 command assigned to {1}.
  348. powerToolClearAll=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77All powertool commands have been cleared.
  349. powerToolList=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Item \u00a73{1} \u00a77has the following commands\: \u00a73{0}\u00a77.
  350. powerToolListEmpty=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74Item \u00a73{0} \u00a74has no commands assigned.
  351. powerToolNoSuchCommandAssigned=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74Command \u00a73{0}\u00a74 has not been assigned to {1}.
  352. powerToolRemove=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Command \u00a73{0}\u00a77 removed from {1}.
  353. powerToolRemoveAll=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77All commands removed from {0}.
  354. powerToolsDisabled=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77All of your power tools have been disabled.
  355. powerToolsEnabled=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77All of your power tools have been enabled.
  356. questionFormat=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a72[Question]\u00a7r {0}
  357. readNextPage=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Type\u00a73 /{0} {1} \u00a77to read the next page.
  358. recipe=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Recipe for \u00a73{0}\u00a77 ({1} of {2})
  359. recipeBadIndex=\u00a78\u00BB There is no recipe by that number.
  360. recipeFurnace=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Smelt \u00a73{0}
  361. recipeGrid=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a7{0}X \u00a77| \u00a7{1}X \u00a77| \u00a7{2}X
  362. recipeGridItem=\u00a78\u00BB \ \u00a7{0}X \u00a77is \u00a73{1}
  363. recipeMore=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Type /{0} \u00a73{1}\u00a77 <number> to see other recipes for \u00a73{2}\u00a77.
  364. recipeNone=\u00a78\u00BB No recipes exist for {0}
  365. recipeNothing=\u00a78\u00BB nothing
  366. recipeShapeless=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Combine \u00a73{0}
  367. recipeWhere=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Where\: {0}
  368. removed=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Removed\u00a73 {0} \u00a77entities.
  369. repair=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77You have successfully repaired your\: \u00a73{0}.
  370. repairAlreadyFixed=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74Нямате предмети за поправяне.
  371. repairEnchanted=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74Нямате право да поправяте енчантнати предмети.
  372. repairInvalidType=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74Този предмет неможе да бъде поправен.
  373. repairNone=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74Нямате предмети за поправяне.
  374. requestAccepted=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Заявка за телепортация приета.
  375. requestAcceptedFrom=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a73{0} \u00a77прие вашата заявка за телепортация.
  376. requestDenied=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Заявка за телепортация отказана.
  377. requestDeniedFrom=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a73{0} \u00a77отказа вашата заявка за телепортация.
  378. requestSent=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77заявка за телепортация изпратена до: \u00a73 {0}\u00a77.
  379. requestTimedOut=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74Времето за телепортация изтече.
  380. requiredBukkit=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77* \! * You need atleast build {0} of CraftBukkit, download it from http\://
  381. resetBal=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Balance has been reset to \u00a77{0} \u00a77for all online players.
  382. resetBalAll=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Balance has been reset to \u00a77{0} \u00a77for all players.
  383. returnPlayerToJailError=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74Error occurred when trying to return player\u00a73 {0} \u00a74to jail\: {1}\!
  384. runningPlayerMatch=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Running search for players matching ''\u00a73{0}\u00a77'' (this could take a little while)
  385. second=second
  386. seconds=seconds
  387. seenOffline=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Player\u00a73 {0} \u00a77is \u00a74offline\u00a77 since {1}.
  388. seenOnline=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Player\u00a73 {0} \u00a77is \u00a77online\u00a77 since {1}.
  389. serverFull=\u00a78\u00BB Server is full\!
  390. serverTotal=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Server Total\:\u00a73 {0}
  391. setBal=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Your balance was set to {0}.
  392. setBalOthers=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77You set {0}\u00a77''s balance to {1}.
  393. setSpawner=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Changed spawner type to\u00a73 {0}
  394. sheepMalformedColor=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74Malformed color.
  395. shoutFormat=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77[Shout]\u00a7r {0}
  396. signFormatFail=\u00a74[{0}]
  397. signFormatSuccess=\u00a71[{0}]
  398. signFormatTemplate=[{0}]
  399. signProtectInvalidLocation=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74You are not allowed to create sign here.
  400. similarWarpExist=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74A warp with a similar name already exists.
  401. slimeMalformedSize=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74Malformed size.
  402. socialSpy=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77SocialSpy for {0}\u00a77\: {1}
  403. soloMob=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74That mob likes to be alone.
  404. spawnSet=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Spawn location set for group\u00a73 {0}\u00a77.
  405. spawned=spawned
  406. sudoExempt=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74You cannot sudo this user.
  407. sudoRun=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Forcing\u00a73 {0} \u00a77to run\:\u00a7r /{1} {2}
  408. suicideMessage=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Goodbye cruel world...
  409. suicideSuccess=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77{0} \u00a77took their own life.
  410. survival=survival
  411. takenFromAccount=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77{0} бяха отнети от вашият акаунт.
  412. takenFromOthersAccount=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77{0} taken from {1}\u00a77 account. New balance\: {2}.
  413. teleportAAll=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Изпращане на заявка за телепортация до всички играчи.
  414. teleportAll=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Телепортиране на всички играчи...
  415. teleportAtoB=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a73{0}\u00a77 ви телепортира до {1}\u00a77.
  416. teleportDisabled=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a73{0} \u00a74е включил забрана за телепортиране.
  417. teleportHereRequest=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a73{0}\u00a77 иска да се телепортирате до него.
  418. teleportNewPlayerError=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74Неуспешно телепортиране на новият играч.\!
  419. teleportRequest=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a73{0}\u00a77 иска да се телепортра до вас.
  420. teleportRequestTimeoutInfo=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Тази заявка ще изтече след: \u00a73 {0} seconds\u00a77.
  421. teleportTop=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Телепортиране до покрива...
  422. teleportToPlayer=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Телепортиране до:\u00a73{0}\u00a77.
  423. teleportationCommencing=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Извършва се телепортация
  424. teleportationDisabled=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Телепортация изключена.
  425. teleportationDisabledFor=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Teleportation disabled for {0}.
  426. teleportationEnabled=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Телепортация включена.
  427. teleportationEnabledFor=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Teleportation enabled for {0}.
  428. teleporting=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Телепортиране...
  429. tempBanned=\u00a78\u00BB Temporarily banned from server for {0}.
  430. tempbanExempt=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74You may not tempban that player.
  431. thunder=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77You\u00a73 {0} \u00a77thunder in your world.
  432. thunderDuration=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77You\u00a73 {0} \u00a77thunder in your world for\u00a73 {1} \u00a77seconds.
  433. timeBeforeHeal=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74Оставащо време преди следващ heal\:\u00a73 {0}\u00a77.
  434. timeBeforeTeleport=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74Време преди следваща телепортация\:\u00a73 {0}\u00a77.
  435. timeFormat=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a73{0}\u00a77 или \u00a73{1}\u00a77 или \u00a73{2}\u00a77.
  436. timeSetPermission=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74Достъп отказан!
  437. timeWorldCurrent=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Сегашното време в:\u00a73 {0} \u00a77е \u00a73{1}\u00a77.
  438. timeWorldSet=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Времето беше зададено на:\u00a73 {0} \u00a77in\: \u00a73{1}\u00a77.
  439. totalWorthAll=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Sold all items and blocks for a total worth of \u00a73{1}\u00a77.
  440. totalWorthBlocks=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Sold all blocks for a total worth of \u00a73{1}\u00a77.
  441. tps=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Current TPS \= {0}
  442. tradeSignEmpty=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74The trade sign has nothing available for you.
  443. tradeSignEmptyOwner=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74There is nothing to collect from this trade sign.
  444. treeFailure=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74Tree generation failure. Try again on grass or dirt.
  445. treeSpawned=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Tree spawned.
  446. true=\u00a77true\u00a7r
  447. typeTpaccept=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77За да приемете заявката напишете: \u00a73/tpaccept или /tpyes\u00a77.
  448. typeTpdeny=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77За да откажете телепортацията напишете: \u00a73/tpdeny\u00a77.
  449. typeWorldName=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77You can also type the name of a specific world.
  450. unableToSpawnMob=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74Невъзможно появяшане на моб.
  451. unignorePlayer=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Вие вече не игнорирате\u00a73 {0} \u00a77.
  452. unknownItemId=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74Несъществуващо ИД на предмет\:\u00a7r {0}\u00a74.
  453. unknownItemInList=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74Unknown item {0} in {1} list.
  454. unknownItemName=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74Unknown item name\: {0}.
  455. unlimitedItemPermission=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74No permission for unlimited item {0}.
  456. unlimitedItems=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Unlimited items\:\u00a7r
  457. unmutedPlayer=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Player\u00a73 {0} \u00a77unmuted.
  458. unvanishedReload=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74A презареждането ви принуди да станете видим.
  459. upgradingFilesError=\u00a78\u00BB Грешка при обновяването на файловете.
  460. uptime=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Uptime\:\u00a73 {0}
  461. userAFK=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77{0} \u00a75в момента е АФК и може да не отговори.
  462. userDoesNotExist=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74Играчът: \u00a73 {0} \u00a74не съществува.
  463. userIsAway=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77* {0} \u00a77в момента не е пред екрана.
  464. userIsNotAway=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77* {0} \u00a77се върна.
  465. userJailed=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77You have been jailed\!
  466. userUnknown=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74Warning\: The user ''\u00a73{0}\u00a74'' has never joined this server.
  467. userdataMoveBackError=\u00a78\u00BB Failed to move userdata/{0}.tmp to userdata/{1}\!
  468. userdataMoveError=\u00a78\u00BB Failed to move userdata/{0} to userdata/{1}.tmp\!
  469. usingTempFolderForTesting=\u00a78\u00BB Using temp folder for testing\:
  470. vanished=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Вие сте невидим за обикновените играчи и скрит от команди.
  471. versionMismatch=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74Version mismatch\! Please update {0} to the same version.
  472. versionMismatchAll=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74Version mismatch\! Please update all Essentials jars to the same version.
  473. voiceSilenced=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Your voice has been silenced\!
  474. walking=\u00a78\u00BB walking
  475. warpDeleteError=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74Невъзможно изтриване на warp.
  476. warpList={0}
  477. warpListPermission=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74Нямате право да виждате warp-овете.
  478. warpNotExist=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74Този warp не съществува.
  479. warpOverwrite=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74You cannot overwrite that warp.
  480. warpSet=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Warp\u00a73 {0} \u00a77зададен.
  481. warpUsePermission=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74You do not have Permission to use that warp.
  482. warpingTo=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Телепортация до Warp\u00a73 {0}\u00a77.
  483. warps=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Warps\:\u00a7r {0}
  484. warpsCount=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77There are\u00a73 {0} \u00a77warps. Showing page {1} of {2}.
  485. weatherStorm=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Вие зададохте времето на:\u00a73буря\u00a77 в\u00a73 {0}\u00a77.
  486. weatherStormFor=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Вие зададохте времето на:\u00a73буря[\u00a77 в\u00a73 {0} \u00a77 за {1} секунди.
  487. weatherSun=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Вие зададохте времето на:\u00a73слъчнчево\u00a77 в\u00a73 {0}\u00a77.
  488. weatherStormFor=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Вие зададохте времето на:\u00a73буря[\u00a77 в\u00a73 {0} \u00a77 за {1} секунди.
  489. whoisAFK=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77 - AFK\:\u00a7r {0}
  490. whoisBanned=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77 - Banned\:\u00a7r {0}
  491. whoisExp=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77 - Exp\:\u00a7r {0} (Level {1})
  492. whoisFly=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77 - Fly mode\:\u00a7r {0} ({1})
  493. whoisGamemode=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77 - Gamemode\:\u00a7r {0}
  494. whoisGeoLocation=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77 - Location\:\u00a7r {0}
  495. whoisGod=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77 - God mode\:\u00a7r {0}
  496. whoisHealth=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77 - Health\:\u00a7r {0}/20
  497. whoisIPAddress=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77 - IP Address\:\u00a7r {0}
  498. whoisJail=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77 - Jail\:\u00a7r {0}
  499. whoisLocation=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77 - Location\:\u00a7r ({0}, {1}, {2}, {3})
  500. whoisMoney=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77 - Money\:\u00a7r {0}
  501. whoisMuted=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77 - Muted\:\u00a7r {0}
  502. whoisNick=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77 - Nick\:\u00a7r {0}
  503. whoisOp=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77 - OP\:\u00a7r {0}
  504. whoisTop=\u00a77 \=\=\=\=\=\= WhoIs\:\u00a73 {0} \u00a77\=\=\=\=\=\=
  505. worth=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Stack of {0} worth \u00a73{1}\u00a77 ({2} item(s) at {3} each)
  506. worthMeta=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Stack of {0} with metadata of {1} worth \u00a73{2}\u00a77 ({3} item(s) at {4} each)
  507. worthSet=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Worth value set
  508. year=year
  509. years=years
  510. youAreHealed=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Вие сте излекуван.
  511. youHaveNewMail=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Имате\u00a73 {0} \u00a77нови съобщения\! напишете \u00a73/mail read\u00a77 за да ги прочетете.
  512. whoisHunger=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77 - Hunger\:\u00a7r {0}/20 (+{1} saturation)
  513. kitDelay=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a7m{0}\u00a7r
  514. giveSpawnFailure=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74Not enough space, \u00a73{0} \u00a73{1} \u00a74was lost.
  515. noKitGroup=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74You do not have access to this kit.
  516. inventoryClearingFromAll=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Изчистване на инвентара за всички играчи...
  517. inventoryClearingAllItems=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Изчистени всички предмети от: \u00a73{0}\u00a77.
  518. inventoryClearingAllArmor=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Изчистени всички предмети и броня от: \u00a73{0}\u00a77.
  519. inventoryClearingAllStack=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Изчистено:\u00a73 {0} \u00a77от {1}\u00a77.
  520. inventoryClearingStack=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Removed\u00a73 {0} \u00a77of\u00a73 {1} \u00a77from \u00a73{2}\u00a77.
  521. inventoryClearFail=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74Player {0} \u00a74does not have\u00a73 {1} \u00a74of\u00a73 {2}\u00a74.
  522. localNoOne=\u00a78\u00BB
  523. totalSellableAll=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77The total worth of all sellable items and blocks is \u00a73{1}\u00a77.
  524. totalSellableBlocks=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77The total worth of all sellable blocks is \u00a73{1}\u00a77.
  525. radiusTooBig=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74Radius is too big\! Maximum radius is {0}.
  526. isIpBanned=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77IP \u00a73{0} \u00a77is banned.
  527. mobDataList=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Valid mob data\:\u00a7r {0}
  528. vanish=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Vanish for {0}\u00a77\: {1}
  529. noLocationFound=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74Невалидна локация.
  530. coordsKeyword={0}, {1}, {2}
  531. banExemptOffline=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74You may not ban offline players.
  532. tempbanExemptOffline=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74You may not tempban offline players.
  533. mayNotJailOffline=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74You may not jail offline players.
  534. muteExemptOffline=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74You may not mute offline players.
  535. ignoreExempt=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74You may not ignore that player.
  536. unsafeTeleportDestination=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74The teleport destination is unsafe and teleport-safety is disabled.
  537. noMetaJson=\u00a78\u00BB JSON Metadata is not supported in this version of Bukkit.
  538. maxMoney=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74This transaction would exceed the balance limit for this account.
  539. skullChanged=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77Skull changed to \u00a73{0}.\u00a77.
  540. alphaNames=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74Player names can only contain letters, numbers and underscores.
  541. givenSkull=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a77You have been given the Skull of \u00a73{0}\u00a77.
  542. noPermissionSkull=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74You do not have permission to modify that Skull.
  543. teleportInvalidLocation=\u00a78\u00BB Стойноста на кординатите неможе да надхвъря: 30000000
  544. invalidSkull=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74Please hold a player Skull.
  545. weatherInvalidWorld=\u00a78\u00BB Несъщесвуващ свят.\!
  546. gameModeInvalid=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74You need to specify a valid player/mode.
  547. mailTooLong=\u00a78\u00BB \u00a74Съобщението е твърде дълго.
  548. mailDelay=\u00a78\u00BB Too many mails have been sent within the last minute. Maximum\: {0}
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