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- (ns saikyun.mein.collections
- #?(:cljs (:require [alc.x-as-tests.cljs.immediate :refer-macros [run-tests!]])
- :clj (:require [alc.x-as-tests.immediate :refer [run-tests!]])))
- (defn fconj
- ([c v] (fconj c v []))
- ([c v kind]
- (cond (nil? c)
- (conj kind v)
- (coll? c)
- (into kind (conj c v))
- :else
- (conj kind c v))))
- (comment
- ;; turns two non-coll values into collection
- (fconj 1 2) ;;=> [1 2]
- (fconj 1 [2]) ;;=> [1 [2]]
- (fconj 1 2 #{}) ;;=> #{1 2}
- ;; turns collection and value into that collection
- (fconj [1 2] 3) ;;=> [1 2 3]
- (fconj [1 2] [3]) ;;=> [1 2 [3]]
- ;; nil and value returns coll with value as only element
- (fconj nil 2) ;;=> [2]
- )
- (defn fmap
- [f v]
- (cond (nil? v) v
- (coll? v)
- (map f v)
- :else
- (f v)))
- (defn fmap!
- [f v]
- (cond (nil? v) v
- (or (coll? v)
- #?(:cljs (.isArray js/Array v)))
- (doall (map f v))
- :else
- (f v)))
- (comment
- ;; works on values
- (fmap inc 1)
- ;;=> 2
- ;; works on collections
- (fmap inc [1 2 3])
- ;;=> [2 3 4]
- (fmap inc '(1 2 3))
- ;;=> [2 3 4]
- (->> (fmap #(update % 1 inc) '{:a 10, :b 20})
- (into {}))
- ;;=> {:a 11, :b 21}
- )
- (run-tests!)
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