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Apr 2nd, 2020
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  1. 1. Včera jsem byl v kině. - I was in cinema yesterday.
  2. 2. V sobotu ráno nebyli doma. - They weren't home on Saturday morning.
  3. 3. Můj kamarád vloni odešel ze školy. - My friend left school last year
  4. 4. Uměl jsi plavat, když Ti byly 3 roky? - Did you able to swim when you were 3 years old?
  5. 5. Jeho kamarád nebyl v kině. - His friend wasn't in the cinema.
  6. 6. Strýček hodně cestoval před 5 lety. - Uncle traveled a lot 5 years ago.
  7. 7. Otec to nečetl. - Father didn't read it.
  8. 8. On napsal novou knihu minulý měsíc. - He wrote a new book last month.
  9. 9. Předevčírem John zapomněl své klíče doma. - The day before, John forgot his keys at home.
  10. 10. Studoval Petr angličtinu? - Ne, nestudoval. Did Peter study English? - No, he didn't.
  11. 11. Dnes ráno jsem chytil vlak do Jihlavy. - This morning I caught a train to Jihlava.
  12. 12. Náš dědeček nespal celou noc. - Our grandfather didn't sleep all night.
  13. 13. Včera mi Tom poslal zajímavý e-mail. - Tom sent me an interesting email yesterday.
  14. 14. Sestra nestudovala v Praze, ale studovala v Brně. - Sister did't study in Prague but she studied in Brno.
  15. 15. Nepomohl mi. - He didn't help me.
  16. 16. Můj bratranec spadl ze stromu minulou sobotu. - My cousin fell from a tree last Saturday.
  17. 17. Kluci hráli fotbal včera celý den. - The guys played football yesterday all day.
  18. 18. Harry se stal doktorem. - Harry became a doctor.
  19. 19. John nezapomněl na tvoje narozeniny. - John didn't forget your birthday.
  20. 20. Vloni jsme neměli nové auto. - We didn't have a new car last year.
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