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Jun 29th, 2017
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  1. UNHANDLED EXCEPTION (2017-06-29 15:32:26.798671)
  2. BRANCH: feature/microservices TIP: 568120f621d2
  3. PROCESS: ./services/chwriter/
  4. ERROR FINGERPRINT: bf4739a3-d25d-5baa-840c-fe89f3d69fe6
  5. WORKING DIRECTORY: /opt/noc
  6. EXCEPTION: <class 'socket.error'> [Errno 9] Bad file descriptor
  8. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9. File: ../../usr/lib/python2.7/ (Line: 170)
  10. Function: _dummy
  11. 163 # object or the _closedsocket object.
  12. 164 _delegate_methods = ("recv", "recvfrom", "recv_into", "recvfrom_into",
  13. 165 "send", "sendto")
  14. 166
  15. 167 class _closedsocket(object):
  16. 168 __slots__ = []
  17. 169 def _dummy(*args):
  18. 170 ==> raise error(EBADF, 'Bad file descriptor')
  19. 171 # All _delegate_methods must also be initialized here.
  20. 172 send = recv = recv_into = sendto = recvfrom = recvfrom_into = _dummy
  21. 173 __getattr__ = _dummy
  22. 174
  23. 175 # Wrapper around platform socket objects. This implements
  24. 176 # a platform-independent dup() functionality. The
  25. Variables:
  26. args = (<socket._closedsocket object at 0x7fc6c8a5fda0>, 'fileno')
  27. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  28. File: ../../usr/lib/python2.7/ (Line: 224)
  29. Function: meth
  30. 217 return _fileobject(self._sock, mode, bufsize)
  31. 218
  32. 219 family = property(lambda self:, doc="the socket family")
  33. 220 type = property(lambda self: self._sock.type, doc="the socket type")
  34. 221 proto = property(lambda self: self._sock.proto, doc="the socket protocol")
  35. 222
  36. 223 def meth(name,self,*args):
  37. 224 ==> return getattr(self._sock,name)(*args)
  38. 225
  39. 226 for _m in _socketmethods:
  40. 227 p = partial(meth,_m)
  41. 228 p.__name__ = _m
  42. 229 p.__doc__ = getattr(_realsocket,_m).__doc__
  43. 230 m = MethodType(p,None,_socketobject)
  44. Variables:
  45. self = <socket._socketobject object at 0x7fc6bf3a59f0>
  46. args = ()
  47. name = 'fileno'
  48. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  49. File: local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tornado/ (Line: 657)
  50. Function: split_fd
  51. 650
  52. 651 This method is provided for use by `IOLoop` subclasses and should
  53. 652 not generally be used by application code.
  54. 653
  55. 654 .. versionadded:: 4.0
  56. 655 """
  57. 656 try:
  58. 657 ==> return fd.fileno(), fd
  59. 658 except AttributeError:
  60. 659 return fd, fd
  61. 660
  62. 661 def close_fd(self, fd):
  63. 662 """Utility method to close an ``fd``.
  64. 663
  65. Variables:
  66. self = <tornado.platform.epoll.EPollIOLoop object at 0x7fc6bf4e76d0>
  67. fd = <socket._socketobject object at 0x7fc6bf3a59f0>
  68. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  69. File: local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tornado/ (Line: 735)
  70. Function: remove_handler
  71. 728 self._impl.register(fd, events | self.ERROR)
  72. 729
  73. 730 def update_handler(self, fd, events):
  74. 731 fd, obj = self.split_fd(fd)
  75. 732 self._impl.modify(fd, events | self.ERROR)
  76. 733
  77. 734 def remove_handler(self, fd):
  78. 735 ==> fd, obj = self.split_fd(fd)
  79. 736 self._handlers.pop(fd, None)
  80. 737 self._events.pop(fd, None)
  81. 738 try:
  82. 739 self._impl.unregister(fd)
  83. 740 except Exception:
  84. 741 gen_log.debug("Error deleting fd from IOLoop", exc_info=True)
  85. Variables:
  86. self = <tornado.platform.epoll.EPollIOLoop object at 0x7fc6bf4e76d0>
  87. fd = <socket._socketobject object at 0x7fc6bf3a59f0>
  88. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  89. File: local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tornado/ (Line: 442)
  90. Function: close
  91. 435 if self._read_until_close:
  92. 436 if (self._streaming_callback is not None and
  93. 437 self._read_buffer_size):
  94. 438 self._run_read_callback(self._read_buffer_size, True)
  95. 439 self._read_until_close = False
  96. 440 self._run_read_callback(self._read_buffer_size, False)
  97. 441 if self._state is not None:
  98. 442 ==> self.io_loop.remove_handler(self.fileno())
  99. 443 self._state = None
  100. 444 self.close_fd()
  101. 445 self._closed = True
  102. 446 self._maybe_run_close_callback()
  103. 447
  104. 448 def _maybe_run_close_callback(self):
  105. Variables:
  106. exc_info = False
  107. self = <tornado.iostream.IOStream object at 0x7fc6bf3a7910>
  108. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  109. File: local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tornado/ (Line: 277)
  110. Function: null_wrapper
  111. 270
  112. 271 if not cap_contexts[0][0] and not cap_contexts[0][1]:
  113. 272 # Fast path when there are no active contexts.
  114. 273 def null_wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
  115. 274 try:
  116. 275 current_state = _state.contexts
  117. 276 _state.contexts = cap_contexts[0]
  118. 277 ==> return fn(*args, **kwargs)
  119. 278 finally:
  120. 279 _state.contexts = current_state
  121. 280 null_wrapper._wrapped = True
  122. 281 return null_wrapper
  123. 282
  124. 283 def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
  125. Variables:
  126. cap_contexts = [((), None)]
  127. args = ()
  128. current_state = ((), None)
  129. fn =
  130. <bound method IOStream.close of <tornado.iostream.IOStream object at 0x7fc6bf3a7910>>
  131. kwargs = {}
  132. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  133. File: local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tornado/ (Line: 605)
  134. Function: _run_callback
  135. 598
  136. 599 def _run_callback(self, callback):
  137. 600 """Runs a callback with error handling.
  138. 601
  139. 602 For use in subclasses.
  140. 603 """
  141. 604 try:
  142. 605 ==> ret = callback()
  143. 606 if ret is not None:
  144. 607 from tornado import gen
  145. 608 # Functions that return Futures typically swallow all
  146. 609 # exceptions and store them in the Future. If a Future
  147. 610 # makes it out to the IOLoop, ensure its exception (if any)
  148. 611 # gets logged too.
  149. Variables:
  150. callback = <functools.partial object at 0x7fc6bf3a2ba8>
  151. self = <tornado.platform.epoll.EPollIOLoop object at 0x7fc6bf4e76d0>
  152. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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