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Jan 9th, 2017
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  1. 19:59 - Video my Games: i have a new pet peeve
  2. 19:59 - Video my Games: well i mean, a mutation of my usual pet peeve
  3. 19:59 - Video my Games: the pet peeve being people talking about misconceptions
  4. 19:59 - Video my Games: but i learned more about how fov works
  5. 20:00 - Video my Games: and now whenever i hear people say "I need at least x fov" etc, I get miffed
  6. 20:00 - Video my Games: what fov
  7. 20:00 - Video my Games: vertical? horizontal? the weird thing soruce games have?
  8. 20:00 - Faeris: The thing about FoV is
  9. 20:00 - Faeris: The value isn't exactly same across games
  10. 20:00 - Video my Games: but that's the thing
  11. 20:01 - Video my Games: it is, it just gets calculated differently
  12. 20:01 - Video my Games: in tf2, 90 fov is actually 74 vertical
  13. 20:01 - Video my Games: and horizontal fdepends on your aspect ratio
  14. 20:01 - Video my Games: many games use vertical
  15. 20:01 - Video my Games: but then 90 vertical would be roughly 110 in tf2
  16. 20:01 - Faeris: The thing is
  17. 20:01 - Faeris: honestly
  18. 20:02 - Faeris: As long as it doesn't look like I'm peering through a fucking keyhole
  19. 20:02 - Faeris: Like in Borderlands cuz fuck that game it has no FoV slider
  20. 20:02 - Faeris: Then I don't care
  21. 20:02 - Video my Games: optimally we should get a universal count
  22. 20:02 - Video my Games: but then people will complain
  23. 20:02 - Video my Games: that it's too low
  24. 20:02 - Video my Games: but it's not, it's just more accurate
  25. 20:02 - Video my Games: unless it is too low
  26. 20:02 - Video my Games: but ye i just dont like people saying "I want x fov", or "x fov is too low"
  27. 20:03 - Video my Games: but they dont specify what they mean
  28. 20:03 - Video my Games: they just say the numbers because those feel right in specific games
  29. 20:03 - Faeris: I always assumed it was just
  30. 20:03 - Faeris: Horizontal fov
  31. 20:03 - Video my Games: nah, it's vertical
  32. 20:03 - Faeris: Sorry I'm
  33. 20:03 - Video my Games: because horizontal changes with your aspect ratio
  34. 20:03 - Faeris: Being stupid
  35. 20:04 - Video my Games: but many games have some cumfuckery
  36. 20:04 - Video my Games: like tf2
  37. 20:04 - Video my Games: and i guess quake too
  38. 20:04 - Video my Games: for example in unity the measure is pure vertical fov
  39. 20:04 - Video my Games: so i set it to 110 because hey that felt nice in quake
  40. 20:04 - Video my Games: and its so fish eyes
  41. 20:05 - Video my Games: and then i find out quake actually was 90 vertical when it was 110 in settings
  42. 20:05 - Video my Games: its so dumb
  43. 20:05 - Video my Games: i suppose the framerate debate has lots of misconceptions too but at least the 60 mark has some solid grounding
  44. 20:06 - Faeris: the thing about frame rate is
  45. 20:06 - Video my Games: but a huge part of it is frame timing
  46. 20:06 - Faeris: The smoother it is, the more responsive a game is
  47. 20:06 - Faeris: Or should be, sorry
  48. 20:06 - Video my Games: well yes, but the reason why is a bit more involved
  49. 20:07 - Video my Games: so lets say you press mouse 1 to fire
  50. 20:07 - Video my Games: and ignoring the mouse lag etc
  51. 20:07 - Video my Games: lets assume the computer is at exactly 60fps
  52. 20:08 - Video my Games: one frame still takes 16.(6) miliseconds to display
  53. 20:08 - Video my Games: so that's the delay you're getting
  54. 20:08 - Video my Games: but let's say you have 120fps
  55. 20:08 - Video my Games: that makes each frame take 8.(3) miliseconds
  56. 20:08 - Video my Games: so even if your screen stil ldisplays 60
  57. 20:08 - Video my Games: it feels more responsive because the actual frame isnt that old
  58. 20:09 - Video my Games: so a lot of it is frame timing
  59. 20:09 - Video my Games: but you can't magically predict how long a frame takes to render outside a few cases, so it's best to just let it render as fast as possible
  60. 20:09 - Video my Games: and output the newest frame
  61. 20:09 - Video my Games: so 300fps still feels smoother on a 60hz monitor
  62. 20:10 - Video my Games: and if you get 60, the timing on the frames can be really uneven
  63. 20:10 - Video my Games: so a few frames might take longer or less than others
  64. 20:10 - Faeris: Man
  65. 20:10 - Video my Games: and that still feels jerky
  66. 20:10 - Faeris: Prof. Tom
  67. 20:10 - Video my Games: so you cant just say 60 makes things good
  68. 20:11 - Video my Games: but more is better generally
  69. 20:11 - Video my Games: but ye we need a universal fov count
  70. 20:12 - Video my Games: i vote vertical
  71. 20:12 - Video my Games: do i care too much
  72. 20:18 - Faeris: You know a lot
  73. 20:18 - Video my Games has changed their name to 6.9(4) miliseconds boy.
  74. 20:18 - Faeris: but I just think the general consensus is
  75. 20:19 - Faeris: "60 fps minimal, 90fov vertical"
  76. 20:19 - 6.9(4) miliseconds boy: what most people quote as 90 is often 74
  77. 20:19 - 6.9(4) miliseconds boy: 90 is where i like it, but it's already heavy fish eye
  78. 20:19 - 6.9(4) miliseconds boy: but ye, more = better
  79. 20:20 - 6.9(4) miliseconds boy: at least mroe choicew
  80. 20:20 - 6.9(4) miliseconds boy: more choice
  81. 20:20 - Faeris: Yeah for sure
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