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Mar 22nd, 2018
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  1. Variables:
  2. # player's class
  3. #default civilian
  4. {Class.%player%} = 9
  5. on join:
  6. if player is not in world {ChosenMap}:
  7. give event-player a feather named "&bClick to choose a class" with lore "&6Soulbound"
  8. give event-player a nether star named "&eClick to choose a team" with lore "&6Soulbound"
  9. give event-player a feather named "&bClick to choose a map" with lore "&6Soulbound"
  10. give event-player a feather named "&aClick to manage your preferences" with lore "&6Soulbound"
  11. #===============
  12. #===============
  13. #open up class selector
  14. #===============
  15. #===============
  16. on right click with feather:
  17. if name of event-player's tool contains "&bClick to choose a class":
  18. if player is in world "world":
  19. make player execute command "/classgui"
  20. #===============
  21. #===============
  22. #team selector
  23. #===============
  24. #===============
  25. on rightclick with nether star:
  26. if name of event-player's tool contains "&eClick to choose a team":
  27. if player is in world "world":
  28. open chest with 1 row named "&7||&0Team Selector&7||" to player
  29. wait 1 tick
  30. format slot 0 of player with white wool named "&fRandom" to close then run [make player execute command "/team random"]
  31. format slot 1 of player with red wool named "&4Red" to close then run [message "&5You have joined &4Red &5Team"]
  32. format slot 2 of player with blue wool named "&1Blue" to close then run [message "&5You have joined &1Blue &5Team"]
  33. format slot 3 of player with yellow wool named "&eYellow" to close then run [message "&5You have joined &eYellow &5Team"]
  34. format slot 4 of player with green wool named "&aGreen" to close then run [message "&5You have joined &aGreen &5Team"]
  35. #==============
  36. #==============
  37. #class selector
  38. #open via command can make this part use at the portal and the lobby
  39. #because both use the same interface
  40. #==============
  41. #==============
  42. command /kit:
  43. trigger:
  44. open chest with 6 rows named "&f&7|&0Class Selector&7|" to event-player
  45. wait 1 tick
  46. format slot 0 of event-player with feather named "&fAcrobat" to run [make player execute command "/class gui"]->[make player execute command "/class acrobat"]
  47. format slot 1 of event-player with enchanted book named "&fAlchemist" to run [make player execute command "/class alchemist"]
  48. format slot 2 of event-player with bow named "&fArcher" to run [make player execute command "/class archer"]
  49. format slot 3 of event-player with golden sword named "&fAssassin" to run [make player execute command "/class assassin"]
  50. format slot 4 of event-player with jukebox named "&fBard" to run [make player execute command "/class bard"]
  51. format slot 5 of event-player with chain chestplate named "&fBerserker" to run [make player execute command "/class berserker"]
  52. format slot 6 of event-player with blocks disc named "&fBloodmage" to run [make player execute command "/class bloodmage"]
  53. format slot 7 of event-player with brick block named "&fBuilder" to run [make player execute command "/class builder"]
  54. format slot 8 of event-player with crafting table named "&fCivilian" to run [make player execute command "/class civilian"]
  55. format slot 9 of event-player with ender pearl named "&fDasher" to run [make player execute command "/class dasher"]
  56. format slot 10 of event-player with wooden sword named "&fDefender" to run [make player execute command "/class defender"]
  57. format slot 11 of event-player with exp bottle named "&fEnchanter" to run [make player execute command "/class enchanter"]
  58. format slot 12 of event-player with redstone block named "&fEngenieer" to run [make player execute command "/class engenieer"]
  59. format slot 13 of event-player with seeds named "&fFarmer" to run [make player execute command "/class farmer"]
  60. format slot 14 of event-player with anvil named "&fHandyman" to run [make player execute command "/class handyman"]
  61. format slot 15 of event-player with paper named "&fHealer" to run [make player execute command "/class healer"]
  62. format slot 16 of event-player with lead named "&fHunter" to run [make player execute command "/class hunter"]
  63. format slot 17 of event-player with ice named "&fIceman" to run [make player execute command "/class iceman"]
  64. format slot 18 of event-player with slimeball named "&fImmobilizer" to run [make player execute command "/class immobilizer"]
  65. format slot 19 of event-player with stone axe named "&fLumberjack" to run [make player execute command "/class lumberjack"]
  66. format slot 20 of event-player with skeleton head named "&fMercenary" to run [make player execute command "/class mercenary"]
  67. format slot 21 of event-player with stone pickaxe named "&fMiner" to run [make player execute command "/class miner"]
  68. format slot 22 of event-player with flint and steel named "&fPyro" to run [make player execute command "/class pyro"]
  69. format slot 23 of event-player with blaze rod named "&fRiftwalker" to run [make player execute command "/class riftwalker"]
  70. format slot 24 of event-player with nether star named "&fScorpio" to run [make player execute command "/class scorpio"]
  71. format slot 25 of event-player with fishing rod named "&fScout" to run [make player execute command "/class scout"]
  72. format slot 26 of event-player with bow named "&fSniper" to run [make player execute command "/class sniper"]
  73. format slot 27 of event-player with vines named "&fSpider" to run [make player execute command "/class spider"]
  74. format slot 28 of event-player with potion of:8270 named "&fSpy" to run [make player execute command "/class spy"]
  75. format slot 29 of event-player with rose red named "&fSuccubus" to run [make player execute command "/class succubus"]
  76. format slot 30 of event-player with cat disc named "&fSwapper" to run [make player execute command "/class swapper"]
  77. format slot 31 of event-player with gold axe named "&fThor" to run [make player execute command "/class thor"]
  78. format slot 32 of event-player with stone pressure plate named "&fTinkerer" to run [make player execute command "/class tinkerer"]
  79. format slot 33 of event-player with quartz item named "&fTransporter" to run [make player execute command "/class transporter"]
  80. format slot 34 of event-player with redstone named "&fVampire" to run [make player execute command "/class vampire"]
  81. format slot 35 of event-player with stone sword named "&fWarrior" to run [make player execute command "/class warrior"]
  82. format slot 36 of event-player with stick named "&fWizard" to run [make player execute command "/class wizard"]
  83. #==============
  84. #==============
  85. #class select command
  86. #==============
  87. #==============
  88. command /class <text>:
  89. trigger:
  90. if arg-1 is "acrobat":
  91. message "&5Acrobat selected"
  92. set {Class.%player%} to 1
  93. if arg-1 is "alchemist":
  94. message "&5Alchemist selected"
  95. set {Class.%player%} to 2
  96. if arg-1 is "archer":
  97. message "&5Archer selected"
  98. set {Class.%player%} to 3
  99. if arg-1 is "assassin":
  100. message "&5Assassin selected"
  101. set {Class.%player%} to 4
  102. if arg-1 is "bard":
  103. message "&5Bard selected"
  104. set {Class.%player%} to 5
  105. if arg-1 is "berserker":
  106. message "&5Berserker selected"
  107. set {Class.%player%} to 6
  108. if arg-1 is "bloodmage":
  109. message "&5Bloodmage selected"
  110. set {Class.%player%} to 7
  111. if arg-1 is "builder":
  112. message "&5Builder selected"
  113. set {Class.%player%} to 8
  114. if arg-1 is "Civilian":
  115. message "&5Civilian selected"
  116. set {Class.%player%} to 9
  117. if arg-1 is "dasher":
  118. message "&5Dasher selected"
  119. set {Class.%player%} to 10
  120. if arg-1 is "defender":
  121. message "&5Defender selected"
  122. set {Class.%player%} to 11
  123. if arg-1 is "enchanter":
  124. message "&5Enchanter selected"
  125. set {Class.%player%} to 12
  126. if arg-1 is "engineer":
  127. message "&5Engineer selected"
  128. set {Class.%player%} to 13
  129. if arg-1 is "farmer":
  130. message "&5Farmer selected"
  131. set {Class.%player%} to 14
  132. if arg-1 is "handyman":
  133. message "&5Handyman selected"
  134. set {Class.%player%} to 15
  135. if arg-1 is "healer":
  136. message "&5Healer selected"
  137. set {Class.%player%} to 16
  138. if arg-1 is "hunter":
  139. message "&5Hunter selected"
  140. set {Class.%player%} to 17
  141. if arg-1 is "icaman":
  142. message "&5Icaman selected"
  143. set {Class.%player%} to 18
  144. if arg-1 is "immobilizer":
  145. message "&5Immobilizer selected"
  146. set {Class.%player%} to 19
  147. if arg-1 is "lumberjack":
  148. message "&5Lumberjack selected"
  149. set {Class.%player%} to 20
  150. if arg-1 is "mercenary":
  151. message "&5Mercenary selected"
  152. set {Class.%player%} to 21
  153. if arg-1 is "miner":
  154. message "&5Miner selected"
  155. set {Class.%player%} to 22
  156. if arg-1 is "pyro":
  157. message "&5Pyro selected"
  158. set {Class.%player%} to 23
  159. if arg-1 is "riftwalker":
  160. message "&5RiftWalker selected"
  161. set {Class.%player%} to 24
  162. if arg-1 is "scorpio":
  163. message "&5Scorpio selected"
  164. set {Class.%player%} to 25
  165. if arg-1 is "scout":
  166. message "&5Scout selected"
  167. set {Class.%player%} to 26
  168. if arg-1 is "sniper":
  169. message "&5Sniper selected"
  170. set {Class.%player%} to 27
  171. if arg-1 is "sipder":
  172. message "&5Spider selected"
  173. set {Class.%player%} to 28
  174. if arg-1 is "spy":
  175. message "&5Spy selected"
  176. set {Class.%player%} to 29
  177. if arg-1 is "succubus":
  178. message "&5Succubus selected"
  179. set {Class.%player%} to 30
  180. if arg-1 is "swapper":
  181. message "&5Swapper selected"
  182. set {Class.%player%} to 31
  183. if arg-1 is "thor":
  184. message "&5Thor selected"
  185. set {Class.%player%} to 32
  186. if arg-1 is "tinkerer":
  187. message "&5Tinkerer selected"
  188. set {Class.%player%} to 33
  189. if arg-1 is "transporter":
  190. message "&5Transporter selected"
  191. set {Class.%player%} to 34
  192. if arg-1 is "vampire":
  193. message "&5Vampire selected"
  194. set {Class.%player%} to 35
  195. if arg-1 is "warrior":
  196. message "&5Warrior selected"
  197. set {Class.%player%} to 36
  198. if arg-1 is "wizard":
  199. message "&5Wizard selected"
  200. set {Class.%player%} to 37
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