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Apr 14th, 2016
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  1. 2016-04-14 18:09:28.045 INFO 7140 --- [main] com.birjja.test.ElasticTest : Starting ElasticTest on Admin-ПК with PID 7140 (D:\JUNGLE\birjja-backend\build\classes\test started by Admin in D:\JUNGLE\birjja-backend)
  2. 2016-04-14 18:09:28.109 INFO 7140 --- [main] com.birjja.test.ElasticTest : The following profiles are active: test
  3. 2016-04-14 18:09:41.783 WARN 7140 --- [main] n.s.ehcache.config.ConfigurationFactory : No configuration found. Configuring ehcache from ehcache-failsafe.xml found in the classpath: jar:file:/C:/Users/Admin/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/net.sf.ehcache/ehcache-core/2.6.11/fae7f84a5ffabe1b814e40190650c0ad5aeda5b1/ehcache-core-2.6.11.jar!/ehcache-failsafe.xml
  4. 2016-04-14 18:09:43.718 INFO 7140 --- [main] o.apache.catalina.core.StandardService : Starting service Tomcat
  5. 2016-04-14 18:09:43.721 INFO 7140 --- [main] org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine : Starting Servlet Engine: Apache Tomcat/8.0.32
  6. 2016-04-14 18:09:44.021 INFO 7140 --- [localhost-startStop-1] o.a.c.c.C.[Tomcat].[localhost].[/] : Initializing Spring embedded WebApplicationContext
  7. 2016-04-14 18:09:45.372 INFO 7140 --- [localhost-startStop-1] o.f.core.internal.util.VersionPrinter : Flyway 4.0 by Boxfuse
  8. 2016-04-14 18:09:45.609 INFO 7140 --- [localhost-startStop-1] o.f.c.i.dbsupport.DbSupportFactory : Database: jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/birjja (PostgreSQL 9.4)
  9. 2016-04-14 18:09:45.795 INFO 7140 --- [localhost-startStop-1] o.f.core.internal.command.DbMigrate : Current version of schema "test": 5
  10. 2016-04-14 18:09:45.797 INFO 7140 --- [localhost-startStop-1] o.f.core.internal.command.DbMigrate : Schema "test" is up to date. No migration necessary.
  11. 2016-04-14 18:10:00.661 INFO 7140 --- [main] org.elasticsearch.node : [H.E.R.B.I.E.] version[1.5.2], pid[7140], build[62ff986/2015-04-27T09:21:06Z]
  12. 2016-04-14 18:10:00.662 INFO 7140 --- [main] org.elasticsearch.node : [H.E.R.B.I.E.] initializing ...
  13. 2016-04-14 18:10:00.673 INFO 7140 --- [main] org.elasticsearch.plugins : [H.E.R.B.I.E.] loaded [], sites []
  14. 2016-04-14 18:10:05.510 INFO 7140 --- [main] org.elasticsearch.node : [H.E.R.B.I.E.] initialized
  15. 2016-04-14 18:10:05.511 INFO 7140 --- [main] org.elasticsearch.node : [H.E.R.B.I.E.] starting ...
  16. 2016-04-14 18:10:05.518 INFO 7140 --- [main] org.elasticsearch.transport : [H.E.R.B.I.E.] bound_address {local[1]}, publish_address {local[1]}
  17. 2016-04-14 18:10:05.542 INFO 7140 --- [main] org.elasticsearch.discovery : [H.E.R.B.I.E.] elasticsearch/jh1aAuc1S8GM50K8qRTvkQ
  18. 2016-04-14 18:10:05.546 INFO 7140 --- [elasticsearch[H.E.R.B.I.E.][clusterService#updateTask][T#1]] org.elasticsearch.cluster.service : [H.E.R.B.I.E.] master {new [H.E.R.B.I.E.][jh1aAuc1S8GM50K8qRTvkQ][Admin-ПК][local[1]]{local=true}}, removed {[H.E.R.B.I.E.][MDDy-s5URJ2xccR6ZRb_nQ][Admin-ПК][local[1]]{local=true},}, reason: local-disco-initial_connect(master)
  19. 2016-04-14 18:10:05.616 INFO 7140 --- [main] org.elasticsearch.node : [H.E.R.B.I.E.] started
  20. 2016-04-14 18:10:07.199 INFO 7140 --- [elasticsearch[H.E.R.B.I.E.][clusterService#updateTask][T#1]] org.elasticsearch.gateway : [H.E.R.B.I.E.] recovered [1] indices into cluster_state
  21. 2016-04-14 18:10:07.490 ERROR 7140 --- [main] .d.e.r.s.AbstractElasticsearchRepository : failed to load elasticsearch nodes : org.elasticsearch.indices.IndexAlreadyExistsException: [birjja] already exists
  22. 2016-04-14 18:10:10.594 INFO 7140 --- [main] d.s.w.p.DocumentationPluginsBootstrapper : Context refreshed
  23. 2016-04-14 18:10:10.650 INFO 7140 --- [main] d.s.w.p.DocumentationPluginsBootstrapper : Found 1 custom documentation plugin(s)
  24. 2016-04-14 18:10:10.679 INFO 7140 --- [main] s.d.s.w.s.ApiListingReferenceScanner : Scanning for api listing references
  25. 2016-04-14 18:10:11.412 INFO 7140 --- [main] .d.s.w.r.o.CachingOperationNameGenerator : Generating unique operation named: listUsingGET_1
  26. 2016-04-14 18:10:11.501 WARN 7140 --- [main] d.s.r.o.OperationImplicitParameterReader : Coercing to be of type string. This may not even be a scalar type in actuality
  27. 2016-04-14 18:10:11.511 INFO 7140 --- [main] .d.s.w.r.o.CachingOperationNameGenerator : Generating unique operation named: createUsingPOST_1
  28. 2016-04-14 18:10:11.533 WARN 7140 --- [main] d.s.r.o.OperationImplicitParameterReader : Coercing to be of type string. This may not even be a scalar type in actuality
  29. 2016-04-14 18:10:11.613 WARN 7140 --- [main] d.s.r.o.OperationImplicitParameterReader : Coercing to be of type string. This may not even be a scalar type in actuality
  30. 2016-04-14 18:10:11.616 INFO 7140 --- [main] .d.s.w.r.o.CachingOperationNameGenerator : Generating unique operation named: listUsingGET_2
  31. 2016-04-14 18:10:11.634 WARN 7140 --- [main] d.s.r.o.OperationImplicitParameterReader : Coercing to be of type string. This may not even be a scalar type in actuality
  32. 2016-04-14 18:10:11.647 WARN 7140 --- [main] d.s.r.o.OperationImplicitParameterReader : Coercing to be of type string. This may not even be a scalar type in actuality
  33. 2016-04-14 18:10:11.651 INFO 7140 --- [main] .d.s.w.r.o.CachingOperationNameGenerator : Generating unique operation named: viewUsingGET_1
  34. 2016-04-14 18:10:11.745 INFO 7140 --- [main] .d.s.w.r.o.CachingOperationNameGenerator : Generating unique operation named: listUsingGET_3
  35. 2016-04-14 18:10:11.780 INFO 7140 --- [main] .d.s.w.r.o.CachingOperationNameGenerator : Generating unique operation named: viewUsingGET_2
  36. 2016-04-14 18:10:11.881 WARN 7140 --- [main] d.s.r.o.OperationImplicitParameterReader : Coercing to be of type string. This may not even be a scalar type in actuality
  37. 2016-04-14 18:10:11.884 INFO 7140 --- [main] .d.s.w.r.o.CachingOperationNameGenerator : Generating unique operation named: editUsingPUT_1
  38. 2016-04-14 18:10:11.899 WARN 7140 --- [main] d.s.r.o.OperationImplicitParameterReader : Coercing to be of type string. This may not even be a scalar type in actuality
  39. 2016-04-14 18:10:11.910 WARN 7140 --- [main] d.s.r.o.OperationImplicitParameterReader : Coercing to be of type string. This may not even be a scalar type in actuality
  40. 2016-04-14 18:10:11.925 WARN 7140 --- [main] d.s.r.o.OperationImplicitParameterReader : Coercing to be of type string. This may not even be a scalar type in actuality
  41. 2016-04-14 18:10:11.930 INFO 7140 --- [main] .d.s.w.r.o.CachingOperationNameGenerator : Generating unique operation named: listUsingGET_4
  42. 2016-04-14 18:10:12.193 INFO 7140 --- [main] com.birjja.test.ElasticTest : Started ElasticTest in 46.693 seconds (JVM running for 51.714)
  43. 2016-04-14 18:10:12.230 INFO 7140 --- [main] o.f.t.junit.FlywayTestExecutionListener : ---> Start reset database for 'com.birjja.test.ElasticTest.testElastic'.
  44. 2016-04-14 18:10:12.420 INFO 7140 --- [main] o.f.c.i.c.SqlScriptFlywayCallback : Executing SQL callback: beforeClean
  45. 2016-04-14 18:10:12.428 INFO 7140 --- [main] o.f.c.internal.dbsupport.JdbcTemplate : DB: удаление распространяется на объект значение по умолчанию, таблица users колонка uuid
  46. 2016-04-14 18:10:12.688 INFO 7140 --- [main] o.f.core.internal.command.DbClean : Successfully dropped schema "test" (execution time 00:00.224s)
  47. 2016-04-14 18:10:12.770 INFO 7140 --- [main] o.f.core.internal.command.DbSchemas : Creating schema "test" ...
  48. 2016-04-14 18:10:12.775 INFO 7140 --- [main] o.f.c.i.metadatatable.MetaDataTableImpl : Creating Metadata table: "test"."schema_version"
  49. 2016-04-14 18:10:12.853 INFO 7140 --- [main] o.f.core.internal.command.DbMigrate : Current version of schema "test": 0
  50. 2016-04-14 18:10:12.854 INFO 7140 --- [main] o.f.core.internal.command.DbMigrate : Migrating schema "test" to version 1 - Dictionaries
  51. 2016-04-14 18:10:13.216 INFO 7140 --- [main] o.f.core.internal.command.DbMigrate : Migrating schema "test" to version 2 - DictionaryData
  52. 2016-04-14 18:10:13.542 INFO 7140 --- [main] o.f.core.internal.command.DbMigrate : Migrating schema "test" to version 3 - SecurityEntities
  53. 2016-04-14 18:10:13.744 INFO 7140 --- [main] o.f.core.internal.command.DbMigrate : Migrating schema "test" to version 4 - BusinessObjects
  54. 2016-04-14 18:10:14.050 INFO 7140 --- [main] o.f.core.internal.command.DbMigrate : Migrating schema "test" to version 5 - MailTemplates
  55. 2016-04-14 18:10:14.089 INFO 7140 --- [main] o.f.core.internal.command.DbMigrate : Successfully applied 5 migrations to schema "test" (execution time 00:01.257s).
  56. 2016-04-14 18:10:14.098 INFO 7140 --- [main] o.f.t.junit.FlywayTestExecutionListener : <--- Finished reset database for 'com.birjja.test.ElasticTest.testElastic'.
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