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a guest
Jul 29th, 2018
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  1. # Unsafe save:
  2. # When it's true, stats will be saved when
  3. # player leaves (when MySQL is enabled), or
  4. # when server disables.
  5. # However, when false, it will save when
  6. # player finds a reward.
  7. # -----------------------------------
  8. # If hide-found-blocks is "NONE", it will
  9. # be disabled.
  10. # -----------------------------------
  11. # For custom skulls for find effect,
  12. # use the Base64 Encoding
  13. # from in the give command,
  14. # what usually looks like this:
  15. # eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYzAxNDYxOTczNjM0NTI1MTk2ZWNjNzU3NjkzYjE3MWFkYTRlZjI0YWE5MjgzNmY0MmVhMTFiZDc5YzNhNTAyZCJ9fX0=
  16. # -----------------------------------
  17. # You can use DISABLED or NONE for some
  18. # paths to disable it.
  19. # -----------------------------------
  21. placeholderapi: false
  22. use-mysql: false
  23. enabled: true
  24. disabled-msg: '&c&l[!]&c The block quest is currently disabled.'
  25. use-uuid: true
  26. check-full-inventory: 0
  27. full-inventory-msg: '&c&l[!]&c Your inventory is full!'
  28. mysql-host: host
  29. mysql-database: database
  30. mysql-username: username
  31. mysql-password: password
  32. mysql-unsafe-save: true
  33. no-permission: '&c&l[!]&c You do not have permission to do that.'
  34. hide-found-blocks: NONE
  35. blocks: []
  36. find-block-commands:
  37. - particle mobSpell %locX% %locY% %locZ% 0.25 0.25 0.25 1 10
  38. - tm msg %player% &b&lBLOCK FOUND!\n&7&o(( There are &f&o%blocksLeft%&7&o blocks left. ))
  39. - rawmsg %player% false &c&l[!]&c Block found! There are &4%blocksLeft%&c blocks left.
  40. all-blocks-found-commands:
  41. - tm msg %player% &a&lALL BLOCKS FOUND!\n&7&o(( You have been gifted 1x Ancient Key as a reward! ))
  42. - rawmsg %player% false &c&l[!]&c You have found the last block and have been gifted &41x Ancient Key&c as a reward.
  43. - crazycrate give v ancient 1 %player%
  44. already-found-commands:
  45. - tm msg %player% &c&lBLOCK ALREADY FOUND\n&7&o(( There are &f&o%blocksLeft%&7&o blocks left. ))
  46. - rawmsg %player% false &c&l[!]&c You have already found that block! There are &4%blocksLeft%&c blocks left.
  47. already-found-all-blocks:
  48. - tm msg %player% &c&lALL BLOCKS FOUND\n&7&o(( You have already found all blocks. ))
  49. - rawmsg %player% false &c&l[!]&c You have already found all blocks.
  50. find-effect:
  51. enabled: true
  52. invisible: true
  53. small: true
  54. custom-name: ''
  55. head: GLOWSTONE
  56. chest: NONE
  57. leg: NONE
  58. boot: NONE
  59. particle: FLAME
  60. loop: 30
  61. levitation-per-loop: 0.2
  62. yaw-rotation: 20
  63. scheduler: 2
  64. y-start: 0.25
  66. sound-pitch: 0
  67. disappear-commands:
  68. enabled: false
  69. commands:
  70. - say The find effect disappeared at %locX% %locY% %locZ%!
  71. particles:
  72. loop: 20
  73. enabled: false
  74. found:
  75. dx: 0.05
  76. dy: 0.05
  77. dz: 0.05
  78. speed: 0.1
  79. quantity: 20
  80. type: DISABLED
  81. notfound:
  82. dx: 0.05
  83. dy: 0.05
  84. dz: 0.05
  85. speed: 0.1
  86. quantity: 35
  87. type: FLAME
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