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May 25th, 2018
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  1.  ,Programming Language,Scripting Language
  2. Purpose,Communicate instructions to a machine.,Control of one or more applications.
  3. Type,Compiler-based language,Interpreter based language
  4. Usage,Developing something from scratch,Used to combine existing components
  5. Interpretation,The compiled result is stand-alone.,Interpreted within another program.
  6. Running,Run independent of parent program,Run inside another program
  7. Design,Designed to get full usage of a language,Designed to make coding fast and simple
  8. Conversion,Converts everything beforehand once.,Converts and run simultaneously.
  9. Creation,Creates a .exe file,Does not create a .exe file
  10. Compilation,Needs to compile the program,There is no need to compile the program
  11. Coding,Programming is making a full code of program,Scripts are just a piece of code
  12. Temperament,Harder to code.,Easier to code.
  13. Complexity,Are complex,Are easy to use and easy to write
  14. Development Time,Takes longer to develop.,Takes less time to code.
  15. Support,Explicit support of Data Types,Implicit support of Data Types
  16. ,Rich support for User Interface Design,Limited support for User Interface Design
  17. ,Rich support for Graphic Design,Limited or no support for Graphic Design
  18. Hosting,Does not require a host. Is self – executable,Requires a host
  19. Cost,Increased maintenance cost,Reduced maintenance cost
  20. Examples,"C, C++, C#, Java, VB, Basic,etc.","JavaScript, VB Script, Shell, Perl, Python, Ruby, Rexx, PHP, GameMonkey, Lua, etc."
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