
The Freeze :: Server System

Jan 3rd, 2020
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  1. # ======== ❄ THE FREEZE ❄ ========
  2. #
  3. # Server System ( 2.0 )
  4. #
  5. # =========================
  7. options:
  8. Logo : &e[&b&l氷鬼&e]
  9. logo : &e[&b&l氷鬼&e]
  10. Server : &c[The Freeze Server Proxy]
  12. on command "/stop":
  13. permission: Server.Administrator
  14. permission message: &cこのコマンドを使用するには Server.Administrator の権限が必要です。
  15. trigger:
  16. cancel event
  17. send "{@Server} サーバーを停止します。停止処理をしているのでしばらく待ってください。"
  18. set {Server.Stop} to true
  19. command "/Game Stop"
  20. broadcast "{@Server} サーバーが &430 &c秒後に停止します。"
  21. wait 20 seconds
  22. broadcast "{@Server} サーバーが &410 &c秒後に停止します。"
  23. wait 5 seconds
  24. broadcast "{@Server} サーバーが &45 &c秒後に停止します。"
  25. wait 1 seconds
  26. broadcast "{@Server} サーバーが &44 &c秒後に停止します。"
  27. wait 1 seconds
  28. broadcast "{@Server} サーバーが &43 &c秒後に停止します。"
  29. wait 1 seconds
  30. broadcast "{@Server} サーバーが &42 &c秒後に停止します。"
  31. wait 1 seconds
  32. broadcast "{@Server} サーバーが &41 &c秒後に停止します。"
  33. wait 1 seconds
  34. broadcast "{@Server} サーバーを停止しています..."
  35. wait 1 seconds
  36. command "/stop"
  38. command /Game [<text>]:
  39. permission: Server.Administrator
  40. permission message: &cこのコマンドを使用するには Server.Administrator の権限が必要です。
  41. trigger:
  42. if arg 1 is "Start":
  43. {Game} is not set
  44. set {Game} to true
  45. set {Map} to random integer between 1 and 4
  46. broadcast "{@Logo} &a鬼を決めます..."
  47. wait 3 seconds
  48. loop all players:
  49. {Join.%loop-player%} is not set
  50. add loop-player to {_Player::*}
  51. if number of {_Player::*} is between 1 and 5:
  52. broadcast "{@Logo} &a今回の鬼は %{_Oni}% さんです!"
  53. set {_Oni} to random player of {_Player::*}
  54. command "/Oni Add %{_Oni}%"
  55. else if number of {_Player::*} is between 6 and 14:
  56. loop 2 times:
  57. set {_Oni} to random player of {_Player::*}
  58. remove {_Oni} from {_Player::*}
  59. command "/Oni add %{_Oni}%"
  60. broadcast "{@Logo} &a今回の鬼は %{_Oni}% さんです!"
  61. else if number of {_Player::*} is between 14 and 30:
  62. loop 2 times:
  63. set {_Oni} to random player of {_Player::*}
  64. remove {_Oni} from {_Player::*}
  65. command "/Oni add %{_Oni}%"
  66. broadcast "{@Logo} &a今回の鬼は %{_Oni}% さんです!"
  67. wait 2 seconds
  68. set {Game} to true
  69. loop all players:
  70. if {Oni::*} contains player:
  71. set loop-player's helmet to glowing ice named "&c【鬼装備】"
  72. set loop-player's chestplate to glowing leather chestplate named "&c【鬼装備】"
  73. set loop-player's leggings to glowing leather leggings named "&c【鬼装備】"
  74. set loop-player's boots to glowing leather boots named "&c【鬼装備】"
  75. dye loop-player's helmet light blue
  76. dye loop-player's chestplate light blue
  77. dye loop-player's leggings light blue
  78. dye loop-player's boots Cyan
  79. teleport loop-player to {SpawnPoint.Oni::%{Map}%}
  80. set loop-player's tab list name to "&c[鬼] %loop-player%"
  81. else:
  82. {Join.%loop-player%} is not set
  83. teleport loop-player to {SpawnPoint.Nige::%{Map}%}
  84. set loop-player's tab list name to "&a[逃げ] %loop-player%"
  85. command "/effect %loop-player% 1 10 2 true"
  86. give loop-player feather named "&bSpeed Booster" with lore "&a[効果]" and "&c10&e秒間歩く速度が上がります" and "&3[クールダウン]" and "&e30秒"
  87. add loop-player to {Nige::*}
  88. command "/setblock 560 4 200 redstone_block"
  89. command "/fill 584 12 194 584 5 182 ice"
  90. command "/fill 525 7 464 721 4 464 ice"
  91. broadcast "{@Logo} &c10 &a秒後に鬼が動き始めます…"
  92. command "/execute @a ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:block.dispenser.fail master @a"
  93. wait 5 seconds
  94. loop 5 times:
  95. broadcast "{@Logo} &c%6-loop-number% &a秒後に鬼が動き始めます…"
  96. command "/execute @a ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:block.dispenser.fail master @a"
  97. wait 1 seconds
  98. command "/fill 584 12 194 584 5 182 air" #Map 1
  99. command "/fill 587 10 113 599 4 113 air" #Map 2
  100. command "/fill 895 8 18 895 5 31 air" #Map 3-1
  101. command "/fill 898 8 38 908 5 38 air" #Map 3-2
  102. command "/fill 525 4 464 521 7 464 air" $Map 4
  103. command "/execute @a ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:entity.wither.spawn master @a ~ ~ ~ 1 2"
  104. broadcast "{@Logo} &b&l鬼が動き始めました!"
  105. set {Time} to 300
  106. set {Time.Color} to "&a"
  107. while {Game} is set:
  108. wait 1 seconds
  109. remove 1 from {Time}
  110. send action bar "&c&l【&e残り時間&8 : %{time.color}%%{time}%&c&l &b%number of {nige::*}%人が生存中&c&l】" to all players
  111. if {time} is 150:
  112. set {time.color} to "&e"
  113. if {time} is 60:
  114. set {time.color} to "&c"
  115. if {time} is 30:
  116. broadcast "{@Logo} &6残り30秒を切ったため逃走者にに発行、鬼にスピードがつきます。"
  117. loop {Nige::*}:
  118. command "/effect %loop-value% glowing 10000 255 true"
  119. loop {Koori::*}:
  120. command "/effect %loop-value% glowing 10000 255 true"
  121. loop {Oni::*}:
  122. command "/effect %loop-value% speed 100000 1 true"
  123. if number of {Nige::*} is 0:
  124. execute console command "/Game Stop"
  125. loop all players:
  126. teleport loop-player to location (532, 6, 284)
  127. broadcast "{@logo} &a全員が捕まったため、&c&l鬼側&aの&e勝利&aです!"
  128. else if {time} is 0:
  129. if {game} is set:
  130. loop all players:
  131. teleport loop-player to location (532, 6, 284)
  132. broadcast "{@logo} &a生存者が逃げ切ったため、&b&l逃げ側&aの&e勝利&aです!"
  133. command "/Game Stop"
  134. if arg 1 is "Stop":
  135. Delete Game
  136. broadcast "{@Logo} &aゲーム終了!"
  137. delete {Nige::*}
  138. delete {Tatti::*}
  139. loop {Oni::*}:
  140. clear loop-value's inventory
  141. command "/Oni allremove"
  142. loop {koori::*}:
  143. command "/kill @e[type=falling_block,name=%loop-value%]"
  144. delete {Koori::*}
  145. loop all players:
  146. teleport loop-player to location (532, 6, 284)
  147. set loop-player's tab list name to "&f%loop-player%"
  148. set loop-player's gamemode to survival
  149. command "/effect %loop-player% clear"
  150. command "/clear %loop-player%"
  151. command "/fill 584 12 194 584 5 182 ice" #map1
  152. command "/fill 587 10 113 599 4 113 ice" #map2
  153. command "/fill 895 8 18 895 5 31 ice" #map3-1
  154. command "/fill 898 8 38 908 5 38 ice" #map3-2
  155. command "/fill 525 4 464 521 7 464 ice" #map4
  157. command /ToggleJoin:
  158. trigger:
  159. if {Join.%player%} is not set:
  160. send "{@Logo} &c不参加にしました。"
  161. set {Join.%player%} to "set"
  162. else:
  163. send "{@Logo} &a自動参加になりました。"
  164. delete {Join.%player%}
  166. command /Oni [<text>] [<player>]:
  167. permission: Skript.Administrator
  168. permission message: &cこのコマンドを使用するには Server.Administrator の権限が必要です。
  169. trigger:
  170. if arg 1 is "Add":
  171. if arg 2 is set:
  172. if {Oni::*} do not contain arg 2:
  173. send "{@Logo} &a鬼に %arg 2% さんを追加しました。"
  174. add arg 2 to {Oni::*}
  175. else:
  176. send "{@Logo} &c%arg-2% さんは既に鬼に含まれています。"
  177. else:
  178. send "&cプレイヤーを選択してください。"
  179. else if arg 1 is "Remove":
  180. if arg 2 is set:
  181. if {Oni::*} contains arg 2:
  182. send "{@Logo} &a%arg 2% を鬼から削除しました"
  183. remove arg-2 from {Oni::*}
  184. else:
  185. send "{@Logo} &c%arg-2% さんは鬼ではありません。"
  186. else:
  187. send "&cプレイヤーを選択してください。"
  188. else if arg 1 is "allremove":
  189. delete {Oni::*}
  190. send "{@Logo} &aすべてのプレイヤーを鬼から削除しました"
  191. else:
  192. send "{@Logo} &c使用法 : "/oni [add/remove] <player>"
  193. send "{@Logo} &c例 : "/oni add %player%"" であなたを鬼にします"
  194. send "{@Logo} &c例 : "/oni remove %player%"" であなたを鬼から消します"
  195. send "{@Logo} &c例 : "/oni allremove"" ですべてのプレイヤーを鬼から削除します"
  197. on damage of player:
  198. cancel event
  199. if attacker is player:
  200. {Game} is set
  201. if {Oni::*} contains attacker:
  202. if {Oni::*} do not contain victim:
  203. {Tatti::%victim%} is not set
  204. set {Tatti::%victim%} to true
  205. broadcast "{@Logo} &c%victim% が %attacker%によって捕まった!"
  206. set victim's tab list name to "&b[氷] %victim%"
  207. set victim's hunger to 0
  208. command "/execute %victim% ~ ~ ~ /summon falling_block ~ ~ ~ {CustomName:""%victim%"",CustomNameVisible:1,NoGravity:1b,Block:""minecraft:ice"",Data:0,Time:1b,DropItem:0}"
  209. set victim's helmet to ice named "&b氷"
  210. set victim's chestplate to ice named "&b氷"
  211. set victim's leggings to ice named "&b氷"
  212. set victim's boots to ice named "&b氷"
  213. on damage of player:
  214. cancel event
  215. if attacker is player:
  216. {game} is set
  217. if {oni::*} contains attacker:
  218. if {oni::*} do not contain victim:
  219. {tatti::%victim%} is not set
  220. set {tatti::%victim%} to true
  221. broadcast "{@Logo} &c%victim%が%attacker%によって捕まった!"
  222. set victim's tab list name to "&b[氷]%victim%"
  223. set victim's hunger to 0
  224. command "/execute %victim% ~ ~ ~ /summon falling_block ~ ~ ~ {CustomName:""%victim%"",CustomNameVisible:1,NoGravity:1b,Block:""minecraft:ice"",Data:0,Time:1b,DropItem:0}"
  225. set victim's helmet to ice named "&b氷"
  227. on damage of player:
  228. cancel event
  229. if attacker is player:
  230. {game} is set
  231. if {oni::*} contains attacker:
  232. if {oni::*} do not contain victim:
  233. {tatti::%victim%} is not set
  234. set {tatti::%victim%} to true
  235. broadcast "{@Logo} &c%victim% が %attacker% によって捕まった!"
  236. set victim's tab list name to "&b[氷]%victim%"
  237. set victim's hunger to 0
  238. command "/execute %victim% ~ ~ ~ /summon falling_block ~ ~ ~ {CustomName:""%victim%"",CustomNameVisible:1,NoGravity:1b,Block:""minecraft:ice"",Data:0,Time:1b,DropItem:0}"
  239. set victim's helmet to ice named "&b氷"
  240. set victim's chestplate to ice named "&b氷"
  241. set victim's leggings to ice named "&b氷"
  242. set victim's boots to ice named "&b氷"
  243. add victim to {Koori::*}
  244. remove victim from {Nige::*}
  245. effect(victim)
  246. else:
  247. if {Oni::*} do not contain victim:
  248. {Tatti::%attacker%} is not set
  249. {Tatti::%victim%} is set
  250. broadcast "{@Logo} &e%victim% が %attacker% によって救出されました!"
  251. set victim's tab list name to "&a[逃げ] %victim%"
  252. add victim to {Nige::*}
  253. remove victim from {koori::*}
  254. command "/kill @e[type=falling_block,name=%victim%]"
  255. delete {Tatti::%victim%}
  256. effect(victim)
  257. set victim's helmet to air
  258. set victim's chestplate to air
  259. set victim's leggings to air
  260. set victim's boots to airadd victim to {Koori::*}
  261. remove victim from {Nige::*}
  262. effect(victim)
  263. else:
  264. if {Oni::*} do not contain victim:
  265. {Tatti::%attacker%} is not set
  266. {Tatti::%victim%} is set
  267. broadcast "{@Logo} &e%victim% が %attacker% によって救出されました!"
  268. set victim's tab list name to "&a[逃げ] %victim%"
  269. add victim to {Nige::*}
  270. remove victim from {Koori::*}
  271. command "/kill @e[type=falling_block,name=%victim%]"
  272. delete {Tatti::%victim%}
  273. effect(victim)
  274. set victim's helmet to air
  275. set victim's chestplate to air
  276. set victim's leggings to air
  277. set victim's boots to airadd victim to {Koori::*}
  278. remove victim from {nige::*}
  279. effect(victim)
  280. else:
  281. if {Oni::*} do not contain victim:
  282. {Tatti::%attacker%} is not set
  283. {Tatti::%victim%} is set
  284. broadcast "{@Logo} &e%victim% が %attacker% によって救出されました!"
  285. set victim's tab list name to "&a[逃げ] %victim%"
  286. add victim to {Nige::*}
  287. remove victim from {Koori::*}
  288. command "/kill @e[type=falling_block,name=%victim%]"
  289. delete {tatti::%victim%}
  290. effect(victim)
  291. set victim's helmet to air
  292. set victim's chestplate to air
  293. set victim's leggings to air
  294. set victim's boots to air
  296. on inventory click:
  297. if player is not op:
  298. cancel event
  299. send "{@Logo} 運営以外の人がアイテムをクリックすることはできません!!"
  301. on drop:
  302. if player is not op:
  303. cancel event
  304. send "{@Logo} 運営以外の人がアイテムをドロップすることはできません!!"
  306. function effect(p: player):
  307. if {koori::*} contains {_p}:
  308. command "effect %{_p}% slowness 10000 255 true"
  309. command "effect %{_p}% minecraft:jump_boost 10000 188 true"
  310. set {_p}'s hunger to 0
  311. else:
  312. command "/effect %{_p}% clear"
  313. set {_p}'s hunger to 20
  315. on any move:
  316. if {koori::*} contains player:
  317. set player's hunger to 0
  318. else:
  319. set player's hunger to 20
  320. execute console command "/tp @e[type=falling_block,name=%player%] %player%"
  322. on click with feather:
  323. if {Nige::*} contains player:
  324. if event-item's name is "&bSpeed Booster":
  325. if {ct.%player%} is not set:
  326. set {ct.%player%} to true
  327. command "/effect %player% speed 8 2 true"
  328. send "{@Logo} &bSpeed Booster &aを使用しました!"
  329. command "execute %player% ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:entity.player.burp master %player% ~ ~ ~ 2"
  330. wait 30 seconds
  331. delete {ct.%player%}
  332. else:
  333. send "{@Logo} &cクールダウン中です"
  336. command /mute [<player>]:
  337. permission: skript.administrator
  338. trigger:
  339. if arg 1 is not set:
  340. send "&cMuteしたいプレイヤーを選択して下さい!"
  341. else:
  342. set {Mute.%arg 1%} to true
  344. command /unmute [<player>]:
  345. permission: skript.administrator
  346. trigger:
  347. if arg 1 is not set:
  348. send "&cUnMuteしたいプレイヤーを選択して下さい!"
  349. else:
  350. set {Mute.%arg 1%} to false
  352. on first join:
  353. set {flight.%player%} to false
  354. set player's flight mode to false
  356. every 5 minutes:
  357. broadcast "{@Logo} &aVIP を買うことで ロビーで空を飛んだり、アイテムを購入する値段が割引されたりします!!"
  359. command /Rank [<text>] [<player>] [<text>]:
  360. permission: skript.administrator
  361. permission message: &cこのコマンドを使用するには Server.Administrator の権限が必要です。
  362. trigger:
  363. if arg 1 is not set:
  364. send "&cコマンドを選択してください。 /Rank Help でランクシステムの使用方法を確認できます。"
  365. if arg 1 is "help":
  366. send "&e==============================================================================="
  367. send "&9/Rank Help &7==> &eランクシステムの使用法を確認できます。"
  368. send "&9/Rank Set (プレイヤー) (ランク) &7==> &eプレイヤーにランクを与えます。"
  369. send "&9/Rank List &7==> &eランクのリストを表示します。"
  370. send "&e==============================================================================="
  371. if arg 1 is "Set":
  372. if arg 2 is not set:
  373. send "&cプレイヤーを選択してください。"
  374. if arg 2 is set:
  375. if arg 3 is not set:
  376. send "&cランク名を選択してください。 /Rank List でランクの一覧を確認できます。"
  377. if arg 3 is "Default":
  378. set {Rank.%arg 2%} to "Default"
  379. if arg 3 is "VIP":
  380. set {Rank.%arg 2%} to "VIP"
  381. if arg 3 is "VIP+":
  382. set {Rank.%arg 2%} to "VIP+"
  384. on chat:
  385. cancel event
  386. if {Mute.%player%} is true:
  387. send "&cあなたはミュートされています!!"
  388. stop
  389. else:
  390. if {Rank.%player%} is "VIP":
  391. if {oni::*} contains player:
  392. broadcast "&c[鬼] %player% &e[VIP] &f: &f%message%"
  393. else if {nige::*} contains player:
  394. broadcast "&a[逃げ] %player% &e[VIP] &f: &f%message%"
  395. else if {koori::*} contains player:
  396. broadcast "&b[氷] %player% &e[VIP] &f: &f%message%"
  397. else if player is op:
  398. broadcast "&c&6[Admin] &d%player% &f: &f%message%"
  399. else if player's gamemode is spectator:
  400. broadcast "&7[観戦] %player% &e[VIP] : &f%message%"
  401. else:
  402. broadcast "&c%player% &e[VIP] &f: &f%message%"
  403. else:
  404. if {oni::*} contains player:
  405. broadcast "&c[鬼] %player% &7: &f%message%"
  406. else if {nige::*} contains player:
  407. broadcast "&a[逃げ] %player% &7: &f%message%"
  408. else if {koori::*} contains player:
  409. broadcast "&b[氷] %player% &7: &f%message%"
  410. else if player is op:
  411. broadcast "&c[AllChat] &6[Admin] &d%player% &f: &f%message%"
  412. else if player's gamemode is spectator:
  413. broadcast "&7[観戦] %player% : &7%message%"
  414. else:
  415. broadcast "&c%player% &7: &7%message%"
  417. on join:
  418. set join message to "{@Logo} &e%player% さんがサーバーに参加しました!!"
  419. command "/effect %player% clear"
  420. if {game} is set:
  421. if {oni::*} contains player:
  422. teleport player to {spawn.nige::%{map}%}
  423. else if {nige::*} contains player:
  424. teleport player to {spawn.nige::%{map}%}
  425. effect(player)
  426. else if {koori::*} contains player:
  427. teleport player to {spawn.nige::%{map}%}
  428. effect(player)
  429. else:
  430. send "{@Logo} &a試合が終わるまで観戦です"
  431. set player's tab list name to "&7[観戦] %player%"
  432. teleport player to location (532, 6, 284)
  433. set player's gamemode to spectator
  434. else:
  435. remove player from {koori::*}
  436. command "/scoreboard teams join nametag %player%"
  438. on quit:
  439. set quit message to "{@logo} &e%player% さんがサーバーから抜けました"
  440. if {nige::*} contains player:
  441. remove player from {nige::*}
  443. command /spawnmap [<number>] [<text>] [<text>]:
  444. permission: skript.administrator
  445. trigger:
  446. if arg-1 is set:
  447. if arg-2 is "add":
  448. if arg-3 is "oni":
  449. send "{@logo} &aマップ%arg-1%の鬼のスポーンを%location of player%に設定しました"
  450. set {spawn.oni::%arg-1%} to location of player
  451. else if arg-3 is "nige":
  452. send "{@logo} &eマップ%arg-1%の逃げのスポーンを%location of player%に設定しました"
  453. set {spawn.nige::%arg-1%} to location of player
  454. else if arg-2 is "remove":
  455. if arg-3 is "oni":
  456. send "{@logo} &aマップ%arg-1%の鬼のスポーンを削除しました"
  457. delete {spawn.oni::%arg-1%}
  458. if arg-3 is "nige":
  459. send "{@logo} &aマップ%arg-1%の逃げのスポーンを削除しました"
  460. delete {spawn.nige::%arg-1%}
  462. command /Kaboom [<text>] [<player>]:
  463. permission: skript.administrator
  464. trigger:
  465. if arg 1 is "All":
  466. send "&c[KABOOM] LUNCH ALL PLAYER!!!!!!!"
  467. push all players up at speed 3.5
  468. strike lightning effect at all players
  469. if arg 1 is "player":
  470. if arg 2 is set:
  471. send "&c[KABOOM] LUNCH %arg 2%!!!!!!"
  472. command "/Kaboom-Push-Player-Select %arg 2%"
  473. strike lightning effect at arg 2
  475. command /Kaboom-Push-Player-Select [<player>]:
  476. permission: skript.administrator
  477. trigger:
  478. push arg 1 up at speed 3.5
  480. command /Vanish:
  481. permission: skript.admin
  482. trigger:
  483. if {Vanish.%player%} is true:
  484. set {Vanish.%player%} to false
  485. send "{@logo} &7Vanish : &cOff"
  486. else:
  487. set {Vanish.%player%} to true
  488. send "{@logo} &7Vanish : &aOn"
  490. command /fly:
  491. trigger:
  492. if {Rank.%player%} is "VIP" or ops:
  493. if {Server.Game} is false:
  494. if {flight.%player%} is true:
  495. set player's flight mode to false
  496. set {flight.%player%} to false
  497. send "{@logo} &cFly &7: &cfalse"
  498. else:
  499. set player's flight mode to true
  500. set {flight.%player%} to true
  501. send "{@logo} &cFly &7: &aon"
  502. else:
  503. send "{@logo} &cロビー以外で空を飛ぶことはできません!!"
  504. else:
  505. send "{@logo} &cあなたはFlyコマンドを実行する権限がありません!!"
  506. send "&6/realm &cからVIPを買うことでロビーで飛ぶことが可能になります"
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