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a guest
Feb 23rd, 2019
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  1. Auras...
  3. DK
  5. Set=Page 1@
  6. Aura[1]=Version:4.16; anim1:2; icon:INV_Misc_Horn_02; buffname:Cuerno de invierno; x:157; alpha:1; owntex:true; multiids:2; inVehicle:0; speed:1.62; size:0.19; y:171; inverse:true; ismounted:0; anim2:7; finish:2@
  7. Aura[2]=Version:4.16; icon:INV_Misc_Horn_02; buffname:cuerno de invierno; x:468; bufftype:15; texture:180; inVehicle:0; customtex:true; y:-214; ismounted:0@
  8. Aura[3]=Version:4.16; anim1:2; g:0.4549; icon:INV_Sword_122; buffname:Máquina de matar; r:0.2588; x:238; texture:53; alpha:1; multiids:4; speed:2; size:0.66; y:227; anim2:7; finish:2@
  9. Aura[4]=Version:4.16; thresholdinvert:true; icon:spell_arcane_arcane01; bufftype:10; inVehicle:0; PowerType:6; threshold:32; customtex:true; ismounted:0@
  10. Aura[5]=Version:4.16; icon:Spell_Deathknight_ClassIcon; buffname:Asolar; bufftype:7; inVehicle:0; customtex:true; ismounted:0@
  11. Aura[6]=Version:4.16; icon:INV_Sword_122; buffname:Máquina de matar; x:283; texture:53; alpha:1; multiids:5; size:0.47; y:200@
  12. Aura[7]=Version:4.16; anim1:4; icon:Spell_Frost_ArcticWinds; buffname:Niebla Congelante; texture:171; alpha:1; y:177; finish:2@
  13. Aura[8]=Version:4.16; b:0.3569; anim1:7; g:0.3451; thresholdinvert:true; icon:spell_arcane_arcane01; x:120; bufftype:10; texture:27; isResting:0; inVehicle:0; speed:2; sound:18; PowerType:6; threshold:85; size:0.49; y:91; ismounted:0; finish:2@
  14. Aura[9]=Version:4.16; b:0.3373; icon:ability_deathknight_boneshield; buffname:Escudo óseo; r:0.2706; x:162; texture:21; alpha:0.77; multiids:10; size:0.44; y:-5; inverse:true; ismounted:0@
  15. Aura[10]=Version:4.16; icon:ability_deathknight_boneshield; buffname:Escudo óseo; bufftype:15; inVehicle:0; customtex:true; ismounted:0@
  16. Aura[11]=Version:4.16; icon:INV_Alchemy_EndlessFlask_05; buffname:Frasco del norte/muerte pura; x:252; owntex:true; isResting:0; inVehicle:0; size:0.2; y:-2; inverse:true; ismounted:0@
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