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a guest
Jun 18th, 2018
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  1. 1st game:
  3. start t
  4. pistol: full armor rush B, 2 short, 3 long (shutdown)
  5. 2nd round force: 4 A - Bomb B (success)
  7. t side summary - 1 B execute - no fakes, occasionally stairs but they always lean heavy one site or the other and that is the site they hit, we need to push often and aggressively to determine which site they are hitting early, the other teams did this with success. Even after being found towards one site they often still hit that site regardless of time left
  9. ct: pistol 2 A, 3 B play aggressively to A, passive to B (A Players are 1 fountain, 1 stairwell - not supporting one another/ B players are stacked close, barrels pillars and bridge)
  12. ct anti eco - passive a site, passive B - not biting on fakes
  13. ct first gun, passive as site, passive B - one always heaven on gun, one long, one a short still not supporting one another
  14. ct occasionally push B short, A site passive
  15. if they lose one B they play 3 B 1 A (A guy hides near truck)
  16. ct eco is to rush stairwell
  18. 2nd game:
  19. ct pistol same as first game 1 stair 1 a short
  20. anti eco 2nd round passive in sites
  21. ct anti eco a short bathrooms (frequently)
  22. ct full save, 2 stairs, 3 B (2 push B short slowly)
  23. ct awper kaufman peeks from benches and a short when he gets spawn (double awp A setup)
  25. t side pistol:
  27. all armor 3 monster 2 b short (same as first game)
  28. 2nd round (post win) 4 rush a long one stairs
  29. t anti eco - rush a long 4 (1 stairs)
  30. t gun round, spread 1 holding a push 1 stairs 3 B
  31. t force, 4 a long bomb sneak B (monster - hides left side monster exit from ct)
  32. t gun B execute early
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