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a guest
Mar 21st, 2019
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  1. Hey man. Go fuck yourself. You don't like the content? Get outa the sub. It's as simple as that. I just checked your comments history and you're a piece of shit. I know I haven't said the best things in the past but the things you've said are un defendable. People like you are worthless drains on society and should just go fuck themselves. Trolls are scum and you are one.
  3. You find joy in making other people feel miserable. You are not a member of the human species. You're an evil rat who wishes suffering on those of us who aren't even negatively impacting your lives. Due everyone a favor and wither away into your hole, you pig. Go suck a vape.
  5. Edit: Further investigation into your history reveals you as a misogynistic asshole who acts like a fucking disgruntled 12 year old who just had his mommy take his Minecraft account from him and found out the internet had more than just porn on it.
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