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Nov 23rd, 2017
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  1. There's a certain breed of man whose aspirations outweigh his talents. I am, much as I'd like to deny it, one of those people. These people are often quite talented – it is the hubris of skill that allows confidence to grow without bound. It is not a lack of skill but an overabundance of self-assurance that creates a placid attitude within otherwise capable people.
  2. Early on in my high school career, I wrote a short essay about the importance of interpersonal relationships – that a good friend would have a greater impact than the curer of a rampant disease. Not a greater impact upon history, of course, but of greater value, greater social significance.
  3. I've tried to convince myself for years that this is actually what I believe – that delusions of grandeur inhibit the realization of one's true potential on a personal scale. Frustrated by my own inability to realize my stupidity, I supposed that writing a book might allow me to better grasp an ideology I so fervently wish to believe.
  5. This book is dedicated to all the dreamers who are wasting their time.
  7. - Jonathan Sorce
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